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@Prisk: I PMed you the link.

Random Fact of Kim: The name Rene (René) is of French origin that means "rebirth/reborn".
Prisk said @JJ, we should've collaborated at the end of your post! Perhaps we can still do that, and then you can edit it in? Get a pad going and send me the link!

This is true... I shall do this!
Blackwell said I really don't have one in mind. The only real requirement is that he and Kat hit it off haha. If you're up to it I could be as involved (or uninvolved) as you desire in your creation process. I'd obviously want you to enjoy playing the character. :)

Zoom in:
Blackwell said (or uninvolved)

WHAT!? That’s preposterous! Everyone knows you need two to make a baby! Come! To the PM cave! We shall create the gorgeous Chris Pratt together!

Edit: I may be getting ahead of myself XD Did anyone want to do Chris Pratt? I'm not robbing someone's dream of becoming Chris Pratt right? Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Tenish the Mighty said P.S. 2nd round of the Boromir Music Minute. Tell me who should die to Also tell me how.

Hey, hey, wait, wait. You aren’t going to tell us the answer to the first Boromir Music Minute?

Prisk said @Tenish: That video was weird, you're weird, but that's why I love you! Such quirky things, lovely it is! It's a nice song though, I liked it a lot. But, I'm completely clueless as to who that should die to it... maybe, Kimberly? Lumber Jack comes to mind, for some reason, when I think about Kim and this song—they seem to fit!

I'm bad at guessing games, but purely because I see Mr. Lumber Jack, I will also go with Kim... It might even be Kat for her water spirits, but again, only because the song repeats the word river.

…Actually, if it’s about hiding bodies in water, then I guess Aaron and Freddy might work too. Wait, no. That’d be the dead gang leader’s death theme then…

God damn it I suck at this.

While Kimberly was waiting for the right moment to cut in between Magdalena and Storm Guard Omega, Ghost was completely engrossed in the ivory dragon’s dance. His eyes absorbed how she moved with fierce elegance. “I hate to sound like he-who-shall-not-be-named, but,” Ghost pulled on his shirt and fanned himself with his free hand. “Phew!” Kimberly did not share the same opinion as Ghost. Not when all he could focus on was how fast the numbers went down on the Storm Guard’s holographic tab. There was no time to enjoy the “show” that Ghost apparently indulged in.

Kimberly wanted to stop Magdalena ---everyone--- from killing a human, an organism capable of communicating if they so choose to. He knew that this was a war; he understood that people killed people during a war, but was it actually necessary? He wasn’t knowledgeable on the intricacy of politics, but Kimberly believed a majority of wars happened because people, the government, decided that there was no use in negotiating. War was the least complex and fasted way to get what the people wanted. Negotiations took too long, change was never immediate, and not everyone got what they wanted: they may even be forced to endure things they didn’t want… but at least no one had to loose someone they cared about. With the xenomorphs… it was more about survival and less about the benefits of a region. Kimberly could live with that. His friends may never regret ending the life of someone else, but Kimberly knew he would. He was not ready to become the reason why a child would have to be raised without a parent; why a person will never be able to kiss their lover; why a brother or sister could never fight with a sibling over trivial matters ever again; why they will never be able to laugh with a friend. Every one of his friends knew how it felt to loose someone… how could they fight the soldiers without any hesitation?

“Because they’re not complete morons, Kim. This isn’t Doral. That isn’t a civilian. They are soldiers and they will not hesitate to f**k you or your friends up. This war may not have been necessary, but this battle is about survival. You can kill them and take someone’s special somebody, or they can kill you. Leaving your friends and family with one less person to give a damn about.”
Or I can be ambitious.

Ghost was ready to retaliate when the two saw Storm Guard Omega’s nightstick make contact into Magdalena’s jaw and chest. Kimberly visibly flinched at the sight just as Ghost immediately ran straight for the soldier, yelling something about how “S&M was reserved for him and him alone” or something along those lines. Kimberly wasn’t quite sure what Ghost was thinking, but this was the opportunity he had been waiting for. He ran as fast as he could, passed Magdalena, towards Storm Guard Omega.

The holographic tab indicated that there was just enough health for Kimberly to knock the soldier unconscious without causing any life threatening damage. All he had to do was get to him first before---…

Storm Guard Omega’s body suddenly dropped to the ground right when Kimberly was a few feet away from him; Kimberly barely dodged the falling man. Neither Kimberly nor Ghost was sure what had just happened. The giant ---or even Magdalena--- was not close enough to do anything to him. Yet there he was on the ground, unmoving. The hologram flashed the numbers 232/230, before turning completely off. Kimberly’s ears could not hear anything from the dead soldier.

“Heads up Fuzzy!” Aaron said before he left his dumbfounded childhood friends.

“Huh.” Ghost simply said. “Well that was anticlimactic. Huh, Kim?” Ghost turned to Kimberly, “Kim?”

Kimberly stared down at the Nautilus soldier. The first human death Kimberly had witnessed in the context of war happened so out of the blue that his brain stopped working for a second. Then, a feeling of guilt rushed over him. He couldn’t and didn’t blame Aaron or Magdalena: they were doing what had to be done. In his head, he understood that. It was his heart that needed persuading.

Kimberly reached down---…

---… a hand touches [her]: a body that was once a person and was now nothing more than a pile of meat, bone, and organs.

In the dark bedroom, small hands touched [her], attempting to wake [her] up. When the owner of the hands realized [she] had left [her] body behind, they wondered why they had survived when [she] didn’t.

In the cold morgue, large hands caressed [her] face. The owner of the hands was convinced that this was how the world would treat them as long as they existed. Everyone they cared about was going to leave them behind.

In the middle of a burning town, red hands held [her] body close to the owner of the hands. The owner sobbed uncontrollably, begging for “this” not to be true.

His hands…

---…hovered over the soldier’s body. Kimberly shook his head. This was not a good time for hallucinations. His trembling hands flipped the Storm Guard’s body and began to search for something. The task was temporarily suspended when Kimberly heard movement behind him. The giant jumped to his feet and turned around to see Magdalena. Kimberly felt his tensed muscles relax, “Maggie…” Kimberly’s quivering hand attempted to run its fingers through his hair, but only ended up bumping against his helmet he had forgotten he was wearing. He was only able to briefly thank Magdalena for saving him before he had to turn away from her. He doubted there was any point in turning away; she probably knew how much he was shaking. The raven-haired man knelt down once again to look for an ID on the corpse.

“You don’t need to put a name to an enemy. It’s just going to be harder for you. You might even…” Ghost narrowed his eyes when Kimberly found a family photo in one of the soldier’s breast pocket along with his dog tag. “Find things like that.” Part of him wanted to look away as soon as he identified what it was, but Kimberly forced himself to study the photograph. He finally tore his eyes away from the picture when Ghost called his name. The fight wasn’t over yet. Kimberly returned the photograph and dog tag in their proper place and placed the solder’s hands over his chest.
By the time Kimberly came back to the battlefield the Nautilus Mech was destroyed and Storm Guard Alpha had been defeated. Only three soldiers remained. Kimberly’s ears focused on Storm Guard Delta.

“Are you seriously going to do this again?”
As you said, I’m a complete moron.

The sound spirits assisted Kimberly’s sneaking by muting every sound that he made. Stealthily, Kimberly maneuvered his way close to the unsuspecting and distracted Storm Guard Delta. Although he was fully aware that the spirits had made the noises he made non-existent, Kimberly couldn’t help, but hold his breath when he heard the soldier come closer to his hiding spot.

The instant Storm Guard Delta was close enough, the brunet sprang out from his hiding place and attempted to do a chokehold on the soldier. As anticipated, the Storm Guard’s struggles made it difficult to perform the move. The two men clumsily fought each other until Kimberly finally decided to change tactics. The giant’s arms moved away from the soldier’s upper body and wrapped themselves around his waist. “Don’t bite your tongue,” Kimberly warned before performing belly-to-back suplex. Kimberly quickly released Storm Guard Delta and mounted himself on top of the soldier to do an arm triangle choke.

Kimberly was going to have to be careful. One wrong move and the Storm Guard was dead. He only needed the soldier to loose consciousness.

----- Norton City-----

Kimberly stared at the injured soldiers around them in silence. It was apparent that Norton City didn’t have enough medics. “Speak to them, hear their stories, encourage them,” the Gunnery Sergeant said, “it helps them more than you know.” Kimberly walked up to Olivia. “Olive… if… we’re not leaving soon… can…” the brunet hesitated for a moment, like a child asking his mother if he could do something that she would most likely disapprove of, “can… I heal the soldiers? T-they… ike… mi … t…” Kimberly’s voice volume lowered into inaudible levels around the end of his sentence.
Sixsmith said But no OOC Drama?!Uh...Damn you, JJ, be stealing my man. This offense cannot go unpunished!WE MUST MEET AT DAWN TO DUEL ACCORDINGLY! Winner gets the hand of this man in marriage and all the earnings of the other. The loser, of course, gets to die... probably from gang green or something far worse, like bleeding out from the limb they have to cut off, or contracting some terrible plague of a virus during hospitalization because sterilization is a thing of the future!*Cue Twilight Zone Theme*

What!? I-I did...? Well I be damned...I must be one sly dog if I didn't even notice...

Fine. I will accept this challenge! Why wait till dawn? You coward! I can take you down now! En garde!

@Prisk: Two inch nails!? Ouch.
Blackwell said Oooh~ Anyone up for it? You can come up with everything you want for him, he just has to be Chris Pratt.. :)I like this idea as well! You're right about the drama part, but I feel like it could be subdued a bit and not be overwhelming. Whoever decides they wanna do it (which might just end up being me if no one else wants to) can decide on what they wanna do.

What kind of personality do you want your (Kat’s) dreamboat to have?

I’d volunteer if I wasn’t 70% sure I’d play him in some unappealing way (or out of character). And Chris Pratt deserves more than that. If you want to be absolutely sure that Kat and Chris Pratt have chemistry it may be best you play him yourself.

Also, thanks for the 100 Character Development Questions for Writers link. I think I’m going to use it for the random fact about the character post.

@Prisk: Aww… critiques huh? I’m so bad at these… I’m usually that person who circles “neutral” on surveys. Not. Helpful. At. All.

Now then, with that done, it’s time for: Questions!
Prisk, how do the (enemy) tagging thing work? Can it be destroyed? Does it just shut off the moment the stagger meter is filled? Is the actual tag invisible or possibly microscopic? Cause I’d think an enemy would try to take it off or disable it if they knew they were tagged.

Also, is an enemy with a full stagger meter automatically dead or technically KO'd until the player/GM specifies otherwise?
Blackwell said ;-; You can't do this to me.He could be part of another squad/military force that our bitches meet up with and then he'd join and he and Kat could ride off into the sunset (or have a three-way with Roy, whichever). Or he could be a resistance type fighter in a newly formed group hoping to defend their home of Norton City from the oncoming invasion. Neither of these probably fit into what Prisk has in mind for the story but Kat NEEDS Chris Pratt.Kat Pratt.

Another suggestion I had was that Chris Patt is a Nautilus soldier (undercover or not). Though it may just be a drama overload and become needlessly complicated.

Prisk said Of course this can be arranged! He can be any of those two things that you listed, as they make perfect sense in Norton City. You could control him as an NPC yourself, or you could ask someone else to control him to make things more interesting. You could also create a character sheet for him, either by yourself or with whoever that wants to control him. Sub-plots, romance or no, are always welcome!

It seems that Kat may be able to change her name to Kat Pratt :) Hurry! Run with Chris Pratt into the sunset before Roy catches wind of it!

@Sixzmith: Ah Roy~, that rapscallion! Ha, ha, ha.

Prisk said Britney Haynes is actually quite an accurate depiction of what I had in mind. I could use her for a character sheet. The bitch that I based Britney Farron on kinda looks like that; platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, with excessively bleached teeth and all that there.

And for reasons unknown to me, the “real barbie girl” (Valeria Lukyanova) comes to mind...

Insatiable said Also, 666 ooc posts!!!! I'll be the evil one here....Bow down to my malevolence!!!EDIT: never mind...667, Damn so close.

Holy crap! You're right...! I... I was the evil one all along! ...No... it can't be! No... NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Prisk said That Remiloy thing is cute!That's a nice video there you got there JJ, but the presenter... her mouth is so... too... big. Oh Curses! I shouldn't say things like that. I'm terrible, but I can't help myself. I've been too tainted by my Britney Farron-like friends.
Whenever the name Britney Farron comes up I keep thinking of a cross between Britney Haynes and Serah Farron… What does Britney Farron look like?

Blackwell said Someone make another character portrayed by Chris Pratt so Kat can fall in love.
Hmm… *Actually thinking about it, regardless of if Blackwell was serious or not* Who’d he be in the story? Well, of course, aside from being one of many Roy’s secret lovers. You just can't help putting your hands in everything, huh Roy?
JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:
Because knowing is half the battle!
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