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I Don't think so. However, I'm sure the ship can have multiples of each position besides captain.
As Lee kicked in midair, He spotted some of the people he had just helped either rowing towards the ship, or swim onto it. With the two men, there were two woman as well. As he was scouting out the situation, he starts to hear explosions behind him. Curiously, he peered back to see a girl with exploding heels. "Another fruit user... This gathering of people is becoming... stranger...." As he was trying to calculate the girl's trajectory, he deduced that the girl was simply headed the same direction as him, and not at him. As that is the case, he choose to not call out to the girl and continue his approach.

Turning his attention back to his destination, Lee shook his head ever so slightly. "Damn. This is going South so quickly..." He spotted about a dozen pirates on the boat, the sights of their rifles fixed on himself and the girl behind him. "I wonder how their aim is..." He thought to himself. Thinking that he had climbed high enough, Lee momentarily stopped his climb. Swinging his right arm forward into a punch, Lee changed his direction so that he was now pointed towards the pirates trying to shoot him.

As Lee pointed down, he curled both of his legs up, bending at his knees. Kicking both feet out, he shot out of his current position like a human bullet. As he made his approach towards the deck of the ship, he would kick his legs out to their sides. His right leg would go right, and his left leg would go left. Shooting forward towards the ship in a zig-zag pattern, Lee rapidly accelerated as he descended. He crossed his forearms in front of him to shield his face and head from the incoming barrage of bullets. If one was observant enough, they can see a faint golden glow from his forearms.

With a stomp, he landed on the ship. To the awe of the pirates, he had a smile on his face. "You. You all should leave now before I make you leave. This ship, this ship you claim as your own, I undo that claim and claim it for our use. Leave now, and live. Stay, and suffer. You have... three seconds to make your decision. One... Two..." To those who can sense it, a small tinge of bestial and unnerving pressure can be felt. One might even call this the start of the mythical Haki...

@Crimson Lion@jynmi88@grandia20@Noodles@Shiyonichi
@Crimson Lion@grandia20@jynmi88

"You there, Jacketed One. You need less than the rest of us. If you know what I mean. And next time, try not eating it. Its not good for you" He said to the fishman. Lee deliberately did not call him by his race as he observed that the fishman was quick to want to cover up the fact that he is a fishman. Turning to the other man, he said "Well then, here is some cloth so you can bandage up your wounds. As of the boat. It looks like someone is taking the longboat so we can't get to the actual ship. Seeing as you two are at least slightly injured, I'll go get that longboat back for us... Until then, please stay safe. I don't have much of the herb left and they are dreadfully hard to find or even cultivate..." With a small nod, Lee stood up and steadied his breathing slightly...

What happened next, if the two men are observant and know at least something about the Navy, would be rather shocking. Lee dashed off, kicking hard into the sand. With each kick, or stride, Lee gained speed. Until finally, as he reached the edge of the beach, he jumped slightly and took to the air. He continued to 'run', through thin air. The pirate was still rowing, but Lee was gaining on him, covering the distance very quickly....
[color=00a651][/color]Having dispatched one pirate rather easily, Lee thought he was in the clear. However, two masked pirates called out to him, saying something along the lines of essentially Lee being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sighing slightly, Lee shook his head and said "Please, brothers. I do not wish harm upon you. If you continue to approach me, I will have to defend myself...."
Seeing the pirates having no intentions in stopping. Lee was formulating a plan to subdue his possible aggressors with minimal harm to not only them, but the general environment as well. Taking a deep breath, Lee turned so his right side was facing his aggressors. Leaning back on his left leg, he lunged his right leg and charged at his aggressor. Measuring the distance, it would have taken a normal human being walking at an average pace about 20 steps to reach his destination. To the pirates, it must have seemed like Lee covered that distance in the blink of an eye. As he arrived, he swung his right arm down, splitting the taut rope in half. Before the two pirates could react, Lee was about an arm's length behind where they were standing, facing the same direction as them. Placing on hand on the base of each pirate, standing to Lee's left and right respectively, Lee delivered an unnecessarily strong, absolutely precise, pinch to the many baroreceptors within the cartoid sinus. The receptors, detecting an unusually high pressure, causing reflex hypotension and thus rendering the two pirates unconscious. As the pirates dropped to the ground unconscious, Lee was internally glad he remembered the lessons on pressure points he had received many years ago.

Noticing some injured person along the docks, Lee hastened into a small jog and approached the injured redhead and his companion. "I'm no doctor, but I do have some herbs that can stem the bleeding and help with the pain if you need..."

@Crimson Lion@grandia20@jynmi88
@jynmi88Sounds good!
@grandia20@Crimson Lion@Noodles@Shiyonichi@jynmi88

Lee approached the boat. He saw that there were men being stabbed, then thrown overboard. How barbaric... He thought. Not only did the assailant attack the people, but to then throw them overboard as well. That is simply cruelty. He heard a low humming noise. He turned his head towards the origin of the sound and noticed the fishman. Interesting. And quite an interesting technique as well. Using the natural vibrations that are so common among his people to disorient us land-folk... Taking a deep breath and unfazed by the noise, he continued to make his way to the boat.

Through this chaos, Lee was almost able to make his way to the boat without attracting any attention. Almost He thought. A rather pirate looking man approached him, weapon drawn. Without saying a word, Lee continued down his path, hoping the pirate would simply rush past him to aid his brethren. However, that was not the case. The pirate's attention was fixed on Lee. Sighing and shaking his head, it looks as if he will not be able to get on the boat without getting his hands at least a little dirty...

The pirate let out a savage roar as he slashed downward towards Lee. Gathering his breath, Lee swept his left foot out in front of himself, first to the right then back to the left. Using the momentum of his slight leg swing, he pivoted his body so that his right side is now facing the onrushing pirate. The sword was still descending on Lee. Bending his right arm at the elbow to a 90 degree, he pulled his fist back just past his left ribcage. With a swift movement, he struck the pirate in the solar plexus with his elbow, stopping the pirate in his tracks. Gasping for breath, the pirate had a shocked expression on his face. Without hesitation, Lee rotated his forearm using his upper right arm as the axis and struck the pirate on the nose with the back of his right hand. The pirate was now on the edge of fainting. Lee did not stop his assault however. With the pirate further stumbling back, Lee rocked back slightly on his left leg. Extending his leg, Lee swept out a kick towards the stumbling pirate. By this point, the sword the pirate once held had hit the ground. The next movement by Lee happened in the blink of an eye. With the pirate in the air for the split second between being swept up in the air and gravity taking over and dragging the pirate towards the ground, Lee swung his right arm down with a hammer-fist and struck the pirate in the solar plexus once again, this time cracking the center of his ribcage. With the pirate passed out on the ground, Lee continued to move towards the boat.

Upon arriving on the boat, Lee tried to conceal his presence from anyone that could be on the boat or even near by....

Yes. It is the equivalent of Geppo.

Ok. I will edit those in right now

I added the info that we spoke about in there.

So, what else do we need to discuss in terms of the devil fruit?
Lee was outside the tavern when it exploded. Gently, he sidestepped the onrushing people and the subsequent debris from the explosion. There were pirates attack people. However, the seemingly innocent seems to be dealing with the pirates quite efficiently. Lee peered around, trying to spot any government agents among the crowd.

No marines thus far, thats good at least.

There were people still fighting, kicking, slashing and causing all sorts of violence. Lee took a deep, steady, breath. He will not resort to violence. Even if his aggressor means him harm, he will do his best to simply dodge. Lee waded through the chaos, sidestepping people that were shoving and pushing each other aside. If he was his former, more hostile, self, he would have sprung into action and attacked. However, after the unspeakable events he had witness and been a part of, he has sworn off violence. Never again would he return to his former self.

Keeping a mental note of everything that is going on around him, he decided that he needs to find a way out of this town. Soon, the chaos would calm and the area would be filled with marines and other government agents investigating the situation. Lee cannot possibly remain here for that. Spotting a boat off in the distance, he made his approach, looking to get on board and using what little funds he had left to bribe his way to a new town...
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