Avatar of Krayzikk


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8 yrs ago
Current You did good, McGregor. Made us proud.
8 yrs ago
No offense intended. But there's a sweet spot on the sliding scale of realism, and most of the interest checks I usually see skew too far to the realism end for me.
8 yrs ago
Can't describe how quickly I go from excited to sad when a mecha premise turns out to be realism wankery.


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"Then it's a good thing we didn't run, now isn't it?" Rebekah posited, continuing to munch on her initial plate of food while Jonas began anew. It was simple enough, in her view; Jonas' indignation was righteous, but who cared? Idiots didn't change their minds. Forget the staff. It would have been much better, surely, to let themselves get torn apart. Obviously. That would make for a much better reflection of the staff's values. "We need not concern ourselves with whether or not such tales exist. Dana is right. The staff are fools. They exist for us to surpass, and their rules will be followed only while it continues to be convenient. We are alive because of our skills, and not because of their help. If we had done what they want we would be dead. So fuck them."

"The worst they can do is kick us out, and I'm not learning employable skills here. If they did kick us out my mother is on speed dial, and I would remind her she was not always so rule-abiding herself."
She shrugged, taking another bite and pausing to chew. "Or they kick us out. So what. I'll direct them to kiss my ass on the way out, preferably in more sophisticated terminology so they are too feeble to understand. The fight is done. Their rebuke is done, and good riddance. Continuing to steam over it is pointless. Get even instead."

The food was delicious, but she really did want coffee. Dana's comment of "bulk soon" earned a brief grin and swift wink before her eyes resumed raking the room. Relo had to have brought a coffee maker. She would have simply sprinted for her room, prepared a cup in a moment and returned but in a room full of people fast enough to track her movements that would be very rude. If Dallas brought a machine with him, though, she could set it up under the auspices of helpfulness and prepare a cup for herself. And a cup for anyone who wanted one, of course.

And it was Dallas Relo. He was so fussy that it would undoubtedly be a decent machine.

"So put it out of your mind, Highwind, and take solace in the fact that they cannot punish you in any way that matters. Now. Psomas. Assist me in a visual inspection of Dallas' possessions. I want to find his coffee maker."

UNSC Celestian, Armory

Helljumper, Helljumper, where you been.

Into more fights like this than most.

Looking casual at the next best thing to seven feet, clad in the sublayer of the most expensive armor known to humankind, cradling a rifle so small it looks like a toy isn't easy. Nik managed it somehow, his practiced motions looking almost languid as he meticulously inspected his weapon. Every moving part, every point of failure, down to checking that the ammo counter would function correctly. Not that he needed it, his HUD kept track. Not that he needed that, either. If you weren't keeping count you needed more training. The MA5K was quick and easy, the Magnum took half a thought. He could have field stripped and reassembled his old SOCOM with his eyes closed, but the M6H2 just wasn't that familiar yet. He'd resisted swapping over for an age and a half. It kicks, he used to argue. The SOCOM had an integrated suppressor and brake, it didn't move a hair when you fired. Made the next shot right on target. You could compensate, sure, but why bother? What good is that much extra range without a scope? You might as well switch to your primary if you're taking a shot that far.

Nik, someone finally had said, how long's it been since you felt a gun kick at all? Take the extra damn range.

Couldn't argue with that.

The boss had come through a couple minutes into the carbine's check but he wasn't even sure she noticed. Probably fine to let the techs do a rundown on it all, but it'd be a cold day in hell before Nik didn't check his own equipment. You drop behind lines without checking your own gear, anything that comes next is on you. Who's gonna offer you a replacement part? The Covenant? No, no. Personally double check. No, the orders were to report fully mission ready. If the boss didn't like the extra minute or two she could bring it up, and he'd be happy to have a long talk about the time a trooper dropped without checking his rifle.

He'd still be ready second, anyway.

When Nik was satisfied he set down the weapon and its magazines and uncoiled to his full, cross-a-room-in-a-single-stride height. It was time to get suited up. He hadn't been around for the old days, when putting on MJOLNIR took three techs and an act of God. Thank the big guy, honestly, he'd have rather dropped in his old ODST gear than stand there for however long. The Brokkr did it quick and easy, all he had to do was stand in place.

Recluse-type Gen 2 armor. Not that it had any marks or specs or anything like that, the thing didn't exist. Or it wouldn't, if he hadn't made a request. ONI probably trying to curry favor. Spooks planned years if not generations in advance like always, and they probably figured they could nab him after a few years. They used to have some Spartans working directly for them, and they'd never forgotten. Honestly, they probably still did. Not like the end of the war made them more forthcoming. Especially when depending on who you asked it never ended. Still he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth; whoever made the thing, it ran like a Swiss watch. He'd insisted on a different helmet, though. Partially because the new one could get stomped on by a Hunter and never notice, but mostly for the fancy toys under the hood.

"Run an uplink check yet?" He asked the nearest tech, as soon as the LOCUS helmet was properly fitting around his head. "Don't wanna fly blind down there just because someone got dust on the networking gear."

"All clear, sir."


Double check the gear. Always.

The rest he could check himself, though. There wouldn't be any feeds to coordinate until they dropped. He could check what assets were in the area during the briefing. Weapons were cleared, armor was cleared, uplink was green, Nik was good to go. So he finally started making his way to the Command Deck as ordered, passing orderly through the corridors. There wasn't a lot of room for him to go around; mostly people went around him, and he did his best not to look too spooky. Smile and a nod didn't do much from inside a closed helmet. The Celestian was a good ship, though, and it never felt too cramped on his way to the lift.

The Command Deck itself, about ten years ago, would've been the most impressive thing he'd ever seen. Now it was like just about any other, even if it was cleaner. See a dozen ships and you've pretty much seen 'em all.

"Captain. Boss." He said by way of greeting, crossing his arms when he came to a stop next to the holographic display. It wasn't unfamiliar, he'd been going over what data was available for a few hours before beginning his maintenance check. "How long until the drop, and where's the rest?"

The golden retriever was new. Ish.

She hadn't realized he had been inducted into the crew. Hm.

"Just gives us an excuse to make you cook again, Jonas. Redeem yourself." The Daughter of Athena deadpanned at him, suppressing the hints of a smile while she took another bite. One could never go wrong with breakfast foods. Dana was texting next to her, but despite her efforts she couldn't read it. She could recognize names, though, which was enough for Dana to get another light elbow that transitioned into an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Rebekah was a little curious, now, if Jonas would say anything. Or Rhea, for that matter.

It bore testing.

"Fine, but that means my brother shall have to drive the getaway van. I cannot prove it, but I still think I drive better than him. Once you have had your fun we can all have a jailbreak." She squeezed the Japanese girl lightly, and nodded in Liam's direction. "Kruger."
@Andromedai @datadogie Pretty much what data said. I have a proper Naval rank in mind if you would prefer those listed.
Whaaa, busy busy busy on my end, but I return!

@Caasicam Approved

@Krayzikk Approved

As for ranks, Spartans use "Navy" ranks.

Much appreciated. I wrote down somewhere where I'd pegged Nik at rank-wise before he joined the program, I'll see what it equated to in Naval ranks in the morning.

"You've outdone yourself, Highwind." Rebekah commented, giving a single, soft appreciative clap at the Son of War's theatrics. She didn't hasten to serve up her own plate, letting Rhea be the one to move first, but she promptly prepared her own second. Jonas did a masterful job on the rare occasions he chose to cook, a skill she had yet to attain. Perhaps she would have to learn, if not from him than from someone. "Well enough, even, to overlook Relo's gross negligence in failing to unpack a coffee machine. If he weren't having a bad enough morning already I would berate him for it."

"Speaking of, I'm glad you're all, at least, in alright spirits. I believe Dana intends to firebomb the staff."
She flashed the Japanese girl a quick grin around a bite of bacon. "The van can move evidence. Maybe again, depending on what Marcella borrowed it for last year."

She nodded at Rhea with a faint smile, and nudged Dana's side lightly.

"I'm too lazy to show off very often. Dana says so, anyway. But I would be happy to spar, when you have time. No good to only get used to fighting Highwind."

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