Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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I'm interested. Though I will be PM-ing you a question. @Hitman
Time: 5:20 pm Monday
Location: Campus Commons
Interaction: None directly

"Oh-I suppose-..." Roman was saying before the orange haired man stepped on stage to begin his welcome speech. Of course the person they chose to do this has bright orange hair. Basically looking like a traffic cone up there on stage. Student Council, Resident Assistant, lead musician. What else? Its a surprise he didn't say that he was some sort of royalty or high born heir to some fortune.

In any case, the beeping noise that occurred in the background broke Roman's train of thought. The speech was audibly paused, and Roman waited to see what is going to happen next. The beeping noise should be a good indicator that something was about to happen, good-natured or not.

>>Fashionably Late. Transitioning from The Silver Piglet to the Guild Hall @ShiningSector @Ypnosi <<

"Thank you for allowing a mere traveler to join your grand adventure." Avala said. As he moved, one would see that he moved with grace and power, if they cared to look. He was full of contradictions, upon closer examination. A large man that spoke with the gentleness of a monk, moved with the grace of a royal dancer, and smiled like the most welcoming of innkeepers.

As he walked with the group, his prayer beads jangled. As he waited outside with his group, he said "I wonder who this Grimar character is. We have a physical description of the person, but we do not truly know who they may be. Call me a pessimist, but I hope he would not be so bold as to attack us at the guild hall, to act as a test of our abilities. After all, this journey comes by the commission of a royal figure, former or not."

His walking stick thudded softly against the ground as he walked, sounding off in unison with the soft jangling of his prayer beads.
Is this still open for applications?
Time: 5:00 pm Monday
Location: Welcome Banquet
Interaction: Alice @Blizz

The girl said nothing. The silence was...deafening? Sure, the ballroom was filled with people, but no one Roman is particularly keen to interact with right this moment anyways. And this girl seemed new. Maybe she needed help>? Maybe she needed someone to chat with for a moment?

Or maybe she didn't need anything at all?

In any case, Roman remained. "Uh. Hi. Sorry to have disturbed you. You new here?" Roman said. Whatever he had 'prepared' went directly out of his brain and never looked back. In all fairness, not even Roman was expecting this level or activity, or lack thereof. He was always better at play off of the emotions and actions of others than to purely initiate by himself. This would either be real fun, or real dreadful.

The answer to that question should be coming real soon.
I can always use more interactions. Feel free to send me something through discord~@canaryrose
Time: 5:00 pm Monday
Location: Campus Commons
Interaction: Alice @Blizz

Roman wasn't exactly late. He was just... being alone. He had his typical stoic look on his face. The underclassman in high school did not approach him for that fact. The upperclassman in university did not bother with him since he is just a freshman. That resulted to him being somewhat isolated in the ebbs and flows of people. He also had earbuds in, switching between YouTube video game highlights and PARTYNEXTDOOR's new album. That fact probably did not help his current social situation.

In his mind, he was already plotting the first party of the school year. Sure, he was a freshman. But, he always had the thought of making a name for himself. In the most teenage-infamous way possible anyways.

Looking at his course list absentmindedly, Roman understood that the classes he will be taking are all general courses. He hasn't exactly decided on what degree to pursue, but still, taking these generals seem like a waste of time already.

In any case, Roman tucked the course list into the inner chest pocket of his blazer and walked towards a table that was occupied by one other student. He walked over, quietly as to not disturb the other student, and sat down across from her. He tilted his head and gave her a silent greeting, if she would notice anyways. Roman had some ideas in mind on how to strike up a conversation, but that is only if the other student recognize his presence.

@AmethystMoved. Thanks. I will do some catch up reading and post soon.

>>Fashionably Late. Transitioning from The Silver Piglet to the Guild Hall @ShiningSector @Ypnosi @Ryteb Pymeroce<<

Avala, sat in the far corner of the tavern, has been drinking. The Southern ale can never compare to the brew the monks made, he thought to himself. It is lacking a certain...herbal quality to them. Nonetheless, it is what he can find for the time being. The ongoing conversations of the patrons in the tavern did not hold his interest much, not until a trio starting speaking to a man in armor.

Setting his horn of ale down, he grabbed his walking stick and leaned into it slightly. Interesting. An adventure for relics. It is very unlikely that he finds what he is truly looking for on this expedition. But, it is a start. Tugging on his cloak that looked incredibly tattered, he took a few coins from his purse and left them on the table before approaching the trio and the knight.

At first glance, Avala looked like your run-of-the-mill traveler. Weary, tattered clothing, and a tired smile. "Hello, fellow travelers. Mind taking me along for this journey? I promise to not be a burden." He said with a smile. Now that he is closer to the trio, maybe they can get a better look at him. An imposing physical specimen, that spoke in a friendly and succinct way. His cloak, upon closer examination, is made from many pieces of interwoven fabric, each seemingly have a story to tell. His weathered staff looks sturdy and battle tested and his faulds shone with a sort of dulled copper sheen.

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