Avatar of Kuro


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Last day of work before I'm off for my two day break I get before I begin my work training upstate. Getting put up in a nice hotel room and everything, it'll be snazzy.
9 days ago
Considering that the majority of the guild uses ghost mode and also the fact Casual is where the majority of RP takes place, I don't think this is some big conspiracy theory about AI lol
1 like
14 days ago
Will be probably MIA sometime the first few weeks of June, or not entirely present at least. Work is having me do two weeks of management training upstate.
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15 days ago
Y'know you don't have to flood the status bar, right?
26 days ago
Tomorrow is the final day of my current position before my promotion is in effect at work. Unfortunately, they're having me "clopen" by closing Friday and opening Saturday on my first actual day lol


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Isn't ball game food expensive, though?" Kali asked. She had always heard of people paying outrageous amounts for a simple hotdog or beer. It had become enough of an issue that stadiums had patented "all-you-can-eat seats" to draw more people in, and unfortunately, to Kali's dismay, it was working. Stupid people were always willing to pay stupid prices for stupid things, it seemed. Not Kali, however. She wasn't about to pay six or seven bucks a hotdog any time soon, not even if her life depended on it. She was too broke to do so, so death it would be.

As she finished the last of her dining room checklist, Kali then turned towards the kitchen where Jeff had been fiddling with the fryers. "Anyhow, everything is ready to go out here." She announced. "You think it'll be a busy day? Everyone seemed to be in a rush on the way here. Maybe it has something to do with that new illness they're talking about—or not, I don't know. I'm not a conspiracy theorist."
In Ju-V 2 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Kuro>

That's fine, and yes, I suspected as much would be the case on your end.

Mhm. At least one good thing came out of all this overtime (aside from the ton of money I've made); I passed the exam to become a Team Lead, so I've got one foot in the door if I take the plunge and apply for them to interview me for it if there is ever a spot open for a new lead. If I do get the spot, however, I'll probably go poof for a bit if I have to go do the training. Still worth it though since I'd be making five more (so 19 this year, 20 with the state's wage raise next year) than what I make now lol
In Ju-V 2 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I'm still around, yes. I just need to actually post in this, with how little free time I've had in the last two months from working excessive overtime writing has somewhat felt like a chore at times and I end up going to go play games or something instead. Just need to force myself to sit down at my PC and write away (probably tonight if I can get it out with my other RPs).
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