Avatar of InspiredInk


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4 yrs ago
Current "Writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers." - Issac Asimov
4 yrs ago
“If you're using dialogue, say it aloud as you write it. Only then will it have the sound of speech.” -JOHN STEINBECK
4 yrs ago
In Role Play, Character and Player separation is key for a healthy RP experience. Don't let your OOC mood affect your IC reactions and Don't let IC actions translate as OOC actions against you.<3
4 yrs ago
"Description begins in the writer’s imagination but should finish in the reader’s." - Stephen King
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Hello Prospective Writing Partners! I'm Inspired Ink.

About Me:

I've been Roleplay Writing for about 20 years now and have experience playing a wide assortment of characters in varied settings and plots. I'm also a prospective Author, working on my own book series. (Why is book writing so much harder than Roleplay writing?) I consider myself Casual to Semi-Advanced when it comes to the way I roleplay. I care heavily about quality and grammar. I never give one-liners and always seek to write at least two paragraphs even in conversations. I usually write much more.

I'm also a Gamer and total Nerd! I love video games that have fantastic stories such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, Detroit Becoming Human, etc. I love Star Wars lore but the movies did not do it justice. (Don't get me on a rant about Disney's rendition. Those movies don't exist.) Books like Lord of the Rings, Count of Monte Cristo, and the Stormlight Archive inspire me! They were all so well written! Well, I could go on all day about things I love but let's get to the important thing here.

  • Fun, upbeat roleplays that have just enough dark moments for good character and plot development but isn't overly heavy or a horror/psychological thriller.
  • I LOVE Fantasy, Medieval, Sci-Fi, anything with Fantasy Magic and Super Heroes, Fandom settings with AU characters and plot, and the potential for Romance.
  • I enjoy Post-Apoctalyptic with an interesting plot, and I can be convinced to do a Modern setting should an interesting enough story idea be presented.
  • I am willing to try almost any setting and pairing within the scope of my personal boundaries so don't be afraid to poke me with a Story Hook. I'll discuss it with you or let you know if I'm not interested and potentially suggest a near alternative.

  • I only Roleplay MxF romantic relationships. While I prefer the female role I don't mind Rp'ing either gender.
  • No Erotic Roleplay. Fade-to-black only.
  • No Horror or overly gruesome Rp
  • Not a huge fan of drug use, sexual content, mental disorders, etc. Plots that include alot of this will not appeal to me.

  • I'm totally fine Doubling and / or writing flavor NPCS.
  • I enjoy worldbuilding with those who put in equal effort.
  • I highly value realism and realistic consequences (Both Good and Bad). This includes realistic development of relationships, realistic reactions to character actions and things that happen within the story.
  • I currently do not work so I have lots of free time and will often respond multiple times a day! That said I will quickly lose interest in an RP that consistently has two or more days in between posts.
  • COMMUNICATION! I love communicating with my partners and ask them to communicate with me. I will not be offended if something in my writing style is bothering you so. Just tell me so it doesn't become a problem that costs the partnership. I will communicate as well.
  • I will NOT GHOST you so please don't ghost me. If we don't fit for some reason, or if the story is no longer interesting and you want to move on, that's fine. It happens. I won't be offended. Just let me know and we'll go our separate ways with no hard feelings.

Have any questions or plot ideas? Send me a Pm! Look forward to hearing from you.

Most Recent Posts

@ColdAtlas Haha. Go ahead and send me a pm and tell me about yourself.
Hello Fellow Writers and Welcome to my Thread! Like me you're searching for that partner who is going to write with you for weeks and hopefully months to come as you weave an epic story together! SO, Let's quickly get the boring and yet important details over with then jump into the Story Prompts. Please DO NOT respond in this thread, shoot me a PM and tell me about yourself in return!

20+ Years of Writing RolePlay experience with a few years of DND and LARP thrown in for good measure
I'm a NERD! I love Sci-Fi and Fantasy Genre's with a splash of Romance as flavor. I do not enjoy Modern all that much. I will NOT write themes involving horror, erp, gore or abuse.
Romance is a seasoning to the plot but never a priority to the story and never forced.
On the Topic of Romance I prefer FXM with myself as Female Role. I have not done much in way of FXF romance but am willing to practice with someone who is patient.
I COMMUNICATE with my RP partners and enjoy dialogue, music, inspiration art, working on the next plot point together, etc
Don't Ghost Me, let me know if you're losing interest. Maybe there is a twist that can be made in the story or if not, I won't be offended. Loss of interest happens. I'll communicate the same on my end.
2+ Paragraphs Strongly Preferred! Unless its a conversation that is happening while nothing else is going on around characters, One-Liners hurt my soul. Please, No one-liners. I can't respond to that.
I will rapidly lose interest in a story that frequently has more than 2+ days between posts. I'm sorry, that's just how my brain works. Please be willing to post AT LEAST every two days and I'll do the same!
Original Stories and Plots only. I have a hard time being interested in Fandoms.

((Please note all prompts listed below are very rough Ideas as I enjoy figuring out details of the World Building and plot points with my Rp Partners.))
If you have an Idea you think I might be interested in, Shoot me a Pm and let me know))

When Worlds Collide: When "Storybook" Worlds collide and merge with the Modern World all Dragons, Spaceships, Magic, Futuristic technology and unknown wonders break loose. Half of Earth's Continents disappear while regions from places unknown take their place. Characters A and B come from different worlds with very different experiences and histories, yet they must work together to either unravel their worlds from each other or finalize the merge, lest all stories end for good.

The Knight and Wizard: In a Fantasy World, far, far away there is a Kingdom that is host to both Warriors of Might and Wizards of Magic. In this realm every Squire Knight is assigned an Apprentice Wizard and for the next several years the two are expected to grow strong together as a Battle Pair who will one day protect the Kingdom with both Might and Magic. Characters A and B are one of these Battle Pairs, meeting one another for the first time at the Kingdoms' Battle Academy. Will they be friends instantly, or enemies that must learn to work together to survive in this harsh world?

The Sacred Beast and their Bond: (*THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE) In this Magical world a creature of the wild can become sentient with enough time and magic. These "Sacred Beasts" are frequently sought out to become bonded partners for Adventures, Soldiers, Pampered Nobles and whomever else can afford to keep such a creature. Dragons are the most intelligent beast and thus the ones who most frequently gain sentience. But sometimes, even a creature as lowly as a Wolf can gain sentience too. In this Story, I would be Rp'ing the Wolf that has become sentient. I can easily see this being a RP where we double up characters to allow for other bonded creatures or more characters in an Adventuring party or something of that nature.

Fly Free: King Acharic would not consider himself a cruel man, but those who were his prisoners and slaves, would. Character A is a captured Slave in the King's Palace. One day as Punishment they are sent to feed Character B, the Dragon that the King captured not a year back. They say this Dragon has yet to break, and that 1 in every 5 people that get close to it, end up dead. Both long for freedom, and perhaps not a small bit of revenge. Together, they will find a way to escape but before the King can recapture them, they must also find a place where they can live in peace and fly free.

PAIRINGS WITHOUT PLOT POINTS I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN but don't have ideas for: *My preferred Role will have a star next to it.

*Jedi X Mandalorian/Non-Jedi (Set roughly in the Star Wars universe but with our own story and plot)
Super-Powers X Super-Powers
*Fantasy World Native X Futuristic Explorer from another Planet (Like Avatar but our own world)
Post Apocalyptic World Survivors
*Alchemist-Healer X Prince/Important Individual
Ruler/Royalty X Guard/Protector (This would be Romance Story)
Classic Anime Style Slice of Life with a focus on adorable character interaction
Greetings! And welcome to my interest check. I'm Inspired Ink. First off, please head over to my page, scroll to the bottom and read all about me too see if you think we could be a good fit as partners. The really important things I'll post below:

- I currently do not work so I have lots of free time to write. There are times where I might post several times a day depending on inspiration.
- I have about 20 years of writing / roleplay experience. I consider myself a Casual-semi advanced role player. Meaning I will usually post at minimum two paragraphs, with the exception being a lengthy conversation between characters. I ask for the same in return. While Quality over Quantity is best, I find it hard to be excited about one liners or short paragraphs with nothing to respond to.
- I enjoy roleplaying out naturally developing romances but I will always Fade-to-black should a very intimate scene come up. I don't force romance, if the characters don't fit, they don't fit. Also, I ONLY do MxF pairings and I currently prefer the female role.
- I love getting to know my writing partners! I enjoy sharing music, pictures, inspiration or just occasionally chatting about life. I'm a person, you're a person, and together we can create great fun stories.
- I will NOT ghost you so please don't ghost me. If we don't fit for some reason, or if the story is no longer interesting and you want to move on, that's fine. It happens. I won't be offended. Just let me know and we'll go our separate ways with no hard feelings.
- I will world-build with you and always seek to help push the story forward.

Onto what I'm craving. I would really like to do a Post-Apocalyptic Rp. I don't have anything concrete in mind for plot yet but I do have some thoughts to get the juices going:
- The world has only recently ended and things are still in a chaotic flux as people learn how to survive in this new world.
- The threat that ended the world is still present, and the survivors are still in danger (be that aliens, technology, bio-hazards, mutated creatures, etc. NO ZOMBIES) Maybe the world's atmosphere has been destroyed / the air is poisoned and Fresh Oxygen / filters have basically become the new currency.
- There are rumors of an Underground complex safe from the dangers on the surface. Hopeful survivors have begun heading in that direction, seeking salvation yet making themselves easy targets for predators in the process. OR A spaceship is being built to take a limited number of passengers off the planet where they will find a new home amidst the stars. Getting to the ship and getting on board will be a challenge.

Have any thoughts, ideas, inspiration? Pm me and we'll see what we can create together!
All the posts!

Hello Prospective Writing Partners! I'm Inspired Ink.

About Me:

I've been Roleplay Writing for about 20 years now and have experience playing a wide assortment of characters in varied settings and plots. I'm also a prospective Author, working on my own book series. (Why is book writing so much harder than Roleplay writing?) I consider myself Casual to Semi-Advanced when it comes to the way I roleplay. I care heavily about quality and grammar. I never give one-liners and always seek to write at least two paragraphs even in conversations. I usually write much more.

I'm also a Gamer and total Nerd! I love video games that have fantastic stories such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, Detroit Becoming Human, etc. I love Star Wars lore but the movies did not do it justice. (Don't get me on a rant about Disney's rendition. Those movies don't exist.) Books like Lord of the Rings, Count of Monte Cristo, and the Stormlight Archive inspire me! They were all so well written! Well, I could go on all day about things I love but let's get to the important thing here.


  • Fun, upbeat roleplays that have just enough dark moments for good character and plot development but isn't overly heavy or a horror/psychological thriller.
  • I LOVE Fantasy, Medieval, Sci-Fi, anything with Fantasy Magic and Super Heroes, Fandom settings with AU characters and plot, and the potential for Romance.
  • I enjoy Post-Apoctalyptic with an interesting plot, and I can be convinced to do a Modern setting should an interesting enough story idea be presented.
  • I am willing to try almost any setting and pairing within the scope of my personal boundaries so don't be afraid to poke me with a Story Hook. I'll discuss it with you or let you know if I'm not interested and potentially suggest a near alternative.


  • I only Roleplay MxF romantic relationships. While I prefer the female role I don't mind Rp'ing either gender.
  • No Erotic Roleplay. Fade-to-black only.
  • No Horror or overly gruesome Rp
  • Not a huge fan of drug use, sexual content, mental disorders, etc. Plots that include alot of this will not appeal to me.


  • I'm totally fine Doubling and / or writing flavor NPCS.
  • I enjoy worldbuilding with those who put in equal effort.
  • I highly value realism and realistic consequences (Both Good and Bad). This includes realistic development of relationships, realistic reactions to character actions and things that happen within the story.
  • I currently do not work so I have lots of free time and will often respond multiple times a day! That said I will quickly lose interest in an RP that consistently has two or more days in between posts.
  • COMMUNICATION! I love communicating with my partners and ask them to communicate with me. I will not be offended if something in my writing style is bothering you so. Just tell me so it doesn't become a problem that costs the partnership. I will communicate as well.
  • I will NOT GHOST you so please don't ghost me. If we don't fit for some reason, or if the story is no longer interesting and you want to move on, that's fine. It happens. I won't be offended. Just let me know and we'll go our separate ways with no hard feelings.


Modern Magic

The setting is modern day America, except Magic and Supernatural beings have been a part of it from the beginning. Its not uncommon for a doctor to actually be a legit Witch Doctor, for Motorcycle gangs to be commonly a pack of Werewolves or Psychics to be graveyard ground's keepers and ghost therapists, etc, etc.

There are of course rules and consequences to keep things in check; vampires can't drink the blood of unwilling victims, werewolves have to go to a special training to learn how to control themselves, Witches need degrees to be Doctors, etc, etc. All in all though, its a modern world where Magic and the Supernatural coincide together on a daily basis.

My character is a young adult woman who was born with Psychic abilities. Yours can be whatever you want. Together we'll create a Villian, the bones of a plot and fill in any extra details about the world that we want.


The setting is a classic post-apocalyptic Earth where the Remnants of humanity survive on a collection of 4 space stations hovering around the globe. After the Earth was devastated by war with an alien race, they simply referred to as "Grimmers", the Remnants prepared a plan to retake their home and terra-form it back into a viable planet. Its has taken 100 years to develop the technology, and extreme measures have been taken to support the current stations population. (These measures can be discussed more in plot development.)

For the last twenty years, team after team has been sent down to the planet in various locations, desperately trying to get a foothold on the planet. Between deadly terrain, pockets of radiation, mutated monsters, and Grimmer decedents, hundreds have died in the effort. Only one foothold has been secured in all that time. Once terraforming device which has begun its work and proves that rehabilitation of Earth is possible.

Thanks to this new hope, a new Law has been put into effect. Starting at age 15, Youths are required to begin training in one of the provided fields of study aboard the station. Those who are in the top of their class at the end of training (between 21 and 25 years of age) will be allowed to remain on the station. The rest are enlisted into a Mandatory 5 year Expedition force on Earth. Many young souls never make it to 5 years. Those that do, return home forever changed, or not at all.

Details about the Earth, the Station and plot we want to pursue will be created together.

Thankyou for reading about me and my plots. Have any questions or different plot ideas, please send me a Pm! I Look forward to hearing from you.

Hmm, a Sci-fi roleplay with a splash of romance mixed with danger and adventure and a dash of good, story-driven drama.
Welcome! Mind if I ask what systems and MMOs you've rped in? I have fond memories of the sheer versatility of Champions and really enjoyed reading the Shadowrun sourcebooks.

I've done lots of Discord Roleplays, and Rp'd Characters in a Star Wars Old Republic Guild as well as a characters in a couple different Role Play Companies on Final Fantasy XIV! I enjoyed the long term roleplay in both places there, with multiple people but in a way that you weren't constantly waiting days for people's replies. Hehe. Still, its only in 1x1 that I've found real good and meaningful stories can be born.
Greetings fellow writers around the Globe!

While new to this forum I am not new to writing. For nearly 20 years I've been roleplaying on various platforms from pen and paper to mmo's. My favorite though has always been 1x1 on writing forums such as this.

It is my great hope to find like-minded authors and roleplayers to share an incredible world-building and story telling experience.

To those of you I am to meet in the future, hello, and I am eager to write with you.

Happy Writing,

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