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In Stranded 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
-Where did he go?-
Moved to OOC

Checking in, tentatively.

And I promise no meme-y characters this time.
Tentative interest~
Have interest.
How likely is a spirit medium/skin-walker to exist in this realm?

>>Vika, at the Old Starboard and beyond @PrinceAlexus Ethan, for the briefest moment @Almalthia Joel, through text @Pilatus

Still holding on to Vika's hand, he took a few more steps as her and Ethan exchanged a few more parting remarks. Letting go of Vika's hand for a brief moment, Ryan reached into the inner chest pocket of his coat and took out a business card. Tossing it on the table and seeing it slide slightly towards Ethan, Ryan said "Thats where I work. Feel free to stop by if you want to continue this." with a stoic face.

As soon as he finished his words, he took Vika's hands and led her steadily towards an awaiting vehicle. "Take us to Park View, the Olympus Estate. Thank you." The driver gave a simple acknowledgement and offered no other words as he drove. Looking at Vika, Ryan paused slightly. The words of Ethan Aster, however insignificant to Ryan, still left their mark. What was he doing with this woman. A woman carrying the child of another man, born of a night of presumed passion and carnal pleasure. His hand stayed linked with hers throughout the drive, but Ryan was mostly quiet except for the few words he would offer her, to see if she was doing alright.

As soon as they arrive at the Olympus Estate, Ryan settled the payment with the driver and had Vika lead the way into the house. As soon as they would arrive at her room, Ryan offered Vika a soft peck on her cheek and said "I'll wait here while you get ready for bed." with a soft smile on his face.

As soon as he was effectively alone, he reached for his phone and clicked open a message. Joel Nicolosi. He doesn't know why he is reaching out to Joel at this time, but it felt right?

-"Mr. Nicolosi, sorry for the late disturbance. I have a favor to ask. Are you familiar with a Ethan Aster? What is his involvement with one Victoria Olympus, if you are aware of anything?"-

Putting his phone away, Ryan sat at the foot of Vika's bed and stared at the moon, outside the window.

>>Vika, at the Old Starboard and beyond @PrinceAlexus Ethan, briefly @Almalthia

Ryan's motions were halted by the introduction of another man. So this is the father of Vika's child. The absentee. How did Ryan know that he would eventually show up...? No matter. His presence is annoying enough. His words couldn't make it any worse.

"Ah, Ethan, nice to meet you, finally. Vika has told me... well.. nothing of you. Convenient of you, to happen to get her pregnant, to happen to appear back in the cities at a moment where she is most vulnerable. How gracious of you to allow me to take Vika off your hands. However, we're all adults here. You need not allow me anything. I think Vika chose for you, and by extension, me. Now, As you can see, we're on out way out. It has been a long night. We will be leaving now. Have a good evening."
Ryan offered a soft smile, and a half bow/nod. Seeing the velvet box slide a little on the smooth tabletop, Ryan chuckled slightly.
"An expensive piece of jewelry, to be sure. Whats next? Are you going to claim that the content of that box is passed down from your dead Nan? Has been in your family for generations? Your mom would want the woman of your dreams to have it?" Offering another sound best described as a blend between a chuckle and a scoff, Ryan continued "Sorry to disappoint whoever gave that to you. If you bought it, I hope you kept the receipt." Taking Vika's hand, he essentially pushed his way away from Ethan and whatever table they were sitting at and headed for the exit.

Try something. I beg. Just try something. Ryan thought to himself. Leaning in to Vika, but still within earshot of Ethan "This enough sweeping for you? I think its best if we ended up at my place...."

>>Vika, at the Old Starboard and beyond @PrinceAlexus

Oh the answer was clear alright.

Ryan, after the...impromptu...interactions, felt much more comfortable, and at ease. He naturally wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her slender figure.

"Well. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a knight. Maybe a lowly commoner that happened to end up with a princess." He quipped. "Well. My continental breakfast isn't exactly continental... Its more... Oriental. If anything. However, the decaf I can manage. Or I can make tea. We all know thats how we ended up here in the first place." Ryan continued, offering a small, subdued chuckle against the background sounds at the Old Starboard. Ryan offered a soft smile that turned into a more...mischievous smirk as he leaned in to offer a more personal answer to one of Vika's questions "I'm sure you'd want a snack when I get done with you." Giving her cheek a small peck, Ryan pulled away and continued "Park View, thats The fancy part of town. Are you sure your family would be ok with you bringing who is essentially a stranger home?"

Maybe that was too far. No matter. Whats said has been said. Considering the familial circumstance, Ryan isn't so sure about spending the night over at her place, if that is indeed what she is offering. Sure, Ryan has made something of himself, and is living comfortably. But, his level of comfort isn't quite comparable to what Vika's family is used to or could offer.

As Vika slid off of him and answered a text message, Ryan took a quick sip of water as Vika began to explain the situation. "Manami? Thats not good. Do you want to go to her? I can take you? Is she going to be alright?" Vika might feel Ryan's hand tighten ever so slightly around her waist.

"Nutters, or not. Its sort of home now, no? In any case, we should get moving. Whether you want me to take you to Manami's or we can head home."
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