JJ's Random Comment of the Day:
Actually, it's more like a question. Prisk, is there such thing as a "spirit's world"? If there is, is it like an actual place or a different plane of existence (different dimension), but within the same Atlas?
Tenish the Mighty said Well, while we are on the subject of cooking...Remi Fact: Remi learned to cook working part of his childhood summers in the kitchen of his mother's restaurant. He hated missing out on some of the play during those lazy summer days, but he did gain an appreciation for the art of cooking.Until the boat ride to Norton City, few of Remi's friends were probably aware of this talent. Like most of Remi's secrets, this is less a matter of intention and more the fact that Remiel never thought to display this fact or have any sort of pride in it....but now I feel like Kim should have known. He invited Remi over to his house and then Remi and Michaela got into a fierce cooking battle, forcing Kim and the rest of his siblings to eat and judge their various creations, clearing out the Appleberry/Faye pantry and nearly killing the others with burst stomachs.Food would've been good though.Anyway, leaving tomorrow morning on a trip, so I won't be around for a couple days, most like.Try not to be completely lost without me.P.S.
Prisk said Oh my God! I'm such a walking cliche. Everything that is otherwise super boring is now suddenly super fun just because I have to study. Damn it, damn it, damn it…
Prisk said Haha! Can't imagine it being anything else! Perhaps the popcorn people have cursed you!
Prisk said Save your facts in your character sheets, people! I love to read them (over and over again), but it can get quite tedious to scroll through all previous posts. So far, only me and Rockette have random facts in our sheets.Also... I have to study for a resit on the 20th, which is boring as hell. I'll still be here and stuff, just have to share my pain, because it's.. horrible.
Prisk said It would be nice if we could add our random facts to our character sheets—optional of course—so that we can easily backtrack and do check-ups.
Rockette said Knowing Julian's rather sadistic nature, he might like an impromptu spanking from the doctor, o;
Rockette said I need to finish his character sheet so he's more official and real in the story... I just keep putting it off.Ghost and Mags can totally gush over sweets together, it'll happen.