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hello i would to order one kiss from aubrey plaza for christmas
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I literally turned 28 just now and nothing has changed
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I've done nothing but stare at my client's dog in the background in my online meeting


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I'm interested! I'll make a sheet as soon as possible!

Edit: I was also thinking about making my character an oni, though they'd look more like a human with horns.

"So this is what you do."


Interaction: @Pyxis


Hoon and Lilith spent the night together pretty nicely, the band was alright, but Lilith was better. Hoon hadn't been this happy in a long while. Though it did end pretty soon since Lilith had to go to work and there was nothing Aria could do unless she wanted to get Lilith fired or something. Aria wanted to tag along to see where she worked so she could visit (And maybe get a lady boner every now and then). They got in her truck and drove off before it got any later, when they arrived Aria looked up at the building and immediately was intimidated by it and stepped back the moment Lilith started guiding her to it. "Uhm... I'll just uh, I'll be around, I'll see you in awhile alright?." Said Hoon, she gave Lilith a soft hug and a kiss on the cheek while wishing her luck before heading off to the buildings adjacent to the gentleman's club.

Time had passed, a nearby 24-hour diner took her interest, and a sandwich really sounded good right now and she was fine with whatever they had as long as it didn't have disgusting ol' mayonnaise. She entered her cap pushed down a bit so her eyes weren't making eye contact with anyone and she made sure to sit in the booth by the window and away from everyone else. The waitress then placed a menu on her table and she started going through what they had. She decided on a nice BLT to start the night, waiting for Lilith. She ordered and spent some time on her phone.

Around 2 am, she received a text from Elise "r u ded?" And Hoon just laughed before replying, "lmao I wish, jk nah, don't worry about me I'm with someone." She said to Elise to sooth her worries, hopefully she'll get some courage soon to enter that club.

"I wonder what's up."

Location: Her apartment


Mentions: @Otterpop

Elise laid in her bed, her head hurt and she was sobering up, she had to call a friend to drive her home since she was definitely too tipsy to had driven home. She was not sleepy at all, she was scrolling through her phone, with a hot towel resting on her forehead, the covers of her bed ridden up to cover her nose, and the lights in her room were fully off so it was just the city lights and moonlight going in through her window. She sighed and ran her index finger on the screen a few times, before remembering to search up Tao, sending him a quick friend request before going back to her timeline full of art and memes.

"I hope whatever's going on with you, you're dealing with it well." Said Elise as she looked at the 'pending request' prompt on her phone. She had a feeling if she sees him again, she'll probably go treat new bruises that have surfaced. A rush of blood then went through her, she had remembered something. She sat up with haste, the hot towel falling on her lap then onto the floor when she got out of bed. She walked quickly out to her balcony and looked over to Aria's place only to see it empty. Aria told her, and she remembered it so vividly "If I'm not home pass like 1:30 am, I'm probably dead, so check on me or something." The conversation proceeding that was pretty funny tho.

She then texted Aria as soon as she can, asking where she was.

"A little bit more than that if you ask me."

Location: Light lane

Interaction: @Otterpop


"Well when you're around me you don't need to feel like that at all, Ol' Elise Brooke here doesn't want anything more than a friend to drink with!" She exclaimed, a smile appearing on her face after she looked pretty triumphant with what she had said. Elise leaned back, nearly falling off the stool she was sat in before adjusting herself. She could tell this one had not ranted to anyone in a while, in a long while. He then went on saying he just ruined all the fun and Elise just squinted her eyes and said, "Where's the fun in drinking if you won't let out your problems?" She cleared her throat and took a sip of her drink, finishing what little was left. "My uh-... " She thought for a second, "-Best friend taught me that." Said Elise.

Elise stretched her arms up and swivelled around on her chair a few times before stopping and looking over at her drinking buddy, she liked this guy, though she'll probably like him more if he wasn't on edge as much as tonight. Elise saw him move his empty glass to the bartender and let out a small sigh, it wasn't audible or noticeable at all. Elise looked at the guy up and down, she wasn't as fucked-drunked as Tao which was fine, drinking the amount she did drink was pretty relaxing already, and she could definitely still drive after that, Elise ain't no lightweight.

"You need a ride home? You look like you'll trip after a few seconds of walking." Said Elise, he nodded at him as a thank you for staying with her all night even though they had just met, and probably thought she was weird, or a mom... Or a weird mom. At least, she had fun, and she really wanted to let this guy get home safe, especially with the amount of people everywhere, there is quite a lot of people and some could really take advantage of some small drunk guy who could barely stand.

"Is that how I measure things?"

Location: Corona Park


Mentions: @Pyxis

Aria looked down on the stage to see if they were close to starting their performance, she leaned forward and squinted her eyes and as soon as she did the lead guitarist of the band did a sound check by really loudly strumming his guitar. Aria flinched and smiled at awkwardly, turning to Lilith as soon as that happened, "'Aria Awesome vibe'?" She asked, she tried to keep a straight face when she asked that but it soon turned to light laughter after a few seconds of holding it in, "I think you just named my new album." Said Aria as she scooted closer to Lilith, leaning her head closer to hers.

When Lilith put her head on Aria's shoulder, Aria immediately straightened her body as both her flinch and her trying to hide her fluster. She was really happy that Lilith liked- No, loved that Aria wrote a song for her. The hairs on the back of her neck then shivered when Lilith whispered in her ear, and just like that, with no reason at all, Aria' confidence had a spike. Her hand moved trying to reach for hers, but before she could even do it, Lilith's fingers pressed onto her side and she immediately let out a snort (Which she hadn't done in a really long while) as she flinched. "We'll see..." She replied, her smile growing by the second. She then finally took Lilith's hand and placed it on her leg.

Her hand was also placed lightly on her hand, her thumb slightly moving to rub the back of her hand. With Aria being the anxious little penguin that she is, this was one of the ways she showed affection, it was subtle but she really means the world when she does this small little gesture. Soon after, she lightly squeezed Lilith's hands three times, signifying each word of the phrase 'I love you' for each squeeze. She looked over at Lilith for a moment before back to the stage, the band finally started introducing themselves as soon as the lead vocalist appeared, this really e-boy looking guy, curly hair, septum piercing, the whole shabang. He then said that they were going to do a cover of a song, and with no hesitation the guitar started and they started playing Broke Boi by Simon Sea Immediately Aria's head started bobbing to the sound of the guitar.

She looked at Lilith and her smiled transformed from happiness to enjoyment of the music, her eyes closed and she leaned on Lilith back. She swallowed and rubbed Lilith's hand a little bit, "I really like this song, sorry." Said Aria, she wasn't really sorry but man this song really hit hard for some reason... The song continued and she just vibed really well with the band already.


Location: Demacian Adventuring Guild

The sudden appearance of the smaller gentlemen was surprising more than anything, Akali's eyes trained immediately down as she saw the ecstatic old man call for everyone to enter the building. She looked around, sharing looks with everyone else but her eyes were trained to the fox after she overheard the word Ionia. That dastardly place... Though... It was home, and some of the people there were definitely to die for. Her thoughts immediately went to Irelia who has given her nothing but good advice and wishes of luck, her friendship with Irelia is one of the reasons she's not willing to sever ties with Ionia just yet.

As Akali looked around, she noticed it was less like a guild but more of a gathering hub of sorts, at least... In her eyes. Her steps were silent but her presence was definitely noticed. The first thing that really caught her attention was the quest board, there were so many things posted that she couldn't even count them all before they moved past it. The ended up in this room, an office where the small man took a seat behind his desk. Akali was the last to walk in, and instead of sitting by the front of the man, she was off to the side, leaning against the shelves as she waited for everyone else to get comfortable.

"I don't sit with people." She quietly mumbled under her breath, those with keen hearing would definitely be able to hear that, it would appear she was trying to stay away from everyone else, but knowing how these work, that wouldn't fly very well. She wasn't closed to interaction, especially with the other Ionian, and perhaps maybe that Piltover girl with the gauntlets, she seemed like someone who would get along with Akali. She leaned there, hoping no one would notice that she was a good metre away from everyone else.
Post incoming sooner today!

"Multiple drinks mean less problems."

Location: Light lane

Interaction: @Otterpop


Elise sighed and finished her drink before ordering another one, she really is getting drunk tonight, and with someone she just met, this is like, a month's worth of fun for someone like Elise who doesn't leave the house. She took a sip of her new drink before gripping it tightly and took a another but it was a swig instead , "No one's stopping you from being angry, but some people are trying to help." Though that line really does mean everyone, but in this case she was referring to herself. Elise was the type that wants everyone to like her, but she is aware that life doesn't work that way.

"Okay, first of all, Mommy took the whole TV? That's impressive, second, rewriting how people work is pretty impossible unless you're some god or something. Yeah the world is dumb, but that doesn't mean you should be part of the problem, come on, don't stoop down to their level hun." Said Elise, a small smile appearing on her face as she placed her hand on his shoulder, Elise was pretty good at these type of things, she always wanted to be part of the problem but instead be part of the ones that try and fix it. Is she totally righteous? No, but she does want the best for everyone.

"Uhm... Yeah."

Location: Corona Park


Mentions: @Pyxis

"Hey, I have my aesthetic, this band better hit that or we out." Said Hoon, her confidence grew for some reason as she said that, music was her passion and there was no way a band was going to change that. Her aesthetic was something to not be meddled with, it is why her apartment and music are what they are. There is this reason that makes her go for this type of thing but at the mention of love songs Hoon's brow raised and she stopped in her tracks. "Well... Uhhh... I suppose... Urr... Not all love songs are bad-" She was cut off but the light hand squeeze Lilith did and the mention of her playing something in front of everyone else. "I-I Don't... I mean, I uh... I don't even have my guitar so that is totally out the window, yup, hundred percent out the window." Deep down she did want to do it but ever since she started being with Lilith, her way of playing live music has changed which has slowed down her actual music production but increased her number of ideas to a significant amount. She would just make a quarter of a song then remember Lilith, before doing another quarter of an idea, essentially not getting anything done. But at least her new song is a mix of those ideas melded into one.

"I-I can't wait for you to listen to it too." Said Hoon, only slightly tripping on her words since she was pretty happy and a bit shy as well. She brushed her hair that had fallen over her eye from the amount of times she was flustered and it fell since she just kept looking down whenever she was. As she held Lilith's hand, she started moving faster, people were already crowding the stage but there was a lot of grass lands they could sit at that overlooked the stage that she would like to sit at with Lilith. As they arrived there, she sat down on the sloped land and started hugging her knees, "Looks roman- Uhm... Nice here, don't you think?" She asked, she wasn't sure if Lilith would like the use of the word romantic so she just opted for a different word instead. Hoon knew Lilith would be fine with the lot of her shenanigans, but she also didn't want to do anything that would ruin that.
This just gets better and better!
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