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Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

"I love being challenged. And as my lady, you would always have an audience with me and you can bet that I will always be your staunchest ally. Trust, respect and understanding is the basis of all good relationships, so that much is a given." Munir replied to Mina, his voice soft, but very certain.

As Mina began speaking on a much heavier topic, Munir subconsciously picked up her hands and started gently stroking the pad of her palms with his thumbs. In truth, he hadn't realized that his hands moved on their own and he was doing what he was doing. He listened to Mina's word's intently, fighting the urge to interrupt her. He can sense her unease, given the uncertain nature of the things in which she speaks.

When Mina finished speaking, Munir drew in a deep breath, his brain finally catching up with what his hands had been doing this whole time. With an exhale that was as deep as the breath he drew, he considered his next words carefully. "The only pyre that will be lit would be the one in celebration of our union. I know my protection is not what you seek. But I will commit myself wholly to that cause. I will let no harm come to you. I know we had previously spoken on the hardships that may come our way, but those trials and tribulations are not what I speak of now." Munir took a brief pause, reassuring Mina with his gaze. "The harm and trials I speak of now are from those that would rather see you be prosecuted than to take the time to understand and get to you know. Those people have no purpose in our lives. I am truly sorry to hear about the fate of the women in your family, especially your mother. That must have been so tough for you and your loved ones. However. I am determined to not let it come to that for you. The fate that I see for you, Mina Blackwood, is one shared with me. And our many children. Some growing up in the sunny sands of Alidasht. Others in the pine forests of Kolonivka. You will be there to teach our children right from wrong. And I will be there getting in to trouble along side them" Munir took another pause, this time with a sly smile because he knows what he said to be true.

Munir then scooted himself closer to Mina, hands still holding hers. "This research. You must show me. If there is anything I or House Kadir of Alidasht can help with, do not hesitate to let me know. I'm sure my myriad of sisters, brother and dear cousin Farim would love to have you on their side when the bullying starts..." Yes. The topic of conversation is serious and heavy. But Munir is who he is. He is not making light of the situation. This is just his personality and to have to force himself to behave differently would be akin to lying.

Leaning in, Munir used his body in such a way that Mina would have to lean herself back against the feather pillows and tufted headboard of his bed. "A nature born witch huh. That explains why I've fallen so deeply in love you with. You've cast a love spell on my, Mina Blackwood. One that I cannot break or shake. This is your doing. You've bound us, in perpetuity. And I'm going to seal that bond with a kiss now. Thats what happens in fairy tales, right? The prince finds his princess, and he seals their happily ever after with a kiss..." Munir leaned in, eyes closed and waited for Mina to join him in his fairy tale and their happily ever after.

Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

Munir listened to Mina intently. Taking in each word and phrase she said and making sure that he truly understood what she was getting at. In truth, he has never been good at facing adversity. He hasn't had to face many and the ones he did have to face were easily dismissed with money or status. Hearing what Mina was saying made him realize that a relationship, and by extension marriage, is no child's play. Committing one's life and future to another should always be taken and considered seriously.

"I am sorry that I made a jest at your plight. I know no amount of explaining I do now will erased the horrible feelings I've caused in you. It wasn't and never has been my intention. In truth, I make jokes and I jest to escape from facing the harshness of life. Being a noble, I've been privileged to live a life of ease and comfort. Anything I wanted I had. Any difficulty I faced melted away when enough coins gets thrown at it. It's how it has always been for me. I'm beginning to realize that what I asked of you requires just as much, if not more, commitment from myself. I know I am ready for it. I just need to be able to show you. Yes. I promise you. I want to learn you. I want to know all of you. Inside, and out. Tell me everything. and I will do the same. I promise to commit myself to you. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. We will face any challenges and difficulties that may come our way together."

Munir said to Mina. His eyes burned with passion but his expressions were soft and genuine. The woman is the love of his life. If he cannot be vulnerable with her, then who?

Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

"Oh shit. Oh fuck. I've fucked up! I've taken this too far. Oh no!

Giant red flags and trumpets blared off in Munir's mind. What he only meant as a jest clearly is backfiring. Mina is truly affected by this and he is the only person to blame. He should have known better than to use this subject matter as a point of a joke towards the woman he loves. Oh mama is going to be so mad when she visits them in her spirit form...

Moving back closer to her gently, Munir picked up Mina's hands that clutched at herself so intensely. "My love. No. The only thing you are crazy for is trusting someone like me enough to want to share this information with me. What did I do to deserve such trust?" With each word he said, he gave Mina's fingers, held in his hands like the softest ball of silk, a gentle kiss. When he'd kissed every finger, he would plant a long, lingering kiss at the little space between her left middle and ring finger, just above the nail bed.

"Do you remember anything I said to you last night? You are the captain of my soul. My moon and stars. Without you, I drift aimless amidst the endless sands of Alidasht..." In that moment, Munir slowly let go of Mina's hands, allowing them to fall wherever they wished naturally. With his hands, he reached over with the slightest bit of a tremble and uncertainty, and lifted Mina's face so she would be looking at him eye to eye. "I need you to make one promise to me. Just the one. Promise to never shed another tear because of me. And I would make one promise to you in return. Never will I give you cause to want to shed another tear. Mina Blackwood. You are mine and I am yours. I have heard that it is a Northern tradition that the wife takes the husband's last name. But that is not ours. So I will not force you to take my last name if you should not want to. But my claim remains. You are mine. And I am yours. We can follow whichever marriage tradition you'd wish. Be it mine or yours. It does not matter to me. I have come to the realization that I cannot live without you in my life. Come who or what may. Be it the spirits or your uncle or anything else in the world. You are mine and I am yours."

(Small OOC blurb. I definitely was looking at Islamic marriage traditions as I wrote this post. It was my assumption that we structured the Alidasht after the Arabic world. Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

Munir's breathing instantly calmed and slowed when Mina kissed him. It was just as cliche as it seems. As soon as their lips touched, all the weight Munir carries were obliterated, nowhere to be seen or felt. He only wished the kiss lingered but a moment longer. However, when Mina pulled away, Munir knew he shouldn't try to pull her back. It seems as though Mina has something really important to talk to him about.

"...And I'm not going anywhere, at least for the time being."

What did she mean by that? At least for the time being. Does that mean there would come a time where they would have to be apart again? Munir knows she was still talking to him, by the looks of her sitting up. However, all that echoed and registered in his mind was that previous line and the last few words she spoke to him before pausing.

Munir was sitting up now. He decided in his mind to tease her a bit. Looking down solemnly, he moved to distance himself from Mina slightly. Enough to be felt, but not so much as to seem like he has withdrawn from her. "You...you what?" Munir said, feigning shock with a tinge of disgust. "I can't believe this. I can't believe you'd wait until I've fallen for you to tell me this. I... I don't know if....How would...How can I..."

Munir gave pause. Allowing his eyes to meet hers. And he waited. He wanted to see how Mina would react.

Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

"Mmm...Marry me. There. Now say yes... Munir replied in jest, the kisses never quite stopping. Voice husky from sleep, he made small groaning noises in protest of the morning sun. If only he can linger in bed and not have to attend to anything...

Oh wait. He can...

Munir slowly blinked his eyes open when Mina turned to face him, instinctively entangling his legs with hers. Letting out a content sigh as he made minimal effort to address her question, instead nestling himself into her chest. "That question can wait... this is more important... He said ass he pulled her closer to him still, allowing their bodies to remain in close contact. But, Munir knows that he shouldn't overstep his bounds. Matter of fact, what he is doing now can be considered exactly that. After all, they're both nobility, albeit with somewhat tarnished reputations...

"If you must know, however, the reason as to why I slept sitting on the floor, it is because I wanted to protect you. It would be easier for me to spring into action if I was already somewhat on the floor. Alas, my body fully betrayed me. I was never supposed to fully fall asleep. I think the adrenaline from last night wearing off really did a number on me. Heh..." Munir ended his words with a sheepish chuckle. "Oh. Also, if there are still some remnants of whatever was on your skin, that is my mistake. I tried my best to wipe it off of you while trying to not disturb your sleep... The water basin should have clean, cool water and the silk towels by it are all clean. I can help you..."

Why was he babbling? Why did he seem so nervous? Was it what his mother said to him during the ceremony?

Location: The woods
Interactions: @TaeMina.

In Munir's dreams, all of his anxiety and uncertainness came to a head. The fear he felt when he first saw the hulking creature carrying Mina. The uncertainty he felt when Mina disappeared from his sights. The sadness he felt when he saw his mama. The loneliness he felt when his mother left him once more. All of it replayed over and over in his head. In his dream world, he was tortured. In the real world, his body remained motionless, sat by the side of his bed, caused by overexertion.

In the hours that passed, it felt like minutes to Munir. When Mina approached Munir, he made no motions to acknowledge her, at least not initially. This is very unlike Munir, who is usually a light sleeper. When Munir blinked his eyes open, he noticed that Mina was nestled against him, still wearing the shirt that he had slipped on her the night before. He made a small, soft, groaning sound as he leaned down to plant a small kiss through her hair on her forehead. In one swift motion, he scooped her into his arms and patted over to his bed where he set her down gently before climbing in himself. His arms were wrapped around her whenever anatomically possible. He groaned slightly once again as he snuggled up to her in a spooning position.

"Good morning, Lady Blackwood... or should I call you my wife?..." Munir said sleepily while planting small kisses on whatever exposed parts of Mina's neck and collar that he could find.

Location: The castle/Munir's room
Interactions: @TaeMina

"Hush my love... we will talk when you're ready..." was all that Munir whispered to Mina as he walked. He kknew she needed and wanted rest. And his attention was being given to simply holding on to her, and not causing her to fall from his arms. The adrenaline has definitely worn off now and Munir's body screamed in pain and fatigue from overexertion. "We will be back at the castle in no time..."

As soon as the pair reached a clearing, Hakim has arranged a carriage for them, and a horse for himself so that he can keep up with the pace of the carriage. "My lord, the carriage is ready for you and Lady Blackwood. I will accompany you on a horse." Munir nodded to his trusty retainer. With Hakim's help, Munir gently placed Mina on one of the bench seats inside the carriage while settling down next to her, resting her head on his thigh. With another small nod, Hakim stepped back and closed the door to the passenger compartment and ascended his horse. Without much commotion, the carriage set off, the lights that hung from either side of the driver swayed as they illuminated the path back to the castle grounds.

Munir finally allowed himself a moment of respite, the gentle rocking of the carriage and steady hoof beat of the horses soothed his mind. Nothing else mattered right now. All he wanted was to get Mina to safety. And sleep.

A slew of castle guards rushed out at the sight of a late arriving carriage. Hakim rode up and waved them all off, as to not disturb Munir and Mina. When the carriage made a full stop, Munir finally blinked awake from his momentary dreams. Without much of a word, he scooped Mina back into his arms and carefully climbed out of the carriage. His body being pushed forward by sheer will at this point. As the trio arrived at Munir's quarters, Munir gestured for Hakim to take his leave and rest with a turn of his head and gracious nod. Hakim bid his lord farewell and took his leave for the evening after that.

In the room, Munir placed Mina on his feathered bed and worked on undressing her for the evening. Munir took extra care to cause as little disturbance as possible as he took off whatever clothing Mina had on, save for her smallclothes. With a soft silk towel dipped in warm water, Munir did his best to wipe off any signs of dirt Mina had before slipping a long silken tonic of his over her, gently cinching it at her waist. Satisfied, he draped the fur blanket over Mina and walked softly over to the hearth in his room and added more wood to it to ensure the fire would last the evening.

Finally, without undressing or cleaning himself, Munir collapsed into a heap onto the floor next to his bed and a sleeping Mina and drifted off into the night...

Location: The woods
Interactions: @TaeMina. With brief mentions of Farim/Roman/Torvi.

Their eyes met. When Mina would see, beyond the tears and surface emotions was that Munir was full present with her. His devotion and focus shone through what people would call the windows to their souls. He listened to her carefully, taking in every word and all the emotions she put behind them

"Then help me understand what is causing you such distress... And we will face it together. I am never letting you go. You fucked up Lady Mina Blackwood. You're stuck with me forever now."

His last words were said in an obvious jest, but yet they held such indisputable truths. Munir fully intend on remaining with Mina for the rest of his days, however many the Sun God sees fit to grant him. He does intend on facing whatever troubles his beloved so much with her together.

How Mina behaved subsequently cause Munir to back up slightly. Not to distance himself but to allow Mina the space and air to express what she needed to express. He observed her silently, feeling the fatigue from his overexertion starting to creep in. In the distance, he can hear various commotions, and someone he thought sounded like hiss dear cousin.

Letting out a small huff of breath, he stepped back up towards Mina and swept her into his arms. "We will. It seems like we're unwanted guests in these woods..." He noticed Mina's pained expression and it caused him nothing but anger and sadness. Anger from the fact that he cannot suffer in her stead and sadness because she is feeling any pain at all.

Munir moved as quickly and steadily as he could, keeping Mina close to him but not so tightly as to cause her more pain. On his way back through the woods, he met back up with Hakim. "My friend. As you can see, our night is at an end. I must ask you to do an unreasonable task for me. Return to the gather, and get me some sort of transportation. I care not if it is a carriage, a cart, a horse or a camel. Lady Blackwood needs to be out of here, as fast as possible and I feel the adrenaline leaving my body and I am unsure how fast I am going to be able to move." Munir said to his retainer with a small nod. The quiet man simply offered a small bow before dashing back in direction he had just been running from.

"I'll get you out of here, even if it kills me..." He said to Mina, with a small kiss to her forehead...

Location: The woods
Interactions: @TaeMina and the big Pubber

Huff ..... Pant ..... Huff ..... Pant

Munir's breathing was rushed but steady. His body seemingly moving without a wasted thought or motion from him. For all that was in his mind was chasing after whatever had taken hold of his Moon and Stars. The rushing of branches and crunching of leaves pierced his eardrums but were left behind just as quickly. For the briefest moment, the thought of having to fight off whatever threats stood between him and Mina flashed in his mind. Fear and uncertainty gripped him. Sure, he has received the finest training in all of Alidasht. But he has never had to wet his steel on the flesh of who would be his enemies. That thought also dissipated in his mind.

Come what may. He is going to hold Mina in his arms once again.

Much further back, Munir's loyal retainer Hakim was trying his best to keep up with his lord. They have been bonded since their childhood, first as friends then as lord and servant. Never once has Hakim seen Munir this focus, this committed to one singular task, let alone one woman. In his heart, he can't help but feel joy and warmth for his lord. For it seems like he has finally found the one.

Moon beams would push their way through the foliage at random moments. Munir never lost sight of who he thought was carrying Mina. Suddenly, the shadowy figure that ran ahead of him slowed, and then stopped, allowing Munir to finally understand what he had been chasing after. It was a hulking beast. Grey-maned, razor clawed and looking like something that sprang out from a story book that Mama used to read to him and his siblings. Munir stopped a relatively small distance away, allowing his own breathing to calm and slow as well. Mina was there, and she was unharmed. In that moment, he physically felt a weight being lifted from his shoulders. As Munir slowly slid off the massive creature, it would seem like the creature was somehow...different. Munir would swear that the beast bowed to him...

Reaching out hesitantly, he offered his palm to the creature, as a sign of non-hostility. Then he would clutch some fur at the top of the dire wolf's head, give it a few good ruffles as a sign of gratitude, for keeping Mina safe, before stepping aside and allowing the wolf to run off should it chooses.

His mind, body, and sights, now focused back towards Mina. He was silent. Only the small, trembling, sounds of a sigh escaped his lips. He walked up to her, cautiously, as if saying that if he moved too harshly or too fast she will disappear like the smoke from a fire. Reaching out, with his hands and arms giving way to a small twitch and tremble, he pulled Mina into a tight embrace.

"You. It has always been you. It is you. It will always be you. You are the object of my every desire. You are the master of my fate. You are the captain of my soul...My Moon and Stars. Everything that I have wanted, everything that I want currently, and everything that I will ever want..." Munir had buried his face into the crook of Mina's neck, as tears were streaming from his eyes...

Location: The ceremony
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim @princess Anastasia, City Guards, @Helo Callum @TaeTorvi and her hostage/damsel in distress

Munir's smile from his conversation with his cousin was quickly wiped away. As a troop of the city's finest came crashing through the ceremony, clamoring about finding someone named Violet. The name did seem familiar to him, but he had not spotted the person at the ceremony specifically. "Aben am, perhaps it is time for you to get Lady Anastasia out of here... It seems like we have unwanted guests... Munir said softly but sternly. "Hakim, with me." he continued, giving his cousin and his lady friend a small bow as he turned to face the onrushing guards with his retainer giving the nobleman and lady a bigger, more status-appropriate bow before exiting with his lordling.

"And I, Prince Munir Ibn Raif al Kadir, command you to take your leave this instant. Not only have you intruded so rudely upon a holy ceremony, you have also disturbed my peace. For that you ought to be punished. On top of such acts of transgression, you dare draw your weapons in the presence of both I and Prince Callum Danrose? Your death wish knows no bounds it seems. I would ask my loyal retainer Hakim to bring me your heads, but I am a man of forgiveness and I believe in second chances. Take your leave this instant and I will have words with your commanding officer after the dust has settled from you trampling this sacred ground." Munir said, voice colder than the midnight sun. It wasn't normal for him to have to wear this mask, but if he was asked about it, he would surely say that it was rather exhilarating...

As he waited for the guards to decide whether or not they'd rather live or continue their silly pursuit, a scream was heard and commotions began spreading through the crowd. Hakim, ever-aware, was the first to turn and see what has happened. What he saw was Roman, clearly besides himself and showing the ferocity of a spirit bear, making his way towards the guards who still have their steel drawn. "My lord, it is unsafe here, we should take our leave... The ever-soft spoken Hakim addressed Munir. Munir, having turned in the same direction as Hakim, kissed his teeth in annoyance. "I think you're right, my friend. I think it would be better if we got out of Lord Ravenwood's, or whatever has taken over him, way. He is a friend, but he is not him currently..." As Munir started to take his leave, another, more familiar, sound was heard.

He recognized it immediately and his calm demeanor disintegrated. "Mina?" Was all that he said as he began scanning the crowd for the source of the familiar voice. What he saw gripped him with panic. A unknown figure had seemingly taking Mina hostage, and was dragging Mina into the trees...

"YOU! UNHAND HER THIS INSTANT!" Munir screamed out, his voice a mix of rage and fear. This also took Hakim's attention away from Roman, as he turned in the same direction his lord is now facing. Munir, without saying another word, charged towards the unknown figure, pushing and weaving through the stunned crowd. Hakim tried his best to keep up, but it seemed as if Munir was moving with unnatural lithe and grace. The uneven terrain and shambling crowd seems to melt away into nothingness as Munir bounded towards the treeline.

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