Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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Lee continued to approach the giant being. Assuming the power he is using is not coming from a Logia fruit, Lee can land a clean hit on him. Seeing as the giant had moved to attack the team that has landed, Lee began calculating the best angle of attack.

"The giant had turned to grab something out of the sky, throwing with his right hand. The momentum of the throw would naturally leave his right side, just under his arm or around his shoulder open. The ideal strike would be..." Lee thought to himself as he got close enough to attack. While the team on the ground was wasting time planning out their attacks, Lee has one plan. Attack.

Activating his Golden Fleece, his limbs all glowed. Pulling back his right arm and turning his body slightly, he unleashed a hail of punches to the exposed side of the giant. Each punch was faster and harder than the last...


(Sorry guys, I've gotten sick and thus becoming less active. I will try to keep up as much as I can..)
[color=39b54a][/color]Observing the scene from up high, he can see that most of the smoke coming from the ship was cleared now. However, there is now more smoke coming. Its origin seems to be the island. One of the girls that was on the ship previously called out that the people on the island were in trouble.

Looking back down at the ship, Lee noticed something that was quite odd. Some bodies have decomposed. "Thats not right. Thats way too quick... This.. This is either some sort of devil fruit...or something that I do not understand..." Glancing back towards the island during his thought, he spotted something rather large and looming. Pursing his lips and shaking his head slightly, he kicked off in the direction.

As he was essentially gliding towards the island, he began formulating a plan. He readied himself in order to take a defensive stance whether he is intercepted midair or is able to land. After all, he is currently going after an unknown target with unknown powers...

Sorry Guys. I'll join back in to this next round of events/posting.
Um. Is this absolutely full?
His neck muscles flexed ever so slightly. So that what they've been trying to do this whole time. They had realized that the battle itself was a lost cause and switched to taking all of them down with the ship. With the arm that was holding on to the man's jaw, he activated his powers, his hand and fingers all glowing gold, and tore the man's jaw from rest of his skull. "Fuckin mindless pawns. Useless."

Seeing, and quite literally feeling, the explosion, Lee Had to make some quick decisions. He caught a glimpse of the fishman taking planks and nails with him before diving into the sea. Considering the injury, Lee thought he could use some help. Assuming the depth to which the fishman dove to, Lee spotted a pile of broken planks, scattered around the unstable deck. Running forward and grabbing as much as he can, he tossed them into the air, towards the huge plume of black smoke. Further activating his powers, his eyes and limbs now all glowed with light. Jumping high into the air, he began twisting and kicking, acting as a huge fan and drawing the black smoke away from the ship and into the sky. Which twisting, if a wood plank got close enough to him, he would kick it, sending it shooting into the sea like a missile. Anyone caught in the path of these wooden projectiles would be pierced and essentially pinned to the closest solid object. To the fishman in the sea, the projectiles would slow down once it hit the water and approach the repairman at an acceptable pace.

@Crimson Lion@jynmi88
I should be replying tomorrow. If I cause any delays, I apologize in advance.
"...my maybe baby..."

'Such persistence. These aren't your run-of-the-mill grunt. There is something foul at play...' Lee thought to himself as he surveyed the three(?) remaining attackers. "This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I am not your ally." Lee said in a cold, monotonous voice.

Dispatching the last remaining aggressors and moving to help his new acquaintances would have been easy and the logical decision. However, as his usage with his devil fruit increased, his sensible side was escaping him. More so it is taking a backseat to his more...clouded...side. Bouncing on his feet, he hopped very slightly twice. Cracking his neck from left to right softly, Lee readied himself for his next attack.

His arms are hanging loose. His eyes were moving between the three attackers that remained. It seemed as if the three had decided to surround him. Middle, left, and right. One in the middle was armed, the other two are not. Lee decided to leave the armed one for... scientific purposes. He was still slightly hooping as if he was a boxer. On his last hop, he launched himself towards the attacker to his left as soon as his toes made contact with the wood of the deck. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the pirate. If he could see in that short time, he would see that Lee had a sinister grin on his face as he was about to attack.

Lee leaped back, fading slightly away from his target. As he faded back, he torqued his body to his own left. As his body twisted slightly, he was able to extend his right leg. With the torsion of his body, his momentum allowed him to deliver jumping crescent kick to the side of the man's head. As the first kick landed, Lee immediately retracted his right leg and extended his left, connecting a heavy push kick to the chest of his first target, sending him flying overboard.

As Lee landed from his two kicks, he turned swiftly to the armed aggressor. With a sharp exhale, he stepped in and closed the distance. As he reached where he wanted to, he reached his right arm out and grabbed his target's left leg where his calf connected with his heel. As he lifted the leg up, he pushed his target by the chest with his own left hand, akin to a Kuchiki Taoshi in Judo, so that his target would land on his back and otherwise be disposed of momentarily as he approached his third target.

As his second target fell, Lee turned slightly to face his third target. As he approached, Lee got into a traditional five-animal stance. He took his approached with the crane style, aiming to strike at pressure points. With another sharp exhale, Lee brought his hands together independently to form something that resembled beaks. With his hands, Lee delivered four quick and precise strikes. To each arm of his target, he struck the pressure points where his shoulder and arm connected and where his upper arm and forearm connected. Even though these strikes were quick, they did not lack power. The arms of his target would be totally numb now, essentially useless in a fight. Shifting into the tiger stance, Lee delivered a palm strike with his right hand to the left temple of his target. This strike would have disabled his target but Lee did not stop there. Drawing his arm back, Lee delivered a lightning quick four-finger jab to the windpipe of his target. This strike completely crushed the Larynx and Trachea of his target, taking away the ability to breathe. Lee watched as his target crumbled, spitting up blood and gasping for air.

Turning back to the fallen, second enemy. Lee approached and since his target was already downed, Lee got on top of him and pinned him down. Before even saying anything, Lee grabbed the hand that held the knife and bent it back against the wrist so that the back of the palm was touching the top of the forearm, essentially hyper-extending it and disarming his target. He did not stop there. He rolled his target on his chest and grabbed the same arm that once held the weapon, bending it back and pushing his chest down at the same time. With a quick jerk, he popped the arm out its socket. Letting the arm drop limp, Lee sat on the low back of the man, pinning his left arm down with his own left hand. Lee also grabbed the chin of the man with his right hand, pulling his head back towards himself in an unnatural position. "Talk! You're up to no good. Talk before I pull your head off!" Lee said to the man in a threatening voice.

Six, seven, eight. Eight then. He thought to himself. "There is eight of you, and one of me. I'd say you'd need at least ten more to even make this a remotely fair fight..." He said with a sinister, almost evil, smile on his face. His arms were pulsing with golden light. His eyes, shining, glittering, golden. He surveyed his enemies. They were mostly using melee weapons. Those are easy enough to deal with. He picked up on one with nothing but his bare hands to fight. "AHAHAHAHAHA. YOU THERE! THE ONE WITH NO WEAPON! Are you so foolish to think to fight me with no weapons? Have you no regard for your life?" He said, pointing. By now, even his legs were pulsing with golden light...

Drawing a deep breath, Lee muttered something under his voice and stepped in to begin his assault. As he stepped in, a golden swirl of energy can be faintly seen, twisting from the bottom of his feet all the way into the sky.What came next was a series of strikes, connected with motion of fluid it seemed as if Lee stood in place and struck several enemies at once. The five with swords were first. With the outside of his right forearm, he swung down and made contact with the spine of one sword, bending it into a grotesque shape, no long considered a weapon. Without so much as a transition, he swung his left forearm onto another sword, twisting the metal in similar fashion. With two men essentially disarmed, Lee jumped high enough to deliver a mule kick with his right foot to the chest of one of the disarmed men. Having positioned himself to face the other disarmed men, he threw an empowered right hook to the chin of that man, sending him tumbling away. With the momentum carrying him forward, he tumbled to the ground, tucking his head against his body. When he could, he uncoiled himself like the tail of a scorpion, kicking one swordsman overboard with both feet. Three swords down, two to go.

As his gathered his footing after landing, he swiftly moved forward, right arm coiled. Lunging forward, he struck one swordsman between the shoulder socket of his sword-arm with his right fist while simultaneously pulling the same shoulder towards himself while he extended his right arm. This action dislocated the shoulder of the swordsman, but Lee did not stop there. His movement was so swift that he did not hear the scream of the man he had just injured. As his punch finished, he struck the man across the right of his lower jaw with the back of his right fist, sending him tumbling away. Continuing his movement, he grabbed the next swordsman by the belt with his right hand, the whatever cloth he can clutch with his left. With a savage roar, the tossed the swordsman into the sea to join his fallen brethren. And thus, all the men armed with swords were disposed of.

The knifed one came next. With the shorter range of the knives, Lee can get closer to his enemies more comfortably. Lunging forward once again, he got into a low position to deliver a sweeping kick behind both legs of his enemy. The force of the kick was so strong that Lee kicked up a small swirl of dust and particles and to the man he kicked, Lee may have cracked both tibiae from the calf side of his leg. The same enemy was momentarily parallel with the ground in the air. With a empowered palm strike to the solar plexus, Lee sent the man flying towards the group of three that had focused their attention to attacking the opening in the deck. Assuming the flying man will cause the three attackers to stumble and fall, thus stopping their attacks, Lee turned his attention back to the men he was facing before. There were one more man armed with a knife. Taking a quick, powerful, step, Lee grabbed the arm that held the knife, turning it so the crook of his elbow faced the sky. Pulling the man towards him with his left arm, Lee struck the outside of elbow with a upwards palm strike, dislocating the elbow in a savage fashion. The man was screaming in pain, but Lee could not hear it. With the man so close, Lee simply headbutted him at the bridge of his nose, taking his consciousness away from him as a result.

Grinning, he has now disposed of all of his armed enemies. The only one that remained was the unarmed one. With a smooth, relaxed exhale, Lee gathered himself before going on the attack once more. With flowing movement, Lee approached his enemy. His first move was a slap to both sides of the man's head, aimed at the ears and the purpose was to disorient. As the man was shook and stumbling, Lee struck him with a quick right jab to his left shoulder while keeping his own left hand to the left of his jaw as a defense mechanism. Pulling his arm back, Lee delivered a heavy body shot to the space between the man's rib-cage and left hip. As the man bent at his left hip, Lee went for the knockout punch. Pulling his right hand up and close to his chin, Lee delivered a left hook to the now exposed left jaw of the man, sending him into the ground.

With his own shifting momentum, Lee bent at his right hip, picking up a knife that was dropped by one of the previous attackers. Without even straightening his own body, Lee flung the knife in the direction of the three men that were attacking the opening of the deck, so that if any of them were not knocked away by their flying comrade, this knife should at least distract them from attacking.

There were still a few more men on deck. Lee showed them a sideways stance, leading with a left leg. His hands balled up into fists, left arm relaxed and by his left side, right arm bent at the elbow and fist pulled up to his chin. Smiling, Lee signaled to the remaining attackers that if they still wished to fight, they can fight him instead...

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