Avatar of JewelSerket


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4 mos ago
Current Head Full of Rocks
4 mos ago
Shout out to Cherries. The real best fruit. (/lh)
5 mos ago
Chewing on the bars of my cage (Refreshing every ten minutes expecting responses)
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5 mos ago
Oh! Thank you! It sounds neat, but I don't think I'd want to GM one.
5 mos ago
Nation RP looks so fun, then I look and it's such a dead topic. Why is that? Is it just a lot of work? Not an rp type of interest?
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Interested in the Hero role. Are we assuming a world more like Marvel/DC? Or is it more akin to My Hero Academia? Is it alright if the hero is transmasc? It’s not a deal breaker if not.
@Rabbitconfusion That entirely depends on what you were thinking for this magical aptitude. The issue is that this world is VERY light magic. At least, the characters believe it is. It is only within recent world changes that magic is even appearing. However, there are still some small magical aspects. Medics are often alchemists. While they cannot create gold, they can draw out the innate healing properties of herbs. I'm willing to consider a character with a small magical aspect, but I would have to know what you're going for first!

@Loksfjoer Alright! Thank you!
@Loksfjoer Approved! My only slight concern is that a character who is a loner tends to have trouble interacting with other characters. As long as you feel that won't be an issue, then I don't have an issue.

Alright! Keep your eyes out for an IC post within the next 48 hours. It should be done tomorrow, but I am very behind at work and plan to spend today and tomorrow catching up. If anyone is still interested in adding their character to the RP, please be my guest! Character submissions will be open until all character slots are full or things get way to deep into the story.
Interested in Crucible!
Once a third character has been confirmed, I'll create the first iC text. Character submissions will be open until we reach the player limit.
@meri Awesome! Thank you. I'm excited to see him in play!

@Duthguy Approved! May I ask: Would Muzkane listen to his mentor if he told him the reason the guards have come to take him to a boat is because a secret, very important artistic opportunity?
Side note, please post your characters in the OOC chat so that I may approve them before you put them in the Character chat!
@meri Your character is approved! I'm a huge fan of him. A couple of questions: Would you be comfortable with me bringing in some characters of his backstory during the story of the RP? I am trying to think of a reason why they would be picked for the Hatching. Would their mother have some higher up connections? Would he go willingly if his mother told him some guards were taking him away for something important she can't disclose? And, mostly for clarity's sake, are his pronouns he/they?
I was planning on playing a dwarf, or maybe a human. This Redcap got me intrigued though.

Unfortunately, I would prefer the Redcap only be played by one person and that role is filled.
New Lore added! I'm just going to copy and paste it here for ease's sake.

Tucked deep into the frigid mountainsides of the far north of Phospholite is a colony of mischievous Red Caps. Their clever trickery and natural ease with disguising themselves means that only those of the noble class are aware of them. Speaking their name is considered bad luck. Queen Saphros has helped hide these people in exchange for their work as spies and assassins. The Redcaps hide away in the mountains due to an attempt made by the Oreads two thousand years ago to wipe them out for going against the Queen.

Redcaps are named as such for their mushroom-like nature. Through clever alchemy, lengthy study, and skillful makeup, the Redcaps are capable of copying most small races. They are not, however, capable of copying exact people. The Redcaps are an incredibly playful race. Natural born tricksters, these vegetarians enjoy pranks and practical jokes. It is usually their biggest weakness, as a joke gone wrong can cause them to break their cover. It is easy to spot a Redcap when you know that it is difficult for them to disguise the red mushroom bulb on their head. Most cover it with hats or even use fabric to disguise it as one. However, this knowledge is even more rare than the knowledge of the Redcaps existence.

Lifespan: 200-300 years. Considered adults at 25.
Average height: 3’10”-4’0”

Important Redcaps:
Lady Citrine: The mother of the Redcaps (literally, as they reproduce through spores which she fertilizes in a special greenhouse), Lady Citrine has made a deal with Queen Saphros to send one of her kind to the hatching. She has lived for over 600 years and is preparing to pass on to her next successor.

(Art by Pretty Pixels)

(Art by marrygomesart)
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