Joslyn tilted her head to the side as she reached out blindly to a pair of sunglasses that were resting on the nightstand, a frown on her face as she pulled them onto her face. "Burning out my retinas is not very kind," she bit out, her voice strained, "I would prefer it if you did not turn the damn thing on, but if you must then go ahead now that my eyes are sufficently covered. As for utilities... I have no real need for them..." As it was clear the man did not seem to mean any harm, she lowered her weapon and slowly stood up, surprisingly steady on her feet though her right hand twitched a couple times.
The thought that she had more than likely just lost the place she had started to call home was rather bothersome, she really didn't want to put herself on the raidar and this place had helped her prevent that. Letting out a small sigh, she rubbed her face, careful to avoid ther sunglasses, "Look, could we work something out so I can stay here? I don't have a job so paying utilities isn't even in my abilities."
Adrian rubbed his stubbled chin, thinking at the girl's predicament before replying,"Well, sorry about your eyes. What if I could get you a job?" He fumbled around the dark room -not wishing to provoke further ire from the hostess- until he found a suitable chair to sit upon as he watched the figure pace around the room, she seemed restless.
"I run a bar, and the hours are long, I could use someone to help serve drinks and keep the conversations entertaining for the paying customers..." His offer started, quickly outlining the jist of what sort of work he'd have her perform. Nothing difficult unless she had some sort of severe social anxiety issues, and even then... "The bar is quite dimly lit, I'm sure you'll fit right in." He smiled warmly at the slight jab at her little quirk.
"In return you may use this room as you please during and after repairs are made, you'll be paid for food, or if you desire to be more discrete, can have it brought-in." He wasn't sure why he offered the last part about bringing food up for her, probably just as an excuse to make sure she didn't become some sort of shut-in crazy cat-lady or tried slitting her wrists.
"You can bring in guests and pets, but I better not be finding any animal-sacrifices in the crawlspaces. And you"ll be responisble for cleaning up their messes." He warned, only half-jokingly, one time he had this tennant that... just... cats aren't supposed to be bent that way...
"I am not very keen on cats, or animal sacrifice... that does not seem very..." Joslyn's voice trailed off and she let out a small sigh, "I believe I would enjoy working for you if I may, and I would not mind eating there, unless you would prefer my meals be taken in here?"
Since he had not turned on his torch, she removed her sunglasses and trained mismatched eyes on him, her look curious. Everything that he had said to her was rather interesting and seemed to hold a promise to it, though she would have to hope he would not delve in too deep if she told him she would need some time off to take care of other matters should she be called upon. Though her twitching did not make her the best, she was good at many things that she was called upon for on the rare occasion her faction became entrenched with government issues.
"So where is this bar located that you would have me working at? Is it close by?" she finally asked, "And when would you have me begin work there? I would assume that if you are willing to offer a complete stranger that you found living in a place you are trying to fix up, you must not have many people working for you or willing to do so?"
"Well, I was speaking of for when we're closed on sundays. Even then. I can't have you trying to get-by on only one or two meals a day." He explained, noticing her eyes gleaming at him with keen interest.
"The bar is just up the road on your left, can't miss it." He answered, indicating it was just north along Wythe Avenue. "You can start tonight if you'd like, but I suggest you think it over after visiting as a guest first." His tone was that of someone who felt like giving the other person a chance to back-out, but then explained; "It looks like you could use a good meal and some rest before going to work, I'll be paying. Ask for Adrian when you show-up." He finished his offer, figuring she'd better see for herself what she was in for.
"Yeah... sure... I'll stop by tonight to see what the place is about and if I think it would be a good fit," she replied before letting out a slow breath. She doubted that she would be able to get any more rest now that she was wide awake between talking to the man and the burning her retina's had taken from his torch. "My name is Joslyn... look forward to possibly be working with you."