@Searat@Blueflame@LightningMaiden@Phantomlink959In the director's office the director sat behind a large mahogany desk. He had three files on his desk. He hoped that pairs would work better than the group had. Maybe they just needed time to get adjusted to working together.
"We are going to try having you work in pairs. Richard and Argus I want you to take this case." He handed Argus the folder.
"You will be handling zombies in the city cemetery. There shouldn't be too many witness for you to worry about" Then he headed over to Astra and handed her the folder.
"You will be partnered with Griffin. We have had reports of a possible shapeshifter in the business district. Find him make sure he is registered and aware of the rules. Last" He headed over to Rost.
"You will be going with Mason and Amaya until we are sure that your wards will hold the shadow demon and Mason has control. You three are handling a missing child case. We think a witch might be involved."