Avatar of Kuro


Recent Statuses

3 days ago
Current My parcel has finally left purgatory hell. It says that it should arrive by tomorrow, but I doubt that tbh.
3 days ago
Going to be working overnight for a week in case anyone wonders about a change in activity.
4 days ago
Ordering things online is all fine and dandy until they send it to the literal void of all shipping facilities. Wish they would stop routing my stuff through there.
5 days ago
no wonder you're computer illiterate you went with an iphone
1 like
5 days ago
Trying to do management reports on my work's ancient PCs is frustrating. I've tried multiple computers and I can't even get to our landing page.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

Oh, hi Cthulhu.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"I'll have to take you word on that one, Jeff."

As Jeff returned to his duties, Kali remembered how quickly yesterday's lunch rush wiped out their day's soup stock. Apparently, matzo ball soup was quite a popular choice around these parts. She simply couldn't remember how many times she had to apologize for being out of it. Some had been angry, others were disappointed and chose something else. There was nothing Kali could do about it regardless; she simply took and served the food, she didn't prepare it (as much as she wished she could—she felt she could truly make a difference at the Twin Seasons). Hopefully, today wouldn't be as horrible as it was yesterday.

Walking over to the server's booth, Kali dug for the box of chalk and pulled one piece out to use. She then approached the kitchen window, and began to write on wall-mounted chalk board nearby. At the top, Kali wrote "Today's Specials" in her fanciful, neat handwriting. "Just let me know what you're thinking, and I'll put it up." Kali explained to Issac, who she turned to face for an answer.
umm this is probably a stupid question but do I have to join the skype thing if I join this and also how do I PM people here? I'm kinda brand new, but I can fill out a character sheet fast

This RP thread has been dead for 8 years. Safe to say it isn't coming back and it'd be best to find/make a new one.
Hello! I'm interested in roleplaying with you! My discord is anthonyartzz!!

This thread is long dead and OP hasn't been online in 9 months.
Foiled trice.
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