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Zeru Troy Williams, Son of Zeus



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The portal closed shortly after the large creature announced its presence. It roared while beating its chest as if calling out to an opponent or opponents out there and it wasn't going back the way it came. The Spider-Monkey scanned the streets below and caught its eye on a bus that was giving tours of the lights throughout the city. Unfortunately they picked the wrong time to be in Times Square because they were stuck while a large six-legged creature loomed over them. Those inside weren't even originally sure what was going on, but started to panic once they saw everyone outside screaming and running.

The Spider-Monkey scaled down the building and stopped before reaching its arm out to the bus and pressing down on its wrist releasing a long and thick web towards the bus, latching onto it. It pulled the bus and the remaining inhabitants away from the scurrying people blocking it in and launched them across the square about to land on an unsuspecting group of people running in the same direction.
When you're trying to have a conversation in multiple threads and discord decides "Cause fuck you, that's why!"

Lmaoo I thought it was just my end with the buggy discord.
Your favorite camper is back!
After the long wait, here it is. It may need some edits, but I could be in the cut editing forever, so I’mma just put it up.

Welcome to the Spider-Family because Tarantula is approved! And just in time, because they're going to need him.
Sorry for the delay on Otto's entrance. I believe we're still waiting for a few more.
Otto Octavius, ESU Lab, Same Night, Around the Same Time

Otto decided to test Caty's theory about crimes, more specifically of the supervillain variety, increasing around the holidays. She believed it was due to a personal vendetta and he understood that more than anyone, but also believed hers to be more coincidental. The Hobgoblin was a lunatic after all. No, Otto believed if anything that criminals needed money just as much if not more than those with regular jobs. If it hadn't been for his bias towards Sam he was positive that he wouldn't have even empathized with criminals or villains. Especially after what Kin--, no Fisk did. He was no king. He was a pompous fool too big for the world he claimed to control. There was another reason Otto decided to humor this challenge. He wanted to catch him as a Christmas present to Anna, himself, Sam, and all of New York and he was going to use his new and improved Spider-Bots to do it.

He sat patiently in his chair as he viewed the array of monitors along the wall in front of him. He had spiders all over every borough. Who said the Arachnid or Fisk had to focus on just one area of the city? Crime didn't stop once you crossed a line. People didn't stop needing help. He even had a spider following his friends. Not all the time, just mainly at night and based on their patrol patterns. He wasn't a creepy stalker. Just a concerned friend.

He noticed through one of his spider-bots Caty talking to the Black Cat. Sam told him about him. A rather minor criminal, mostly sticks to stealing expensive or priceless items. If he wasn't so self-interested he'd be an anti-hero. Otto wasn't aware that he and Caty were close. They apparently used to date. He wasn't a threat.

An alert popped up on a number of his screens disrupting Otto's train of thought and catching his attention. He turned the alerts off and couldn't believe his eyes. She was right, but this was more than she could handle alone. More than any of them could handle alone. Fortunately they didn't have to. Thanks to his spider-bot he knew Sam was nearby and he had confidence these other spider-heroes would show up. They had a responsibility to. He called Caty and before the conversation ended The Arachnid was on his way to the scene.

"Let's see how well this eight-appendaged freak can handle someone on equal footing."
Of all the fearsome things that we could have encountered, the Spy Kids 2 spider monkey is perhaps the most horrifying possibility. And I never even considered it.

Expect the unexpected on this wild ride of fun. I considered a regular giant spider, but a giant spider monkey was so much better.
And it begins! With a giant Spider-Monkey attacking New York. Cancel your Christmas Eve plans because Anansi has an adventure for you.
Caty Davis, Nearby Roof, Same Night, Around the Same Time

"You really don't want to give us a try again?" A young man with white hair asked, pleading to a hooded figure.

"How many times do I have to say no? I like you, Felix, I do. But it's kind of hard to get over your boyfriend leaving you for your twin brother because he liked the bad attitude some alien suit gave him." The hooded figure responded. She took off her hood to reveal Spider-Woman.

"Oh, come on. That was almost two years ago. You can't still be held up on that. I said I was sorry. I was immature. I didn't know what I wanted, but now I do. I want you."

"I'm what you want right now. Like a cat you'll be onto the next thing as soon as you're bored. Either way, you're too late."

"For someone who's named Cat you sure have a serious thing against them. And too late? Don't tell me this is about that Octopus guy."

"Arachnid... and no. It's about me. And what'd I tell you about calling me that?"

"That I'm the only one that can."

"You were, but now I hate the nickname even more."

Their conversation was interrupted by a sound in Spider-Woman's ear.

"Come in, Spider-Woman. Come in Spider-Woman. This is Arachnid."

She pressed the earpiece and spoke back to the man on the other side. "Spider-Woman here. I'm reading you, Arachnid. What's up?"

"It appears that your Holiday Theory may have some merit to it, because it seems that someone has plans of canceling Christmas. A giant spider monkey creature is attacking Times Square."

"I swear someone out there hates me. I'm on my way." She clicked the communicator off before Otto or Felix could say anything else.

"You have to go." Felix said walking up to her and reaching for her hands.

"I do." She wanted to pull her back, but couldn't.

"I can't come, can I?"

"No. You'll only get in the way. Maybe prove me wrong and get some people out of there?" Spider-Woman stepped back and reached her hand outwards. She couldn't wait for his answer. People needed her. She pressed her fingers to her wrist releasing a string of web before jumping off the building. "Siri, call Danny."
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