Roxy snorted. "Sure Blair. We all believe you." She replied sarcastically. She was sure that the woman wasn't innocent. None of them were. There was no way that the participants that were accepted into the program hadn't been carefully screened. There were there because no one would miss them if they disappeared. While most of them. It wasn't likely that Blair or the boy had family or friends that would be looking for them.
She finished off her steak. "Since she's totally incapable of helping in anyway she doesn't get the benefits of missions right?" She asked Vlad. She figured if Blair didn't want to do the work she wouldn't get the rewards. That was how it worked right?
"Anyone who proved unable to prove that they are an assess outside the lab will be a test subject until they became an asset or die." Vlad didn't want to waste the subjects he had. He would use them in any way he could until he couldn't use them any more. He was pretty sure these three could be beneficial if he could get them to work together. That was going to be the challenge. They needed to want to work together and right now they didn't.