Avatar of KatherinWinter


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Hello Everyone. Welcome to my page. Feel free to call me Ms. Winters Or Major Winters. Most people do. I have been with the guild over three years now. I have many RPs and 1x1s. Feel free to take a look. I am 45 (Yes I know I am older than most). I have been happily married for 24 years. I have two gremlins. I love to read. We started a YouTube channel to share our randomness.

Most Recent Posts

In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Raptrabrb? @Shadow Dragon you need an approved character first.
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"There are only three of you because your the only ones who have survived the process. We are still working on the process." Vlad said as he moved towards the door. "When you're done the guard will take you to the testing room. Remember you are here on a volunteer basis. You either cooperate or we kill you." Sending them back wasn't possible. They were nonhuman enough that a normal prison wouldn't hold them. A high security facility might be able to hold them but he wasn't taking an risks.

Roxy waited until the doors were closed. She was sure they were being monitored but at least it felt like they were talking privately. She sat on top of the table while she studied her companions. "I know what motivated me to volunteer. I'm not about to share that with you. Your reasons are your own. But if either of you get in my way you will regret it."
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Raptra@Always I really am capable of using the mention button!
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Roxy snorted. "Sure Blair. We all believe you." She replied sarcastically. She was sure that the woman wasn't innocent. None of them were. There was no way that the participants that were accepted into the program hadn't been carefully screened. There were there because no one would miss them if they disappeared. While most of them. It wasn't likely that Blair or the boy had family or friends that would be looking for them.

She finished off her steak. "Since she's totally incapable of helping in anyway she doesn't get the benefits of missions right?" She asked Vlad. She figured if Blair didn't want to do the work she wouldn't get the rewards. That was how it worked right?

"Anyone who proved unable to prove that they are an assess outside the lab will be a test subject until they became an asset or die." Vlad didn't want to waste the subjects he had. He would use them in any way he could until he couldn't use them any more. He was pretty sure these three could be beneficial if he could get them to work together. That was going to be the challenge. They needed to want to work together and right now they didn't.
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"You're not ready to go on a mission Blair. The three of you need to learn to work together. Which means talking while you eat. Then we will try a training mission. Considering how independant all of you are I doubt you will work well enough together to be allowed to go out for some time." It hadn't been easy to get human DNA to accept the animal DNA. They had lost several before they found a method that worked. Now that he had a few survivors he wasn't going to waste them. While they had volunteered and knew death would the consequence there was going to be someone who thought they could outsmart the system and try to escape. He was eager to see who would try first.
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Raptra@Always sorry. I forgot to use the mention button.
Roxy snorted when Jess said that this was the last thing she wanted. That was the truth but it didn't matter. It didn't change anything. The empath was still stuck with her and having to deal with emotions. "The bubble is my responsibility Jess. None of the research that I've done indicates you affect it in anyway." Which was true. It was always the anchor who struggled to add an empath to their lives rather than the empath dealing with society. None of them mentioned feeling the emotions of their anchor.

"I doubt there is anything anyone can do but I suppose we'll see as time passes." Roxy shrugged. She wasn't the one being drained by having to deal with emotions. She had buried them long ago. She continued down the hall where her father was waiting. He was looking at his watch.

"Its about time. Roxanna you were raised better than this. I hope the food isn't too cold. The cook would be disappointed. You're supposed to keep things calm for your empath. Not stir up emotions." Reginald scolded.

"The longer we stand here the colder the food is going to get." Roxy pointed out. She moved passed him and headed to the kitchen.
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Roxy raised an eyebrow. There was nothing wrong with self defense. But it wasn't that impressive. Still it was something that she could build on. "I've heard worse." She turned her attention to the girl who hadn't answered her question. She knew that the girl had done it on purpose. The girls attitude was going to be a problem. It was clear being put on death row had taught her anything. Which meant the woman was going to end up getting tazed or tranqed a lot.

"You're going to slow this whole process down." Roxy was annoyed but not surprised. They were all criminals. Following the rules and respecting authority wasn't really their strong suit. How Vlad planned to make a team out of them she had no idea. The fact that they survived when others hadn't said they could survive. Which would come in handy.

"So killing seems to be a theme." There were supposed to do missions deemed too dangerous for humans soldiers so it made sense that they all be comfortable killing. Maybe the tests would tell her more.
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