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I am experienced roleplayer returning to online roleplay after 10+ year break. I have missed roleplaying and the creative outlet it is for me. I am interested in casual roleplay. I consider myself a decent writer and I will put effort into my writing. I am not into writing a novel for one post though. Descriptive, character building, engaging, yes. I will always write at least 2 paragraphs unless it is a quick fire session revolving around dialogue over private messages. I am a fairly laid back person and don't want to be a grammar nazi. I believe in quality over quantity. Roleplaying is a hobby and a escape from real life pressures.

Genres I am interested in:
Middle Ages
Science Fiction
Crime Drama

Fandoms I am interested in:
Harry Potter
Anita Blake
Dragonriders of Pern
Star Wars

I don't mind roleplaying romance but I am not looking for smut. It has to make sense for the roleplay. I am okay with a fade to black moment instead of roleplaying it out. For me its about the story and the character. I am open to roleplaying it out.

I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone. I work full time and will be seen in the evenings and weekends online.

Most Recent Posts

Chuck Simmons and Duke

Callsign: Boomer

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

0800 Local Time

Settling In

Chuck had felt better after his run. Running allowed him to be in the moment and helped reduce his stress. He felt like himself again. Duke was settling well after the run. He no longer was showing signs of stress or heightened awareness. His body language was relaxed. When he had gotten back from his run, he had spotted his favorite Kiwi helping unload supplies by a warehouse. He shrugged figuring that was probably where he would find the quartermaster for the group.

He approached Tahlia with a grin. “Morning Tahlia, how are you doing?”

Tahlia had a serious expression on her face and looked worried. He had never seen his serious teammate quite like this. He sighed knowing that the events of the last three days were most likely the reason for her unusual expression and demeanor.

Tahlia was having a hard time settling in. She was support personnel so no one was keeping her informed of what was going on with the team. Skye had shared those details with her support personnel so that they could source the things the team needed. It had been her job in New Zealand. Here she was being treated like just another set of hands to unload and move supplies. Her skin itched as if the role didn’t fit her anymore after Columbia. She was a warrior not a supply clerk. Being forced back into this role didn’t sit well with her. She was directing some others as to where to put the supplies they were unloaded when a shadow fell over her blocking the sunlight. Then she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She looked up to find Chuck towering over her. She saw Duke give a soft happy chuff of greeting as he sat tail wagging at Chuck’s side.

She smiled and reached down to rub Duke behind his ears. “Such a handsome guy. Did you enjoy your run?” She kept petting Duke even as her face turned up to look at Chuck expectantly.

Chuck smiled and nodded as he plucked at the sweatshirt he was wearing. “Do I have you to thank for the clothes? I was pleasantly surprised to find them.”

Tahlia nodded and stood back up straight. “Yes I knew you were going to need them. Besides this base has several male giants to provide for. They were easy to find and acquire. While you are here, let's get you some more gear.” She pointed at Duke. “What do you need for Duke? I am not sure if they have any canines on base but we can order what he needs. I just need a list. Oh and get your armor over to the armory so that it can be looked at, repaired, and charged.”

Chuck nodded feeling relieved. Chuck’s deep voice carried and revealed his Southern American roots with his slow honeyed drawl. “Thanks Tahlia. I appreciate your help. I don’t speak Polish or Finnish. I had a little food for Duke with me. He has almost gone through it. I will get you a list of what I need for him. I have the basics for now other than his food.”

Chuck looked around appraisingly. He saw that there were men eyeing him and Duke warily. Some of the men showed an obvious interest in their conversation. He was pretty sure the base was humming with gossip about his team and their exploits. Soldiers and mercenaries were as bad about gossip as nosy neighbors. He raised an eyebrow at Tahlia and lowered his voice. He knew how much Tahlia struggled with losing her legs and what a blow it had been to her pride and independence. He knew she wouldn’t want the others around them to hear her reply.

Chuck asked her softly. “How are you settling in?”

Tahlia looked up at him sharply with a growl and frustration printed all over her face. “I am getting along fine.”

He could hear the stress and anger in her words. He tilted his head to one side as he gave her an appraising look. She was so prickly but he understood where her frustration came from. He had seen it with a lot of veterans that suffered life altering injuries. He put a hand on her shoulder and gave it a soft reassuring squeeze.

“I am around if you ever need to talk. I know this place is different but the work is the same. Are they giving you a hard time?” He nodded his head towards the men who were trying to listen in on their conversation.

Tahlia looked down and away with a shrug. They were not treating her overtly hostile or anything. She was irritated because she kept catching them staring at her legs. She caught them whispering and just knew that they were talking about her and the team. She knew the drill and she expected it to some degree after everything that happened. It triggered her own insecurities and issues with her disability. She had proven herself at the New Zealand base and was a well respected member of the team. Skye had never treated support personnel like they were superfluous and could be replaced easily. Here she felt like an anonymous face in the crowd and that everyone was trying to be polite and tip toe around her without telling her they didn't really need her.

She looked up and met Chuck’s eyes and shook her head. “No, not really. It is just very different. I will adjust. It is just going to take time.”

Chuck nodded and gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze once more.

“I will always have your back Taniwha.”

He gave her a meaningful look and was gratified to see her spine stiffen as he reminded her that he respected her as a warrior. He looked around at the men working nearby and watched as they hurried on their way as if they hadn’t been eavesdropping. He saw a few fearful looks come his way. Chuck just raised an eyebrow in amusement. He dropped his hand and motioned towards the inner workings of the warehouse.

“After you Taniwha. What have you got for me?”

He followed Taniwha deeper into the warehouse as she grabbed a duffle bag and asked him to hold it as she began to pull things from shelves and stuff them into the duffle. He was very amused that Taniwha had an easier time helping fulfill his needs than Samantha’s. Chuck had gotten used to having to have clothing custom made for him. He had also gotten used to making sure he had extra clothing with him. Sadly there had not been time when they had jumped right into defending the base. He had to leave everything behind. It amused him that the petite Samantha who could probably buy clothes at any mall or department store in the world was proving the difficult one to procure stuff for.

When he left Tahlia was in a better mood and more herself, and he had a duffle bag with necessities. He had enough clothing for now. He had come away with two pairs of standard BDU pants in his size, a white and black long sleeve henley t-shirt, wool socks, a warm winter coat, and a pair of black water resistant combat boots.

0900 Local Time

Tahlia had given Chuck a map of the base and pointed out all the necessary areas for him. He was grateful. He had gone back to his room and showered and dressed in a clean pair of pants, the new cargo boots, and the white henley t-shirt. He then went in search of breakfast. He was grateful to see that the cooks were used to feeding Giants. He made a plate for his canine partner from the stuff on offer. He was out of food till Tahlia could fly some in. He was used to making do in the field. Duke loved the change in diet. He put some boiled eggs and cold cuts on the plate for his dog. He then piled his plate high with the Polish version of breakfast sandwiches and a few pastries. He and Duke then ate breakfast. Chuck was aware of the looks and murmurs being cast his way. No one joined him though.

After breakfast, he went back to his room and began the laborious task of getting his armor to the heavy armory. He followed the map Tahlia had given him. Duke was an ever comforting presence at his side. He found the armory and began cleaning his armor. He plugged into charge. He then began to clean and look over Duke’s armor. There were a few frayed pieces on the harness. He frowned and wondered if Samantha would have time to look at it before the next op. He didn’t want the armor to fail his buddy at a critical moment. He would make a note to ask her if he saw her today. He looked around wondering if they had a locker to store Duke’s armor in. He began to look around for someone to ask. He was curious about who else might use the armory. He had not met or worked with many giants before. He grinned as he remembered making a date with Freya on the plane. He wondered if he would get a chance to see her before their next op.
Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Samantha Dalton

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

1100 Local Time

Crew Dependable

In spite of the cold welcome, the team had at least gotten settled into the place, the wooden lounge now having the fire going, to add a little more warmth to it. In the interim that had followed, the team had mostly all been debriefed- all bar Sam. Supplies were rolling in- including more Finland-appropriate clothing generally all around, Blue Sword troops, vehicles and gear that had beaten the arrival of the other Blue Sword upper-tier operators. It was rare that a private military company was on the good guys side- typically, most operatives would think it’s the private companies against them, but in work like this, mercenaries like Blue Sword very much leaned on the side of good, Oracle had reasoned. They had to have a reason to keep business going and were the only ones dependable enough in this situation.

For Adam, he had more business to attend to, sitting in his office, reading up. He’d gotten most of the details on the team, from a secure dead-drop that was kept on operatives within Raven. After all, a small subset of the team was only here- plenty more operatives were out, like Purna had been, and if they were centralized under his command, then they’d need to be called, known, and read up on. He’d been mostly looking at Sam, the one he had the most concern about. He wasn’t sure how he felt, but the other debriefs had been relatively straightforward so far.

On the one hand, the anger initially felt, well, it had reason behind it. Skye going AWOL was a serious, if not almost existential threat to everyone now, because she was as good as dead the next time she came up. And Adam had feelings. Many feelings about that. He respected her, even to some extent, admired her ability in the field, the fiery Scot doing things her way, all day, all the way. But she was one to adapt and let things loose. She focussed on her, and let the others focus on them. Adam preferred to support, help, but more importantly, direct and control that side of things. Combat was chaos, but he was order, a semblance of relief in the bigger picture.

So on the other hand, he respected her talent, and her ability in the field. Skye had wrote very positively about Sam. What would initially look like an unassuming CIA operative with a lot of family issues, a lot of turmoil behind her, had become a lethal, sharpened blade in modern espionage and combat, enabling the team to their successes, and becoming so much more. A perfect operative in Raven….bar her shenanigans, but in some ways, Adam had to shrug. You took rough with the smooth. You took mercenaries bad and good, you even took gang members, you took whoever did the job. So, it left him knowing he had to at least set the problem straight, but in some ways, know she was up to the task. Loyalty to people wasn’t what this was about, it was about the structure, and he knew she was next, the glass-framed room of the wooden structure revealing the low sun in the sky just beyond the lake and forest. Trauma likely must have permeated through, and Adam knew that. Skye was like that to him once, but eventually, the sting of the cut begins to die down, and it’s back to work.

Samantha woke up a few hours later after falling into an exhausted sleep. Her face felt puffy and warm from crying. Her body felt stiff and bruised from being thrown around the cockpit and flying in the fighter for so long. Samantha knew she needed to get up and move and stretch. She knew her body would feel better if she did. She felt numb from head to toe. She should check on the team to see how they were doing. She had new team members that had only seen her at her worst. She wasn’t used to thinking as a leader. In the past, she had operated as a lone wolf without a team. When she had chosen to move from the CIA to Raven Squad, she did it with the purpose of using Raven Squad to help hunt the group that was truly responsible for the terrorist attack that had taken her father and last living relative away from her.

Samantha still didn’t have any clothing. She had collapsed naked into the bed after showering and drying off. She began to warm up with some yoga stretching her tired body and muscles that had tightened up from stress and limited mobility. She was feeling better than she had since boarding the A400. She had barely been able to walk when she had boarded the plane. Then she had watched one of her best friends jump out of the plane and into a dangerous and unknown situation where the whole world would be hunting her. She had to let Skye make her decisions and she had to believe that she had made the right one for her. She went through her yoga routine and was pleased when she started feeling better physically. Mentally she was a disaster still.

Her mind kept replaying taking Rose out and watching the life drain from her eyes. She kept replaying that moment of doubt hoping she had killed the right person. That moment when pain sliced through her psyche thinking she had just killed Skye on purpose. It was like she was caught in a cycle of the worst moments from last week: the mountain exploding, a wall of snow racing them down the mountain as explosions rained all around them, and Freya being injured and almost unable to move one arm. Being in the F35 and unable to rejoin the team knowing Freya was injured. Skye putting her in charge. Samantha did not think of herself as a leader. She had joined Raven Squad with the idea of being support personnel, yet here she was being held accountable for the team’s actions. Samantha was struggling to see how she fit into Raven Squad. She had trusted Skye because she had earned that trust. Skye had taken the time to figure out what made her tick and along the way they had become close.

Sam was jerked out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. She wrapped one of the towels from the bathroom around herself before standing behind the door and opening just a little so she could see around it. Tahlia stood there with a duffle bag waiting patiently for her to open the door. Tahlia cocked her head to the side as she stepped into the room appraising her with a knowing look on her face. She set the duffle bag on the bed.

Tahlia: “There are some clothes and things in there for you. When you are dressed, you should take your armor and put it in the armory.” She turned and faced Samantha with a careful cautious expression on her face which was odd for the outspoken Tahlia. “If you ever need to talk about it, come find me. Get dressed and report to Adam’s office for your debriefing. He is expecting you.” Tahlia gave her an odd look before nodding her head and leaving as quietly as she had come in.

Samantha focused on what she needed to do. She was still not ready to dive into the chaotic mess of emotions swirling through her. She unzipped the duffle bag and began to pull out what was some hastily gathered clothes. She figured that they probably came from the base’s quartermaster considering most of it was items you would see in the gym or training. She pulled on the stretchy sports bra and boy short underwear. She wasn’t surprised to note that the sweat pants were a size too big for her. She had to roll the waist down so they didn’t slide off and roll the pant legs up so she could walk.She pulled on the pullover sweatshirt that had a Blue Sword logo on it. She was grateful it had knitted cuffs so that she could push them up over her hands allowing the extra sleeve length to stay out of the way of her hands. She pulled on the sneakers after heavy woolen socks. The shoes were a little loose but doable. She would have to order some stuff in her size. Samantha was petite where most of the people she worked with were giants, tall, and muscular. Even the women. She ran a quick brush through her hair that was in the bag and took off in search of Adam’s office.

She paused outside his office door and took a deep breath. She was as ready for this as a root canal. She knew she would have to account for her actions. She straightened her spine. Skye had believed she could do this. She would get through this. She could fake it… couldn’t she? She took another steadying breath before knocking on the office door.

Adam heard the footsteps outside, tapping on the wooden floor, sturdy as it was, it did make a noise with the door creaked a little open.

“Come in, Samantha.” He replied, the Slavic accented Pole’s voice carrying across the room as he looked over, the shaven/bald, gently bearded new team lead aware it was time, as he stood up, walking over ready to meet her.

Samantha pushed the door open gently unsure where anything was in the office since it was her first time in here. She stepped in and turned, softly closing the door behind her. She turned to face Adam, meeting his eyes. “Tahlia said you wanted to see me.”

Adam nodded to the seat, as he walked across to his side of the desk, the American operative quite the talk of the town, for someone typically not out in the field.

“I did. Grab a seat, and let’s get this addressed.” Adam replied, neither harsh nor warm, sort of an indifference that came across, as he followed to his own, pulling it in.

Samantha followed Adam towards the desk and took a seat as asked. Samantha was nervous because she did not come through a military rank. She didn’t know military protocol and was used to having leeway in the field. She had learned it to work with Raven Squad. Skye had never been a stickler for saluting or all that. She hoped that held true here. She was unsure how to address Adam. She nodded in response as he told her they needed to address what happened. She waited for him to ask his questions.

Adam pulled a glass of water close, grabbing a sip, looking across, taking her in for a moment, knowing she was anxious, her body language indicated that so obviously, he didn’t need to say much more.

“I’m still in shock over the entire situation. In the space of 48 hours, we have lost a critical outpost of Raven’s, at least a dozen men, the intelligence we gained from the Mercury satellite network operated by Vale, Spectre, whose whereabouts are now unknown, and even worse, I’ve just been told about a former colleague of mine going missing. And being cloned.” Adam started, gulping more, shaking his head. He may not have seen eye to eye with Skye, but professionally, there was a lot to take in about it all.

“You look like shit. So I will cut to the chase. You’ll tell me how what you did was right. And I would believe you. Skye, she allows a lot, the base, what happened to her, she’d want that to be on her. She’s a mother to her teams, which perhaps is her greatest strength. And yet, it’s also what makes her team weak. She gives people without reason a purpose, a direction. And once she does, she forgets that without her, they are lost too. Trusted you enough to make you a leader, too. So she has seen your change.” Adam started, shaking his head, looking to Sam, knowing she didn’t need to hear it.

“She is out wherever she is. And I need you to understand that when it comes to it, we now do not know what will happen if we come across her. That’s why Oracle is pissed, Sam. He gets it, he practically passed it onto her and now, sees it that she’s as good as dead. So do I. But here we are. We have potentially got a very serious situation with Rose, Sam, and if we don’t figure this out quickly, we are deep in shit. I’m not going to go into it, because there’s no point. What has been said is said, and you and me both fully understand. What matters is what we do next.” Adam added, curt, blunt, and with a certain Slavic tone, a fatalistic one, yet one that seemed on the face of it, somewhat balanced.

“So, take me through it. This is crucial. What were the differences between Rose, and Skye that you could tell. Anything about her, anything she did, said, had on her. Describe what you can. I’ll make some notes, and we’ll go from there.” The Pole ended it on, making no bones of his disappointment, but wanting no arguments, just to get on with this.

Samantha sat and listened to Adam begin. She tilted her head to one side assessing Adam. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him intently. She knew he was a trained operative. She used her training to spot signs that Adam was not being honest with her. She disagreed about his opinion with Skye because Samantha knew she could operate without Skye as her leader. She had operated on her own without any support prior to Skye. She still had Freya and the others not that she had proven to be all that great a leader. She had never in a million years expected to be thrust into a command situation. She was completely honest with herself. She would have expected Skye to give that leadership position to Chuck who had leadership experience or maybe Freya who had been with the team longer.

Samantha listened to Adam’s request. She watched him as she thought about what all she wanted to reveal to him. She was surprised that he had not asked about all the alterations that had been made to make the New Zealand base more secure and more effective in defending it. She distinctly remembered Oracle asking how much she had been keeping from him. She had not intentionally kept anything about the base modifications from him. Raphael and Javi had asked her opinion on what they could do to make the base more secure. She understood that they had asked her after she had shown her skills as an engineer and computer expert. She was under the impression that those changes were made with Skye’s knowledge. The only thing she had kept from everyone had been her secure cloud backup. She had only revealed that to Skye to help her in tracking Artemis. It would give her a starting place to see how Rose had comprised their base. Skye was one of the few who would be able to view archived footage and see when Rose was on base and when it wasn’t her. Should she reveal this treasure trove of information to Adam. She wasn’t sure how much to trust more people in this investigation. She had no clue who Rose and Artemis had compromised or infiltrated. She sighed because Skye had told her to cooperate with them outside of comprising Skye. She would share what she felt he needed to know.

She gave Adam an assessing look before she began to talk. Her voice is devoid of emotion. Her voice was cold and neutral. She had to lock her emotions down to get through remembering the terrible events of the past 3 days. She had to compartmentalize and push it all away. She began by sharing what happened at the observatory. “I don’t know how much time or how many reports you have had time to look over. Let me start at the beginning.” She paused for a moment as she struggled with where to start.

“Artemis was expecting Raven to hit the observatory. They had it rigged to blow. We triggered the self-destruct to buy enough time to reach the satellite core. We raced down that mountain amidst explosions and being targeted by autoguns and people from the base at the foot of the mountain. The explosion triggered a massive avalanche. We barely made it down the mountain and survived the avalanche. We went to retrieve the information core and that is when Rose appeared. Skye and Rose were locked into a fierce battle. Freya and I were stuck on the other side of the ravine. We were hauling ass to get there in time to help her. I have never seen anyone equal to Skye in battle. Rose was her equal and in a better suit. Skye was in trouble. Rose had her down and cornered. Freya joined the battle, hurt as she was and managed to kill Rose. They truly look identical and she had practiced mimicking Skye’s voice. If we had not known what Skye had been wearing and what damage she had taken in the fight, we would not have figured out who was who.” She paused and let him ruminate over their first encounter with Rose.

Adam nodded, looking through the report, nodding.

“It tallies up. It’s every shot we have of her that matches the same. Every piece that Oracle sent through to me. Her body, by the way, is also gone. The team that was taking her apart in Santiago are all dead. We have limited details, but what we do have, we need to confirm.” The Pole replied, sighing, a feeling of deep just general shittiness about all of this, even in an operator that was a team lead and usually, above and beyond on the work that was like this. A clone of Skye Lyons, fucking hell, they had serious, serious problems.
“So, you were the first to respond in New Zealand too. Take me through that. We know it’s the right Skye Lyons you saved, because she probably taught you what to say, there and then. The rest seems to check out. Probably told you I was….difficult, no?” Adam cracked a rare smirk, knowing it was likely giving away something Sam might have known, and it might have forced an opening.

Samantha wasn’t surprised to hear that Rose’s body was gone. She had relayed over comms to Raven about the nanite trackers in Rose’s blood after they had discovered it. Oracle should have had this information already and was working on countermeasures. Now they were getting to the details that were not shared over open communication networks. There were some things that needed to be said in person. The details of what they learned about Rose was one of those things that Samantha had not yet shared with anyone. She signed and gave him a rueful smile as she used her eidetic memory to tell him what she really said. Samantha tries to mimic Skye’s Scottish accent, “Actually Skye said…. "Nor the new commander, if I think who it is…..he’s a disciplinarian and someone who will not mess around. And he will be annoyed enough that you let what happens next, happen.” For the first time in their conversation some of Samantha's normal emotion and personality peeks through.

Her face hardens and falls back into neutral lines as she continues. “Skye, Freya, and I had just gotten back from the observatory operation. Chuck, Tahlia, and Tiny Nord had just gotten back from Columbia. Matteo had left on that operation but was making his way back to base on his own due to issues that came up when they tried to pull out. Both of those operations were compromised because Artemis had expected us to try for them. We managed to complete the missions but they had resources waiting for us to step into these traps.” She paused thinking about Columbia and wondered if Spectre had been impregnated with tracking nanites as well. Hindsight was probable. She shook the thought away and continued. “Skye let the team rest and called an emergency meeting the next morning. The team was waiting for decisions from Oracle about Skye’s status as team lead. The entire team had been put on lockdown and administrative leave status while Rose’s body was investigated.” She paused once more as she tried to condense the action of the team into easier to digest pieces. “Skye let the team know what had happened and our current status. She then left to go to her office. I knew Skye was struggling to understand what had happened. She had seen a person who looked just like killed in an operation. This person had tried to kill Skye. Skye was reeling trying to find answers. Rose had known things about Skye that she struggled to understand how she could know it. She was stuck wondering if she had a long lost sister out there that was now dead.”

She paused again and moved forward. “I gave Skye a minute or two before following her up to her office. Skye is a good friend and I thought she needed someone to talk to. When I got there Skye was on the floor leaning against the concrete wall. She looked horrible and weak and had a dead man switch taped to her hand. Rose was standing over her. I made Rose give up her gun. I moved her away from Skye. They both tried to convince me that they were Skye.I was very confused since we had killed Rose the day before. I had no idea what to think. I decided the best way to figure out which was the real Skye was to ask her something only she would know. I asked her a question about a personal conversation we had after the Singapore Operation. Skye gave me the right answer. Rose gave me a vague answer. So I killed her. Then Skye told me what Rose had revealed. I understood the implications right away. There was also a bomb to look for. Skye had been injected with a neurotoxin. I gambled that Rose had the antidote and gave it to Skye. I hit the intercom and told Chuck to look for the bomb. He is the explosives expert. I then hit the base alert and triggered the faraday cage I had built into Skye’s office to support operational security.” She paused and waited for Adam’s questions at this point.

Adam listened intently, the blanks being quickly filled by Sam’s words, and it was beginning to make a lot more sense. There was a complexity to all of it, a difficulty too, but she was doing as best as she could. There was a lot of stuff Sam had clearly engineered without Raven’s knowledge, more than he liked the idea of, but then again, it had probably saved Skye’s life.
“It must be difficult for her. Dealing with that. Feeling unstoppable, and running into yourself.” Adam replied sincerely, as he finished his glass of water, offering another cup to Sam, with a larger 2L bottle on the table next to him, before continuing.

“So, the fact she opened up to you is the reason she is alive. Impressive. You gambled, but Sophie managed to do a check of her and she was right, there was nothing in that serum. Whatever it was, Rose gambled on Skye too, it sounds like. Which is important.” Adam nodded, as he reached across the desk, pulling out a couple of folders, looking through the notes on the New Zealand attack, the maps, damage, everything brought together by Raven’s internal SIGINT teams.

“Then she passed it over to you. That’s where the line continues. Skye must trust you a lot, almost completely. It is no mean feat to have her do that. So, I have given you, how shall we say, benefit of doubt. I may not have seen eye to eye with her, but I understand her. And in time, you will what I mean.” Adam replied, the Pole’s accent holding, as he sighed, knowing that it was laced, albeit difficult.

“But there are going to be a lot of questions from others. I don’t want any trouble. I need no trouble right now, because we have a job to do. I will trust you Sam, but in return, you need to be as transparent with me as you can be. What you say is important, because it’s the other half of what we now have with Rose. And any detail like that, is critical at this point.” Adam added, pulling out one of the folders, a highly redacted, highly classified piece, unclipping it and pulling it loose, revealing the pictures of her.

Samantha sighed and assessed Adam. He was not Skye but if she was going to stay with Raven Squad she would have to learn to work with him and that meant trusting him. She took a leap of faith that Skye would not trust him if he was untrustworthy. Samantha nodded her head as she made her decision. “I am going to trust you because Skye trusted you. I never expected to be put in a leadership position with Raven. I joined as support personnel and found myself in the field. All the changes made to the New Zealand base were done because I was asked if there was anything we could do to beef up security. I have a background in engineering and computer science not to mention espionage. Those changes were made with Skye Lyons approval. I did the work and design which is why it is not in any official records. Skye brought in the material I needed. As we learned more about Artemis operations we continued to make changes to base security protocols to counter Artemis.” She paused knowing that was a big part of what was bothering him.

She returned to answering his question about Rose. “Rose is a bioengineered cloning system that jumps from body to body using a data link over the internet, satellite, or cellular. All she needs is a signal and bandwidth. We have no idea how many bodies she has. One thing we now know is that she wants Skye’s body but it is the only one that is not tied into the system that controls Rose. She wants freedom from her masters at Artemis. The other thing I know is that Skye left to take the fight back to Artemis. She knew she would be locked out of operations. With her in the field, Artemis will have to question and look at Rose’s actions more closely. They will now be faced with the same security nightmare that Raven is experiencing. Skye plans to infiltrate Artemis as Rose.”

She looks him in the eye. “Skye needed to do this. She is more useful in the field than locked down on a base. That is why I let her go. With the way she left, the world thinks she is a rogue agent without resources. Artemis and Rose will be looking for her. They will not suspect that she is on her way to infiltrate them and disrupt their plans posing as Rose. The more chaos I could create the more folks thinking I made an emotional choice, the better. The truth is we have no idea who or how deeply Raven has been comprised by Rose and Artemis. If the whole base thinks I am an immature looney bin, and that Skye is out there as a free rogue agent with the world hunting her, I am okay with that. Because the fewer people that know her plans and the truth, the safer Skye will be. If I had brought her back and she magically escaped later, Artemis and Rose would suspect something. By doing it this way, they are blind to her true intentions. If the base of operations is compromised in any way, she is safer this way. She is also my friend and deserved better for her efforts than distrust and being locked out of an operation that is deeply personal to her.” She leaned back in the chair and watched for Adam’s response.

Adam nodded, shrugging, knowing it was likely that Skye was right on this, but still, it left Adam uncertain. He was used to more oversight, not freeform.

“And it paid off. And I will give her that. I’d ask more questions, personally. And I’m not even a hacker.” Adam replied, to the point, as he listened to what she had to say, shaking his head, knowing the problem it caused. It half confirmed his theory, and was in no place to talk about it.

“It puts her in risk though, Sam. She probably told you that. Just remember. You’re here in Raven not for family, or friends. Oracle, or Imran may not look much but him, and the team that came before stopped everyone you know from being killed in nuclear fucking hailfire. That’s what is at stake.” Adam added, knowing it was hard to balance, but it had to be told, plain and simple, and whilst that in itself was confidential, he hoped that would set the stakes.

He looked down at the files, and well, Rose, in the flesh, on security cameras, seemingly impossible considering the timezones she was in, at the times of recording. It was clear what she was. And it was clear now she was in the open.

“She is trying to throw us. As of last night, Purna recovered some critical intel back from Artemis. Limited our exposure, limited what she could have done, whilst also, recovering detail on Artemis’s capabilities.” Adam started, shaking his head.

“It confirms what we thought. Rose isn’t being held by Artemis, however. I think there’s something worse. It seems to me like she set them up. Spectre went missing, but only because she has reason for him. If she hated Artemis so much, she’d slit the poor man’s throat. So….that is what I don’t get.” Adam continued, looking to Sam, before revealing another document.

Samantha nodded agreeing with Adam’s assessment of Rose to a point. “That makes sense in a way. Whoever her master truly is though, her goal is the same, freedom. For her that means stealing Skye’s body. Skye made her decisions. I just supported her decision. She knew she would be hunted from all sides. She also felt like she was in a unique position to take the fight to Artemis and get inside information.”

She resented that he felt she was treating her position in Artemis like a teenager. Her face hardened as she met his eyes again with a hard look. “I joined Raven because as I worked on investigating what happened to my father, I uncovered signs of Artemis. I didn’t know who they were at the time. I was tired of working for an organization that was covering up the truth and protecting terrorists for their own reasons. I wanted to help make the world a better place. I thought I was doing that in the CIA. I learned differently. I joined Raven to make a difference and fight the injustice I was seeing at the highest levels of government and militaries around the world. I am very very good at what I do Adam. Finding information and getting into systems is one of my specialities. Which has been benefiting Raven. I didn’t realize I was supposed to shut down and not be human. Most people make friends at work. I am no different.”

Samantha sighed feeling ridiculous that she needed to defend herself for liking the people on her team. She wondered if they expected good little robots that never questioned an order. That would never be her again. Her decision to let Skye go was an emotional one for her but the logic of the good she could do in the field outweighed following an order that had not been well thought out. Besides, Artemis would have questioned if she escaped later. They would be expecting her and looking for her. She knew she had made the right decision.

Adam nodded in reply to her, unfazed by her, knowing there was much to probably unfurl, and bit by bit, it was starting to make more, and more sense.

“I felt the same. Yet Skye doesn’t really keep everything permanent. She is a lone wolf, an operative that keeps many, many plates spinning. A mothering character, but one that always finds home in nowhere. If she did not do this, she wouldn’t be who she is. I imagine she looked after you….but in this game, nobody lasts forever. Perhaps she thinks the same now. And perhaps she will. I just hope you are right, but we have no way to know.” Adam replied, knowing it was a harsh, horrid truth, but the matter was coming around back to what Sam had begun with.

He looked down at the files, feeling it was probably time. He hadn’t revealed any of this to Chuck, or to Freya, Athena even, or Ebrima. But Sam was in the middle of the firestorm, seeing it first hand. He didn’t like the fact that she knew, but well, it had to tie this up last.

“Oracle informed me more about the details of the programme. Of what the intent was. As far as I can tell, Rose follows what you just said. A biologically identical clone, with a neural link. Of course, nobody can explain, let alone even try and figure any of this out. What I have been informed about is more interestingly, about the drug your team recovered. And what she was injected with. Because it’s just as important as what she is. And your story, it ties up what we have.” Adam added, pulling the page aside, looking over.

“It’s a compound that was identified initially as a sarin-like equivalent, a neurotoxin of typical kind. Memory loss, that sort of thing. But what surprised me was when taken apart, what it really does. It’s the way that Rose was able to jump, from point to point. A long-form suicide pill with a pathway to allow her out, and it’s baked into her very blood, and likely, how she wanted Skye to follow her….the only part required of course, being that device in her spine. It would have stabilized anyone like her, perhaps Rose intended to use that cradle like her other forms. In one format, that is what it does. Yet, slightly change it, refine it up a little…and it becomes an incredibly potent, easily spreadable neurotoxin that can be used to kill indiscriminately. It kills everything it touches, near instantly. Even in tiny traces, it is far, far worse than some biochemical weapons any known actors have. Any amount of this in a subway network could kill tens, if not hundreds of thousands, over the course of hours.” Adam said, pulling another page.

“It is this which is key to making Rose what she is. It flattens the differences in what her head does, and what her memory is. It is far too complicated to understand fully, but the point is, Rose is reliant on that.”

Samantha decided to give him a crucial piece of evidence that Raven Squad could use to identify the difference between Skye and Rose. They should already know from Rose’s autopsy but she would confirm it for him. “Rose had what she called a neural node along the spinal column. Rose had tracking nanites in her bloodstream. Artemis is able to track even a single drop of her blood to see where she is. That node you are talking about is how you tell Skye from Rose. Skye doesn’t have one. It is why I triggered the faraday cage. Any signals transmitted would be blocked. That iteration of Rose was unable to upload. It also blocked the tracking nanites in her blood. The base had already been compromised by that point though.”

Adam nodded, interested as he pulled the next page.

“Which makes sense. Sophie provided her medical records, as unethical as that is, and it seems to match. Rose is sitting on a biochemical weapon of mass destruction. So, the next problem. Problem we have is, those pictures prove she is alive. Whatever version of her was there, was instantaneously copied before she entered the faraday deadzone. It won’t remember of course, what was said to Skye and you in that moment. She is simply going from her last saved point.” Adam added, pointing to the various timestamps. Some were older, but one was from six hours ago, in Doha International Airport, no less.

“What was being worked on by Artemis was a sequencing of that drug. Messy, but they would get there in time, to try and turn it into its full potential. The intel we have suggests that Rose vanished from SIS’s systems the moment they wanted her dead. So to turn on Artemis like this, or at least, bare them open is to send a message. Using her very own genetic copy to do so, then cleaning up afterwards. Only she underestimated you.” Adam continued, Sam having something to add on those pictures.

Samantha nodded and was honest with him about what she recommended they do next. “If what you are telling me is true then Rose is not one consciousness like we though. There are more than one version of her running around. That makes sense with the chaotic personality she had and the way she spoke. It seems like they share a core of basic memories but then their experiences vary based on that iteration’s experiences.” She paused thinking. “Does that mean that Raven believes there is a terrorist attack imminent at Doha International Airport?” Samantha knew that they were not the only team that Raven could deploy to prevent such as incident.

“Our team was prevented from examining any of the information or material that was extracted in those last two operations. I would have a geneticist look at the information retrieved from Rose’s autopsy. If you have a blood sample, I hope it is in a faraday cage to block any tracking.” She tilted her head to the side. “I looked at the chemical formula that was recovered on the drug. I don’t have an expertise in chemicals or pharmacology. I can tell you it was part engineering and part mother nature’s laboratory. It sounds like you know more about the drug than I have had any time to look into it.”

She listened as he continued sharing information. She was trying to follow where Adam was leading. Was he trying to say that Rose was not stopped and still working for Artemis? Was he trying to say that Skye was involved with Rose? Now he was talking about the past?

In response, Adam pulled one last picture out, one last shot, nodding.
“We have some idea, but yes, perhaps it varies on iteration. The same Rose is still there, though. Seems to be she just gets used to death and cares so little. But it’s messy with the blood, considering the circumstances that just happened in Santiago, we got caught short. What we knew was lost. But, there is something to salvage.” Adam wasn’t sugar coating it, things were bad, and well, there was some reply in turn, as he pulled that picture out.

“This is a picture from an archive that was thought to be burnt, but is the last remaining piece of information we have on anything to do with the project Skye was involved in. Have a look.” Adam slid it across the table, and placed it in front of Sam.

It was a shot of what appeared to be three researchers, one that was a taller man of the three, and one that was bald, in lab coats with what appeared to be a fully formed six-year old redhead girl, a shot that seemed to be worn out on the paper. A cross existed through one of the men in the picture, revealing no features or anything at all.

“I’m not sure if it’s Rose, or Skye. It’s the only remaining picture we have. Oracle worked in SIS at one point, and couldn’t even find who it was that looked after Rose, trained her, interrogated her, perhaps hell, Imran may have been on both and would have never known. The well seems to keep going, but everything behind this is covered up. Someone knows they fucked up. Badly. And somebody knows that if anyone were to get a hold of this information, they’d be doing it too.” Adam commented, looking at it, moving his finger across.

“We got a hold of this a few hours ago. Oracle filled me in on the detail, because after he called it in, he was given a single picture, and a single lead. And he was told to contain this, immediately. By any means necessary. He was told it was thought Rose was gone….and yet that proof of her alive has got more people shitting themselves than anyone wants to admit.” Adam gulped, even his stoic demeanor giving into this.

“The taller man, that is Skye’s….well, I suppose father. Doctor Richard Peters, but in this picture, named Ian Lyons, who Skye would have never known properly, in how many double lives it looks like he lived. Went to the University of Edinburgh as a researcher, and then seemingly, disappeared about eight years prior to this picture from the face of the earth, car crash….apparently. But here he is. And he lived on, as you now see, with a quiet life under a new identity. Then died again, seemingly at sea.” Adam started checking his notes, very much a burn after reading type.

“And next to him, his research assistant. Professor Henry Simmonds. He was actively in academia, until about ten years ago, but since then, he has retired and gone completely cold. The third we’re not sure of. Someone that it seems, might already be dead. The girl, she’s likely Skye. But there’s no way to tell.” Adam commented, using the annotation he’d made personally, the detail of which was at the highest level of secrecy. What was being shown was exceptionally dangerous- this was very much the inside look at something that even black-ops, of any country, would never have been able to get a hold of. It was worse than just a security risk, it was guaranteed death. The programme Skye had described, and Adam now knew about, was clearly one that had been repeatedly tried by other countries, albeit with multiple failure. It was the holy grail after all, virtually being immortal and well, creating an operative that could just go again and again, time and time until anything was their oyster.

“Rose likely is trying to make her move, using all of those things she has recovered. With access to that satellite network, refinements to the drug, parts of Raven’s data, and all that the team did to unravel Artemis, she’s got an opportunity if she is genocidal….but in what way, I don’t understand. But this Henry must be somehow linked. He’s the only piece of the puzzle we have left. If there was any way to stop this, he may know. He’s virtually a surrogate father to them both. And we may need him to stop this. A killswitch, shit, at least some idea of how fucked we are.” Adam replied, knowing it was tricky to explain, but had to be shown.
“Artemis are anarchists, but they don’t want an apocalypse, just control. Rose wants the end, it seems. We need to stop her, because she’ll use anything she gets her hands on to get what she wants. And you saw it yourself. She’s not going to stop coming.” Adam added, knowing Sam would be spinning after this, and it was not an easy conversation to have. Anything Sam had here, would help.

Samantha sat forward and frowned as she struggled to put all this into context. She searched her memory of what Rose did reveal in conversation around her. “She was using a voice modulator to impersonate Skye’s voice. She has a different accent. Skye said Rose had a whole stable of clones to jump to. Rose shares Skye’s biosecurity and has used it to compromise all of Raven’s data. The only reason we prevailed at the base during the attack were the upgrades were not in any official files. Skye told me that Rose said she was defective and that it had to do with her genetics.”

Her eyes flared wide as she looked at Adam in horror as she repeated what Skye said verbatim thanks to her memory.

Skye said: “Shit Sam, she was talking a lot about some horrific, world ending stuff. Worse than a nuclear bomb. But if we don’t get out of here fast, we’re all going to follow her. Artemis may even be expecting Rose to deliver the goods….oh shit, of course. I didn’t even say. We gave everything to Artemis because of her, the intel, the drug…... All of it! She used us….knowing I’d fit perfect. Now it makes sense. Shit, shit, shit!”

She paused and looked at Adam “So Rose was using Artemis to get her hands on what she needed to take control. She used her ability to steal data from Raven by impersonating Skye and using her security credentials to do it. So double check anything that Skye had access to. That might tell you where she will show up next or what her next target is.”

Samantha’s poor traumatized brain was kicking into high gear. “Whatever she is doing with this drug, she hopes to weaponize it. Were there any other uses for the drug? It was initially developed by a drug cartel who supplies things like cocaine and methamphetamine to illicit drug markets. They were hoping to develop a new street drug from it. Something caught the eye of Artemis. It had to have a unique quality that Artemis thought would help them with their endgame strategy. What piece are we missing?”

Samantha was thinking out loud as she struggled to make connections from learning about Skye’s past to Rose and her objectives. “What did Spectre want with that drug? What was so special about it that they sent him in to vet the source?” Samantha lapsed into silence as her brow furrowed in thought. “Control…” she thought about what Adam had said about Artemis. “Artemis was hoping to use the drug to control people. Which people? How many people? Why would that interest Rose? Maybe it would help her reach her goal.” She looked up at Adam for his thoughts.

Adam’s eyebrows raised, as she went into details, thinking it over and suggesting those comments. From Skye, that Sam repeated like a macaw, and other parts he was familiar with.

“Less mind control, yet more for her own bodies to stay capable. The adaptation, it’s the only reason at all she probably can even parse it. Perhaps Spectre wanted an idea of what they meant when they said that. And that led us down the rabbit hole….and why we got Spectre before he could find out any more. It’s why Rose managed to somehow get Raven to kill two birds with one stone for her there and then. The threat to her internally, and the capability Artemis had, into her hands. And knew Skye would take the bait. And all of our intel teams too.” Adam replied, shaking his head, it starting to suddenly come into place.

“Shit. Sam, this isn’t good.”

Samantha turned a horrified face to Adam as another thought crossed her mind. “What if the drug kills the personality center of the brain leaving a healthy but mindless body behind. If the technology had been advanced so that those nanites could then transfer ANY consciousness into ANY body that had been prepared with the nanites and had no controlling personality. The downloaded consciousness could take over that body. This would be a way for virtually immortality and to have the body of your choice as long as it had been properly prepared. It is the next logical step in this technology that created Rose and Skye.” She raised an eyebrow at Adam to see what he thought about this possibility.

Adam shrugged, looking down at the picture, and the drug compound, putting both hands to chin, leaning in, looking at it.
“She said something about it. That an AI was helping her parse across. That she was in control of it, that’s what we got back in the report from Skye. Of course, Rose and Skye only work because they’re the same. They can’t work any other way, so…..perhaps it’s what she was looking for in the drug. Maybe the reason doesn’t make sense, but Rose wanted whatever that was for her own gain, to perhaps continue it on easier. And now she has it….shit. She’s gonna fucking kill billions. She just needs the right deployment for that drug, and spread in population centers, it’ll basically leave corpses and the rest of the infrastructure intact, and what doesn’t need to stay, she can use the satellite network to disrupt. She’d leave bodies with genetic material she can repurpose for her own self, not even the bones but just the carbon alone. A fucking hivemind, picking and choosing who she wants continuing in her utopia. Playing at God.” Adam looked dead into the eyes of Sam, knowing this was a heavy conversation to have with someone who had literally only just now, expected a serious debriefing.

“Kurwa. This is good. I think we have to get some leads next. I’ll make some calls. If Skye is out there, she’s in the way right now, but we need to do what’s needed to stop that.”

Samantha slumped into her chair looking dejected. “I do agree with you that it doesn’t really matter why Rose wanted it. It is bad news either way.” She wanted to be out there working to counter Rose. She had no idea where to start next. She normally would be with the teams sifting through the data from the last operation. But that operation had been the evacuation of their base. They lost all the data. She was not ready to reveal her archives. She could offer what was captured during the operation. “I do have information on my laptop hard drive that might not have been compromised from the base attack. I can turn it over to your analysts since you don’t seem to trust me at this moment.” She looked at Adam for his response.

Adam shrugged, nodding in response.
“It’s not about trust, Sam, it’s about doing what’s needed. Whatever you had with Skye, you’ll need to build with me again, because I can’t tell what else you are doing. But I work simply. Do what’s needed, and we’ll get on.” He replied with a simple turn, to the point and effective.

“None of what you just said leaves the room. I can’t begin to explain how fucking risky what this is, and irrespective of what looks like. Wherever this came from, whatever good, or bad this came from, needs to die. Or else we will not have families to go back to.” Adam reiterated, knowing full well the circumstances now.

Samantha gave him a rueful look. “You are going to need to be more specific Adam. Skye allowed me to help in any areas that I could be of use. I don’t mean to sound…. Boastful or arrogant but I am exceptional in many areas. I helped with hacking and data analysis. I also helped with engineering and building new gear and upgrades. I have a background in engineering and computer science. I know you have a dossier on me. Skye plugged me in a lot of areas. I am not used to how you work. Just tell me what you need me to do.” She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She didn’t know how to be any more blunt. She had known what Skye wanted from her. She had no clue how Adam operated or what he wanted her to do.

Adam pulled the folders in, putting them back into place as he listened, nodding.
“Work with Raph, and the Signals team for the rest of the morning and afternoon. I’ll put together a plan of action with Oracle. We may need to remedy this situation sooner than I would like. Time will be running out, and we need to find this Henry Simmonds, and more importantly, wherever the hell Rose’s banks are.”

Samantha rose to her feet with a nod. “I am happy to help with the data. Where do I find them?”

Adam stood up, looking outside of the window at the log cabins by the lake.
“You nerds have an upgrade. Down there.” Adam wryly chuckled, pointing across to it, and with it, taking his water bottle to hand.

“Dismissed, Chaos. We have lots of work to do.” Adam replied, looking across to Sam, with an expectant look. This would be different, yes, but no doubt Adam recognised her ability. Just a little more turns of the screw would keep his sanity in check.

Samantha nodded, turned and left. She went in search of her fellow nerds. She went to find the way to their operations center so she could lend Raphael a hand.

Boomer and Duke

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

0500 Local Time

Chuck had put his armor back on so he could walk it off the plane. He stepped off the plane with the team. He stayed towards the back since he could see over everyone’s heads. Chuck called Duke to his side. Chuck had experience keeping a professional cool demeanor. He knew they would be called to the mat for not delivering Skye. Chuck had accepted that Samantha had made the call. She was the lead at the time and he had accepted his decision. He was new to the team and knew that there were team relationship dynamics and politics that he might not be aware of. Chuck was still not sure what all had happened or the ramifications of it all. He was a military man of action and tactics. He didn’t understand enough about what he had heard about the technology in question to form a definitive opinion.

Chuck watched as the scene unfolded. He had expected a pissed off superior officer who was looking for someone to blame. Chuck braced at attention as he eyes went from speaker to speaker. Chuck listened as Oracle seemed to be focusing on Samantha and her leadership. He found the whole interaction interesting. Coming from a military background as he did, usually if an op went sideways, debriefing happened as quickly as possible. They also tended to interview team members individually before bringing them together to discuss what they could have done differently to change their outcomes. He was a little surprised by the animosity that was being thrown at the entire team. It confused Chuck and he didn’t understand it.

Chuck moved to intercept Athena. He stepped between her and Tahlia as the conversation became heated. Chuck had been in the thick of it with Tahlia and she had his back. He would have hers now. He understood that Athena was Freya’s sister and he could see the family resemblance. She was drop dead gorgeous but he didn’t like her attitude one bit. You would think that her sister would have more respect for the team that Freya was on. That didn’t seem to be the case. He would not allow Athena’s worry over her sister to spill over onto Tahlia. He simply planted himself between them and gently guided Tahlia back behind him and Samantha. He knew that would piss the Kiwi off but she would forgive him later.

The focus shifted back to Samantha as she went off on the leader. Chuck didn’t know the woman well. They had just met after all. He could respect that she was taking ownership of her decision publicly and emphatically. He appreciated that she felt she was protecting her team. As someone who had been under bad officers, who didn’t hesitate to throw their team under the bus, he appreciated the grit that it took. He watched her walk off shaking with rage and once again wondered if his transition to Raven Squad was the right one. He then thought back to the drugs and what they had found at the compound in Columbia. He knew he was ridding the world of a bigger evil. He kept his mouth shut and followed along. He stroked his hand down Duke’s back. He could read the tension in Duke’s body language. He didn’t like the raised voices and the tension between the people.

They had entered a building that would house the team on base. He took one of the red painted doors in the hall after they were told to take a room. He smiled seeing a basic set of gray sweat pants, sweatshirt, sneakers, socks, and boxer briefs on the unmade bed. He took his armor off and set it up to charge. He then went to the bathroom and pulled off the inner ballistic suit. He washed it out in the shower with the wand attachment and hung it over the shower door. He then gave himself a nice scrub in hot water. He was feeling the need for a run. He was pretty sure Duke was too. No one had told him that Duke needed to go to a kennel. So he kept his dog with him. He then whistled for Duke and took off for a run. They needed it to finish releasing the tension from the battle and the escape. After being cramped up on the plane, he needed to be outside in the crisp clean air. He needed to feel his body stretching and moving. He didn’t leave base but he did run along the fence line to limber up his body. He figured by the time he was back, maybe they would be ready to debrief him. He let his worries fall away as he took in the natural beauty of the land around him.
Chaos has landed

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

0500 Local Time

Samantha stepped off the plane with the team. It was cold. Her stomach was turning itself inside out with nerves and emotions. She had known this was coming. She wouldn’t let them hold the team responsible for her decisions. She schooled her face to cold indifference, showing no emotion. She stepped off the ramp from the cargo area. She was still in her armor but had her helmet off in her hand. She didn’t have any clothes to change into. Samantha was looking around at their welcoming party when the man began to talk. She recognized the voice, Oracle. She met his eyes and held them with steely determination. Anger was building. Tahlia lashed out verbally saying much of what she was feeling. It just made her like the Kiwi woman even more. She gently put an arm in front of Tahlia and stepped forward in front of her. She let Oracle have his say.

Samantha straightened her spine and glared at him. Her voice started off soft but carried as the emotions she had been holding at bay began to manifest. Her gray eyes flashing with anger and frustration.

“I am Samantha Dalton, callsign Chaos. I was placed in charge of Raven during the attack by Skye Lyons and you. If you don’t trust my judgment, then you should not have put me in charge. If you don’t want my expertise, there are many others who do. I chose Raven Squad.”

She started to answer Oracle when she was interrupted by Athena mouthing off. “You shut the fuck up! You know nothing little girl. Freya is like a sister to me and we have had each other’s back in the field. She has saved my life and I have saved hers. I would never knowingly put her in harm's way. You have no idea what the hell this team has been through. YOU DON’T GET TO JUDGE!”

She turned back to Oracle. “This team has been through back to back dangerous missions where we almost didn’t make it out alive several times over. This team retrieved and completed everything you have asked of it time and time again. This team has been nothing short of exceptional, just like its leader, Skye Lyons. The same woman you are furious that I didn’t let you poke, prod, and lock up. This team works because we are all creative independent professionals not meek lambs who need directions and guidance for every decision. If anyone is to be punished for anything, It will be me. It was my decision to let Skye leave and mine alone. None of the others had the opportunity to stop her. I will answer your questions. I will be a professional because Skye would want me to cooperate with you. If this is how you treat the best of us, I have no respect for you… Sir.”

Samantha was red in the face from anger. Her whole body was shaking. She was taking big gulping breaths. She began to walk forward. She just followed the road headed towards the base. She had to get away from these people before she hurt someone. Samantha allowed the armed men who were acting as guards to guide her where they wanted her. She was fine with it as long as it was away from their welcoming committee. She couldn’t believe that he tried to turn it around and give compliments about their competency after questioning her integrity and that of Skye and the team. She had no more fucks to give these people at the moment.

Well rested her ass. She knew the team was not well rested. She knew they needed to be debriefed. Not that she could sleep at the moment if she wanted too. She was full of angry energy and frustration. She just wanted to run until she dropped.

Sam was in no mood to talk to anyone. She walked along with the rest of the team as she was shown to their quarters. She just nodded to Adam and walked into the room that was indicated. She had no clothes. They had literally donned armor and went to fight. The base was blown up with all their stuff as they were escaping. She should be glad she had anything she supposed. She closed the door to her room and pulled off her armor. She found some towels and took a shower. She had nothing to change into and simply crawled into bed, pulling the covers up over her. She curled into a ball and finally allowed all she had been holding in… out. She cried and screamed into her pillow. Fatigue finally sucked her into sleep where nightmares found her.
Airbus on the way to Finland: Troubled Skies

Collaboration between Samantha, Chuck, and Freya

Vincent was flying the plane and had just taken off from Tokyo. He did what Skye requested of him and opened the cargo bay doors. He was watching the light and smiled when he saw that someone had closed them from inside the cargo bay. He had no clue that Skye had jumped out of the plane. He just kept flying following the flight path he had been given. He had no clue as to the drama unfolding in the rear of the plane.

“Oracle ordered us to bring Skye in. I know that was truly Skye. I killed Rose the doppelganger clone in her office. Oracle is facing a unique situation with Rose and Artemis. Operational security would have forced them to remove Skye from operations at the minimum. Skye deserved better than that from me. It was my choice. I am asking you to accept that and support it.”

Samantha watched as the cargo doors closed. She lifted her head and looked out over the team. She told them the truth of the matter. She couldn’t be their leader if they didn’t trust her. They wouldn’t trust her if she hid things from them or didn't tell them the truth. They didn’t need to know all of it, but they deserved honesty from her about her decision. She turned her eyes to look at Freya not knowing how she would take this turn of events.

The big woman, draped over with that scratchy blanket looked up as Skye made her proclamation. Freya smiles abit. Skye speaks of loss and worry and other things. Trust, and loyalty and morale and worry, and potential for trouble. And then…and then.

The woman jumped! Skye fucking Lyons raced out the ramp doors and plunged free into the wild blue and the city below.

And Freya, Freya burst out laughing followed by a moan of pain as it lanced through her shoulder.

She turned to look at Sam, “That fucking little bitch went and did it.” The biggest smile on the giant's face.

Samantha smiled as she met Freya’s eyes with a smile. She felt their bond as teammates and chosen family. Freya understood Skye in ways Samantha never would. She figured Freya might be angry that she had left without a goodbye, but would understand Skye’s need to fix this on her own terms. She smiled at Freya’s response. She could weather everyone else's reaction as long as Freya didn’t blame her for Skye leaving or hate her for what happened.

The giant groans a little, leaning back against the inner wall of the plane, “That woman. Unlike anyone else I know. Not even my mom. Or my dad. Skye is, if anything, she’s unique.” She grits her teeth clearly in a great deal of pain. She turns her head to look at Sam, “Did you know I’m not the first person in my family to work with her?” She shifts so she can look at Sam better, “My brother did a stint with her a year or so back. It’s really unfortunate that Skye won’t be around to see my little brother again. He’s coming you know, and my parents, and likely my uncles. They’re gonna meet us in Finland.”

The big woman sighs, “You know I never thought I’d work with Raven, but it was JamJam’s recollections of his time with Skye that got me wondering.” She looks back towards the ramp as it finally seals shut, “The most profound words that I remember Jamie saying about Skye was, “That woman has a drive. A drive that likely trumps even yours sis.” I may have taken that as abit of a challenge.” She gives Sam a big wink.

Samantha moved closer to Freya and took the empty seat next to her. Sadness crossed her face for a moment as it hit her that was the seat that Skye had been in. She turned in the seat to face Freya. Where Freya took up all the space around her as a giant, Samantha was petite and looked even smaller next to Freya. She gave Freya a sad smile. “I never thought I would work in any kind of mercenary or military outfit. Then I lost my dad and grandfather.”

She looked off in the distance lost in her thoughts. “I joined Raven Squad as a way to track down the people responsible for their deaths. I had already taken the investigation further than the authorities had. I knew there was a hidden group behind the terrorists behind it. I didn’t realize it was Artemis till after my first mission. I still don’t know the why.”

She paused for a moment as she thought that through. She shook her head and focused again on Freya. “Skye helped me to see how much my feelings were holding me back and influencing my decisions.” She sighed and smiled at Freya. “I was worried you would be angry with me over this.”

The giant heaves a big sigh. And looks around the interior, her eyes stopping on everyone. From Chuck and Duke, Olly over in a corner, Boraro. Thalia and the others besides. So many people who are part of this family. She takes another deep breath, “I’ll be honest, at first, I might have been. But, as things stand this just makes sense. There had to be some give and take. I don’t like that the order was given to hold her, but in a sense it’s common sense. Am I happy she decided to make the choice to go? Yes!” She smiles, “Skye knows what she’s doing, just like you knew what you were doing when you made the call.”

The big woman nods, “It was the smart call, by what you had in front of you. Just like Skye made the right and smart call to do what she just did. As insane as it might be.” She chuckled gently.

Javi looked shell shocked as he stared at the closed cargo bay doors. He seemed to still be processing what had happened. His eyes went from the doors to Samantha to Tahlia. He looked at Tahlia and took in what she had said about Samantha being their team lead. He just nodded. He was following orders. He had once been in an impossible situation and it was Skye who had helped him into a new life. He would not begrudge her need to do things her way. He had made his decision and seemed to settle more comfortably into his seat.

Chuck let the confusion he was feeling show. He had been standing and listening to Skye as the cargo doors had opened. He was holding onto one of the cargo hook points welded into the ceiling of the plane. He didn’t move as his eyes followed Skye as she jumped out the back of the plane. His head whipped towards Samantha as the doors started to close. Was he supposed to stop her? What was going on? Why did Skye just jump out of the plane? He knew their leadership had changed due to the attack on the base. He thought Oracle just wanted Skye for questioning to clear up any questions about what had happened. Chuck had just joined the team but he had been in the military a while now. He had worked with troops and mercenaries from all over the world on missions. He trusted his judgment of character and Duke’s. He had trusted Skye Lyons.

He thought about everything he had gone through with a compromised chain of command in the marines. Losing his team to the greed of others Almost losing his life to be pulled out at the last minute. He could understand Skye’s need to do this her way. He knew better than most, that chain of command could be compromised. He respected Samantha for telling them straight why she had let Skye leap from the plane. He nodded to her, accepting her as his current leader. He moved closer to her as she sat next to Freya. He had seen the giantess around the base but had yet to really meet her. He knew she was injured and wanted to check in on her. He moved closer to them. He knelt in front of the two women with Duke at his side.

Sam gave Freya a gentle hug. “I am so glad to hear that. I can handle everything else.” She gave Freya a cheeky grin. “So I am gonna get to meet your siblings then? Finland? That is one country I don’t think I have been too. I guess I will need to learn Finnish now as well.” She winked at Freya.

Freya gives a chortle then again groans as her shoulder twinges, “I gotta stop doing that.” She says with a little giggle. She takes a slow breathe, “Well yes you will get to meet my siblings. Actually you may already have met one and know of the other.” She grins and scrambles abit for her phone. “So remember the Singapore op? And remember how I ended up wrestling with Ingwe on the floor for abit there? Remember the big guy who had come up and watched us? I’m sure you remember that report right?” She grinned at Sam brightly, “That was my lil’ brother. Jamie Cole Kanatariio, callsign Scion. I fire bolts of energy, he just carts around a pair of linked .50 BMG GMGs” She finally gets her phone open and flicks abit.

After a short bit she gets her X working, and opens a page, “And this…” She holds the extra big phone towards Sam, revealing the #AthenaAwesome X page open, “This is my little sister.” She chuckles as the first picture is Athena back on to the camera, and what amounts to a bit of FLOSS between her rear cheeks, “Yes…you will get to meet them both in the flesh soon enough.”

Samantha turned to Freya with a smile as she listened to her tell her about her family. “I think I passed him while you had all that attention on you. I was already sneaking into Pavel’s area towards his office. I didn’t get to stop and enjoy the party much.” She shrugged and looked a the pictures. “He is handsome though.” She watched as she flicked over to a picture of her sister. “I have heard of your sister of course. I am on the computer and we have similar hobbies. She models gear for a lot of the brands I buy. You can’t be into that stuff and not see a picture of her somewhere on social media.” Samantha rolled her eyes a little. Athena was a household name in some circles with a personality and reputation as well.

Chuck reached out and put a comforting hand on Samantha’s shoulder. “You will be okay Samantha. Just own your decisions and don’t doubt them.” He had seen younger officers struggle with hard decisions in the field. He wanted Samantha to know he supported her to help with whatever she was going through. He offered her a hand to shake. “I am Chuck Simmons. I know we have passed each other but I haven’t had time to really introduce myself to much of the team yet.” He shook Samantha’s hand warmly and was careful of his strength. He saw Duke sniffing at her hand. “This is Duke, my canine partner.” Duke wagged his tail and sat next to him, his body thrumming with energy again.

Chuck turned his attention to Freya and took her hand. He lifted it to his lips and kissed the back of it. “A proper greeting for the goddess among us. I am so pleased to meet you Freya. I am Chuck.” He smiled warmly at Freya as he looked into her eyes. “I have never met a woman giant before.”

Samantha was startled as she felt Chuck’s hand settle on her shoulder and give it a slight squeeze. She nodded at him. “Skye had told me about you joining the team as a heavy. I am sorry we are meeting under such circumstances. Thank you for helping get our support team out.” She gladly shook his hand. Samantha didn’t ignore his words of comfort about command. She was still processing and didn’t want to dwell on her decisions at the moment. Her eyes widened a little as he kissed Freya’s hand and introduced himself. She grinned while watching. It seemed Freya had an admirer. She pretended not to notice and greeted Duke with a vigorous scratching behind the ears. “You are such a handsome boy. Yes you are.” She greeted Duke and felt his tongue licking her hand.

The giant woman sighs, “The part I’m dreading is having my entire immediate family close by again after some time away. I can already feel the tongue lashing my uncle Ross is gonna give me for getting hurt. And the fussing my other uncles are going to give.” She sighs, “And I can only imagine the ribbing I’m gonna get from JamJam and Thena…”

She sighs then jumps. Yes jumps. She was not at all prepared for Chuck to suddenly appear. Her eyes wide as he slides close and introduces himself. She blinks then and almost yanks her hand back when Chuck grabs it, lifts it and then kisses her knuckles. She blinks, once…twice…thrice. Then with a chuckle she wraps her fingers around Chuck’s hand and squeezes, “Well wasn’t that gentlemanly of you. Chuck, yes I saw you during the fighting. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Freya Kanatariio of course. And female giants are pretty rare yeah.” She smiles then a quick wind up and a resounding smack on the cheek with her good left arm, “I’m not made of lace by the way.”

Chuck smiles warmly at her his eyes lighting up with mischief. He couldn’t regret the way he greeted her. Seeing her smile even though she was in pain was worth it. Even as he took a light slap to the cheek for his forward greeting. “You are a rare gem indeed, my lady. You deserve to be treated like the goddess you are. My mother would beat me if I dared to treat you otherwise.” He winked at her and let go of her hand. He gave her a more serious look now full of concern. “How bad are your injuries? I heard that you had been injured of course.” He felt a wet nose bumping his hand. He looked down and laughed. “Oh I forgot to introduce you to Duke. This is my canine partner.” Duke gently nudged Freya’s good hand and wagged his tail.

Samantha smiled as she saw the interaction between Freya and Chuck. She giggled as Duke moved his head into her hands and pushed harder for more scratches. He finally let her go as he moved towards Chuck. Samantha’s attention was caught by Raphael and Sophie. She got up and moved towards where they were sitting.

The big woman smiled, “Haha you’re a flowery talker here aren’t you? We haven’t had a good drink yet I wanna hear you roaring drunk now. See if it’s the same.” She chuckled then winced, and heard a soft wruff and a worried whine and felt a warm nose under her good hand. She looked down, “Duke…well hello there handsome boy.” She smiles running her hand through his fur, over his ears, giving him a good hearty chin scratching, “Aww look at you. You keep your partner in check don’t you. Not the other way around. I can tell you’re the boss.” She giggles as Duke gives something that sounds like an affirmative sound, at the same time lifting his chin to get more scratches.

Chuck watched as Duke worked his magic on Freya. He knew Duke understood she was hurt. His partner offered comfort in the way he could. He smiled and ran his hand down Duke’s back. “Duke thinks he is the boss of this relationship. I guess in a way he gets the better end of the deal. I take care of him and he takes care of me.” He looked down at his dog with love and pride. His southern accent is evident in his deep voice. “Well we will have to get a drink and see if it makes a difference once we are on base and you can have alcohol.” He grinned at Freya. “It is a date. You name the time and place.”

With a big grin and leaning down to give Duke a kiss on the nose, she nods, “Alright, when we’re on base, we’re all settled, we can break into the base kitchen and see what they have. After what just happened, the entire team needs a drink. And because of all the new faces, we’re going to need an ice breaker.” She gives a nod, “We’ll get a little drunk, get to know each other properly, no bombs, no attackers. We’ve already been blooded, now we can get sloshed.” The giantess nods, “No better way to meet someone proper.”

Sophie had watched confused as Skye made a speech and then jumped out of the back of the plane. The woman had been through hell in the last day and she had completely lost her mind. She jumped out of a perfectly good aircraft! Just like that, with no hesitation. Sophie looked over at Samantha and then back to the cargo bay doors. “What… .just happened?” Samantha told them what had happened but Sophie was struggling. She had been pushed a great deal out of her comfort zone in the last day. She turned to the others she was close to in the support staff and saw that half of them were struggling too.

Raphael felt as if his head was gonna fall off. He tried to follow everything that was going on. He watched Skye give a speech and then jump out of the back of the plane. Samantha closed the doors and told them what happened. He was confused. Wouldn’t Oracle just want Skye to clear up what had happened? They wouldn't imprison or hurt Skye… would they? Why wouldn’t Skye want to report to Oracle. He tried to think it through. He could see from an operational standpoint, how would they know if it was Skye or had been replaced with a Rose clone? How would they trust her on operations? What if there were other ways they didn’t know about; that comprised security? He could see Oracle would struggle with that. It wasn’t exactly fair to Skye but he couldn’t blame Oracle for wanting to protect Raven either. He sighed, feeling conflicted.

Samantha reached the seats where Sophie, Raphael, and Javi were sitting. “I know today has been alot to absorb and cope with. You are all gonna be okay. There will be no repercussions for you over my decisions. I will make sure of it.” She addressed what she thought might be bothering them. “I owed Skye the opportunity to do this. I don’t regret it. The responsibility is mine and mine alone. Understood?” She looked over them all. She didn’t want them in trouble for her decisions. Once she got a nod from them, she moved to find a seat once more.
Collaboration between:

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Samantha Dalton

Haneda Airport, Tokyo, Japan

Gate to Gate

Samantha was beyond exhausted. She had used autopilot at some points but she had been up over 24 hours at this point. She had been making it through on adrenaline. She had to stay alert enough to defend her family. She had Bob playing music to keep her awake. She had managed to eat some protein bars and drink some water. Her mind had been turning over what was going to happen to Skye. She knew that she was under orders from Oracle to bring Skye in. She didn’t trust that they had Skye’s best interest at heart. She wasn’t sure they would believe her when she told them how she had managed to decide which one was Rose and which one was Skye. She had not worked so hard to save her friend just to allow Oracle to imprison her or worse. Samantha had no choice but to land. She was running on fumes. Her plane was out of fuel and shouldn’t have been in the air for a while now. Tired pilots made mistakes.

The F35 followed the Airbus A400M in for a landing. She followed the directions from the tower and followed the Airbus to a cargo runway off on a quieter side of the airport. She followed the instructions to park the F35 in the hangar at the end of the runway. The Airbus stopped outside the hangar and was left on the runway. Fuel trucks were already moving in. She parked the F-35 and turned it off, powering down the aircraft. She was exhausted but more awake due to the need for action and getting to move around.

The plane skidded down on the tarmac, on the last drags of fuel and finally at last, down to earth. The flight had taken forever, and in the late afternoon, they were here for fuel and some food supplies. It had been a hell of a journey- and as it coasted along, past civilian traffic, the innocuous looking A400 wasn’t exactly making a scene that was unknown for such an airport. JSDF traffic popped in sometimes, and even USAF crews too on training exercises, right in the heart of Tokyo proper. Still, the large prop-driven aircraft pootled along and into a port in the cargo hub area, came to a dead stop. With that, the rear door opened as Vincent called out on the tannoy.

“Alright everyone, rear door is open. Grab some kerosene-fresh air and be back in twenty minutes. We will be setting off for our next part of the journey. Hawk, out.” Vincent called on the tannoy, as Skye, Tahlia, and everyone else got the first glimpse of Japanese concrete, Skye walking out of the back as the ramp hit floor and taking a deep exhale.

Last bit of freedom. Or was it? She was mulling it, thinking it through. Looking around, there was a lot of security. And she did not want to run….yet knew that something Boaro said was right. They wouldn’t want her dead, but right now, whatever was going on, Rose would bank, gamble that Skye would follow orders. She had to do whatever she WASN’T. And that meant…..well, it meant taking a risk like no other. Throwing total anarchy at the wall to make it clear to Rose that she could play her game, and divide attention. Draw it from the team and bring it to her, and her alone. That felt more noble. Fuck, she kicked and hurt herself over the idea this might happen. But before she could think, a Japanese Self-Defence Air Force crew were over, a number of Toyotas with armed troops aboard. This must have been containment, just in case there was any risk aboard. Nothing to worry about, protocol. Though still, it threw a wrench to that. No running away from them on top of airport security.

Skye looked across to the group, as the Toyota Land Cruisers came to a halt, one of the more senior members of the group headed across to Skye, recognizing the redhead from a mile away now her helm was off.

“You must be Lyons-San. I am Captain Ide Takahashi, we are here to help you on your way. I have not been told much about your situation. But is all well?”

Skye heard him ask, his Japanese-accented English deep, as Skye nodded.

“Just about. We have one hurt aboard, the big girl. Few walking wounded. They need at least stabilization till the next step.” Skye said, as the man then yelled back across at a couple of medics. They would at least put Freya right for the time being, as Skye looked to the F35 behind.

“We will help. Do you need anything yourself?” The Captain asked, Skye shaking her head.

To run like hell, maybe, but actually, no way. She had to keep quiet. And know this was something to think over. Boaro was right. Anything she could do, Rose could. But she wanted to use that. Make it pay. A solid technique was to create dilemmas for your enemies, not decisions. Rose wanted to do what she wanted to do. And likely, she had all of it now, thanks to Raven. So Skye had to find some way, she thought to herself, of putting the balance back in. In a way that even Rose couldn’t see. And it occurred to her. There and then, it hit her right. It would be possible to reverse the flow. Turn the situation back on Rose. If she could break into Raven’s HQ, right through the front door….then in the chaos ensuing, Skye could do the same. She would gamble on the fact Skye had empathy, and would stay to her pack, her loyalty, like from all she read. No, she could defy that. Go against the grain, and perhaps, do something that she knew was ultimately highly risky, but highly rewardin. It had saved her life already. It could save plenty more next.

The Scot reminded herself she had to reply to the polite Japanese Air Force Captain too.

“Some water, and rations would be nice. I know you have some of the best MREs in the world.” Skye smiled, trying to hold it together at least, as the Captain nodded, and with that, headed to the truck once again.

Skye looked about, and taking a seat on the concrete, just took a look at the situation.

She was never more grateful for her re-designed suit. She would have never been able to handle being in the air so long without the supports built into her suit. She popped the canopy on the aircraft. She tried to stand up and fell back into the seat. There was only so much room in a fighter cockpit and she had been sitting for a very long time. She stretched and wiggled her toes and massaged her legs. They felt like jello. She tried again and managed to stand. She sucked in a breath as pins and needles surged up and down her legs. She gritted her teeth and managed to climb out of the cockpit. She was standing and working the kinks out when Japanese airport personnel rolled a ladder over so that she could climb down out of the aircraft.

Samantha made her way shakily down the ladder. She almost fell at one point. She caught herself on the handrail. She could see that they had moved closer intent on helping her but there was really no room. She held up a hand and finished the climb down. As her feet hit the concrete, her knees buckled. She remained standing by holding onto the railing. She sucked in a deep breath. She finally stood straight. It hurt but the longer she stood tall and stretched the better she felt. She gave the personnel that hovered a short bow of respect. “Kon'nichiwa, arigatō.” She then began to take shaky steps towards the plane she had passed on her way to the hanger. The thought of seeing her team and family kept her upright. Her body was tired and sore from being in one position so long. You can only stretch so much in the cockpit of a fighter. The more she moved around the better her muscles felt. By the time she made it to the door of the hanger, she was walking fast. She was soon running full out. She had a desperate need to see Skye and Freya. She needed to know they were okay.

She spotted Skye sitting on the concrete behind the plane talking to a Japanese man. She didn't stop moving. She worked on pulling her helmet off. She carried it in her hand and dropped it next to Skye as she slid onto the ground next to her. Her heart raced, wondering if she was alright. “Skye!” Her voice was laden with pain and panic. “Are you okay?” Her face had haggard lines that told how trying the last few days had been on her. Exhaustion was evident.

Skye crawled over, wrapping her arms around Sam, the exhaustion clear on Sam’s face, hurting and feeling like shit. Skye was glad to see her too, knowing the weight of things must have taken one hell of a toll. Running the team and looking after comms were tricky, and it was the first time she’d seen Sam since back at Kaitiaki in the armoury proper. Skye of course was feeling better after the transfusion, but still, not much more than could be expected after that combat.

“Yeah, not too bad. Come here, Sam.” Skye replied with a certain British understatement, sighing as she held on, feeling Sam almost shaking with trepidation and exhaustion herself, holding her in her arms. Skye was hurting too, and a lot was going on.

Looking into Sam’s eyes, the redhead placed an arm onto her armoured shoulder, the burning look still there, even if it was exhausted and jet lagged, holding her close in, knowing she had to calm her, reassure, and ease her down the ladder.

“I’m really proud of you. You did an amazing job….amazing. That could have been the end of us, all of us, but you got us through.” Skye said, glad and happy in a way, yet wanting Sam to know.

“There’s a lot to take in, but breathe. Just look at me. We’re gonna be alright. They’re gonna get us some amazing MREs, the JSDF do the best. And they’re gonna finish fueling, and you are gonna get that well earned sleep on the plane.” Skye said, holding herself together, knowing she had to. This may be the last time she tells her, and Skye isn’t easily giving anything away. Though it’s fairly obvious outside of the Scot’s head. Sam would almost certainly know.

Samantha hugged Skye tightly as tears streamed down her face. “Are you sure you're okay? You have to be okay!” She was muttering randomly as her hands patted over Skye looking for injuries.Samantha’s panic receded some as her brain caught up to her and slowed her emotions down. Samantha hugged her friend and sister of her heart. She had a long time to think as she flew across the world in a plane by herself with periodic updates from Oracle and Vincent.

“I’m fine. Somehow. Breathe.” Skye replied, looking over at her, nodding, knowing she was worried. She had a right to be, but Skye being stubborn wasn’t letting anything go about the neurotoxin, or anything like that. But she saw the worry in Sam’s look.

Sam needed to speak to Skye without any of the team around. This would be her only chance to do so.

“Skye. We need to talk. We don’t have much time. The others can’t know.”

She sat cross legged and released Skye and just held her hand.

“I don’t think you should come with us. I think you need to take the fight to them outside of Raven. We don’t know how many others might be like Rose or how badly infiltrated Oracle is. The one thing we do know is that Artemis needs to be taken down. I trust you. I trust Freya. I am not sure how to trust another leader at Raven. Or to trust Oracle completely. Let me help you.”

She gave Skye a fierce look which turned to pleading.

“I can’t watch them lock you up or worse.” Her voice cracked.

Skye looked back into her burning eyes, seeing the rest of the crew grab food from the back of the Land Cruiser, bringing in crates, Vincent and Javi helping fuel the plane and the ground-team out, and well, Sam and Skye with a moment there and then from a quick skim around. Sam clearly felt it, and Skye felt similar, albeit pushed the emotion deep inside her which wanted to pour.

“Oracle can be trusted. But he won’t trust a single thing I do given the situation. I don’t blame him. It’s operational. Nothing personal.” Skye sighed, shrugging.”

“And…I suppose we could change things, codes and all, but it complicates things too much. Rose believes that she’ll knock the piece off the table in me if she does what she does, because they’ll be terrified and every version of me is a shoot to kill from then on out. Team would be led by someone else, who while I don’t agree with his method, knows what to do. Well, she’d be dead wrong. There is no easy way out here, Sam. I can’t run, they’re on shoot to detain orders for any leaks of any kind. We are guests, but under the strictest secrecy. But there is nowhere to run.” Skye replied, sighing.

“I need answers first. But that won’t come from the position of waiting. I may have a plan. But you would need to trust me. And I need to know you can deal with what’s going to come next. The questions, how I went missing, and why you let it happen. This is up to you, Sam. I really, really do not want to this to you. But this may be the last you see of me if we do this….if it goes wrong. And it may be for nothing.” Skye replied, swallowing a big lump in her throat, giving a last smile, a last, pulling grin back at Sam.

“I don’t ever let anyone down. I’d rather die before I do…..so this may be one of those where I might. So tell me true. Because I need to know you’ll keep going. I can’t do this to you if you can’t hold on, no matter what…..this is up to you.” Skye cooly replied, her look serious again, knowing she needed Sam to say the words. She was the leader, usually brave and brazen, but right here, she knew Sam was at breaking point. It was two roads from here. Skye would accept whatever she said, because Sam was not just the temporary team lead, but well, she was someone she owed a hell of a debt to after all the hell Skye had put her through. Sam had every right to say it was dumb, and they should not risk it. But same time, Skye knew if she accepted it...

Samantha let her frustration show with the current situation. She knew that Skye was right but she didn’t have to like it. She shouldn’t be punished because of something her sister did. That is exactly what was happening though. She understood the operational issues that the situation presented. She also knew that it made Skye one of the few that could be trusted in this situation. Sam let her anger show as well. She was not angry with Skye but Artemis. They kept taking people away from her. She knew if Skye did what she needed to that she might not see or hear from her again. She refused to let Skye go into this thinking she was alone though.

She looked Skye in the eyes with a frustrated sigh. “I understand that you need to do what you need to do and that I might not be able to be privy to your plans. I don’t have to like it though. I will not however have you go off on your own thinking no one cares and that you have no back up.”

She took a deep breath before continuing.

“At least take into consideration some help I can freely offer. If you need a safe place to stay off the grid, go to my grandma in LA. There are no links to be tracked there. At grandma’s look in the saddle bag of my motorcycle, there will be some resources for you to use. You need to do that.”

She looked over at the team who were getting some fresh air by the cargo plane.

“I will stay with Freya, our sister. I want to see her recover and well. I will do as you ask. But only if you promise to go to LA at one point.”

She looked around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. She hugged Skye and whispered in her ear to make sure they were not overheard. Even if the place was wired for sound it was a tarmac at an airport with planes landing and taking off. It was doubtful a whisper in her ear would be captured.

“I had a mirror drive to the information we were finding at the base. I was using it for my own investigation into what happened to my father. I have been backing up all that data to my mirror drive. The information on how to access that is my saddle bag. Got it?”

She pulled back to look at Skye. She tried to memorize her face. She was worried she would not see her again.

Skye looked on in shock, wanting to be mad if it was normally her, but on this occasion, it may have made some sense. Shit, it was a risk but at the same time, well, that could be useful. There was some reason to get out and get some information, and that was one of them. The kind that couldn’t be recovered by normal channels. Something like that would be cause enough to fuck over Sam, completely- all that had happened would come back to Skye allowing Sam to do this, and right now, Skye didn’t even have half the heart to ask about the defences, or anything else. That had to come under Skye’s leadership. A good manager took account, and ironically, whilst good, that buck laid at Skye’s feet. All of it did. She was not to blame anyone but her own self, and well, the fucks at Artemis.

She gave Skye a wry grin. “I know it was against operation protocols.” She raised one shoulder in a wry shrug. “I learned to always have an ace up my sleeve. To me that has always meant information. I hope you are not angry with me?” She raised an eyebrow as she looked for her response.

“I know someone who can help too. I have my own tricks. Like yours. The ones you used, that knowledge and authorisation, that was mine. Even if you didn’t ask me. Anyone that suggests anything…..well, you have your fall girl. Okay. You’re with me.” Skye smiled back, nodding, noting Sam’s voice coming in with vigor.

“Understood. I know where to go. And I will. I have a few things to do first. But….there is something I could get some help with. They are watching me.” Skye said, looking at the guards, leaning in and whispering into her ear.

“There’s a parachute rig in the back of that Land Cruiser, next to a crate containing water. Can you get them both aboard?” Skye whispered, before leaning back out from the hug, nodding back, a quick glance back into the plane, in Freya’s direction, before back at Sam, keeping things incognito.

“Look after Freya as much as you can. Maybe a mission missed, perhaps for her, with her brother in replacement. Though a word of warning. Her sister, I told you already, do not ever let her corner you alone, Chuck will make her think twice. They are bonded close, like us. She will want to rip me into three because of it, no matter what logic she has, I’m the one who pulls us into the situations we are in…..right or wrong. She’ll find anyone else who is a replacement and want answers, and she has connections in Blue Sword that will make life difficult. Nor the new commander, if I think who it is…..he’s a disciplinarian and someone who will not mess around. And he will be annoyed enough that you let what happens next, happen. They’ll screw you around, but you hold your ground and know it comes back to me. All of the wrongs, and rights. Understood?” Skye said, hoping Sam would know what to do.

Samantha gave Skye’s hand another squeeze before nodding. “I will go help load supplies. I can do it.” She looked over to the Land Rover and nodded again as if setting her plan into motion mentally. She paid attention as Skye gave her some advice about Freya’s sister. She wrinkled her nose at hearing about the commander. She sighed, “I will endure what I must to protect Freya and you from any further fall out. The new commander sounds delightful.” She rolled her eyes snarkily hoping to see Skye smile. “I can handle Freya’s sister. Don’t worry about me.”

Skye felt affirmed, and with it, stood up, giving her a hand up, then heading back towards the plane. This was it. This was all there was. She had her bit to do.

Samantha watched Skye walk away and allowed the sadness she felt to wash over her. She then sighed and picked up her helmet and put it back on. She would need both hands. She left the visor up so that her face could be seen. She joined the people loading supplies onto the plane. She picked up the box of water bottles and set them on top of the crate with parachutes in it. She casually lifted them and carried them into the plane. She set the two crates down in the cargo area and secured them with the netting tie downs attached to the wall. She smiled as no one pointed or called out any alarms.

She then made her way back outside. She sat down next to Freya and grabbed some hot food that was being served out of the back of the vehicle. She chugged a bottle of water and began to eat. She was starving. Protein bars only did so much.

She turned her attention to Freya. “How are you doing Freya?”

With the aircraft loaded, the crew were all back aboard, and well, the JSDF commander had sent them on their way. Skye was munching down ramen, the hot and spicy noodles burning the back of her throat, but making her feel. The crew were all in the A400, and well, taxiing quickly.

“Fuck, this is burning.” Skye replied, as the plane jolted and heading down the runway, barreling, the sky back to a dark orange and nearly black following fuel and their hijinks on the ground, as Skye knew the rest of the team were awake. With it, Skye stood once they were up and off the ground and out of the steepest climb, headed on a full loop. She knew the score. The exo was left behind, the only thing she had on were her t-shirt, jeans and well, a stashed set of goggles down by her bra. She knew the run to go on. Fuck, surviving this might be in itself rather risky, but well, it set as loud a signal as it could be that Skye Rosalind Lyons was going rogue, and out of the way.

This was it. Ultimate risk, ultimate reward. She could die, she could be gone for a while, hell, she may never see them again. But she trusted them totally, completely. She had to. Fucking Boaro had just gotten here and was now seeing her do this. Hell, she could even feel like he wanted her to bond, and he had some very good points. Points she wanted to nod and accept, but she knew if all worked out, she’d be back. With a big bollocking, but Skye had to make a change. Do something. And she knew just the man for the job. He was down there in that city. And she had her way down. An express route. Moving to the front, Skye clambered over, Javi flat asleep, in the cabin.

“Vincent. One quick favor. Mind if I get a view of the city, while we leave? Last time for freedom and all.” Skye asked, the aircraft leveled out above Tokyo, currently heading over the bay. This was going to be the most fucking insane dropzone ever. But, it sent the loudest possible message that Skye was gone. If not through the security, it set every single alarm bell off. It would be so loud Rose could not ignore it. Artemis could not ignore it. It would be a point made. And she just had to not get arrested.

For the first time in a long time, Skye was living completely, totally in the moment. A little fear was inside her, but she was ready for this. There was a strange sadness inside of her, but it was like always, the Lyon was roaring inside of her, screaming. Once her mind was set, it was all in now. And she believed Sam. Like the sun in the sky, she’d do as she needed, like Skye herself would.

“What are you meaning, Madame Lyons?” Vincent suspiciously asked, as Skye merely patted him on the shoulder.

“Something for morale. Please?” Skye asked, Vincent sighing, giving into the sultry tone of the Scottish leader, nodding.

“Fine. Only because you ask nicely. I will miss you being a boss-lady, you know.” Vincent replied, licking a smile to Skye, knowing she was wild, but well, she seemed to be perked up again.

“I love you to bits, Vincent. Thanks!” Skye replied, with it running to the back, and with that, walking through. The rear door began to open, and the music began playing in her head.

Looking back across, she saw Sam in particular, and a giggling grin, as Skye bolted across.

Good Feeling- Bakermat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH6yPS7pikE

“We’re getting one last look at Tokyo before we’re out, now how about that!” Skye yelled, knowing that everyone would be yanked awake as the view came into the cabin, and revealed the absolutely glorious, the noise howling as the aircraft slowed a little, for a last little observation.

The sprawling metropolis of Tokyo beckoned below, lights glowing bright and the dusk chorus on the horizon, settling in the hills beyond and the faraway glow of Mt Fuji beyond that, and well, the density down in the city there and there.

Skye was not looking. Instead, she was yanking the rig off the top of the crate Sam had loaded, knowing she’d obliged, and well, flung it over her shoulders and dunked her legs in.

Skye tightened the straps, and checked the holster on her hip, her FNX, the last remaining bit of her tool, with only a spare magazine to boot, and her trusty scout knife in another holster taken from the exo. She looked to Sam, and nodded, flipping her goggles over her eyes, her red hair blowing in the howling wind. The team would be a little mystified as to what was going on, no doubt, and Tahlia stood up, the howling wind blowing all around the cargo bay, watching as the tall (not tallest) redhead stood in front of Sam, calling back one last time.

“You tried to convince me, remember!” Skye yelled to her, and turned and bolted towards that open door. It was the last word she would tell a Raven member for a while, and Tahlia’s jaw dropped, as did Raph’s, and quite a few others. Without context, this seemed ridiculous. It was without a shadow of a doubt, bonkers.

Tahlia could half guess, but still, this by Skye’s standards, was the dumbest shit she’d ever seen her do. She couldn’t run to stop her, or anything. She knew there was no stopping Skye if she was doing this.

And of fucking course it was happening.

Samantha watched as Skye had donned the parachute covertly. No one had really been paying all that much attention to Skye. They had all been awake since they had just taken off. She saw Chuck grab hold of Duke as the cargo bay doors opened and the wind howled through the area. “Long live the Queen!” Chaos cheekily replied and smiled as she watched her fearless leader sow the chaos this time. She already missed her friend but knew she was in a better position by doing this. Queen would always be her commander. She would do her best to respect the new guy as Skye had asked.

Skye ran out to the back, and with no hesitation at all, lept. From 20,000 feet, Skye put her hands in front and saw the sight of Shibuya itself below, far, far below. She put her hands down and dived, the cold utterly stripping anything from her, in freefall and out of the plane, flying through the burnt orange sky towards the middle of a bustling, hustling city.

No team now. For all they knew, Skye was AWOL. Half wouldn’t be shocked. The other half would be trying to recover this mentally, and well, Oracle, everyone, they would be in absolute hazed disbelief that this had happened. Skye was incredibly loyal, attentive, and well, core to this. The person that followed orders, yet her time with the team had taught her…you had to embrace the fact that sometimes, you had to go against the grain. Head down, the redhead plumed through the sky, and into the most unconventional dropzone. The adrenaline kept her warm, and awake, and most of all…alive. She was going to do this, her way, on her terms. She hated being stubborn, but there was no way Artemis was getting away with this, and neither was Rose Lyons. She was coming for her. And going fast. There’s a feeling inside of her that feels beyond odd, but for the first time ever, she felt like even if she wasn’t invincible, the adrenaline hit and she is in flight. Skye can see it all- the skyscrapers in Tokyo proper, the bay and bridges, the highways, Haneda itself, Fuji, and the glowing, glittering lights below. It’s jaw dropping, and unbelievably pounding in her mind, coming fast and thin.

No altimeter meant she had to guess how high she was, her eyes watering and her jaw ice cold, Skye reaching over and throwing the pilot chute and suddenly yanking out the gray parachute with a solid jerk, Skye yanking hard on the rear risers and toggles as she pulled herself into a steep dive, turning past a skyscraper, deep in the most famous square that existed within Tokyo, gigantic LED billboards and neon visible below as she knew she was low, and on course- to avoid power lines, she had to stay right on for the middle. Oh, the entire, fucking world would know. There was not any ignoring where Skye had started up. But where would she end? Well, that part of the story, that she hoped she’d figure out in the next few minutes. She was a good survivor in urban environments, and knew where to go, who to ask, what to say. And for the first time in forever, Skye felt like she was back to herself. She was HER, that spike of adrenaline, that feeling of being alive, it was like nobody else. Rose couldn’t ever take that from her.

Samantha had watched her friend dive out of the back of the plane. She leaned over and hit the button to close the cargo bay doors. She looked over the team. She met Freya’s eyes and wondered how she would take this. She straightened her spine and stood watching the team waiting for the first questions.

Tahlia looked gobsmacked as she held a crate.

“What the fuck?!”

She yelled at anyone, but mostly in Sam’s direction, the shock sinking in, looking across to Sam, the door shutting, the Kiwi still unable to put two and two together.

“I told her figure this out, not jump out of a plane, what the shit?”

Tahlia exasperated, looking genuinely like the GIF of John Travolta looking around confused from Pulp Fiction, puzzled and beyond words.

Samantha felt her resolve firming as she turned to address the team.

“Oracle ordered us to bring Skye in. I know that was truly Skye. I killed Rose the doppelganger clone in her office. Oracle is facing a unique situation with Rose and Artemis. Operational security would have forced them to remove Skye from operations at the minimum. Skye deserved better than that from me. It was my choice. I am asking you to accept that and support it.”

She looked over at them all to see how they were taking the news.

Tahlia looked on in shock, shivering cold, shaking her head and putting her arm on Sam’s shoulder, at least somewhat amenable to an answer like that.

“Well, we’re with you. If you think that’s what we do, boss. For now.” Tahlia replied, knowing it was going to come with consequences- but privately, she agreed. Without saying it, she felt the rest would, even if the confusion was going to stick a while. It would sound weird, but Tahlia knew Skye was long gone. She’d made her choice, and it was sinking in, even if it was the most dramatic way possible. Right now, Sam was team lead. Until that changed.

On Board the A400M

Chuck was too tall and big in his suit to take one of the drop down flight chairs in the cargo area. He worked to get out of his suit for now. He wanted to conserve what little charge it had left. He shut it down into sleep mode. The suit had about 25% charge left. He left the suit along the wall of the plane out of the way and strapped down in the cargo area. He sighed knowing the plane didn’t have the right outlets to charge his suit. He kept on the skin tight light weight ballistics suit that was the under armor of his heavy armor. It looked similar to a wetsuit and was black. It stretched over his large frame. He sighed as he realized he would need some clothes. All he had with him was the black boxer briefs he had on under his armor. He settled onto the floor with his long legs stretched out in front of him. Duke came and snuggled into his side and laid his head in his lap. He petted the canine and checked him over well.

They had been in the air for about 30 minutes before his adrenaline finally crashed leaving him feeling exhausted. He had watched as Sophie moved from Skye to Freya working to stabilize and help other members of the squad. Chuck did his best to keep the panic and rage he was feeling under control. He felt like there should have been more he could have done. What was wrong with him? How he had almost lost two teams now? He was comforted by the knowledge that even though they had injured, the team had made it out. Guilt overwhelmed him as he thought about all the support personnel who didn’t make it out. The ones who had given everything so that they could escape. He raised his knees and bowed his head wrapping his arms around his legs. He hid his face in his knees as tried to honor those that had fallen. Was their sacrifice worth it? Was he worth it? He didn’t think he was but he knew they did. All he could do was move forward and honor their sacrifice. It was never easy though.

Duke whined and nudged his face. Duke began to lick his face. Chuck put his arm around his dog and buried his face in his fur. He didn’t want anyone from the team to know he was struggling so much. Men were not supposed to show emotions. They were used as a sign of weakness. He knew from experience though, that if he didn’t deal with what they had just been through it would come out as nightmares. The emotions would cripple his ability to function as a member of the team. He clung to his dog as silent tears were soaked up by his fur. He hugged Duke tight. It was some time later that the tears had stopped. He slowly managed to relax. He curled up on the floor around his dog and fell asleep. He relived events of the past few days in his dreams. He was grateful that when he woke up he felt better. He didn’t remember the dreams. He was grateful when someone handed him some warm bottled water and an MRE. He pulled Duke’s pack out and offered his dog some water and food. Once he was done he took care of the trash and cleaned up after Duke.

He stood and made his way towards the part of the plane with chairs. He sat down across from Boraro. He held his hand out to the man, giving him a firm warm shake. “Hello, I don’t think we have met. I am Chuck Simmons, callsign Boomer. And this is my partner, Duke.” He laid a hand comfortingly on Duke’s head. “Nice to meet you. Thank you for your help in getting everyone out. We couldn’t have done it without you.” He nodded his head in the general direction of where Skye was. He knew that Skye might not have made it out without his help.
Chaos Escort Through Unfriendly Skies

Samantha pulled the F-35 engines slider all the way back as she built up the speed for takeoff. The rumble of the jet engines gave her a feeling of the power of the fighter. It was a powerful feeling. It was one of the things she loved about flying. She smiled as she remembered where she had learned how to fly the jets. She had learned in a simulator when Uncle Sam wanted her help to fix their planes. She had it built into her contract with them that she would only work on the project if the US Military taught her how to fly their jets. They had never intended for her to get into a cockpit. She had explained that she needed to experience what was happening during an actual flight to figure out the issue. She probably could have figured it out without it but she had wanted to learn to fly fighter jets. It was too good an opportunity to pass up. She had done exceptionally well and it had helped her solve the issue they were having with the design. It turned out to be a faulty sensor that was not rated for the g-force that the new craft would pull in some of the dogfighting maneuvers. Once she had tried the upgraded sensor the aircraft worked as intended and Uncle Sam was happy with the results.

Her attention was brought back to the current situation as Oracle reported that the team had inbound aerial assets to cover the team and that they were headed to Tokyo. Samantha had been compartmentalizing like a champ. She frowned as the present situation reasserted itself in her consciousness. Samantha replied to Oracle. “Chaos confirms new orders Oracle. New heading Tokyo Haneda airport where I will rejoin the team on the A400 and leave the F35. The A400 will then be going to Pöyrisjärvi, Finland.” Samantha had Bob switch to the Teams Comms. “Chaos to Raven Squad. New orders from Oracle. We are enroute to Tokyo for refueling before moving onto to Finland. I will be rejoining you in Tokyo.” Samantha made sure the entire team heard the update from her. She wanted them to know she had their back. Samantha looked over the telemetry in her fighter. She saw the incoming support fighters moving to intercept Artemis helicopters that were launching off their boats which had been in pursuit of the team.

She switched to comms just for Vincent. “Chaos to Hawk, thank you for flying the unfriendly skies with Chaos Air. Our friends have moved in to intercept unfriendlies in the area. Skies should be clear all the way to Tokyo.” She smiled at Vincent's reply before her brain couldn’t help going back to the events of the last few hours.

She had Bob switch to a private comms line between her and Skye. “Chaos to Queen.I am in the F35 and doing okay. I am flying cover for the A400. How are you doing? And How is the team? I heard something about Freya being injured.” She bit her lip as she waited for Skye to talk to her. “Talk to me Skye.”

She deliberately shied away from reliving the events of the last few hours. She couldn’t afford the time to break down yet. She still had a plane to fly. She was hyper vigilant about checking the radar for anything in the skies near them. She felt responsible for making sure the team made it to Tokyo.

Raven Squad Escape Boat

Collab with Skye, Chuck, Freya, Tiny Nord, Boraro, and NPCs Sophie, Tahlia, Javi, and Vincent

Chuck breathed a sigh of relief as one of the spotters at the railing caught sight of Queen and those with her. They were quickly helped aboard. Updates were given. Tahlia filled in Chaos and Oracle reporting what had been going on. He grabbed onto the railing as the last lines were untied and Javi backed the boat out and turned it around. The boat jerked under his feet as Javi gunned the boat and headed for open seas. Duke whined at his feet after following Tahlia back up to the main deck. Chuck gave in and knelt to pet Duke. He needed a little reassurance after the bumpy ride and no action. Duke was showing some signs of separation anxiety and Chuck knew why. He knew his canine partner needed some reassurance. “Its going to be okay buddy.” He knelt and kept a hand on Duke’s back.

Boraro made his way over to the boat, covering the distance in three shorter bounds between cover. He hadn’t bothered with the gangplank, instead jumping aboard with his jump pack, skidding on his feet to a stop along the wet deck and putting his kukri to use helping with the lines as they cast off. He stayed on the weather deck, ready to grab the nearest person without a life jacket and throw himself over the side at the first sign of impending doom until the two fighters gunning for them had been reported cleared out.

The danger having passed, at least for now, Ebrima retreated inside and took his helmet off, fishing a clean handkerchief out of a pouch to wipe the sweat off his scalp and brow. ”You’re drawing breath still, no?“ He turned to the other African French speaker when addressed, shaking the offered hand. ”We did not meet as enemies then.” The Cameroonian added with a cheeky grin. That was also the first time he had a chance to look around and take in his squadmates. First off, it looked like they were all alive, small miracle all things considered, though one of the heavies, the mad scientist, was looking rough though and Skye was likewise a prime candidate for a week off.

Vincent nodded to Boaro, a similar chuckle in his response.
“I expect not.” He gave an equally simple reply, looking across to the rest of the team, Skye in particular, who looked passed out, Sophie going from her to Freya’s side, who was quietly whispering.

“So, quick rundown as boss lady I imagine did not tell you. That there is Freya, you may know her mother and father, crazy fucking mercs, mec, I tell you they are wild. Do not even start on her sister, putain, she is so fucking hot it would be worth dying for and many men do. Chuck Simmons, former Marine, he wrecks people too, Tiny Nord is the same. Somehow, we recruited three of giants in heavy armor to our cause, but if you’ve ever fought one, you know it’s a good thing we have them on our side. Sam Dalton is a general purpose hacking wizard and CIA spook that hasn’t got a pilot’s license but knows how an F35 works, I know, Tahlia was our house keeper, now sniper, and well, the others work in support. Sophie, the medic, Raphael, signals intelligence, and Javi, mechanic and engineer. Good people.” It was a quick rundown from Vincent, who had to remind himself that indeed, the cast that made Raven was quite something.

“Skye, she is good. Harsh but fair. As I said, if she liked you, then you have done well.”

“Maybe that’s why everyone is still alive after today. Even without an infiltrator like they had, people of Artemis’ caliber should be able to anticipate what their enemies will do, to a significant degree. But put a group like this together, and it becomes impossible.” Ebrima mused, “It’s hard to anticipate two Onis charging into the middle of you, and absolutely impossible to guess what your enemy will do next if they themselves don’t know it yet.” He added on a more light-hearted note. In its current roster, Raven had everything one needed for a successful raid: The three medium operators were speed, Tahlia and Chaos were surprise and the three giants definitely had violence of action down.

Still, they were miles up shit creek, and although they had a figurative paddle and a literal good boat, Artemis just blew up the proverbial dock. Without facilities, they were just a group of exceptionally well-equipped vagrants that only had whatever fight was left in them, which wasn’t a lot. “I don’t suppose Raven had any safehouses they didn’t tell Queen about?” Given the nature of the infiltrator, they were probably going to be living in a shed in the woods before something else gets set up.

“These things usually work out. Raven is bigger than Skye is, from what I know little. But we’ll have something. Where we are going, the contingency, I believe is the start of that. And yes, it is rather chaotic. I suppose she has a knack for finding people who may not always fit. Makes them feel best doing this. We are so lucky we got out alive.” Vincent replied to Boaro’s query, putting an arm on his shoulder, chuckling.

“A baptism of fire, yes, but there is more to come. Good to meet you, Ebrima.” Vincent smiled back, the Senegalese’s warm charm coming back, even at an operative he knew full well could do some serious damage. The similarity was nice to have in the team, and even in spite of his pasty white skin, Vincent knew behind that was someone with a similar story, a similar heart to the one he had in Dakar. Kin, in a weird way, as he headed off up the deck, heading to check in on Javi.

Tiny Nord: “Alright, now can we go get somewhere before this thing sinks, and I become a submarine in… how deep of water this is?” he asked as he set his stuff back into its spot on the side of the boat. “Also, I know a few places for safe houses, but… they are in the middle of nowhere, a few in nice spots, but urban, and the others are in places like… Detroit, or Columbus.”

In the wheelhouse, Javi was concentrating on driving the boat. He had an uncustomary serious look on his face as he navigated the rocky harbor. He piled on the speed as soon as he could. There was more room in the wheelhouse. Word had come in that the team had made it on board of course and the others had gone up top to check in with Skye. Javi knew that he needed to get them out of there and put as much distance between them and the boats Artemis had waiting to attack the island. Samantha had really bought them some time with all her secret little preparations. He admired that woman’s devious mind.

Sophie had gone topside to check in on Skye and to see if anyone else needed medical attention. Sophie made a beeline to check in on Skye who she knew needed her help. She still felt guilty for her reaction to combat. She knew what she was signing up for but seeing it was still a shock. She had never seen that side of her teammates. Logically she knew they killed people in their line of work. Her natural psychological reaction to it embarrassed her. She wanted to apologize quietly to Skye as she checked her out. She also needed to check on Frigga who was going to crash eventually. She knew Freya was injured and had probably reinjured any healing she had done and made it worse. She would do what she could for the giantess to keep her in the fight a little longer.

Frigga…or well Freya as the battle high was starting to ebb away, had boarded up finally, leading the rear guard with Boomer. Once aboard she could feel the adrenaline almost flushing from her body. And with it gone, the acute feeling of all the pain, and fatigue hit her, seconds before the fact she reinjured her shoulders hit her. And she did her very best not to cry out in pain. But no one is completely immortal. She slumped a bit on the railing, her armor letting out a groan as if trying to voice her pain. And a soft, nearly imperceptible gasp hit the comms as Freya’s hubris hits her hard. At Least she’s out of sight right? She can be mortal for a bit. She finally drops to the deck, luckily still looking back behind them, to watch as the island begins to fall behind them. With a slow motion she reaches up and unseals her upper armor, and reaches back to press a hand to the burning hot skin of her shoulders, yep, those muscles aren’t going to like her soon. Whatever she tore or hurt before, had been retorn and rehurt in this fight. That drug she’d been given was only able to cover up the injury. She’d be paying for it more later. So there she sat, and let herself wallow. Whispering to herself, “Isn’t this a fine shit show we’ve gotten ourselves into.”

Sophie had gone topside to check in on Skye and to see if anyone else needed medical attention. The giantess of the team was wincing, and while she tried to hide, nobody expected the Swiss inquisition. She made her way through the door, and sat by her side, the top of her armour dislodged out and revealing the shoulder blade that was, by usual metrics, pretty bad.

“Freya….okay, sit still. I would prefer you awake.” She called, starting to get to work, putting the diagnostics in and holding herself close.

“You wrecked my work, but you’re not out of it yet. Right. No use of that arm. I’m going to put a splint on it and hold it immobile in that arm until we fix this long term. Chuck will do the hand to hand fighting if we get any more. You use that other arm of yours for now. No hammer work, nothing. Else I will be fitting you with a fucking prosthetic next. And your mother will kill me.” Sophie added, resting up by her side, and getting to work. Tablet by her side, surgical kit adjacent to that, Sophie was a professional, moving from one patient to her next. Anesthetics were limited, but Freya was a big girl, with her disinfected needle in her arm, Sophie looking tiny next to Freya. It was safe to say Freya’s bust was probably the size of Sophie’s entire top half, it was like a mouse tending to a lion.

“You did well though, Frigga. Tell me how your day is going so far.” Sophie nonchalantly called, wanting to let her patient talk, so she would at least not think about how painful this bit would be.

Freya was just out of it enough that she didn’t react to Sophie until she felt the hands rest on her shoulder. And she’d deny it later but she let out a bark of surprise and a jump of shock. But her calm returned quickly and she turned her head enough to be able to see Sophia out of the corner of her eye, “Oh hey Doctor, oh don’t you worry, you’d have time to run, Moms would kill me first, then turn me over to my Dad and sibs before going after you. You’d have about an hour to make yourself scarce!” Her voice went from low to high in the last moment feeling Sophie begin to work, no she wasn’t in pain, you’re in pain. She gulped and nodded infinitesimally, looking at the floor, looking low, looking tired, outwardly probably the most she’s going to show externally for how much they’ve been through.

She took a bit letting Sophie poke and prod and work. Then said “My day…my days. I killed someone who looked like my boss, stomped them almost into a paste. I tore my shoulder up so bad that at first it would have taken weeks. Now it’ll take more weeks. I sat on a bomb, fought some shadowy organization that wants to hurt my friends..oh balls! Easy doc!” She asks plaintively as she feels needles and the surgical implements move around. She took a shaky breath, ignoring that Sophie has her opened up back there, and it’s just by sheer luck that her shoulder hurts more then Sophie having opened her up. The body can do wonderful things somehow. She chuckles, keeping herself from shaking, “I’m good Sophie, I’m good. I could complain, but where’s the fun in that? I’m more worried about Skye, about Sam. That’s my job I guess though. To worry about others. That’s what the Heavies like me do right? We take the heat, so you, and Sam, and Javi and the others don’t have too. I just hope Skye and Sam are okay with the extra heat and work. Is it wrong for me to want to mother the hell out of the both of them?”

“They’ll be okay. They’re tough girls, and so are you. Right, let me finish this up. Deep breath, Freya, this bit really hurts. You’re rather powerful, so please do not hit me with your other arm when I do this.” Sophie added, taking the sharp needle, and taking her almost torso-sized muscular arm, pushed it back up, and, “POP”.

“There. That’s stable, easy now. Strap is tight on it, don’t do anything stupid with it or we’ll have to do that again. Until I can fit another heart inside of you, or prosthetics, this flesh and bone will do.” Sophie reassured her, albeit with a little annoyance on the venom at the end given how badly Freya had hurt it to begin with. Giants were made of something else- their physiology in itself was freakish, and Freya had a heart that was twice the size of even Skye’s to keep her going. She had always wondered if she needed a second one, or perhaps enhanced organs on that inside to make her really live to potential. That would be her next rotation, she pondered internally, but not for now, given keeping the large girl functioning was priority one, turning her into a lunatic would come next.

“Now, I’ll let you rest on. I’m gonna see how Skye is doing. Fucking hell, why does she have to be so difficult. First ribs, now a fucking clone. I have enough problems with one of her.” Sophie mused, annoyed, yet in a way that Freya would probably empathize with- stitching people together may have been what she was good at, but continuously to everyone after every mission was certainly getting exotic.

Freya gave a cough, she had expected every second of it, but wrecking your shoulder, having it covered over by painkillers and drugs, and then wrecking it again, having it opened up and tended too then having it popped back proper and then closed up, all of that finally gets the big girl to let out a sob of pain. It’s quick, it’s brief, it’s small, but it’s pain. She almost melts against the bulkhead wall right beside her. She takes a moment then reaches out and hugs Sophie with her one good arm, “I’m glad you’re on our side Sophie hunny. Thank you, I’ll be good for now. Go tend to our fearless leader, and remind me to get you something good to drink at our next permanent port of call. You do the Gods work Sophie.” She smiled and nods, putting a good face on, and waiting for Sophie to step away. Before she slumps.

It’d be a few minutes later when one of the security team would find her, and cover her with a thermal blanket, the giant out cold, even goddesses need a nap.

Tahlia had gone up on deck to get everyone’s update before heading below decks. She was keeping in contact with Oracle per Chuck’s request. She could have done it from where she was on the deck but now that the boat was moving, she was struggling to move around some. She wanted to sit in one of the chairs in the wheelhouse and get off her legs for a few minutes. They were aching and hot. The wind made it hard to talk as well. She wanted to be sure communications were as clear as she could make them. She collapsed into a padded seat that was bolted to the floor that swiveled. She reported back to Oracle who filled her in on the escape plan. She filled Javi in on the plan and gave him the coordinates. She watched as he plugged the information into the GPS on the ship's console. He turned the boat onto a new heading as they left the mouth of the harbor. Tahlia’s eyes widened as she heard Chaos telling them about the two jets on an intercept course. She turned to Javi with wide eyes. That insufferable man had the gall to look smug.

Javi was aware when Tahlia came back into the wheelhouse. He was always aware of where the Kiwi was. His expression turned from serious back to mischievous as he heard her talking into the comms. He paid attention to driving the boat. He didn’t want to hit an underwater shoal or reef because he was too busy staring at the attractive woman sitting behind him. He heard her gasp as the report came in that two jets were inbound. “Don’t worry so much Tahlia. You do know I upgraded the boat right?” He turned and gave her a lascivious wink as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. “You know I had fun hiding what we didn’t want other people to see…. Right?” Javi reached over and lifted a plexiglas cover and pushed the red button underneath it. You could hear motors whirring and a grinding noise came from the upper deck. “There are only two jets. We have a SAM launcher. It should be able to handle two jets if we are lucky.” A good pilot could outfly a single SAM but he was betting surprise would be on their side. They had no way of knowing what this boat was capable of. If Artemis was smart, they should anticipate anything with this team. The SAM launchers were hidden by what looked like cargo crates tied down on the upper deck. What Tahlia heard was the shell moving away and the launcher coming up and activating to defend them.

Skye woke back up, the Scot grogging as the launcher popped back up, and fired off a round, the missile off the rail and soaring into the sky. The boat lurched, as the round flew into the sky, the Scot watching on and a little confused, but just suffering the effects of what was swirling around her.

“Still hanging on? How are you feeling?” Sophie queried, sitting back down next to her, rather than over, a friend yet professional in her demeanor. She did have that look about her, that she wanted to keep Skye talking rather than asleep.

“Yeah, all good here. You look like you have questions. More than the usual. Go on, I can tell.” Skye replied, sitting on up, wiping her face and taking her gloves off, attaching them to her plate carrier.

“So, how is it that a clone of you happened, and well, can go from body to body like yours? I would love to know this. I know it’s the holy grail in medical research, all of this work. Zero records of mine show any trace of it in your genetic trail, it seems completely, utterly normal. Random almost.” Sophie started, knowing that while now was probably a good time, it would at least keep her patient engaged, and maybe, trying to use her logic. That Skye had, even if sometimes it was more just the percussive maintenance she made on things.

“I know you had good genes, Frau Lyons, but nothing shows manipulation and you have nothing that would indicate you are going to drop dead sooner because of it. They must have been exceptionally good at it. I am envious.” Sophie retorted, the Swiss Doctor almost showing a level of impressiveness, and well, making Skye chuckle, a reaction to her dry, yet somewhat caring demeanor. She was a smart girl that Sophie, but not one that would sugar coat anything. If Skye was stoic and so was Tahlia, then Sophie was in a way that was distinctly Germanic, very….efficient, not angry.

Skye shrugged, knowing there was no easy way to answer that.

“I have no idea. Rose said my ... .adoptive, father, he was good at that. To a point where he realized what he’d have to do. Said he took me home after I was some defective product of a splitting process, due to some weird reason. More or less duplicating Rose’s personality in a copy of her body and leaving me a version of her. Or I guess leaving behind one in her and putting her in me. One of those ways around. I think I share the same memory as her prior to that? It hurts. A lot. Maybe that’s why I want to be sick.” Skye seemed a little confused, yet was trying to unravel, if not make some sense.

“Aha. I see. That is mystical indeed. I couldn’t even imagine how you attempt to try such a thing. I would have to imagine, it would take a genius computer scientist, geneticist, neuroscientist and surgeon to even try, and the success would be remarkably low. They did it. And she must be adamant in it every time. It was natural something would perhaps…..go wrong, as you say, but you are here and well. And much more sane, from the sounds of it.” Sophie observed, clinical in her monitoring, yet querying.

Skye looked on, a little perplexed by Sophie’s wonder. It wasn’t helping, but it was just pure and utter curiosity.

“Am I alright, Doctor? Like, how the fuck does that even happen?” Skye simply wondered out loud, saying the words, Sophie putting her hand into Skye’s. This wasn’t a Doctor’s question, more a moral one.

”Nonsense, Frau Lyons. You are fine. If anything, as freak as an accident it was, your humanity seems to persist if you wonder about it. And perhaps you have it the wrong way around. If there was anything wrong, we’d have clocked it. There’s no biomechanical device inside of you, after all.” Sophie replied, sighing as she sat up, knowing Skye wouldn’t like this, but it had to be said.

“For what it’s worth, I did take a look just in case there were any issues. I like to keep on top of my problem patients, and the initial autopsy for Rose came back to me also, an assessment I did not want to make until we had all the details and I had this cleared. Doctor’s confidentiality, but….indeed, she was right, but half right from what you said to me. Identical in genetics to you, bar one key component- cell degradation happens differently. Hers is not correct. It’s typical in animal clones, epigenetically, cell replication is not ever as reliable or sensical. The telomeres on the end strands of her DNA are not sufficient to protect the strand itself on replication, meaning it starts splintering more, and more, and more ... .they start redacting, doing weird things, and well, falling apart. That’s why clones die early. You cannot manufacture a human being to be the same without consequence…it’s the ultimate cruelty and why it’s banned, and why it’s not exactly done publicly. It would kill you before you hit your teenage years from birth, and a problem that cannot be overridden so easily because the human body seems to fight it- of course, Rose being built for it can override that significantly better, but it affects her still the same, meaning if any of her bodies are in a synthetic womb, that is the only reason they don’t disintegrate. That in itself is a medical challenge, growing a full sized adult human female in isolation identical to yours from scratch and perhaps dozens of them, but well, lesser than destroying the very makeup of your genetics, what you literally are, to lose the neural pathway she would require to an identical mind….which I suppose, is rather fascinating. The reason she jumps bodies is because that degradation happens, once active, it will keep happening, and happening, and happening, giving her likely a few years to live at a time. Your DNA itself may have been tampered with, but I’d almost wonder if it was you that was the original, if you think that a version of you were birthed via IVF and only via some genetic tampering. Perhaps Rose is the one that must continue doing this, and she dies over and over….and will never be able to break the cycle unless she finds something to fix it. Her immortality is made of porcelain, and dependent on there always being a body, always being a failsafe. She believes she’s the original because well, how would she know any other way, she after all shares that memory with you, and perhaps the background, no? That to me is science fiction, but….if so, the man that engineered you must have loved you very much to know he would never have to see his daughter die. And it would explain much of why she is perhaps the way she is. Spiteful and angry because she’ll keep dying and never had that love. Based on just that alone, I think you are fine. If I am wrong, then our next problem is giving you palliative care and understanding how lucky you are to be alive for this long. And I’d spend whatever time I could to keep alive, Skye.”

It was a hell of a heavy thing to take, but Sophie seemed clinical, if not willing to explain. Genetics were exceptionally complex- heaped on top of a whole heap of science-fiction level difficulty in doing what Rose did, which straight up may as well have been magic to Sophie, that base level assessment would at least be the start of how this worked.

Skye’s eyebrows rolled. This just got really, really sciency, and really, horribly heavy.

“Did everyone set up their own shit in the background? Not that I’m mad now, but holy crap, it leaves a wide open trail of paperwork…..though I appreciate it somewhat. Comes in handy in a moment like this, eh. That is a lot to take in. And I appreciate the detail. Makes sense, and well….perhaps relieving to know she might be full of shit too. Megalomaniacal fuckers are though, no shock there, but this is a ton.” Skye sighed, somewhat disappointed from a leader's point of view, but still, captivated. From Sam’s SAMs to Freya’s experiments, she allowed a lot- but knew it returned the favor right here and now.

“That is kind. I appreciate you taking the time to explain that. At least, figure this out.” Skye replied, Sophie giving a warm nod, the doctor annoyed with Skye more often than not, but genuinely, under all of it, caring and if anything, fascinated.

“You have a team of renegades, including me. You are just as bad at this. Yet you are rather good at knowing how to find people who do not sometimes follow the trend, will work for themselves yet deliver, if I must say so myself. I follow the letter, but Skye, we are a team, and sometimes, help needs to come from that. So look, rest, and I know you’ll work that bit out later.” Sophie called back, and with that, knew she had to tend to a few other bits.

Wellington Airport, New Zealand

Javi was grateful that the tide was coming in which helped him get the boat closer to shore. Javi called out in a loud voice “Brace for impact. We are going in. It is going to be a bumpy ride!” His brow furled as he concentrated on navigating in. Once he was past the reef the sandy beach and ocean floor allowed him to run the fishing vessel up onto the beach. To get the heavy boat up onto the beach he had to come with more speed that he would have preferred. He cut the engine and let the boat coast up onto the shore. The weight and speed of the boat did the rest. The resistance and friction slowed it down some but the whole boat lurched as the boat began to bottom out close to shore. The speed slowed even as the boat plowed up onto the beach. Then it listed slightly to one side as it settled on the keel. The side of the ship a good 10 feet from the sand. “Okay folks time to debark.” Javi turned and spotted Taniwha. She had been thrown from the chair she had been in when they hit the beach.

Tahlia had been concerned and worried they would be swimming when she had heard about the jets. She shouldn’t have been surprised that Javi had added extras when he upgraded the boat. It was what he was hired to do after all. She relaxed after Chaos sent word that the skies were clear and covering them. She got lost in thought and was broken out of it when Javi yelled brace for impact. Taniwha did her best to brace herself. The jolt when the boat hit the sandy bottom threw her from the chair onto the floor. She then found herself sliding to one side of the room as the boat settled on it’s side. Taniwha found herself against the wall of the wheelhouse. She had hit her head when she was thrown from the chair. She blinked up at Javi with a confused look shaking her head as if that would clear it.

Javi immediately went to Tahlia. He didn’t hesitate as he moved towards her. Javi scooped her up and into his arms. He looked down at her with concern. He noticed that she had a small cut on her head and was bleeding a little. She looked a little confused. He got even more worried when she didn’t fight with him about it or argue. She wrapped her arms around his neck to steady her body in his arms. He would never admit to her how much he enjoyed that. He began to carry her out of the wheelhouse which was no easy feat with the boat at an angled slant. He kept sliding on the deck as gravity pulled at him.

Tahlia was confused and her head hurt. She was seeing double. She couldn’t seem to find her center of balance. She was feeling stunned like the breath had been knocked out of her. Then the world seemed to right itself. Warmth surrounded her and she felt weightless. She looked at Javi and blinked seeing two of him. She frowned as she struggled to understand what was happening. She didn’t like feeling out of control or vulnerable. She felt both at that moment. She instinctively put her arms around Javi’s neck to steady herself. It was a natural movement. She closed her eyes as her head began to pound.

Javi made his way onto the deck with Taniwha in his arms. He looked around to see how the rest of the team was doing. He saw that Chuck was already on his feet. Duke looked shook but was right by Chuck’s side.

Chuck had watched as the jets flew over the boat. He had covered Duke and as many of his smaller teammates as he could as the jets strafed the boat. He had caught the dogfight and hoped he was never that close to one ever again. He appreciated Samantha’s skill as kept the two fighters engaged and away from the boat. The strafing had taken chunks out of the deck leaving potholes behind. He had kept a hand on Duke and one curled around the boat rail to steady them both. He had tensed up watching the shore come closer. Duke had yelped at the jolt when the boat hit the shoreline. Chuck held on until the boat settled on its side. He then began to move. He easily jumped over the side of the boat and held up his arms and called Duke. It was an easy drop to the shore for his tall frame. It was less than a 3 foot drop for him. His canine partner jumped without any extra encouragement right into his arms. He caught the heavy muscular dog with ease and set him on the ground. He gave him a quick reassuring pat. “Your okay buddy.” He gave one last pet down the back. “Guard Duke” He had Duke guard his back as he turned to help others off the boat.

Javi watched as Chuck went right over the rail and dropped to the beach. He was impressed when Duke leaped right over the rail into his outstretched arms. They really were an exceptional canine pairing. He went towards Chuck. “Oy mate. I need a hand with Tanwha. I think she has a concussion.” He waited until Chuck was in position and then carefully handed the woman down to Chuck. He almost fell over the railing trying to pass her to him. Chuck seemed to take her weight easily as she reached his outstretched arms. He then followed her over the rail. He would leave Chuck who was much taller and stronger to help get others off the boat. Javi sat Tahlia down and began to check over her injuries. He could feel a huge lump on her head with the cut in the middle of it. When he checked her out one of her pupils was dilated and the other was fine. She definitely had all the telltale signs of a concussion.

He asked Tahlia “How are you doing? How do you feel?”

Tahlia was feeling sick to her stomach and she had the world’s worst headache. She did her best to cooperate with Javi and Chuck but was aware that she was woozy and uncoordinated as hell. She hated feeling this way. She was a strong independent badass woman warrior not a weakling that needed protection. Her stomach dropped as she was handed over the rail to Chuck. She found herself sitting on the beach and looking up into Javi’s rugged face. “My head hurts, I have an upset stomach, and my butt is cold.”

Javi was grateful to see some color return to her face and to hear her snark return. He was really worried about her. He told her to stay put as he went to help Chuck with others coming down off the boat. He wanted Sophie to check out Tahlia before they headed to the airport.

Sophie was one of the first people off the boat. Chuck helped her down to the beach with Javi who told her he thought Tahlia had a concussion. She went quickly to check her out. She definitely had a concussion. She didn’t know how bad though. She could give her some meds to help her out till they were safe. She gave her a shot of pain killers and something for the nausea.

Tahlia found herself at Sophie’s ministering hands. She breathed a sigh of relief as the drugs she gave her helped take away the edge of the pain and she no longer felt like she was going to throw up her toenails. “Thanks Sophie.” Her head cleared a little and she was able to think again. She then found herself being hauled to her feet by Skye. “Hey Boss.”

With a gentle hop, Skye dropped down, offering a hand to Tahlia to help out Chuck, before clambering down from the rocks and up the beach, towards the southern perimeter road of the runway on the isthmus.

"Fuck me." Skye could only exclaim, sarky and cold as ever, Tahlia shaking her head in response.

"I think you really shouldn't say that when you've killed your doppelganger twice in one day." Tahlia's dry, dark and deeply spirited response got a cackle from Skye, that weird bond between the two hitting so hard when she was at the bottom of her barrel, shaking her head as she looked back.

"Yeah....shame to lose home. Fuck, I'll miss it, weirdly. You holding up okay?" Skye enquired, the prosthetics of Tahlia clacking back, with her giving a quiet nod. She was feeling pretty weary with everything, and right now, didn't have a proper reaction for all that had happened. For now, she awaited Skye's response, as the team bundled down and off the boat, the Scot having some idea of what to do, from the memorized contingency plan. Chaos would brief the team on it, but Skye already knew it internally.

Tahlia shook her head “I am fighting a concussion and feel wobbly. I will pull my weight and pull through though.” Tahlia looked at Skye and she could see that Skye was feeling about as bad as she was. “How are you holding up boss?”

Skye shook her head, not feeling great herself, but well, not wanting to admit all of it.
“Well, not great. But I’ll live. Probably.” Skye replied, shrugging her shoulders, the exo active again and able to carry her weight, and her weaponry once more, as she clambered down, and started to round the team up as they came down, the support team, any remaining guards, and with that, directing them towards the airport.

Tahlia nodded as she gained her feet and was feeling better. She was able to move better. “Right let’s get to safety first.” She moved in the direction that Skye indicated. She was feeling not a 100% but functional again thanks to Sophie. She raised her gun and scope to her eye and began to look into the distance at the airport not far from the beach. “I don’t see anything other than the standard security you would expect at an airport.” Her scope moved slowly over the airport a few hundred yards from the beach.

Chuck had helped everyone off the boat. He gathered up the guards and got into a loose formation headed towards the airport. Skye was in the middle with Tahlia and Javi. He moved up to take point. “Boomer has point.” He spoke over the comms and moved to the front to act as recon and to take hits away from the team. As a heavy, his armor could take it and they were not exactly going for stealth. He used hand signals to direct the extra guards. He had the extras on the outside of the team. Frigga and Nord was covering the rear of their formation as they moved out. They moved quickly but were not sprinting. Chuck simply tore through the chain link fence. It was no match for his strength, especially augmented by his suit. The team was quickly moving across the ground inside the airport perimeter headed towards the outbuildings off the tarmac.

The team followed fire and safety protocols as they moved quickly through the airport. They could see airport security guards were nervous about them but following the orders to let them through. They were not happy about it. The team made it to the plane without any further incidents.
Kaitiaki Homestead, Raven HQ

Leaving HQ

Chaos had managed to take out the two MIGs but they had drawn her pretty far from base. She checked how much fuel and ammo she had left. She had turned back towards the base. She had managed to clear the threats that could stop the boat from taking off towards safety. There were still Artemis naval assets in the area but they didn’t have long range missiles. They could get more troops ashore but not before her team got off the island. She prayed that everyone had made it to the boat. She had not gotten any updates from Chuck since he let her know that Frigga and Queen had not made it to the boat yet. Her thoughts going to a dark place where she lost family once again after finding them. The negative dark spiral of thoughts broken by Bob’s voice. “There are two F-18s inbound and while their transponders say they are US military jets, comms intercepted by Oracle make them to be Artemis assets. They are on an intercept course trying to stay below radar. Time to intercept is 15 minutes.” Samantha hit her afterburners as she moved to intercept the F-18s. They were fast enough and had enough firepower to blow that boat and her entire team sky high.

Samantha gritted her teeth. The MIGs had been a diversionary tactic to pull her out of position to support the escape boat. The pilots had been skilled but were nowhere close to her level of skill She breathed a sigh of relief as Tahlia reported that the escape boat was moving out with the remainder of the team on board. Javi was driving the boat. That left Samantha a little confused but whatever works. Oracle gave her an update on the escape plan. “Oracle they will be coming in hot if I can’t intercept these two F-18s.” Chaos focused on flying as Bob monitored sensors, comms traffic, and telemetry to keep her apprised of what was happening. “Chaos to Raven Squad. Be advised we have two inbound F-18s that appear friendly but comm chatter makes them Artemis assets. I am out of position and on my way back. Prepare any sea to air defense you can. Oracle has sent escape plan details. Get to those coordinates and head directly there. Beach the boat and don’t head for a dock. Get to that damn airfield as fast as possible.”

Chaos tried to stay loose and ready as the minutes ticked away. The escape boat was well away from the island and headed towards Wellington. Artemis’s naval assets were pursuing but her team had a great lead. Javi seemed to be making the most of the speed he could coax from the boat. They were about two thirds of the way to Wellington when the two F-18s made a pass at strafing boat and dropping missiles. She saw the missiles exploding before they could reach the boat. The boat had a single SAM unit with four missiles. The fighter pilots used chaf to escape the missiles. She hoped everyone on board was okay. She had finally managed to intercept them. The dog fight was fierce but over quickly. She called down to the boat. “Chaos will escort you in. Skies are clear for now.”

Chaos knew they had another issue. She would need to fly air cover for the cargo plane and she was low on fuel and ammo. She would need to get her bird refueled but she wasn’t sure if they would have any ammo for it. She got on the line to Oracle. “Oracle I will need to refuel at Wellington. I am almost out of ammo. Any chance of getting ammo replaced quickly?” Oracle acknowledged her request and said they would work on it. She could at least get fuel. She looked at her remaining ammo and winced. She only had one missile left and no chaf. She still had ammo for her cannon but if it was her primary weapon she was going to be in a world of hurt if they sent a deluge of assets after them. She covered the team as they made their way to the runway. She landed the jet and taxied over to the waiting fuel truck. The guys on the ground quickly got to work to refuel the jet as fast as possible. By the time the team had made it to the plane. She had been refueled and was taking off in front of the heavy cargo plane. She hoped those friendly assets made all the difference. She had to keep her head in the game. The team wasn’t safe yet.

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