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<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

I could do that. And not really but if I need to play someone else I can.

Great. I can get everything set up either tonight or tomorrow.
<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

I think that's a good idea. Is there any particular character you want me to play other than Scott?

You can play his mom and Alison since they're mainly interacting with him and Deaton unless I need to for the story. But other than those 3 are there any others you'd want to play as?
<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

I would play Scot as you asked, and I could play some of the other characters. I could also make a new character for it. I would prefer to play characters from the movie. But if you want an original I can do that.

Perfect. My character will be friends with Scott and Stiles since they were kids. His mom is a deputy at the Sheriff Station. The Black/Japanese one from season 3. He'll be like the go between between their group and the cool kids before the story starts since due to his training he ended up making first line the previous season.
Heavily interested! I went on a teen wolf binge last year and only made it through season 3 but I'd be willing to do this.

I honestly was not expecting any interest this quickly! Thank you for your interest. Do you know what you'd want to do as far as what character you'd play?
Hello everyone! I've been rewatching Teen Wolf and just finished season 3 a few days ago. I have an itch that I really need to scratch. With the lore exploring different shapeshifters such as the Kanima and Werecoyote and just showing how variant the shapeshifters can be I've been really interested in the idea of playing as a Werelion who got bit the same time as Scott. If I did this alone I'd pretty much be writing fanfiction so I want some people to join in on the fun with me.

I'm looking for someone to play Scott or you can bring your own original character in as well that'll be in addition to Scott or a replacement for him. The only reason I'm insistent on needing a Scott is because I feel like he'll still fit pretty well with the story even with the addition of our characters. Stiles will also remain, but he'll pretty much be an NPC we all can use.

Let me know if you're interested!
I'm down. I never got to finish my character last time, but I'm wanting to bring in my Kryptonian.
Caty Davis, the Spider-Woman, Is Playing Tug of War

The others sprung into action as if they were an in-sync well oiled machine. Caty trusted Danny and Sam to work well together, but this new guy really impressed her. He doubted himself, but his skill and suit were once again impressive. After this was all over she'd definitely want to work with him again, but maybe it wasn't the best idea thinking of future team-ups in the middle of the one they were in right now. They had to survive that first and there was no guarantee that taking away the staff was really going to make taking him down any easier. But again, not the time to be pessimistic. Optimism typically won out the day against her bigger threats. And this guy? A really big threat.

Caty turned to Weaver to answer his question. "I need you with me. We're going to do what you did earlier, except this time we're going to intentionally hit his staff. Remember the game, Tug of War?" She was sure that he did and pointed her arm out to pull herself towards the Spider-Monkey. She landed on the ground within range for her webs, but not close enough to where he could fall or step on her if this all went wrong. Caty was nervous, to be honest she was kind of scared. She trusted herself and the others, but this was feeling too easy. Like something was about to go really wrong. Her chest started to feel heavy, her head was ringing like her spider-senses were going into overdrive. She couldn't breathe. Why couldn't she breathe? She was about to rip off her mask when she noticed something on her hand.

It was Jumper, her Metallic Blue Jumping Spider. Out of all the spiders she ever came in contact with, this one has never left her alone. It's been with her since she got her powers. Jumper stared into the eyes of her mask and in turn she stared back into his coming back to reality. She was okay. Nothing was wrong. Everyone was okay, but they might not be if she didn't get started. "Thanks, Jumper. I got this, buddy." Jumper climbed up the sleeve of her hoodie. Caty then planted her feet in the ground, aimed at the giant staff, and fired webs from both of her wrists beginning the biggest game of Tug of War in her life. Fortunately for her, Weaver joined her. She hoped they'd be enough.


The Spider-Monkey was getting spider-piled. First, he was hit by a barrage of web bullets from Argyros, which both stung and annoyed him. He couldn't block or avoid every one, but he did manage to block some hits to vital areas with his staff. While he was dealing with that he felt a shock to his hand that caused him to loosen his grip on the staff, but he recovered it immediately while clenching his fist with anger. He didn't have time to think about that when a giant webbed fist came hurling towards his face. The Spider-Monkey planned to block it with his staff, but felt something, or rather someone latch onto and tug at it. He glanced down to look and see two costumed Spider-People pulling at his staff. He recognized them both from the attempt to blind him earlier. This momentary distraction however was enough to get his face punched in causing him to stumble down the building a little.

This loosened his grip once more leaving a glimpse of hope for the heroes, but in a refueled fury the Spider-Monkey gripped his staff again and roared out loud shattering the glass of the building he was latched to. To stop himself from being skewered the Spider-Monkey jumped down causing Spider-Woman and Weaver to fall from the force. Their webs were still attached however and Spider-Woman immediately stood up, guaranteed not to give up here. She planned to use his elevation and momentum to their advantage, but this could still work. It had to work. Weaver got up next to her and the game of War truly began.

The Spider-Monkey pulled against them and seemed to be winning with his overwhelming strength. When all hope seemed to be lost The Arachnid landed on the other side of Spider-Woman. "Don't worry. I'm here and I have back-up."

The Arachnid turned towards the Spider-Monkey and planted one of his mechanical arms into the ground as support while aiming the remaining three at the Spider-Monkey's staff alongside his own two hands. "Whoever created you should've given you more arms." He released his own webs and his mechanical arms opened up in the center releasing mechanical webs, all attaching to the staff and began pulling hard. It took a minute of tugging, but it seemed like Araltus' baton did more damage than they thought, because the Spider-Monkey in a moment of numbing pain released one hand from his staff allowing the trio to pull the staff away.

"Spider-Man, scoop and launch the staff at the closest building! Araltus, web it! Awesome Suit-Man, more pot shots! We're taking him down!"

@Crimson Flame@Polaris North@GubGar@Duthguy
Sorry for the long absence, all. My old SSD crashed and all my auto-log-in info with it. I couldn't remember my password to get back into the site and had been waiting on the password reset email, but other stuff kept coming up and it got pushed to the back of my mind. I dawned on me that it had been like three months (felt a lot shorter), so I figured I'd regain my access to the site to at least check in with you guys and let you know I'm not dead, lol.

That being said, I'm not returning to resume this RP - with so much going on in my life I don't think I could handle managing a big group thread right now. I know earlier in this RP I was getting a little frustrated by how chaotic that first battle scene became, trying to reconcile in my head contradicting actions playing out between the different posts so that I could keep a clear narrative flow in the subsequent posts. It felt like overall we lacked synergy as a writing group and that made it difficult to meld our individual posts together into a cohesive story. I may reach out to people for one-on-one RPs, but at this point, I feel the time and energy it would take to continue managing a larger thread is just not there. But I still wanted to regain access to the site (finally) and at least give you guys some closure and let you know I'm not dead.

Sorry for the long absence, all. My old SSD crashed and all my auto-log-in info with it. I couldn't remember my password to get back into the site and had been waiting on the password reset email, but other stuff kept coming up and it got pushed to the back of my mind. I dawned on me that it had been like three months (felt a lot shorter), so I figured I'd regain my access to the site to at least check in with you guys and let you know I'm not dead, lol.

That being said, I'm not returning to resume this RP - with so much going on in my life I don't think I could handle managing a big group thread right now. I know earlier in this RP I was getting a little frustrated by how chaotic that first battle scene became, trying to reconcile in my head contradicting actions playing out between the different posts so that I could keep a clear narrative flow in the subsequent posts. It felt like overall we lacked synergy as a writing group and that made it difficult to meld our individual posts together into a cohesive story. I may reach out to people for one-on-one RPs, but at this point, I feel the time and energy it would take to continue managing a larger thread is just not there. But I still wanted to regain access to the site (finally) and at least give you guys some closure and let you know I'm not dead.

Thank you for the update and I'm glad you were eventually able to recover your log-in info. Also glad to know that you're alive.

Back at the Web, Anansi watched the situation intensely. He hated feeling like he had to do this, but he had to make sure they were ready and were the right ones for the job. He chose them for who they were in their previous lives, but with his interference he changed their destinies and maybe who they even were. He was glad to see how quickly they responded to the situation. He even distracted the other heroes to make sure they wouldn't interfere with this group's chosen mission. He was grateful that some of them prioritized saving lives and making sure the civilians weren't in any danger from the ensuing battle. But unfortunately things weren't going to be so easy for them. It wouldn't be a test if it was. He just hoped they could handle everything that was about to get thrown at them.

The Spider-Monkey wasn't just a Spider-Monkey in design. It was a totem as well, that included its own set of spider powers. Its senses alerted it to the incoming attacks from both Araltus and Weaver. With a simple motion it blocked both Araltus' kick and Weaver's webs with the head of its staff. Fortunately for Araltus, her tactic was more of a hit and run, but Weaver's web got caught on the Spider-Monkey's staff allowing him to pull him and swing him around like a lasso before swinging down with enough force to break the webs off and send Weaver hurtling towards the ground.

Caty Davis, the Spider-Woman, Arriving on the Scene

"Gotcha!" Caty barely made it in time to prevent one of the other Spider-themed heroes from becoming street decoration, catching him in one arm while she swung with the other. She took in the scene completely while in the air. Buses were apparently thrown and webbed up and this was the biggest Spider-team up in recorded history. It honestly made a surprising amount of sense that the one thing that'd bring them together is a giant Spider-themed villain that she wasn't sure they'd all be able to take on alone. If this didn't feel like a personal attack on her life and sanity she would've found this exciting.

Caty dropped down next to the bus and the other Spider-Person she didn't know about. This one had a fairly interesting look and theme to their costume, but this wasn't the time to compare costume notes. She placed the Weaver down and looked back up to the building the Spider-Monkey was looking down from. She scanned the area watching as civilians filed out of the area. They were still plenty left. They needed to get to a more open area, but how exactly were they going to lead this thing away from here? It wasn't like it was targeting them specifically. Then an idea came to her. If it didn't make him angry and follow them it'd at least help get the weapon out of the already overpowered monster's hands.

"I wish I could've met you both under better circumstances, but we can focus on pleasantries after we take Kong's ugly cousin down. I think I have a plan, but first we need to get that staff away from it."

Meanwhile Somewhere Else Otto Was Putting His Own Plan Into Action

The Arachnid was on his way to the scene, in fact he was pretty much already there. He was just focused on other things at the moment. He decided to redirect all of his Spider-Bots. Most were being used as a way to guide civilians out of the way and into safe areas, but the rest were in the Bronx Zoo looking for the Gorilla Tranquilizers. He didn't care how many they had. He had a feeling they were going to need all of them, if not more for this giant amalgated beast.

He knew the others would be able to hold their own while he waited for his reinforcements and guided others to safety. He wouldn't let anyone innocent die on his watch and he didn't even have the intention of killing this creature. It was clear that someone sent it here and he was going to find out who and if this simian arachnid was intelligent once it awoke from the nap he was about to force it to take.
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