"Enjoying the view there?"
Apex Designs
Elise could not help but shake her head after when Joel said it would not cost anything, "Yeah well... I kinda wanna pay for it, you know..." She then looked around, she sucked in air through her teeth and continued, "After I crashed your little party here and also am now apparently drinking one of your drinks." She then took a sip before laughing at herself. "It's either money or an IOU as soon as that uh... Timing belt thing is on there." She let out. Joel was nice and she did not want to take advantage of how nice he was by not paying, she liked making people have worth in their work, as an online artist who lives off commissions she knew what it felt like to have entitled people ask her for free stuff, and she did not want that at all. "I'll give you my number and call me when the belt here then we'll talk about the cost." She said with a smile before taking a step back to see all the new people, she would go introduce herself now.
As she walked a few feet towards the new comers before she noticed Ryan looking at her, "Enjoying the view there bud? I already said I'll head to your restaurant this week alright? Okay cool." She then went on gave him that classic Elise smile before walking over to Milo, Paige, and Siobhan.
"Hi, I'm Elise, sorry for crashing the party." She said shaking each one of the hands of the new comers, she smiled at them before continuing. "Nice to meet both of you, I uh... No, actually that's it, I'm absolutely terrible at introducing myself." She said laughing at herself. She brushed her hair and adjusted her glasses before continuing, "So uh... How do you know each-" Her phone then buzzed, she held out her finger to issue for them to wait a second before pulling out her phone from her pocket and looking at who was calling. Aria... She walked away for a moment before answering the phone, "Oh hey! Oh my god! I haven't heard from you in awhile are you okay? I just-" She was cut off, the old apathetic tone from Aria was back, it would appear she's no longer on the smiling side of things, "Where are you?" Elise then looked around before answering, "Uh... Apex designs." She could hear Aria let out a sigh before saying, "Okay." and then hanging up.
Elise was shocked that that was it, that was the conversation? Aria was quiet for so long and that was it? She shook her head and went back to the three, putting on that smile of hers again trying to forget about what just happened. "Sorry haha, just a friend." She said, she then continued, "Uh where were we? I've forgotten." She said scratching the back of her head as she chuckled to herself.
All she could think about was if Aria was okay.
As she walked a few feet towards the new comers before she noticed Ryan looking at her, "Enjoying the view there bud? I already said I'll head to your restaurant this week alright? Okay cool." She then went on gave him that classic Elise smile before walking over to Milo, Paige, and Siobhan.
"Hi, I'm Elise, sorry for crashing the party." She said shaking each one of the hands of the new comers, she smiled at them before continuing. "Nice to meet both of you, I uh... No, actually that's it, I'm absolutely terrible at introducing myself." She said laughing at herself. She brushed her hair and adjusted her glasses before continuing, "So uh... How do you know each-" Her phone then buzzed, she held out her finger to issue for them to wait a second before pulling out her phone from her pocket and looking at who was calling. Aria... She walked away for a moment before answering the phone, "Oh hey! Oh my god! I haven't heard from you in awhile are you okay? I just-" She was cut off, the old apathetic tone from Aria was back, it would appear she's no longer on the smiling side of things, "Where are you?" Elise then looked around before answering, "Uh... Apex designs." She could hear Aria let out a sigh before saying, "Okay." and then hanging up.
Elise was shocked that that was it, that was the conversation? Aria was quiet for so long and that was it? She shook her head and went back to the three, putting on that smile of hers again trying to forget about what just happened. "Sorry haha, just a friend." She said, she then continued, "Uh where were we? I've forgotten." She said scratching the back of her head as she chuckled to herself.
All she could think about was if Aria was okay.