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Alright. Seeing as I've gathered a few more people interested in joining, I'm thinking about putting up the OOC/IC section next Monday. In the meantime, everyone can starting thinking about a character if they haven't. I will have the character sheet up sometime this weekend.

Again, if there are any ideas or questions, please post them here~

I'm glad ^__^


Oh, would you look at that...

@Rice Porridge

The idea is this. In the world, there are a multitude of 'Schools'. In these 'Schools', people join to practice, and aim to heighten, their martial arts and other various physical skills. Each person has an "affinity". It can be something related to natural elements such as fire, ice, lightning, or it can be something like darkness, an affinity towards swords, or an affinity towards different animals. These affinities will have an influence on the path of martial art the person takes.

That is just the first layer of the premise. The next layer is that every so often, the Schools will gather and compete in a tournament to ultimate boast their strength and skill. Of course the winner will have a prize given to them, but glory is what is sought after. The masters of each school do not partake in these tournaments of skills, as they leave it up to their disciples to demonstrate their skills.

This roleplay draws elements from a multitude of mangas, such as Bleach, Naruto, the Dragon Ball series, God of Martial Arts and Gintama. As such, themes like technology will be quite limited. We, the moderating group will aim to keep the entire roleplay lighthearted and push for consistent progress. If there are any ideas, please feel free to raise them for discussion. Most of all, have fun and be creative ^__^
Lee continued to approach the giant being. Assuming the power he is using is not coming from a Logia fruit, Lee can land a clean hit on him. Seeing as the giant had moved to attack the team that has landed, Lee began calculating the best angle of attack.

"The giant had turned to grab something out of the sky, throwing with his right hand. The momentum of the throw would naturally leave his right side, just under his arm or around his shoulder open. The ideal strike would be..." Lee thought to himself as he got close enough to attack. While the team on the ground was wasting time planning out their attacks, Lee has one plan. Attack.

Activating his Golden Fleece, his limbs all glowed. Pulling back his right arm and turning his body slightly, he unleashed a hail of punches to the exposed side of the giant. Each punch was faster and harder than the last...


(Sorry guys, I've gotten sick and thus becoming less active. I will try to keep up as much as I can..)
[color=39b54a][/color]Observing the scene from up high, he can see that most of the smoke coming from the ship was cleared now. However, there is now more smoke coming. Its origin seems to be the island. One of the girls that was on the ship previously called out that the people on the island were in trouble.

Looking back down at the ship, Lee noticed something that was quite odd. Some bodies have decomposed. "Thats not right. Thats way too quick... This.. This is either some sort of devil fruit...or something that I do not understand..." Glancing back towards the island during his thought, he spotted something rather large and looming. Pursing his lips and shaking his head slightly, he kicked off in the direction.

As he was essentially gliding towards the island, he began formulating a plan. He readied himself in order to take a defensive stance whether he is intercepted midair or is able to land. After all, he is currently going after an unknown target with unknown powers...

Sorry Guys. I'll join back in to this next round of events/posting.
Um. Is this absolutely full?
His neck muscles flexed ever so slightly. So that what they've been trying to do this whole time. They had realized that the battle itself was a lost cause and switched to taking all of them down with the ship. With the arm that was holding on to the man's jaw, he activated his powers, his hand and fingers all glowing gold, and tore the man's jaw from rest of his skull. "Fuckin mindless pawns. Useless."

Seeing, and quite literally feeling, the explosion, Lee Had to make some quick decisions. He caught a glimpse of the fishman taking planks and nails with him before diving into the sea. Considering the injury, Lee thought he could use some help. Assuming the depth to which the fishman dove to, Lee spotted a pile of broken planks, scattered around the unstable deck. Running forward and grabbing as much as he can, he tossed them into the air, towards the huge plume of black smoke. Further activating his powers, his eyes and limbs now all glowed with light. Jumping high into the air, he began twisting and kicking, acting as a huge fan and drawing the black smoke away from the ship and into the sky. Which twisting, if a wood plank got close enough to him, he would kick it, sending it shooting into the sea like a missile. Anyone caught in the path of these wooden projectiles would be pierced and essentially pinned to the closest solid object. To the fishman in the sea, the projectiles would slow down once it hit the water and approach the repairman at an acceptable pace.

@Crimson Lion@jynmi88
I should be replying tomorrow. If I cause any delays, I apologize in advance.
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