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"You have word."

Summerlin Bellagio

Nakano moved closer to her master at the mention of battles, a small smile appearing on her face, moving her lips and the scar attached to it, "Sounds like a grand time! May I ask you if you know what exactly we are up against?" Asked Nakano as she moved closer to her master now standing rather intimidatingly (Not on purpose) next to her. Her hand rested on the chair's back rest as she raised a brow awaiting an answer. Though as her master was making calculations, Nakano moved to an area where she could kneel down and meditate for now, because it would appear that her master is not planning for the two of them to engage just yet.

"Interesting?" Nakano asked, "How interesting?" She added as she began to kneel down, her Naginata now appearing in her hands from seemingly a small flash of blue, her master then went on to say that they would be avoiding conflict for the time being, and Nakano was fine with that, not worried at all because of the aforementioned trust of her partner. "Then I suppose this gives me ample time to mediate on my thoughts, say a few prayers to Tomoe for the time being." Soon she slowly placed her weapon in front of her and placed both of her palms down on to the carpet followed by her head now also being tilted down, it would appear she was showing respect as she meditated.

Though seconds after it began, it was interrupted by her master who asked her what her choice of small animal was, now this was a rather tough decision, after her master asked that her head was still down a few moments but that did not mean she was being disrespectful, she was simply thinking of an answer, then raised her head, "Hummingbird." She let out, she admired the speed of their wings, she wished before that her speed could match that but that does not seem possible. "I apologise master but no other creature is coming into mind." Said Nakano, she then went back to meditating, only letting a out whispers and mumbles of her prayers, though the sound of it was next to silent, only audible if ears themselves were pressed against her mouth.


Interactions: @Mr President

"You have word."

Summerlin Bellagio

"Being careful is a virtue they do not possess." said Nakano as she shifted her body, crossing her legs as she listened to her master yet again, her words were final, and she was thankful that her masters' wishes do not entirely override hers. Once Nenet started talking about saying that their ideals did not align her shoulders slumped down and let out inaudible sigh.

Suddenly shadows filled the room, and Nakano suddenly felt uneasy, the room had gotten colder as soon as they showed but yet they moved to listen to her master, she trusted her master would not have those shadows thrust onto her, she had full trust in her master no matter what would happen.

Her master then stated that she would be the one to grant her wish. Nakano then stood up from the words of her master, her eyes started to light up as a determined smiled grew on her face. She clutched her fist to her chest and nodded at her, "Yosh! Then you have my full respect and trust, whatever your orders are, I offer my life to follow. Tomoe shall see me as her equal!" She stood up, now in a better mood, she walked with the shadows and responded to her master once more, "Some fun? What do you propose we do?" asked Nakano as she stepped forward, now at her master's side.

Whatever the plan is, she trusted her master would make the right call, whatever it may be it should be the best for her since she does feel like her master knows very well what she is doing. She truly believed that they could win this war, but she does not know of her enemies, will there be another bullet that would end her life just like in her legend, she hoped not.


Interactions: @Mr President

"This world has fully gone to shit."

In some mansion or something? Idk.

"It's not like things are just going to-" Her eyes darted from the window, the ceiling, hearing the noise from upstairs had definitely startled her. Her eyes then jumped back to Lena who was still on the ground in a lot of pain, "I'm going up there... Someone want to volunteer to come with?" Asked Hyoyeon as she gripped her golf club tightly, her hands ready to move to her gun at any given point. "If I die it would be one hell of a story, I'll tell you that." Said Hyoyeon. She took a few steps towards the stairs and moved on to look behind her now looking at Lena and said. "Keep pressure on the wound and don't move too much." She then took another step before turning back to her once more, "Actually don't even move, we'll be fine, It's just one weird bug thing right?" Said Hyoyeon with both confidence and nervousness.

Maybe if things didn't go to shit so fast she would still be fine, she loaded her gun and added, "As much as I don't want to waste bullets, you can't be safe with these things."


Interactions: @Ghost Note @Blizz

"You will have to understand."

Summerlin Bellagio

Nanako stood there, in something more... Different. She had realised that her average get up was not fit for this time so she decided to don something more casual. She wore a dark blue, long-sleeved, buttoned shirt, brown fitted slacks and black leather shoes. She leaned against the wall as her master spoke of statistics. "Master, I understand your frustrations but I am here to risk my life for you. Your respect has earned you that." Her body shifted, but yet her posture remained, there was some clear politeness and respect going on in Nakano's body language, she truly respected her master, though there was no doubt in her mind that her master does not do the same.

"Your orders are final." Said Nakano, cementing the fact that she will listen to Nenet no matter which road it takes her, though she prayed that her master's orders will not conflict with her morals. Her eyes never met with Nenet's but she continued to look out the window, and glancing to the door whenever she heard footsteps. "You have my word on my full loyalty, but please do take into account my morals..." She added, she did care about the grail, she cared about her wish, and she also cared about her master, but there are things that simply cannot be forgiven no matter what happens.

Her master then pulled up a chair and Nakano suddenly flinched at the sight of it, she expected to war to be a little less casual but then again, it would affect both of their sanity if they did not know each other. "Tomoe?" Her eyes darted to her master at the mention of the name; it was true that she truly admired Tomoe to the core of her being, her whole history and training was mostly dedicated to being as good at Tomoe. She walked over to the chair and paced it around it first before taking a seat. "Idol is a strong word, Master. Which is why I think it applies." She smiled, letting out a quick chuckle from that little joke. She took a deep breath and tilted her head down reminiscing of time before now.

"Her stories... Her legends... I've read them all three times over, I was quite young when I set my mind to wanting to be like her. I would love to be remembered the same way she was, I'd say it was a type of... Dedication, I suppose. Is that what you wanted to hear, Master?" Said Nanako as she her eyes moved to meet Nenet's, the look of determination filled her eyes but her face showed no emotion.


Interactions: @Mr President

"God... What is wrong with everything?"

In some house or something? Idk.

Hyoyeon was a little late to everything after she was told to come join in surrendering her weapons, then everything else happened, a spray of blood in in this middle of nowhere suburbs. She followed along after the whole incident of a light knife throwing. Alright, maybe it was not light at all but really, really dangerous. Was those one of those moments where it she had introduce herself? She did not mind but she did not know if the situation called for it, maybe she should just- "Hey!" She called out, pulling her backpack to her front and fishing out a rather thick piece of cloth, and some rubbing alcohol (with barely anything left). "It's... All I got, I didn't really expect the world to go to shit." Said Hyoyeon as she held out the two items the black girl, if she was hearing things correctly her name was Cindy but she did not want to say it until she introduced herself. Hyoyeon was still relatively polite in terms of Korean standards even if the world would not stand for it.

She took a step back and lowered her golf club after she holstered her gun. She brushed her hair to the side and put her backpack down to the side, taking her jean jacket off and revealing the gray tank top she was wearing underneath. She stood by the window, standing guard but she let out a quick "Hyoyeon." Before turning her attention back to the window.


Interactions: @Ghost Note

"I thought this was the end of the world."

Between a rock and a hard place.

Hyoyeon hid, peaking her head up from the rock to get a glance of the situation, it seemed like it was not only two figures but more than double than she had originally thought. Her eyes bounced from person to person as she gripped her weapon tighter, was she about to engage? No that is very much not a good idea- "-It can be like a weird oreo." Suddenly, Hyoyeon's shoulders raised up to her neck as she cringed at the sound of that. This is the apocalypse right? Weird monsters flying everywhere? Not some porno. She shook her head and peaked, this time she definitely peaked too high and too long because someone definitely saw her pale face.

She immediately hid back behind the rock, clutching her gun, expecting the worst. Maybe she should just- Fwip! Rustle! She stood up, fully revealing herself to everyone who could have even been looking slightly in her direction. What was she thinking, a bead of sweat slowly made its way down her face as she wondered why she decided standing up was a good idea. But now she was definitely sure it was a bad one because she saw a knife flying towards one of the larger men in the back.



"That's... Okay... That sucks."

Out of gas in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.

The engine of her vehicle was struggling since there was barely any gas left in it so in the middle of the road it broke down since it did not have any glass left. "Fuck... That was not as far as I'd hope." She pulled out her phone from her the cup holder of the car and checked to see where she was, but there was no signal so she would never have guessed even if she wanted to. She left her car and felt the immediate gush of warm wind come from somewhere, her black windbreaker flowing in the wind as she covered her face her arm, the wind pushing her hair all over her face.

She left the car and started walking, she was seemingly naive but she was ready to defend herself any second now. She was out into the open, she saw the huge ass house in the distance and squinted to get a look, her hands gripping her golf club pretty tightly. She looked onward to see that it seemed to be fine until- There! Two figures. Her heart began to race and she got down, crouching as she pushed her glasses closer to her face. She pulled out her gun from her holster and tightly held it ready for anything.

Why do things have to be so difficult when it relates to her. She readied herself as she sneakily walked closer. Her black highcut converse not really the most sneaky of shoes since she has to walk on her tip toes and slowly to not make a sound. "If only my car did not run out of gas." She .umbled under her breath as she jumped from cover to cover.

She watched carefully to see if the people were armed, so far she could not really tell, curse her terrible eyesight,


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