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Kim & Ghost Fact: Kim and Ghost have different names for the group.

Phew! That took longer than expected... and it still got really lengthy... Sorry about that.
To summarize what is happening: Kimberly is having a hallucinogenic episode. So the gang really needs to find their stuff :P The bear needs his drugs.

Edit: I guess that's what happens when I listen to songs on loop while writing the recent IC post.

@Rockette: With what Nintendo is doing with all these... collaborations (like the Zelda and Dynasty Warriors thing)? I guess this was to be expected of.

JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:

Just liked the pictures, in general XD

----- Post Boss Fight I -----

He wasn’t sure how long he blacked out. It could have been a few seconds or a few minutes, but when Kimberly came to, it was dark. He was also suffocating and the dirty water filling his helmet was not helping his lack of oxygen. Kimberly sat up quickly and attempted to detach the helmet with the method he was used to, but was just as quick to realize that the weight of the Caudata had crushed and mutated his helmet in such a way that it was impossible to remove it through normal means. So the giant ripped the damn thing into two and jettisoned the now useless piece of metal to the ground. There was never a time in Kimberly’s life that he appreciated the rancid smell of sewage. It was air and his body needed it badly. A few breaths later, around the time the pain overrode the lack of oxygen, Kimberly also discovered that the rest of his body needed healing: pieces of his armor had dents in it and cracked under the pressure of the xenomorph. The battle armor was just too uncomfortable to wear anymore.

Kimberly surprised himself by how calm he was. Were they not in the middle of a battle? Why, yes they were. Kimberly turned his head to look at his surroundings, then relaxed. The Caudata had been defeated during Kimberly’s momentary inactivity. The fact would have colored him red with embarrassment had the badly wounded and unconscious Emily not crossed his optics. All the initial signs of shame and the feeling of pain slipped the giant’s mind as he ran straight towards her, “Emily!” The checking of her vitals and his hearing told Kimberly she was still alive. He would heal as much of her as he could ---and he did--- however, there was only so much that could be done in the sewage. “We need to get her out of here,” Kimberly told his friends. He was ready to pick her up when his ribs reminded him that Kimberly had been crushed by an extremely heavy creature not too long ago. The raven-haired man winced from his injuries, even though it was an action that was not going to help him ease the pain.

The giant ended up exhausting himself from healing as many and as much of his friends ---and himself--- as he could before the group ascended from the depths of Norton City to the surface. WARG was obviously not in their best condition, once they returned to the command post they needed medical attention and rest. If they couldn’t spare anyone, Kimberly told himself that he would treat his friends himself. All they needed to do was get to the surface and head to the base. Then everything would be all right.

Oh, but how he was wrong. So very wrong.
----- Ambush -----

When Kimberly saw the Nautilus forces, the face of the Storm Guard (Delta) that he had spared crossed the giant’s mind. Had the soldier managed to safely meet up with his allies? If he did, it was much too fast. That or the Nautilus forces already knew where WARG was. Either way, Kimberly prepared for his roommate’s tirade that he was sure was about to begin. Yet, he was surprised by Ghost’s silence. As a matter of fact, Kimberly would receive the silent treatment from his own hallucination for the remainder of the day.

After his teammates surrendered and a number of Nautilus soldier had to assist Kimberly out of his own armor ---a processes which resulted in Kimberly getting hit across the face when he showed the slightest hint of resistance as the soldiers confiscated a part of the armor with the compartment with his “offerings” still inside it---, the enemy force covered their heads with black hoods. As much as this blinded them, Kimberly’s ears could still pick up the noise around them. He listened carefully as the group was taken away to a facility where they would spend the night inside the cold kitchen freezer. Kimberly made another attempt at healing everyone as much as he could, before falling asleep.
----- A Trail of Blood -----

The calm waves of the blue ocean gently submerged his feet into the water, then retreated back to where they had came from. He felt the gentle wind caress his person and the sun warm his body. Kimberly was at the beach ---a beach that reminded him of, but was not quite like, the beach he and his friends had traveled to about a year ago--- with a few other people a short distance away from him. The group of people where holding each other’s hands and rotating in a perfect circle as they sang a famous nursery rhyme with smiles on their faces. Kimberly was positive that he did not know the people in the circle, yet they felt oddly familiar. When Kimberly approached the group, they invited him to join and resumed their playground singing game.

Kimberly did meet these people, however briefly the encounter may have been: they were the Storm Guards WARG killed in combat when they reached Rimoux. Although, the Storm Guards did not seem to recall or mind that “minor” detail. The dead soldiers and Kimberly span around happily until they heard someone call out, “Natalia!” The group stopped their circle dance to allow the one named Natalia to break away from them and run towards another woman holding a small girl in her arms. The woman embraced the other two lovingly. One by one, other groups of people started to call their loved ones over to them and all Kimberly could do was watch the once perfect circle crumble into a singular dot: Kimberly. Casing a huge shadow down below, Nautilus appeared from the clouds and hovered above them. A column of light beamed down towards the ground and all, except Kimberly, were slowly lifted up into the air. Close to their family and lovers, the Storm Guards floated back home.

A bright orange fabric covered Kimberly’s eyes. Disoriented, he struggled to find his way out of the cloth maze, but when he was finally free from it, he saw his grandparents smiling at him.

“There! Perfect!” Michaela exclaimed as she straightened her grandchild’s orange garment. “I knew you would look great in this,” she turned to her husband, “don’t you agree?” Clair, a much more masculine version of his “grandmother”, smiled approvingly, “you look absolutely stunning, pumpkin.” He chuckled, “and no, I didn’t mean that as a pun.”

“Orange must be your color,” a voice, that made Kimberly turn around in surprise, said. Samuel was standing right in front of him, studying Kimberly closely in the new outfit. Samuel wasn’t alone. Everyone was there: Olivia, Emily, Royce, Katherine, Aaron, Jynette, Magdalena, Remiel, Thael, and Fredrick. The whole gang around age eight. Samuel’s gaze landed on Kimberly’s feet, “are you sure you’d be able to play in those?” Kimberly lifted one of his legs to see that he was wearing sandals. He then looked up to see Samuel grinning mischievously at him. “Cause, tag! You’re it!” Kimberly’s childhood hero tapped Kimberly on the shoulder and ran off with the rest of their friends down one of Helston’s main streets, laughing as they did so. “Hey!” Kimberly’s shouted, before he ran after his friends.

The innocent game lasted only for so long. The distance between him and the group grew with each step. The faster he ran, the farther they went ahead. He tried to catch their attention by yelling, “guys! Wait! Wait for me! I’m still here! Don’t leave me behind!” They either couldn’t hear him, ignored him, or completely forgot about him, because they went on without Kimberly.

The blue sky turned into red. The relatively clean and peaceful town transformed itself into a town of chaos and death. Fire, gore, and screams are sprinkled throughout Helston. But the children never stopped. They continued to play their games, oblivious to their surroundings. However, Kimberly knew better. It had become increasingly apparent that he was not playing tag anymore.

And if he was… he was not “it” no longer.
The creature chasing him ---hunting him down--- was “it”.
Kimberly was running for his life.

Kimberly was a complete mess: his orange dress was covered in dirt and ripped in certain places; the sandals were completely ruined, one lost somewhere in the town during the chase and another barely on his foot; his sand beige skin had multiple cuts; and his golden hair was wild ---free to do what they wanted to do.

He tried to scream for help, but his voice was lost to him. It did not matter how many or how much he tried, no one heard his voice. No one came to help him. No one even noticed him.

<She> sobs alone, behind closed doors, when <she> thinks no one can hear her. If there are others around, <she> pretends to be fine by putting on a mask. A mask that covers <her> bleeding scars. But they heard her; they always heard her crying for help.

Kimberly could feel the creature closing up on him. He could feel its body heat and breath on his back. Death licked its lips as its hand rose up high into the sky and then straight through Kimberly’s body.

Everything from then on occurred in slow motion. Blood and organs that were not supposed to be outside of a living being’s body slowly spilled out of him. Despite being sliced into two, Kimberly did not scream in agony. No, the Caudata running beside him did the honors of screeching.

Kimberly looked at the horizon that his friends vanished into and he felt his vision blur from the tears. He was going to die. And he was going to die alone.

But he heard <her> cries for help.

Someone called his name. At first, he couldn’t see anyone, but then up from the horizon, Kimberly saw --- come back. --- came running back for him.

--- called his name again.

More tears obscured Kimberly’s vision. The tears did not come from the pain, even though it was unbearable; or from the fear of death, although it scared him to no end; or even from the loneliness he felt when he was left behind. It was tears of joy. He was slightly worried that --- risked --- own life to come looking for him, but he was happy.

Without his lower half of the body, Kimberly couldn’t do much more other than to extended his arms as far as he could to be one nanometer closer to ---. He knew the whole thing was pointless: Kimberly would be dead by the time he hit the ground and --- would not be able to do anything about it, but he did it anyways. He reached for ---. Even if they may never be able to embrace each other like the dead Storm Guards and their families did, he was still happy.

He was happy that he was not completely forgotten.
He felt guilty for making --- make such a face, but he still smiled.
--- was happy to see --- one last time.

Darkness descends upon them.
A warm hand holds --- hand.


Olivia shook the giant who was stupid enough to “sleep” sitting on his thighs and have his eyes opened, staring vacantly at the freezer door, throughout the night. It was a mystery if Kimberly had actually slept. “Kimberly,” Olivia whispered as loud as she could.

The once dilated pupils became undone as Kimberly “woke up”. He turned his head towards his captain and blinked once. He felt his eyes burning. He must have been keeping them wide open for a long time. Kimberly blinked some more to get his eyes moist again.

Olivia looked relieved once she saw the giant moving about. He briefly apologized, but then was silenced by a finger to the lips. Olivia pointed at the open freezer door and signed to him that they were leaving and that she was going to wake the others up. She pointed down at Kimberly’s lap, then left the slightly confused giant. Kimberly chased her with his eyes for a moment before looking down at his lap.

On the floor in front of him, Kimberly saw Ghost lying down on his side, staring at Magdelena who used Kimberly’s lap as a pillow as she slept. Ghost just stared at the petite woman as his hand tried and failed multiple times to hold hers.


Ghost’s lips formed the word “morning”, but he did nothing more and resumed his attempt at holding a real person’s hand. Kimberly only watched for a few seconds before focusing on Magdelena. He petted the white dragon’s hair. She began to stir, but was not quite awake. Kimberly whispered her name a number of times and moved his hand to her shoulder to rub it. “Maggie, it’s time to wake up.” He watched the smaller woman’s eyes flutter open. When their eyes met, she seemed surprised to see Kimberly in front of her. He stuck his pointer finger to his lips and pointed at the freezer door, signing Magdelena what Olivia had just told him a moment ago.
At first, he thought he was going to be fine: the world looked relatively normal and, although Ghost’s silence bothered him to some degree, Kimberly thought that it was going to be one of those rare occasions where he would not experience a hallucinogenic episode. But the second the group encountered the wayward spirits, he instantly knew that they needed to find his medication soon.

In Kimberly’s eyes, the spirits were people, monochrome no-longer-living statues that were frozen in the position they had died in. Red paint was splattered all over the place, and in the middle of the hallway was a little girl holding a paintbrush soaked in red. When he saw the girl, Kimberly initially thought she was a survivor and was ready to approach her, but then quickly shot the idea down when he saw Samuel appear from behind the little girl. His childhood hero approached Kimberly and lightly tapped him before running off, “you’re it!” The little girl giggled and ran off with him.

Kimberly reached out his hand and paused to look at it. The giant’s hand looked nothing like he remembered: it was feminine and of a darker skin tone than that of his own. In fact, he was not in his blue uniform any more, but a bright orange dress that he had saw in his dream. He even had the sandals on. Kimberly sighed deeply and brushed his curly gold hair away from his face. This can’t be good.

Ghost said nothing. He hadn’t voiced a single word since they left the sewers.

Kimberly glanced over at his roommate and was surprised to see him slightly trembling. H-hey… Are you all right?

Even Ghost’s voice was trembling when he finally spoke, “if I’m your imagination.” He showed Kimberly his best smug smirk as beads of sweat appeared on his skin. “I’m fine as long as you image me fine.” That was a hard task to do when Ghost didn’t look good at all, but what could Kimberly do? It was not like he could heal his roommate or tell his friends that Ghost wasn’t doing well. So he reluctantly proceeded onward.

As the group continued forward, Kimberly saw the little girl multiple times, giggling and splashing red paint around. He felt as though he recognized the girl, but was not quite sure until it suddenly hit him. Sofie? The little girl froze and turned only her head slightly towards Kimberly. What little of he could see of her face expressed distaste. He tried again, Are you Sofia? The girl snapped and turned completely around to scream at Kimberly, “DON’T CALL ME THAT! I’M NOT SOFIA ANYMORE!” A few beats later, little Sofia was smiling again. She spread her arms out, “I’m an artist!” Kimberly watched the self-proclaimed artist slash her brush cross one of the monochrome statues and slit its throat open. Red paint squirted out and dripped down the unmoving victim. Sofia laughed maniacally and continued to “slaughter” all the remaining statues, painting the hallways red as she danced away.

The corridor around Kimberly began to shift and change. The unknown facility started to morph into a place that he could easily recognize: Helston. It was a perfect replication their childhood hometown minus the bright red arrows that only Sofia could have painted. He started to follow the red arrows, but with every step, Kimberly became confident that he knew where the arrows pointed. Soon, he didn’t need the arrows to guide him anymore. Even when he saw Samuel’s back in the distance, he did not run after him like he did in his dream. There was not reason to rush: it was a place that every person would end up being at. Although Kimberly had no idea where they were in reality, in his imaginary world, WARG was walking into Helston’s cemetery, advancing towards Samuel’s empty grave. As they got closer, Kimberly saw Sofia looking down at what he assumed was her brother’s gravestone. Before the group could get any closer, however, Olivia gestured the giant to stop and went on ahead alone.

While he waited patiently for their captain to give them a sign, Kimberly turned to look at the group to see how well they were holding up. And saw Ghost having a panic attack.

Kimberly didn’t know it was a panic attack at first ---not with the muted sounds of his visually obvious hyperventilating. It completely shocked Kimberly that he heard absolutely nothing. Ghost didn’t look well, but there was no reason to believe that he was doing this badly. Ghost was hunched over, one hand grasping at his chest and the other over his pale and sweaty forehead, almost as if he was experiencing a heart attack and stroke simultaneously. Kimberly stood there stunned and at a loss. What could he do? Had Ghost been a real person, he wouldn’t have been standing around like an idiot, but what could one do for an imaginary being? Imagine it back to health? He already tried that a half a second ago and apparently he had terrible imagination, because Ghost’s condition did not improve at the very least. Not only did Ghost condition not improve, but Kimberly’s hallucinations decided it was the best time to make things worse.

Hundreds of long chains shot out from the ground and wrapped around Ghost, binding him. If that was not weird enough, the ground beneath Ghost began to liquefy, making the chained man sink into it. When Kimberly’s mind ---or whatever force that determined what kind of hallucinations Kimberly would have--- decided that Ghost was not sinking fast enough, a bottomless iron cage came falling down from the sky and landed on top of Ghost. It steadily sank into the ground, dragging Ghost down along with it.

How bizarre it must have been for the others to witness a bear of a man, throwing himself to the ground, scratching at it as if there was something that he needed to get out the hard floor. In the back of his mind, Kimberly knew how absurd this was: it was absolutely nonsensical to try and rescue a person, who did not exist in the real world, drowning in his hallucination. He couldn’t help it. It may not have been a particularly smart thing to do, but he felt that it was not the wrong thing to do either: even if his efforts were fruitless. Kimberly ended up watching Ghost be engulfed by the ground and taken far from ---or possibly deep within--- Kimberly. He called out to him a few times, but gave up rather quickly when all he heard was silence. What just happened? Did Kimberly do that? Why didn’t this kind of this happen before then? Was it because they defeated the Caudata? Or was it where they were that affecting him?

His questions were cut short when he felt like he was being watched by some---… thing staring at him. Cautiously, Kimberly turned his head around and saw a teenager talking to Olivia in the imaginary graveyard with an army of humanoid creatures with rounded mirrors as faces ---and vaguely reminiscent of little Sofia--- facing WARG. One of the creatures had teleported extremely close to Kimberly and was looking down at him, curious at what it saw. The giant was also confused at what he saw reflecting off the face of the creature: a blonde woman, mimicking the same confusion Kimberly expressed.

Olivia’s sudden outburst made Kimberly turn away from the mirror and glance at the two women. “Samuel is dead! I don’t know what you think you’re up to, missy, but these are malicious lies! Even if he was alive, he would never do something like this!”

As the teenager turned around, Kimberly’s eyes fell down to the headstone engraving the teenager stood near by. Despite being the place where Samuel Valentine’s grave should have been in the real world, instead, the name “Samuel” was replaced with “Sofia”. Little Sofia reached over to the headstone and began to paint “Verena” right above Sofia’s name. The girl turned to Kimberly and smiled so widely that each end of her mouth reached her ears, before she got up and walked inside the teenager.

“I trust everyone. It’s the devil inside them I don’t trust. Isn’t that what you found too? A coincidence? I think not. The words are far too specific to be random circumstance. Out of all the lies I’ve snaked into the minds of men, this is the one boundary I dare not cross. I’ve been following this trail for a long time my dear. Paved the way red to obtain it. I don’t care if you’d like to convince yourself otherwise. I’m going to track him down. Question him — you know a reunion — then return him to the tombstone in Helston marked ‘Samuel Valentine. Loving brother, son’ blah … blah … blah.”

Although Kimberly was too disorientated for a majority of the women’s conversation to be completely aware of what happened, there were two things that were clear: 1.) There was a high possibility that Samuel lived and 2.) Kimberly needed to take his medication as soon as possible.
JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:

Does anyone play Pokemon or Tekken? How about Pokken? Cause that exists now. Pokken Tournament.
The Appleberry’s:

Prisk said I think it's safe to say that Oz and Adora are not coming back anytime soon, so you can control Thael and Freddy if you want. If nobody does that, I will remove the characters altogether.

A-...are you going to... *gulps* k-ill them off?

Sixsmith said As for Thael, I can take control of him, since I collabed with Oz the most. That is, until Oz comes back, if he does. I don't know Freddy enough (nor do I think I can do his justice) to control him, so I think I can leave that up to someone else, hopefully.

Well at least Thael won't be killed off...

JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:
@Prisk: Archangel89 and Rockette took the questions I was about to ask.

@Rockette: For a moment there, I thought you were abducted by Steve. He’s still been trying to snag that llama for you, but he keeps bringing back cows… and sometimes Julian. Congratulations and Happy Birthday for your niece! I hope the mother and the baby are doing alright.

JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:

And here’s the last batch I found. I promise, this is the last one……………. for now >:)
@Prisk & Rockette: I’m probably just not as busy as everyone else is at the moment.

@Insatiable: *Worships Insatiable the 1K-King*

It is good to see you, your majesty.

JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:

As promised, more pictures of potential xenomorphs ↓
JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:

Of course I found more pictures of potential xenomorphs. I found a lot this time, so I’ll divide them up and post it on different days :)
JJ’s Random Comment of the Day:

Kim & Family Fact: Although it is not clear whether or not being a member of the Caravan has any causation, Michaela and those of her bloodline tend to have some kind of artistic talent in one form or another. Michaela was and still is a wonderful dancer; Joyce became a photographer; and Kimberly is skilled at drawing and painting. Even Ghost shows signs of great skill with the piano and instruments of the violin family.
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