Roxy did not want to spend hours trapped in a car while Jess relearned how to drive. But doing so might help the anchor's confidence. It would at least give her a way to get around once they could be further apart. Not that that would be happening anytime soon. She pushed the thought away and shrugged. "Sure why not. It might help you feel a little more normal if you start doing things you did before."
She wanted to help as much as she could. She couldn't change her situation. But maybe she could build Jess' confidence. Then maybe the watchers wouldn't bother the empath as much. Their job was to watch and report. The emotions they gave off should have reassured the other woman but it was possible that Jess couldn't pinpoint their emotions and that was what was causing her fear. Honestly the empath was in no danger. She was too valuable of an asset.