Avatar of LadyAmber


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I am experienced roleplayer returning to online roleplay after 10+ year break. I have missed roleplaying and the creative outlet it is for me. I am interested in casual roleplay. I consider myself a decent writer and I will put effort into my writing. I am not into writing a novel for one post though. Descriptive, character building, engaging, yes. I will always write at least 2 paragraphs unless it is a quick fire session revolving around dialogue over private messages. I am a fairly laid back person and don't want to be a grammar nazi. I believe in quality over quantity. Roleplaying is a hobby and a escape from real life pressures.

Genres I am interested in:
Middle Ages
Science Fiction
Crime Drama

Fandoms I am interested in:
Harry Potter
Anita Blake
Dragonriders of Pern
Star Wars

I don't mind roleplaying romance but I am not looking for smut. It has to make sense for the roleplay. I am okay with a fade to black moment instead of roleplaying it out. For me its about the story and the character. I am open to roleplaying it out.

I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone. I work full time and will be seen in the evenings and weekends online.

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Collab between Samantha and Freya: A few days after the Singapore Op

Chaos and Freya out on the town in Wellington

Samantha grinned as she dug through her closet for something appropriate to wear. Freya had invited her to go out with her. Memories of the last time Skye and Freya had plied her with alcohol had her firming her resolve not to come home sloppy drunk. She didn’t want to feel like a bus had run over her the next day. She worked on drinking some water while she got ready. She knew keeping hydrated would help stave off some of the hangover aspects from a night of drinking. She was looking forward to a night of dancing and hanging out with a woman she respected. Freya was one of the few people who would understand her when she started spouting scientific and mechanical engineering theories and concepts out. It was a refreshing change of pace to not have to stop and explain what she was talking about.

Sam was prepared for dancing. She was not one of those women who adored high heeled shoes. She could wear them but found them incredibly uncomfortable. It was part of why she chose to dress in a punk or goth motif most of the time. That allowed her to get away with combat boots. She had chosen to pair her black combat boots with black skinny jeans and a hot pink blouse that wrapped across her torso and tied in the back. It had a ruffle on the top that was pulled down off her shoulders. She grabbed a small black leather purse with a long strap meant for cross body wear. The purse had a large bright chrome zipper on top and a decorative metal skull and crossbones on the side. The purse carried her wallet, keys, and lipstick in it. She grinned as she dropped the taser she had made for the Singapore op inside the small zip up purse.

Samantha did one last check in the mirror. She had a goth kind of thing going on with a Latina vibe. She then went in search of Freya. She thought Freya had told her to meet her in the garage. She wondered how they were getting there or if she would need to borrow a helicopter or something. She paused for a moment. Would Skye yell at them for that? Hmmm… first find Freya.

Who knew?

Like really? Who would have known that Freya Kanatariio of all people listens to Ru Paul and Todrick Hall?

It’s something as the tones of Ru Paul blooms from her room as she flings clothing out of her packs and closet. A frilly piece of something flying, was that supposed to fit her chest or her hips? It’d be floss either way! She dug and dug. And grinned, “Oh we’re gonna have a good time.” The big woman cackles, finding something, striding over, half naked, and looked the piece of clothing on in front of the full body mirror. For the uninitiated we’re just going to put a checker censor over certain things that aren’t covered. With a puff it’s back to the packs. While almost a casual look from between her legs she checks the time, “Damn Sam’s probably almost ready And I can’t even find some underwear!”

She puts some speed in on it.

Soon there’s a bra, something hidden, no straps, and a top, diaphanous maybe but it’s enough there to hide things. Black, with silver thread woven in, highlight yet not scream “ho”. And a bottom, a side cut long skirt, black and silver, dear god she’s gonna kill someone with this outfit. A belly button bit of bling, and some other little bits of glitz and glamour. Oh gods there’s gonna be a pair of bombshells out there. She’s still trying to get her hair and make up on as the time for the meet up arrives.

And is completely not expecting someone to knock on her door.

Sam strode into the garage. She checked her makeup on the mirror just inside the door. It was there so mechanics could check for grease and dirt before leaving the garage. Tahlia didn’t like cleaning up greasy fingerprints and the like. She was hoping the mirror would remind them to clean up before spreading their filth around the base. She nodded happily with her subtle makeup and dramatic eyes. She looked sexy with a hint of fun. She didn’t honestly care much what others thought. She wore what appealed to her. She turned and began to look around the cavernous garage for Freya. Hmmm maybe she had gotten their meeting place wrong. She tilted her head to the side and thought about where Freya’s room was. She nodded and took off in search of the battle goddess. Before long she was standing outside Freya’s room and knocking politely on the door. “Hey Freya! Are you in there?”

Freya mmfs that knock and she’s on her feet, “What?” She spins looking at the clock, oh crap she’s late! She crosses her room in about 1 and a half strides, (the joys of being huge!) And almost rips the door off it’s hinges, “Sam! Sorry! Clothes…make up…hair…” Giantess in the doorway, half done up, but still on the way to be drop dead gorgeous, “Come on in babe. I’m almost done. Was Teddy at the heli-pad? I talked my private helicopter pilot to come pick us up on my private chopper. Luxury is the name of the game. And it’s on me missy.” She grins brightly. Then back into the room, trying to finish getting herself set up. Good work and all being put into it. Her hands flying in her hair, putting it up in this wonderful flowing do, that people would pay to run their fingers through. Biting her lower lip in a form of concentration. Getting her hair just right then moving to finish the make up, giving herself a smoky almost gothy look. The beats of Todrick Hall continue to play as she works.

Samantha waited for the door to open. She blinked seeing the giantess almost ready. She strode into her room at her invitation. She blinked in confusion. “Teddy? Heli-pad? I thought we were meeting in the garage?” She looked closely at Freya. “Luxury and your own helicopter?! Am I dressed well enough for where you are taking me?” Samantha looks down at her deceptively casual yet sexy look. She looks back over at the giantess with a questioning look? “What do you think?” She turns to show off her curves that were accentuated by her clothing. The bright colored top made her skin look rosy and dusky colored. She had added just a touch of temporary pink highlights to her short pixie cut hair.

Freya hums smiling looking over at Sam, “Girl, you’re more then done up. Don’t worry the restaurant is tasteful, nothing to heavy. Then there’s a club I’m sure you’re gonna love. See if you can’t bring some handsome fella back with us for you.” She grinned at Samantha brightly, “Who knows maybe we can find some tall dark someone to bring home for Skye too.” She huffs, “And maybe some hefty fella for me…” She kinda whispers at the end, “In my dreams.” And with a fancy little flick she puts the finishing touch on her makeup. Clearly when she goes out she wants to make a statement. She turns in her seat, “So we go down to the garage, then from there a short walk to the heli-pad, Teddy should be here soon. And we’re gonna party hun!” She walks over to slip on a pair of knee high flat leather boots, fitting them on, and grabbing her purse. Playfully striking a pose, “Come on Sam, let’s go party.”

Samantha had turned to show off for Freya. After getting the giantess’ approval she laughed. “I don’t know if I want to bring some random guy home. I am more than willing to dance with one though! I am all for a good time and to get my groove on.” She shook her hips like the racy Latina she was. “I am ready, Chica! Let’s go!” Samantha tucked her arm into Freya’s it would look like a child holding onto their parents hand. She laughed as they left to go find their pilot. “You know I can fly the helicopter but since you want me to drink you, good call on Teddy.” She let the giantess lead the way as she did her best to keep pace as they made their way towards their transport and nice evening away from the base. She could hardly wait. She was so excited. It had been eons since she had been out with a female friend.

And away they go. Walking down the hall, arm in arm, the sound of Freya’s music fading off behind them. She smiled down at her friend and coworker, “Gotta be honest here hun, was kinda thinking I’d end up bringing you to the lab first. Didn’t think we’d get to a girls night so quick.” She chuckled. Sure strides and good feelings get them through the garage quick, and out into the late afternoon light of the day, there waiting a short distance away a posh sleek charcoal grey executive style helicopter waiting, rotor spinning, and a pilot in a suit waving, coming forward to shake Freya’s hand then do the same to Sam, calling over the roar of the rotor, “Teddy Jalfe, Jotunnheim Defence transportation, nice to see you boss! And this is that Samantha Simons is it you were talking about right? I got that right I hope madam? Any friend of my boss is a friend of mine.” He runs ahead to the door and pulls it open, Freya helping Sam up into the luxury chopper, then hopping in herself. Teddy closing the door and hopping into the front, Freya putting a headset on just as Teddy does too. Freya giving Sam a wink, waiting until she’s got her headset on too before saying, “Sorry I tell my people about my co-workers regularly. Let’s rock and roll Teddy! Wellington bound! Don’t make us late!” Teddy cackling, “You got it boss lady!” And with a rock the chopper lifts off.

Samantha laughed at the sight the two of them walking together must be. Samantha was very petite and short and Freya was tall and curvy. They seemed to be mirror images or fun house mirror images of one another. Sam was darker skinned and Freya was pale. Freya was tall and Sam was short. Samantha walked out of the garage with Freya and towards the heli-pad where a beautiful luxury executive class helicopter sat. Teddy came forward to greet her. She raised an eyebrow at being introduced as Simons. She smiled and shook Teddy’s hand. “That is a nice helicopter Teddy. I would be happy to co-pilot anytime.” She winked at him. “I am Samantha Dalton but you can just call me Sam.” She then climbed up into the helicopter’s rear luxury leather seats. She fastened her seatbelt harness before pulling the headphones down over her ears to protect them from the loud noise of the engine as the rotors began to spin up. She smiled at Freya as she joined her in the rear. Freya’s enthusiasm was contagious and light hearted. “I would love a tour of your lab. I appreciate that you can keep up with me when I start talking about engineering and science.” It made Sam excited to see where this evening led. She chuckled and looked out the window as Teddy lifted the helicopter into the air. She watched as the ground flew past under the helicopter. Before long they were over the open ocean and the scene was peaceful and beautiful. She often didn’t get time to admire where the base was from the air. It was a nice change of view.

Teddy makes a show of smacking his forehead, “Ahhh I’m sorry Madam Dalton! Tell you what, next time I’m by you get the co-seat, this thing flies like a dream, you haven’t piloted until you get your hands on the cyclic of this thing. It’s like flying something with the size of a Comanche, but with the handling of a Bugatti. Weird I know but it’s the only way I can put it. Hey check it out, 1000, there’s Wellington! I’ll bring us to the restaurant. And once I drop you off at the penthouse pad, I’ll radio the limo company so they can bring you to the club afterward. Thank you for flying Jalfe Airlines, remember this is an Airmiles sponsored flight, so remember to swipe your Freya card on the way out.” Freya reaching over and past Sam to smack Teddy on the top of the head as the pilot brings them in over the building with the restaurant in it. Freya growling over the headset, “That joke got old after the second time you dunce!” Teddy only laughing.

Samantha was amused by Teddy and the fact he seemed to know how to needle his boss. She didn't have the heart to tell him that she had already flown similar helicopters and some experimental ones that would put this one to shame.

And it wasn’t long until they were down, Freya pulling the door open, and helping Sam out before jumping out, flipping Teddy off. The last thing either Sam or Freya see is Teddy laughing like a loon when the door closes. Then it’s off to dinner.

And after that, a bit of time later, and a truly wonderful thing it was, it’s into a long sleek hummer style limo to head to a club in the entertainment district of the city. As the vehicle rolls up they can already feel the beat and roll of the music from within. Bass and tempo smooth then hard then wild. The bouncer in the front just taking one look at Freya and Sam and just waving them through into the interior, bypassing the line completely!

Samantha rolled her eyes at Teddy’s and Freya’s antics on the flight over in the helicopter. She found herself relaxing and having a great time with the battle goddess. She was a great conversation partner and just as much fun. Dinner had been excellent and before she knew it they had been hustled into a hummer style limo and driven to the club that Freya had wanted to go to. She could feel the pulsing beat and rhythm of the music as they climbed out of the limo. She raised an eyebrow as the bouncer at the door just waved them through the line. She just shook her head and chalked it up to being escorted by Freya. The giantess seemed to have life bowing at her feet. Which she supposed it should be for a goddess. She smiled at that thought and how appropriate it was. Sam had seen what Freya could do with that battle hammer of hers. It was not long before Samantha had found herself with a strawberry margarita in one hand while she danced with Freya at the bar. The beat making her want to move her body. “Thank you for not making me swallow down brandy or whiskey. I am not much of a drinker. I think Skye is trying to turn me into her. Everytime I enter the lounge area she is pouring me some kind of alcoholic drink.” She smirked at Freya as she ignored the greedy and welcoming eyes of the male fans watching her.

Freya had smiled the whole way, sometimes calling ahead is just the way things go, let’s face it in this world not everyone is equ-wait that’s a difference script. The almighty dollar can move walls sometimes, and Freya has that in spades, even if she doesn’t seem to flaunt it all that often. But sometimes she just can’t help herself. As they enter the club she lifts her arms above her head, and almost like it was timed the beat of the tune the DJ is spinning reaches a drop, as if welcoming Freya and Sam, two new apex predators to the club. Eyes male and female alight upon the pair as if weighing the new comers. Many finding them far beyond their poor means as it were. Others seeing challengers to their reign. Soon though Freya has a bottle of something with a black label in one hand, her thumb stoppering the top as she dances with Sam at the bar, taking tactical gulps from the bottle as they danced. She took a moment to take a nip of a very lovely snack to keep from getting too smashed. She nodded, “Yes I’ve noticed our boss lady likes her cerveza. No problem with it, but I don’t like to go to bed with a headache. Gotts say she can put it away as well as I can.” She grins, “Besides I don’t wanna carry you home Sam, not that I wouldn’t.” She grinned brightly, “But Teddy won’t help me load you up into the chopper and I would rather you go home with some dignity.” She drank again, and began to sway as another musical concoction began, the DJ doing something else with sound out above the dance floor.

Soon though so as not to kill the night with being an overload it’s time to start thinking about calling it a night. Probably helps that Freya got several rapid fire texts, the giantess cackling, “He says he wants us to leave soon and he’ll be in the car.”

Samantha was enjoying her evening out with Freya. She appreciated the opportunity to dance and hang out. She had not enjoyed the man who got too handsy on the dance floor before they retreated to the bar. Not that he had his hands on her for long. She grinned wickedly as she remembered punching him in the face before the bouncers escorted him out of the club. She nodded as Freya mentioned that Teddy was waiting for them with the car. “Fair enough. You invited me along as a partner in crime not to be my caretaker for the evening. I appreciated the opportunity to let my hair down. I would love that tour of your lab when you have time.” She set her empty glass on the bar. It was a good margarita. Not everyone could do them justice since the drink has become so popular. “Are we ready then?” She lifted an eyebrow in a query to the giantess?

Freya shocked the people closest to them when she tipped the bottle almost vertical and downed the last of the amber liquid within, all in one go. She slams the bottle down on the bar counter. A little more dancing on the floor, and that dick wad who had tried to cop a feel was lucky it was Sam who got to him and not her! He’d have lost more then his dignity and got more then a punch to the jaw. But yes soon it’s time to leave, “Yep, senorita I think we better head out. Leave these folks with stories to tell.” She grinned and leaned back Ving her fingers over her lips and flicking her tongue out at some of their admirers, grinning cheshire like the whole time before wrapping an arm around Sam and marching out with her, if she added a little more sashay then she did when they came in well, all part of it. As they leave the bouncer stops them and rumbles, “Look I let you in without the normal charge but you really gotta go with that.” And having landed in the middle of the street, far enough that the rotor blast didn’t hit the people still in line is the chopper they came in on. Teddy leaning on the door, and motioning Sam and Freya over shouting over the noise, “Let’s get moving ladies! I understand someone already tried to call the cops on us and it’ll be a laugh riot if we leave into the dark of the night just as they get here!” He’s pulling the door open and helping them in. And not too long after just as a pair of police cruisers roll up, the chopper rocks and they are in the air.

Samantha laughed as Freya made a scene finishing her drink. All the wannabes who wanted to take the giantess home were left sorely disappointed when she hauled Sam off with her. Samantha couldn’t help but laugh. Freya had almost started a riot amongst the men when she had left with Sam. It was not their fault that the men all thought they should go home with them. Samantha could only laugh. She would have to remember to suggest to Freya that next time she throw her over her shoulder and carry her out caveman style. That was the way these men were acting, like they had any claim to either one of their lives or attention. Most of the women in the club were simply jealous that they were not the center of attention. The remainder were almost as bad as the men who had been ogling Freya as she moved around the dance floor. Freya was big; she was not consciously or purposefully taking attention and space from the other women on the dance floor as far as she could tell. Samantha had her own admirers. She was there to drink with her friend and shake her booty for some fun, not go home with a random guy for a quickie. That was what her BOB was for. It didn’t complain either.

Samantha wondered who had called the cops. She bet it was the guy she decked who had grabbed her ass and tried to stick his hand down her top. She frowned at the bouncer at the door as she overheard what he was telling Freya. Samantha pulled a $100 bill out of her wallet. She stuffed it into the man’s mouth. “There we paid the cover fee. You don’t need to say anything else. We are out of here and won’t be back.” She then ran for the copter and leaped up inside. She had just closed the door when the bird lifted into the air. She started laughing hard as she struggled into her seat belt. She was still laughing when she pulled her headset on. “You know I had just been thinking, Skye would be proud of us. We managed to come home without being drunk or a police escort. Well I guess I have to thank Teddy for ditching our police escort!” She winked at Teddy as she turned to see how Freya was doing. “You good Freya?”

Freya nodded “Yes, oh honey perfectly fine” quick simple words. It made her wonder what was in that bottle that Freya had polished off. But the response let her know that she was okay. Teddy thought her comment was hysterical and was laughing it up in the pilot’s seat. Samantha enjoyed the relatively quiet trip home. Freya was not drunk but she had relaxed into the seat and seemed to be lost in thought or half asleep. It had been a long night and they had just gotten back from a heavy op. She should probably check in with her tomorrow. Singapore hadn’t been an easy op for the giantess. She should have thought about that. Maybe Freya had needed to blow off some steam as much as she did. Although Freya had seemed to want to hook up. She hoped she didn’t crimp the woman’s style. Sam was simply not the sleep around type.

As if maybe reading Sam’s mind, Freya broke the silence, “Ahh that has to be the most fun outside of punting some poor opfor down a stairs, that I’ve had in years Sam, thank you so much for accepting my invite. But I tell ya, you got some stamina you’ve worn out the battle goddess.” She grins brightly and Teddy leans back, snapping a picture on his phone, “I need evidence!” He calls over the headsets.

The evening wound down as they made it back to base without further incident. She had laughed at Freya telling her that she had worn her out. She almost felt bad like she had been following the woman around and just keeping up with what she wanted to do. She grinned knowing that she had a good time. “I had a good time, Freya. Thanks for inviting me. Maybe next time we will try a rage room!” With that parting comment she left to go find her bed.

Freya wound her way to her room arm in arm with Sam into the base. Passing base personnel who stopped to watch the pair. Freya just giving them a look. Parting at her door she caught Sam up in a hug, “Oh hun, next time you get to plan it, and we’re bringing Skye with us too. She needs in on these girls nights too. Have a good night Sam, talk to you in the morning.” She lets the smaller woman go and waits at her door as Sam disappears down the hall. Now that, that was a helluva night.

Samantha "Chaos" Dalton

The Chaos has hit the fan: Singapore

Samantha felt like she had done all she could do. She was packing up all her equipment while she anxiously waited for the status bar to indicate that the cloning process was completed and successful. Samantha knew they were running out of time. She knew things had gone pear shaped. She wondered how Mateo and Xander were doing with retrieving data from the server room. That was when she heard Skye swearing over an open comline, "Crap! Team, grab what you need and get the hell out! Valkyrie, follow on my lead! I think we're going for Plan B!" She didn’t even manage to get out a swear word before the fire alarm kicked in and started wailing.That meant the team had minutes to get out before the building went on lockdown and was surrounded by first responders. Samantha felt her heart begin to race. She was silently urging the status bar to move faster. Mentally she was wondering how much crap the man stored on his personal computer.

The sound of the alarms were so strong she could feel the vibrations pulsing through her body. It kept her heart racing and her adrenaline up. She could hear guards running down the hallway. She ducked under the desk to hide as the laptop finished downloading. Samantha opened her bag and pulled out the wingsuit that she had stuffed into it. She knew it was her best bet for a clean getaway. She pulled out the taser flashlight and the knock out spray perfume bottle. She set them to the side. She peaked up over the desk. The coast was clear so she checked the computer once more. The computer had finally finished. She verified that the process was successful before unplugging everything and quickly but securely storing it in the backpack she had been using. She made sure everything was secure and zipped up tight before sliding the pack onto her shoulders. She made sure the bag was secure and snug before pulling on the wingsuit over her clothes and backpack. She knew she wouldn’t have time to stop and pull it on later. She took a moment to let the team know her status. “Chaos will be taking the sky route.”

Her exit was going to be fast and messy. She grinned with that thought since it was also going to be fun. Base jumping was a hard hobby to enjoy as it was illegal to do in most cities. There was no hope for a stealthy exit now. She made sure the suit was on and everything was fastened correctly. She made sure she could reach the release handle for the modified parachute pack built into the suit. She gave a little jump to make sure things stayed where she put them. Satisfied, she grabbed up the taser and knockout spray before heading to the door to leave the office. All she could hear was the blaring alarms and automated announcement to evacuate the building. She cracked open the door and didn’t see anyone in the hallway. She began to run down the hallway towards the stairwell.

She ran into the landing and found two guards on comms reporting the guards she downed earlier. She ran towards them but they saw her coming. They fired at her but she kept dodging from side to side. She was too close for the rifles they were trying to use. She jabbed the taser into one guard’s side as the other tried to sweep her legs from under her. She pressed the button on the taser and held it in place as her legs were jerked from under her. She landed on her back. She had the wind knocked out of her. The guard she had tasered hit the floor next to her. She gasped and flipped back to her feet. She sprayed the guard fighting her in the face. She punched him and pulled his head down to slam into the stair rail. As he went down, she kept moving on up the stairs.

She burst through the door at the top of the stairwell. It was chaos with people screaming and crying. Guards were yelling orders at the top of their lungs trying to be heard over the alarms. There was a large concentration of guards by the bar. There were guards moving through the crowd trying to herd visitors out. She grinned as she headed for the open doors to the balcony. She had been spotted by a few guards who were running towards her fighting the crowd along the way. She grinned knowing she was going to make it. She ran and jumped up on a table by the guard rail. She looked out and climbed up on the guard railing. She carefully side-stepped down the rail to an area that would allow her to jump away from surrounding buildings and over the water. It would give her the best chance to avoid the wind tunnel effects between the skyscrapers. There were two guards right on her heels. She gave them a mocking smirk and salute before she jumped as hard as she could pushing up and away from the building. She heard gunfire behind her as they tried to hit her. She was too busy trying not to plummet to her death to look back.

She pushed her arms out to the sides and opened the legs of the wingsuit catching the air immediately. She got a feel for the air currents she was gliding on. The wind pulled at her wig as she guided her body away from the building. She was dropping fast. She adjusted her body position, seeking more distance. She slowed slightly as her trajectory straightened out. She wasn’t going to make it all the way to the water. She poppped open the modified parachute as it deployed and jerked her upwards as it slowed her descent even more. She used the handles to steer the parachute towards her alternate landing zone.

She had done some research into the area around the building knowing this might be her exit plan. She knew there was an open air courtyard with tables and chairs surrounded by food trucks and sidewalk vendors. It had a little grassy area to add a greenspace to the business area. She aimed for the grassy area. She landed and had to run a few steps to bleed off the momentum. Luckily the park was empty since it was evening hours. She looked around and saw fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances speeding by with the lights on. She grinned as unzipped the suit and pulled it off. She stuffed it and the parachute back into the backpack. She was amazed that her wig had managed to stay on. It was a little askew so she pulled it back into place.

She then headed towards the car she had left parked here earlier in the day. She had rented a luxury sedan to keep up the appearance of her identity. Samantha pulled off the pack and unzipped the front pocket to pull out the keys. “Chaos is on the ground. Does anyone need a ride?” She unlocked the car tossing the pack in the passenger seat. She started the car and waited for the team to check in.
Samantha Dalton “Chaos”

Collab between Chaos and Queen: Chaos in Pavel's Office, Singapore

Samanatha was relieved that everyone had their gear. She felt the urgency to get going. She could almost feel the clock going tick tock. She had gotten bogged down as she had come around a corner just as a patrol team turned into the hallway from the other direction. They had hollered at her and rushed towards her. She had managed to use a knockout dart on the first one. The second one managed to block her attempt to sweep his legs. The dart failed to penetrate the third guard’s jacket. Samantha ended up in a hand-to-hand fight. She finally managed to take down the guard that had martial arts training. She had taken several good blows from the man. She would have bruises tomorrow. Adrenaline was all she needed to keep going for the moment.

Samantha was once more on her way when she heard Skye’s message. “Chaos en route.” What the hell was Skye doing in his office? She could get answers later. Skye was supposed to be interrogating Pavel elsewhere and keeping him distracted. No plan survives contact with the enemy was holding true for this op too. Oh well, his biometrics would help. Samantha arrived at the office and saw Jaguar headed in the other direction. She rushed in as Skye was getting ready to carry Pavel out.

“Wait let me get his computer open then you can have him.”

“One roofied CEO to go, no sugars.” Skye simply retorted, passing him across from off her shoulder onto the desk with a bit of a thud given his weight, his very out of sorts state very much visible. She knew he was going to be able to respond, but make barely any fucking sense. She would need to get him out of here sooner rather than later, given his condition too- she wanted no drool on this expensive dress, maybe a little less than bullets. The team lead didn’t seem too phase by all of this, yet she knew that Sam had a task to get done here and Pavel was key to that.

Sam helped Skye with him as she got his retinal scan and used his hand on the biometric reader. Samantha slapped Pavel. “Say the code phrase.” Samantha made it a hard order. Pavel laughed and then complied as he said "I am a computer god." Samantha rolled her eyes at that. It fit his disgusting personality to a T. Samantha smiled as she now had full access to his computer. You are a not a very powerful computer god because I now have access to your information and it will be my bitch. His data was still encrypted but she now had access to the security systems. “Thanks, he is all yours.”

Samantha helped Skye get Pavel situated to carry. She helped make sure her dress was not in a compromising position. She helped lift him up into position and made sure Skye had a good handle on him, before she let go. She slapped Pavel on the ass. “The ass is ready for transport.” She grinned at her boss and waved as Skye left with Pavel. She turned her attention to what she needed to do.

“Cheers, Chaos.” Skye replied, taking him back on shoulder, shaking her head at the situation she found him in, the guy not getting any lighter.

Samantha sat down at the desk and began to type like a fiend. She was plugging in wires and moving as fast as she could. She whistled as she looked over his security program. She frowned as she tried to find work arounds for the obviously paranoid overkill security backups that Pavel had in place. She couldn’t cut any automated defenses without triggering an alarm. She had found a work around for most of the cameras already but that left the heat and motion sensors. She had an aha moment as she couldn’t shut them down without triggering an alarm, but she could send them to shut down for scheduled sensor maintenance. Samantha hacked the maintenance calendar application and sent out an update making them all shut down for maintenance. She touched the microphone on her neck, “Jaguar you are clear to hunt, the window is small. 15 minutes before your prey is awake.” She just let her team know she had managed to take care of the heat and motion sensors, but they would only be down for another 15 minutes. They needed to be out of these areas by then.

Sam connected an external hard drive to Pavel’s personal computer. She set the cloning process going, which would take some time. While that was running, she began to work on setting up the bugs they had developed for Pavel’s office. She took out a special set of screwdrivers from her personal tool kit. She took apart Pavel’s fancy ergonomic mouse and planted the encrypted communication chip inside the mouse. She connected it to the mouse’s power supply. She had designed the bug to use the mouse and the computer it was connected to for power and signal amplification. She made sure it was working properly before putting the mouse back together. Pavel was egotistical and even used custom ink pens. She took apart one of his fancy gold plated pens and hid another device inside it. She climbed up on top of the desk. She stretched to reach the light fixture where she hid a small camera unit. She stripped the wire to the light and used an alligator tipped wire to connect the camera to a power source. She hid some standard run of the mill bugs in obvious places for his security to find later. She also hid lipstick cameras throughout the shelving units in his office. They might be found but you never know. Hers were designed to be remotely activated. She would be able to keep them off to avoid detection when the office was swept for bugs. She made sure the standard ones were well hidden. She didn’t want them to think their team was amateurs or didn’t really care about getting the information.

Samantha checked on the cloning process. It was only about halfway done. Pavel had a great deal of encrypted information on his personal pc. She was willing to bet that what information he had was his blackmail or what he felt he could barter with Artemis with. Pavel was the type to hoard information. It would take her time to decrypt it all. Cloning the computer was the only real choice they had. Pavel was tech savvy and knew how to protect his information. Cracking his computer would take time they just didn’t have on this op. She checked how much time had ellapsed. She still had about 8 minutes before she needed to be out of his office. It was going to be close. She made her way to his secretary’s desk and bugged it too. She left behind a pen with a microphone and transmitter in it with one of the custom communication chips. She hid some standard bugs around it just in case they didn’t think to check his secretary. You never know what their administrative assistants and secretaries know about the stuff their bosses were involved in. She tried to keep an eye on the time.
Samantha Dalton “Chaos”

Jaguar joins the Chaos

Samantha had just used comms to update her team on her progress. She knew that no plan survived contact with the enemy. Sam seemed to be ahead of everyone, which was okay since she needed to open doors and help with security. She was about to run out the door to her next objective when she ran into Mateo. Sam opened the door and looked both ways in the hallway. She motioned Mateo inside and closed the door to the hallway after he slipped past her. She grinned at Mateo. “Welcome to the party Jaguar.” She led the way to the large cardboard box on the huge executive desk. She had already opened the inner case which held what gear they could fit inside. “Your gear should be in there. What we could fit.” She kept watch while Jaguar grabbed what he needed. She gave him a respectful nod.

When he was ready, she gave him a grin as she once more touched the microphone at her throat to activate her team comms. “Jaguar has joined the hunt.” She let Skye know that Jaguar had decided to help the team hit the digital targets. She paused and listened at the office door before opening it. She then cracked the door and looked both ways before she slipped back into the hallway.
Samantha Dalton “Chaos”

Chaos is just getting started!

Samantha moved quickly down the hallway. A set of guards came from a side hallway that intersected the one she was in. She shot one with a knockout dart while she whipped around and used a quick combination strike to the man’s sternum to knock the wind out of him before sweeping his legs and knocking him to the floor. She shot him with a knockout dart before he could react. She didn’t stop moving a pale champagne blur as she moved towards her target. She didn’t try to hide the bodies because the clock was ticking already.

She used the guard’s card to enter the office she needed. She found the package she had shipped sitting in the middle of the desk. The box looked like an elephant had stomped on it. She was glad her gear was protected in an inner case that required her biometric signature to open. She placed her fingers on the handle where the fingerprint reader confirmed she was alive, had a heartbeat and was her after a finger poke. The case popped open, and she retrieved her equipment bag by slinging it across her shoulders.

She pressed a hand to her throat to activate her hidden microphone. “Chaos has retrieved her toys and is on the way to her playdate.” Chaos filled the team in on her progress. “Big brother said we have about 20 minutes before we have to leave.” Her team would understand that and know she had somehow neutralized the cameras and that they had about 20 minutes before she thought they would be found. It wouldn’t do anything about the motion or heat sensors but those were only in the more secure areas anyway like the server room. They were going to be Glitch’s problem. She would only have to deal with the ones in his office.

She quickly left the executive office. She tore off a piece of duct tape from a roll she kept in her kit. She taped the door lock so it would stay open. “Frelon the gate is open and waiting for you.” She used code to tell Hornet that she had left the door unlocked so she could retrieve her gear. Samantha had faith that the Frenchie would catch up to her. She took off for the corridor that would lead to Pavel’s office.
(sorry it double posted on me!)
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