Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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@jynmi88@Crimson Lion@Noodles

As he was about to reply to what was said to him, there seemed to been a distress call coming from below decks. The fishman mentioned waters in the hull. That is definitely something he cannot venture into. With him as he is, he will literally become a brick, sinking into the depths of the sea...

He simply nodded as the fishman dove into the hole, presumably trying to save whatever called out for help. Lee gathered himself, and noticed that there were many enemies gathering on the deck once again. Guns draws, they seemingly have Lee trapped and cornered. Lee shook his handed independently twice, readying himself for another round. When he heard the words 'pick them off', he sprung into action.

Taking quick, powerful, steps, he closed the distance between himself and the gunmen. Reaching out his right arm, he curled it around the barrels of several rifles that were aimed at the hole that went through to the now waterlogged hull. With a upward motion, he pushed the guns towards the air. Once that was established, he performed what was essentially a front somersault over the gunmen, taking their rifles with him and flinging them into the sea in the process. Now, he was not able to gather and disarm all of the gunmen, but at least he took away the guns that were immediately aimed towards the hull...

As he landed, he gathered his footing and got into a athletic stance, ready for battle...
[color=39b54a][/color]"While I don't much like being called a coward, I think I'll stay up here with our friend here and make sure no one ambushes you folks down below decks. So, I suppose that settles it..." He said. He noticed that people have already jumped into the fray. In his opinion, it was a bit hasty. However, they are all adults and who is Lee to tell these people who he had just met what to do?

He approached the fishman. Leaning against the railing of the ship. "So. That fin you are constantly trying to cover... The more time you spend on trying to cover it, the more obvious it looks to anyone that is suspecting something..." He said to the fishman. "I do understand that hiding something is not the same thing as being proud of it. However, if one wants to hide something, they are usually not proud of it at all. Which leads me back to my point and some questions... Why are you trying to hide your heritage? and why are you here on this boat at this moment? I can tell you why I am here, personally. I am looking for my salvation. To be pardoned from my past sins. That is why I seek a journey on the seas. You? Why are you doing all of this?"

@Shiyonichi@Crimson Lion@grandia20@jynmi88@Noodles
@jynmi88@Crimson Lion@grandia20@Shiyonichi

Lee gathered up with the rest of the group, assessing the damage to their future ship. There were charred marks everywhere. The overall condition of the ship was not great to start with, but now that they have been wreaking havoc on it, the condition is only getting worse. The girl with the explosion coming out of her heels also made a hole to get to the bottom level of the ship. That will definitely have to be repaired sooner rather than later...

When a girl asked if everyone has gathered, Lee tilted his head up and back down quickly at the hole on the deck. "No. Not everyone is here. Someone went down that hole and it seems like there are more of those pirates down there..." Taking a small step back, he said "I think we should get down there, deal with the threat as quickly as possible while minimizing the damage to the ship. I don't know how much more this ship can take...."

As he finished his words, he slide over towards the fishman. He leaned close and whispered, making sure he was the only audience. "Quite the technique you have there... You should be proud of who you are, instead of hiding it..."
@jynmi88replying later tonight
@jynmi88@Crimson Lion

"Very well. Staying and suffering was you choice then." Seeing as the pirates chose not to move, Lee readied himself for battle.

Sliding back slightly, Lee took the sideways stance once again. His left leg was pointed towards the man who had the rifle and too aim at him. Immediately after taking the stance, Lee ducked low to the ground as the gun was fired so that the bullet would simply whiz over his head. Pushing off his right leg, Lee lunged at the man who just fired a rifle at him. With the push of his leg and the momentum of the lunge, he jumped into the air and executed a spinning front kick to the temple of the first aggressor. For obvious reason, the man dropped limp to the ground just as Lee landed.

With a small grin on his face, he peered at the group that was now surrounding him. Through the small gaps between his aggressors, he saw that some of the people he had just met were also being attack. One in particular was being surround. "Boy! Don't you dare die after I just gave you some of my herbs!" At the end of his words, he let out a small, maniacal laugh. After the spinning kick, his right leg now pointed forward. In this stance his left arm was bent up and his fist was cover his chin. His right arm was kept loose and straight to the side of his right leg. With a small, sharp, exhale, he sent out a front push kick with his left leg, using his right leg as the pivot point, to the aggressor at his nine o'clock position. As the kick landed, the aggressor was sent tumbling back. As his left leg lands, he executed an elbow strike to the nose of the aggressor immediately to his left. With the momentum of the strike still carrying through, he hook punched the aggressor to his right using his right arm. As both hit landed, he took a small moment to gather himself, and reassessed the situation...

Ah. Ok. No. I meant for them to be sensing something that is similar to haki. Kind of like a precursor. However, consider that little bit from my post removed.

Ok, good to know.

Just haki in general. I was referring it as being something from a myth.

Also, I was wondering, how canon is this RP? Did people like Luffy and others from the manga/anime exist?
Not about that sweeping life.. lol. I'll just float around.
@Crimson LionI had something in my mind. But I don't necessarily have to be XD
@NoodlesI was gonna.... Well.....
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