Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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The music choice from the DJ was not something William is much used to. A mix of Top 40, Pop, and R&B it seems. William moved somewhat awkwardly, not really know how to act in such situations. Should he put his hands on her waist? Should he try to imitate those scenes from a club that he has seen through various media outlets? All the thoughts made his movements stiff and unnatural, as if he was trying to find a balance in between being an young adult in a club and a responsible adult dancing with their partner.

"I'll take handsome. You're the pretty one." He replied with a soft smile. Somehow, her words always relaxes him. His gently placed his hands on her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. When she stumbled slightly, William moved to wrap an arm behind her to steady her. "Yeah. I would offer to take your shoes off and carry them for you but I don't know how clean the floor is so..." William said, shrugging slightly.

At Brie's comment about dancing with him, he leaned down slightly to give her a small peck on the cheek. "And I like dancing with you." He whispered to her. In reality, his first thought was saying something along the lines of 'I like spending my life with you'. But he obviously thought better than to just blurt that out. It wasn't a guarantee that she would remember it anyways. In any case, William continued to sway, albeit awkwardly, to the beat of the music with Brie in his arms. Meanwhile, his thoughts would randomly drift from the party to actually spending the foreseeable future with Brie. What would that even look like? What would that even be like? If Brie was to look at him during this, it would seem like he was just absentmindedly swaying and he was peering into the distance.

The music change snapped him back to reality. Ugh. Why was Starbright's song being played here... Shouldn't Blake pop out of whatever canoodling he was currently engaged in and put an end to this? In any case, the song started, and a flock of drunken guests rushed to the dance floor to aggressively pose, like some idiots. One of them, some no one that more than likely snuck into the party actually had the audacity to barge in to the mass of people so aggressively that they essentially pushed Brie down in the process. For William, it was more the fact that one moment they were standing and dancing, and the next William felt his line of sight suddenly change. In an attempt to not fall, Brie grabbed William and dragged him down. Taking a moment to process everything, William immediately turned his attention to Brie. "Ah. I'm ok. Are you hurt?" He got on one knee and checked on her, gently moving her arms and dusting her off a little. In between caring for Brie, he would glare up at the buffoon that charged past them and knocked Brie down. It was his lucky day that Brie was here and he was a no name.

In one swoop, William swept Brie off of the ground, one arm under her legs behind her knee and the other behind her back holding her up. William stood up and walked off and out of the dance pit. Finding a small clearance, he set Brie down and looked her up and down, making sure she wasn't hurt. "I'll go get you some water, or would you rather I stay here?"


William reached out with both arms to steady her as she got up. It was quite easy to tell that she had been drinking, and a lot of it by the looks of things. Of course, this was a celebration after all.

“I’ve been away, after the mafia situation I thought I needed some time alone, just to...you know...be away from H.E.R.O. And the day to day things there. I was around, and I’m sorry to have been so absent. I’ve missed you...”

There were more words he wanted to say to her. But, his logics and judgement stopped him. Brie was under the influence, and probably would not understand or appreciate his sweet talk at this time anyways. For some reason, he feels like his words and actions often go unnoticed. The occasional smile, the light blush. All those things. It wasn’t so much as resentment. It was more so he wished Brie would be more open and display her emotions.

Such a minuscule things should not bother him. He felt secure about their relationship. Secure enough anyways. It is perhaps just that it would be nice to see and know what and how she is feeling.

“I think handsome is the word you’re looking for. You’re pretty though.”

William said, finally taking his first glance at her outfit. When Brie clambered over the couch and took his hand, he feel a small shock. One that would be essentially harmless and near painless to others. However, for him, it was somewhat amplified, because of the interaction of his powers and hers. He let out a silent grimace. He was being led to the makeshift dance floor that some of the guests have fashioned.

“Oh no no, I’m not nearly drunk enough to dance to this sort of music...”

He said, chuckling and drinking the content of the glass bottle he held rather quickly. William smiled as they made their way into the dance circle. He pulled Brie close to him, holding her by the waist and swayed, however awkwardly, to the beat of the music.


"Mm. Thanks Charles. I don't think I've ever spoken to her before..." He made a quizzical look before letting his attention drift again. Overhearing some idle conversation, Arken leaned back and propped himself up with his arms while sitting on the bench. Glancing over to Summer, she was practically the Queen Bee, or it would seems like she is styling herself out to be. As much fun as it would be to bring her down a notch, this is neither the time nor place for that. There would be plenty of other opportunities for that, Arken thought.

Eavesdropping on Summer's interaction with a newbie was interesting. It was so obvious that she was being sarcastic. She had no desires of getting to know the new kid. She is feigning kindness, almost too dramatically. Of course she has to throw in that her family has been a part of the coven for ages. It would not be a conversation with Summer Abernathy without her mentioning that. In reality, the Abernathys and Stones probably go back a long ways, being some of the more prominent families that have been a part of the coven. Sighing softly and rolling his eyes, he had half a mind to step in and interject as well.

Before that thought became reality, Sister Deborah stepped up and spoke to the initiates. Finally. The show was getting on the road. There were apparently quite a few initiates this year, with Arken being one of them. When Sister Deborah called out Hana's name, Arken felt the slightly flutter in his chest. How odd. Here is this girl who chose to hide on the fringe of the gathering, and for some reason she piqued Arken's interests. In any case, Arken got up and started making his way to the location Sister Deborah had mentioned.

On his way, he swept past Summer. As he did so, he leaned down and whispered to her "Leave the new kid alone, Abernathy." He said with a wink and playful smile. Continuing to make his way towards his destination, he brushed past Hana as well. "Hana, right? Well, I'm Arken. Good luck with the rest of the ceremony. I'll see you around." He gave her a wink as well, before turning and heading towards the gathering location Sister Deborah had announced to them moments ago.


The fact that it is the 4th of July and he was going to Blake's house was enough for him to opt for an Uber instead of driving himself. William thought. Knowing the people that will be there, it is an understatement to say that there will be drinking. In fact, it might as well be labeled as "Bacchanalia at the Von Brandt House". A veritable festival of epic proportions.

In any case. William, dressed ever so casually in a pair of cargo shorts, a short sleeved button up shirt that was a size too big as to induce a flow-y feel, and a clean pair of sneakers, arrived right outside of the Von Brandt compound. After paying and tipping the driver, William stepped out, smoothing out the wrinkles of his shirt. "I wonder if Rog would be around..." He thought to himself as he approached the slightly parted gate.

The closer he got to the actual house, the louder the music got. At first, it was the muffled booms of the bass. That then got clearer and clearer as he approached. Then came the mumbled words of whatever song happens to be playing. That gained clarity as well. Randomly, the thought of the lesser water heroes H.E.R.O. has on their payroll flashed though his mind. If he sees them here, he might have to avoid them, for fear of them clinging to him like flies to a flytrap...

The sound of the music became deafening as he opened the door. Whatever creaking noise the door might have made was completely drowned out by the rumbles of the speakers. William chuckled slightly as a few drunken guest stumble past him, slurring out whatever greeting they can muster. His thought was focused on one thing. Well, two, to be honest. The first was to locate one Ms. Brianna Hart. During the time between the mafia mission and now, William has been an absentee boyfriend at best. Sure they talk and videochat and all that. But, the fact remains William has not been around a whole lot. Hell, he didn't even get her a house warming present for moving in with Jamie. And the second task at hand was to acquire alcohol.

He had thought they would move in together somewhere, but in reality it might be far too soon for that anyways.

He did these tasks in reverse order, apparently. Having snagged a fresh beer from a nearby cooler, he set his mind to finding Brie. Noticing a girl whose hair attracted him like magnet for iron, he made his approach. As he got closer, the urge to just wrap her up in a hug naturally grew. Noticing that the girl was having a hard time opening her beer, he chuckled and confirmed to himself that she was the one he was looking for. When he got close enough, he deftly reached over her shoulder, took the unopened bottle of beer from her and replaced it with the one he had recently opened without saying a word.


"Yes mother! I've got everything I need!" Arken called out, running down the granite spiral staircase that led to the main double doors of their ancestral home. In a wooded area in upstate New York, there was no way the Stones can afford such an estate in their current economical situation. Luckily for them, the home was built in the early 1920s, made to be palatial, even by the gaudy standards of the Roaring Twenties.

The Stones, leveraging their latent talent to manipulate things of the earth, made a name for themselves as the premier stonemasons of the age. Crafting buildings of awe and splendor for those who could afford them. The skills of which were made to be on display within the Stone Estate, as it is known. The solid granite staircase with inlaid gold trim. The intricate patterns in which the stones were hewn into the floor. The grand columns that lined the halls. All of which seemed like a marvel of craftsmanship for the time. Of course, there have been updates to both the internal and external structure of the building, to keep up with the ever evolving technology of the times. The fact remains, the estate was fit for a family of their standing.

With the door slamming shut behind him, Arken tossed his plain sand-colored backpack onto the front his of his open-air Jeep Wrangler, hopping through the open front door, or lack thereof. Clipping on the seat belt, the key turned and sent the oversized engine into a frenzied roar. Two dull clicks, as Arken set the car in gear and took off for the event du jour.

On the radio, soft melodic voices swirled, singing of whiskey and morphine.The wind in his hair, the sun on his skin, everything felt right. Of course, this was his initiation. Through previous meetings and family events, he had met most, if not all, of the initiates this year. Should be a decent social event, he thought to himself.

Absentmindedly reaching into his backpack, he took out a bottle and drank from it. The water flowed freely, and the cooling sensations quickly filled his mind. Within some moments, Arken made it to the previously disclosed location. Haphazardly parking his car, he hopped out and slung his pack over his shoulders. As he approached the gathering crowd, he surveyed the groups present, to see if anyone he'd care to interact with are present.

"Ah. Good. I see Charles, Dak, SumSum, Rowan, Calypso and the usual gang. Should be fine..." Ark thought to himself as he approached the group. Tugging on the tail of his grey t-shirt, he made somewhat of an attempt to fix up however he was looking at the time before giving up all too quickly. Overall, his hair flowed freely, his shirt was free of wrinkles and his jeans sat a little too low on his waist for the time being. His shoes though, were clean and neat enough.

"Gang, fret not. For Arken Stone has arrived and the party can now officially start. " He proclaimed in a matter of fact way. "Kidding. How is everyone?" Noticing the random bits of food and smells everywhere. "It seems like they actually cared enough about the event to cater some food. Seems nice." He made a small quizzical scowl, analyzing the food. Of course, before proceeding any further, as it was customary, "Charles." Arken said, to the red head in the group.

His attention fluttered to and fro, lazily scanning the surroundings. Someone caught his eyes. "Who. Is that? There?" He motioned with his chin in Hana's general direction. "She new? Or...do I just not remember her name?"


"You'd be worth the jail time, if you were a mobster..." William said, working up a weak smile. The intense focus needed to first drive mist out of an air vent against the current and then to reform the dissipating gas back into high pressured jets of water was very draining. It could perhaps be the most intensive use of his powers he has ever attempted.

Not to mention the fact that he was trying to get things done as quick as possible. Couple that with the internal pressure of 'If I fuck this up, Brie is going to get even more hurt, or worse'. He was under the utmost pressure unlike anything he has experienced. He gritted his teeth, occasionally turning to Brie and offering the most reassuring smile he could muster. All the while beads of sweat formed around his forehead, arms and back.

The shells in which the electronics were housed in were indeed tough. As they should be. William, even with using nearly all of his powers, was not making much progress. By this time, he had hoped to have cut open at least one of the machines, and thus disabling the plasma cage. However, he was only able to make a 2 inch deep incision into the shell of the machines. "Fuck, this might take longer than I want... I can't do this for much longer either..." A sudden wooziness came over him and he stumbled slightly, landing on his knee softly as he did so.

William exhaled and relaxed his focus slightly. The jets of water pulled back from the original position as he did so. As he gathered and refocused himself, the doors to the room that they are in were thrown open. William stood up and shielded Brie instinctively and the jets of water turned to face the person that opened the doors, ready to strike.

William then recognized that it was Jamie that had burst onto the scene. "Jamie! What are you doing here!" He exclaimed. The jets of water slowed down and slowly started to dissipate. He drew in and exhaled several ragged breathes. Seeing Jamie shatter and break the machines that once held them, William folded like a lawn chair onto one knee, taking slow, deep breaths. He had regained his powers only a short time ago, and to use them to such extent would have been taxing under optimal conditions, much less the shape he was in. "You... You're over doing it. Slow down. We need to get Brie out of here... She lose her powers for the time being... Did... Did anyone else come with you?" William asked of Jamie, between breaths as he worked on recuperating.


"Ah. I'm sorry... I didn't know about..." William's voice trailed off as Brie mentioned not knowing her father. Such a subject is often very sensitive. For him to mention it so nonchalantly was awfully thoughtless of him. However, there was no way for him to know that she has had familial problems before. William chewed on insides of his lower lip softly, trying to think about how to broach the subject under more suitable circumstances.

Seeing Brie trying to work out of her restraints, William spoke up softly. "Here, let me see. I never actually saw what sort of restraints they used on us..." As he looked, he saw that they were simple plastic zip cords. "Cheap bastards. They really tied up heroes with zip cords. Hold your hand steady and I'll cut it open..." William said. With a snap, a thin jet of water passed through the restraints, freeing Brie of her hands. "Shhhh..." He whispered to Brie, knowing that she would exclaim in excitement from being released of her restraints.

With another snap of his fingers, his own restraints were cut free with the same thin jet of water. "Now, to disable this damned containment shield..." William looked about, noticing that there were two complex looking machinery near their containment cell. "I'd bet those are the things sustaining the shield... They look expensive. Would be a shame to get some water damage on them..." William said, slightly grinning. Scanning their immediate surroundings, William noticed an air vent on the floor. "Hm. I wonder..."

William turned to Brie. "Wait. So, undercover mission. Powers sent you, Angie, Patti, Tom, and Grace... That is a lot of people to send on a stealth mission but I'm sure they all serve a purpose and the gravity of the mission called for it... Well. Yeah, hopefully Grace and Tom are keeping the kids in line, so they say." William breathed out a small sigh of relief. Tom, despite his lecherous rendezvous, is very reliable when required. Grace, is essentially a female Tom, without the sinful parts. As he thought about it more, William became slightly surprised that Blake didn't come charging in with Brie, seeing as his better half was sent to be undercover inside a mob compound. "I don't suppose Grace can portal us out of here this time, seeing as not even we know where we are exactly..."

William took a small step back. "Right. I haven't said this to you yet. You look great, Those heels give you legs for days. And again. I can never be angry with you." William offered a genuine smile. It was perplexing how she is able to simply pull off any sort of outfit. From gowns made for galas, to whatever she is wearing now, to waking up in bear pajamas. There was just a natural charm to her that William simply could not resist. It could be her optimistic disposition or her confidence in herself. William could not put a finger on it specifically. In any case, William turned to the small air vent on the ground. "There is something I want to try...Hopefully it works. And quick. We won't have much time after I start... Can you run? Fuck it. No matter. I'll carry you out of here if I have to."

William took a deep breath and mustered up whatever strength he had. A thin veil of mist swirled around them, and was promptly push out of the vent. William visibly straining to push the water vapor against the air flow coming into their containment cell. As soon as the water vapor made it out of their cell, William concentrated and formed it into two thin jets of water. Using the highly pressurized streams, William got to work on cutting open the shell of the machine that were near them...

"Hopefully this works..." He muttered.


"Well. In any case, we'll have a conversation about this after we get out of here." William said to Brie, sighing slightly. "God damn I sound like a dad. Too damn soon for that. I..." His voice trailed off. Sure, he has fallen for the girl in front of him. But, how could he impose his ideal life on her like so? For all he knows, she sees him as a fling or something like that. Something not long term or permanent. Regardless, it would be way too soon to talk about permanence anyways.

"I appreciate your care for me but...Wait. Why are you guys all here? You, Patti, Angie...? You guys all on the same mission? Not that you guys are not reliable but... Powers sending just you three to raid a mobster compound? That sounds like a lack for foresight unlike Powers..." William continued. "Are there others with you? Gods I hope Patti and Angie are alright. I hope they have decent covers since they're checking IDs or whatever now... You and I are definitely busted but hopefully them two can get to a place and call for back up..."

At the thought of calling for backup, a small thought flashed through his mind. "I wonder..." He focused his mind, combating whatever lingering effects the large dose of Isolene he had received still had on his body. Slow, an unsteady orb of water formed around his palms. "Ok. So its wearing off for me..." William took to scanning the room for any sort of surveillance equipment. "I don't want them to know that my powers are back... It is sort of our ace up the sleeve at this point. It seems like the cage around us is made of some sort of laser or high density plasma contained by a electromagnetic field. Shit. If we had your powers, breaking out of here would be a breeze... But as it stands, I don't know if I can get a stream of water to build enough pressure to cut through it... I know I certainly can't heat it hot enough... Shit."

Brie mentioned not minding William being mad at her. William worked up a slight grin. "I could never be mad at you, Brianna Hart. Despite how I may look on the outside." He leaned down, even as they were both still restrained, and gave her a kiss. Was this their first kiss? If it was, wouldn't it poetic? Soon they would surely be subject to some sort of torture and potentially death.

If that is the case, let the last thing he tastes be the kiss between himself and Brie.


>>Siobahn, and her cooking @Almalthia Joel, over a Guiness. Paige, don't think they've met before @Pilatus Elise, fancy seeing her again @KatKook Milo, meeting him for the first time @RoccanIronclad

Ryan had actually wandered over to the War Chest to dig for another beer to refresh himself while the other guests were coming in. The evening air, while cool and tinged with the smells of grilled meat and motor oil, did nothing for his thirst. Taking out another beer, Ryan twisted the top off and turned his attention back to the gathering crowd.

Joel refusing payment for his services was atypical, but expected. Ryan could already tell Joel is running the shop more from passion rather than a need for financial gainz. Ryan could respect a man like that, one who would work for passion more than money. Ryan, with his restaurant, is in the same light. His passion for cooking is what drives him. In all reality, if Ryan had another way to sustain himself, he'd be more than happy to make the food he makes and serve it to people who can appreciate it for free. He isn't quite there, but this evening is definitely shining some light on certain directions he can take his professional career.

Ryan offered the two newest guests a small nod as they arrived. When Joel called him 'iron chef' Ryan just chuckled. "You flatter me, Mr. Speed Racer. I'm just a humble cook, just like you're just a motorhead." Ryan hung back slightly as the rest of the interactions between all the attendees of the gathering unfolded.

Ryan just chuckled when Milo spoke his piece on Vika. "Honestly, at this point I don't even really know anymore. To be honest, I might be taking an extended trip back to Japan soon. A bit of soul searching and that. Like Joel said, I'm a cook. It is a profession I take very seriously. And lately, I feel like my edges have dulled. I feel like I'm losing my inspirations. Taking a stroll down the morning market and basking in the sights and smells of it all no long excite me. At this point, if I had to put a label on it, she is an acquaintance. I feel like I don't really know her to call her anything beyond that..." His voice trailed off. He shook his head inwardly as to shake off whatever feelings that are trying to sneak into his mind.

Also, for whatever odd reason, his attention seems to float towards Elise...

William was hauled to his feet, along with Brie. With both of them dosed with Isolene, and then restrained, there was not a whole lot he can do. William huffed in anger, over the treatment Brie is received. "She is a lady goddammit. You fucking Italians are supposed to have respect for woman, no? What would your nona think about this? You hug your mother with those hands? I'd be fucking ashamed if I were you fucks." William cursed out.

"Nevermind about me. We have got to get you the fuck out of here. These fuckers get hard off of seeing other people suffer." William said, while struggling mightily with each step he took against his captors. When the muscly goon went to stick his hands in the wine barrel, William chuckles. "Ah. Is that supposed to be a dig at me having my face pressed against some grapes? Laugh it up. Go ahead. As soon as this is over, I'll make sure something else is pressed to your face." William said, nodding his head once confidently at his groin area. "Besides, the wine that is in that barrel is probably some back alley swill that not even pigs would drink, you tiny dicked steroid addict." There was definite venom behind his words, unlike Brie have seen from William.

Once led inside the storage space, Brie and William were essentially tossed into a plasma holding cell. "I hope you have something better. This little shit is not enough to hold me back. Trust. Do you even know what my power is? Do you?" William said, voice hissing with malice. "I'd suggest you let me out this instan-" The goons waved and exited the space, the metallic doors closing behind them.

"For fuck sakes. Brianna, are you alright?" William turned to her, his voice soft with concern and emotion. "You shouldn't have came charging in like that. And you lied to me. A shitty lie at that." He let out a soft chuckle that showed that he was more sad than amused. He did his best to move around and visually check on Brie, to make sure she did not sustain too much injury. "Alright. I think my dose of isolene might be wearing off soon. Hopefully. When I get my power back I'll get us out of here."

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