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<Snipped quote by jasbraq>

Don't fall for it, Nice Fasha doesn't exist! That's just the Fasha she wants you to see D:

You don't believe that Nice Fasha exists? :<
So, I couldn't resist subscribing to Midjourney again. And, I put Tessa into it along with some fashion prompts. Words can't describe how ICONIC this lady is already.

Anyway, my point is that I'm open to running anyone's character through Midjourney if you want to!

Well, I don't mind some for Fasha if it's not too much issue ^^
I think I found a alternate timeline pic where Fasha is actually a nice person

<Snipped quote by Ebil Bunny>
@jasbraq Ah, but Raffaella can't let Fasha know she's on to her. Or else she'll know that Raffaella is also hiding things.

Oh dear, that sounds really fun to play out!
That actually sounds like fun dynamic.

The one person she has a soft spot for can see her true emotions of people :O
<Snipped quote by jasbraq>

Wait, whose? Raffaella's? Or did I discover something interesting? >w>

Well... Maybe >.>


Fasha: "I mean... of course I like her! She's short like me, and so pretty, but like... in an adult kinda way! She also smells nice, loves to hug, and gives me sweets!"


And here I thought I left out her massive weakness against hugs!

@Deja She would never sap away his independence! She would only wish to help him and use him

- Fasha : Reminds him of his mother.


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