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Shout out to Cherries. The real best fruit. (/lh)
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5 mos ago
Oh! Thank you! It sounds neat, but I don't think I'd want to GM one.
5 mos ago
Nation RP looks so fun, then I look and it's such a dead topic. Why is that? Is it just a lot of work? Not an rp type of interest?
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soooo like looks like the rp I posted is a major go so imma have to drop this

good luck with RP erybody!

Alright! Have fun with your rp!
<Snipped quote by JewelSerket>

The historian can be thought of as human wikipedia; their minds were special trained to memorize and retain large swaths of information. As previously mentioned, this information primarily is composed of data related to the 21st century. The memory of a historian is vital to the survival of a team, as they hold the knowledge of future financial history, how events play out historical, and potential host candidates. Most importantly historians can relay complex messages sent from the director to the team. For example, a historian would be able to remember the sports betting results of horse racing, dog racing, boxing, etc, along with knowledge of trends in the stockmarket as. The knowledge of potential host candidates will allow the historian's team to know the arrival of incoming travelers if needed. Lastly, a historian will better assist their team in planning operations with their detailed knowledge of how certain events play out.

As the timeline is altered by the choices of the traveler team, the historian's knowledge will eventually become obsolete, this is where the concept of an update comes into play. Simply, an update is a personal event for the historian where they subjected to a refresh in their historical knowledge for the changes in the timeline. The update isn't particularly something you should worry about until the end of the first mission so it would be better if I were to explain to you in better detail then if you decide to choose the historian.

I'm sold! Historian sounds fun! May I play as the historian then? It sounds like an interesting and unique role.
<Snipped quote by JewelSerket>

Ayy, thank you for showing interest! Which one do you think you would prefer to play the most? I can provide any further elaborate on either role if you would like.

They both sound promising, but could you elaborate further on the historian? I think it’s the role I’m leaning towards the most.
I have not seen the show but I would absolutely be down to play either the healer or historian roles.

@Achronum, I adjusted her sheet a bit to give a more reasonable time frame for her arrival in the Earth Nation! The big change is at the end of her biography, though her description has slightly changed as well to reflect the changes.
Is this scenario with your character in their homeland of the Fire Nation? 'Cause you'd have to consider how they got from the Fire Nation to the Earth Kingdom, unless maybe she already lived in a Fire Nation settlement in the Earth Kingdom. And if she was already there, the Fire Nation was attacked a year ago and every non-Earthbender has essentially gone into hiding since as any non-Earthbenders have gotten arrested and shipped away. I also seemed to have missed your character's thoughts on the war affecting her homeland.

She would have definitely been born in the Fire Nation, though I could see her having toured with her family out of the nation. May I ask generally where I should expect her to be from the start of the rp? That way I could work from there as to how she got there.

As for her thoughts on the war effecting her homeland, she fears the loss of her culture. She believes that the Earth Nation's takeover is going to wipe out the culture of her people.
@Dragonfly 9 You're alright! Life gets busy sometimes. Let me know if you need any help with the CS!
@JewelSerket okie dokie, your turn!

1 - This is sadly unplayable unless you could justify this character going with the team right out the bat. We aren't planning on running opposing player factions in this so you won't have the opportunity to develop that realization IC.

2 - This is more possible but unfortunately, the players need to join The Rebellion - a group dedicated to bringing down King Wei and putting the Earth Kongdom back in their place. This is very at odds with the character's motivations.

3 - This is the most realistic idea but the Rebellion is small right now. War, fighting, and other aspects of this conflict are this character's primary source of income and joining the Rebellion would be a full time job, taking away their time and freedom to do so in favor of hunting the Avatar. Why would mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, and other for hire warriors are thriving in this, why give that up? Why is the pointless loss of life so important to a character who gets paid to hunt people and sometimes kill them?

Alright! Let me rework my thoughts a bit.

The new idea is a sort of mash up of 2 and 3. That’s mostly because I started to like the idea of a traveling performer the more I thought about it last night.

She was a fire bending traveling player (theatrical performer), trained from her youth in storytelling and acrobatic performance. However, she spent her life in the shadow of her brother, who became quite famous. It caused her to build up a resentment towards her family. When she saw the beams of light, she saw her chance to leave the nest and create a legend that would make her as famous as her brother.

Her goal would be to find the avatar, though there are several reasons for that. Firstly, finding the avatar means a sort of underdog story where the Fire and Water nations win the war. This alone would be a great legend to tell, but being one of the people who found the avatar would put her in a unique position. Not only would she be one of the people in that legend, but she’d have the unique role of having taken part in it.

Secondly, I might still grapple with that loath for a waste of life. I’m not quite sure how yet, but I think it’d be interesting for her to tackle that in conjunction with her need for an interesting story (especially since those often involve death). Though I’m not entirely sold on the idea yet.

Thirdly, she fears the Earth Nation’s takeover. She knows that it would result in her arrest. Even if it didn’t, there would be no way she’d be allowed to perform, especially with her fire bending. That would take away her life’s purpose.
Cool! I will honestly appreciate the coaching! The OOC gave a lot of information, which was why I was fairly comfortable asking to join. I'm going to drop some character concepts I was thinking of for review.

1: Earthbending soldier, warrior, or something of the like. A man who genuinely believes in the earth bender's cause because he doesn't realize just how terrible it is. He, of course, wants to bring the avatar in under the idea that he's protecting them. And by protecting the avatar, he is protecting his people. Issues I could see with this: Mostly just interacting with other player characters. Additionally, my friend informed me that "this is just Zuko", so that may also be problematic? Its a shame because he is my favorite of the concepts, but it may be the least playable. I'm a HUGE sucker for a character realizing that what they've done is wrong, despite believing originally that it was helping.

2: A similar concept to what is above, but a little bit more playable. An earthbending, traveling performer with the intention of finding the avatar. He traveled the land of the Earth Kingdom with a company of players (theatrical performers), performing acrobatic tricks and telling tales praising the power of the Earth Kingdom. He believes that the Earth Kingdom is genuinely the best people to rule and wants to find the Avatar in order to bring them home to safety. Benefits: He's more flexible than 1 and is not actively aggressive towards other bender types. In fact, he would not mind working with them if it means finding the avatar faster. After all, he would NEVER get attached to non-earth benders (/s). Issues: I would have to research traveling performers from cultures similar to the Earth Kingdom. That isn't a big deal because I am already studied in a lot of theatrical culture. But I would want to make sure I'm doing it correctly.

3: A fire bender bounty hunter. She intends to find the avatar with the intent to use him as a weapon to win the war. At least, that's what she says on the surface. She's helped fight in the war so far, but she just wants it to be over. She sees the whole thing as an utter waste of life on both sides of the war. Benefits: Not an earth bender, so easier to interact with other characters. Also has a specific reason why she would help bring the Avatar to a place that isn't the Earth Kingdom.

Are any of these concepts acceptable?
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