This is really niche, but I'd love to do something based around Walmart Apocalypse. I ran one and was in one a few years ago and I just love the setting to death.
Zombie RPs always seem so easy but it's hard to make them last
Zombie RPs always seem so easy but it's hard to make them last
Recently been thinking about my RP mood and i would love to play Star Wars: Saga Edition RPG in the Tabletop section, but the problem is that i REALLY don't want to run it. I mean, i've been playing it for about 7 years on and off, the biggest problem being that i have only actually played in 1 short lived campaign and every other time i have had to run it. I just don't want to DM it anymore...
Being a DM sucks especially when your a forever DM. I'd like to find a Pathfinder group here to play with.
Honestly? Same. I've been in a few Saga campaigns but they always have a habit of flopping early on, more so than any other system I've tried to run and/or play.
<Snipped quote by Vatonage>
In my defense, everyone got bored and moved on.