Avatar of Jeep Wrangler
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    1. Jeep Wrangler 2 yrs ago
    2. ████████████ 10 yrs ago


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Current Do what I do and write two novels and then have like 4 people read them B)
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2 yrs ago
We've got a certified "Bozo Down" today
2 yrs ago
Also why's everyone getting so pressed about writing perspectives like dude just go write a book lol
2 yrs ago
Might want to pick it back up before I put it in my wallet
2 yrs ago
40k fans are like the "Can he beat Goku" guys of Science Fiction
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Literally 1984 by Jorjor Well

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Just as Takai finished strapping the finishing touches of his uniform onto his body, he took the moment to sit back down and think over the mission at hand. Whilst he'd been near Kaz, she'd claimed to join him on the mission. As long as she behaved, at least in his mind, nothing would go wrong. Whilst the importance of the mission seemed rather lacklustre to those newly acquainted with the NSF, Takai was fully prepared to treat the situation as yet another life or death situation. An old friend's identity was a stake, giving way to the necessary actions of taking her into custody if she was but a gram's worth guilty. Takai hoped dearly that she was innocent. Routine checkups on ex-members had been common throughout the year, but Iwata was a different member. She'd left for reasons unlike the others: mental instability. Takai simply hoped that no one had preyed upon her vulnerable state. Knowing Kaz was coming with him made him slightly nervous. After all, she had no moral stake in the situation. Perhaps that could've been a positive to the investigation, but whether or not she was really going to participate in the physical search was another story. At the very least, backup was always well appreciated in times of crisis. One could never be too careful. Whilst pondering the possibilities of the upcoming encounter, Takai leaned into the armoury cabinet brandishing his name. Inside, his personal firearms were waiting. Specifically, the ammunition was elsewhere in the facility, prepared for pickup. At least it was a precaution that Takai himself could get behind. Whilst he didn't see himself as a crazed gunman hoping to take control of the NSF via violent means on the interior, he knew it was another case of heightening security where possible. Whilst he felt inclined to only take his sidearm, he knew at least keeping the submachine-gun was a precaution he wanted to take himself.

Eventually, he found himself fully kitted up, mounting the final icing to the cake. With several miniature drills built into the device itself, hooking onto the metallic frames augmented in his frontal lobe, Takai finally equipped the PHUD. The metallic brace fitted under his jaw and quickly loosened, giving him freedom to speak and gape his mouth open if need be. A few seconds were assigned to adjust its grasp, the stable headpiece finally lodged into place, freeing his body to move around once more. It was currently folded upon his forehead, acting as a minor armour plating from the smallest of arms fire, whereas if it were deployed such secondary protection would be transferred to the eyes and face in its partiality.

Moving towards the exit, he eventually found himself rendezvousing with their vehicle. Kaz had already asked to drive. There was no real need to argue over who got to take the wheel, seeing as it was just petty in comparison to their given task. Meeting up with her, Takai nodded silently before muttering to himself, collecting his magazines and bonus utensils in order to properly grasp his control over their objective. With Kaz nearby, there was never a true sense of safety. Yes, she was indeed a bear when it came to the field of combat, but her conversationalist tendencies seemed rather intrusive from previous discussions. A short fuse, at the least, patience was not a virtue to take note of. Though, Takai could be extremely wrong, only having a few bad experiences around her to truly judge her personality as he'd seen it so far. She wasn't exactly bad company, and there were definitely worse looking individuals to have at his side. Off duty, perhaps it would've actually been exciting to go for a drive with Kaz. Until that possibility, they had a rather tremendous job to do. With the coming raid only days around the corner, every advantage that the NSF could get over their adversaries was not recommended, it was essential.

Eventually, their vehicle was ready. The NSF-Standard Armoured Patrol Vehicle, or the APV, was labelled only as a non-police or NSF vehicle. No links to its licence or anything went back to the organisation itself, having fake aliases created for the plating on both the front and rear of the vehicle. Whilst it wasn't the most inconspicuous of vehicles, or covert, it was at least useful in what it needed. Minor the detailed armour differences, the vehicle itself was not much different visually from that of a normal 4x4. Surprisingly, the vehicle itself was fitting for the likes of Kaz. Both were intense in their mechanisms' roars. Easily, both could provide a serious punch if driven far enough. Takai waited for Kaz to brace herself for heading out, before he finally opened up with conversation.

"Alright then, Kaz, remember to park off on the other side of the street. We're heading off to the edge of the Southern Exclusion zone, Estate 19. I don't know if you're coming inside with me, but if you don't just keep your eyes and weapons ready just in case. I've got a head-piece camera set up, should be linked to the monitor in the vehicle's dashboard if you want to watch the progress, and in case something goes horrifically wrong." Realising how mood-breaking his latter statement was, he quickly smiled for once, trying his hardest to give some form of immediate contradiction to their woes. "Not that it will go wrong. Keep some restraints ready as well, just in case Iwata makes a run for it."

In reality, Takai begged to the unknown deities above that there was no need for her to run, or indeed any reason for her to hide. With a stroke of luck, she'd be out and about, according to the observation teams last known report, giving them a window of opportunity to conduct their investigation before she even had to ability to interject. Iwata's fate was in their credibility, as well as in their judgement. In the ideal situation, Takai's nostalgia wouldn't cloud any immediate last time.

"Let's just get going..."



Once the Section Officer Iha Shumei had departed, leaving him to his reading. Looking down upon his task, he felt a strange sensation of melancholy when eyeing up the suspect on his datapad: Iwata Honomi, a previous ally to the National Security Force in its earliest of days. Its infancy had given birth to a respected and opportunistic operator, one who was keen to engage her morals and beliefs to their greatest extent. Takai himself had been a recruit to the NSF around the time of her rising influence, giving her a sort of instructor vibe to her position. Truth be told, Takai had looked up to her during the formation of the NSF, finding Iwata's honest expertise to greatly inflict a deal of confidence upon those she surrounded herself with. Of course, books were easy to judge by their cover. Iwata truly didn't have it in her when things got rough, and one or two rough operations later she found herself begging for disassociation from the NSF immediately. The stress of battle took its toll on her, and made her decisions rash and irrational entirely. Unfortunate, it was. Takai felt himself rise above her anxieties at first, but several raids later he understood why she chose to leave. Things could be brutal in the underworld of NeoTokyo, and surely enough she'd seen the worst of it all. Before even encountering the Jinrai, she'd been involved in several raids on a human trafficking firm that shook her to the core. Understandably, of course. Takai knew that her mind wasn't ready and taking the step back was easily the best call she could've made. It was something to respect, not undermine. However, one issue with her relevance to that day irked him the wrong way entirely.

Takai knew who Iwata Honomi was. He also knew what his contracted mission was to be. She was under investigation for potential dealings and partnership with the Jinrai, the very adversary she'd set out to break down. It didn't make sense on paper but the world was always full of surprises. Takai couldn't let his personal beliefs get in the way of an objective insight. If anything, she was innocent until proven guilty, yet if there was evidence against her case then she didn't have many options. Either accept arrest or surrender her life to the NSF Termination Process. The latter was definitely not a preferable alternative, but convincing someone who could be deep into the web of Jinrai formations would be far too difficult to ask for. Those who usually come confidently have a plan to themselves, whilst those who'd resist would likely fight their way out, hoping that either they die a death of glory or they break their potential captors before they can break them. Never was it simple; never was it easy.

Sighing greatly, Takai stared at her profile with distaste. Of course, the same mug shot used for her old keycard. Why else would they not use it? Well, back then they actually had keycards, before they quickly replaced them with a better identification system. He hoped deep down that it was a false alarm, one that was simply a routine checkup to ensure she never found her way into the clutches of her enemies. Takai knew that she'd been cleansed of ever working with the NSF on all records bar her own voice, which was a dangerous tool to let slip into the criminal underbelly of NeoTokyo. It wouldn't have been any surprise if she had designated agents watching her at all times, listening to every conversation she had and keeping a note of every individual she interacted with. With such a tight intelligence team at their disposal, testing it upon her would be an errand than an actual objective, just one with high stakes if she opened her secrets about the NSF's origins. Most of the information was likely useless due to the overhaul and updates given to the NSF in its entirety, but her word was still as dangerous as Takai's. Any advantage the Jinrai could get was acceptable and vice versa.

Beneath the thoughts and musings of Takai laid a lowered guard. Someone took advantage of that immediately, with an unfamiliar voice suddenly ringing in his ears. Their
"HEY!" immediately caught Takai off guard, giving him a small shudder and turn. At first, he wasn't sure who'd given the abrupt and loud interjection of his thinking before he spotted the target. He remembered the profile picture, but not the name. Immediately, they gave their name. Margo. Takai didn't say anything at first, putting his datapad down onto the table and eyeing the individual up. The pitch-perfect premonition of their interception had him suspicious of who Margo was, but obviously being within the NSF Headquarters Takai had no reason to distrust the individual. It wasn't like he was searching for a reason to hate this Margo, it was more facing the premonitions of newfound friendships that had previously irked the Okinawan. At least in the modern day, Takai was far better at interacting with individuals, as cooperation led to some rather feisty and fiery connections that he'd sacrifice the whole world just to experience. Takai cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes, waking himself up a second time from the sudden heart attack Margo had given him.

"Margo, huh?" Resisting the urge to scold them for sneaking up on him, Takai reserved himself to compose a better first impression, giving a light-hearted smile to follow his introduction. Before long, Margo had already exposed her knowledge of Takai's moderate reputation. Surely, Margo was exaggerating it slightly, as Takai was no celebrity within the NSF, just a decent Operator who knew how to get by honestly. At first, his smile faded when Margo continued to talk. "Please don't call me G.I. Joe. We're not soldiers, after all..."

Takai took a swig from a single flask he'd hinged onto his belt, having it filled with water at the least. Drinking was for another time of day, and another occasion. Besides, having the alcohol intake wouldn't exactly have been the smartest way to introduce himself to Margo. Dwelling upon how Margo had presented themselves, Takai took a minute to clear his throat a second time before returning to the conversation at hand. Sure, he did feel slightly bad for silently denying her immediate nickname. Honestly, however, she couldn't have chosen a worse one to use. Though in all honesty, it was all fun and games at the end of the day. Shame Takai hadn't exactly been in the mood for the games in the afternoon, only the evening and nights to follow when duty hadn't called him into action.

"Take care of you?" Before he could pursue what Margo had meant by that, a more familiar face had found its way into the conversation. Kazankova Bykov: Half-Russian, Half-American...all around dangerous individual. At least, she was dangerous in a way that Takai could get behind. Her intermission of the disfigured conversation Margo and Takai were having allowed for much less for Takai to dwell upon, giving him a leeway to plan his words carefully before fumbling around like an idiot. With what felt like a kind heart, Kaz questioned Takai's sleeping patterns as any casual conversation would go towards, giving him something to smile about once more. In truth, he'd actually slept pretty shit compared to previous nights, but it wasn't the worst of the worst. "Could be better, could be worse. Same as always. Honestly wish I had a bigger bed, comfier sheets and company to make it less like a rich man's prison cell."

Kaz picked up on Margo's previous intrusion and felt a sort of tension shoot out immediately. Takai didn't want to be the judge and jury once more, but he felt the irritated attitude lurk in every word she shed upon the newblood of the NSF. Truth-be-told, it wasn't uncommon for the recruits to find themselves subject to minor social neglect and the watchful eye of their superiors, as Takai had himself experienced, but it wasn't always necessary. They were easy to pick on, but most of the advice given was always in good spirit. Keep your head on, and keep your spirits up before someone else takes 'em. Something along those lines anyway. Takai frowned when Kaz commented on Margo's request to be taken care of. Kaz definitely had a point to what she meant. The NSF was indeed no safe environment for individuals, with death being less a nightmare and more a reality for those who strayed too far into the spider's web of crime and terror. Having a sturdy head on strong shoulders was definitely a requirement, at least mentally. The supposed weak-minded were never really strong enough to get through the arbitrary conditions of the silent Shadow-War. That's why people like Iwata had to leave in the first place.

Takai gently nudged Kaz with his elbow, as if to remind her that her attitude wasn't always going to get her through the NSF, or even the playing field, in one piece. He meant it in full kindness though. Alongside the slightly alluring Daiyu, Kaz was indeed someone Takai wanted to get to know better for the future of combat. They seemed efficient, if not reckless, in what they were told to do. Sometimes recklessness was welcomed to get through the bloodiness of the brutally honest campaign.

"Kaz, please. I get what you're trying to say, but sometimes we do need a little pick-me-up." Turning to the trainwreck of a conversationalist that was Margo, Takai smiled politely and nodded. "I'm not going to babysit you, if that's what you are asking for. I'm an Operator, I'll point you in the right directions here and there, but it's not in my job description to make sure you get everything right. I suggest you learn that skill yourself or you might find yourself in a bit of a tough spot within the next few days."

Overhead, the PA system announced a non-fatal casualty amidst training. Takai immediately lost his smile and stood up. He immediately packed his things, though not to go respond to the casualty itself. A quick curse or two beneath his breath, he turned to the two sat down on the table, announcing his disappointment in the revelation above him. Takai adjusted his hair and sleeves appropriately before configuring a few of his cybernetic muscle stabilisers within his neck. Finally, he returned his gaze to Kaz and Margo, before finally giving his thoughts.

"These operatives are sloppy and try too hard to prove themselves. I don't want to rely on some idiot who nearly gets himself killed in a training simulation, let alone when we are going out on the prowl for the Jinrai. Don't end up like them, please. I'm already stressed enough being told to look after a bunch of fucking clowns..." Without hesitation, Takai began to saunter towards the edge of the mess hall, towards the door and out into the main hallways once more. Time was slowly ticking away and he wanted to ensure that he had a decent amount of gear to conduct the investigation fairly and reliably before a verdict could be made on Iwata. Not only was the safety of the NSF on the line once more, but the life of Iwata herself was also resting on the squeeze of a trigger if she were so truly collaborating with the Jinrai. And so, Takai headed to the personal armouries to find his own equipment, though not before dialling an instantly memorised number into his communications device. "Shunsen here...Will depart in around fifteen minutes. Clearance..? Roger that, thanks. I'll call in my findings when it's over. Keep the suspect's overwatch team on standby just in case."

@LetMeDoStuff For the upcoming raid will each member be given positions/the plan ooc or ic?

For the raid we will discuss positions in the OOC and then transfer it into the IC.

We have plenty of time before that comes around, do not worry

August 29th, 2031AD. As the year of the volatile world, NeoTokyo had found itself collapsed into a secret state of disarray. Amidst the prosperous exterior view of the city, where its bright lights, egotistical tourist attractions, vibrant streets and bustling individuals all move along with the development of their home, lies a strong musk that stains the city alleys. Across the levels of carparks, street levels, shopping centres, nuclear exclusion zones, service stations, banks, homes, homeless quarters and other foundations of the urban metropolis comes the war that had been raging for nearly two years. People had died, whilst others didn't even know why. Thousands had been purged in the line of a new, sophisticated and stable rulership over Japan. Whilst other cities found themselves facing minor scourges over the same course of this blistering war, its true battleground was there in NeoTokyo. Many terrified individuals feared that something bigger than their lives was shaping the stability of society as a whole, but no one could truly pinpoint its extent. The Jinrai , attempting to force its way into the Governmental council had now taken refuge in every conceivable stronghold in the city. On the opposing force, the National Security Force, otherwise known as the NSF, had established a militarised policing force in order to secretly combat their influence. Primarily segmented into cyber-security, enforced investigation and covert operational raids, the NSF are equipped, trained and handled just well enough to combat and match that of the Jinrai's military expertise. Whilst most of the war is silent, hidden behind a veil of wiring, flashy lights and traditional shrines and temples, larger scale engagements have been recorded and seen by the public on occasions that act most unfavourable for each side involved. Truly, it wasn't just a battle for survival, but a war for Japan in its entirety.

As one would travel through the main centre of NeoTokyo, the grand compound of the Governmental facilities sits right in the middle, surrounded by great concrete walls, patrolling officers of the law and situating the homestead of Prime Minster Konno Mashai
. Only a year into his term, he'd made a name for himself for publicly condemning and dispersing the infamous Jinrai division after political dissonance had apparently threatened his life. Unfortunately, for his attackers and conspirators, the soft looking and eagerly kind-hearted individual was indeed a hard hitting individual with a long determination to bring about his ideology in full force. There was no backing away from the breach of conduct in the political landscape. Japan was going to be fought over, and Mashai was prepared to give his all into funding the extermination of the terrorists who wished to force Japan into a state of war. It seemed very black and white, with the good guys and bad guys being clearly marked with a sticker plastered onto their cybernetic foreheads, but of course the world was always a little less clear than the common man could anticipate. And so, the NSF was formed out of an elite policing organisation previously known only to the highest officials. Now, the NSF were a known threat to the Jinrai themselves, as the conflict has uproared into a flame and fury that was unavoidable.

Beneath the governmental institution laid the NSF headquarters. A mile of underground tunnels, war rooms, barracks, armouries, firing ranges, gyms and occasional luxuries was for the well-being of each of their operatives, who all were ensured to be rewarded handsomely for their service to the state and Minister himself. The NSF was hoping to becoming the changer of Japan's future. A recent inclusion of exterior recruits contacted primarily by NSF individuals after they expressed interest conventionally. Many of the members lived on base, but some were even offered alternative egos and places of residence within Japan itself, at the cost of a termination programme. Any information caught being supplied to the Jinrai, or operatives that were at a threat of information extraction without any hope of rescue were to be assassinated by one of their own in order to preserve the intelligence perfection of the NSF's inner-workings. Some of the Operatives had suffered greatly from this experience, and so the inclusion of international recruits had seen a small rise in the recent months.

Down the corridors, Takai walked forward with his hands clasped around a file. Beside him, the clattering of a cybernetic arm stretching and shifting beneath the rolled up sleeve of his superior. Takai wasn't exactly the ideal soldier here in the NSF, having found himself become a part of it before it officially donned the three-letter acronym. However, what he had was respect and and appreciation amongst his common comrades, at least the ones who knew him well enough. Those around him were keen to work with each other, and the regular shift of investigation partners, raiding teams and reconnaissance parties was accepted in order to increase the trust of every operative, especially the trust they should have in each other as well as themselves. Iha Shumei, the Company Officer recently promoted from his regular non-commissioned role in the gritty part of the NSF warfare group. Across his eyes, the overly familiar glimmer of his permanent headgear always made him instantly recognisable compared to his comrades, only amplified by the addition of his prosthetic limb on the left arm. He wore the suave attire of a intelligence officer, more akin to that of a police detective or private investigation's officer. As he wandered, Takai read the files further and further. Sure, he'd heard of most of those written down on the file, and even knew some quite well from their previous involvement, but his knowledge of their personalities was limited and potentially deprived of a full enhancement. More to the point, the names he read did seem a little...alien, to the NSF.

"Andrews...O'Connell...Duke...Black...Bell? I heard we'd outsourced our members, Shumei, but this is rather precarious." In a loud mutter, Takai questioned the reasoning behind these non-Japanese individuals, clearly highlighted by their names and mugshots. Alongside them sat names that he found at least recognisable. Li was one of them, though she too was an outsider to the Japanese nativity. From what he'd heard, she was a capable asset, though his knowledge was once again limited beyond personal experience. Takai had previously been an operative of solitariness, pursuing a life in Investigations whilst only occasionally participating in the engagements with teams of heavily armed personnel. Those were where the true battle was being fought, and Takai was still adjusting to find his footing in the field of the NSF operations.

"If you have a problem, Shushen, then I'd rather you think about it a bit more." Of course, playing the diplomatic man again. Takai did utilise his methods quite a lot himself, but when it came down to personal belief Takai had to put his foot into the room to solidify who he was as an individual.

"It's not them being from another country that disappoints me, Shumei, it's the fact that they are highly unlikely to be loyal to the cause. I'm not asking for patriotism, but working alongside individuals who don't see any benefit in the outcome of this war for Japan is daunting. It will take me a long time to adjust, maybe." Immediately, his thought process was interjected by the smile of his officer, smirking immensely to compliment his lack of emotion from his eyes. If his mouth wasn't exposed from his eyepiece, it would've been impossible to truly tell what the man was conveying through his voice.

"You seem to get along with Yi and Bykov at least, and they clearly aren't from Japan." Takai didn't respond at first, finding himself smirk at his quip too. He wasn't wrong at all. Out of his new company, Takai had interacted with Yi and Bykov the most so far. Whilst the latter was slightly harder due to a sort of gritty politeness in her tone, he was indeed aware of who they were and what kind of person they might've been. He wanted to press more into his intentions and interactions with his comrades, however the selection was so far more of a circus than that of a military police outfit.

Takai closed the folder and sealed it back up with its brass button. The two continued down the dimly lit passageway, beneath the surface of NeoTokyo itself. He sighed at the flickering light that had been blinking for two weeks and still awaited changing. An epileptic annoyance was always one of the few things he could immediately complain about, seeing as the "how about that weather, ey" icebreaker was clearly useless down in the NSF Headquarters.

Eventually Takai made his way into the mess hall and sat down, unravelling his NSF Tac-Pad and looking into the details of his upcoming mission. Shumei nudged him and grabbed a small bar of cereal to eat for himself. He offered Takai a bite, to which he declined.

"'Nother investigation? You've been really busy. You should find the time to relax, maybe go out for dinner with someone. Settle down and get some-"

"Maybe after. I know we've got a potential raid coming in the few days, so I don't want to jinx it, if that makes sense?" Takai looked more into it, reading into the possibility of a Jinrai tradesman being located on the rim of the exclusion zone, hiding in plain sight to bolster a potential guerrilla movement being introduced within their ranks. Whilst the Jinrai were a dedicated, professional military source of warfare, they too liked to dabble in the different arts of war in order to fully express their intentions, expansive nature and informality into asserting the power gap's devolution. It wasn't going to be an easy campaign, and the upcoming raid was definitely something he was going to be required to participate within. It had been a while since Takai had left the investigation front and committed to the true battle, finding excuses and perfectly timing his investigations to conflict with the battle themselves. It wasn't that he wanted to avoid it, it was just that he wanted more time to mentally prepare what could happen, especially considering what had happened in his last operation.

For the mean time, Takai sat in the centre, alone at a table as Shumei left for his own duties, hoping to offer a helping hand to a few cadets who'd been reportedly struggling with a recent training exercise. Takai was in a position of solitude once more, and thus he smiled to himself, reading over his next target. He had about 30 minutes before he had to get ready, and how he was going to kill that time was for someone else's explanation. Until then, he thought about his suspect: Iwata Honomi.
The first IC post will be in the works shortly! Cannot wait to see where this RP goes!

Acceeeeepted boyo!
@GrizzTheMauler@GoreLoreYou two are both accepted into the Roleplay! Welcome to the group!

The Siege of Amone, September 28th - Ignition

As their conversation became nothing but strange exchanges of an informal manner. Lucia struck first, asking about the weather with a plainly innocent smile plastered onto her face. At first, Jean was unsure of how to answer, as they were stood outside in the rain already. To his surprise, it was a genuine question she'd asked, not a joke, and that she was more struggling to find ways to converse with her apparent newly-adopted older brother. That thought still felt weird to admit. Jean was never an older sibling, nor was he Lucia's actual sibling. She'd taken it upon herself to claim him as her own out of a strange twist of fate that even confused the Francian. She was definitely a bizarre girl, one that wandered the streets of lacklustre freedom without a sense of direction. Her random rants of a childlike manner saddened Jean slightly, reminding him of her youthful innocence that was still lurking inside of her. Clearly Lucia hadn't ever truly grown up. Whether that was through shallow parenting or the influence of one aggressive Captain, that true naivety was yet to leave her frail and bruised body. Such knowledge pained Jean, knowing full well that she was either blissfully unaware of her own situation or had simply accepted who she'd become.

Breaking his muse was the arrival of an Issac and Britta. Jean at first was quick to smile, knowing that these two were quite the wholesome pair indeed. Even without any sort of official announcement, Jean could tell that the two had more than just chemistry between them. It was a blooming spectrum of potential love and affection that had blossomed from either heavy drinking or wonderful conversation. Lucia seemed to be infatuated by their sudden sprouting of confessional binding that had taken a toll on their life together. Whether it was her thinking of implementing a certain confession of her own onto a certain small, yet handy Edinburgh, young man was up for debate, but Jean could see through her intentions rather easily. Perhaps she needed more time to herself to plan such a sporadic choice of words. And perhaps Michael himself needed the time to figure out his position in the foul war. Jean's smile slightly dipped away as he thought of Michael's situation, alongside Reyna. The two were being sent into the heart of the Imperial steel and mettle located in Amone, acting as a potential tide-turner in the Liberation that was soon to begin. The likelihood of them returning was as great as the chances of them never returning at all. For all that they'd been through, this could've been the last time they'd have ever seen one another, without any sort of goodbye or a final send off to go with it. Stories from Jean's childhood told him of great war heroes that would rekindle their bravery through speeches prior to their sacrifice. Here, Jean hadn't seen a single worthy sacrifice. Death lurked around every street corner, in every trench and in every field of Francia, Assen and Wessel.

Lucia gently fumbled towards Isaac and Britta, who both shot a couple of quick questions towards her. At first, she prepared to answer her question quickly and flawlessly, but the mentioning of Middleton threw her off balance. A silence only stayed between them for a few seconds before Lucia eventually hid the staggering hesitation with that of another blissful glimmer in her own sparkling eyes.

"Fair morning, Lance Corporal and Mrs. Black!" Unintentionally, she shot the switching of surnames to Britta with a mischievous smirk plastered onto her face. Lucia still hadn't forgotten about how Isaac had planted some form of cunning evidence within the letters on the train trip to Amone. Being one step ahead of her annoyed Lucia greatly, and thus she wanted to at least get some of her own ways back onto the pair. "Me and Jean were talking about the weather, and the stupid rain. Hate the rain. I'm doing okay, never been better maybe? Also we were arguing about who'd be the ring bearer at your weddi-"

"No we weren't! Lucia, don't spread false rumours amongst your friends and squadmates." Jean couldn't help but let his smile loose upon the trio before him. Their glimmering fascination of humorous banter took him off-guard and left him slightly improper to his NCO responsibilities. In reality, Jean never saw himself as an NCO, only a young man people barely trusted in the field of combat. To that day, Jean was more than aware that there were many adversaries within his own ranks towards his leadership, or rather a lack of it. To many that would be acceptable, but it troubled Jean's confidence and forced him to wise up. "I beg your pardon, Isaac...and Britta. How are you two doing on this miserable morning? All stocked and ready?" Jean cleared his throat and turned specifically towards Isaac, almost as if to pull him aside from the conversation. With Lucia around, he didn't want to raise too much alarm to their upcoming responsibilities, and the things they made be held accountable for. "We've got a lot on our plate, Isaac; I hope you realise that. This time it isn't just the squad, it's whoever needs guidance. You're leadership will be minimal here, as I know you'll be manning that machine gun, but be prepared to help any soldier you see in need of help once we hit that Cathedral. I know for the hell of it I'll be in the thick of the firefight, so I hope to maybe see you there too."

To Lucia's surprise, Diana came and joined the conversation not long after. Her small appraisal for assaulting the Cathedral was quite adorable at first, however the latter half of her sentence struck a sudden nerve in Lucia's personal intrigue. Her mentioning of making Michael smile seemed oddly too specific for Lucia, and illogically she immediately aimed to pursue what she meant by that. Lucia sauntered closer to Diana, almost pulling her in for a friendly hug, before she started her interrogation.

"That better not be flirting with Mickey, I hear." At first, Lucia giggled, but soon the thought dwelt upon her further. A panic of losing someone she'd firstly grown to like was immensely scary to her. Her voice was one of distress and panic, despite her misreading Diana's intentions. "Don't tell me you have a crush on Mickey? That's unfair! You've done the lovey-dovey stuff with everyone, including Luke! Don't add Mickey to that list!"

Immediately, Jean guffawed at Lucia's silent outburst, listening in on the private discussion between Diana and the young Asseni girl. The innocently adorable conflict between the two was easily enough to start easing Jean's mind into the thick of what was to come. A much needed morale boost, so to speak. Some would find it irritating, of course, to see such tomfoolery plague the ranks of the 15th Atlantic Rifles, however Jean was less interested in all that formality in the moment that passed. Whilst his focus would be on sheer violence in the coming minutes and hours, their flaunting discussion at least gave him something to smile about. A short reminder of the purity of the world...well...Diana wasn't exactly pure herself, though.

Jean nodded to Diana, giving her a sort of friendly, silent welcoming to the group before he picked up his rifle once more and checked its bolt. Operational and still reliable. The SM-Longfield was surely a reliable weapon in comparison to its competitive adversaries here on the frontline of the Great Europan War. Jean igniting the firing catch to empty the primed mode, taking out his stripper clips and loading the ten total rounds into the firearm. Ten shots before a full reload: surely, this was quite a deadly rifle in comparison to the breach-loaded designs of the pre-war era. Its smoother bolt action was comfortable to use as well, whilst designs from across the continent and international counterparts were still figuring out the best mechanism for quickly following up a multitude of rounds before the much needed reload was a requirement.

As Jean concluded his loading of the rifle, he took a step out into the rain, hearing the familiar pitter-patter of droplets against his steel helmet as he called for the group to move with him. Not far from where they'd been talking, lines and ranks of drenched soldiers stood out in the rain near the barricading of the unofficial Federation frontline. Between them and the Imperial holdout zones laid an apparent no-man's land. Iconic, vapid landscapes that usually indicated the lacklustre of human stationary presence, Jean couldn't help but notice the irony of this battle's own being the previous habitat for many a thousand civilians, religious followers, bakers, smiths, accountants, attorneys and children. Market places were now graveyards for the fallen hundreds of the most recent incursion of Amone. Homes were now medical centres, basements were ammunition stockpile zones and bedrooms even acted as a machine gun nest form time to time. Churches were used by snipers and the streets were watched by squads of riflemen preparing to savagely blast away at anyone who dared to wander unsupervised. There were no crimes or any acts of petty thievery; instead these had been replaced by men and women eager to kill one another in order to survive. Truly, these streets had become something of an apocalypse. Jean and Lucia joined the line together, unaware of where those following them were going to fall in. Those directing their attention to other major objectives joined different formations of unfamiliar faces, knowing full well to move in full force towards their hopeful objective.

Atop of the barricades, two heavily dressed individuals rose to the top of the orderly formations. One of them was rightfully familiar, the other not so much. Besides the disdain of Captain Alexander-John Middleton, who silently stood with his own rifle in hand, beneath a large long-coat of wool and other itchy materials, an elder man with a great and twirling moustache stood proudly. To himself, he didn't hold any weapon. Why would he? The rank of Major laid his gloved hands across his parade staff's helm. He had no intention of joining the fight, only watching it from afar with the regular changes to how the plan would formulate. It was likely that the two stood before them were responsible for concurring formulation of the Amone Liberation. Usually a General or Colonel of their stance would be responsible for such a highly responsible task, but with Captain Middleton in the mix they seemed more than fine with letting him have another crack at the preposition of troops.

"Regiment, regiment...'SHUN!" The simultaneous clamp of boots against the cold, moist pavement below shot through the air as Captain Middleton called out the beginning of the briefing, keeping them all at attention for a few seconds before the Major interjected as per the formalities of war.

"Stand at ease, soldiers!" Whilst the soldiers about relaxed their stances, they were by no means relaxed at all. Jean found himself tightly clasping the rifle strap around his shoulder, his fingers trembling in the cold of the morning dew. A few more quiet seconds passed as the Major whispered something to the Captain, only to return to his commanding, booming tone to address the masses before him. "What we are about to do today may not shape the war, but it will shape the year, my fellow men and women. If we are to take Amone today, we will open the opportunities that our entire Army will be proud of. Taking Amone today will scramble the Imperial army. It will force a panicked redeployment, and it will allow us to deliver a great blow to the Northern Frontier. Taking Amone today doesn't just allow us to enter the lost fields, villages and cities of Assen, but it will also grant us, the Army of the Federation, the means to break the stalemate in Gallia up north, and ridicule the Imperial trenchlines that have so awfully slaughtered our friends. Let this day be one of great pride, my soldiers, as we will break this stalemate for a while longer!

From the right of Jean, a large group of youthful and elder lads cheered, raising their arms up to congratulate the speech. Of course, it wasn't exactly the most thrilling. The Major had essentially admitted to only breaking the frontline momentarily. Many of those still around weren't likely very compassionate about Gallia itself, finding it to be just another nation hopelessly outside of the Federation. Jean felt his eyes roll slightly. It wasn't that much of an achievement in the grand scale of all things considered. However, compared to the sluggish and downright embarrassing pacing of the continental conflict, perhaps the little individual victories were all that these faltered soldiers had left to clench onto. Jean sure knew that the smallest things seemed ever larger than before.

Middleton cleared his throat and scanned the group, raising his own hand to try and silence them. The speech of the Major was short and bittersweet, hoping to detail the less logical and pragmatic concepts the battle had to delve into. Inspiration was the Major's game, meanwhile for Middleton it was about heading straight into the briefing, allowing them to keep on schedule and instigate their assault right on cue.

"Simmer down, soldiers!" Middleton began to silence them quickly, fiercely interrupting the nationalised cheers of the regimental's lowest ranking officials. Once again, the Asseni Captain cleared his throat and moved towards the front of the duo, a strong and pointed fist behind him. "Out there is going to be one hell of a fight, ladies and gentlemen. Their numbers may be less than ours physically but in spirit they are just as powerful. Through plans a scouting party obtained yesterday by luck, we've managed to pinpoint a few estimated locations of where they will be garrisoning machine guns, sniper nests and rifleman squads. All these locations aren't confirmed, so we ask that you watch the rooftops, windows and open streets. The main forces will assault the Cathedral and City Market in full force, all whilst we spread smaller support teams across the frontline to hit all their defences at once. The more bullets we throw at them, the further spread out they'll be. Those assaulting potential Officer's Quarters will be lower in numbers but are instructed to capture any officers you may find. If they don't come quietly, and we have reasons to believe they won't, then you have your orders to engage with extreme prejudice in mind." For once, Jean felt relieved that he wasn't entrusted with the far closer environment of the headquarters. He'd had enough of close engagements since his first day in Amone, where the brutal anguish of his enemy's perish came face to face with himself. Jean hated that more than anything else he'd been through in the war: having to watch his enemies die, eye to eye. "As for everyone, I ask that you not only be vicious, but also careful. I won't lead you into a slaughter here, and we need to ensure that most of us get out alive. Stick to the rubble, push when you have openings and flush out Imperial defences until they raise their hands in mercy. Now, brace yourselves! Last minute checks!"

When given the order, Jean heard the synchronised effort of the Federation infantry checking their gear. Many bolted their rifles and loaded their magazines in if they'd hadn't already. Those with machine guns loaded their belts and prepared their melee weapons for bludgeoning their foes. Sappers who weren't assigned to demolition tasks prepped their entrenching tools and clasped onto their ammunition magazines. The marksmen zeroed their sights in closely and braced for separating from the pack, moving ahead to secure spots of importance. Jean took a deep breath as the sounds of sachets of grenades were hooked onto the webbing of shocktroopers. Everyone was eager to get into the fight, or rather eager to finish the bloodbath of Amone. No one wanted to be there anymore. If anything, the sheer waiting was the worst part. It took Jean back to the fields of Garnia for a moment.

Jean's face dropped as he heard the distant machine gun rattle away, waiting to execute all of those rummaging up Hill 58. Something about those screams four hundred miles away sent shivers down his spine. Never before had any sort of training failed to prepare a single man for the agony that was to ensue ahead. Millions were being told of the trade of glory to combat, and yet here he was, six or seven feet buried in the bottom of a muddy, soaking wet trench. The duckboards beneath his very boots were doused in blood, disease and piss. A smell of foul intent showered and stained the familiar brown uniforms of all the Federation soldiers. The whistle was about to blow. He could feel it. He could hear it. The fear in the soldiers around him kept him on his knees. He'd just finished his attempts to calm the nerves of a seemingly experienced soldier in that form of combat. Charging was always going to be the worst part of the day. In the books, they always spoke about how it was going to be glorious, about how the sun of the Valkyrur and other gods blessed upon them eagerly without a moment to spare. Unfortunately, all they received was the sickly taste of blood; and soon, the sour sense of steel would be upon them too, like the devil incarnate.

As Jean snapped back into the present, he found himself surrounded by even more soldiers, awaiting their destiny beyond the shoddy wooden barricades and sandbags used to fend off Imperial scouting parties. Sappers and medical officers expended their energy removing the barricades one by one, tearing them down and setting them aside like the passing of a red sea. Mandates of violence were approaching fast. Jean took his breaths of peace, hoping to conceal them within his lungs throughout the entirety of the brutal objective before them. He had to put his trust not only in his comrades, but himself. There was no room for error. Error was going to cost lives, and a lot of them. Every single imperfection was a chance for another man to fire his weapon into his heart. If it weren't for the fact that someone was out to kill him and his friends, maybe caution and mercy could be expressed on this terrible field of war. However, prejudice would prevail. And in that agonising, fleeting second, Jean sighed the biggest he'd done in a while. He unslung his rifle and tightened the chin strap on his helmet, before Middleton's voice flooded the alleyways once more. All the heads of the fumbling soldiers, fiddling away with their gear, rifles and clothing directed themselves towards him.

"Remember everyone," shouted Middleton, who's back now faced the rest of the infantry behind him. His body was ready to scale down the barricade that he and the Major had positioned themselves onto. "Expect those armoured vehicles, amongst other things. If you see any of their special toys, you better get rid of them. And watch out for whatever blew the fuck out of our medical compartment. I'm sure you're more than happy to give them a bruise back."

Jean's mind had almost pushed out the vivid memory of the explosion the day Thomas died. What's worse was that it was simply the previous day. There wasn't any real time to grieve over the incomprehensible flame and fury that had been unearthed onto the Federation defensive lines. Whatever shot the blast was likely preparing another round, only then could it try and have a chance at diminishing the Federation advance. As long as they were spread out enough however, it was unlikely that the behemoth's gunshot would've been able to wipe out the entire Federation advance on its own.

Slowly, Middleton began to raise his hand upwards, preparing the other to blow the whistle that would ring out for a hundred years. This was going to be the moment the 15th Atlantic Rifles had been waiting for. Their goals beforehand were nothing compared to the Liberation of a Religious Capital. Many were eager to get their names plastered in history amidst the great peers they served alongside. Others were just hoping to get through the campaign alive, or at least with an injury enough to send them home to their mothers and fathers. Those who'd accepted the possibility of death were the most prepared, hoping to truly set aside their aspirations for either their Gods, Kings, Queens, Presidents, Ministers, families or nations entirely. For a slight second, everyone continuously held their breath, preparing to let out the battle cry that had so easily become a tradition for those wartime charges. Jean prepared his legs for the struggle. Lucia pushed herself slightly closer to her Corporal and finally realised what was to happen. Compared to Hill 58, she seemed slightly more prepared for the incursion, at least only a little bit.

The seconds began to tick down. A slightly ambience of trembling shudders of metallic gear clattering against one another in dampened webbing began to echo through the quiet streets. Captain Middleton kept his hand raised up and slowly moved the whistle towards his mouth. Jean closed his eyes, whispering something obscure to himself. He didn't want it to end here. With Lucia by his side, he hoped to never see this end. The faces of those he had survived alongside were to be tested, and in all things considered they could be lost from here onward. The friends he'd made along the way were at a threat. Jean wasn't going to let that happen. It was the only thing keeping the poor fool alive.

From above, the sound of a cannonade once again blasted overhead. Jean looked up, seeing the whistle of shells from behind AMone soar over, heading to pepper the foreground they were heading to reclaim. He clasped his hands around the straps of his uniform, whispering to himself more. The darkest of times was upon them. Jean was no religious man; yet here he was, praying to a god that perhaps he might see it through to the end of this day with his friends still there to smile upon him. With only seconds left until the zero hour was upon them, Middleton turned his head and opened his mouth, unleashing his lungpower to its full extent.

"Two years ago, your brothers and sisters died near these lands! Fight in their name, and do not let their honour be a burden to your victory. Make ready your arms, for today we shall have ourselves a leap forward. GLORIFICA!

"Onwards and charge!" Even with such a notorious reputation, his words kindled a fury unlike anything seen before. Even compared to the rags of the poverty ridden Garnian Trenches, the booming roar of four thousands lions screamed throughout the streets of Amone. With the artillery barrage continuing to pepper the Imperial frontlines ahead, the warcry began to fly through the morning sky. Jean didn't shout, only grab Lucia and nod at her, as the crowd lunged their way forwards. Jean felt his feet begin to move with the crowd as they funnelled their bodies out of the barricaded exits, instantly spreading out as soon as they were free in the open streets. Throughout the sky, a display of fireworks rained down upon their enemy's positions ahead, and the unending thump of heavy boots clattering against the pavements, street roads and wooden porches rose up.

Everyone had been told of Middleton's change in the regular movement. Once first contact was made, a progressive movement of cover-to-cover, suppressive aggression was to be employed quickly and decisively. Within minutes, each position was predicted to be swarmed with rifle fire from a 180 degree curvature before the Imperial's very eyes, forcing them into cover. It was a glorious combination of the mass charge combined with the more cautious split of supportive fire from both artillery and fellow soldier alike. Jean, now running alongside Lucia and splitting off into the left, yet greater, group of soldiers, started to make his way towards the Cathedral. All around the pair, men and women of all walks of life, experience and views tried to yell words of encouragement to ensure that the soldiers they stood by were ready to defend their sides as they were for them.

"Move fast! We'll bloody murder the first Imp' we see!" An Edinburgh Sergeant yelled, Longfield in arm and spirits as high as the remaining patriots that followed in his footsteps. Jean closely followed by, trying to ensure Lucia didn't fall behind with the crowd of support companies and Machine Guns setting up small fallback nests in the event of a retreat. Another part of Middleton's recent doctrine, the progressive placement of temporary shelters behind the main charge was necessary for the chance of a failed assault, in which a counter-attack was expected to follow suit from its powerful defenders. "Maintain your course, we're heading for the Cathedral, lads and lasses! Let's clear the scum out of the buildings!"

In the distant fogginess of the rainy, morning weather, the silhouette of a giant spire could be made out in the thickness of morn. Jean held his breath, only having seen the Cathedral itself from an even further distance. Never before had such a beauty of architecture been so close to his eyes. It felt wrong to assault it, to go forth and prepare for an all around engagement against such a beautifully crafted homestead of religious value. If only-


Jean slipped and scurried to the right, taking himself to the lightest piece of cover he could as the soldiers around them split apart. The street was flooded with an explosive noise of early gunfire, far earlier than they'd anticipated. A rifleman's nest had been set up before them, and Jean immediately saw the Sergeant and three of his closest allies drop down into the street. A few more Federation soldiers were clipped by bullets as they searched for a quick getaway from the sudden volley that fired into their direction. Immediately, the return fire came, and the charging units launched their aggression back, quickly unloading round after round into the now identified windows that housed their adversaries. Jean hesitated for a second, but soon promised himself to keep focused if he were to try and keep Lucia and the others alive. Keeping Lucia crouched, Jean stood up and aimed towards the windows he suspected his enemy was slumbered up inside, firing a round and quickly following it up with two more, before the rapid familiarity of a unnamed soldier's machine gun rattled the remaining windows, blasting and suppressing the remaining streets ahead.

Jean looked to the Sergeant, seeing another forty or so men and women crowded around him. All of them held onto their helmets as the exasperating belittlement of the artillery continued to soar overhead, only to go behind the early-interception parties of Imperial soldiers housed in the streets. They still had a ways go to the Cathedral, and expecting only this many more soldiers to be laying inw wait for then, Jean flipped in initiative on. It was more of a panicked surge of confidence than anything brave, but as the Corporal sitting towards the front, he knew that for once he'd had to take some form of responsibility for the others around him.

"The machine guns will keep them down! Keep moving, don't let them stop us. Take to the buildings if you have to to advance safer, but keep yourself moving if the enemy permits it. Don't get shot, we'll...we'll make it!" Lucia noticed a new surge in Jean's core, seeing him stand up and begin shuffling himself and several other confident soldiers out into the open streets to continue the charge. Soon enough, soldier after soldier began to follow, and the street had once again become a running track. Lucia found herself smiling, though only slightly, and tagged along behind them. With Jean leading one of the many groups heading to the Cathedral, they expected nothing less than a secure entryway to their objective, where the real battle was going to take place.

Accepted boyo!

The concept is very good, there's only one bit I'd ask if you could change the weapon slightly. The technology for morphing weapons isn't really there yet, so they'd have to be separate entities, if that makes sense? The weapons themselves are fine it's just the single thing transforming between them all.

Will accept that too! Few grammatical errors here and there but all around understandable and interesting to see
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