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Location: The ceremony
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim @princess Anastasia

Hakim had produced a small wineskin and given it to Munir. The cool water flowed from the wineskin and seemingly coursed through Munir's body and provided him a sense of stillness and calm. Munir blinked slowly, as he savored the tastelessness of water, using it to still his mind and heart.

Handing the wineskin back to his ever-loyal retainer, Munir looked towards the stage and saw that preparations had begun for the next song. The air was crisp but heavy. Munir cannot recount a time where he had been this quiet, for this long. He did not feel a need to speak, or to even move. He wanted to remain where he was, to chase after his mother, whom he misses and desperately wishes could be with him.

The emptiness of his mind was momentarily disrupted when two guests approached him. Hakim reflexively offered Farim and Anastasia the courtesy they deserved. "Aben am. I am fine. The atmosphere for the ceremony has affected me. The stillness... it is rather.... you know?" He said all of this while only turning slightly to be able to see who had approached. "Lady Anastasia... I see you have taken a liking to my dear cousin... I hope that means I would get to see you around, and perhaps one day in Alidasht. Your presence is always a welcoming sight. Turning his attention back to Farim, Munir said "Cousin. Yes. I saw her. She was here. She spoke to me... I...I miss her...

Location: The ceremony

The night carried on. Munir blended into the crowd, swaying side to side with the music that seem to emanate from every corner of the dark forest. His eyes were closed, as he felt strangely at ease with his surroundings. Hakim stood nearby, having decided to decline the drinks offered at the ceremony in order to keep a lucid mind. Munir, however, partook in all parts of the ceremony, as it would have been respectful for him to do.

As his mind flirted with the line that defined consciousness, he felt a sudden chill that was not characteristic of the weather. He drew in a deep breath, trying to steady himself. In his physical form, his eyes remained closed. However, in his consciousness, he was seeing figures.

"Mot- Mother?... How are you here? You...." Munir exclaimed. The figure remained silent. However, in the depths of his consciousness, Munir could hear his mother loud and clear. "My love. It has been so difficult for you. I am sorry you have suffered so... Munir was silent. A tear started to form, both physically for him and in his consciousness. "I'm sorry I have not been around and you've had to clad yourself in your armor, keeping everyone at a distance from your true self. My child, you need not dim your light any longer. I see that someone has reignited the fire in you. The fire you've always had. Let it burn bright and fierce, my ray of sunshine. Let the fire propel you to who you are meant to be... "Mother...." Munir said, reaching his hand out physically, trying to grasp the ethereal. "I'm always with you, my love. If you are lost, know that I am never far away..." The ethereal figure reached out and caressed Munir's face, before fading from his consciousness.

With a sharp gasp and inhale, followed by a hitched exhale, Munir took several moments to catch his breath. He automatically gave Hakim a small gesture to signal that he was fine and Hakim need not worry. Looking up at the stage, focusing on Mina specifically, Munir placed a palm at the center of his chest, hoping to steady heart and breathing...

Location: The ceremony

Munir, as a stranger to all of this, stood with his arms crossed behind his back. He fully allowed his mind to empty and let his emotions be guided by the ethereal atmosphere that now surrounded the crowd. He breathed in deeply, allowing the scents of the lake and woods to fill his lungs. He can tell that his breathing is slowing, subconsciously. It was as if the air around the crowd, and for him specifically, has grown both lighter and heavier at the same time.

When his eyes would open, he noticed that Roman and Mina are on stage, singing and dancing. Seeing the two haunting figures intertwined was something he knew would happen, but it still stirred his emotions nonetheless. He stilled his mind, to the best of his abilities, as he hearkened back to what Roman had said to him. This isn't them, per se. The spirits are now their guide and their physical bodies their vessels.

Still. Subconsciously, or perhaps consciously, his eyes were fixed on Mina. Her form, her figure, and the air around her. It all spoke to him. Sure, the gods they called on this night were foreign to him. Sure, the chants heard tonight were not in Alidashtian. Sure, the dances tonight resembled nothing from back home. All of this meant nothing. All Munir knew, in that moment, is that he wanted the woman, wearing clothing fit for the ceremony, dancing under the light of the moon and fires that surrounded them...

Location: Munir's room, then the edge of Lover's Lake
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Farim @princess Anastasia @Tae Mina @ReusableSword Roman & various NPC

Munir pattered along, sifting his way through the crowd that has gathered for the event, offering those that would look upon him a small bow. In turn, the other participants that have gotten Hakim's message would do the same, returning the Shahzade's bow with their own. Hakim, the ever-faithful retainer, was always nearby but never intrusive.

Peering through the crowd, Munir was delighted to find that some familiar faces have decided to turn up to this event. First person he spotted was his cousin Farim. Of course he'd be here. As far as Munir was concerned, Farim would always choose to attend an event in which he does not have to wear as mask, as he already wear one on the daily. In any case, he saw that his cousin decided to offer a small hymn in their mother tongue. A touching gesture, one that Munir understood fully. Still. It was one he noted in his mind to use later as fuel to tease his cousin with later.

Next person he noticed was Mina. His eyes were naturally drawn to her, the atmosphere of the event aside. He watched her walk into the event, with the stag horns adoring her head. Instinctively, his mind made him think about what Mina would look like with a Alidashtian crown on her, for her to be dressed in their traditional attire and overseeing a ceremony or celebration. What a sight that would be. Along with Mina, Munir noticed Count Sebastian. He offered the man a small bow, as a recognition of his presence. He was very much looking forward to their conversation later. He did not feel a shred of fear, or nerve. It was almost matter of fact to him. Yes, the conversation will be the most important one he has had yet, but it was one that needs to be had.

Anastasia was next. Her typical jovial nature shone through, even on a night like this. When she gave Munir a wave, Munir offered a small bow and raised his hand slightly, returning her greeting. Seeing her interaction with Farim, Munir chuckled to himself. He might not be the only one to find their jewel tonight, it seems.

Roman then approached him. Seeing the imposing man, wearing a full snow bear pelt, made Hakim naturally close the distance between himself and Munir. With a small hand gesture done at his side, Munir halted Hakim and reassured him that things were alright. He offered Roman a small bow and leaned in closer as Roman began to speak to him in Alidashtian. How did this man know his native tongue? That was an intriguing question, but for later. Munir listened to what Roman had to say, chewing and digesting the words slowly. As Roman finished, Munir nodded and responded in Alidashtian, "Sir Ravenwood. Thank you for your concerns. I understand the implications of this ceremony. Whatever happens next, only the Gods will know. When spirits speak and walk this earth, we're all vessels for their expressions. I hold no ill will towards you. You're right. I have my eyes, and heart, set on Lady Blackwood. But, if I could not handle what is to come in this ceremony, I would not be here. The respect is mutual, brother." At the end of his words, Munir placed his right hand on his chest and gave Roman a small bow. A gesture of respect and gratitude.

As Roman walked off and approached the priestess, Munir crossed his arms and drew in a deep breath. The smell of the woods, the moisture and musk of it all, flooded his nostrils. He closed his eyes softly, listening to the enchanting words Roman and the priestess echoed. His breathing was steady, and his demeanor relaxed. Hakim moved closer to Munir, observing the ceremony as well as he could.

Location: Munir's room, then the edge of Lover's Lake
Interactions: Hakim, NPCs at the Solstice event

"Hm. After the solstice event... Very well. Hakim, how should I dress for this?"

About half an hour after, Munir emerged from his bath naked, the droplets of water falling to the ground as he pattered from the tub and stood in front of a bronze mirror. Ever since he was a child, he has preferred to dry and dress himself, whether he got to pick out the outfit or not. It was just a simple, weird, peeve of his, to allow his servants to dry and dress him. As he was drying and combing out his hair, he chuckled at the outfit Hakim had chosen for him. Munir's direction to his retainer was simple. Keep it simple. Thats all that was said to the other young man. What Hakim had chosen had to have been the plainest clothing Munir has in his current closet. A pair of linen breeches, a short sleeved linen tunic, a leather sash. leather flat bottom shoes lined with washed linen. No gold, no jewelry. Given the religious and ceremonial aspect of the event, Munir thought it prudent to dress plainly. Even his hair was tied back into a loose bun with nothing but a leather band.

After he got dressed, he made sure he looked presentable with the ensemble Hakim had chosen for him, for the evening. Sure, he felt like he was riding into battle without his armor, but he also felt at ease, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He approached the door, and saw that Hakim was dressed with simplicity as well. Of course, Hakim had his dagger with him. He was trained to never be without it, even back home when Munir was having family dinner with his closest relatives. Munir glanced at his own dagger and decided against bringing it, assuming that no one in attendance of the event would dare wish harm upon him.

"Looks like you understood my instructions, as I assumed you would, my dear friend. Let us make way to the lake. Again, keep it simple. I do not wish to have the attention on me this evening, as weird as that is to say. The event has a much deeper meaning and if all goes well, you will have your shezhadi by the end of this evening too..." Munir said to Hakim, ending his words with a small clasp on the other young man's shoulder as the pair left his room.

Upon their arrival, Hakim had sent word to the ushers and organizers of the event that the attendees do not need to greet Munir with formalities. For the evening, let him be unseen and unheard. Sure, those who look upon him will recognize him. However, even in that scenario, he has allowed the commoners to forego the greetings and other formalities. For the evening, he was a guest, and he will pay his respects...

Location: Edin's shindig
Interactions: Waiters, servants, passerbys

Munir, against his character, made a quiet entrance to the garden party hosted by King Edin and the rest of the Sorian courtesans. Given the recent events in his life, he was in much need of some fresh air and some courtly mingling. Munir was dressed for the event of course, having gotten himself some Sorian clothing made while he was here, instead of wearing strictly the clothing he brought over from home.

Walking into the garden, Munir nodded quietly to the guests present. Those that spoke to him, he asked them to keep his arrival quiet, as to not cause a scene.

As Munir was looking around to see who was all present, he spotted Count Sebastian and subsequently Mina as well. His natural instinct was telling him to approach Mina and speak with her regarding what happened. But he also noticed that she was speaking happily to another man. Their interaction seemed quite close. Munir observed the small touches and physical contact between Mina and this man. He asked a passing servant as to what their conversation was about, and the servant dutifully responded by telling Munir of the plan for a silent auction. Munir’s eye twitched, as a quiet rage sprang up within him…

He decided to approach Count Sebastian for a quick word of invitation. Surely he wouldn’t… lay his hands on him in such a public venue. He made his off to a nearby table and quickly drafted a small note. The note reads “Count Sebastian, I humbly request your present at the West tea room this evening perhaps, to speak of our last...meeting... I shall await your presence. I bid you good day. Clean and concise. Just how Munir wants it. Handing the note off to his retainer Hakim, Munir asked him to deliver the note to the count and stay with him, to await his response.

Next, he kept his presence low, and did his best to blend into the crowd, hoping to remain unseen for the time being…
(Writing this on a tablet, please excuse the lack of flair, tabs and the multitudes of errors that this post surely has.)

Munir, ever the social butterfly, heard that his family is at a dinner. However, he originally decided to not to attend, not wanting to sit at another family gathering with other royals. It is just simply too tiring for him, all this official events. All he wanted to do is to make sure his dear Mina is doing alright, and to enjoy his time in the Northern Kingdom before needing to return to Alidasht.

Alas, Munir sighed and got out of the chair he was sitting in. Pushing open the window to his room, letting some cool night breeze in. Mina was resting, after all of her ordeals. He was also a little hungry. The honeyed figs and chilled wine can only carry him so far. He needed to eat, and he did not feel like asking his personal guard to go fetch more bread for him. He walked over to his wardrobe, and gathered some of his more presentable clothing and dressed himself. Donning a tan linen tunic, over a pair of soft white breeches, he cinched the tunic to his waist with a soft red sash, made of fine silk. Over his tunic, he draped a soft shawl that matched the color of his sash. Putting in a few decorative accessories into his hair, both to keep them in place and to accentuate his facial features. Deciding to wear his royal signet tonight as well, Munir found a pair of light male sandals that went just slight past his ankles, he absentmindedly reached for coil of leather that sat by his wardrobe as well. Tying the whip to his waist, he pushed past his door and signaled his guard to follow him as he made his way to the dinner.

As he arrived at the dining room, the guards posted at the entrance seemed surprised to see him there. He smirked and nodded at his personal guard and sent him off until he was needed again. Looking at the doormen, he raised his eyebrows quizzically. “Am I going to need to open the door myself or…?” He said to the guards who jumped back slightly and quickly pushed the door open. The attendant then saw him, making the same expression as the guards. Munir waved him off as he was about to announce his arrival. It was a bit late for all that now.

Munir offered Lorenzo a bow, not forgetting his courtly manners. To his siblings and cousin, he simply smirked as he walked past them. Giving Farim a small clap on his shoulder, he allowed his hand to trail across the back and shoulder of Ariella. His smirked turned into a softer smile as he walked past his sisters, with him offering Mayer a small wink before arriving next to the Sultan. “Father, glory be on to ye.” Munir said softly. To the princes and princess of the other kingdoms and houses, he offered a half bow, a mere gesture of common curtesy.

Seeing an empty seat next to Auguste, he took his seat and reached for the nearly goblet to him. He did not much care if it was Auguste’s cup, as he simply took a drink from it. The chilled wine, while mundane by this point, was as refreshing as ever. A small drop remained on his lip as he looked to Ariella, offering a small wink and a quick bite of his lower lip.

“Don’t let my late arrival interrupt your conversations. Please carry on.” He said, the smile from before never left his face.

Interaction: Mayet @13org Roman @ReusableSword Sadie @Potter

"Lord Ravenwood, it was a pleasure hunting with you. A shame the bear changed the mood of the outing. Mayhaps I will visit your smithy when the opportunity presents itself." Munir said to Roman as he departed the group. It was truly an experience to see someone so proficient with the weapon that Munir did not, for a single moment, fear that they would become a burden and need defending. Roman Ravenwood, it is not the last time Munir would see the man.

Turning to the Varian princess next, Munir continued "No worries. Now that I know the dagger came from the hands of a skilled user, my previous fears are all gone. It was a pleasure meeting you, I'm sure we will be seeing each other around." Munir offered another bow, as the princess trotted off with her entourage towards her own afternoon engagement.

Finally, turning to his sister, his smirk ever present. "Sister Mayet. Is that a trace of jealousy I detect? It is very unbecoming of the great huntress of Alidasht, hm, Nala?" He reached down to gently stroke the chin of the great tigress. While kneeling by Nala, he continued "And no. It is not as it appears. I find the man interesting, yes, but not in the way you find him interesting. Your little... move did not go unnoticed. You wanted to conquer him, right then and there, didn't you? If we were not here, you would have, would you not? You would have taken him down, and feasted on the well toned body of that man..." He chuckled. "But, alas, it was not meant to be. At least not yet. It sounds like you might have booked yourself some blacksmith training. While I do have to get back to the castle and catch up on the events that we missed because of the rabid bear. I feel as if I'm missing something important. Besides, I have a need to visit the clothier for a custom item." He finished, walking over to the discarded beaver and retrieved it. He made two clicking noises to summon his horse. Tying the beaver with the rabbit to the saddle, he lithely mounted the horse and spoke one last time "Sister Mayet, I meant what I said earlier. I hope to not hear you and your bear of a man being too rowdy this evening. But do enjoy yourself. Gods know you want to..." He let out a hearty laugh before kicking his horse into a brisk cant and departed.

Being led into the tavern, Rayland reached his hand out as he passed by the bar and took up a mug of ale. Once the group found a table large enough to accommodate them, Rayland found himself a nearby pillar to support himself as he leaned against it as well. It seems the group is going around doing introductions. Rayland sighed and noted that he should probably procure some small details about himself that he would not mind sharing but not important enough to be used against him later on...

Rayland took in mental notes of the people that went before him. There is a fox-kin, that seems to be a magic user, seemingly skilled in illusions and other small tricks. How useful would that be in the upcoming battle? Rayland thought to himself. Hopefully the man actually has some survival skills so Rayland would not have to drag his useless corpse out of the battle...

Then was the short man, who took hearty slugs of ale from his mug. Rayland smiled lightly, as the man seemed to have bravado to spare. This is good. There is always a use for headstrong fools who would not hesitate to rush into battle before assessing the situation. It kept the enemies occupied enough for Rayland to take calculated shots to finish off the enemies. When the short man pointed to his weapon of choice, Rayland pursed his lips in a sign of approval and intrigue.

Of course, who can forget one of the Varo twins. This one spoke up about being able to keep distance and allow for the gathering of information on their targets. How interesting, seeing as that was the plan Rayland had as well. Keep distance, observe without being noticed, and devise a plan to deal efficient and devastating damage to ensure mission success. However, Rayland saw that role to be one best fitted for himself, as he had to hunt other monsters and such by himself, so he was used to having to observe without being seen and record vital information. However, more eyes on the target will surely increase their chance of success...

"Ralyand Gerhardt. You all might know me. You might not. It matters not to me. I'm here to kill the monsters and claim the prize. That is all. I hope to not have to drag any of your corpses out after the monsters have been slain. However, know that if you get in my way of a kill shot, I will not hesitate to shoot through you to deliver the blow. Successfully completing the missions is all that matters here. If I can't survive this mission, then so be it. Best of luck to all of us." Rayland said, keeping his own introduction short and concise.

Interaction: Mayet @13org Roman @ReusableSword Sadie @Potter

As the combination of blows landed on the rabid beast, Munir kept his distance and one arrow nocked the entire time, ready to let loose the arrow and tumble away from potential danger as needed. Munir let out a slow exhale as the bear finally collasped, life leaving it's crazed eyes once and for all.

Even though the beast seemed crazed, Munir still took a knee where he was, and offered a quiet prayer in Alidashtian for the felled beast. "May your next life be peaceful and filled with the grace of the Sun Goddess Arinna." He finished. Shaking his head, he lamented on the fact that the bear was more than likely rabid, and thus called for the dramatic actions of the trio to quell the danger. The beast's pelt has absolutely been ruined. Also given the sudden nature of this attack, Munir essentially threw down the beaver Roman had given him. He first looked up and made sure his sister and Roman were both still alive and about, before turning his attention into seeking out the beaver.

However, before too long, a dagger flew past him and caused him to stumble back a few steps. The dagger flew past him harmlessly but it still alerted him. With his bow in his left and the fletching of an arrow in his right hand, he naturally turned his attention to the direction where the dagger came from. Seeing a princess follow by her guards and retainers, he relaxed slightly. Since if he was to be harmed by another royal, his Father would not take lightly to the situation. The figure started speaking, first checking in on Roman, confirming what Munir though and revealing themselves as someone of the court. She then turned her attention to Munir and his sister, offering them a curtsy. Munir bowed back in an Alidastian fashion befitting of a prince. "I'm fine. But I do not believe we have met. I am Munir Ibn Raif Al Kadir, Son of Sultan Raif, Prince of Alidasht..." Munir's voice trailed off, waiting for her to respond back.
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