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"Enjoying the view there?"

Apex Designs

Elise could not help but shake her head after when Joel said it would not cost anything, "Yeah well... I kinda wanna pay for it, you know..." She then looked around, she sucked in air through her teeth and continued, "After I crashed your little party here and also am now apparently drinking one of your drinks." She then took a sip before laughing at herself. "It's either money or an IOU as soon as that uh... Timing belt thing is on there." She let out. Joel was nice and she did not want to take advantage of how nice he was by not paying, she liked making people have worth in their work, as an online artist who lives off commissions she knew what it felt like to have entitled people ask her for free stuff, and she did not want that at all. "I'll give you my number and call me when the belt here then we'll talk about the cost." She said with a smile before taking a step back to see all the new people, she would go introduce herself now.

As she walked a few feet towards the new comers before she noticed Ryan looking at her, "Enjoying the view there bud? I already said I'll head to your restaurant this week alright? Okay cool." She then went on gave him that classic Elise smile before walking over to Milo, Paige, and Siobhan.

"Hi, I'm Elise, sorry for crashing the party." She said shaking each one of the hands of the new comers, she smiled at them before continuing. "Nice to meet both of you, I uh... No, actually that's it, I'm absolutely terrible at introducing myself." She said laughing at herself. She brushed her hair and adjusted her glasses before continuing, "So uh... How do you know each-" Her phone then buzzed, she held out her finger to issue for them to wait a second before pulling out her phone from her pocket and looking at who was calling. Aria... She walked away for a moment before answering the phone, "Oh hey! Oh my god! I haven't heard from you in awhile are you okay? I just-" She was cut off, the old apathetic tone from Aria was back, it would appear she's no longer on the smiling side of things, "Where are you?" Elise then looked around before answering, "Uh... Apex designs." She could hear Aria let out a sigh before saying, "Okay." and then hanging up.

Elise was shocked that that was it, that was the conversation? Aria was quiet for so long and that was it? She shook her head and went back to the three, putting on that smile of hers again trying to forget about what just happened. "Sorry haha, just a friend." She said, she then continued, "Uh where were we? I've forgotten." She said scratching the back of her head as she chuckled to herself.

All she could think about was if Aria was okay.


"Okay, now this the night I was hoping for."

Veni Vedi Veni

Quinn pouted as soon as Taylor started holding her and pulled her away from Lyss, she smelled nice which made doing that not a problem at all. This was the part where they all went back stage, and she was still holding on to Taylor as they went there. She looked around and was relatively underwhelmed with how the backstage of a strip club looked, definitely not as... Sexy as expected. She was standing pretty well, but whenever she felt like she would tip over she would lightly hold onto Taylor's shoulder for a little bit of support.

When Madison arrived, Quinn gave her a quick wave and even through her drunkenness she could see Maya gushing over this girl clear as day and nothing was clear in Quinn's vision right now. "Hey... You... You did great out-" Though she was cut off by how angry the girl is, she looked down at Taylor then back to Madison who was now asking the girls to not tell anyone about this. "Why would I? I don't snitch unless really really necessary like someone-just-got-murdered necessary" She shrugged her shoulders and stayed next to Taylor.

As she was about to say something a scream was heard, snapping her back into reality, not entirely but it definitely brought her back into the real world. "Fuck! What was that?" She asked, her stance lowered and she was ready to fuck some people up. "Is this normal in strip clubs?" She looked left and right before adding, "Don't these clubs have those private rooms where they can have sex in them or whatever?" She asked, Quinn knew barely anything about strip clubs that was not the main stage, all she knew was tossing money and getting drunk.

"So..." She said trying to keep herself balanced, "Do we taze some agents or go to that thing we just heard? Whatever the plan is, I'm in." She was not going to have something like this ruin her night, she was so close to getting drunk already.


"Hey now, where'd you learn that?"

Veni Vedi Veni

Quinn downed another shot was Taylor was speaking, saying that it would be Quinn screaming her name, and Quinn now being on the tipsy side saw that as an invitation to get way too close too quick. She pushed her face inches from Taylor's face, since the girl was much shorter than her she had to bend down a little bit to get this effect. "Let's see... Best summoner, best mechanic and of course-" She leaned in closer to breathe on the girl's ear, "-Best in bed." Of course Quinn actually is not sure if she is, especially with her virgin ass. Though being tipsy had definitely increased her pride to a new level, Quinn had never been drunk around people so this was a first. Then it hit her, through her tipsy brain she had heard the name she had been dreading to hear for awhile. "Whoa whoa, how do you know my name?" she asked, though it was very clear that this her own doing, she already forgotten that she was the one who told Taylor her name and now her entire Sin persona was out the window. In response to that, she took another shot. "Agh! Who gives a shit?! It's out now!" She exclaimed, and this was when Izzy arrived and she immediately turned to her and yelled, "Hi! I'm Quinn!" Four shot Quinn is one hell of a loud mouth. After seeing the JΓ€ger shots, Quinn took that as an invitation and took one holding out a bit before taking that down. It was not hard to get Quinn tipsy, but getting her flat out drunk is one hell of a challenge, especially due to her high tolerance.

She honestly could not stop smiling, she was having a grand old time. "Hey now, where'd you learn that?" She said to Lyss who was holding up her glass of Whiskey which Quinn took and started sipping. "Hah... You guys were fuckin' with me before eh?" She said, she was limply pointing at each of the girls she had known before hand (Sorry Taylor) and continued, "You already knew my name but you guys just love me that much." There it was, Quinn's head was up her own ass again as usual.

The dare of slapping Madison's ass now only hit Quinn, and she was absolutely willing to do it now. But that talk suddenly got cut off as soon as they mentioned the agents that were in the room, "You mean the ones that had me tazed?" She asked, she was now making some sense, but that did not last very long either. "Hey." She said drooping her arms on each side Lyss's neck, she lowered herself down and rested her chin on her shoulder, "We should taze them back... It'll be reaaaaal funny." She said, now definitely using Lyss as support. Her head then popped back up seconds later, "We're slapping asses right!?" She asked, "I'd slap more than an ass if that's alright with you guys." She continued. Four and a half drink Quinn was definitely one hell of a pervert.

"Hi, I'm Quinn." She mumbled under her breath. Her drunk metre was almost there, just another drink and a half and she'll be ready to pretty much do anything without repercussions.


"Now this is my style."

Fantasy Land -> Channel Club Apartments

Now that everyone had decided where everyone was going, Quinn knew where she was headed, she just needed to get changed out of the dirty jumpsuit she was in since she came directly from work. There was barely any reason to stay here and it would appear everyone else was leaving so it was time to get with the program for once in her life. One quick text message to Rosa and she was on her way, did this girl not have anything else to do? No matter, she walked away from the crowd and it would appear she was not the only one doing so and soon that same SUV appeared at the drive way and entrance of a rundown Fantasy Land. The two shared their greetings before Quinn got in. "Back so soon, you must have missed me." Rosa laughed after acting all suave with Quinn, but Quinn just deflected it "Yeah, let's say I did, but you can't resist this face now can you Red?" She let out before they started driving, she gave a quick wink and the two just started joking and laughing on the way to Quinn's apartment.

Upon arrival, Quinn told Rosa that she was going to get changed and she asked Rosa if she wanted to wait for her in the car or follow her upstairs. Rosa, obviously not trying to be rude just asking Quinn, letting her decide. Quinn rolled her eyes and told Rosa to just follow her and wait in the living room while she went to do her business. Red parked the car and they left to go Quinn's apartment. One elevator ride later, they arrived at the apartment and Quinn offered her a drink but Rosa declined, Quinn also now realised how much shorter Rosa is, standing at 5'4". Quinn then told her to wait right there, before she had a quick shower and changed into something simple, gray shirt, black pants, army green bomber jacket, brown suede boots, and a pair of sunglasses that rest on top of her head. She checked her hair in the mirror and played with her hair a little(yes, wink included) before heading out to the club. Before heading out she modelled a little bit for Rosa, doing a quick turnaround and asked "Classic eh?" Rosa snorted and laughed, "Yeah, you look like you're the leader of the jocks in highschool." Quinn laughed before she took Rosa by the arm and dragged her out of the apartment; Quinn did not want Rosa to start questioning the feathers and her living choices.

As soon as they got back in the car, Quinn nonchalantly just said, "You know Veni Vedi Veni?" which surprised Rosa since she turned around to look at Quinn but she was just on her phone, "Seriously? A strip club?" She asked in a very surprised tone. Quinn nodded before turning to make eye contact with her, "Yes. I'm paying you so it should not be a big deal." Rosa then shook her head before facing forward and driving there.
Veni Vedi Veni

The thud of the door slamming from the SUV echoed as Quinn got out, Quinn brushed her hair back and before she could head in Rosa rolled down the window saying, "Hey, I'm heading home after this, so you're gonna have to call someone else to drive ya' home." Quinn then started pretending to look vulnerable, "Oh no, but what if the driver is a bad man who wants to do bad things to me?" She said sarcastically and in a condescending baby voice. "You can deal with it yourself, you look like someone who can." Quinn laughed before shrugging, "Respect. Alright I'll see you with I see you." And with that they said their goodbyes.

Quinn walked in the club, the music that was mostly bass, the weird smell of sweat and alcohol, and a bunch of horny guys surrounding the main stage; yup this is a strip club alright. The dimmed lights and amount of people made her not see where the others were immediately, but walking a bit more in she spotted people she actually knew, they were not exactly friends yet but at least they were people she knew. "Yo-!" She stopped herself as soon as she realised that some of them were already a little bit hammered. "Wow, I'm late again, next round's on me then." She said, tonight was- is going to be a fun night whether people did not like her or not. "What'd I miss this time?" She asked before ordering some shots for the girls, she ordered two extra for her since she was apparently late again; Quinn needs to fix her concept of time. As soon as the shots arrived, Quinn downed two in seconds before turning to the others. She turned to the stage only to be greeted with Madison working the pole.

Quinn was drunk- nope she was not even tipsy she was not seeing things, Madison is actually working that pole. She cheered for her and downed the third shot which definitely hit her, not enough for a bigger effect though. She turned back to the other girls to see this girl she had never met before (Taylor), "Hey! You're one of us right?" She exclaimed, she grabbed one of the shots and put it right in front of her, "Nice to meet you! Name's Quinn, best in the world, you'll remember my name." With that her attention was drawn to Maya who could not keep her eyes off the one on the pole and to be fair who could not. "Hey lovergirl! This one's on me." She said holding a shot for her to take as she downed another one.


"Tell me something new."

Emperor Hotel - Lobby

Sin did realise sooner than later that she was being a third wheel between Herik and that new girl: Vashti. And she could definitely tell that this new girl was annoyed at her when she went up and asked Herik. "Nice to meet ya', Hey if I forget your name... My bad. I ain't good with names." Sin did not have anything to prove right now, and since Herik is nice and this other girl also seems nice she did not want to overstay her welcome. "Well, looks like you guys are done here, I'll catch you two later." She said before waving goodbye, but everyone went the same direction since there was only one exit that was convenient.

They left and Sin was just stood in the sidewalk rubbing her right shoulder as she began going through her phone to call Rosa. She then clicked on the call button before putting it up to her ear, it was ringing which was a good sign, Rosa did not entirely hate her. "Hey Red, I know it's only been like 2 minutes-... Few blocks? Okay. See ya' then." She said before hanging up, she kinda just stood there for a little bit until the same SUV pulled up with the driver's seat window down. "You called quicker than anticipated." Sin Shrugged and smiled "Eh, change of plans, I'll tell you on the way there." Rosa just nodded before a click was heard, she unlocked the doors and Sin got in the back seat. "So where to?" She asked, Sin looked down at her phone to see where this meeting spot was, she was not exactly there but it would appear it was- "Fantasy land." Rosa chuckled and stepped on the gas, "That old place? Place is run down like crazy, you sure?" Sin looked her dead in the eye from the rear view mirror and Rosa immediately turned to the road, "Alright sheesh."

No more questions about Fantasy Land although there were questions about outfit choices.
Fantasy Land

Sin was on her phone the whole time when they were discussing, she had no say since she was not even at the place when it mattered, but she is here now and that is what matters right? Her eyes would jump to whoever was speaking when someone new spoke, just listening to whoever spoke since she really did not know what to say. They then started talking about going out as a group and Sin wanted to do something since she something deep inside her felt like she owed something since she missed everything. Her eyes then moved to Maya who did not want to part of a seemingly boring dinner.

"Actually, strip club sounds better than dinner." Said Sin, "Then again, who am I to say right?" She said with a smug shrug. "Unless this dinner has something special that we all don't know about." She continued, "I'm out till it's better than just dinner." Said Sin before stepping away from the main circle of members, though only standing a few feet away so she could pull out a cigarette. She lit one and started smoking right then and there, huffing and puffing smoke left and right.


"I missed it all... Okay."

Emperor Hotel - Lobby

Quinn was just on her phone when a girl bolted passed her, she was definitely caught by surprise since it made her turn back to see who it was, no one she knew but she looked like she had just ran a marathon. She shook her head and turned back in front of her to see the only male member of the Coven: Herik. She looked at him up and down, he was holding Madison who seemed to be unconscious? No- From the smell, she was absolutely hammered. "Wow... I missed the fun, remind me to not be late next time." She said before Herik walked passed her. It took a few seconds for to process and she was still stood there, looking at the members inside the elevator. "What the..." She then turned right around to follow Herik since he was the least likely one to yell at her and call her stupid when it comes to these things.

"Hey! Henry- No wait fuck- Herik!" She called out as she jogged over to him, "Would you mind uh... Filling me with what happened?" she said, scratching the back of her head as she kept glancing over to the others in the elevator everytime she had the chance. "This was apparently the part where shit went down- I uh... Had a work thing." She said, rubbing her elbows as she let out a shrug.

That same girl who bolted passed her was actually the one he was talking to and Sin kinda just "Hi, I'm Sin, the best summoner in the world." She said already trying to make a good impression, she was definitely bragging but of course she really saw herself as the best summoner in the world, "So uh... You're one us yeah?" She asked.

She needed more friends, especially since she is not sure who hates her or not.

"Late to the party!"

American Rust Car Repairs

"Yes Sir- No I... I just... The Martin is in-... Sir... Mr. L... I just-..." And he hung up, her eyes shifted from annoyed to pissed in moments after realising that her boss was acting like those asshole moms in movies who would never listen. She looked down at her phone and straight up threw it at a decommissioned car seat , which it then bounced off the couch and on to the floor. She clenched her fist as she jogged over there to check to see if her phone was damaged, thank the heavens it was not. She sighed and picked it up placing it on the desk as she walked her butt to the computer to check emails addressed to the shop. There was one from a Ms. Chua who came in a week ago to get her Aston Martin fixed and she was asking if it is good to go, Sin just replied with a yes and is ready for pick up whenever she is ready. She looked down at her clothes, she was still wearing her dark green, mechanic jumpsuit and was covered in grease, she rubbed her face with her forearm to get some of the grease off.

That should be all she has to do today, she has done everything she needed to do so she does not get fired and looked down at her phone once again to see where the Coven is. They were all invited by a... Blake Schmidt? She did not know exactly who it was but at least there was an address to where it was, the Emperor Hotel. She walked into the backroom to see a half asleep Griffin, she walked over and crouched down by her face. "Hey bud... Gonna have to un-summon you, I gotta get outta here and we can't fly over there." Keisha nodded and pushed onto Quinn's stomach. Sin gave her a quick rub on the head before she faded in a flash of yellow light. Energy filled Quinn from releasing the expended energy that was directed to have Keisha around. She rubbed the sigil in her arm and quickly ran to the bathroom, she cleaned up her face and tied the upper part of the jumpsuit to her waist revealing the black tank top underneath along with her sweat. After that she left

She called herself and Uber and waited a good 5 minutes before getting in the silver SUV that pulled up in the driveway of the shop. It was a girl way younger than her, Hispanic, and quite short. She definitely Quinn's type. "Hey! Are you Ms. Salverson?" she asked, Quinn nodded and let out a "Uh, yeah." The girl then looked behind her seat to look at Quinn, "No first name on your profile huh? Don't like it?" Quinn scratched the back of her head and let out a chuckle, "I just preferred to not get called by it." The Suv then started moving and she kept trying to make small talk, "So don't got a name huh? What do I call ya'?" Quinn shrugged and thought for a second, "Uh... S or Sin. Don't question it." She said before the driver let out a chuckle, "Alright... S! You can call me... Urr... Red!" Quinn nodded, letting out a small smile before brushing it off moments later.

"You can pick the music if you want." Said Red as she handed Sin her phone with spotify already opened. Quinn, although reluctant took the phone and started scrolling unsure if her music tastes were fit for someone like her; so she went with a safe option: Lazy Jazz. "Oh! Jazz! Good choice!" She exclaimed, before humming along to whatever was playing, "Can't go wrong with Jazz." And with that the drive was not much to talk about, just a few exchanges of small talk going on every now and then.
Emperor Hotel

Upon arrival she did not expect the hotel to be smaller than she thought. "Alright, so you got my account info ready?" Red asked, Quinn nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I got it!" said raising her phone to show her before exiting the vehicle. Red rolled down the window as Quinn shut the door, "Hey S!" She called out, Quinn walked over to the driver seat door and bent down a bit as she listened to Red. "Drivers in these parts are terrible, just call me up when you wanna uber outta here alright?" She offered, Quinn nodded and let out a verbal, "Oh, thanks a bunch!" She raised her phone up and said, "I'll be sure to do that if my friends don't offer." With that they said their goodbyes and Red drove off.

Of course, Red's name did not stay a secret for too long because it was written on her Uber Profile: Rosa Perez. Quinn just shrugged and walked in the hotel, she looked around the lobby to see what was on with this place, it was nice and a little weird for the coven to be invited here. She walked up the reception and asked, "Is there a Schmidt here? My... Friends were invited here along with him and I'm just a bit late." The receptionist nodded and said, "Oh alright, We'll have someone to help you in the elevator shortly, please wait by the elevator then." Quinn nodded and made her way to the elevator.

She stood by the front of it, waiting for it to come down.


"So that's how they work."

Apex Designs

Elise took a sip of her beer as she looked over Joel's shoulder watching him work, her eyes locked on to his hands as she started fiddling with the parts of her engine. "Yeah... Uh... Dunno what that is but okay." she said as Joel talked about the interference engine before going on to talk about the needed replacements so that things do not mess up. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind!" She exclaimed, making sure that she remembered that since she would not want to bother Joel again with such problems, especially since she already ruined whatever was going on here.

Though very weak, she heard the words 'food festival' from a bit away. Her attention then shifted and turned to whoever said it, Ryan. She then walked over there and said, "Honestly that food festival was a bust." She stated, "Met this cute guy, I started treating a bruise, we had a drink, then I never heard from him again." She added, after realising what she had just said she then started stumbling her words as she tried to defend herself, "That- That sounded like I was into him- N-No! I just uh... uh... W-Wanted to be friends with him, he-he seemed cool." Now she was definitely blurting out too much, she mentally slapped herself before letting out a quick "Sorry." She took a step back and let them carry on their conversation.

A few more steps back before she went back to Joel who said that was going to take a few hours, she thanked him, giving him a light bow (Thank you Hyoon for teaching her that). "Thanks so much! How much do I have to pay for it?" She asked, as she fished her wallet out of her back pocket. "You take card right?" She asked.


"You got it all wrong! I'm just like half the good stuff."


Grace Chua | 24 | British - Chinese | She / Her
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

#FF5757 | Female ♀ | 169cm / 5'7" | 142 lbs
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

Ξ± p p Ρ” Ξ± r Ξ± n c Ρ”

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

s k Γ­ l l s & t Ξ± l Ρ” n t s
"I am a woman of many uh... Talents."
➣➣➣ Fluent Speaker - Chinese ; Her mother taught her Chinese growing up, its a relatively simple dialect but she went ahead and taught herself a much more complex version of the language (Mandarin).
➣➣➣ Self Defense - Karate ; Her father is very protective over her, which meant she took Karate even though she never really wanted to, although it did prove beneficial to her.
➣➣➣ Charismatic ; Grace has always been a people person, a huge extrovert. She is impressive with people, and she is extremely pleased of that.
➣➣➣ Free running - Parkour ; This was one of the first hobbies Grace ever got, with her hyper active lifestyle she has made herself rather athletic, and really good at moving through places.

p h Γ­ l Οƒ s Οƒ p h Ρ‡
"See world with a million eyes instead of just your normal two!"

MAIN GOAL ➣➣➣ Make friends, have fun, and see if she could control this power to its full extent.

WHAT THEY WANT OUT OF THE COVEN ➣➣➣ People to call family, or at least really close friends. Perhaps she could learn things from the other members too that may help her own abilities.

PHILOSOPHY ➣➣➣ Take the route that seems like fun, what is the point of living when you are not here to enjoy it, even if it is just a little.

SECRETS ➣➣➣ She inadvertently caused the death of her brother.

SEXUALITY ➣➣➣ She hasn't decided yet.

FEARS ➣➣➣ To have more blood on her hands.

REPUTATION ➣➣➣ She is known as one of the most charismatic persons in Tampa, well at least for someone who came from a quite a rich family.

FLAWS ➣➣➣ When Grace does something wrong or something bad, she has the knack to make up for it, and usually always makes things worse, which then has her make up for the thing she made worse and it goes on and on until she is stopped.

𝙰 Π² s t r Ξ± c t Γ­ Οƒ n s
"I'm like if Zeus was way weaker and didn't fuck everything."

TYPE ➣➣➣ Collective Awakened.

ABSTRACTION ➣➣➣ Storm Bringer ; Grace can summon lightning , and can redirect it to anywhere she likes by running it through her body, absorbing lightning however will send multiple jolts in her body that may weaken her to the point of having difficulty moving or hype her up like she is hopped up on an absurd amount of caffeine.

➣ Relentless Storm ➣➣➣ Upon the dying breath of her brother, this was passed on to her since both her and her brother awakened at the same time. Due to a small accident and mishap, she redirected a large thunderbolt into her brother causing his entire body to shut down and fry causing his death. His abilities were immediately passed on to her the moment he died, giving her the ability to run extremely fast, although this had not been mastered yet.

ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ➣➣➣ Storm Bringer ; The ability to summon lightning came from her sudden change of interests and immediate spark of acting out as soon as she had a new idea. Her ability to summon lightning is not the fastest but when it does come out it is almost unavoidable.

➣ Relentless Storm ➣➣➣ Upon casting, the caster's legs will be imbued with the essence of lightning, causing them to move faster than humanly capable, this has been stated to break the sound barrier.

AURA SENSING ➣➣➣ Grace can sense when a storm is coming, long before its arrival, it's not the most useful thing but being in a storm does amp up her abilities.



Π² Γ­ Οƒ g r Ξ± p h Ρ‡
Οƒ t h Ρ” r
"Who cares-? Oh, wait actually, I do."

➣➣➣ Jonathan and her mom are the only parental figures in her contacts.
➣➣➣ As a sign of grieving, she wears her brother's ring as a necklace. This also shows that she is definitely not over him at all.
➣➣➣She has a gut feeling that she and her brother were not the only people who were awakened at that time, though she is not sure enough to follow this feeling.

"New people, new memories."

Apex Designs

Elise definitely could not help but smile from the entire situation, meeting new people had always been a joy but due to her profession it is quite rare that she leaves the house to meet some people, especially since she has everything she needs, more so if Aria was still around. When Joel asked for the Key, Elise nodded as a sign of obliging his request, she pulled out the key from her pocket and tossed it over to him without much trouble, Ela can aim pretty well. As she watched her keys fly towards her, Ryan spoke about his debt to her. Elise then practically smiled at the sound of free food and she just let out a "I'll be sure to cash that in then!" She exclaimed, she then leaned back a bit and continued, "Been pretty busy lately actually, I've only had like top ramen for my meals, and uh... Uber eats." She said, quite embarrassed but still playing it off as a joke.

"I'll be sure to go within the week!" She stated before giving him a quick pat on the shoulder, she nodded at Siobhan before jogging over to Joel to help him. It was her car after all, she loved the thing and would hate to see anything bad to happen to it, "Do you maybe have an idea what it is? I've been scratching my head since I know frick all from anything under the hood." She let out, her eyes then jumped to the people pulling up to the drive way. She sure did hope she was not intruding anything.


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