Avatar of Krasnaya


Recent Statuses

18 days ago
Current I want you to bounce on it... Crrrrrazy style.
29 days ago
Every year for one unspecific time period I get Crisis Core PTSD flashbacks and I'm genuinely not okay
1 mo ago
I love my mom to death, but sometimes I wanna bite my fingers off because she simply refuses to see stuff from my or anyone's perspective, and she adds so much pressure on everyone and everything.
2 mos ago
Have you ever seen a woman so fucking beautiful it made you go like "damn, she deserves 10 boyfriends" I'm a straight, monogamous woman and I'd be boyfriend #4 for her.
3 mos ago
I'm sorry, but it's not a good enemies to lovers story unless they literally tried to kill each other (and almost succeeding) a hundred times, and then they can't imagine living without each other.


I would die for this man.

Just your typical goth gal who likes darker settings heavy themes and steamy romances.

Most Recent Posts

Greetings, dearest reader!

Before we get to the basics, I just wanted to make sure you're aware of something very important to me, in case you like what I have to offer as a writer and you think that we could be a compatible match - I accept requests in PMs only and I only respond to messages who have some nuance to them.

To save ourselves time, there's a few things I wish to know about you in the first message you send me:

  • Details about you: your weekly/monthly activity and how often you normally post, what is your favorite part about roleplaying and elements in writing you're currently desiring​
  • Opinions on the ideas you've liked that I've mentioned in this thread, or maybe something you'd like to change​
  • Your limits in storytelling, your likes and dislikes, anything specific you're avoiding
  • Throw anything at me that will get the conversation between us going! Do you have any questions? Ask me!​

I know this makes it seem like an application, but with desire to write but also having a hectic life in general, I'd rather save myself (and you) any potential disappointments and take whatever steps necessary to ensure both of our experiences to be positive! It only makes it fair, given that all the information about me will be right here for you to take in. Now, onto the details!

A bit about me:

  • I play complex characters, not all of them are likable, nor they're meant to be, others can be sweethearts.
  • Multi to novella sized posts, the least I'll put in is 2 paragraphs. Some situations require shorter and more concrete posts, because it's not always about the length.
  • I prefer quality over quantity, detail over length. Simple as that.
  • I have a busy life and unpredictable social life. The least I'll post is once a week, I aim to do more, but it's not entirely up to me. There are times when I'm drained out of energy and can't even post that one time, but I'll let you know in case I cannot respond.
  • I like to be in contact with my partners OOCly, I respect my partners' privacy and expect that in turn. I click the best with my partners when we gush about our roleplay and go over the details to what we enjoy in our roleplay and what we want to change. I NEED THE COMMUNICATION.
  • I go through every single explicit detail. Be it emotional aspects, psychological turmoil, sexual content, gruesome violence, and very vulgar words. I do not and will not limit my writing experience, therefore I rate myself 3/3/3 when it comes to explicit and violent adult themed content. If you cannot stomach writing any of those things, I'M NOT A PARTNER FOR YOU.
  • I will always make side characters, even go as far as to have special roleplaying parts in the story without my main character and instead playing those side characters to build up the plot
  • I always use faceclaims. Some fine art (nothing cartoonish, I am not a fan of anime faceclaims) or sometimes real life people refs (I RARELY use A-list celebrities.) I like to use images and gifs to spice up my posts aesthetically, as well. If you don't like this, let me know, because I will do it by default!

I love to write and I write a lot. Typically I'm fairly demanding when it comes to world and lore-building with character development and plenty of slowburn. Depending on posts, when conversations and some action/intimate scenes happen, the least I'll write two paragraphs, but other times I can pull up a wall of text. It really depends on the situation, sometimes shorter posts are necessary to keep the flow of the scene. I really like to get into the character development, focus on the psychological aspects, anything to make the story that much more compelling, but the best part is that I'm flexible when it comes to story building with my partner. I really need to communicate and exchange ideas, I'm flexible and I like to be direct about these things!

What I look for in partners:

  • Writers who don't have a lot of limits and love to explore and immerse themselves, put effort, who loves to plan, discuss, share ideas and all that jazz! I adore enthusiastic partners!
  • Someone who's more advanced in roleplaying and preferably in writing in general
  • Discussing OOCly and keeping the hype, keeping in touch
  • Someone who is comfortable with all manners of adult content (violence, smut, mature ways of tackling heavier themes, etc)

The plot:

Female soldier x Elite male soldier

This is a very inspired FF7 (more Crisis Core) inspired roleplay. In case you're a fan of the games, I'd be open to write this plot in the same setting as FF7, however my request thread is more basing on the original content that's based on the games, so this is entirely up to you. I'm keeping it open ended and as simple as possible, but the whole context and original idea is right here.

After the war struck out in the capital against the enemy forces that attempted to siege the city, the government started a new experiment on their soldiers that would boost their performance in battle. At first, they made it all seem like the people who were picked out would go very often on medical check ups where they'd be put to sleep after which they'd be sent out to specific training programs, all volunteers were enthusiastic about the challenges and possible improvements this would bring. What people didn't know was that the soldiers that were used as test subjects would be injected with alien samples of cells from the meteorite that was discovered recently. Most soldiers who have already been in the later stages of adulthood have been quite prone to very bad side effects, but the younger a soldier was in age, the better they were in sustaining these alien cells within them and the more positive results this brought the scientists who worked on this project. And in order to continue making advanced and efficient soldiers, the government took over the orphanages and take the children in for "special training" instead of leaving them in orphanages to wait to be adopted, unaware that they're being used as test subjects for a very dangerous experiment. All soldiers are completely unaware that there's something very wrong with them. And its only a matter of time before these negative effects rear their ugly heads.

Clearly, the government has covered up a lot of their tracks, hiding the truth from everyone, including the soldiers themselves.

Our characters have been friends ever since they were children in an orphanage and together have been a part of the military since a very young age, now in their adulthood they're well-trained and efficient soldiers. However, while they believed they served two different military units, the matter of fact is that they've been exposed to different experiments, in which YC has unknowingly excelled at and even surpassed all of his peers as a result. I want to develop a story between them and as they're going on their missions and working together, there's a gradual change in YC until he eventually gets promoted and even becomes a very famous and renown soldier. MC is proud of his accomplishments, but she is beginning to notice some changes in him that begin to worry her.

This can be a Sephiroth story arc, while MC is trying to save YC. There can be other NPCs who are their friends who start some beef with our characters and they're trying to fight the injustice. Our characters can slowly begin to expose the government for their unethical experiments and that can lead to a whole new mess. A war can happen against another country and our heroes will try to prevail through this hell together. MC can be the one who does the exposing of the government and putting herself in danger, with YC having to ruin his reputation to save her.

All of this in different order and of course, I'm open for more suggestions, I kept it as simple and open-ended as possible.
Totally planned intro to this blasphemy:

God its 4 am, and I decided now to do this stuff... Great.

Okay, so, before we move forward, I have to warn you that you've entered the territory where messed up shit happens. Basically the "No Man's Land" where there's hardly any limits, morals are reasonable at best but that's boring, who wants to tread the path of morality when you have the power to create anything you want through writing. I mean, it's cool if you want to do that, I'll be a stark contrast to you in turn. It's still a good dynamic for storytelling.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say here is, in case you're squeamish, vanilla in every sense, don't like bad words or just have a comfort zone you don't step out of... Yeah, you can leave. We get freaky, edgy and nasty here, but never without a good, juicy story for the writers to immerse themselves in.

But before everything, we just need to be chill and take stuff easy. Writing and roleplaying is a hobby first and foremost, so if there's any pressure revolving around writing and forced chemistry, nobody is gonna have a good time. Misunderstandings can happen, but we're all adults here, well I at least expect you to be at least 21 years old, I have no interest in writing with someone younger than that. Anyway, I'm here to have fun and immerse myself in some great character development and gripping stories. That's all there is to it.

Taboo and dark themes:

I'm a goth bitch at heart, I grew up watching the Munsters, Addams Family, '92s The Dracula movie is my favorite movie of all time (which it shows, given how much I obsess over blasphemous, perverse and taboo stuff) and this is all just narrowing things down so I don't overwhelm you with information. I live and breathe dark and taboo themes, women falling in love with monsters (literal and figurative) has always been my bread and butter, but I am overall flexible with making things lighter and more digestible, given that it is good to cleanse one's palette every so often. I am all about stepping in and out of comfort zone, as long as it is enjoyable for all parties involved.

But yeah, things will get taboo, both with the themes, settings, in sexual aspects, while I am all for vanilla and fluff from time to time, I would get bored very quickly and very easily.

To be fair, if my plots aren't as dark and gritty as all of this makes it sound, it's probably because I'm going through my "cleansing my palette" phase, but that doesn't change the fact that dark shit is still my favorite shit.

Whenever it comes to adult content, I prefer to put some explicit details ahead of time so we're all on the same page or are willing to make some compromises and meet in the middle. But, to respect the rules of the site and to avoid being explicit publicly, I made a google doc regarding k*nks and other details, so you'll get the better idea of the taboo nature and all the fun stuff that are on the table. I like nasty shit and make it fun for both parties, so I'd also be happy to indulge you and hear your favorite ideas!


Another thing worth to mention, when it comes to story and smut, I'm the type that prefers story with smut rather than the other way around. As much as I love some dirty content, but I'd rather have 10 pages of great story that builds up to the nasty moments, rather than to jump at the first opportunity into smut. I'm not a writing hoe, I'm sorry, I am a bit harder to get than that. But when we DO get to that point, I have quite specific viewpoints about it, and I have mentioned it in the document.

Me vs My Partner:

Everything that is written in normal font is about what I have to offer, everything written in bold is targeted at my potential partner, what my ideal writing partner would be!

  • Multi paragraph to novella sized posts, I will AT LEAST write 2 paragraphs in case it's a specific scenario in the roleplay - This is the same effort I'd want to see from my partner.
  • The devil is in the details and I like to be as detailed as I can without being too overwhelming - Same effort I'd like to see from my partner.
  • I post once a week, sometimes it might take me a bit longer, but I'll keep in touch with you, I am also break/hiatus friendly because we're adults and responsibilities will always be a priority and sometimes you just don't have energy to write - Yup, same goes to you!
  • OOC communication and keeping up the hype - I adore partners who can keep up the conversation and hype around our roleplay and just share ideas.
  • Open-minded, with little limits and love for taboo themes - We won't fit in case you are not on board with this point.
  • I make more than just one character, either it's another main character or a side character that will serve their purpose - In order for the roleplay to feel like it has depth, I'd very much prefer my partner does the same.
  • I always use faceclaims, be it real people references or fine art, I also use images for all sorts of things tied to the roleplay (like environment, clothing, aesthetic, etc.) - The least I expect from you is to use a faceclaim for your character, just please no anime/manga characters.
  • Lastly, I'm 25 years old - I would prefer like A LOT if you're 21+ years old.

I exclusively play female characters and mostly MxF pairings. However, if we have more pairings in the story, I'd be open to do a FxA pairing, as well - Your gender identity will not affect my choice in writing with you, as long as you will play a male main character. Side characters are not as important, and like I've mentioned, I'd be open to play a FxA pairing as long as the main pair is FxM.

So you're interested?

Awesome! All that's left to do is to send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Not here, don't post here, it annoys me more than I care to admit.

However, I will heavily judge a person based on their first message they send me. I need to know from the start if we're compatible. If you send me just a line of text in inbox, I'm not gonna bother reading, let alone respond.

Given that I did my best to let you know here everything you need to know about me as a writer, I want you to be detailed about yourself when you send me a message. If I captured your attention, I think its only fair you try to do the same to capture my attention!

Anyway, here's some pairings I don't have any concrete plots for, but I'd be interested in doing:

And finally, my plots:

A bit about me:

Just a bit about me as a writer, I love to write and I write a lot. Typically I'm fairly demanding when it comes to world and lore-building with character development and plenty of slowburn. Depending on posts, when conversations and some character interactive scenes happen, the least I'll write two paragraphs, but other times I can pull up a wall of text. It really depends on the situation. I really like to get into the character development, focus on the psychological aspects, anything to make the story that much more compelling, but the best part is that I'm flexible when it comes to story building with my partner. I really need to communicate and exchange ideas, I'm flexible and I like to be direct about these things!

  • Multi to novella sized posts, the least I'll put in is 2 paragraphs. Some situations require shorter and more concrete posts, because it's not always about the length.
  • I prefer quality over quantity, detail over length. Simple as that.
  • I have a busy life and unpredictable social life. The least I'll post is once a week, I aim to do more, but it's not entirely up to me. There are times when I'm drained out of energy and can't even post that one time, but I'll let you know in case I cannot respond.
  • I like to be in contact with my partners OOCly, I respect my partners' privacy and expect that in turn. However, I'm always up to be buddies and just chat about other things outside of hobbies.
  • I go through every single explicit detail. Be it emotional aspects, psychological turmoil, sexual content, gruesome violence, and very vulgar words. I do not and will not limit my writing experience, therefore I rate myself 3/3/3 when it comes to explicit and violent adult themed content. If you cannot stomach writing any of those things, I'M NOT A PARTNER FOR YOU. Things will inevitably get nasty, my dudes
  • With that said, I roleplay in PMs.
  • I will always make side characters, even go as far as to have special roleplaying parts in the story without my main character and instead playing those side characters to build up the plot when necessary.
  • I always use faceclaims. Some fine art (nothing cartoonish) or sometimes real life people refs (I RARELY use A-list celebrities, they're not favored for rps to me)

Things I look for in my writing partners:

  • Writers who don't have a lot of limits in writing
  • Those who are ready to go all in with this type of a plot and put effort, who loves to plan, discuss, share ideas and all that jazz! I adore enthusiastic partners!
  • Someone who's more advanced in roleplaying and preferably in writing in general
  • Discussing OOCly and keeping the hype, keeping in touch

Whenever it comes to adult content, I prefer to put some explicit details ahead of time so we're all on the same page or are willing to make some compromises and meet in the middle. But, to respect the rules of the site and to avoid being explicit publicly, I made a google doc regarding k*nks and other details, so you'll get the better idea of the taboo nature and all the fun stuff that are on the table. I like nasty shit and make it fun for both parties, so I'd also be happy to indulge you and hear your favorite ideas!


Regarding the plot:

Themes of the plot

  • Occultism
  • Vampirism
  • Drama, action and lots of goddamn blood, its a vampire plot, what did you expect
  • Political intrigue
  • Sexual and taboo content
  • Possible Bloodlines plot

I'll keep it short and sweet for the sake of leaving open space for a partner to build this up with me. This one is about betraying Camarilla and joining the Sabbat. The main plot is in Los Angeles as the Final Nights are nearing and tension brewing in the vampire community. Gehenna is on the lips of nearly every Kindred, as the tension only seemed to be fueled by the intense presence of the Thin-blood vampires that signify the end. The Prince is beginning to show the signs of agitation and the Sabbat have sniffed the vulnerability in the Camarilla structure. The Shovelheads are now smarter and stronger than before. They learned where to hit the Tower - and it is from within. More plot can be added, but this is just putting it simple.

I'd be happy to play out the whole storyline from the game itself, just with the Sabbat storyline being the focus and betraying the Camarilla. However, I'm totally open to making something from a scratch with new setting and themes. But one of the ideas that I did have is that there is a sleeping agent in a sarcophagus and that the whole political conflict is more intense than it was in the game.

MC will be working for the Camarilla and is associated closely with Prince, however she is a Toreador Degenerate, all things that are brutal, upsetting and everything that Camarilla wants to reject about their nature fascinates her to no end. But also, is there anything worse than a bored Toreador who has a bit of a taste for chaos? She's a manipulative character, overly pleasant and likable, as it is with most people of her clan and vampires who know better are wary of her kind. However the desire for something more drives her to more darker aspects of existence, things that distance her away from her Humanity. Even though she serves as an example as one of the well-standing Camarilla figures, her secrets are dark, it's only a matter of time before she is converted away from the pristine imagery of the Tower.

I want to let you choose the kind of character you want to play, but one thing to keep in mind - I want to delve into the more messed up stuff of the VtM universe, and Sabbat are the definition of it. Diablerie, blood bonds, orgies, occultism, all of that stuff. Just messy, sinful stuff all around. Monstrous, horrifying and disgusting, throw it at me. Can be with a fleshcrafter who is as sick as if he's from Hellraiser or one of the members of the Brotherhood of the Ninth Circle, or the Satanist obsessed Tremere or Baali who do all sorts of messed up stuff, get your inner edgelord out for this one! Most of the plot will depend heavily on the role of YC and what he does, whether or not he holds an authority in Sabbat or maybe wants to climb up the ladder of power in Sabbat.

All in all, MC will serve as the perfect tool to gauge out the eyes of the Camarilla. She is seduced by the horrifying existence of monsters that have embraced their true nature. Because she's far from pristine as she seems. And it only takes a bored Toreador to do the unthinkable.
Still looking for a compatible partner!
reopened :)

The Main Cast are the original characters who will be at the center of the attention when it comes to storytelling, building relationships and using them as plot devices to move the story further. This means making these characters get personally involved with people and situations that will be the past of the story. Each character has a focused background and is meant to be the main motivator of the plot development.

Author’s note: I do have a preference and twice as more experience writing as female characters (being a female myself) hence why its mainly female focused main cast. However, I do have quite immersive and important side characters who are male identifying.

All of these characters are meant for World of Darkness franchises and roleplays. Time periods they're used in are flexible. Characters who belong in a specific setting will have a note based on the time period they belong in.

Almost all of my characters have been around in writing for at least one year, but plenty of them have been played and used by me for much longer than that. I hold deep love for all characters, both the main and side cast, therefore they're quite developed.

Also, be aware I'm big on aesthetic side of things, so there'll be a lot of images. I never expect from my partners to go as nearly as detailed with their sheets as I do with mine. I just love to do things this certain way.

A warning: Almost all of my characters are based for every type of mature content. Given the setting of the World of Darkness universe, I am very loyal to the themes that can be disturbing in nature. So please approach this with an open and mature mind.
Content warning: Sexual nature, diseases, abuse and other heavy psychological and emotional themes, violence, mental health, dark occult, incestual themes, cannibalism and more.

Tied to the interest check: roleplayerguild.com/topics/184783-a-m…

All characters that are solely based on the Vampire the Masquerade lore. You will note that I do have quite a bit of Sabbat-leaning or Sabbat characters, given that the Sabbat faction has always fascinated me. You could say my characters walk the thin line of "neutral" and "villainous", even though in WoD, such moral labels don't really matter.

Quick Intro

I've been a fan of the World of Darkness lore and universe since I was a kid, although after entering adulthood, I didn't have enough time to delve deeper into all of the franchises, however, given that roleplaying alongside playing video games is my main hobby, having an immersive roleplay that delves into stories and lore of the universe would definitely help me get back into studying the extensive and ever-expanding lore along with someone who's invested as I am.

As for the Pen-and-Paper mechanics, I'm open to using those, however I'd personally prefer to make it simplified. I am also flexible with changing some minor canon stuff from the original lore in case it hinders our enjoyment of written post-by-post roleplaying.

About OP

  • I used to be a Storyteller for a few franchises of WoD, specifically for VtM, WtA, Inquisition and Hunters, Kuei-Jin for a short amount of time. I've played in all other franchises (faaar far less than the ones I've mentioned) EXCEPT for Wraith the Oblivion.
  • I play complex characters, not all of them are likable, nor they're meant to be, others can be sweethearts.
  • Multi to novella sized posts, the least I'll put in is 2 paragraphs. Some situations require shorter and more concrete posts, because it's not always about the length.
  • I prefer quality over quantity, detail over length. Simple as that.
  • I have a busy life and unpredictable social life. The least I'll post is once a week, I aim to do more, but it's not entirely up to me. There are times when I'm drained out of energy and can't even post that one time, but I'll let you know in case I cannot respond.
  • I like to be in contact with my partners OOCly, I respect my partners' privacy and expect that in turn. However, I'm always up to be buddies and just chat about other things outside of hobbies.
  • I go through every single explicit detail. Be it emotional aspects, psychological turmoil, sexual content, gruesome violence, and very vulgar words. I do not and will not limit my writing experience, therefore I rate myself 3/3/3 when it comes to explicit and violent adult themed content. If you cannot stomach writing any of those things, I'M NOT A PARTNER FOR YOU.
  • With that said, I roleplay in PMs.
  • I use images for rp. I'm big on the whole aesthetic thing, so I'll use images for characters, outfits, location, etc. If you don't like including images, please let me know, because I'm gonna use those by default. All I'm asking for is for faceclaim reference for your character!
  • I want this to be a long-term roleplay with various plots and possibilities. We can switch between franchises when we please.

Looking for specific traits in a partner:

  • Writers who don't have a lot of limits and love to explore and immerse themselves, put effort, who loves to plan, discuss, share ideas and all that jazz! I adore enthusiastic partners!
  • Open-mindedness
  • Please be into very dark and taboo matters (This actually stands for everything, starting from sexual matters, to messed up occultic stuff, but also not limited to cannibalism, body horror, extreme violence and so forth) this is the perfect opportunity to let your inner edgelord out to the max.
  • Someone who's more advanced in roleplaying and preferably in writing in general
  • Willingness to make multiple, diverse characters for the story (mains and sides, I will be doing the same) Please no fledgling vampires who need guidance stuff unless there's a whole twist to it
  • Discussing OOCly and keeping the hype, keeping in touch
  • Writers that are at least 21 years old, I'm not comfortable with writing adult content with people who are below that age, due to the mature focused nature of roleplays

If you agree and can match up with me in most of the points I've mentioned, then we have ourselves a potential major plot in our hands! If this strikes your fancy, please send me a PM with information about you and your ideas, things that you want to do, your experience with WoD in general, and so forth. I don't look at any posts in this thread.

Regarding plot and theme aspects

When it comes to plot aspects, I love all sorts of things - action, romance, drama and intrigue, occult, mystery and thriller, horror, fantasy and so on. So I'd be more than pleased to explore as many aspects as we can, given that WoD gifted us more than enough to work with. There's only one thing to keep in mind - make it dark and gritty as hell.

When it comes to romance (or, well, the adult, mature and messed up aspects of it, romance is a whole different deal in WoD) I like to include it in the stories because it adds more flavor. My main cast characters are all female, so pairings can be FxM (preference for males, but not limited to others) and I'd be happy to do FxA given we would have more characters, same goes for the explicit content. I am a big fan of the whole "sex, violence and gore" aspect of the universe, so I would be delighted to touch up on these fields when it is dramatically appropriate.

Allow me to word vomit different ideas:

I am aiming to do mostly VtM lore, however to expand more on the Sabbat faction, given that it is my favorite, also tapping into the more in-depth Camarilla intrigue that involves betrayal and action. I'd be ecstatic to touch on more obscure clans (Nagaraja for example, or devote more importance to the Tzimisce and other clans that get less love) The sudden and impressive uprising of the Anarchs, the Tal'Mahe'Ra coming to the west to bring the Jyhad... So many things!

We can even play more in-depth with more pressing matters, such as the coming of Gehenna. What happens with the Elders who succumb to the Calling and much more. But I think we should start our plots easy and progressively get into the bigger stuff, but always putting our characters as the focus.

Among the Werewolves, there's a massive infighting between two tribes that co-exist in one area who have the most political hold over their society, while the ever-looming threat of the Dancers and other Wyrmfoes, as the other tribes are working their way to sabotage the vampires.

The Technocratic union of mages coming up with terrifying experiments that mess with the nature of our world and secret societies of the Awakened. The struggles of human hunters and Inquisitors desperately fighting for their faith… I can keep going on!

We can have the plots happen in multiple locations depending on what we want to focus on. I'd be happy to do a LA based plot, only to switch to a different chapter with a different set of characters in, let's say Egypt where there's mummies, dungeon explorations, and other things! The setting will be happening in the modern age. The universe we'll play in must be the world we know and live in, but in case you're not up for playing in existing world places and cities, I'd be happy to make like a fictional city in California for example or something like that, but the location MUST feel real and authentic, tied to the history and lore of the universe. Also another thing to mention, we won't have as many limitations as there are canonically in the lore for our own enjoyment. More will be discussed.

Since I do want to tap into playing more characters, I'm thinking about doing the roleplays in episodic parts. We have one major plot (like the Sarcophagus fiasco or battle against the Wyrmfoes/Dancers, depending on what franchise we're doing) that most of the story will revolve around, but due to our characters' stories, backgrounds and roles within the societies, they will always have this side-story we would expand upon. The characters we make can serve as cameos when other sets of characters are dealing with different matters. But we should always have for each "episode" a small number (two to four characters, plus NPCs that will serve their purpose) of characters to focus on with a set story arc to focus on to keep it easier.

Also, having different species cross paths and interact would also be massively desired. Vampires and werewolves brushing shoulders or vampires and mages clashing due to the power struggle and so forth. Less limitation than it was in canon lore.

Overall, thank you for your time! And please send me a private message if you want to talk, I do not check on here. <3
@Blade17 Hey sorry, the plot is taken and closed :)
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