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6 hrs ago
Current Does the jpg say jpg_small or jpg_large? That might be causing the issue.
6 hrs ago
There are only certain file types allowed; you might be accidentally uploading a webp, gifv, etc.
1 day ago
would you still roleplay with me if i were a worm
3 days ago
3 days ago
I have a ton of free time to get important things done during my vacation, but I'm instead using it to play video games lol


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

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In Ju-V 4 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Location: Dorm Rooms - AEGIS Complex, Alcatraz Island
Issue #2: A Pointed Stinger
Interaction(s): Poe @Roman
Previously: Absolutely Buzzingly Furious!

"Sleep?" Quinn angrily inquired. "We're stuck in a small box, and you want to sleep? You're the one who got us into this mess!"

She couldn't believe what she had been hearing. The unknown girl was seemingly apologetic for what she had "done", despite Quinn having little understanding of what had even happened. But Quinn didn't care. The only thing she cared for was to get out. She had enough of tiny boxes. She had enough of being trapped in a cage, and for all intents and purposes, this sterile hospital-esque room was practically one. There was no time for sleep; they (or rather, her) needed to find a way out of this room.

Grumbling to herself, Quinn sighed and turned her attention back to the door. The girl could sleep for whatever she cared; she seemed absolutely useless in terms of prioritizing survival. If she wasn't going to help, then Quinn would have to forge her own path, just as she did all those years on the streets.

Before Quinn could ponder much more on how to plan her escape, however, her answer came unexpectedly as the door itself opened, with a rather tall man standing at the door.

"Dinner time." A burly voice announced. Quinn couldn't see much of a face from where she stood, and instead only saw pristine leather boots and neatly-pressed pants. "Get up."

"Finally." Quinn snapped. Normally, she'd been a bit more cautious of the man, but this appeared to be her only shot so far at escaping this dorm prison, and so she took the opportunity while she still could.

Fluttering her wings to rise up into the air so that she wouldn't tire herself out walking the giant-sized hallways, Quinn took one final look at the other girl before following the guard out of the room. Whether or not if she wanted to get up onto her feet was certainly her problem, not Quinn's.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Sounds good enough to me." Kali nodded back to Issac and began to write down today's specials on the chalkboard. It was certainly a lot of seafood Issac wanted, and she wondered if going all-in was the correct option. Lobster and crab were always expensive (and hence why Kali rarely had it), and if people weren't interested in seafood, then that was a ton of money to go to waste. Regardless, Issac seemed to be accepting of that risk to get his customers to add seafood to his palette, and in the end Kali chose to go along with it.

As she finished writing the menu on the chalkboard, the door chimed with the arrival of the day's first customers. They were an older couple, somewhere around her boss' age Kali believed. Quickly making her way over to the serving booth, Kali grabbed a pair of menus for them, and approached the table they were sitting at. "Welcome to the Twin Seasons." Kali said, flipping on her cheerful customer service work personality as she placed the menus on the table. "My name is Kali, and I'll be serving you today. Is there anything I can get started for you right now, or do you need a few minutes?"
Oh, hi Cthulhu.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"I'll have to take you word on that one, Jeff."

As Jeff returned to his duties, Kali remembered how quickly yesterday's lunch rush wiped out their day's soup stock. Apparently, matzo ball soup was quite a popular choice around these parts. She simply couldn't remember how many times she had to apologize for being out of it. Some had been angry, others were disappointed and chose something else. There was nothing Kali could do about it regardless; she simply took and served the food, she didn't prepare it (as much as she wished she could—she felt she could truly make a difference at the Twin Seasons). Hopefully, today wouldn't be as horrible as it was yesterday.

Walking over to the server's booth, Kali dug for the box of chalk and pulled one piece out to use. She then approached the kitchen window, and began to write on wall-mounted chalk board nearby. At the top, Kali wrote "Today's Specials" in her fanciful, neat handwriting. "Just let me know what you're thinking, and I'll put it up." Kali explained to Issac, who she turned to face for an answer.
umm this is probably a stupid question but do I have to join the skype thing if I join this and also how do I PM people here? I'm kinda brand new, but I can fill out a character sheet fast

This RP thread has been dead for 8 years. Safe to say it isn't coming back and it'd be best to find/make a new one.
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