The kettle whistled, glowing bright on the stove, releasing a big burst of steam from the spout. Barracker rose out of his chair. “Mother, I will get that for you. One sugar as normal.” He took a cup of chamomile tea to Anne. The elf had three centuries under her belt, this was even old for an elf. She was starting to get ill a lot. Some shakes and the occasional fever would take her. She was very short for an elf, age had shrunk and curled her back with it. But her big heart could never be shrunk. “Your looking well today Mother”.
She smiled at him as he took a seat. Barracker was not the only orphan that called Anne, mother. Indeed many did, her kindness and care invited such a title, which was well earned by the loving elf. Anne placed her hand on Barrackers and with her other hand she pulled out an envelope. “My dear boy, her words grip me, she weeps for you.”
Barracker’s face tensed with an uneasiness. Not good with words, he chuckled with genuine love and a loss for words. “Mother… Will you please stop reading my letters.” She let out a guilty laugh. “I’m surprised she wrote so soon.”
“Capitol city is very far from everything she knows.”
Barracker understood and was just glad she kept in touch. “Areleth has given me an opportunity to join an adventurer party.” Barracker thought for a second. “Actually, he didn’t give me an opportunity… He sort of just made me. I do not know why. A chance to find myself, you could say.”
Anne gave a nod in agreement, “Ahh, yes that Areleth is very wise, he is. You deserve to stretch your wings boy… And heal that heart of yours too.”
His face narrowed with a sadness. “I’ve been accepted into the party. They call themselves ‘Second Chance’.”
She raised her arms out. “Give your mother a hug, then”. Barracker rose and shuffled round the table to give her a tight hug. “Your crushing me dear boy, you don’t know your strength.”
Barracker quickly eased off, worried at first but smiled when the elderly elf was laughing. He sat back down and continued the topic. “My first contract is the temple of Hades, the hallowed ground has been corrupted, but after that I do not know how far my duties will take me.”
He told her about James, his now party leader, who had made a good first impression towards being a worthy leader. Then they talked about new arrivals at the orphanage, refugees of war, and numerous topics before Barracker was ready to leave. “I will see you when I can.”
Barracker found himself in ‘Golden Tree Park.’ He found the nearest bench and took a seat, reading his letter from Evelyne. This would lift his spirits before visiting ‘The Mended Drum’ and meeting James and his other party members. He wasn't great in social situations. Fighting the fiercest monsters was nothing compared to being in a large group of people where casual conversation was expected.