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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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As if on cue, brieflly after the turncoat dragoon remarked about his cohort's plus one, what could only be described as a haunting melody fell upon the seas, the voice mesmerizing and yet... foreign. Though they could rival one another upon the proverbial stage, no one in the Kirin would mistake the tune as Ciradyl's; the tone, cadence, and style were distinct from that of the Faye Bard's.

Regardless, even if someone was tone-deaf enough to misidentify the unknown source as the white-haired Faye, they wouldn't be for long, especially after the fact that every non-Valheimr on the ship would feel a mysterious malady bearing down upon their minds. Akin to beautiful waves deceptively hiding deadly undertows beneath, the mesmerizing aria wormed itself into their ears, dulling their minds, not severe enough to affect conscious thoughts, but in a situation where a sharp instinct could spell the difference between life and death...

It was a cruel requiem indeed...

"Yaaarrrgh!" Bikke roared as he made another weighty swing with his massive axe, and yet again these fire-farting knaves jumped out of his reach, in fact, he felt himself just a tad bit clumsier than before, it must due to this... godsdamned singing! "By Danube's tits! Would someone shut that infernal shanty already?!!"
Feel free to make your own if you don't like what you see. :)

Aaaah, the ZUN method when he saw there was no danmaku games that he liked, so he made his own with shrine maidens and witches.

I'll consider it, once I figure out how this whole 'leadership' thing works, seems difficult.

Regardless of my issues with your particular take on the FE universe, I wish you and anyone who're interested the best of success.
I was initially interested, but then I saw:
- No Manakete / Dragonkin
- No Unique Gear
- No Wyvern Rider / Pegasus Knight
- No Royalty

At that point, it only left me with a single question:

Does this RP still deserve to utilize the Fire Emblem brand?
In SPIRITUM 29 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Rassvet - Tanker Crash Site--

She shot him.

Guess there was no love lost between the two, Kalina and this Ivan person, a supposed arms dealer that was more of a conman and swindler in practice. Valerie absolutely had no horse in this race, and besides, Kalina might appear pragmatically ruthless at first glance, but the shorter white-haired WARDEN knew that the pilot wouldn't actually shoot someone without a good reason, threaten maybe, but definitely not going as far as to pulling the trigger. Thus, for this Ivan person to push her into such lengths, he must've done something, no matter who was more in the right, one thing for sure, this wasn't the first time they had a confrontation...

Though it might be the last if Gerard didn't attend to him.

Silje's usual Siljesque quip pretty much confirmed that she survived the landing, Justice seemed to take charge of the princess guarding duty, and Morden already said anything meaningful that Valerie could say. Yeah, be careful, Kalina, wouldn't be very funny if you blew everyone up just because you wanted to intimidate a smuggler.

Regardless, guess the situation calmed down enough for Valerie to stow Haylel into her mist pocket, then walked back to the truck to peruse those crates Gerard moved. Once there, the 2nd Class grabbed a sidearm identical to the one Gerard procured for himself, held it in her right hand for a moment to let her mist-veins envelop it, temporarily turning it into a deadlier weapon with theoretically 'endless' magazine. She briefly entertained the thought of test firing it, but... etherium spill, right. So instead, she disengaged her power then holstered the pistol, might prove useful as a backup weapon in case Haylel wasn't available or feasible to use for one reason or another. For pretty much the same reason, she grabbed a trench knife and buckled its sheath to her waist.

While all of this was happening, the Nephilim kept an ear out for the on-going... conversation, for a lack of better words.

"Mutiny? I hope he realizes the full import of what he's saying. What do you think, Kalina? How likely is it?" Something told her that out of the Barghests, Mylo's daughter would be the one who knew him best.
Galahad Caradoc
Eve "Grayscale"

It was rare Galahad found a moment to himself, and on a ship like this, quiet moments were far and few between. It was a stroke of pure luck that Galahad had managed to find an unused cabin for him to stow away from the hustle and bustle of ship life for a moment. He occupied his peace with weapons and armor maintenance. Their journey across Osprey had given him little chance too, and the last thing Galahad wanted or needed was to be walking through the groves of Drana Asnaeu with sand in his joints. The past three hours saw his armor laid in organized rows on a wide cloth before him, each piece individually cleaned and shined back to their original brilliance.

He'd moved on now to his halberd, a whetstone slowly and methodically grinding across its recently polished surface. It had grown dull and bloody during their adventures in Osprey, but now, once again Galahad could see his reflection on the blade. He hummed a soft tune as he worked, pausing only to press his thumb against the edge every so often.

While someone like Esben or Miina might be adept at avoiding attention even when battle was adjoined, there was a Kirin whose propensity for 'stealth' only lasted until she executed an offensive maneuver, a walking contrast between an unassuming petite figure clad in muted colors and an avatar of elemental catastrophe, and this someone was currently peeking her head through a tiny gap on the door leading into Galahad's cabin, unblinkingly staring with expressionless crimson irises. As for anyone who just so happened to be traversing the corridor just outside, they'd see an albino girl with strange horns and scales, slightly bent over, exhibiting the image of a voyeur.

Eventually however, all good things must come to an end as the dragoon would notice her presence eventually. However, regardless of his immediate reaction, Eve took it as a sign to transition into the next phase of her 'scouting mission'. Thus, still with her head and body remaining where they were, Eve opened her lips, "How many dragons have you slain with that?"

If it weren't for the fact that Galahad's thumb was currently on the edge of his axe, he might've looked up with a start, instead his eyes merely flickered up towards the open door, the pale haired pseudolon easily catching his notice despite her minimal appearance.

”Twelve.” Galahad answered, his voice even and plain, without the need to exaggerate his achievements. His eyes flickered over to the sash laying in a neat bundle by the armor. While the royal blue and gold Edreni sash might not have appeared to be a very protective garment on its own, now that it was no longer on his person, the miniature dragon could see a collection of dragon scales embedded onto the inner side. The scales were of myriad colors, each taken from a dragon on one of the dragoon’s hunts. ”Three on my own, nine as a part of a hunting party.”

Taking the halberd and setting it down neatly at his feet, Galahad turned to give the black mage his attention. ”Any particular reason for the curiosity?”

"Twelve..." Eve muttered under her breathless breath as her eyes followed Galahad's gaze this time, looking over the myriad of scales laid over the regal garment. Those were properly-sized draconic plates, coming from true dragons, unlike the tiny ones Eve exhibited on parts of her body. Upon the dragoon's inquiry, the dragoness didn't respond immediately, instead making herself at home in the cabin via slipping through the tiny gap.

The black mage wasted no time to saunter over, her boots carrying soft pitter-patters almost as if she was somewhere between walking and floating, then once she was beside the exiled Caradoc proper, she'd examine the trophies closer, but not reaching out to touch them… yet.

"When I passed by this cabin, I noticed a glint, and that roused my curiosity." Eve made her usual "boring", yet practical explanation, there really were no bells and whistles here, she didn't even know who was inside before she decided to snoop. However, now that they were here, she had to admit that she'd regret not checking it out.

"What was it like?" The false-dragon inquired softly, glancing away from the dozen of scales to the dragonslayer himself, "Your very first hunt."

”Terrifying.” Galahad admitted candidly. He had no idea if the pseudolon could detect lies, but something about the blank stare made him feel as though the embellishments that most soldiers and hunters added to their stories could easily be sifted from the truth, so he didn't bother. ”And an accident.”

”I was perhaps only a week or two past my seventeenth birthday. We'd heard reports about a young blue dragon roosting too close to the city, so the dragoons organized a party to find and kill it.” He recanted, flipping over the sash and lightly tapping at a scale at the ‘top’ of the sash, a clear, almost gleaming pale blue scale about the size of a palm, smaller ones surrounding it. The scale itself was identical in color to the steel and scales that made up the rest of his actual armor. ”I was part of a scouting team of other fellow trainees, we were supposed to find the nest and report back so the dragoons could hunt it with one or two chosen trainees.”

”I got lost.” Galahad scoffed, ”By the time I'd gotten my bearings, I'd accidentally stumbled into the nest itself. I thought to leave and tell the senior dragoons where I'd found it, but the dragon returned before I could slip away. She wasn't a young dragon like the reports had said, but a fully grown adult. At that point, it was either fight or die.”

”So I chose to fight.” Galahad shrugged, ”I'd never fought so hard in my life. It was terrifying– we're supposed to fight the adults in groups of three or more and I was alone. I thought I was going to die. She was faster than anything I'd ever seen, and I'd yet to master jumping. Breathed bolts of lightning to maim and static to slow. By the end of it, I'd broken two ribs and almost lost my arm– a bad concussion too, I couldn't remember how I'd gotten there, and to this day I still don't remember some moments of the fight. But she was dead, and I wasn't.

”Thus is the story of the youngest Dragoon in Edren's recorded history.” Galahad said with a dry, practically mocking tone, “Though the stories like to make it seem more gallant than it actually was.”

Perhaps Galahad recognized the irony of speaking to a dragon girl-pseudolon about slaying dragons, but the girl had asked, so he had told.

"..." Eve listened to the legendary dragonslayer's tale from beginning to end with nary a pause, nor interruption. Though her perpetually unblinking stare and lack of breathing movements might be unnerving to some, like being leered at by a living statue, one would have this feeling that the gray-haired girl was listening. After all, as an ageless entity, she had all the time in the world.

"It's still a story worthy to be told, true accounts of a warrior's exploits, not mere embellished myths." Eve concluded after he finished, she really did enjoy it. Sure, it could've ended on a far more bitter note, but it didn't and this opportunity to reminisce about one's triumphant struggle must not be taken for granted.

The Pseudolon shifted her gaze to one of the twelve scales, specifically one bearing a grayish hue, akin to the color of ash. Eve dared herself to pick it up then held it near her other hand. The colors, they matched, if she was the size of a dragon, then her scales would be exactly like this one. This made her wonder, if Dr. Eve had failed to release her and Valheim finished their project, would she be sent to hunt the Kirins? In this hypothetical scenario, would Galahad strike her down just as he did to this gray-scaled dragon?

Of course he would, as she'd be their enemy, he'd only be defending himself and his comrades.

However, it somehow still felt... disheartening.

"Threats to one's home and loved ones must be eliminated, no matter if they're Dragons, Sollans, Fayes, or any other species, it matters not what they are." Was Eve saying this to Galahad or herself? Regardless, she continued, "However, the same is also true for comrades. No matter what kind they belong to, if they trust you and you trust them, that should be enough." She nodded sagely while her hand gently returned the gray scale back to where it was.

The black mage then turned to peer at the azure dragoon right in the eyes; deep, crimson reds against cool, icy blues, "So rest assured, dragonslayer, I wish for nothing more than to see Valheim burn so this blighted world may heal, and anyone who dare to hinder us shall suffer my fury."

”See, when you say it like that it sounds like a threat.” Galahad sighed tiredly as he picked his axe back up. Moments later, the slow, methodical sound of whetstone scraping against steel began to echo once more. ”Much like you, not everything is so black and white. Ciradyl, for example. She turned on us in the last moment. To be frank, I do not trust her. Should she die for that? Or what of Rudolf? With his odd, dark display? I get a feeling that he's perhaps not telling me everything. Should he burn as well? Or what of me? My father has disowned me for not killing Izayoi, one of the largest threats to my home in history. Instead I walk side by side with her. Should I die for that?”

“My point is, even outside of Valheimr, we may run into those who disagree with us or our methods. It's certainly frustrating, but If we burn anything and everyone that may not be in lock-step with our goals, there may not be much of a world left after we save it.”

"..." Not him too, what's with these Kirins and their lack of conviction? She could understand the dilemma with Ciradyl and Rudolf, but Valheim was the enemy, there should be no quarter given to those who wished to end the world and anyone who served them! There should-...

”I have to wonder if that would be honoring your mother’s wishes, to exterminate all the others like you. It would be a different matter if they were mindless weapons capable of nothing but mass destruction.”


”Are you such an exception that giving such mercy to the others is unthinkable? If so, I am grateful for the circumstances that brought you here.”

Galahad's mention of the Faye Bard brought her words to the forefront of Eve's mind, especially the last things she said before the Pseudolon just up and left their lunch. "Nnngh..." She gritted her teeth with a low growl. It was quite palpable that she wanted to disagree with Galahad, but she... couldn't, just like that moment with Ciradyl, she just couldn't, at least not in good faith, and Eve was nothing but a terrible liar.

"T-... rrrgh..." Eve pursed her lips with a frown, then turned slightly to the side as she broke eye contact, crossing her arms across her chest, "F-... fine, not all those who slighted against us deserve death..."

”Well, we’re getting somewhere at least.”

”Though, I'll grant you, at least in the case of the Valheimr and their soldiers, things do appear to be mostly black and white. Unless we chance upon yet another friendly pseudolon, it's a pretty safe bet that any Valheimr we come across probably needs to die.” Galahad snorted, he was aware Eve was not actually a youngling, despite her looks, but moments like this definitely sold the idea. It was almost an idyllic way of looking at things- simple was easier to understand.

"Nnn..." In other circumstances, she'd immediately agree with the Dragoon that everyone from Valheim should be spared no quarter, they were all as malignant as the blight they unleashed, putting them out of their misery would always be the best option, and yet... after the talk with Ciradyl, she came to have these frustrating thoughts of empathy and compassion, of other Pseudolons with similar yet less fortunate fates than her, and not to mention, wasn't Dr. Eve a Valheimr as well...? Aaaargh! Why couldn't things stay simple?

”I’m aware of your circumstances, Eve- or some of them anyway.” Galahad remarked, his tone calming and even. ”You’re powerful and you’re useful in our fight.

"... … …"

”But if all I needed was a weapon, I’d have gone to a blacksmith.”

He's right.

Just as he mentioned, a mindset like that was what Valheim would want from her; an intelligent yet blindly loyal attack dog, no, she would not give them the satisfaction. If it was her 'nature' to always consider murder as the primary solution to their problems, then she'd fight against it. Valheim might have created her, but they'd not rule over her.

Grabbing the sash, Galahad picked out the blue scale that matched his armor, the stitching tearing as he fished it out with some effort. ”Dragons, for all their majesty, overwhelming strength, and speed, are little more than beasts- single minded monsters.” Hard as steel and light as mithral, Galahad flipped the broad scale in his hands a few times, admiring the luster for a moment before he casually tossed it to the Pseudolon. ”That’s why I win when I fight them.”

Eve's red eyes widened in unexpected surprise as the Edrenian Sollan tossed one of his trophies at her, specifically the azure scale, and going by his tale, this must be from the blue dragon that his greenhorn self was forced to fight alone. The black mage was no dragoon, but... wouldn't this scale in particular be a precious memento of the triumph that marked the beginning of Galahad's illustrious legacy? Why was he giving it to her, a chimeric facsimile of the creatures he was born and raised to slay?

“You have free will and the capacity for independent thought. I have to imagine it was for a reason. Or else you’d be just another one of Valheim’s living weapons. Perhaps you were born like that, but I don’t imagine that’s how you want to die.”

Again, he speaks truth. They tried to turn me into Grayscale, but I resisted, that alone is proof that I possess will, I can choose.

”Wear it, break it, ponder upon it, throw it in the sea. Do something with it. What I need from you, is to be more than just a weapon.”

"..." Urgh... why must he act so nonchalant about these supposedly treasured trophies? People are difficult, but if this was his way of asking her to be more than just a mindless rampaging entity, then she'd not insult his generosity, "I swear. I'll never walk the path they had set for me. I chose to defy them and save this world, with all of you."

”Don't swear to me.” Galahad said simply, finally turning his attention back to his axe. ”Swear it to yourself.”
I approve of Arrowfell's portals being the fantasy equivalent of W40K's Warp Travel. 😎

It also makes MeliKron's (and Evelyn's) portals to be even more special, a nice compensation now that teleportation magic is more common, relatively speaking, it's still a privilege to be able to cast it or employ someone able to cast it.

Eve "Grayscale"

Though they were now part of the same troupe and had been working together even before Ciradyl’s official initiation into Team Kirin, the fact remained that she didn't know every single one of her teammates equally; some were old friends spanning decades like Izayoi and some others were practically acquaintances, someone who just so happened to fight on the same side, and one black mage was undoubtedly in the latter group.

They had never talked to each other on a personal level and everything they did together always involved the other members to accomplish an objective or two. So perhaps, it was the ever fickle strings of fate that led the two white-haired Kirins to this moment.

This... peculiar moment.

"Ah..." The black mage perked up as she noticed the bard's presence, raising her head from the bird she was munching on, back at the half-eaten hunted game, then returning to said bard. A momjentary silence fell between them, accompanied only by the constant breeze courtesy of a moving ship before Eve blinked with some sort of epiphany, "I caught it earlier. Want some? We can cook it first if you'd like."

There was a lightness now in Faye's step that had been clearly absent after Mizutani’s demise. Each drunken chorus of the sailors was accompanied by a magical melody drawn from Ciradyl’s exquisite violin. She had not been made aware but there had been many a brawl in the underbelly of the ship as to who would have the right to woo her. It was nearly impossible to remember the last time she had enjoyed herself like this. Despite this, there was a lot to be desired when it came to the quality of the food.

Ciradyl had been walking through the ship looking a little dejected at this fact when she stumbled upon a peculiar sight. Her head cocked slightly to the side as she spotted Eve enjoying the raw meat of some kind of poultry. She had vaguely recalled that the monster had little need to eat so watching her waste such a valuable ingredient by simply eating it raw. All she needed was to figure out a way to get her to part with some of it and get a few spices from the ship’s cook. The sudden offer this creature made caught her off guard. ”If you wouldn’t mind.” She declared after making a light cough to clear her throat.

She hadn’t planned on interacting with the weapon that much, if at all. The rest had seemed to more or less accept that a Valheim superweapon was walking amongst them. What made it worse is the seemingly lack of emotion other than a hate for her creators. That hate could evolve to humanoids and maybe all life in general. Besides, there was nothing that guaranteed Valheim didn’t possess a kind of switch and all they were waiting for was the right moment once they got into range. Despite this, her expression softened picturing Eve as almost a younger sister. It had not been long ago that her own emotions had been suppressed and it was only because she had experienced them before that they could be replicated when needed. ”Are you familiar with grilling this particular bird?”

"Personal experience suggests that most sapients prefer their meat cooked," Eve explained matter-of-factly, "Ah, except for certain kinds of cuisine where the rawness of the flesh is the point, such as Osprey's sashimi." But, enough of that, the point had been made and they weren't here to discuss the ins-and-outs of cultural cuisine.

Speaking about the Faye Bard, it seemed she had recovered from her neurasthenia. Good, she needed to focus to properly vanquish the true enemy, the festering source of her people's woes, Valheim.

However, for now, they could share this flying dodo, and unlike the rations Izayoi forced Eve to eat back in Atsu, this bird was ‘guilt-free’, she hunted it herself from the wild, a blast of arcane winds was enough to incapacitate it then it was simply a matter of plucking it off the sky. "Yes, based upon my past odysseys with various adventurers, this species is a popular game, well-known for its succulent meat and savory fat." She'd then hand over the creature to Ciradyl, "But I shall allow you to cook it in whatever manner you wish.'"

There was zero revulsion in Ciradyl’s expression as she graciously took the raw meat from Eve. Her father had taught her to skin various game animals like this so she harbored no issue handling it. ”Perfect. Allow me to thank you with a delicious dish in return. I believe the cook of this vessel would lend me the kitchen for a short time.” It might have been her merchant blood but Ciradyl had quickly endeared herself to the crew that practically treated her like a celebrity.

”Good afternoon, Kazou. I have a favor to ask but may I borrow your kitchen?” Kazou had been mildly startled but after listening he soon smiled “'Course ya can, Lady Ciradyl. Whatcha makin’?” His speech was coarse but friendly. Ciradyl moved further into the kitchen and laid the creature onto a dull, metal tray that had been laid out ”A poultry dish with some herb and garlic if you can spare spoke.” It had been a request but Kazuo must have taken it as an order as he nodded fervently “No problem! I’ll get it right away.” He said with strong conviction before taking his leave through a different door than the ladies had come from.

The gentle smile Faye normally wore changed slightly with the muscles in her face relaxing and the edges of her lips curving higher. Servants had been in charge of preparing her meals since she assumed her position in the resistance so she hoped she would not disappoint her mother. ”Have you ever cooked before, Eve?” Ciradyl inquired as she bounced around the kitchen gathering various utensils and cookware she would need. After gathering the right tools, she took a sharp knife and began shearing the skin of the creature before carving filets out of its flesh.

"Affirmative." After handing over the partially-eaten game bird to Ciradyl, Eve simply followed her toward the ship's kitchen. There, as Ciradyl claimed, the cook was indeed willing to let her borrow his tools and utensils. He was even helping her with the ingredients, definitely a helpful fellow. In the meantime, noticing that certain things were already prepared, the black mage decided to sit down somewhere out of the way, observing in relative silence.

That was until the Bard struck a conversation with her specifically, "Yes, though I'm usually tasked with preparing the campfire or heating the kiln, but it looks like neither would be needed here." No doubt her pyromancy would've proven incredibly convenient for such endeavors, mundane utility was still utility.

”I will have to remember that when I prepare our meals on the road.”

Kazuo returned a moment later with all the requested herbs and garlic, then immediately joined Ciradyl in preparing the dish, though that was when his experienced cook's eyes noticed something... peculiar about the animal, "Pardon, M'lady, but has something be takin' a chunk out of this ‘ere bird? Where did ye get it if you don't mind me askin'?"

Ciradyl cutely tilted her head at his bizarre question. ”Oh, Eve here caught it and was having a light snack before she offered it to me.” There was no hint of a joke in her voice. Kazuo stared at the Faye with wide eyes before looking at the small form casually sitting close by “Ah, are ya feelin’ alright Miss?” He asked hesitantly while Ciradyl continued to work happily. Pans were placed on the stove and everything had been prepared. ”That should be everything. Now to wait for the stove to heat up.”

The two white-haired ladies of Team Kirin sat across from each other with the completed dish before them. A heavenly aroma drifted from the well-seasoned bird and its crispy accompaniments with a larger portion given to Eve. ”It has been some time since I cooked for myself so please give your honest feedback.” It was said that the way to a man’s stomach was through their stomach but she wondered if that applied to artificially created super weapons?

Even Eve had to admit that people don't usually cook partially-eaten game, one would think hunters and adventurers alike would prepare the creature first before taking a bite out of it, alas, what's done is done. Besides, now that the Pseudoloon could take a good look at what Ciradyl and Kazuo made, there was no indication that the meal before them was made from an... 'incomplete' animal. They had done an excellent job all things considered.

"I see..." The shorter white-haired girl's red eyes roamed all over the roasted dodo while taking in the sweet aroma wafting into her nose. She might not strictly require sustenance other than ether, but she still had enough Sollan parts to be able to enjoy food for the pleasure, and this one certainly looked pleasurable. Without further ado, Eve began using the provided utensils to calmly and quietly enjoy the slices of seasoned bird meat, a picture of demure elegance, a far cry from her barbaric display earlier.

Chew, chew, swallow, then a pause...

"It's delicious, Ciradyl." Eve quipped with such a straightforward tone that the Faye might not be used to, here sitting before her was an entity so utterly distinct from Esben, there were no innuendos to be found, nor the need to read between the lines. Even if words weren't enough somehow, then the small subtle smile on the horned girl's face and the fact she immediately resumed her meal would be proof enough.

The stark contrast from earlier had Ciradyl holding a fork in her hand and her plate untouched. Where had these manners originated from? How does one go from devouring like a beast to gracefully enjoying a prepared meal? These questions floated in her mind as she awaited a review on her cooking. ”Thank you. I am glad that my skills are still passable.” She had taken a moment to reply because the Pseudolon’s words were spoken so earnestly without a hint there might be a hidden motive. Ciradyl found herself unable to prevent some of her frustration bubbling to the surface of her expression.

Her irritation at a certain SEED agent passed as he began to eat herself and found Eve’s review to be accurate. Despite its mangled start, the meat had been cooked well enough that it was still tender. A few of the seasonings did feel a bit off but nothing that would ruin the overall taste. A dreamlike haze filtered over her eyes as she looked back at Eve. There was something about this that made her feel, just for this moment, Eve was her little sister. Her logical and emotional thoughts never did tend to agree.

”What are your plans after Valheim is defeated, Eve?” Ciradyl asked before taking a sip of wine.

Almost as if Eve was in some sort of mimicry mode, the shorter white-haired girl too took a sip of wine like the Faye, albeit she was holding the glass with both hands as if it was a cup, meanwhile, her mind was already pondering Ciradyl's question. This was indeed something she had been musing about ever since the encounter with Cid, and also a topic she had discussed with Esben once. While a few things remained similar, there were changes as well.

"I want to live, because that's what mother sacrificed herself for, I aim to fulfill her wish. However, if there are still more of my kind left, then it's my duty to euthanize them, because they are abominations who should not exist-..." All of the sudden, Eve paused, her body went rigid as her brows frowned deep as realizing the utter hypocrisy she had just expressed shook her to the core. "I-..."

A soft thud sounded off the table as she set her glass down, hearing this for the first time. The muscles in her fact twitched as memories of her own mother’s last moments fell on her. Abominations. That was indeed the best word to describe them yet the way in which Eve said it projected a sort of…self-loathing. They were her spiritual siblings in a sense but that didn’t feel like the reason. ”To begin, there is a stark difference between living and not being dead. They are the same on the surface but the minute details make all the difference.”

”I have to wonder if that would be honoring your mother’s wishes, to exterminate all the others like you. It would be a different matter if they were mindless weapons capable of nothing but mass destruction.” Warm, gentle eyes fell on the pseudolon where there had once been suspicion and ignorance. ”Are you such an exception that giving such mercy to the others is unthinkable? If so, I am grateful for the circumstances that brought you here.”

"..." The gray-haired girl's sudden inability to participate in the conversation was palpable now. She could've concurred that Ciradyl just made the distinction between surviving versus thriving, but... nothing, the words couldn't even form. All Eve could do at this very moment was staring wide-eyed at her own hands on the table, her abominable hands. It was as if time itself slowed down to a dead crawl as the world around her shriveled into nothingness. She was alone, lost, belonging to neither the material plane or the divine pantheon, and only her fellow mutants were in the same boat, so if she exterminated all of them, then wouldn't she be truly alone?

Then, perhaps as a testament to Ciradyl's mythical voice, the Faye's words managed to pierce through the miasma choking the Pseudolon's mind, at least enough to get her to stir slightly, showing that Eve heard what was being said. "..." Her lips pursed as she slowly set the utensils down. The Bard's musings brought feelings of discomfort to the shorter girl, as if she was exposing the cracks in what Eve thought to be an iron-clad belief.

She... couldn't disagree, as much as her heart wanted to, as much as her hatred for Valheim and the chimeras they made begged her to. If she had a mother, then who could say she was the only one? Maybe... there were other runaways like her or those who weren't as lucky as her and failed to escape or succeeded only to be recaptured? Yes, she'd love it if everyone else except her were mindless weapons capable of nothing but destruction, then she'd indeed be the exception, it'd make things so, so much simpler.

Alas, though she sincerely hoped she'd be proven wrong, she couldn't admit in good faith that she was definitely the exception that proves the rule. After all, it'd only take a single other sapient False Eidolon for the glaring incompatibility of her two wishes to surface.

"... ... ..." Eve fell silent for a good long while, her eyes fixated downward, then after what seemed like an eternity, she turned to the side, "I... I need to think..." Then promptly left the table, though abrupt, there was no hint of hostility in her tone.

The look in Eve’s eyes tugged on her heart strings yet she waited in silence to hear her reply. She nearly lifted a hand to stop her and bring her into an embrace but stopped just short. ”Very well. I hope we will talk again.” There was nothing else for Ciradyl to say on the matter. Ciradyl wanted nothing more than to bring Eve into her arms, stroke her hair, and tell her everything would work out in the end. Her parents had never graced her with a sibling and unlike Izayoi she had no child of her own. That made it difficult to know such an action would be appropriate. It had surprised her so see such emotion run underneath her muted expression. The Faye had falsely assumed the capacity to feel such concepts were beyond the scope of her creation. A small idea began to form in her mind as she watched Eve walk away. There had to be something she could do.

--Nieve - Mages' Guild--

@Drifting Pollen @Rezod92 @FujiwaraPhoenix

"Oh, them? Though I can empathize with your concern, I wouldn't really worry about them," Remilia grinned confidently in response to Anne's apprehension about the Aventonians, "After all, some of us abductees stayed there, they aren't completely defenseless." It was quite the logical outlook if she could say so herself, quite difficult to dispute. Now that the matter was settled (at least in the vampiress' mind), the youkai couldn't wait to be invited into the castle and enjoy every amenity it had to offer!

Really, Remilia couldn't care less if the princess' agreement lied more on being diplomatic rather than genuinely trusting them, those threats would come whether she liked it or not and to properly face them, they'd need assistance, and these assistants should be given the proper accommodations. As such, anything that'd get in the way of this endeavor should be vanquished with extreme prejudice!

"Indeed, Her Highness speaks wisdom, Ambassador, fufufu~" The Scarlet Devil chortled under the veil of elegance, but a keen eye might be able to notice the impatience lurking underneath, "Yes, we accept with great honors! Now, shall we depart to the castle at once?"

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