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In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I'd really rather not have anything that is not human...

In terms of your appearance, you can just hit those bullet points, an image would be nice but is not required.

Also, that quote, is it in pinyin? As I am not fluent in pinyin but I do know Chinese, I was not able to tell what it said lol f^_^

As far as technique creation goes, I would like to save that for later. But, some things can be worked out if presented and approved by GM(s)~
In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Raging Fenrir

No laser shooting. Almost ever. However, something like that does sound like elemental manipulation, and I would defer to @Kurisa for further details.

Feel free to join, as all of our non-master characters will start at an almost laughable level in the sense that they have very little training prior to the start of this RP.

The inspiration that is drawn from DBZ is the whole tournament aspect, and that is basically it.
In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Tiān Lóng Sì

Hidden within the mountains is a temple. The temple houses a quiet storm. The storm has been brewing. Waiting. To be unleashed.

The school was created centuries ago by a collection of friends and master swordsmen. Rumor has it that the group had come from a different realm, that they were immortal. However, as time would have it, that was not the case. Indeed, they lived for what seemed like centuries, they eventually succumbed to the unrelenting turn of time's wheel. During their time alive, they walked the earth having no equals as swordsmen. They gathered talent, elevated their cultivation, and created skills unlike the world has even seen. Their symbol the majestic dragon in the sky, and their art was that of the sword. Swift, precise, and often arrogant, their ideals were passed down through a series of master, each meticulously selected and tested.

Currently, the master of the school is this man

An eccentric man. Those who do not know will say that he has gone insane in his pursuit of the ultimate sword. He often is seen smiling for no reason, laughing to himself. He obsessed of his sword, or any sword for that matter. His craft is such that he can tell the core metal of any bladed weapon upon first glance. He himself, however, does not usually carry a bladed weapon. He instead uses a cane, of his own creation. Do not let this fool you. He is as lethal with just his bare hands as anyone can be with any weapon. In fact, his 'insanity' can be attributed to the practice of Tiān Lóng Sì's ultimate sword technique, the liù mài shén jiàn, or the Six Meridians Sword. To be fair, one does not go insane when training for that technique. He just happened to have undergone some dramatic transformation in his pursuit. His hair was once obsidian black, but is now a blue silver. No one truly knows his age, or how long it took him to ascend to his current statues. All that is known is that he can kill without sound, and is often drunk...

Sample list of Known Techniques

  • Běi Míng Shéngōng (北冥神功/"Northern Abyss")
    -An inner skill that can only be learned once master level has been attained. This skill draws energy from the natural world and converts it to be utilized by the user to fortify their own inner strength.
  • Língbō Wēi Bù (凌波微步/"Wave Steps")
    -A movement skill that can only be attained once one has learned the Northern Abyss. Based on the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, the user moves in a manner that is in accordance to the hexagrams. There is said to have no need to concern oneself with the movement of the enemy. If this skill is executed perfectly, the movement is so unpredictable that the user can hardly be touched.
  • Shén Dāo Zhǎn (神刀斬/"Heaven Splitter")
    -A very simple technique that still requires a very high inner cultivation. In this technique, there are no wasted motion of energy expenditure. One swing, and the highest damage potential of their bladed weapon is shown. Simple, effective, and highly destructive.
  • Dú Gū Jiǔ Jiàn (獨孤九劍/"Nine Swords of Desolation")
    -Though it sounds like a skill of utmost destructiveness, this is actually one of defense. In this skill, one learns how to react and counter weapons such as swords, blades, whips, spears, or even fists.
  • Luóhàn Dāofǎ (羅漢刀法/"Blades of Arhat")
    -A rather simple skill that is often learned very early on. The biggest benefit of this skill is that it seemingly multiplies one's inner cultivation and amplifies damage output.
  • Tóng Guī Jiànfǎ (同歸劍法/"Swords of Oblivion")
    -A skill of utmost power. The master of this school learns this as one of their last skills as it is intended to be used to taken the enemy or enemies down with themselves. A sword art of pure offensive capabilities, utilization of this skill not only obliterates the enemy, but the inner cultivation of the user as well, rendering them essentially useless after.

In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Artic cypher@AbigailTenshi

CS is good. However, I would like the affinities to be kept to one for now. The secondary and therefore tertiary affinity by the combination of the first and second affinities will be available later and is always subject to GM approval ^__^


Buddy~ I can't let this pass.... If you want, we can try to work this out in a PM or you can start a new one~

@Rice Porridge

Um, so if your character a breed of dog... that can use martial arts?
In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Artic cypher

Tell me about his past.
In Peak 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

There has always been someone. Someone that can lay claim to the title of being the strongest, earning glory and renown for their school. The title can be taken freely and is often not held for long. Each school, each member, has their own motivation of reaching the peak of the mountain. There are many paths along the way. Word like arduous, deadly, and exhausting are often used. However, everyone starts at the same place, the base of the mountains, looking up. What lies at the peak. What it is that we seek? How far will I go? Only one way to find out...


This RP will take place in historical China/Asia, with more locales possibly being introduced. The world of this RP is similar to that of the manga/anime series Gintama, without the aliens. That is, there are technological advances that are illogical given the historical context of the setting. However, for the main focus of this RP, these advances will have very minimal impact. In the RP, there will be many different schools, some original and other taken from famous literary works. The masters of these schools will start off as NPCs controlled by the GM team. However, there can and will be a changing of the guards so to speak during this RP where a player-created character will ascend to the Master position. Given that information, all player-created characters will start off as a fresh recruit of the school of their choosing. The only stipulation of choosing a school is that switching is generally heavily frowned upon and can result in the character being hunted down by their previous school.


  • 1. Observe standard Guild Rules. That is no Godmodding, Metagaming, Mary Sue/Gary Stu-type characters, etc.
  • 2. No one character is invincible. Despite the fact that there is a clear hierarchy of power in play, the moderating team always take the skill/descriptiveness/creativity of the roleplayer into account when moderating fights. However, that is not to given a green light to be 'creative' and shit-pull. For example, a fresh recruit is unlikely to jump over a five-story building while dodging attacks from a master. The moderating team reads and discuss every fight, we will come to a consensus on a topic of dispute and may even ask the player to retcon if necessary.
  • 3. Continuing with the previous topic, All interactions between player characters and outcomes of any them should be handled respectfully between the involved parties. If no agreement can be achieved in any reasonable way, the GMs will issue a decree saying how to proceed. Example:

    - Player A's character committed a mistake during a battle interaction with Player B's character from an opposing school, placing it in a disadvantageous situation that'll lead to inevitable defeat.

    - Player B's character wants to capture player A's character, however Player A doesn't fancy this idea, despite having no feasible way to avoid it other than arguing or trying to power game/godmod his way out of the conflict.

    - Since none of the two players can reach an agreement, the GMs declare that Player A's character will die of the wounds it sustained previously in the battle instead of being captured. Player B's character still claims the victory while Player A does not get his character captured against their will, appeasing both sides.
  • 4. Try to keep a healthy level of activity IC. There's no need to do something like a post every single day, multiple times per day (in fact, it's not recommended to go this fast, for the sake of those that have less free time), however, a post once per week is the minimum everyone should strive for. Of course there'll be times when this will be impossible for some; we understand that since it happens to us as well. Try to avoid posting once every two weeks or even more at a time. Even if you don't disappear in the time between but keep posting on the OOC regularly your characters will be skipped over/removed from scene (Let us be clear: this does not mean killed/abused in anyway, just sidelined). We don't have the rights/power to hold you, but you don't have the rights to hold the game back and hurt everyone else's entertainment as well.
  • 5. RPing isn't more important than real life. We acknowledge that. However, if you choose to commit to this, please don't disappear without explanation. Unforeseen events can happen to any of us, so disappearances are inevitable in most cases. And we are willing to take back anyone who drops the RP for any reason and or disappears for an extended period of time, as long as they don't suddenly stop posting on this thread but keep doing so on others, despite attempts of communicating with them. In other words, if you drop this game without letting us know but remain active on the Guild, we will be skeptical about accepting you back if you want to return. Other than this particular case, everyone is free to come and go as they please. Let us know and you have our blessings.
  • 6. Relationships between characters are strongly encouraged but are not enforced. It is great for character development and makes it more amusing to me and my Co-GMs. Just be sure to not do anything too graphic in the public areas of the forum. Take it to PMs or an outside of the site source.
  • 7. Discussion in the OOC is nice, but if there is prolonged heated argument, take it in the PMs. Try to avoid getting into arguments with your fellow players in this RP, especially with the GMs. Criticism is ok but, if you want to come here to argue, it will be resolved and will most likely result in a quick and swift ban.
  • 8. If someone says no to anything you are doing, or ask that you stop interacting with their character partially, or totally (aside from GM-sanctioned interactions, like battles), please abide to their wishes. If the GMs conclude that you are bullying others (no matter the reason), you'll be asked to drop such behavior. If you insist, you will get kicked from the RP and/or reported to the site Moderators, depending on the degree of your infractions.
  • 9. Please post your Character Sheets onto the OOC for evaluation. After being accepted, you may then post them onto the Character Tab.
  • 10. There will be injuries and possibly death to characters. Treat this information as rule number one when entering fights. Death, in this RP, is permanent. Please react to injuries with some sense of realism. For example, if your character has their Achilles tendon severed, they will be hard pressed to move at all. Medical knowledge is definitely not required to have fun in this RP, but just think about how you would react to injuries sustained by your character and act accordingly.
  • 11. There are no strict post length requirement. All that we as is that you react to everything being done to or with your character, and then post enough for the next player to react as well. That way, everyone is enjoying themselves and the plot continuously moves along.
  • 12. DO NOT make unauthorized edits to your CS or IC posts. If such transgressions are discovered, the GM team will go back and assess the 'damage' done and hand out punishment accordingly.
  • 13. If there are ever any questions, concerns, ideas, please do not hesitate to mention it to us in the OOC or in a PM. We promise to respond in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • This one doesn't get a number as it is the most important. HAVE FUN~ Or we will make you.......

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