Roxy settled on some oldies. She liked music but she had no preference. followed Jess' directions. She turned it on just so there wouldn't be silence. She and Jess should have talked. But she had no idea what to say. They should be friends but she didn't know how to do that. What could she say? What could she tell the empath that wouldn't overwhelm her? She didn't know so she said nothing.
It wasn't enough of a distractions to keep her from feeling like the walls of the car were closing in on her. She tried to distract herself but all she could think of was how much this weekend was going to suck. Jess' mom would notice their watchers. She would ask questions. Questions neither of them could answer. There was no way the other woman was going to like her. Not that Roxy wanted to be like. But it would have been nice not to be rejected again for things that were outside her control.
Time passes slowly. The trip might have only taken an hour but it felt more like a whole day to Roxy. She was exhausted, stress, and frustrated. But she shoved the emotions aside. Jess didn't need them. The woman had enough of her own to deal with. This couldn't be easy on the empath. Roxy reminded herself that Jess was in a situation she knew little about and was doing her best to adapt. That was all she could ask.