Bloodstone surveyed the surroundings and looked at all the newborns, there were dozens of them and each one was gathering around a very familiar face. He began to take a step forward when he was approached by the odd green gem. She was questioning the identities of the two leaders here as well as the subject of her home planet. "Yes young one, I am indeed Commander Bloodstone. I have no idea what Aquamarine told you about me but trust me, it is never the whole truth that comes out of her mouth... or mind. As for who she is, Aqua is that blue gem heading up that wall towards the orange gem. I believe she's a Citrine. And finally HomeWorld, that's were gems are from originally. We've run out of resources there to make new gems without drawbacks so we expanded to other planets to form a new era of gems that would become you and the other newborns here. The first Era-3 gems. Well, at least some of you are." Blood quickly explained everything he could at the time before hearing a shriek and a large crackling of electricity. He looked up to see a Verdelite hiding behind Aqua, her eyes locked on him. Then the Carnelian behind him tried to persuade the others to leave the area. Wow, Aqua really has them riled up about me, huh?
Blood stepped out into the open and announced himself to the gems, "Greetings, I am Commander Bloodstone of HomeWorld. Military General of Earth and Lead Scientist of HomeWorld. I see Aqua has already filled your heads with assumptions of me without giving me a chance to speak. Please, consider this, I am the one specifically in charge of this Kindergarten and every other one on Earth. My actions are what lead to your existence. Aqua and her forces wanted to end these operations for good and ensure that you newborns could never exist. Rose Quartz, a despicable gem, lead Aqua and others away from my leadership and gave them a new life here on Earth. All of those rebels valued this planet more than your very lives. At least they had a choice though, Aqua on the other hand was about to lead you away without knowing of any other options."
Bloodstone stepped forward while gesturing for Chromite and the three newborns to step into view. "See how me and my knight come to you and even our own enemies with no hostile gestures and yet the moment that this Sodalite hears I'm here they have weapons out. I already have three newborns who seem to like me, I hope, and a brave knight ready to defend you from harm. That is all I have to say on the matter of me against Aqua. We've done enough arguing as is and I refuse to do much more. If you newborns wish to ask me questions, feel free and I shall answer them." Bloodstone then placed himself on the ground, folding his legs and playing with the electricity darting between his finger tips. He had no care if the rebels attacked him, it would only strengthen his point and Chromite would surely protect him proving her loyalty and bravery.
Blood stepped out into the open and announced himself to the gems, "Greetings, I am Commander Bloodstone of HomeWorld. Military General of Earth and Lead Scientist of HomeWorld. I see Aqua has already filled your heads with assumptions of me without giving me a chance to speak. Please, consider this, I am the one specifically in charge of this Kindergarten and every other one on Earth. My actions are what lead to your existence. Aqua and her forces wanted to end these operations for good and ensure that you newborns could never exist. Rose Quartz, a despicable gem, lead Aqua and others away from my leadership and gave them a new life here on Earth. All of those rebels valued this planet more than your very lives. At least they had a choice though, Aqua on the other hand was about to lead you away without knowing of any other options."
Bloodstone stepped forward while gesturing for Chromite and the three newborns to step into view. "See how me and my knight come to you and even our own enemies with no hostile gestures and yet the moment that this Sodalite hears I'm here they have weapons out. I already have three newborns who seem to like me, I hope, and a brave knight ready to defend you from harm. That is all I have to say on the matter of me against Aqua. We've done enough arguing as is and I refuse to do much more. If you newborns wish to ask me questions, feel free and I shall answer them." Bloodstone then placed himself on the ground, folding his legs and playing with the electricity darting between his finger tips. He had no care if the rebels attacked him, it would only strengthen his point and Chromite would surely protect him proving her loyalty and bravery.