Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

Most Recent Posts

@Estylwen @LunarParadox @ERode

I've been informed that there's a certain course of action that Duke Rhinecliff may or may not take in the current scene.

If he does take it, then a partial retcon of the scene between Vulluin, Eirwen, and Melisande may be necessary.

In relation to that, I'll also wait for Erode's next post as Rhinecliff before writing my next one, just in case a retcon is necessary.

--Nieve - Embassy--

@PKMNB0Y @Drifting Pollen @Rezod92

While Anne and Bren were busy discussing the important stuff, Remilia's head was figuratively ballooning with every statement made. She was oozing with so smug right now, one could change her title to Remilia the Smug Devil and it'd be accurate.

Of course, the pink-haired automaton just had to rain on her parade. The little shake was far from appreciated, nor the poor attempt at scolding, but well, Remilia couldn't really blame Fran for being simple-minded, to do otherwise would be quite uncouth, like harboring frustration because your pet fish couldn't climb a tree.

"Then they performed a pathetically poor job. I gave them plenty of chances to see reason, yet they still refused, therefore it was within my rights to demand satisfaction!" As for the electromancer's suggestion to involve that blonde child, "Oh, her? Unless you can mend her shattered mind, I do not believe she'll be of much use." Shrugged Remilia.

--Mizutani Mansion - Interior--

"?!!" For a split second, Eve's red eyes spread open wide as her body was yanked backwards. The mere whoosh of a crossbow bolt narrowly missing her head was more than enough to tell her what just happened. She turned toward her dragoon savior then nodded, both as an expression of gratitude and acknowledging his instructions, done, not a single word necessary.

With Arton leading the charge forward through the blazing corridor, Eve instead turned around, eidolic ether already coalescing at her throat once more. What came next was a foregone conclusion as the artificial dragoness exhaled another plume of magical flames, this time saturating the space behind the party with her fiery wrath. Now she'd see if Tane paid her goons enough to brave her flames, she hoped they would, just so she could watch them burn.

Alas, there was no time to waste, with her job done, Eve followed behind Arton and Rudolf's lead. By the Dragon King, all of this hassle better be worth it...
Perhaps Tearmoon, beyond this young one, deserves more scrutiny. 'Tis often the elders that puppeteer the young.

Jezebel about to find out the price of toying with the Shade.

Kronos is about to get some popcorns, shadecorns?

Melisande is screaming internally, literally.

I am amused and demand MORE drama!
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

That's a really excellent sheet, with an exceptional amount of effort put in! I'd be happy to accept her as is, but since we have some time anyway, there's just one note I have: that we could be a little more specific with the amount of stuff in her inventory. 'Assorted Grenades' could mean two smoke grenades or twelve napalm grenades, after all. No need to be specific about ammunition, but numbering her healing stims would be good, and we could also come up with how much money she has. I don't know what Blue Archive uses, but if she's been around for a little bit she might have World of Light money instead. If so, most of it uses 'zenny', 1 of which is equivalent to about 1 cent. However, Mafia Town uses pons, which are essentially cartoony emeralds. They're worth about 150 cents each in terms of value. Of course, that's all nitty gritty details. The sheet itself is definitely accepted.

Thank you!

Gotcha, I've made all the edits.

Now since I've been accepted, do you have a discord server for this RP? If yes, can I get an invite link?

Excited to be writing with all of you, both old guards and fellow new peeps!
@Lugubrious My CS is up for review, GM!

A couple questions:
1. What's a 'Fanstay Portal' genre? Is it related to the Isekai genre?
2. Why would Mercurius care about or even possess the concept of a 'highschooler' if he comes from a fantasy world?
3. Why is the GMPC the main protagonist?
4. Why is the char tab being used for OOC chatter instead of the OOC tab?

--Mizutani Mansion - Compound--

With the plan of scaling the walls all set up, the only thing left to do was executing it... or maybe not.

"... ... ..."

The False-Dragon leered with mixed emotions as the Garden SEED handled the issue for them anyway, and no one in their right mind would claim scaling the high walls were preferable than simply walking through an open door. For a brief moment, Eve was eerily silent, projecting an unreadable poker face before she sighed, her arms donning back her cloak and, like Esben, pulled back the hood over her scalp.

Eve, without any dramatic flair whatsoever, literally walked through the side door, now unlocked courtesy of the spy. She gave the two recently-slain guards an iota of what could be discerned as pitiless acknowledgement of their existence, then simply continued while some of the team took care of the bodies.

Upon arriving at the interior walls proper, the Pseudolon now could do what she had intended earlier. Cloak stowed away, the mutant formed her wings to scale up the tall building, soon arriving at the terrace along with everyone else... everyone including a pair of thugs on cigarette break.

Izayoi was swift, but the ruffian's larynx was swifter; one terrified wail later and any hope of successful stealthy subterfuge was lost. "...ugh." Between Cyradil and Esben's Lone Wolf shenanigans and Miina's demands for interrogation, what could've been a simple rat extermination became - in Eve's humble opinion - a needlessly complicated endeavor.

However, the black mage held her tongue, simply following the party - minus Esben and Miina - as they sliced, stabbed, and shot their way through the mansion. So far, Eve didn't really feel the need to cast even a single spell...

Up until the Kirins reached a staircase, where no less than a dozen... mobsters? Valheimrs? Who cares, pests, every single one of them.

Still with the same nigh-sarcastic placid visage, Eve took cover from the firing squad, easily doing so due to her slight stature. Again, with that very same (lack of) expression, she watched as Izayoi of the Wild Dance started parrying bullets, Rudolf the Blight-Host conjuring what was definitely not the same thing as his light-devouring blight-barrier, and... who knew what the rest of the team was planning-...

Alright, that's it.

"ENOUGH!!" Eve suddenly and violently roared, her voice carrying the weight of the Dragon King's fury behind it. Even if one didn't turn to look at her, they'd still be able to feel the sheer pressure of a concentrated ether vortex coalescing at the Pseudolon.

While doing so, Eve noted something about the mansion's architecture, how it employed copious amounts of wood and canvas in its construction, how dangerous it'd be if they were caught on fire, indeed, it'd be a shame if such a beautiful monument burn down to cinders...

Alas, if only she cared.

Inhaling deeply, Eve stood up, already facing the firing line, then without a moment's pause, lurched forward with her maw stretched open, belching a veritable deluge of roiling flames. The magical inferno spreading and occupying the whole corridor in its wake, setting everything that could be set on fire... on fire, including the dozen gravity-restrained rats. She hoped they'd burn.

Without so much as missing a beat, the draconic chimera looked over her own shoulder back at her comrades, "Move, team. We don't have all day."
Making the Ravenfell meeting takes place a day before the sailing departure would solve this.
In SPIRITUM 2 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Rassvet - Tanker Crash Site--

With each squad member investigating or handling a different part of the crash site, Gerard's psychic communication network once again proved not merely convenient, yet also invaluable.

So, Morden had cleared the roadblock, Silje was investigating the RV for any survivors (and valuables), Justice was keeping overwatch, Kalina remained behind the wheel, and Gerard handled 'fuel salvage', meanwhile, Valerie herself continued investigating the truck's engine after she forced her way in. What laid within wasn't a pretty sight, but she'd be a pathetic excuse of a WARDEN if she couldn't handle this much.

"Looks like a pretty nasty collision, rather recent, engine's still functional, but the driver didn't make it." Then, she noticed something peculiar about the cadaver, "Although, something's not adding up, the corpse's condition looks more like the aftermath of a predator attack, not a vehicular accident..."

Then as if on cue, something, multiple somethings closed in on them like prowling sharks-... no, @Landsharks.


Valerie exclaimed through the telepathic comms as her purple eyes bore witness to the subterranean predator bursting out of the ground, tooth-filled maw opened, ready to mutilate her just as it did to the driver.

In that very moment, each second felt like five as the Nephilim instinctively accessed her Astral Pocket, then reached inside to call upon her trusty partner, Haylel, all the while the rabid creature was pouncing upon her.

Quarter second... half second... a single second....


The landshark narrowly won the race as it managed to clamp its jaws upon Valerie's right arm and shoulder. The white-haired WARDEN gritted her teeth as she was dragged along its momentum, and only thanks to her enhanced Aegis that her arm itself was left unscathed... for now. It definitely was in her best interest to remedy the situation sooner than later.

"Tch...!!" Even as her back slammed against the ground, right arm clamped, and half of her body pinned under the dirt-eating bastard, Valerie's eyes quickly scanned her immediate surroundings, then spotted a jagged piece of metal, probably detached from the truck; it was nothing more than scrap, not even worthy of being called a proper weapon...

Fortunately, the Nephilim had a knack for enabling things to punch above its weight.

Grabbing the thing with her free left hand, Valerie immediately covered the object in violet veins, turning what was essentially a piece of garbage into a well-honed combat knife, which she promptly used to puncture into the animal's beady right eye, then tugged, hard, creating a nasty gash wound and half-blinding it, but more importantly, hurt it enough so it promptly relaxed its jaws in reflex to distance itself from whatever was hurting it.

"Nngh...!" As soon as she was released, Valerie sat up, reached back into her Mist Pocket, then pulled out Haylel, the custom-made weapon reacting to her mist powers by humming and glowing, ready to vaporize her enemies. She managed to aim and fire a few quick energy shots, but the now one-eyed landshark evaded further harm by burrowing back into the ground. Even so, the WARDEN couldn't shake the feeling that it'd be back, good, she'd be ready next time.

"Squad! Status report!"
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