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<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

A catalyst... yes, that makes sense. I think. They didn't expect us.

Yes! ... Nnnnooo.... but kinda yeah! Element of surprise is not what affects these things... but in a way something it wasn't previously used to... if getting used to things was a thing C'thon has... he even gives me headaches ME...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

How did we help mix it in a way you couldn’t already?

Not that i couldn't, in fact i'm already fighting similar fronts throughout the rims of the outer void and inner space, but you and Benjamin and the whole Misty situation, through absolutely unexpected circumstances and unintended consequences wound up in the fray of this fight, acting as yet another catalyst for the proper mixing of the concrete, if we are still going with that analogy.
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

You want my honest answer? Probably not.

Phewh! Boy are you trouble...

So then, this is how this dilemma is put in simple terms then;

You take a bunch of sand, and start drawing patterns in it, and also mix it with some cement to make concrete... now you build solid shapes out of it. There. Order wins over chaos, and it is to some extent the same here on this vaster battlefield.

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

I just... respond well to analogies, I think.

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Uhh... is it theoretical if you're using it to make worlds?

And to answer this particular question better, none of it is.

And yes. But let's see. Would you think you have the mind it takes to see the higher dimension without breaking under pressure?

*... then proceeds to mutter under my breath ... *
Boy this has suddenly turned into a lesson on the nature of higher spaces mechanics just to explain how can order be made out of chaos in the middle of an eternal struggle...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

So... height and width are made out of time?

Hmm... *Reacts pleasantly surprised to your current understanding*

You seem to possess far higher ability to comprehend the incomprehensible than you let on!
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Isn't the fourth dimension time?

Y... Yes... in some places, and to some extent, but at least it also has the property of overlapping endless alternative three dimensional spaces like a stack of papers made of infinitely thin papers... if that makes sense.
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Uhh... is it theoretical if you're using it to make worlds?

Not in that sense! What i meant was how well can you at least conceptualize a space with 4 physical dimensions, that is Height, Width, Depth and 丂кнїкд丂丂Ҝ卄丨Ҝᗪㄖᗪㄖ --- *Trails off realising i spoke the description of the 4th physical dimension of such a higher realm, which cannot be conceptualized in three dimensional language* ... *Awkward silence*
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

But how could we tip the scales in a way that wasn't possible before?

*responds to this instance of Prism*

And here is where higher dimensional logic comes into play... the dynamics of th 4th spatial dimension mostly associated with time, but in some places the 5th is time...

Tell me all that you presently know of theoretical physics or thaumaturgical postulates so i can get an idea from where to continue...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Uh... I guess it would create turbulence?

Exactly, at first, until said pylon proves it is able to resist long enough, now add the property of order production at the expense of chaos into the same pylon...
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