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The kettle whistled, glowing bright on the stove, releasing a big burst of steam from the spout. Barracker rose out of his chair. “Mother, I will get that for you. One sugar as normal.” He took a cup of chamomile tea to Anne. The elf had three centuries under her belt, this was even old for an elf. She was starting to get ill a lot. Some shakes and the occasional fever would take her. She was very short for an elf, age had shrunk and curled her back with it. But her big heart could never be shrunk. “Your looking well today Mother”.

She smiled at him as he took a seat. Barracker was not the only orphan that called Anne, mother. Indeed many did, her kindness and care invited such a title, which was well earned by the loving elf. Anne placed her hand on Barrackers and with her other hand she pulled out an envelope. “My dear boy, her words grip me, she weeps for you.”

Barracker’s face tensed with an uneasiness. Not good with words, he chuckled with genuine love and a loss for words. “Mother… Will you please stop reading my letters.” She let out a guilty laugh. “I’m surprised she wrote so soon.”

“Capitol city is very far from everything she knows.”

Barracker understood and was just glad she kept in touch. “Areleth has given me an opportunity to join an adventurer party.” Barracker thought for a second. “Actually, he didn’t give me an opportunity… He sort of just made me. I do not know why. A chance to find myself, you could say.”

Anne gave a nod in agreement, “Ahh, yes that Areleth is very wise, he is. You deserve to stretch your wings boy… And heal that heart of yours too.”

His face narrowed with a sadness. “I’ve been accepted into the party. They call themselves ‘Second Chance’.”

She raised her arms out. “Give your mother a hug, then”. Barracker rose and shuffled round the table to give her a tight hug. “Your crushing me dear boy, you don’t know your strength.”

Barracker quickly eased off, worried at first but smiled when the elderly elf was laughing. He sat back down and continued the topic. “My first contract is the temple of Hades, the hallowed ground has been corrupted, but after that I do not know how far my duties will take me.”

He told her about James, his now party leader, who had made a good first impression towards being a worthy leader. Then they talked about new arrivals at the orphanage, refugees of war, and numerous topics before Barracker was ready to leave. “I will see you when I can.”


Barracker found himself in ‘Golden Tree Park.’ He found the nearest bench and took a seat, reading his letter from Evelyne. This would lift his spirits before visiting ‘The Mended Drum’ and meeting James and his other party members. He wasn't great in social situations. Fighting the fiercest monsters was nothing compared to being in a large group of people where casual conversation was expected.

"We are trying to rank up to Silver as quick as possible so we were given a choice between several options, we after careful instrospection we setled on a Gold contract, we leave in a couple of days towards the Temple of Hades to kill the Greater Wraith thas has nested there so if you need to make any preparations I suggest you use these days to do it"

Barracker nodded, his eyebrows furrowed with scorn across his face. It was bad enough that the temple of the god he chose to serve had been desecrated, but worse was the amount of innocent lives that would have been lost, most likely due to someone doing something stupid or careless. “Very well James, I will use the time wisely.”

"Thank you for joining us Barracker, truthfully I feel more at ease knowing we have another able person on the party" James patted Barrackers shoulder a few times before retracting his hand

A smile crept on Barrackers face as he appreciated the sentiment and faith of his leader, but the smile disappeared after a mere moment, replaced by a firm expression of determination. “I will not let the party down.”

"Well I am going back to The Mended Drum if you wanna meet the party or just hang with us you know where to find us"

“I will be there at the end of the day, I have things to attend to.

As James started to walk off, Barracker looked away, about to don his mask. "Oh right, another tiny, almost insignificant detail I forgot to add…

Huh? Barracker paused.

We Second Chance come from another world"

Barracker was in shock at the clerics words, “What!? But h-”

"Till later dude!"

“Hey wait.” Barracker reached out a hand,but the cleric was gone, down the street. Barracker was left, his brain frazzled with confusion. But how in the world is that possible?

Realising he had been stood in the street for a good five minutes since James had left him, he donned his mask and made a move.


“Barracker! Barracker! Barracker!,” The three children sang his name in sync, as they ran and threw themselves into the kneeling paladins arms. Barracker greeted each kid by name and tussled their hair.

“Its good to see you guys,” he said. One of the boys, Eren, immediately jumped out of the embrace and ran behind the paladin to inspect the tower shield and claymore against the entrance of the orphanage. “Do not touch the sword,” he ordered with a warm tone, over his shoulder, as he took his mask and placed it on the girl, Isabella’s face. She wobbled off , holding the oversized face-covering on her head. The oldest boy, Tyrion, stepped back as Barracker addressed him. Even with the kids, he could not help speaking with a formal tone. “Are you looking after everyone okay?”

Tyrion saluted with a fist to the chest, always copying Barracker’s ways. The boy proceeded to give Barracker a full extensive report of how all the children were doing. It was probably too much information, but Barracker was always attentive. As the kid was finished, Barracker noticed one of the staff members appear in the background. He rose to his feet after thanking Tyrion and dismissing him in a mock military manner. He bowed his head at the orphanage's most loved and adored care worker.

“Good afternoon mother.”

She smiled with the beauty of Iris, “ Barracker my dear, welcome home.”

"I am going to be honest with you dude, up to this point I had never seen a real vampire and just assumed you were of a different race"

James was partially correct on the matter, he seemed to think Barracker was a ‘pure blood’; one who was born a vampire. Barracker was turned when he was bitten and so was labelled as a ‘lesser vampire.’ There were several ranks of vampire based on the strength of the blood, but people like Barracker would always be at the bottom of the hierarchy.

"But still, if you say your condition is under control I have no reason to doubt you"

Barracker gave the cleric a nod of reassurance but with an admiration for the cleric's level-headedness about the situation. He felt it was a nice change of reaction, seeing as most people could not be reasoned with so easily.

"I should also mention, my- well I guess I should say our party members and me come from very far away, to the point that many things around here are really strange to us, other races being one of them. But still don't worry about being judged early and for no reason"

Barracker nodded again, in answer to his statement. Feeling at ease and also remarkably interested at his answer. Far away huh, how far could he be to where other races are really strange to humans? There were other races all over Mytheria. He must have been tucked away in the far corners of the empire or maybe even from over the sea, but he had never heard of that before.

"Fuck, I mean, realistically just based on the history of our respective homes with each other Mac and I should dislike each other, Adam and Lilly should hate Joji and viceversa and everyone should be plotting on killing Zell, so don't worry too hard 'kay?"

Barrackers eyebrows lifted slightly, he was taken back a bit by this mystery which got deeper and deeper.

"You coming?"

All in all, James had been more than understanding about it all. Barracker was very grateful and surprised to feel optimistic about the future. He almost cracked a smile at his newly found companion.

As the two went inside and walked through the guild hall. He was reminded of a fond memory, in which he, his best friend Krillen and his childhood sweetheart Evelyne tried to join and make an adventurer party. Not only were they a mere twelve years of age, but none of them had been blessed with the gift of the source crystal yet. The guildmaster had been kind to them, but firmly rejected them. When Barracker saw who was in charge of the running of the guild, he realised it was still fun, Lucy Bottrill.

"Hey there Lucy, sorry if this is not the correct process but I would like to register a new member for our party please"

When Barracker was asked to scan his crystal, he waved his hand over the scanner, and was accepted.

When everything was done they left and Barracker turned to James and thanked him, shaking his hand. “So, what's the next mission?”

He waited for a response and hoped there would be time to briefly split off from James and quickly take care of some errands before they left, but he would do what was asked of him by the party leader.
hi everyone i've been checking out bits of the story from the start, im up to the mazy hillocks battle this is absolute fire from everyone love your posts :)

Barracker felt like a victim to the sun as if he was water, boiling away. Sweat started to form on his face, he took his mask off and wiped his brow then donned his mask again. It was early in the morning as he waited for James. His eyes were drawn to the door of ‘The Mended Drum’, as he noticed the door open a couple of times but James was not one of them. But these did resemble adventures due to the clothes.

He rose to his feet and walked round the bench and leaned against the building next to his weapons. He wondered if this whole idea of Areleth’s wouldn’t end in disaster. Looking out for people wasn’t on the list of priorities as he was used to working alone, never mind having people to call companions. Especially now he was a vampire. Barracker looked to the sky, lost in his thoughts, speculating the prospect. “Hades, is this a good idea? If so, then please give me a sign,” he muttered ever so quietly to himself.

Sometime later James appeared. Barracker put his equipment back on his back, and took his mask off, greeting the cleric. "Hey Barracker! I was just about to search for you"

Barracker nodded. “I thought i’d come to you.” Barrackers tone was friendly. At least about as friendly as a social outcast gets.

"I talked with the other guys and they were glad for you to join our party -name's Second Chance by the way-

“Second Chance,” Barracker blurted out. He mentally smiled, it was almost too perfect. If anyone needed a second chance it was Barracker, although the paladin probably wouldn’t admit that to himself. Hades had a funny way of giving him the sign he was looking for.

-so if you want we can head to the guild to get you registered right away"

Barracker nodded in agreement, “Lets go.”

The big anchor on James’ back drew the paladin's interest, but he did not ask about it. In fact, as they walked the streets Barracker did not start any conversation at all. James seemed like a normal guy but it was strange that there was no visible reaction to his vampiric face. Not last night, nor this morning. Did the man not care? Or did he just not know? Barracker was puzzled at the idea and felt he would need to address it. So when they arrived outside ‘The Adventurers Guild,’ he touched the cleric's shoulder.

“James, wait…” Barracker paused briefly. “I live with the affliction of vampirism.” He looked for a reaction. “You are not in any danger, I can assure you. I just thought you should be aware. People generally don’t take too kindly to my condition.”

If there were no problems then he would follow James’ lead and go through the registration process.

Dear Barracker

I am writing to inform you on my promotion. I have been sent to Capitol City, to continue my work under an Archbishop. I am really excited. I have work so hard for this, my only regret is that I will be further away from home. And you. My feelings still remain the same. I do not care what you have become. You’re still the barracker i know and the Barracker I love. If your work ever leads you to Capitol City. I shall be at the Basilica Magna Decoris.

I will always be yours.


Barracker could smell her scent still, that strong smell of jasmine with amber notes. He held the parchment to his nose. A sad smile crept on his face. He read the letter for the twentieth time, maybe more. As the sun began to rise he put it away. Areleth had been busy so he did not get a chance to ask him why he was put forward so hastily for this mission. He knew to meet James at the ‘The Mended Drum’, in the morning.

Barracker donned his armour, hooked his claymore and enormous tower shield in a cross shape onto his back.

He was outside ‘The Mended Drum’, in good time. He leaned his weapons against the wall and took a seat on the bench at the side of the building opposite the inn, making sure to be in the shadow with a view of the door. He did not know the other members of Second Chances, so he would wait to see James.

Barracker’s eyes flickered open. He wiped the sleep from his eyes. He placed his hand on his head, his heart raced and his mind drowned in the thoughts of that night. The menacing event which changed his life. His recurring dream usually prevented him from having a peaceful nap, But he was back to full energy and that was the point. Ever since Barracker was inflicted with vampirism, he did not require full episodes of sleep. Just a few hours here and there to restore his energy, especially if he went roaming about under the blazing sun.

Barracker rose off the bed and checked his pouch, just to see how many vials he had. He unclipped the mask from his belt and put it on. Even though people couldn’t see his face through the mask, he could see through it. It was enchanted. It also offered some protection from the scorching heat of the sun. He left his weapon in his room knowing it wasn’t too far away.

“I should pay my respects to Hades, then I will see how the old man is doing.”

As he was walking down the corridor towards the shrine room he saw Areleth with someone he thought was a priest but realised it was a cleric when they turned into the ritual chamber.

“A new cleric. This should be interesting,” Barracker muttered to himself as he approached.

He posted up outside the room, in the cover of shadows. Barracker watched the ceremony take place as the results were more than fascinating. A bit of water managed to hit his boots in the explosive reaction. “A cleric with all eighteen gods. That's unheard of.”

He was even more surprised as Areleth called his name and offered his sword to the man's adventurers party. He went along with it of course. This was the high septum talking. Barracker had learned to take orders without questioning them, after serving in the army as a teenager, and joining the order of paladins when he woke up one day with the gift of the source crystal. Barracker looked into the clerics eyes and seen a fierce spirit, it was a first impression that the paladin respected. Barracker took his mask off and tilted his head as a greeting to the man Areleth had called James.

"Sooo Barracker was it?

“Barracker Kassel, at your service.” Barracker said in a formal manner.

Do you, ah, mind if I talk with my party before we agree to anything? We are staying at the Mended Drum if you want to look for us tomorrow"

“Understandable.” Barracker nodded. “I’ll be outside the mended drum in the morning.”

After James and Areleth left his sight, he went to pay his respect to Hades. After that he would need to speak to Areleth and ask him what all this was about.

The northwestern gate of the city of Valhiem is the entrance which falls in the jurisdiction of the paladin's protection. The building nestled into the space next to the big grated, iron spiked gate. This building is called ‘Paladin’s Respite’. In the service of the ‘Church of the Source’ they uphold duties to chosen deities, whether they were partying adventurers or not. Gifted with the Source crystal or not.

Barracker entered the town of Valhiem through the northwestern gate. Two paladins grunted under their breath as a sign of a not so warm greeting to the young man. He walked through and passed them without a tilt of the head or any acknowledgement. Barracker strode past the fencing area of where lay the training grounds. There were a couple of paladins practising the art of fighting on combat dummies.

Inside, Barracker walked down the long hallway lined with candle sconces towards a concrete table at the end, where he turned left into the main chamber. He was met with an Inquisitor where he could hand in the trophy of the dead witches. Barracker narrowed his eyes with disgust for the man sitting across from him. You wouldn’t be able to tell as he was still wearing his face mask.

“So,” the Inquisitor grinded his teeth, “what can i do for the devils spawn?”

Barracker held out his fist and sprinkled a dozen and half nails onto the table. “Three witches.” Witches use three fingers to cast magic. Their fingernails have special markings of the dark domain and also Hell, the oblivion plane. “Hades will look down on you if you count them wrong again.”

Barracker had been accidentally underpaid for his last two jobs hunting creatures who walked in the shadow of the oblivion plane. “ Aah yes it will be done,” the Inquisitor replied apologetically and waved him off.

Barracker wasn’t convinced these were accidents. It wasn’t exactly a secret most paladins weren’t happy that a man with vampirism could serve the church. These were the kinds of afflictions that the paladins were trying to purge from the world. So everytime Barracker completed a job and was rewarded with Piety, increasing his reputation and standing with the church. It was regarded as an insult to everything they stood for. Barracker remained unphased and did not care, as long the high septum Areleth had faith in him.

Barracker left ‘Paladins Respite’ and went to take a rest at his dorm in the Temple of the Quinity. It was late afternoon, and he was tired as he’d been in the sun all day.
hello everyone thanks for the warm welcome really appreciate it
hello everyone. it is nice to write with you all
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