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@Raijinslayer Lapis was kept inside of a mirror that most likely kept her stable since she was unable to form. When she did form though, she was unstable, couldn't summon her wings, and it only would've gotten worse for her.

@rocketrobie2 I did look it over and I liked the look of it so far but will need it to be complete before I can make any decisions.

@BrassOtter The town is built directly on top of the Kindergarten so you won't have to go far.
@Pathfinder A couple things are still wrong with the CS. Firstly, you still state that she is corrupted and your gem item is kind of based off of it. The half-corruption is still a no-go. Also, you stated in your backstory that she was most likely cracked. Based off of what happened to Amethyst and Eyeball Ruby when they were cracked, I don't think she would have made it that long. On top of this, Rebellion gems have four powers. It's fine if you have three and power one up but I'd like to know which one was increased in power.
@BrassOtter Fair enough. As long as yoi don't go flinging it around everywhere. Otherwise I may have to make a police officer human.
@BrassOtter Welp. I believe that if you can explain a character's ownership of a weapon then I can't deny the weapon. Where does Carmen get the supplies for these inventions?
@Pathfinder That one big gem with the axe that was in a holo-flashback looked like it was wearing armor.
@Pathfinder Chromite wore armor. Bloodstone at one point wore armor. Jasper as a helmet. So they can wear armor, most just choose not to because it limits mobility.
@Archmage MC Not even Rose Quartz could purify a corruption. I doubt any gem could keep up the pace to heal Eise daily. As for an experiment, corruption is something we barely understand the cause of much less if it's repeatable and controllable. Any experiment that would succeed in corrupting a gem would fully corrupt it not bring it half-way.
@Pathfinder I probably should have said this earlier but I was trying to find some validation for it. Eisenkiesel can in no way be half-corrupted, the only gem that was like that was Centipeedle and she reverted back into her corruption. If you did want her to be half-corrupted thrn she'd have about a day before she became fully corrupted unless she was fixed.
@The1Rolling1Boy You did. I just didn't notice. You're approved then.
@rocketrobie2 Humans can have gem weaponry that they've stolen from warzones (if they can lift it) but can't make gem weaponry. Only a Bismuth-like gem could do that.

@The1Rolling1Boy I approve but have a question. Is she a newborn or a rebel?

@EnterTheHero You can certainly change to kamas.

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