I am experienced roleplayer returning to online roleplay after 10+ year break. I have missed roleplaying and the creative outlet it is for me. I am interested in casual roleplay. I consider myself a decent writer and I will put effort into my writing. I am not into writing a novel for one post though. Descriptive, character building, engaging, yes. I will always write at least 2 paragraphs unless it is a quick fire session revolving around dialogue over private messages. I am a fairly laid back person and don't want to be a grammar nazi. I believe in quality over quantity. Roleplaying is a hobby and a escape from real life pressures.
Genres I am interested in: Fantasy Middle Ages Science Fiction Vampires Shapeshifters Crime Drama
Fandoms I am interested in: Pokemon Harry Potter Anita Blake Dragonriders of Pern Star Wars
I don't mind roleplaying romance but I am not looking for smut. It has to make sense for the roleplay. I am okay with a fade to black moment instead of roleplaying it out. For me its about the story and the character. I am open to roleplaying it out.
I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone. I work full time and will be seen in the evenings and weekends online.
While Leopold had been running the board of directors meeting to lure Brendel out for authorities, Alexander had met with Katherine in Wulfric’s office. The only office in the building Alexander was absolutely sure was safe to have a secure meeting. Katherine had been shocked but she recovered quickly as Alexander explained what he wanted to do. Katherine was on board with the plan. It was her idea that Alexander should do a personal video explaining the events to the public. She wanted to frame it as a personal message from Alexander that was backed by the team. Alexander and Katherine watched the fallout of the meeting together in Wulfric’s office. Alexander felt that Katherine had to know everything so she could run damage control. Her job was the public relations and marketing for Team Valkyrie. There really was no positive spin in a situation like this. Brendel and Maier had both been part of the leadership team at Valkyrie which makes their crimes appear to be sanctioned by the team even through ignorance. It was not the kind of thing that made a corporation look good. Alexander was expecting there to be some fallout. He was hoping to minimize it. He knew part of that meant controlling as much of the narrative as possible. Katherine was surprised at Alexander’s willingness to put his face to the message. The events really had nothing to do with Alexander. He had merely been a catalyst that revealed what was happening behind closed doors. Alexander had spent a half hour coming up with the appropriate messaging and filming it in the Media Room. Katherine had then released it with a press release from Valkyrie even as government investigators and agents were crawling all over the building.
Alexander was very grateful that he had managed to finish getting the Mitchells settled in and squared away yesterday. Human Resources was in chaos at the moment. All the human resources staff had been isolated and were being questioned in a conference room on that floor. He hoped Valerie, the new head of the human resources department, was handling the situation well. He felt bad that he couldn’t warn her what was coming but they had to keep it to the need to know. Any hint of what was coming and they feared Brendel would have bolted. He had the connections to disappear. Alexander wanted to see Maier and Brendel charged and behind bars. They needed to suffer for what they had put others through. Alexander knew that this would bring a great deal of scrutiny and attention to the team by authorities. He hoped that after the team weathered this that the team would bounce back stronger. He had no doubt that they could and would weather this current crisis. The only thing he didn’t know was how long it would take and how bad the repercussions would be.
Alexander was beyond stressed and worried. He had wrapped up the immediate work with Katherine. He would need to meet with the rest of the leadership team but he would have to wait till they were done being questioned by investigators. Alexander’s biggest worry was how all this chaos was going to impact Cavan Mitchell. Katherine assured him that she had things well in hand for now. He took off for Engineering. He wanted to explain personally what was happening to Cavan. He hoped he took the explanation well.
Cavan had spent yesterday getting his family settled. He had spent hours at human resources filling out paperwork and doing his training on the company’s policies and procedures. Cavan was a little amused but respected the fact they provided training on how to avoid harassment, how to report it, and how to spot it. They had even quizzed him on the very lengthy employee handbook. He had felt like he was back in college. He almost asked the young woman processing his hire paperwork if he got graded on the quiz. He didn’t think she would find it amusing. He had been shown his office. He had unpacked some things he brought with him. He preferred his own set of tools. He had a collection of trade manuals and books that he referenced from time to time. A few awards for his glory wall. A few pictures of him with pilots in front of ships. The photos showcased his career so far. In the middle of it all was a large picture of his family. They reminded him why he was here.
They had moved in what they needed to be comfortable here in between trips to Sheffield. They hadn’t brought much for them since the apartment came fully equipped. They had needed essentials and had brought some comforts of home with them. Pictures of their family and friends. Some decor to make the place their own. Some toys and entertainment for the children. His wife had brought her photography equipment. She was going to start exploring her passion once more. Cavan knew he would miss England but his family seemed excited about the change and supportive. He knew it would be an adjustment but he had a good feeling about it. Cavan and his wife had enrolled the children in school on Monday.
Once they had gotten that chore out of the way they had all gone to the store to get some essentials. The team had let them use one of the company vehicles. That had been an adventure all by itself. The school was close enough that the children could walk. Mary had walked them to school this morning to help them acclimate and be sure they made it to class alright. The children had gone off to school excited to make new friends. Mary had gone off exploring with her camera. Cavan had spent most of his morning familiarizing himself with his new office. He had been wandering from team member to member introducing himself and finding out what they were working on. He was eager to jump in but Knight was supposed to be here sometime this morning to introduce him to the team and let him know what needed to be done. Cavan had a good idea what needed to be done but he was not familiar with Valkyrie’s ships which meant he could oversee but would have a ton of questions for the engineers and mechanics currently doing the work.
Cavan was getting anxious when a tired and harried looking Alexander Knight finally appeared in Engineering bay. Cavan smiled and went to greet him.
Cavan smiled and shook Alexander's hand warmly as he titled his head and chastised him lightly. “Well look what the cat dragged in! I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about me.”
Alexander winced and a pained look crossed his face. Knight motioned towards Cavan’s office. “I need to speak with you first in your office. I have some news I need to share with you.”
Cavan frowned since he didn’t miss the worried look in Alexander’s eyes. He nodded and led the way into his office. Cavan didn’t miss it when Alexander closed his office door behind him. He took a seat on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms and waited for the other shoe to drop. He could tell something serious was going down.
Alexander sighed and collapsed into the chair in front of Cavan’s desk. He ran his hands absentmindedly through his hair. Alexander straightened his shoulders and took a deep breath and began to explain today’s event. He knew Cavan would need some context since he had not been here for Alexander’s first day in office.
Alexander looked up and met Cavan’s eyes and just began to share the truth as he knew it with a man who had just uprooted his family to come bail the team out. He had no clue how Cavan would take it. Especially after how he was treated at Fitzroy. Alexander’s voice held frustration, anger, and worry as he told the sordid tale of the corruption he had found living at the heart of the team.
Alexander: “Cavan I am going to back up and give you some context. I want us to be able to trust one another. I am going to share some very sensitive information with you. Then we are going to have to go out there and share what’s going on with the rest of your team. The timing for all of this is absolutely horrible but then they say bad news heeds the devil’s timeline and the devil is singing and dancing all over this team. When I was hired, I insisted on a contract that gave him full control over the racing team’s decisions. To be frank after my experiences when I left racing, I didn’t have much trust in corporate leadership. I had worked with the board president before Leopold Koch. I was given an opportunity to be crew chief and asked to do it by Alicia Mulder. I was good friends with her husband and Paul’s father. She was worried that Paul would be sucked in and mistreated by uncaring leadership. She didn’t want them forcing experimental modifications on him. She understands racing is dangerous but its those hidden dangers she was worried about. I swore when I left I would never come back and she knew that. She offered me the only thing that could entice me to come back. My daughter Arianna had been in a nasty car accident. She is now a quadriplegic. The only way for her to have any chance of a decent life was heavy augmentation. Alicia offered to get her the best mods available and get her into the trial if I did this for her. I said yes. I know you understand the importance of family. I had to do it. She is my only child.”
Alexander had relaxed into his story now. He took a deep breath and continued. “My first full day in the office was, well let’s call it eventful. Meetings with the medical team uncovered long term system abuse by the head of the medical team. I had to subdue him with an arm bar and have him escorted from the building. My female mechanics informed me that they were being harassed by other male members of the team. Engineering was doing alright. Felix just needed better support. One of the board members made a sexist remark about my bringing my executive assistant with me at a working team lunch. My first day in office and I almost decked a board member who was replaced the next day. Later that day I discovered that there were significant abuses of power happening by the head of human resources, Bernard Maier. We fired him and his primary accomplice and began investigating his activities. That led myself, Leopold Koch, the board president, and Wulfric Gunderson, our Chief of Security, to discover ties between Maier and the CEO Peter Brendel. Then out of the blue I heard a rumor that Felix had been offered a contract with another team and that he was going to leave us after Luna. I confronted Felix because he is a good man and a great engineer. I didn’t want to lose him. I point blank asked him why he was leaving. He indicated it had to do with how he was treated by the CEO. Our investigation into Maier was being stonewalled by the CEO’s office. After discussing what was happening, Leopold authorized Wulfric to investigate the CEO. We found hard evidence of embezzlement, fraud, and harassment going back years. He and his accomplices had managed to steal millions from the team. I found this out yesterday. I made the decision to take that information to the authorities and work with them to arrest Brendel. Brendel has the means to flee and escape punishment. I owe to all the people they screwed over and abused through the years to seek justice for them. I know the team is going to be brutalized in the media. They love anything that includes me and drama. I am a damn magnet for that shit. Brendel was lured to the office today with the promise of an emergency board meeting. He thought they were going to discuss firing me but it was a trap so that authorities could arrest him. He has been arrested. As we speak, the board of directors is discussing how we are going to handle this. Katherine already has our press release ready to go out. I shot a video asking for patience and understanding as I explain what’s happening. Valkyrie will cooperate fully with the authorities. We are issuing an official apology for the unsanctioned actions of these men and making that public. I just feel like all this…”
He struggled to come up with the words. “I want to build a solid team that cares for each other and helps each other out. I can’t do that if the people in leadership positions are abusive and dismissive of employees that they feel are beneath them. I can’t build a solid foundation for this team over a rotten foundation. I had to get this out in the open. Those people trusted that their leadership had their welfare in mind. They didn’t and it was wrong. I believe you share my vision for what this team should be and where it needs to go. I believe you are the right man for the head engineering position here at Valkyrie. I am beyond grateful to have you here. But I wanted you to hear about the current shit storm coming down on our heads from me. I hope you still want to be here now that you know what’s been going on behind the scenes. I am hopeful this will be the last bit of drama for a while.”
Cavan had sat there listening. He went through a whole gamut of emotions. He followed along and felt sucker punched to learn about all that had been hidden behind the scenes at the team. Cavan had talked to the engineers and mechanics and other workers. Most of them had a good impression of Alexander. He had not walked into this blindly. He couldn’t deny on a professional and personal level that he wanted to be here. He had missed it and this is where he belongs. He was born to lead a team of engineers on a racing team. He had missed the challenge of always seeking to make it better. Cavan began to pace as he listened to Alexander’s story. How dare he wait till now to let him know that there was a shit storm brewing behind the scene? He waited till he had moved his family! That made Cavan angry. He waited till Alexander was through and then walked up and punched him in the gut putting his whole body behind it.
Alexander grunted and the force of the blow knocked the chair backwards with him in it. Cavan stood over him with his hands on his hips and looked down at him.
Cavan: “YOU Bloody arsehole! You waited till I was in and had uprooted my family to share this with me! You want me to trust ya? After that!”
Alexander had the wind knocked out of him. Cavan looked like an avenging Brit with his hat all askew from his frantic habit of playing with his cap to bleed off energy. His cheeks were ruddy from anger and his eyes glinted dangerously. Alexander couldn’t help but laugh even though that hurt at the moment.
Alexander: “I just found out about the CEO yesterday. I couldn’t share it before he was arrested. It was the right thing to do Cavan. What I have seen so far inside this corporation was that no one was really protecting the everyday workers here like they should. I have been working hard to change that culture and get rid of the worst offenders. I had no idea the CEO was one of the worst.”
Cavan began to laugh as Alexander looked ridiculous on his back in the toppled chair. He bent down and gave Alexander a hand up.
Cavan: “I am still mad at you for keeping this from me. If you want me to trust you, it goes both ways Alexander. Don’t keep anything that can impact the team like this from me again.”
He frowned at Alexander and gave him a nasty side look before smiling again.
Cavan: “I respect you for doing the right thing even when it is hard. I respect you even more for standing up for the workers that others overlooked. That is one of the things that pissed me off at Fitzroy. It has been my experience that if you take care of your team, they take care of you. Corpos and teams like Fitzory are failing because of that. For that reason, I will stay. I will work with ye. Don’t hide things from me again though. I won’t go through this again. I don’t have the patience for it.”
Alexander offered his hand to Cavan again.
Alexander: “I can handle that. Maybe next time you want to hit me, we can take it to the gym. We don’t want the team to think you are killing me here.”
Cavan threw back his head and laughed. He clapped Alexander on the shoulder before shaking his hand.
Cavan: “I guess we need to talk to the team. How bad is it?”
Alexander winced.
Alexander: “Well currently there are government investigators all over the building pulling staff into interviews and seizing documents and evidence for their case against Brendel and Maier.”
Alexander and Cavan had left his office and made their way deeper into the Engineering Bay.
Alexander gave a shrill whistle and called out. “Can I have everyone’s attention please? Gather around. I know you are busy but this is important.”
Alexander waited as people made their way over. The background noise faded abruptly as tools, machinery, and chatter ceased. Obviously the rumor mill had beat him. There were a lot of fearful and anxious faces watching him. Alexander sighed and straightened up trying to project confidence as he filled the team in on what was going on.
Alexander nodded to the team in greeting as he started.
Alexander: “Good morning everyone. I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I know there are a lot of preparations happening to get ready for Luna. Especially as we are leaving early for training and to get a week to get acclimated to the gravity and climate there. I will start with the bad news. I can see the rumor mill beat me here.”
He paused and took a read on his audience. Yep word that something was happening had reached engineering.
Alexander continued: “This morning Team Valkyrie CEO Peter Brendel was arrested for embezzlement, fraud, and harassment. The building is currently crawling with government agents and investigators. Some of them may ask to speak with you regarding your employment here. Tell them what they want to know. Tell the truth. I have seen the evidence. Brendel and Maier will be convicted. I know this will put the team in the crosshairs for government regulators and a media shitstorm. But this was the right thing to do. Everyone that Brendel and Maier hurt at this company deserve justice. We can’t get justice for the injured parties by hiding the malicious acts of these two men. The Team will be releasing a statement to the public with an apology for the conduct of these two men. Again it is the right thing to do. If we want the public to trust us, we have to be honest with them. We can’t hide this kind of shit. It always makes the way out into the light. So we will shine a light on this and expose it for what it is. We will own up that there was a failure in leadership with this team. Then we are going to work hard to figure out ways to ensure this kind of bullshit doesn’t happen again. Things will be chaotic for a bit. I am hopeful we will finally get some drama free time after this. I think I deserve a break, don’t you?”
Alexander gave them a wry smile as they all laughed along with him. He could see the tension lessen and the worry reduce a little. It was still there but at least the fear was gone. Alexander gave them a few moments to absorb that bombshell. He gave them all a big smile before he gave them the good news.
Alexander: “There is some good news! I want to introduce you all to our new Chief Engineer, Cavan Mitchell. Cavan got his start in Formula AG at Silver Apex. He then was the head engineer at Fitzroy. He left Fitzroy because they didn’t treat their engineers and mechanics well. I promised him we would do better. And we will! So the good news is that I found an experienced engineer to replace Felix. Cavan is not Felix. I am sure there will be changes. Cavan is more of a leader and all hands on deck kind of guy. I like that about him. You will probably be asked to contribute more of your own ideas. Cavan I am sure has some tricks to teach you all. And there is even more good news!” Alexander waited as they all laughed once more. “He is bringing two of his engineers with him that Fitzroy let go. They will be joining us in a few weeks if all goes well.”
This time Alexander laughed as there were cheers throughout the bay. Alexander smiled and looked around for Helga. He spotted her and motioned her forward. “Okay folks thank you for all your hard work. That’s all the news I have for now. Cavan will be around to chat with you all in a bit. Helga, can you join us!”
Cavan had stood by Alexander’s side and listened as he made his announcements to the team. He stood with a neutral expression while Alexander explained about the CEO’s arrest. He smiled and waved as he was introduced. He was gratified to see curious looks and a few excited ones. A beautiful petite blonde woman in a Team Valkyrie coverall walked towards them. She smiled at Knight and gave him a respectful nod.
Alexander returned it and smiled at the woman. “Helga meet Cavan. Cavan this is Helga Stumpf our lead mechanic. While you are in charge of the engineering team, Helga leads the mechanics. So you actually lead this section together. She oversees the mechanics allowing you to focus on the engineers. Both teams work in the same bay because it just makes sense logistically. When I got here they had separate working areas and it was causing confusion, communication breakdowns, and inventory issues. So I will leave you to get to know one another. I know there is a great deal to get done in a short period of time as we prepare the ship for lunar gravity and dust. You will need to discuss which team members will pull the short straws to get the extended stay on the moon. Remember whoever goes has to attend the mandatory training by the ESU. We will be on the moon for a week before the race. Cavan I am not going to ask you to go. I plan to go and will be the onsite engineer in case we need anything. Helga figure out which mechanics you want to send. Let me know so I can get them details on traveling and make sure they have the appropriate gear. Any questions?”
Cavan felt like he had been run over by a tornado. He just laughed and offered a handshake to Helga. “Helga, it is a pleasure to meet you. I see we already have a lot to do. Would you mind taking me around and sharing what everyone is working on and introducing me?”
Helga just laughed and shook her head at Knight. As always he was moving at light speed around them as they struggled to keep up. “Thanks Alexander. I will take care of Cavan.”
Alexander smiled and nodded. “I know you will. Cavan fair warning she has a mean right hook and knows how to use those wrenches!”
Cavan blinked at that and looked confused for a moment. “Alexander I know better than to question if a mechanic knows how to use their tools. Get out of here before you cause any more trouble today!”
Alexander left laughing with a wave over his shoulder. Well at least the engineers and mechanics seemed to take the news alright. He wasn’t ready to hear how the rest of the company was doing. As he left he heard Helga telling Cavan about the bar that had created a drink in their honor. Alexander just laughed and wondered if he should give the Drunken Dragon a heads up.
While Alexander was working hard to improve team morale and help them comply with the government regulators and investigators pouring through the building, Leopold had been waging war with the board of directors. He had managed to convince them that Alexander’s plan was appropriate as it was the law and the right thing to do. The company would need to identify individuals that had been injured parties and offer an apology and some kind of compensation. Leopold had already added to the heavy lift their legal team was going through at the moment. Leopold also shot Johanna Lipusv a copy of the charges and search warrant. A brief summary of findings and the plan of action for moving forward. He also included the raw uncut footage of the board of directors meeting for her to review. He asked for any help she might be as the team is getting ready to leave for the moon. He also noted her colleagues' behavior in the meeting for her to review. He added that he wanted to be transparent about the challenges the team was facing and what they were doing about it.
Victory Laps Racing News
Controversy seems to be following Alexander Knight and Team Valkyrie AGR Sport. The announcement by the team of the arrest of the CEO has rocked the Formula AG Racing world. Many are calling for more transparency from the team and for the racing commision to take a closer look at the team. Others are applauding the team’s honesty in their statement and claim it points to good integrity. Victory Laps requested a comment from the racing commision about whether they planned to impose any sanctions or investigate the matter at Team Valkyrie. The racing commision declined to comment at this time. Public response to the announcement has been just as mixed and volatile.
OfficeDrone#12: It was a chaotic day at Valkyrie. SuperfanAGR54: I like that Knight was open about what was happening inside the team. DantheMan: The breakdown in leadership seems like it has been building for a while. BatDave: Justice for Valkyrie Workers. Superfan2075: If the CEO was doing that, what else has been going on behind the scenes at Valkyrie? DadBod89: #JusticeforWorkers Hater101: The racing commission should at least investigate to ensure that no regulations for racing were violated. Papabear34: #Speechless Nana2050: #RespectforKnight GeorgeFly: #RespectforKnight ValkyrieFan56: I feel duped. My favorite team had this going on behind the scenes? Weedhead81: Relax people! Smoke a bowl! SexyM@m@5: No response from Dorian Paulmulder4eva: No response from Paul either Britball12: Corpo Management Sucks! !YouSlow!: Disgusted with Valkyrie’s leadership. xImFasterthanUx: #RespectforKnight AGInthusiast: I just want to hear about the racing. I don’t care about this political BS. micheal650004: #RespectforKnight Bertha: #ValkyrieFails Nobody404:Valkyrie’s troubles started before Knight got there. It is because of Knight that these abuses are coming to light. Please note the person under arrest is the CEO not Knight. Obviously the CEO is the guilty party.
Alexander had very little time to get a shit ton of work done. He was back in the office early Monday morning after the Portugal race. While he was off supervising the race team, Cavan Mitchell was in the process of packing up and moving his family to Germany after they settled on a contract to finish out the season with an option for renegotiating and extending the contract at the end of the season. The family would live in one of the furnished apartments at headquarters. This would speed up and reduce what they felt they needed to bring with them. There was still the business of changing schools for the children, packing what they needed to be comfortable here in Germany. The Mitchells were supposed to move in today. They were expected on a flight from England at 11:25 later this morning with a small cargo pod of belongings.
Mabel had once again proven why Alexander Knight trusted her and sung her praises. He walked in and discovered she had already taken the initiative to run background checks on the two engineers that Cavan had asked him to make offers to. He understood from Cavan that they had walked out when he did. They were free agents. He had legal looking over their contracts to make sure there were no legal loopholes that could bite them later if Fitzroy took exception to the hiring. Mabel had also compiled a list of potential engineers to replace the others that Valkyrie had lost when Felix had left. Finlay Wallace was a British Aerodynamics Engineer and Miss Olivia Chang was a British/Chinese Electrical Engineer. That left Alexander needing a new Neural Interface Systems Engineer. That would at least get his engineering compliment back to where it had been prior to Felix quitting. Leopold was still not sold on the three engineers that Alexander had brought for a test run. They were still debating how effective they would be. Alexander had to acknowledge that Cavan should be brought in on these decisions as well.
After reviewing the information and resumes of Olivia and Finlay Alexander had Mabel contact them to arrange for interviews later in the week. He looked over the dossiers and resumes Mabel had put together as potential replacements for the Neural Interface Engineer. Gaylord Chaveau was a French Engineer. He was older and had been working with Neural Interfaces for a long time for a French augmentations manufacturer that developed neural interfaces for public transit drivers and pilots. His work and experience was solid but nothing creative or extraordinary to bring attention to him. Cillian Kilpatrick was an Irish neural interface engineer that was currently working for the Irish government in neural interface regulation enforcement. He was their technical advisor. His job meant he was abreast of all current updated interface systems and illegal ones. That experience might come in handy and intrigued Alexander. The last person to make Mabel’s shortlist was a Polish woman Daria Krupnik. Daria worked for a Polish neural interface manufacturer for a company that designed medical equipment. Her field of expertise was interfaces that ran medical equipment like MRI scanners, automated surgical suites, and full body MRA scanners. It was a different area than was typical for hiring for a Formula AG team. He decided to wait and go over the potential hires with Cavan.
With the immediate staffing needs in a holding pattern, he turned his attention to getting his team to the moon for the Luna race. He called his contact at the ESU to ensure that training was scheduled for all personnel going to the moon race. He arranged for the team to get a week on the moon prior to the race. That would give his pilots time to adjust to the gravity and the engineers a chance to make adjustments for the harsh environment of the moon. The ship’s seals had to be double checked as they would need to hold atmosphere. There were logistics to consider as well. The team plane was set up to double as a space plane as well. The plane would have to be prepped with an external fuel tank to ensure they had enough fuel to get there and back. They needed to be sure the team had enough prepared meals ready to go for the time they would be gone. The prepared meals would be heat and serve or grab and go. They needed to remember the lack of gravity as well. Everyone had to take training on navigating in zero gravity, use of space suits, emergency protocols, and more.
Once Alexander ensured that preparations were on track for leaving for Luna in a few days, he turned his attention to sponsorships. Alexander was hopeful that he could still get new ships on track for the next season at the latest. He knew they would have to go back to design and start over. It would still require a huge influx of cash. More income kept the board happy as well. He reached out to Quantinium Computer Systems and invited the CEO and his assistant for a tour of the Valkyrie Headquarters so he could gauge the CEO’s interest in a partnership on new computer systems for their ships. Many racing teams tend to use the same computer system vendors because it is expensive to develop, making it cheaper to buy a system that is already built, working, and proven. Alexander couldn’t help thinking that might be a way for them to improve their ELS systems. Improved security was something high on Alexander’s mind. He wanted to prevent other teams from being able to exploit any weaknesses they discovered in a shared system.
Wulfric whistled as he reviewed the information he had been able to retrieve with Leopold’s help. The CEO was up to his ears in illegal stuff. Wulfric found emails between the CEO and Maier where he was knowledgeable and complicit about the abuses from the former Human Resources Manager and the embezzlement. It was no wonder that Maier felt he was untouchable. Wulfric had started an information systems audit with an outside specialist hired discreetly by Leopold outside of Valkyrie. Their consultant found a server on the premises tied into the corporate network but hidden with restricted access. After a hardwire work around, the information on the server was accessed. The hidden server was only accessible by the CEO and had a remote login that was untraceable. They thought it was only accessible to them and held all their activities. Wulfric had immediately copied the evidence. He set up a meeting with Alexander and Leopold.
Alexander had been surprised to get a meeting request from Wulfric. Alexander just knew, he had a feeling in his gut that it would not be good news. He tried to remain calm and cool as he made his way to Wulfric’s office. Alexander knocked on the door jam to Wulfric’s office as the door was open. Wulfric looked up and motioned Alexander inside as he finished what he was doing. Alexander took a seat across from Wulfric’s desk. He was just about to ask why he was there when Leopold strode into the room closing the door behind him looking grim. Leopold took the seat next to Alexander as he looked at Wulfric expectantly.
Alexander just slunk down in his seat. If he had known it was going to be one of those meetings, he would have brought the good Scotch with him. Wulfric looked up and eyed each one of the men before opening his bottom drawer and pulling out three crystal tumblers and a bottle of Glenlivet. He silently poured a generous amount in each glass before handing them each a glass. Alexander raised an eyebrow and took a healthy swig.
Alexander: “It’s going to be one of those conversations then. Okay hit me with it.”
Alexander braced. He didn’t think it could be much worse than losing Felix. Alexander was surprised when Leopold tossed back the entire glass before setting it back on the table.
Leopold nodded at Wulfric in encouragement. “How bad is it?”
Wulfric took a bracing drink before he began laying it out for the both of them.
“Well our investigation into the CEO has borne fruit. The specialist you helped me hire found a completely hidden server on the premises set up for use by the CEO with a remote login . The CEO was in cahoots with Maier. The CEO was the one giving orders to Maier in Human Resources. Maier was being paid very well to help him on his power trip. There are hints that the CEO was taking orders from someone else but the emails are carefully worded and from an anonymous account with a VPN and spoofed IP address. So there is no proof of ties to anyone from the board. They used the CEO and Maier as their cutouts to do their dirty work. There is proof of significant embezzlement from the team. Endorsements, sponsorship deals where the money was funneled into private accounts. The money that went astray is in the millions. The CEO was doctoring the books to show the money was being funneled into research and development that went nowhere or payroll for nonexistent employees. He was quite creative. This also implies that there was someone in the accounting department helping them. My guess is the CFO who quit shortly after Alexander came on board. He quit the same day Maier was fired. That was pretty convenient timing. They believed their server was secure and would never be found as it was onsite and looked just like part of Valkyrie’s server bank. Externally there was nothing to flag it as an issue for IT to look closer at. The embezzlement and abuse of the company has been going on for years. The CEO is getting nervous because Alexander fired Maier and ordered him investigated. He probably thinks it's only time before Alexander finds evidence on him. The CEO has been working against Alexander behind his back. There are emails from the CEO to the board members where he has been sharing only the negative news about Alexander and the team. He has been trying to convince the board to fire Alexander. He was using Felix Burkhart leaving as proof that Alexander is mismanaging the team. We got to this just in time. I have secured the evidence. How do you want to proceed?”
Wulfric took a slow savoring drink while he waited for the inevitable explosion.
The color drained from Alexander’s face. He tossed back the rest of his drink grateful for the burning that helped him take a deep breath. Alexander was not stupid. Wulfric had said millions. They had managed to siphon off millions and that was plural. People had killed each other for much less. Alexander felt like all his fears were proving true. This is why he had insisted on the contract he did.
Leopold had a pained expression on his face. “I knew it was going to be bad but I had no idea it went that far.”
Alexander: “Valkyrie is already being crucified in the press for all the “chaos” that has happened since I started. This could shake investor and sponsor confidence in the team. There are obviously ties to others that we cannot prove. That worries me. Who else is trying to bleed the team dry of resources and money?”
Leopold looked at Alexander. “I had heard about the CEO lobbying against you to some of the board members who are not your biggest fans. I thought it was just sour grapes. One of the other board members came to me with a rumor. They asked me if I was still supporting you given that you were responsible for Felix leaving. I gave them the truth of that situation. They told me that the CEO had approached them for support to force an emergency meeting of the board and a vote of no confidence in your management while you are away for the race at Luna. You will be out of the office for a prolonged stretch of time and unable to refute any charges he brings against you. I had planned to discuss this with you both but Wulfric had already called a meeting.”
The men all exchanged worried glances. The silence in the office was almost deafening in its intensity.
Alexander thought about all the employees who had suffered abuse at the hands of Zimmerman, the CEO, and Maier. He couldn’t keep this quiet even if it meant he was butchered in the press once more. This was not just about him. They already were short on time to get ready for Luna but he had to deal with this issue. The men deserved to serve time. He couldn’t afford a lengthy investigation into the racing team though. This was going to bring the government regulators down on the team. Alexander looked at Leopold who looked shocked and somewhat lost. Alexander stood up and began pacing.
Alexander: “Leopold I know this can hurt the team and I will take full responsibility for this decision. I can’t in good conscience let those men get away with this. We turn it all over to the authorities. We will release a press statement of facts about what was uncovered. We will tell the public the truth and it will cause waves. We do it with the message of justice for wronged employees. We want honesty and transparency with the public. The message for the government regulators is full cooperation and have done our due diligence as a company to rectify the situation as soon as it was discovered. Unfortunately I cannot be in two places at once. I will deal with the situation and get the ball rolling until I have to leave for training for Luna. Leopold I am going to have to ask you to deal with things here while I am on the moon. What are your thoughts?”
Wulfric tossed back the last of drink before his eyes trailed Alexander’s pacing form.
Wulfric: “The CEO has the means to flee. We need to take this directly to the authorities and have them in position to arrest him before he finds out we know.”
Leopold seemed to be recovering from his shock. He nodded. “I appreciate your willingness to accept the blame Alexander. This mess is not your making. Hopefully we can use that in your favor somehow with the press. I will deal with the board but we are not telling them until the authorities have the CEO in cuffs.I think we should play into the CEO’s hands. I will call an emergency board meeting. We will have the authorities onsite with an arrest warrant.”
Alexander nodded. “Agreed. Wulfric I will need a copy of the evidence. I will go to the authorities with it.”
Wulfric snorted. “Alexander, you are the last person who should take it. You are the one probably watched the closest. I will take it. The CEO is probably keeping tabs on you especially when you are here. He has access to the security systems. My office is the only place he doesn’t have access to.”
Alexander looked at Leopold. “Are you sure you can handle this while I am on the moon?”
Leopold nodded. “You need to go. Cavan is too new. He is still meshing with the team. They will need your leadership with a smaller staff available.”
Wulfric: “Well Alexander, life has not been dull since you started.”
Alexander gave Wulfric a sharp look before he grumbled. “I could do with a little less excitement. I feel like I am running from one disaster to the next since I started.”
Both men chuckled at how disgruntled and grumpy Alexander sounded.
Tuesday 9th May 2094 Team Valkyrie HQ
Wulfric had spent most of the evening with the local authorities reviewing what they knew and providing all the evidence. He walked the investigators through it and helped them set up the sting for the following day.
Leopold had called an emergency meeting of the Board for 10am the following morning. The reason he stated was to review recent events and Alexander’s performance. He hinted that there was new information for the board to consider. He said he would only reveal it at the meeting that it was too sensitive for an electronic meeting. Leopold had met with investigators after leaving headquarters later that evening. He too answered all their questions. Leopold explained that they believed Alexander was under surveillance or he would have joined them. That they didn't want to tip Brendel off that anything was wrong.
The following day arrived early. Alexander had only managed to get a little bit of sleep. He knew there would be hell to pay later because he didn’t share the information with Mabel. He was already planning his apology but he would never put her in harm's way. He didn’t trust the CEO Peter Brendel to behave any better than Zimmerman had when he had been confronted. Zimmerman had been violent and had to be subdued. He thought he was untouchable just like Brendel. He had no idea how the man would react when he was cornered. The investigators were sneaked into the building and into Wulfric’s office. Alexander had met them there and answered all their questions. It was decided that Alexander would not go to the meeting. He would watch from Wulfric’s office on the camera system in the conference room. Leopold would call the meeting to order. Wulfric would lead the investigators into the room once Leopold gave the signal that everyone was there. The trap had been baited and set for Brendel.
Leopold had taken a position at the head of the conference table facing the doorway. He would be able to see the door and everyone as they took their seats. Leopold had a cup of tea and was sipping it as board members began to file in. Many complained about the short notice, a few were gleeful and Leopold’s eyes hardened as he noted who they were. Most of them stopped to help themselves to coffee or tea. Leopold kept the serious neutral look on his face. He almost lost his cool when Peter Brendel strolled into the meeting looking eager and smug. Leopold waited as the last few board members were seated. He looked up at the camera and nodded which was the prearranged signal for Wulfric to escort the investigators in.
Leopold looked around the table and took a deep breath as he stalled for the amount of time it would take for the investigators and supporting officers to get into place. They were taking no chances that Brendel could get away or destroy evidence. Although Wulfric had already given that to investigators. They indicated that they would still investigate to ensure that they had all the evidence possible against Brendel. Leopold began the meeting his voice holding a serious tone.
Leopold: “Thank you all for coming on short notice. I have uncovered some particularly disturbing news that requires the board’s attention and action. It was not something I could share freely over email or phone.”
Brendel leaned forward and the look on his face was serious but there was a gleeful glint in his eye.
Brendel: “From your message, I assume you have more evidence of Alexander Knight’s appalling performance to share with the board. Really Leopold, I don’t understand why you continue to champion him. Why, we have had more emergency board meetings since he joined than in the six months prior to his hiring. I told you hiring Knight and giving him that level of control was a very bad idea. The man is clueless about business.”
Leopold looked around the table, his eyes flitting from face to face. Before Leopold could reply, Dietrich Steindl jumped in. “Knight has been out of control since he got here, making changes with no input from the board, firing long term employees without board consent, deciding what endorsements and sponsorships the team needs. He has taken all those decisions away from the board and what do we have to show for it?”
Matteo Aldenburg jumped on the bandwagon next. “Instead of the team receiving positive press, they are focused on Knight’s personal drama with his daughter. The negativity and conspiracy theorists had a field day with that one. We can’t forget losing Felix Burkhart, an amazing and respected engineer.”
Leopold didn’t bother to hide his frustration as he took control of the meeting back. He noted that Brendel was looking pleased with himself.
Leopold: “One of the reasons I called this meeting was so we could discuss these issues. There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding these events. I want to be sure that the board is making decisions with all the CORRECT information. We wouldn’t want to make hasty decisions based on false data.”
Nielsen jumped in this time. “Leopold, what are you implying?”
Brendel sneered and jumped to his feet. “Leopold, you seem to be Knight’s only fan on this board. How can you continue to cover for him? Are you embarrassed because Knight was your idea? Think about the good of the team! You have to see that Knight is dragging the team down? If you can’t see that, then maybe you should step down as the board president.”
Leopold understood then that Brendel had not just been setting Alexander up for a fall but himself along with him. He looked around the table. He just knew that Brendel had been feeding this line of bullshit to his fellow board members. He made Leopold sound like Alexander’s sycophant. Ferrari, Dupont, Olsson, and Virtanen were all looking confused and surprised. Alvarez and Jorgensen looked worried. Nielsen, Aldenburg, Saar, Stiendl, and Brendel looked angry and expectant. Before the board meeting could devolve any further there was a brief knock at the door as it was immediately opened. Wulfric held the door open as the two investigators and two uniformed law enforcement officers entered the room. Wulfric then shut the door behind him and locked it.
Brendel was instantly on his feet. His face red with rage as he turned on Wulfric with fists clenched at his sides. “You might be the Chief of Security but you have no right to interrupt a closed board meeting, Mr. Gunderson.”
Wulfric very calmly met Brendel’s angry glare. He turned his attention to the board. “My sincerest apologies for the interruption but these law enforcement officers have a warrant and legal right to enter. They are here investigating a matter that will be of interest to the board.” Wulfric motioned to the two investigators forward with a hand gesture. “Investigators if you please.”
The investigative lead officer was wearing a nice suit and had his badge of office on a lanyard around his neck. “My apologies for interrupting your meeting. This won’t take long. Please take your seats.”
One of the uniformed officers took up a post in front of the locked door. One took up a spot behind Brendel against the wall. The two investigators made their way to the front of the room where they stood on either side of Leopold. Leopold nodded to them and took his seat. He watched everyone’s faces as the investigator began.
“My name is officer Braeder. I am here to inform you that my office will be conducting a close audit of all Team Valkyrie AGR financial and employment records for the last 5 years. Mr. Peter Brendel you are under arrest for fraud, embezzlement, and harassment. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
Before he could get any further Brendel was on his feet yelling. “You can’t arrest me! I am the CEO. I have done nothing wrong. You have no proof!” Brendel looked angry but panic was setting in. “I don’t have to submit to this in my own office. I don’t have to listen to you. How can the board sit here and do nothing! Help me!” Leopold noted that he was looking at Nielsen, Aldenburg, Saar, and Steindl for help.
The officer sighed and motioned to the uniformed officer behind Brendel. “Subdue him and cuff him.” He pulled out a sheaf of documents and handed them over to Leopold. “Here is the search warrant for the premises, and a copy of the arrest warrant with the list of charges.” He turned back to the officer who had quite handily wrestled a fighting Brendel to the floor and was cuffing him with his knee in the middle of his back. He pulled the still ranting man to his feet. “Be sure to finish reading him his rights. Start over and get it on camera so he can’t claim he was not informed.”
The officer nodded and began to guide Brendel towards the door. His partner came and took Brendel’s other arm. “Keep it up Brendel and we will hobble you and carry you out of here.”
Wulfric helpfully unlocked the door and held it open for the officers. Brendel continued to claim his innocence. He was being frog marched out and began to put on an indignant air as if he had been wronged somehow.
The investigators looked over at the board members who watched as Brendel was led out of the room. “Our office expects Valkyrie to comply with the search warrant and grant us complete access to the information and areas requested.”
Leopold looked over the paperwork as a formality. He nodded to the investigator. “I will keep these for our legal team to review. In the meantime. Mr. Gunderson our Chief of Security will see to it that you have access to what you require. Valkyrie will comply and cooperate with your office investigator.” Leopold gave Wulfric a nod and indicated him with a pointed finger. The others didn’t need to know that they had already been introduced.
The investigative officer looked around the table at the board members. “This is an ongoing police investigation. You are not to discuss this case or the charges with anyone outside of this room. We will need some time to dig deeper into this matter but I am putting you all on notice that our office will be in touch to arrange interviews for each of you. We expect all of you to show up for your designated interview appointment. As of right now we are not investigating you but any dealings you had with Mr. Brendel. That may change depending on what we find during the course of this investigation. As I speak officers are already seizing records and documents from Mr. Brendel’s office. We need to get to work now. Mr. Koch has our contact information. I bid you good day.”
The two investigators left the room. Silence followed in their wake. Leopold looked around the table. He looked each of them in the eyes. All of them looked shocked and a few looked nervous as the investigator left.
Steindl was the first one to break the silence. His voice was condescending as he spat out. “What the hell just happened? I thought we were here to discuss firing Knight.”
Leopold coldly stared Steindl down. “Were you not paying attention? Brendel has been arrested for embezzlement. Not just a little but millions! Millions that were stolen from this company. Brendel was complicit in Maier’s abuse of his office. You have just been told that our corporation is being investigated for criminal activity by its CEO and all you can focus on is your desire to remove Knight?”
Leopold had to give it to Steindl, he had nerve. He met Leopold’s eyes with an angry glare and didn’t waver under his verbal backlash. Leopold sneered and crossed his arms. He was done playing nice. “Let’s talk about that then since you insist. Knight was not the reason Felix Burkhart left. By his own words, Burkhart left because of Brendel. Knight pivoted and managed to pull a minor miracle off when he managed to replace the head engineer with an experienced man in less than two weeks! The team had its first win at Portugal. The team finally made the podium this season. Progress has been made. You might not like his methods Stiendl but his results are there.”
Steindl continued to glare at Leopold. Leopold continued to meet his stare. “Well Steindl I will be sure to report back to Biomatter International that you were more concerned about your distaste of Knight’s management style than the fact that the CEO had embezzled millions from the company that they have a share in. That you didn’t care that the corporation was being investigated for violations in labor law by the same CEO. You can leave now since you would rather cast blame on an innocent man doing his job rather than do yours.”
Steindl glared at Leopold. “You have no right to remove me from this meeting.”
Leopold smiled wickedly and turned to Wulfric. “Mr. Gunderson please remove Mr. Steindl from the building. Please be sure to send a copy of this recording to his supervisor at Biomatter International. I am sure they will be very interested to see how he has handled their interests.”
Wulfric just grinned and nodded. “With pleasure Mr. Koch.” Wulfric walked over to Stiendl. “Are you coming willingly or the hard way?” Wulfric was quietly hoping he chose the hard way. Stiendl rose and left in angry strides but with more dignity than Brendel. Wulfric escorted him from the room, closing the door behind him once more.
Leopold glared at the rest of the board members. “Does anyone else want to complain or are we going to discuss how to handle this latest disaster?”
Leopold waited expecting more of the dissenters to complain. He was pleasantly surprised when they remained quiet. Leopold nodded to the board and took a deep breath to calm down.
Leopold: “Now. I believe our best course of action is to control the narrative. We should release this to the press ourselves in a statement. Our messaging should be that we are cooperating with authorities. We took action to correct the mistakes of Mr. Brendel as soon as they were discovered. We want to be transparent with the public. Our honesty in this matter should carry some weight with them. Hopefully that will carry weight with our sponsors and investors.”
The meeting went as expected after that. Everyone had their opinion about what course of action they should take and what the messaging should be. Leopold didn’t envy Katherine who would be the one to weather the worst of this storm. The media were going to be in a frenzy.
Team Valkyrie AGR @TeamValkyrie:
Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is shocked and saddened to have to inform the public that Peter Brendel the CEO of Valkyrie AGR Sport has been arrested on embezzlement, fraud, and harassment charges. Valkyrie AGR Sport is cooperating fully with the investigation. Please watch the video by Crew Chief Alexander Knight for more details.
[A video of Alexander Knight speaking to the public about the arrest of the CEO and the subsequent investigation. Alexander appears tired on camera. He is sitting at the Valkyrie news desk. He is wearing a Team Valkyrie button up shirt. Alexander looks right into the camera. It feels as if he is talking directly to you on the other side of the screen. His voice is serious and has a sad tone. Dialogue below]
“Good Evening. It is my duty to inform you that the CEO of Valkyrie AGR Sport has been arrested for embezzlement, fraud, and harassment. Team Valkyrie AGR Sport takes our duty to uphold the public trust seriously. Team leadership moved quickly to support the investigation and rectify the gross misdeeds of the former CEO Peter Brendel. His actions were not sanctioned or condoned by the team’s Board of Directors. Brendel acted in conjunction with the former Chief Human Resource Officer Bernard Maier. It was while investigating Maier’s activity that it was discovered that the CEO had condoned his activity and was complicit in his illegal activities. Team Valkyrie is embarrassed and enraged by the actions of these former employees. Our employees are all important, deserving of respect, and a safe place to work. We value our team members and are striving to ensure something like this will never happen again at Valkyrie. We want to apologize to any employees past or present who were hurt by these individuals. While Valkyrie is embarrassed by the unsanctioned actions of these previous employees, we are sharing this information with the public because we believe you deserve honesty. How can you cheer for a team you can’t trust? We sincerely hope that our honesty and integrity in dealing with this matter will help to restore your trust and faith in our team. My sincerest apologies on behalf of the team."
OfficeDrone#12: Insiders at Valkyrie can confirm that investigators swarmed the corporate offices today. SuperfanAGR54: I don’t know what to say to this. DantheMan: WTF!? BatDave: Justice is served. Superfan2075: WOW! I didn’t see that coming. DadBod89: No one saw that coming! Hater101: Valkyrie can’t seem to get its act together. What is going on there? Papabear34: #Speechless Nana2050: Knight is apologizing but it was not his fault. GeorgeFly: #RespectKnight ValkyrieFan56: Knight has big cajones! Weedhead81: Dude! I wouldn’t expect a Corpo to apologize. SexyM@m@5: Was Dorian hurt by this Corpo? Paulmulder4eva: Will Valkyrie still race at Luna? Britball12: Corpos should stay out of Formula AG. !YouSlow!: Shame on Valkyrie! xImFasterthanUx: No wonder Valkyrie is struggling with a Gonk like that as CEO. AGInthusiast: Man can we please get more than one positive week at Valkyrie without some negative drama happening? micheal650004: You have to respect Knight for sharing what was happening. I like that he was honest about it. Bertha:So it's not just poor management by Knight but all of Team Valkyrie’s leadership. #ValkyrieFails Nobody404:I find it interesting that Alexander Knight is being blamed for all the things happening at Valkyrie AGR. CEO Peter Brendel has been in that position at Valkyrie for 5 years! Both Maier and Brendel were there long before Knight was hired. Maybe Knight is the reason this corruption is surfacing? Is Knight fighting the good fight?
Round 5 of Formula Anti-Gravity Racing Sunday 7th May, 2094 Portuguese AGP
Morning of the Race
Paul had slept well. He was feeling rested and ready. He had gone over the telemetry from qualifying the day before. He reviewed his decisions and had gone over strategy with Carmella and Alexander the evening before. Alexander had been helping him with his skills against more experienced drivers. Paul had good instincts but knowing how to overtake and defend against that was something that experience could be helpful. Paul already felt more confident in his ELS skills. He had been working on them since Tokyo. He felt like his neural training was beginning to pay off as well. He was able to comprehend and use the flood of ship data more coherently. This gave him more options during the race.
Paul was a little worried that his progress in this area would slide. He had been working with Dr. Ainsworth’s the team's Cognitive Neural Specialist and the team’s Neural Interface Specialist, Christoph Ziegler. Ziegler left with Burkhardt. He had managed to continue the training with Dr. Ainsworth but he felt that having a specialist in the ship’s neural interface systems should be involved in the training as well. He knew Alexander was working on hiring engineers to replace the specialists they had lost and that he was moving as fast as he could but good engineers were hard to find. Paul chose to embrace the positives. He was feeling good and confident. He knew he was doing better. He called his mom and chatted with her this morning. She wished him luck and asked him to be careful as always. Paul smiled as he remembered the kart race. That had been fun and had taken him right back to his roots. It reminded him of why he had begun racing. He might be chasing his father’s ghost but he also loved the thrill of speed and adrenaline he got from racing.
He had spent some time in the fan zone yesterday after qualifying. It was always nice to feel like he was doing his part. His favorite interaction had been from a young boy. He couldn’t have been more than 8 years old. He had been so excited to meet Paul. He had brought Paul a hand drawn picture of his ship. Paul could tell that it was a special trip for the boy. The father had described their tickets as the nosebleed section but they were happy to be here in person. He had given the boy his own baseball cap after signing it. The father had been embarrassed when he admitted that he couldn’t afford any of the gear for his son. He had been hoping to get Paul’s autograph on the picture he had drawn. Paul asked if he could trade the picture for his hat. The young boy’s excitement and smile made that worth it. He had tacked the picture up in the pilot’s trailer. It would be a good reminder that while they might race for their own personal reasons, the fans made this possible.
Paul had been focusing on what he needed to do. Dorian was warm and cold to him. They got along just fine but Dorian seemed to be focused on his own stuff here lately. He knew he had been spending time with his boyfriend lately. The only time they really ran across each other these days was when their training times overlapped. Even then one of them was usually going while the other was coming. Paul had seen Dorian struggling and noticed that he was pulling back how much he interacted with him. Paul wanted to be a good mentor and decided to start with Scarlett. He spent some time with her after their interview. He answered questions for her and hung out with her in the fan zone. Paul had informed her it was never too soon to begin building her fanbase. They took pictures together with fans for a bit. He talked to her about their responsibilities to their sponsors. They talked about racing and techniques and some of the training that Alexander’s changes had prompted. He shared some of his results with her and encouraged her to try some of it. Paul felt he had started off good with trying to be a mentor to Scarlett. What surprised him was that he had enjoyed it so much.
Paul was plugged in and strapped into the cockpit of his ship. He had just finished going through the pre-race checklist with Carmella. Paul glanced over the holographic dashboard display that was integrated with his helmet. His HUD set up as he preferred. The most important data from the ship on the dashboard. He could access all the data via his neural link but he had learned that being able to use all that data took some training. Paul’s neural reflexes were getting faster with the cognitive neural training that the team had devised. He flexed his hands and massaged his driving gloves along his fingers making sure they were flexible and comfortable. He gripped the control yoke of his ship as anticipation of the start came.
Carmella: “All systems check on our side.”
Paul: “All systems check green. I am ready.”
Carmella: “Race starts in t-2 minutes. Good luck Paul.”
Paul waited patiently as the countdown began.
1 2 3 4 5
Paul hit the throttle and his ship responded, leaping off the starting line. He was quickly in the thick of it as he shot past Amy and was just behind Harrison. Harrison’s ship was faster and he had opened that gap up further before the first turn made him hit his brakes. Paul shot forward trying to catch Harrison. He was making up time in the turns drawing closer to Harrison but then Harrison poured on the speed coming out of the Sagres and pulled away again. Paul was hammering the throttle as he came out of the Sagres when Cassie flew past him her Zygon ship faster than his on the straights. Paul gritted his teeth. He was determined that he would not lose any more places in this race. He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He charged after Cassie now.
Carmella: “Amy Stirling is 2 seconds behind you. She is looking to overtake. You are going to need to defend.”
Paul didn’t have time to roll his eyes at Carmella stating the bloody obvious. Paul fought hard to maintain his position even as he tried to close the gap between him and Cassie. He would close it and then she would gain it back on the straights. Amy kept biting at his heels. He defended against her feints in the corners as she tried to get around him. She tried to latch onto his ship with her ELS in the straight but he defended against it and shut her down.
Paul: “Stirling is stuck to my damn rear. I can’t seem to shake her. I hope she likes the view since I refuse to give up another damn inch!”
Lap after lap, Paul had to be careful not to give Amy any openings. She took advantage of any little mistake. Paul’s instincts served him well as he once again managed to shut Amy down as she tried to overtake him on the outside after a feint to the inside. He pulled away from her in the tight curves and would get a little breathing space and then she would gain it back on the next straight. Paul would get close to Cassie but then would have to devote his energy to defending against Amy. Then before Paul knew it the race was over as he passed the checkered flag waving.
Carmella: “Third Paul! Congrats on your first podium!”
The battle for this race had been intense. Paul was exhausted and sweating heavily. The race was physically taxing as it was hot here in Portugal. The heat the ship generated just added to that misery. Then on top of that it had been a mentally taxing race. Paul had to be on his game and remain vigilant to hold Amy at bay. She made him fight hard to keep third. He was so focused on their battle. He was not even sure what position he finished in until Carmella’s voice over the team’s radio had filled him in.
He slowed his ship and pulled it into the designated area. Paul smiled as he hit the radio back.
“Thanks Carmella. I couldn’t do it without the team. My thanks to everyone for all the hard work. This win is a testament to all your hard work and dedication.”
Cool Down and Trophy Ceremony
Paul disconnected his neural interface and his racing harness. He popped his cockpit and climbed out. He waved to the crowd before climbing down out of his ship. He followed directions to the cooldown room. He slugged some electrolyte drinks or water waiting there. His race suit was soaked in sweat. His sweaty hair was matted to his head. He used a bottle of water and emptied it over his head. The trick helped him cool down faster. He took an offered towel and quickly rung the excess water out of his hair and wiped off his face and neck. He then pulled on a Team Valkyrie hat. He smiled as Harrison and Cassie were chatting back and forth.
Harrison: "Those moves on Amy were impressive, Paul. She wanted to really get past you, but you gave no quarter....damn, you are going to be sinking in the ice bath after this!"
Paul laughed at Harrison. “Well I won’t deny that I want a cold shower. Thanks Harrison.”
Cassie: "Not bad at all. Looks like we will be in for some competition later this season. But, welcome to the podium, Paul. Good to have you here. And I think it won't be the last time either. But, save some steps for me."
Paul: “Thank you Cassie. Congrats to you both as well.” Paul wiggled his eyebrows with a mischievous grin. “Another podium without Amy as well!”
Paul followed the other two out to the award ceremony. He did his best to savor the moment. This was his first podium in Formula AG. He wanted to remember this moment and how he felt. If anything this has fueled his desire to reach the top. He was more driven than ever to train and push himself to his limits. He had also proved that even without all the extra augmentations and mods as some of the other pilots, he could still beat them. Amy had the better ship and was a champion and he had held her off and beat her. That could only boost his confidence that he could do this. He let the joy of the moment fill him. He let that feeling of satisfaction and reward for his hard work and dedication steel his determination to do it again and again. He wanted to be where Harrison was. He wanted the P1. Baby steps on the way to becoming Formula AG Champion. He hoped his father was looking down at him from heaven and was proud of him. He laughed as he sprayed Cassie and Harrison with his bottle of champagne. He took a drink before turning to spray the crowd as well. He wanted to share the celebration with all of the fans too.
Post Race Interviews
Paul had managed to find time for a quick shower before the after race interviews. He was dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a Team Valkyrie racing shirt. He had on a Zap Sports Drink hat. He was getting better at the promotional sponsor stuff. Paul had taken a seat on the Delta Hyper couch. He relaxed back into the cushions with one leg propped on his knee and one arm along the back of the couch. Paul looked relaxed and at ease.
Aurora:"Paul, congratulations on your first podium! This is quite a momentous occasion- do you think this silences the rumours that you weren't ready for the step up into the sport?"
Paul smiled and waved as the crowd cheered as they heard his name. He waved to the fans who were cheering with a laugh. Their excitement and joy was infectious.
He tilted his head to one side as he contemplated Aurora’s question.
Paul: “Well Aurora, I used to think that as I worked my way up through the racing world. If I just win here, they will stop saying I bought my seat with who my father was. I have reached a point where I believe there will always be those negative naysayers who will try to bring me down.”
Paul shrugged nonchalantly.
“I don’t know that I will ever prove to those people that I have the skill, drive, and determination to win. I will simply say, I race for myself for my own reasons. People will believe what they want to believe. What I will say is look at my results.”
He gave Aurora a big smile.
“Today I won my first podium holding off a three time world champion. I didn’t do that with luck. It took skill and the backing of an amazing team! I couldn’t have done it without the support of all the hardworking people at Team Valkyrie. My thanks to the team for their support and hard work.”
Social Media
Paul Mulder @valkyriepaul
I wanted to give a shout out to Team Valkyrie’s Junior AG racing team who were in Portugal as well. Scarlett Collins you did well! Don’t forget to give them some love too! #JuniorAG #TeamValkyrie
Team Valkyrie AGR @TeamValkyrie:
Team Valkyrie AGR Sport wants to congratulate Paul Mulder on his first podium win at Portugal. Dorian Hornfleur finished in P11 after a technical issue with his air brakes. Remember all your Valkyrie fan gear is available at the online store! [link here]
OfficeDrone#12: Yes! That’s more like it! SuperfanAGR54: Disappointed that Dorian didn’t do well due to a technical issue. DantheMan: Now we need them both on the podium. BatDave: I am Batman! Superfan2075: Finally a podium. Now we need a P1! DadBod89: Shame about Dorian’s ship. This would have been a good race for the team to pick up constructors points. Hater101: Why is it one win and one flop? Papabear34: #GoMulder Nana2050: #ValkyrieFlies GeorgeFly: Mulder did good. ValkyrieFan56: Looking forward to more from Paul. Weedhead81: I am going to smoke a bowl and ride out this feeling. SexyM@m@5: @valkyriedorian Call me! Paulmulder4eva: Didn’t Paul look great for his interview? Britball12: Why can’t we get them both together? One fail and one win. What gives? !YouSlow!: Yes we got a win but then Dorian’s ship had a technical fault that led to no points from him. The team has to do better than that. xImFasterthanUx: Still questioning some of Knight’s choices. Is the technical fault due to Burkhardt leaving? AGInthusiast: Is this technical fault with Dorian’s ship a forecast for the team since Burkhardt left? micheal650004: Knight has already hired a new head engineer. Cavan Mitchell has not even started yet. Cut the man a break. Bertha:Technical issues should not be happening. Poor management by Knight.
Samantha sat in the briefing room feeling grateful that she had listened to her instincts. She had finished the repairs and replacement for the team’s gear about a week ago. They even had some time to work with the new gear and armor to get used to it. Her hope was that everyone found the repairs and new gear to their liking. They would need every advantage they could get going into this next fight. There was a prevailing sense of weight to the oppressive mood in the room. Samantha looked around the room as others trickled into the briefing. Samantha had an overwhelming sense of destiny that this was why her parents had made her come back. She kept that to herself though. She pushed out all other thoughts and did her best to focus on Skye as she started the briefing.
Chuck took a seat next to Freya as he entered the briefing room. He could tell from the look on the leaders faces that the shit had hit the fan. They all knew Rose was still out there. He was betting they were about to find out what she had been up to. Duke had come in with him and immediately went to Freya and begged for attention giving her soulful eyes as he placed his head in her lap. Chuck just chuckled to himself. His dog was as besotted with Freya as he was. He couldn't hold it against Duke since Freya was an amazing woman. That thought brought a smile to his face which was quickly replaced by a serious look as the briefing got started.
Samantha’s brain focused on Skye and began processing what she was being told. Her abnormal neural pathways firing on all cylinders as she began summarizing what they were up against. She began to pick up the obstacles so she could condense this briefing into how to tackle each one. Samantha waited for Skye to finish speaking as others joined in with their ideas.
Samantha was thinking to herself. To summarize this new shitshow we have been handed to solve by Rose. We have three days to hit a secure orbital launch site protected by the People’s Liberation Army led by extremist General Zhao and Rose. We need to neutralize another batch of Sol Hestia before it can be used against the population. The PLA will be supported by mechs, arial, naval, and armored infantry assets. We need to save the launch site hostages. We also must get into the space station Ark Angel to neutralize any Sol Hestia, remaining clones, and Artemis operatives on board. Samantha was silently cursing the new developments as she processed the latest threat.
Samantha crossed her arms and said she was thinking. “Well this is a clusterf*ck of epic proportions! But Skye if you need force multipliers then we need to get creative. I won't need as much training as you think to go into space. I was a teenager with the coding skills they needed. I thought it would be fun to fly the rocket. I am good to go. I think I should go ahead of the main force and use my skills to sabotage their equipment, SAM launchers, and mechs before we kick off our attack. I designed some new gear. I will need to sneak onto the base and place some special encrypted transceivers which will give remote direct control over to Rafael and Enri. I can also get them a hard link to their communications network so they can wreak havoc with it. I can also set up a portable drone swarm that Enri or Rafael could take control of to offer closer arial support. The more time I have before the attack the more I will be able to set up or sabotage. Of course the more I sabotage the more likely they will find it before the attack and be able to counter it. But having control of those mechs and the SAMs would help eliminate their aerial assets if we can turn them against them.”
Chuck looked amused and crossed his arms. “Skye, you are forgetting my skill set. I want to go in early with Samantha with some dive gear and explosives. I can plant the explosives on the hulls of boats and time them to kick off with the attack. I could plant explosives on the base too but stealth is not my best skill. I try but I am simply too damn big. I have a greater risk of being seen. Then I can sneak back out and get into my armor to join the attack. I won’t be able to get all the boats in that timeframe but I should be able to plant explosives on one or two. Maybe the ones with the most firepower?”
Paul had just finished his qualifying run. He was still in his racing suit. He had pulled off his helmet and the fireproof balaclava that he wore under his helmet. He had handed them off to Carmella. He gave her a huge smile as she slapped an orange flavored Zap drink into his hand. He guzzled it down before turning to Carmella.
Paul: “I don’t think the ship could be set up any more perfectly. The only thing that would make it better at this point is a little more speed. But the handling and stability are great for this circuit. Please give my thanks to the engineering team and mechanics. The ship is slaying! I can’t wait till tomorrow. Set up the qualifying telemetry in the trailer for review. I will go over it again later tonight.”
Carmella gave him a nod and jotted a few notes on her tablet after handing his helmet off to another team member. Carmella pointed to the press that were gathered outside the paddock hoping for a sound bite from him.
Carmella: “The Culture Vultures are already circling. Go on and get it done. I will have this set up and ready for you later when you are ready for it.”
Paul ducked into the back of the paddock and used a wet towel to cool down. He washed the sweat from his face and rubbed vigorously at his head. The cooling effect was immediate and a welcome relief from the heat here in Portugal and from the cabin of the ship. He ran a quick comb through his hair and found a sponsor hat to wear with the press. He planned to hold a Zap drink so he picked up the I Can’t Believe It's Not meat hat. He then put on some aviator style sunglasses. It was bright out. He then went to the entrance of the paddock where the press were congregating.
Paul waited as the obligatory drones took video and flashes went off in his face. He was grateful that he thought to grab his sunglasses.
“Lauri Ivan with Victory Racing Laps News. Paul, how does it feel to get P3? Do you think you will be able to repeat your performance tomorrow and win your first podium?”
Paul gave them a humble but charming smile. “Well Lauri, It feels fantastic to place well but we have to wait for the rest of the racers to finish before we know if I have secured the P3 position. As far as getting on the podium tomorrow, well I certainly hope so. I try to win every race but that is not always possible. I like my chances here in Portugal though.” He gave her a winning smile.
“Jabari Biko with Worldwide Sports. Paul, How do you feel about all the controversy and drama that has followed Team Valkyrie since Alexander Knight took over?”
Paul kept his expression neutral as he took a moment to contemplate how to answer that question. “Change is always difficult and tumultuous. I would argue Jabari that it depends on whose point of view you are reporting. As for mine, I support the changes that Alexander Knight has brought to the Team.”
“Shannon Taylor with AG Source. Do you feel that Felix Burkhardt leaving will impair Team Valkyrie’s chances for a winning season.”
Paul gave Shannon a bright smile. “I would say that Felix Burkhardt is an amazing engineer of great integrity. He has already set Valkyrie up for a great season. While his leaving was sudden and unexpected, engineers change teams for a variety of reasons. I wish Felix all the best no matter where he lands. Whoever he goes to work for will be getting an amazing engineer.”
“Dave Harris with Autosport. Would you comment on the rumors going around the paddock that Cavan Mitchell was stolen from Fitzroy?”
Paul couldn’t help but laugh as this was the first time he had heard this particular rumor. “I can’t believe you just asked me that after Cavan Mitchell’s fiery exit from Fitzroy that was caught on camera and shared after the Tokyo Grand Prix.” It took Paul a moment to stop laughing since this was a ludicrous rumor. “I will say that Alexander Knight recruited a talented engineer that was available after Burkhardt left. Cavan Mitchell was publicly a free agent when he was approached by Valkyrie. I am looking forward to working with Mr. Mitchell. I question your integrity and sources there Harris.”
Thu 22/04 11:26 PAUL MULDER [Batt: 98%]
———— Today - A few seconds ago ————
> Just read about your head engineer, everything OK “at home”?
———— Response 10 minutes later ————
It was certainly a surprise but Knight has the situation under control. Were you worried about me Bea?
Sat 06/05 Formula AG Pilot Group Chat
PAUL MULDER: Well the cat is out of the bag now. Would any of you other pilots be interested in supporting a fundraising and awareness campaign for the Mulder Foundation? I would be happy to discuss details privately with any of you. I want to thank Bea and Hyeon-Ae for already agreeing to be a part of the event.
Samantha was struggling to come to terms with her near death experience. The American western culture part of her couldn’t help but wonder if she was losing her mind. Was she going crazy? Was she too traumatized to be of help to the team? Would she crack under the pressure when they needed her most? That was her biggest fear, that she would let the team down when they needed her the most. Her exposure to Japanese culture from her adopted grandparents had taught her to accept the experience as real. That the Kami had taken the rare step to interfere in her life’s journey to ensure she stayed on destiny’s path. The two ideologies conflicted and so she found herself at war with herself over the experience. She was struggling to process it. The team psychologist had of course poked and prodded at her over the experience. It was protocol after such a close call. They of course gave her the psychological perspective that her brain put the experience in terms she could understand her close brush with death and created a reason for her to fight to live.
Samantha was normally confident in her abilities and skills. She didn’t seek confirmation of her skills from others. Samantha had spontaneously decided to share that experience with Ban. She felt at least hearing his opinion might at least help her resolve some of the feelings she had regarding the Kami. She felt like a child asking a parent to validate their feelings and emotions. She hoped his response would help her know if what she was feeling was normal or not. Samantha struggled with that as she was a high functioning autistic. Her brain was simply wired differently. She typically didn’t give a shit what other people thought about her or how she did things. This experience seemed to invade all her thoughts. It was like a drip of water that she couldn’t turn off. Her brain fixated on this experience. She needed to find a way to function. She had tried distraction but that was obviously not working since she had felt compelled to ask Ban about it. She kept coming back to the feeling of dread, that something bad was going to happen. She had this sense that they wouldn’t be ready for whatever Rose did next. She couldn’t help feeling like time was running out and she needed to be doing something.
Samantha waited anxiously as she explained her experience to Ban while he cooked. Sam felt the inner tension knot that had been wind tight in her chest release some of the tension as Ban seemed to understand and accept her experience, validating how she was feeling. She felt a little guilty for feeling so relieved to hear his take on her experience. She lowered her head as her cheeks showed her embarrassment. She gave him a bow of respect as relief and tension flowed out of her. She gave his hands a quick squeeze before he let them go.
“Arigato Ban-San. Your words are wise and welcome. I thank you for allowing me to share this burden with you. Your wisdom is a healing balm for my uneasy soul.”
Then in true chef fashion, Ban offered to feed her more.
Ban: "Ah but enough hard stuff. More food?"
Samantha just laughed at that question and shook her head. “Ban-san, how big do you think my stomach is? I still have over a half a plate of food!”
Samantha laughed as the hungry crowd of soldiers cheered Ban’s statement about seconds and were obviously ready for more. Samantha gave Ban a smile as she watched him go back to his pots and pans to feed the hungry crowd. Samantha still felt a need to be doing something and like time was running out but she no longer felt so unsure of herself. She no longer questioned her experience or her reaction to it. She didn’t finish much more of the food Ban had given her. He had probably put enough on her plate for three meals. She chuckled as she considered that for Freya or Chuck it was probably an appetizer.
Preparing for Chaos Part 2
Samantha Dalton
Skye Lyons
Samantha felt better having something constructive to do. When Rose popped up, their team needed to be ready. She began making a list of what gear absolutely had to be repaired or replaced before the team saw action again. Then she made a list of potential new gear to hopefully give them an edge. The entire team had come back from the last mission but it was a close thing. Her armor was trashed and couldn’t be repaired. Chuck’s armor was trashed and would have to be completely remade as well. Others needed repairs to theirs. Skye needed a new exoskeleton armor set. Tahlia could use something for camouflage and some protection when she was in the field. Maybe she could design a prosthetic that would help her move around easier. Athena’s armor could use some repair and maybe some upgrades. She could easily add jump jets and upgrade her power system based on her designs for Chuck’s new armor. Adam’s armor needed quite a bit of repair. She thought about his armor and felt it wasn’t really set up for his job. He needed a new upgraded set of armor. He needed something with better team lead supports, better protection, and some shielding capabilities. Purna and Ban’s armor just needed some repairs. She would like to create some new weapons and gear for them.
Samantha turned her thoughts to their support team. Enri might not make it into the field but she could probably use some light armor as well. She would have to check to see what kind of gear she was using. Maybe Samantha could help her out with better hacking gear. That gave her an idea for some hacking gear she could add to her inventory to help out the folks hacking from a distance. She needed some new tricks. Artemis was proving to be a smart adversary and every time she used a broken piece of their cyber security against them, they fixed it. She never got to use the same exploit twice however, she did take out Rose’s hacker on the blimp. Maybe they won’t have time to change much in regards to changing security codes. She did wipe out Rose’s network, maybe there is a way for her to exploit any weaknesses there. She would have to chat with Enri and find out how good she was at controlling drones. That might be another way that could be a force multiplier for them in the field without compromising more agents.
Samantha had spent all evening working up new designs. She had done some research on materials to see what she could possibly upgrade for her teammates as she worked on gear. She had fallen asleep curled around her laptop after working far into the night. She woke up the next morning starving. She realized she had been so hyper focused on her task that she had worked through lunch and dinner. She moved carefully and quickly to the bathroom since her bladder was screaming at her. She took a quick shower and then got dressed for work in the shop. She didn’t have much so she put on black cargo pants, her boots, and a long sleeved t-shirt. She pulled on her heavy winter jacket and went to find some breakfast.
Samantha felt excited to be doing something. She went in search of Blue Sword’s armor and weapon techs. There had to be a place here where she could work on stuff. She grabbed some willing helpers and headed into the armory to get a first hand look at what needed to be done. She had not actually seen what was left of Chuck’s armor. Samantha blanched as she saw the holes in his under armor suit. The entire hard shell of heavier armor was completely missing. The only thing that remained of his heavier armor was the legs. The jump jets on them were trashed. There was nothing salvageable. Chuck would need an entire rebuild. She inspected everyone’s armor and began doling out repairs to the technicians. She had them begin on those who just needed repairs such as Ban and Purna. Samantha had already been called out by Chuck for over taxing her healing body. She accepted that she needed help and she asked for it this time. She willingly taught anyone who wanted to know what she was doing and why.
While the techs got busy on the armor that just needed repairs, Samantha got busy experimenting with some new materials. She had researched a new ceramic and metal alloy mixture. It was supposed to be harder than titanium, heat resistant, and nonconductive. The scientists that had developed it were looking for new materials for a new space shuttle. They wanted something that could launch into space and survive reentry over and over. This material was lighter than the original space shuttle coating and stronger. Samantha ran some field tests after she created some of the material. She was satisfied after shooting it with several calibers of bullets and tested its piercing strength. She did some calculations and the new armor made from this material would weigh less than a straight metal alloy and should shrug off up to 30 to 50 caliber bullets depending on how thick she made the plates. Samantha knew from working with the experimental batch of material that it didn’t like hard angles and preferred curves. Sharp angles created a weak point for it whereas a curved surface increased its strength.
Samantha decided to go with it. She took elements from her last suit design and combined it with this new material to create her new armor. The result was the layered ballistic gel lined flexible suit from her previous armor with vital areas covered in this hard shell armor. Samantha’s new armor had a hard shell breastplate and reticulated hard pieces over the abdomen and back area for flexibility. There were hard armor pieces that rounded over her thighs, calves, shoulders, and arms. She kept her helmet design since it had worked well for her. The only thing she redesigned on it was to embed Bob into it. She managed to shrink her AI’s size by embedding the individual components between the padding and outer shell. She had managed to shrink his processor size by upgrading him to a new quantum chip since the special ballistic gel she had used for lining her suit dealt with the heat for it. The gel acted as a heat sink pulling the heat away from the chip. The helmet was just a touch larger in a few places but it was not noticeable to the naked eye. The gloves had built in haptics to better support her ability to hack in the field using Bob, her onboard computer system and AI without compromising her ability to fight and protect herself.
Samantha had to ask some of the armor technicians to help her. She was still not up to much strenuous activity. Working heavy equipment and moving around heavy materials would have Sophie sedating her and locking her in the infirmary. She decided not to push the doctor any further than she had already. The suit was almost identical to her last one except for the addition of the hard outer plates on the surface of the armor. While they did the heavy lifting on her armor, she got busy on the new weapons and heavy armor for Chuck.
She was going to design Chuck’s armor along the same lines as hers. She was going to ramp it up though so it could take more damage. This armor would be a little different for him. Since Samantha felt like he needed higher grade protection. She started by building Chuck a sleek ballistic suit like her old suit to wear under his heavy armor. This would stop handguns and smaller rifle fire all by itself. There was a moisture wicking soft material that laid against the skin and was embedded with sensors that kept track of vital signs. The next layer is a woven titanium infused carbon fiber that acts as an artificial polymer muscle or tendon and armor. The material had been put through a special bonding process that resulted in a material that naturally harvests kinetic energy that allows it to stretch and rebound with strength adding strength and power to the wearer's movements. The user retains flexibility speed, while gaining protection and strength. The next layer is a ballistic liquid gel cooling system lined with a tough but soft material that keeps the gel in place and provides padding for the user. The outer layer of the under armor suit is another layer of the tough titanium weave that harvests kinetic energy.
The heavy armor outer shell power armor would be made from the same strong ceramic metallic composite of her armor but it would be thicker. Samantha’s molded plate armor pieces were only about a half inch thick. Chuck’s armor would be at least an inch and a half thick. This should allow him to shrug off all small weapons fire and most rifle fire. There are flexible tubes of hydraulic fluids that help keep the suit cool and moving. The internal workings of actuators, hydraulics, electronics, and sensors live in between layers. There was another thin gel layer for padding and more ballistic protection. The inner layer of the power armor was lined with another layer of the kinetic titanium weave.
Samantha designed the heavy combat power armor to open up in the back. The under armor suit had the kinetic energy return technology in it that would help to keep Chuck’s suit powered and moving. Samantha improved the chemical reactor from his old suit to last longer. With the kinetic assist, Chuck should be able to get almost 48 hours on one charge now. He could keep the suit moving by building up the kinetic charge if he had to. Chuck would just step into the calf high boots. Once his feet locked in place the armor would close and seal around him. Sam designed a cool interlocking zipper of flexible hex shaped disks that would move and magnetically lock him into his armor while providing armor over that area. This flexible join would give Chuck more flexibility in his torso. Samantha reviewed the trouble he had navigating with it underwater and had added some internal special ballast bladders and maneuvering jets that would work underwater or in space. Once the helmet was on, the suit could be pressurized for use as a hazmat, underwater diving, or space suit. The suit has a sealed air system with air filtration and carbon dioxide scrubbers. She had left the jump jets off. Chuck had only used them in battle a few times.
She was going to give him heavier weapons this time. That meant he needed a more stable armor base to fire them from. The power armor used a combination of hydraulics and synthetic muscle fibers to move the suit. Chuck could run faster, hit harder, and pick up more with the armor. She designed the suit to have a modular weapon mount that would work with all his weapons. Giving a few options for heavier weapons to take on the field. She designed a special holster for Lucille that rode on a sling across his back. Samantha designed Chuck a 50 caliber gatling gun that was autofed from a large capacity pack built onto the back of his suit. Samantha deliberately kept the rate of fire low since she expected Chuck to be using it as an anti personnel weapon. Samantha designed the gun so Chuck could change the firing rate from a small burst of 5 bullets up to 200 bullets a minute. This would allow Chuck to snipe with the large caliber gun. On the other shoulder, she redesigned his small missile launcher. Chuck’s armor could fire 6 missiles at a time but his armor only had room to carry 12. Chuck could fire missiles one at a time or in pairs, so he can fire 1, 2, 4, or 6 missiles at a time. The shoulder mounted weapons would work with Chuck’s Hud for targeting. Samantha built in a holster for his carbine on his upper leg armor. She included a metal mesh combat tactical harness that Chuck could carry peripheral weaponry in such as grenades and extra magazines. Samantha decided to paint Chuck’s new armor in a radar reducing stealth coating which she colored a dark navy blue to reflect his marine background.
There are sensors and high-definition cameras embedded into the outer layer in key places feeding information back to the user. The helmet is a transparent titanium alloy in a crystalline matrix, an upgraded version of bulletproof glass. This allows the user to see out and is used as the screen for the Heads-Up Display. There is an AI system onboard to help the user with the suit’s systems and targeting. The suit has an embedded communications system. Cameras allow for heat, infrared layover, and night vision. The suit is powered by a small chemical reactor and has a rechargeable battery backup. The suit is good for about 24 hours of heavy use and battle before it will need to be recharged. If just worn, without any heavy fighting or power draw needs the suit can be powered for up to 48 hours. There are directional jets built into the legs, torso, arms, and feet of the suit. On each shoulder is a heavy weapon mount. Samantha designed a 50 caliber gatling gun specifically for Chuck’s use. There is a small missile launcher that mounts to the other shoulder. The missiles are small and don’t have much range. They allow for a high payload to a target no more than 500 yards away. The missile launcher is a modified miniaturized LAW design. There is an onboard medical sensor suite monitored by the AI. The AI can help him deal with injuries in the field by injecting the Raven Squad cocktail of stimulants, pain killers, vitamins, and antibiotics. There are built in tourniquet systems so that if he loses a limb or gets a severe injury on an arm or leg the AI can apply pressure to stop the bleeding and save his life. The suit is designed to be used in numerous environments. Samantha was happy with the design on Chuck’s armor. She worked with a few of the techs to get it made. The new composite was a pain in the butt to work with but it was worth the effort.
Her next large scale project was new armor for Adam. She took the design for Chuck’s armor and just scaled it down for Adam. Instead of a large caliber gatling gun for his armor, she mounted him a smaller missile launcher. It would shoot one missile at a time and he could carry six. She built into his suit an embedded AI that could act as a targeting system. The AI would work with his HUD for a targeting display. There was an optional toggle that would allow Adam to check on a variety of team information such as vital signs, locations, and assets in the area. She built in an embedded communications suite that would allow Adam to run encrypted team communications from his suit. She built in a powerful transmitter and receiver to boost his signal. She improved his electronic suite to include lidar and radar that was limited in range but would give him some tactical advantages she hoped. Adam’s armor had the same kinetic assist technology and chemical reactor as Chuck’s. The hard outer armor on his power armor was only an inch thick making it lighter than Chuck’s. The hydraulic actuators and synthetic tendons allowed Adam to move faster, punch harder, and lift more. She painted Adam’s armor in the same stealth coating she had used on Chuck’s armor. She designed Adam’s armor so that the hydraulics could give a force punch that would allow his arm and fist to act as a hydraulic ram. She included a trophy system so that Adam could better shield himself and his team. There was a magnetic holster on each hip that was angled to allow Adam to carry long guns with him.
Samantha enjoyed the challenge of designing something for Tahlia. She designed a holographic sight for her sniper rifle. She then decided to make her holographic hide. It needed to be very lightweight and easy to set up. Samantha had just the thing. She took some of the titanium weave kinetic fabric. She designed a popup tent for Tahlia to lay down in or she could drape the fabric over stuff to hide behind. She attached the holographic projector and control box to the edge of the fabric. It was about the size of a cigar box. Hit the button the projector would pick up the image of the onboard mini cameras or an image of Tahlia’s choosing. She designed a prosthetic leg that was based on the flexible blade styles that runners preferred. She designed a support that came up over her knee. It would wiggle around less and reduce the pain and irritation Tahlia suffered from the prosthetic slipping around. She padded the area where her stump fit in with the ballistic gel for comfort and support. The synthetic tendons behind the knee joint would help her walk more normally. This would give Tahlia more stability walking in uneven terrain. The prosthetic leg was designed to absorb the impact from running and provide a return kinetic assist. The result should mirror or even be better than the flexible blade prosthetics that running amputee athletes used.
Samantha redesigned Athena’s armor to be more energy efficient. She added in jump jets that were a little larger and used a new biofuel. That should provide enough thrust to propel the giantess up and over almost any obstacle. She made sure the new armor design supported her special weapons. She then turned it over to the technicians to complete. Samantha was sad that had to turn so much of the work over to the other techs. She sighed but she did it. She enjoyed the process of beating metal into submission and soldering wires into place. She enjoyed putting together her designs like a wonderful puzzle. Her stomach rumbled and she realized she had once again worked through a meal. She knew she needed to remember to eat for the nanites repairing her body. She took off in search of food.
Samantha came back and checked on the armor techs. She corrected a few minor issues and then set to work on the weapons she wanted to make. She smiled as she began working on the components for Ban’s new weapons. She purposely designed them to look like traditional Japanese weapons but upgraded them with modern tech. She started with a naginata. The long sweeping blade was a folded titanium instead of steel to increase its strength. She coated in a matte black carbon and etched Ban’s household symbol into the blade. The handle could be shortened so he could use it as a sword. There were two small buttons on the collapsible handle. One would cause the springs to release and extend the handle to make it a spear. On the opposite end from the blade was a metal dragon head cap which hid a set of taser contacts. If you hit the other button, the dragon head would act like a cattle prod taser delivering a stun charge. Samantha found Temari balls easy to adapt based on her work producing upgraded grenades. She designed metal Temari balls that could be loaded with any powder. They had spring loaded openings that would pop open after a 5 second count. A small pressurized air blast would blow the powder into a cloud around the ball. They were refillable and could be used to create any variety of poisons or smoke bombs. She then made him a Kusarigama. She kept it more traditional with folded steel like one would use for a katana for the blade. The curved sickle-like blade of the weapon on a leather braided titanium handle which was connected to a titanium chain with a weighted spike bob on the other end. She then worked on the special piece of this collection, a special rifle that looked like a Sengoku era rifle. She hid a modern magazine in the handle of the rifle that would hold 20 bullets. The rifle would only shoot one bullet at a time though. The rifle would shoot the same bullets as a M80.
While she was working on new toys for Ban she decided to make something special for Purna. She decided to make Purna special ammunition. She thought about the logistics and materials needed. She got to work with the molds and presses available in the workshop. She made him four boxes of ammo for each of his guns. It was armor piercing fragmentation hollow point rounds. The special part was the hollow cylinder in the middle of the bullet. He could use a hypodermic needle to fill that reservoir with a poison or chemical of his choice. The end would be sealed with a low melting wax. When the bullet fired through the gun barrel the heat generated would melt the wax. The force of the bullet flying through the air would keep the poison contained until it hit its target. The round would fragment upon impact spreading the poison. Even if the round failed to pierce all the way through the armor, if the person handling the armor was not careful or didn’t know the poison was there, they could still be harmed by it. She put together a kukri style blade for him using the technology that mirrored her hand held laser welder that she carried in her gear. The power supply for the laser was in the handle. It was a very nice folded damascus steel which embedded a lovely pattern in the blade. The laser head was hosed in the end cap of the blade. The hinge popped open and he hit the button that was hidden as a stud in the ceramic metallic alloy handle. So on one end a lovely damascus dagger and the other end was a portable laser welder. The charge would not last long, maybe 10 minutes but Samantha was pretty sure that Purna would find it useful in the field.
She created a set of grappling hook guns for the team. She knew some of them would find them more useful than others. The grappling hook was fired out of a rifle-like device. The hook was attached to a 50 foot long super strong thin titanium alloy braided cable. There was a small but powerful winch on the back of the rifle with a motor strong enough to pull and hold four hundred pounds. Once the grappling hook was set, you could activate the winch attached to the cable which was located on the side of the handle. An operative could hold onto the metal reinforced handle or clip it to a harness for hands free lift support. The winch would pull them up or whatever was attached to the handle of the grappling gun up to the grappling hook. The only challenge with the grappling hook gun was it did weigh about 20 pounds. Samantha made a few smaller grappling hooks that were spring loaded with serrated titanium hooks. She had reels of the braided cable available to go with them. She created those for the operatives that wanted portability. The grappling hook was lightweight and could fold up in a cylinder about two feet long. She made sure Purna’s armor was repaired and tinkered with the power system to make it a little more energy efficient. She also made him some optional plates out of the new ceramic metallic alloy she had developed for the new armor she was making. It is lightweight and stronger than his current plates.
Samantha thought about gear for herself and Enri. She used a few of the quantum chips she had to build Enri a laptop computer like hers. She would let the hacker set it up her way. She built some drones especially to help her hacker friends out. They were small about the size of a baseball. They were round and would pop open when tossed into the air. The inside was a powerful transmitter and receiver that used the encrypted technology she had developed for Raven. Also inside was a small powered articulated arm with a gold plated sharp toothed alligator clip and a mini laser. The mini laser would burn its way through a housing or wire covering allowing the alligator clip to clip to communication wires. This would give them a hard dock to hack whatever the drones could access. The drones were designed to be used as a swarm and would be controlled by Bob. Once she had a hard dock with the tech she could turn the signal over to Enri and Rafeal back at the base. She did a little dabbling with the communication systems on the larger flying drones that Raven had. She upgraded them to the new encrypted sealed communication network to prevent Artemis hackers from taking them over again. That would allow them to call on the drones for air support again as well. Raven Squad had avoided using drones after the drone was hacked and attacked their team in the desert.
Samantha looked around and was tapping her fingers against the worktop. She couldn’t help feeling like there was still more to do. She had pulled up the designs for Skye’s exosuit. Samantha was reviewing the designs since she was not the one who had put it together for her. The tech had come from reverse engineering Rose’s suit. She knew the technicians were busy with all the work she had them doing. She had not turned Skye’s suit over to them yet for a rebuild because she wanted to see how much she could upgrade it. That was where she was as she had high tech schematics pulled up on her screen when Skye found her in the armory workshop.
The inquisitive Skye walked in, watching Sam at work, a smile on her face, firmly seeing the American in her happy place. She was hard at work putting everything together, nearly a single-woman engineering department, almost reminding her of Laura. Perhaps even a bit more than Laura. What Sam may have lacked in brute force, she made up for in absolute precision.
Skye glanced across the designs, whistling looking at the new kit.
“You have been busy.”
Skye sounded blunt, smirking back to Sam, running her hand over the grapple, the mantle-like device able to be rifle fitted, or for her purpose, something else she wanted.
“Thank you for this. This is all amazing work. The team are gonna be giddy when this all gets set. A lot of it came from prototypes sent to us but some of this is exquisite.”
Skye added, the redhead glancing back up, her tall height making it sometimes a little more awkward, but definitely nowhere near as bad as say, Athena would have.
Samantha looked up as she heard the whistle. She blushed a little since everyone including Sophie had been after her for over doing it lately. She suspected Chuck had snitched on her and told everyone else to keep an eye on her. She smiled at Skye feeling a little more at ease. Grateful that Skye didn’t give her a ribbing for trying to do too much as well. She simply nodded and pointed at the row of finished armor that the techs were putting the last touches on. The new gear laid across the work table.
“Thanks. I have been feeling restless and I want us to be ready for whatever Rose does next. We both know when she pops out of her hole like the sick weasel she is, it's going to be bad.”
Sam didn’t bother to hide the worry that had been eating at her since the blimp. She knew Skye would understand. She pointed to her computer screen and the schematics she had pulled up on it.
“Right now I am looking over the schematics for your exosuit. I want to see if we can make some improvements.”
Skye smiled, nodding back at Sam, looking at the screen and going through it. She seemed a little pensive, deep in thought for a moment, before she looked back.
“Interesting. I like the design. I like how you’ve linked up the fatigues and the exo’s clip points. That was always annoying. Though, being an early adopter I guess….I suppose it was time I made some changes. Alright, if you have me here, then why not. Let’s have a look. I know you like being busy, even against doctor’s orders, but, who am I to say no.”
Skye said, almost as if she was speaking to herself, pulling up details of pneumatic-hydraulic systems, plating, composite material, from the thin layer of carbon fiber that overlay a predominantly composite chassis backed by titanium and dragonskin where it had to be.
“Hmm, maybe tweak this bit here? See if you can mount a grapple on the arm. If we’re going clean sheet, let’s try that.”
Skye added, looking over something else. The exo seemed to have a similar charm to her old one- not as bulky as Adam’s, but much more a frame built around her body. The armour came with actuators, a jump-pack on the back of her hip that allowed her to double-jump and run on walls, as well as basically leap up three storeys at time, like her old one, but seemed to have more in the way of accelerative and movement-based capability.
Samantha pulled the keyboard over to her and began to type and draw changes on the screen.
“If you don’t want the grappling hook to take off without you, why don’t I design an armored gauntlet or an armor piece that guards your arm from wrist to elbow that I can mount it to?”
She continued to talk as she designed on the screen.
“You know the new tension polymer will be an improvement over your old ones. They are stronger and less prone to tearing. I designed some new jump jets for Athena’s armor. I can scale them down for you and place one off each hip for balance.”
“Go for it. Stick to a pack design though, smaller but with a bit more bite to them rather than a continuous lift design. Athena’s got a fat ass, I’m not exactly like that. Tends to be if you oversize them, they send you everywhere, so even if the jets are smaller, they’re….well, a bit more like just getting pushed. Trust me. I fiddled with it before.”
Skye added just nonchalantly with a grin, looking it through further, the design a lot more sleek- a black rather than the old tan-colour, that then meshed with her fatigues. Given the type of operations, it made sense to go with black and then have her usual fatigues under in a different fashion, although she’d less go for an undersuit and more for a composite, more advanced next-gen fatigues system with cooling and a skin-tight feel just for that extra little bit of comfort. It didn’t offer any armour of its own, but it did keep Skye cool or warm, which was a little nicer than just usual MTP fatigues she rolled with.
Samantha nodded along as she continued to make changes to the schematics while Skye was talking.
"I see what you mean. Do you want the jump jets to be optional?”
She made a few more taps on the keyboard before turning her attention to what Skye was saying.
“Put them in. It’s integral.”
Skye was fast to the reply, peeling up the ammo stores, amending them Freya’s M31 mods, the battle rifle now basically a railgun requiring a new mount for power. Where her MG3 ammo had gone in a small ammunition pack on her back, Skye tweaked it while Sam did her bits, putting the power source for the rifle there, running a cable through her arm and into the rifle, through a clever modular socket already found on it. She wasn’t an engineer or a designer by any means, but, it would at least put the weight off her arms and more onto her core, something Freya might not have needed to worry about given she could probably dual wield one, but even with an exo, 30kg was a lot.
“There we go. Open face is nice, I know Adam and Ebrima like theirs sealed, but I prefer a bit more visibility. Just need to add those tactical glasses in and….there. All you.”
Skye smiled back, brushing her burgundy hair out of the way as she headed over towards the corner of the armoury, letting Sam get back to it.
“Can I get you a tea or coffee, by the way?”
Samantha smiled as she noted the changes Skye was requesting. She made some notations on upgraded materials and some modular designs to make maintenance easier for the techs. She upgraded the power core and tweaked the power routing to be more efficient and reduce the bulk. She checked the composite for the frame and suggested some materials that would be a little lighter but just as strong. She looked up as Skye asked her if she wanted some tea or coffee.
“Tea please. If I drink any more coffee, I will still be here sometime tomorrow for inability to sleep.”
Skye chuckled, putting on the kettle, letting it boil away and preparing two cups of tea, lobbing in the teabags like it was another day in the office.
She had learned to appreciate this a hell of a lot. Little things like this. Mundane, stupid, silly things. Some people who lived like adrenaline addicts and on the edge got bored of reality, but for her, nearly dying, an awful lot, and enjoying the little things as the leader of this little task force to help out her colleagues meant a lot more. Boring was boring, but at least it got to exist so long as they kept going after people like Rose. And that brought some small joy to Skye at least.
“Milk or sugar?” Skye asked, as she poured the now boiled water in, filling each cup.
Samantha kept tweaking the design here and there moving some things around to make the profile sleeker.
“Sugar, no milk. Thanks.”
She looked over the revised design with a thoughtful look.
“Do you want any kind of on board AI? Or how about a slim under suit like mine with that temperature controlling ballistic gel?”
With that, Skye added just that, leaving her own black, bringing both over after a short but vigorous stir “Here.” And the mugs went down, Skye letting hers cool off, before giving a gentle slurp. The Scot wore a cream yellow fleece and jeans combo, as casual as could be for an operator that normally was out tearing pieces out of people. There was this civilized nature to Skye, she looked over the design, responding back to Sam.
“Keep the fatigue underlayer as is. I’m just not that attractive in one of those undersuits. But yeah….I mean, it’s good, but I prefer the tactical appeal of mine. It’s got a little cooling to it here and here. Bit more basic, but it works. As for AI….I guess having another voice in my head might be good. I have Raven’s already networked, so maybe just some iterative improvements.”
Skye giggled at the first bit before getting more serious, smirking at Sam, the Scot doing her absolute classic understatements, her face and hair beautiful for someone who seemed to have a body that was more like some pentathlete’s frame, not to mention the litany of cuts, bruises and scars she had. In Singapore, she’d shown that off- she was able to become a siren on demand, but typically, she was much more tomboyish, especially with her hair only just about growing back from the pixie-short level she’d had in Nagoya.
Samantha’s nightmares had eased up after she began working on the gear. She still had that underlying sense of impending doom. She didn’t feel as manic and unsettled though. Having something to focus on had really helped. She would have to remember to thank Chuck for pointing out the obvious to her. She turned and accepted the hot mug from Skye and took a grateful sip. Her stomach gurgled, reminding her she had not eaten lately. She laughed at Skye’s comment.
“You would look fabulous in it and we both know it. The challenge is it distracts the men in our team. How about some optional lighter stronger plates for your plate carrier?”
Skye peeled it up on the laptop, pulling in the plate carrier.
“Go for the carbon-composite and dragonskin. It’s light, and segments. Means it takes hits, not like Adam, but keeps the overall figure down.”
Skye picked through, this suit more of an iteration on her previous one, but it being nice to work on this, the plate carrier covering the shoulders, with a thin plating on the forearms, thighs and legs that was pure composite, rather than backed by significant plating. Skye realized she had been here for a hell of a while, and hadn’t moved from this spot. It was in her body language, the kind that Skye didn’t even need words to see, that and her rumble.
“I mean, Athena distracts the men in our team. Between us, Natalie back in the day was something. It’s so strange how similar they are. Crazy. Anyway. That’s my little aside…”
Skye giggled like a schoolgirl, looking through the design again, pointing out another thing.
“Better absorption of drops would be nice. Mine throws me onto the floor at the moment. So a teeny bit more give, perhaps a coil rather than an air spring? And while we’re looking at stuff….do you want something to eat? You sound like you’ve been here a while….don’t know how cabin fever hasn’t hit you yet!”
Skye gently pulled in on the legs on the CAD drawing, particularly where the exoskeleton’s absorption mechanism sat, actually allowing the thing to be thrown off a building and hit the floor, superhero pose. Though it felt more like still, it just did a practical, functional job rather than a cushioning one.
Samantha just shook her head giggling with Skye. "Athena was in a league all her own and bold as brass to boot.” She sipped her tea while Skye explained what else she wanted. Samantha thought about the problem with landing. She needed to improve stability and a way to absorb that kinetic energy. Samantha had a thought and yeah that would work. She could layer that tension kinetic weave over the springs which she redesigned to absorb and rebound giving Skye a little assist back up.
“This should absorb the impact and then push you back up a bit. It might give you a little hop up. Would that work?”
Samantha had been lost in the design and startled as she realized that Skye had been asking her a question. She sheepishly pushed the laptop back a little.
“Well yeah…. Maybe I have spent most of my time here lately. But Skye! We need to be ready! It’s driving me kind of crazy. The only thing that has helped has been working.”
She looked away realizing she had not shared that experience with Skye. She took a sip of her tea. She sighed and stood up stretching out her stiff neck and back muscles.
“I know you are right. I haven’t eaten since breakfast. Feel like a trip to the dining room?”
Skye nodded, hearing her response, agreeing on that design.
“A little spring in my step. That works. Add it to this bit of the heel and…..voila. Perfect.”
Skye smiled, hearing Sam’s anxiety come back a little, sipping her own tea as well.
“That might be a good idea for food. We might make it for the end of lunch, if we’re lucky, so yeah, take a break. And while this thing is definitely making all of us anxious….only thing we can do is just do what we can. Have the gear we can. That’s why we drill, train, and push ourselves. So it all becomes normal. That’s the best way, but….you have done a hell of a job with this. Just don’t remember you’re not alone. There’s techs who can help you.”
Skye smiled back, masking her own feeling of unease about just about everything that had gone down.
Samantha nodded and felt a little silly. She knew that Skye had to be impacted by this too. Rose was technically her clone sister. They were very different people but it had to be difficult knowing that Rose was out committing who knew what atrocities and she had the same face as Skye. She sighed and pulled Skye into a hug.
“I am sorry. I have been so preoccupied with how I was feeling that I forget we are all going through it.”
She hugged her friend.
“I need to be a better friend.”
She chuckled a little determined to talk about something else.
“You know I heard that Chuck had the talk with the family and has been cleared to date Freya. How adorable is that? The man asked her mom’s permission to date her.”
She tucked her arm in Skye’s and led the way towards the food.
Skye returned the hug, feeling very much like a big sister to Sam at this point, even though professionally she knew she had to be incredibly careful. Yet, Sam had taken well after her. Skye was all aggression, capability, and Sam had been getting moulded into something approaching that. And the Scot felt a certain type of responsibility in herself to keep that, nodding back.
“It’s alright Sam. Don’t worry about it. So do I, I didn’t spend much time with you after everything went down. But we’re a team. And we always carry each other over the line. We all have a lot to deal with, but that’s what makes us the best.”
Skye kept herself stoic, to the point, but from a place of warm care, even though that didn’t melt out as often- yet still, it was more than ever before. With it, Skye followed Sam, heading out, hearing what she said.
“Brave man. But not a stupid one. The last person that Freya saw, she slammed a hammer into her gut. Probably best to clear it with family first.”
Skye smirked, already aware, and well, not one to pass up on some dry humour.
“Come on then. Let’s grab some grub. I hear they’re doing pasta bake. That reminds me of how much I miss Corsica from our last place, and Domenico’s cooking on base…man, that was good.”
Skye smiled, thinking back to an old team-member, and another time, sipping the rest of her mug of tea down, putting hers and Sam’s back, before following.
Samantha still didn’t feel like she had done enough when she left the workroom later that evening. She showered and fell into bed exhausted. For the first night in a while, she slept well that night. Her nightmares stayed away. She woke up late the next day. Her body finally forced her to get the rest she needed to heal. She woke up groggy and pulled on some workout clothes. She headed for the gym. She needed to start working on her flexibility now that the skin grafts were holding. She settled down for some easy and light yoga before heading out on a run. When she got back, she showered and went to get breakfast. She ran into Ban in the dining room. She asked him to do some light sparring with her. Her martial arts skills were getting a little rusty from not having used them in a while.
Samantha was sweaty again as she lay panting on the mat in the gym. Ban had been a man of his word. He didn’t take it easy on her. He was fitter than her at the moment and taller and stronger. He had the advantage over her. She suspected once she was back in top shape he wouldn’t find it so easy to put her on the mat. Sophie had warned her that while technically her ribs were healed that they still would re-break easily until the bones fully knit and the calcium sleeves over the breaks hardened. Ban waited patiently for her to get up.
Samantha groaned and tapped the mat. “Ban-san I think I am done for the day.” She slowly and with only some minor pain rolled wearily to her feet. She gave Ban-san a deep respectful bow. “Arigato gozaimashita.” She straightened her back and twisted from side to side to loosen tight muscles. She gave Ban a big smile. “Before you go I have some things for you.”
Samantha crossed the gym to the storage locker where she had been putting all the finished gear she had been working on. She pulled out the weapons she had made for Ban. She laid them on a table in a row and then turned to him with a bow. “Thank you for being a friend when I needed one, for understanding. I made these for you. I tried to honor your heritage. I hope you like them.”
Paul was wearing dark gray dress slacks, black dress boots, and a Team Valkyrie button up shirt. He was wearing one of the new House Enigma Team Valkyrie jackets on top of it. The jacket was a sustainable leather in an edgy moto style in a dark gray color with gold accents and piping angled for a slimming effect and broader shoulders. The Team Valkyrie logo takes up most of the back of the jacket. Paul was sitting once more on the Delta Hyper couch and next to him was one of their Junior AG pilots Scarlett Collins.
Scarlett Collins had gone through press training at Valkyrie Academy. She was a little nervous though to be sitting next to Paul Mulder. She was very aware of who he was. She had come up into Junior AG as Paul was leaving it. She had seen him race when she was coming up through the ranks. She felt she was just as good as Paul but she recognized that she still needed experience. There is a skill learning curve for each step closer you get to Formula AG racing. She was self aware enough to know that she still had a lot to learn. She already had learned a great deal at Valkyrie’s Junior Academy. They often used the data and simulators from real team races for training. She couldn’t help smiling with the confidence that she was well on her way to earning her ride in Formula AG. Scarlett was wearing jeans, sneakers, and a Team Valkyrie shirt. Her brown wavy hair was pulled back in a French braid.
"Welcome to Portugal, Paul. Your family's foundation helped get Scarlett into racing- any comments between you both on how that has progressed for young pilots entering the sport?"
Paul smiled at Aurora as she began by welcoming them to Portugal. Paul: “Thank you Aurora. As always it's a pleasure to be here. Thank you for mentioning the Mulder Foundation and giving me an opportunity to talk about it. It means a lot to my family, especially my mother. For those who don’t know the Mulder Foundation is a nonprofit that was set up by my mother after my father’s death. She set up the foundation to honor his memory and love of racing. The foundation helps underprivileged children with their sports dreams. We provide equipment, money for training, and help getting to competitions which can price out children who live in poverty. The foundation also provides funding to children’s arts programs in Europe.”
Paul took a beat to smile at the camera and take a breath before continuing. He winks at Aurora with a conspiratorial look before revealing. He leans closer to the camera as if sharing a secret with everyone. “I am planning a big charity gala to raise awareness and money for the foundation. Details will be released soon. It is going to be quite the event. I have enlisted the help of some of my fellow rookies. The amazing Queen Bea and Hyeon-Ae of Zygon have already committed to helping out. I hope others will join me in supporting the work they do. Stay tuned as more details are coming”
He grinned into the camera and then smiled at Aurora before relaxing back into the couch. He turned to Scarlett with a surprised smile. “I didn’t know that you got support from the Mulder Foundation. You are doing very well on the Junior AG circuit which is why Valkyrie’s Academy picked you up. Congrats on that Scarlett! That is quite the achievement.” He turned back to Aurora. “Scarlett has a very aggressive style. She just goes full throttle all the time with no fear. I want to point out that she is from Britain. Silver Apex could have scooped her up but they didn’t! Not all drivers supported by the Mulder Foundation end up in Valkyrie’s Academy. Why don’t we hear from Scarlett about how she feels about the support she has received from the Mulder Foundation? ” He grinned into the camera.
Scarlett sat waiting. She didn’t expect to say much since Paul was sitting next to her as one of the new rising stars of Formula AG. He didn’t have any wins yet but he was in his Rookie year and competing on the main circuit. She was surprised when Aurora asked about the Mulder Foundation. She was more surprised to hear that Paul was personally involved in supporting the Foundation. She thought it was a nonprofit set up to honor his father but run by other people. She thought the family only came out in support a few times a year. She was pleasantly surprised to find out that it meant something to him. Scarlett was still working hard to curb a prejudice she developed against rich folks. She grew up poor and life was a struggle for everything. It was hard to not to color all rich folks as people who could have anything they wanted and got it by buying it. She froze as Paul asked her to share her experience with the foundation. Her press training went right out the window as she panicked a little.
Paul saw the moment Scarlett froze and the panicked look in her eye. He smiled and drew attention away from Scarlett. He took her hand and gave it a supportive squeeze. “I think I surprised Scarlett. It’s okay Scarlett. Just share how the Foundation helped you get to where you are today. Okay?”
Scarlett swallowed hard and gave Paul a grateful smile as she quickly recovered her composure. “I would not be here today without the Mulder Foundation. My Ma died when I was really young. It's always been just my Da and Me. He worked hard in the factory but life was a struggle. You know?” She shrugged a little. “He is a big racing fan. He watches it all! His favorite is Formula AG. He started taking me to the local Kart races because admission was free for kids under 14. I fell in love with racing when I was 8. It’s all I ever wanted to do. My Da couldn’t afford to buy a Kart, pay for training, or transportation to competitions. I heard about the Mulder Foundation and applied. They supported my rookie year in Karting. They paid for my first kart, training, and the travel expenses. I got picked up by a sponsor at the end of my first year. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to even get started without them. I was never pressured to race for any one team or in certain races. It was just solid support that came without strings attached. It’s a great charity and I am so grateful that they were there for me.”
Round 5 of Formula Anti-Gravity Racing Saturday 6th May, 2094 Post-Qualifying Portuguese AGP
Paul was feeling good about this race. He had a blast with the karts. It got him pumped up for the main event here in Portugal. This track would be a fun one for him. This track was less about speed and more about finesse and skill. The curves forced you to slow down. This circuit was short for Formula AG and the speeds these ships could hit during a race. There was no mag tracking here to force the ship to stay in the lane. The antigravity generators lifted the ships off the tarmac to float above it. Only the skill of the pilot and aerodynamic downforce keep a ship on the track. The spectators are protected by the repeller shield barricades that line the track. That prevents ships or debris from leaving the track entirely. This circuit was hilly and the ships would be going up and down quickly on this small compact circuit. Italy was good training for this track for the undulation you see at this track.
Paul waited at the starting line for the light to turn green. He tugged his harness straps tighter. He flexed his fingers in his racing gloves. He made sure they were supple and comfortable. He began the deep breathing exercises. Paul had found that the deep breath exercises he had been taught did help him some during the race. He noticed he had better focus and his body stood up the g forces better. He had to admit that the neural chip and cognitive training was paying off as well. He was able to handle the absolute massive amount of data from the ship without being overwhelmed by the telemetry he had access to. He had his holographic dashboard set up to his liking. He had already performed his systems check. He was ready for the race to start.
5 4 3 2 1
Paul shot off the starting line. He had others in front of him but he focused on what he needed to do. He pushed hard for the first turn. He let off the throttle and took his line into the corner and feathered the throttle coming out of the turn and nailed it as he shot away from the corner. Then that magical thing happened where the rest of the world seems to fade away and it is just Paul and the ship on the track. He smiles as he feels like his father is racing right there with him. His focus becomes the track and the next curve and the next hairpin corner. How fast can he do it? Paul is in his zone and is on a flier. He flew through sector 2 on the next lap.
Paul heard his race engineer Carmella voice in his ear. “2 seconds from Cassie's pace.”
Paul smiled as he mentally was chanting smooth is fast as he kept up his momentum in the curves and corners. The ship was responding well and Paul’s sim training for the track was paying off. His instincts for placing his racing line into and out of the corner was spot on. He pushed as much speed as he could.
He heard Carmella’s voice in his ear once more. “Good Pace.”
Paul charged hard towards the finish line. He opened up the throttle and easily took that last curve out of Sagres.
Carmella cheered in his ear as she told him. “Congrats Paul on P3!”
Paul was triumphant. Finally! Hopefully he would retain P3. Now he just needed to repeat this tomorrow. He threw his fist in the air thinking to himself. Thanks Dad. I miss you.
Alexander was waiting for Paul in the pit. Alexander couldn’t tell Paul how relieved he was that the team was finally seeing some positive results at the races. It was just qualifying but it gave him hope for tomorrow. He hoped the team came out with a good points haul from Portugal. He hoped if they did well here the pressure from the powers above would back off just a little. He was still reeling over having to replace his lead engineer. That process was in the works and it was messy but that was life. Cavan couldn’t be in Portugal this weekend. He was back in England packing his family for a temporary move to Germany. Cavan was starting Monday and Alexander was more grateful for that than he could say. At least they might salvage something from this season. Alexander waited while one of the pit crew helped Paul out of the ship before he moved in.
Alexander smiled at Paul. “Well done Paul! Congrats on P3! That’s amazing. I knew you could do it. Your father would be proud.”
Paul smiled at Alexander and accepted the offered congratulations with a handshake. “Thank you Alexander.”
Alexander gave him a nod and turned to check in with the mechanics and engineers. He was standing in as lead engineer this weekend. He was lending his support to Helga who was here running things in the paddock this weekend. Alexander had started paying attention to what was said around his female staff by other teams and their staff passing the Valkyrie paddock on their way to other places. Alexander was familiar with the shit talking that teams did to one another. That he let go as it was par for the course. He had not forgotten what the mechanics had shared with him. Because he was a well recognized team principal they didn’t seem to use that kind of language when they saw he was in the paddock. So far this race has been a positive experience.
Zap Sports Drinks had a booth in the Valkyrie Fan Zone and were passing out drinks here in Portugal. Paul, Alexander, and Dorian had all stopped by the booth to do some social media posts while drinking their favorite flavor. I Can’t Believe It's Not Meat was serving the masses out in the food court. Alexander hadn’t had time to work on the Quantinium Computer sponsorship with Burkhardt leaving. That took his focus and was a priority. He would need to prioritize that contract next week amidst onboarding Cavan and the new engineers he was bringing with him. He hoped their luck held here in Portugal and that Paul was able to repeat this performance tomorrow.
Social Media
Team Valkyrie AGR @TeamValkyrie:
Team Valkyrie AGR Sport pilot Paul Mulder qualified in P3 and Dorian Hornfleur in P6. Help us congratulate them. Remember all your Valkyrie fan gear is available at the online store! [link here]
OfficeDrone#12: OMG Paul qualified in P3! How exciting! SuperfanAGR54: Yes! This is what I was hoping to see from Valkyrie! DantheMan: This is more like it. BatDave: I am Batman! Superfan2075: Better DadBod89: P3 is much better. Dorian is still middle of the pack though. Hater101: It was bound to happen sooner or later. Papabear34: #GoMulder Nana2050: Go team! GeorgeFly: Things look promising ValkyrieFan56: P3 is good Weedhead81: Way to go Paul! I told you some weed would help you relax man. SexyM@m@5: @valkyriedorian Call me! Paulmulder4eva: @valkyriepaul Call me! Britball12: I will wait for the race results !YouSlow!: Better but waiting for race results xImFasterthanUx: Hmmmm AGInthusiast: Qualifying is not the race micheal650004: Improvement Bertha: Qualifying is not the result. Waiting for the race results.
It had been a few weeks since Raven Squad had returned to the base. Samantha was still healing but she was feeling more functional. She could move better. She was still undergoing some physical therapy to help prevent scar tissue from tightening up and messing up her range of motion. She was also having to recover some muscle conditioning. The skin grafts had sealed well. Samantha had some ugly burn scars. The red spidery veins that were Lichtenberg Scars were fading. The ugly bright red lines had faded away and were almost gone. Just the faintest hint of pink lines remained. Samantha had been struggling to come to terms with her experience on the blimp when she had been dying. She was consumed with the message they had given her.
There had been no word from intelligence about Rose’s activities. It was as if she had vanished into thin air. Everyone was so happy to have stopped the virus, it was like they forgot or dismissed Rose now that it had been neutralized. Samantha had looked into Rose’s eyes and feared for the world. That woman would absolutely try to destroy the world just so she could have the last word. She couldn’t help the driving anxiety that made her fear what Rose’s next move would be. It was driving her crazy that she had heard nothing about what Raven was doing to track her down. The leaders kept telling her that she needed to focus on getting better and not worry about it. How do you NOT worry about it when your dead parents and grandfather tell you that you are not allowed to join them yet in the afterlife because the world needs you?
Samantha’s ADHD had never been so bad. Samantha felt as if her skin was going to come off if she didn’t do something. She couldn’t sit still. Sophie had already yelled at her more than once for pushing her recovery and trying to move too fast. Sophie didn’t want her to be so physically active just yet. She wanted Samantha to build up to it. Samantha couldn’t help feeling that time was running out. So before she had been cleared by the good doctor, she began to run around the base to help regain her stamina. Then in true Skye fashion, she ignored the doctor and began adding in parkour moves. She pushed her body harder and harder. She had a driving need to be ready when the call came.
This morning she had Duke and Chuck running with her. Chuck’s long legs allowed him to keep up with her easily. Duke seemed to think it was a game as he followed Sam as she bounced off the side of buildings and jumped over fences. He barked excitedly as he followed her lead by jumping from one side of a building to the other to go up onto the roof and then back down again. She laughed as she realized Duke had followed her. She stopped for a moment as laughing took her breath away. She shook her head and praised Duke giving him a loving rub behind the ears. Samantha realized it was the first time she had laughed in a while. She had been so subdued and withdrawn. It was a wonder that other members of Raven Squad who knew her well hadn’t sought her out to see what was going on. She laid her forehead against Duke’s as she continued to pet him and scratch behind his ears.
Chuck had noticed Samantha had been different since the team had come back from the op on the blimp. He didn’t know her very well yet but he could see she was struggling. It didn’t take a genius to know that almost dying on the last op had impacted her. He had noticed the dark circles under her eyes that said she was not sleeping. He noticed that she had started running again. He knew she usually ran much farther. He figured it was her way of easing back into things. He had asked if he and Duke could keep her company on her runs. He had been passing sickbay when Sophie had chewed her out for overdoing it. She had torn one of her skin grafts open on the edge and Sophie had to close it again. Samantha had been serious after Japan but he had never seen her restless. She had always seemed to have energy and be in motion but it had always had a positive edge to it before. Now there was an almost desperate edge to it. He had asked if he and Duke could accompany her so that he could keep an eye on her. He was hoping she would open up to him. He could tell something was eating at her.
Chuck had stopped to see what was going on. It hadn’t surprised him that Duke had followed Samantha up onto the roof. What had surprised him was that Duke managed to work his way down the same way. That was a new trick for him. Chuck smiled as he saw Samantha kneeling with her forehead pressed to Duke’s. Duke was panting with his tongue lolling out. He gave a happy bark and began to lick Samantha’s face. Chuck couldn’t help but laugh as Samantha began to sputter and tell Duke she didn’t want dog kisses. Chuck let it go on a little longer before calling Duke to heel. He realized that was the first time he had heard Samantha laugh in days. Duke quickly came to Chuck’s side and sat down wagging his tail. He looked up at Chuck and barked as if he was telling him. Yep. See I made her laugh. I did good! Chuck shook his head chuckling as he looked over at Samantha who was pushing up onto her feet.
Chuck gave her a smile as she wiped doggy drool off her chin with her sleeve. “Everyone always thinks Duke is all cute and fluffy till he shows him teeth or gives some doggy affection. That was his way of saying thanks for playing with him.” He gave Samantha a smile. “Thanks for teaching him a new move. I don’t think I have seen him do that before.”
Samantha rose to her feet and gave Chuck a smile. “Duke is fun to have around. I was surprised that he followed me up onto the roof. I didn’t expect that.”
Chuck nodded at Duke. “He is an exceptional canine. I can tell he was having fun. He took chasing you as a form of play. I am not surprised that he learned how. He has always caught on to physical moves pretty quickly.”
Samantha nodded and brushed Duke across the ears once more. “He truly is a magnificent animal. I can see why you take him running with you. “
Chuck gave Samantha a warm look that became a little more serious. “Samantha I have noticed that you have been… struggling since you came back from the last op. Do you want to talk about it? I understand you had a close call. That would rock anyone’s confidence.”
Samantha gave Chuck a frustrated look tinged with guilt. She looked at Chuck’s earnest face and sighed. She looked away into the distance as she contemplated whether he would understand. She shrugged and began to pace, unable to stand still in one spot. She began to walk the path they had been taking on their run. Chuck and Duke walked at her side. Samantha began trying to explain her feelings. She knew he would keep dogging her till she spilled what was on her mind. She had seen him do it with other team members.
“Chuck I literally died. My heart stopped from the electricity. Skye had to give me CPR and shock my heart into beating again. While she was giving me CPR…”
She trailed off unsure whether she should trust Chuck with this. He had asked though. She could tell he wanted to help. She sighed in frustration and resignation. She suspected he wouldn’t let it go if she didn’t talk to him.
“When she was giving me CPR, I found myself in this peaceful place and found my parents and grandfather talking to me. They told me it was not my time to join them. They told me that I needed to save the world. That I had to come back.”
She stopped and looked Chuck in the eyes. “My mother died when I was very young. My father and adopted grandfather died in the terrorist attack at Angel Stadium. They are all dead Chuck. I miss them so much it hurts to breathe sometimes. It was peaceful and I was surrounded by people who loved me. I sensed if I stayed they would be with me forever. I could lay down all this pain and struggle. But they told me I couldn't and that I had to come back. We may have stopped the neurotoxin but Rose is still out there. We have no idea what she is planning, but I feel it deep in my gut Chuck. She is planning something else. It will probably be worse this time. That woman doesn’t care if the world burns. And we are here doing nothing!”
She was almost screaming in frustration now as tears ran down her face as she tried her best to contain these strong almost toxic emotions. She expected Chuck to call her crazy and report her as unstable to the leadership. She turned on her heel and took off running, trying to outrun how she was feeling. Maybe if she ran far enough and hard enough, she would sleep tonight. Maybe she would be so exhausted that she didn’t dream that her parents were calling to her and telling her that time was running out.
Chuck could hear the depth of pain and loss in her voice. He could almost feel the frustration that seemed to roll off her in waves. He was surprised by the depth of emotion that Samantha was sharing. She had always come across as a deep thinker. She only showed her deeper thoughts and feelings to a chosen few. She would laugh, joke, and smile but she always kept conversation light hearted and usually had to do with the mission. He was shocked that she told him everything. He hadn’t expected that. No wonder she was struggling. Who wouldn’t feel the pressure of the entire universe if your dead parents came and told you that you had to save the world and it wasn’t over yet after they had already neutralized the toxin.
He could see the moment pass in her eyes when she got embarrassed. Samantha took off like a shot. Damn she was fast! Duke barked and took off after her thinking their game was resuming. Chuck swore and took off after her. Luckily he had much longer legs. He caught up to her about a hundred yards away. She tried to pull away but Chuck easily overpowered her and pulled her into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her as she sobbed her heart out. Chuck sighed and just held her as the violent sobs wracked her body. It took some time before her emotional storm was finally spent. Chuck waited knowing that she wouldn’t be able to understand him until she calmed down. He understood her emotions were in complete control at the moment. That was dangerous for an active operative. He had seen others try to cope with trauma on their own. Men were the worst for pushing down and not talking about it. They want everyone to think they are okay. He was surprised that he didn’t think that was what was going on with Samantha. Chuck was patient and waited till the tears had stopped and she had finally gone from hiccuping sobs and unable to catch her breath to breathing calmly.
Samantha was embarrassed. She had been feeling like a grenade with the pin pulled ready to explode at any moment. At the moment she felt like an exhausted wet noodle, her body felt weak. She knew she sounded crazy and manic. She couldn’t stop the feeling that she needed to be doing something. She can’t believe she told Chuck of all people. Chuck was the steady reliable one in the team. Chuck was Mr. All American in giant form.
Chuck released Samantha’s body from his tight hug. He used a finger to gently tilt her head back so he could look down into her eyes. “Samantha, that is a lot of pressure to put on yourself. I accept that you had this experience and that it was very real for you. You are feeling compelled to act based on that experience. That makes sense. But Sam, you are doing what you need to be doing. You can’t save the world if you are edgy and exhausted and still recovering because you are pushing yourself too hard to heal right the first time. You know that Raven leadership is following up on all leads in regards to Rose’s whereabouts trying to find her.”
Samantha blinked in surprise. She had not expected that. She frowned in confusion and then sighed in frustration. “I know they are looking for her but they are not sharing any updates with us. I have this deep seated feeling of dread and like we are running out of time. I am having dreams where my parents are telling me time is running out. I feel like I need to do more.”
Chuck’s head tilted to one side as he thought about that. “Well you have to agree with me that we need you ready for action. You are not healing because you are pushing too fast. Yes?”
Samantha had to concede that he had a point. “I know you are right. It is hard to sit still though. I need something to do. Something to focus on.”
Chuck smiled as he had the perfect solution. “Well there is practically nothing left of my armor. I wonder if there was this amazingly talented person who could design and build me a new set?” Chuck raised an eyebrow at her.
Samantha gasped and jumped up and down in excitement with a big beautiful beaming smile on her face. She jumped up and kissed Chuck on the cheek before jumping down. “Chuck! That’s it! I need to be getting the team’s gear ready for our next mission.” She was so excited her hands were flapping in the air and she took off running back towards the base. “Thanks Chuck! I will see you later for fittings!”
Chuck watched her run off with an amused expression. He looked down at Duke who was turning his head from side to side as if he was trying to decide if he should take off after her. Chuck just gave him a hand sign and laughed as he and Duke started running again. He at least could finish getting his workout in. He would explain to Freya about getting kissed by Sam and the hug. He would hate for her to hear it from someone else and it gets misconstrued as anything other than him helping a teammate out.
Samantha had gone back to her room and showered and changed. She then went to go to find the quartermaster. She needed to repair her laptop. It had taken some damage from the electrical surge. It had been hardened against that kind of thing but it still damaged some of the components. Sam took the parts she needed back to her room and used her tools to repair her laptop. She then settled in to do some research. She needed to design new armor for some of her teammates. She needed to replace some weapons. She would need to redesign her armor once again. Skye needed something new as well. Ban had been a friendly and welcome presence that reminded her of her grandparents. She wanted to do something nice for him too.
Samantha was still recovering but there was modern machinery to take some of the physicality out of what she needed to do. She had done some digging on a new compound alloy that had a ceramic base with an metal alloy mixed into it that gave a safe, heat resistance, lightweight, very strong armor. The caveat was that the structural integrity of the ceramalloy preferred curves to sharp edges. The alloy was being considered as the plating for the next space shuttle. Sam liked the layered armor as it provided additional protection and environmental controls. She wanted to redesign the hard exoskeleton that provided the heavy armor protection. She wanted something stronger and lighter for that material. She also wanted something that wouldn’t be as conductive. She would have been alright with Rose’s trap if the electricity had not arced from the floor attracted to circuitry and the heavy armor exoskeleton on the surface of her armor. This new alloy was not very conductive and would be more resistant to electrical attacks. Samantha worked late into the night drawing and setting up schematics for new armor, new weapons, and new technology for the team. She fell asleep curled up around her laptop.
Sam didn’t wake up until almost noon the following day. She had finally slept through the night. Now that she was doing something necessary and constructive she felt better. She sighed and stretched. She went right back to work designing everything she wanted to make. Then she would go talk to the Blue Sword armor smiths and technicians to help her make it.
Samantha was sitting in the wooden chair in front of the fire. She had on boots, leggings, a flannel shirt, and a heavy winter coat. She had her hands tucked into the pocket of the coat. Most of the Lichtenberg Scars she had were hidden away under clothing. The long spidery red marks that marked her skin were the calling card of having been electrocuted. Then there were the heavy burn marks where the electricity had entered and exited her body. The marks that could be seen appeared as jagged red marks like creepy bony fingers trailing up from her chest, over her neck, along her jawline, and up onto her cheek bones. Her ribs were wrapped tight to give them support as they healed. She had a massive nanite skin graft hidden under a bandage that was centered on her chest. She had a smaller one on her thigh where the electricity had arced from the floor. Her boots had been insulated but there had been enough energy that it had been attracted to some of the circuitry in her suit on her chest before traveling back down her body and out from her thigh and back to the floor again. She had burned gnarled skin in the middle of her chest with the spidery red Lichtenberg Scars spread out like a star from the center of her chest. She had a smaller set that traveled up her thigh and around it from that burn.
Samantha was struggling with the pain when she moved. She knew from Sophie though that without some movement the scar tissue itself could tighten up and cause her issues with movement. She was struggling to come to terms with everything. She needed to heal though and quickly. Rose was still out there. She didn’t believe that she was done trying to kill all the people on the planet. A leopard couldn’t change their spots. She believed that Rose wouldn’t stop now. She was more dangerous than ever. She was cornered and had nothing left to lose. Desperate people did desperate things. She feared what Rose would do next. She obviously didn’t care about the consequences to anyone anymore, even herself. Samantha had come to the campfire hoping to get her mind off these depressing thoughts. She had been teasing Skye and filling her in on her condition, when Embrima stepped out of the shadows dressed in furs.
Ebrima: ”I got the impression that by now, Doctor Keller knows better than to expect miracles.”
Samantha watched amused as he took some roasting sticks from Adam. “You would think so. I think she lives for those moments when she gets to complain.”
An Auspicious Work
Samantha was once again wearing black cargo pants, tucked into combat boots, a black tank top, with a flannel shirt over it. You could see the top edge of the large bandage on her chest where the flannel shirt hung open. The red jagged lines from the electricity radiated up from her chest, up her neck, along her jawline, and up onto her cheek bones. Her chest had radiated pain from the healing ribs, bruises from the CPR, and the burn where the soldier had accidentally elbowed her. She was grateful for the distraction of Ban’s cooking and the silliness of the soldiers who were cheering him on. It distracted her brain and helped her cope. She had sought him out wanting to know more about him. This was the first time she had worked with him. Not that they had been on the same mission. She had been on the blimp and he had been with Chuck and Freya on the rig. She knew there had to be more to him since Skye had sought him out after she left the team in Japan. She had waited until most of the crowd had food and had thinned out before approaching Ban and asking for her meal. It truly smelled divine.
Ban bowed to her as she introduced herself and put in her request for some of the fish and pork.
Samantha couldn’t bow back as deeply as he had so did her best to bow. She knew that Ban was showing her great respect. She felt compelled to try and show it back. She winced and gasped in pain as the skin on her chest pulled at the bandage and her ribs twinged at the movement. She quickly straightened back up. She gave Ban a wry pained smile.
“My apologies Ban. I can’t bow as far as I would like to at the moment due to injuries. Your forgiveness?”
She inclined her head. That she could do. She appreciated that Ban had been there to help Skye when she couldn’t be there to help her friend. She didn’t know him yet but he had already earned her respect with his actions. Not that he probably knew that or why. She gave him a warm smile as he straightened up and began to talk to her.
"Dalton-sama, Konnichiwa." He smiled before continuing, "Yosh! Fish and pork yes. Would you like that with noodles? Soba with some rice vinegar and pepper flakes, very tasty. Or Rice? Lightly friend, egg and some rice wine splashed in, I'm proud of it, perhaps both?"
Samantha was amused as he was serving her up some of everything before she could respond. She responded to him in Japanese
“Konbanwa (good evening) Ban San. It looks as good as it smells. I am humbled to have the pleasure of sampling your cooking.”
She accepted the plate of food he served her. Before she could leave to find a seat he invited her to sit by him as he cooked. He offered her a seat at the counter. She took the chair he pointed her to and gingerly lowered herself into it. She couldn’t hide the sigh of relief as sitting released some of the pressure on her ribs from standing. Ban set a cup of sake next to her plate. She sipped the sake so she didn’t insult Ban. She was not a fan of alcohol. She couldn’t deny that some numbing agent wouldn’t go amiss right now.
“Thank you Ban san. The sake is indeed good.” She gave Ban a smile and folded her hands and bowed her head over the plate. “Itadakimasu (I humbly receive).”
She tucked into the exquisite smelling food and purred in delight. She had not had Asian food this good since she last had dinner with Kameko. That made her feel a little homesick. She would definitely have to visit her soon. Work with Raven had been flitting from one crisis to the next. It had been several months since she had the opportunity to visit in person. The flavors exploded across her palate and she appreciated the texture of the pork. She made sure to slurp the noodles slightly as a sign of respect for his cooking. She looked up at Ban with a grin “Oishii desu” (It’s delicious)! She continued to eat her meal as Ban let the others know he would be cooking seconds. He continued to chat with her as he bounced energetically as he cooked.
Ban: "Tell me Sam-chan, how are you feeling? I read the reports, you took a bad hit...they say you almost went to see the Kami. We would have lost a good person if I understand everything correctly. Are you alright?"
Sam was surprised and a little touched at genuine concern in his voice. She thought about her experience as he brought up her memories about it. She thought he might understand. She set down her fork before turning her eyes up at him. She looked at him thoughtfully and used Japanese to tell him. She didn’t want to explain their conversation to others. She doubted many of them would understand Japanese. It seemed fitting somehow to have the conversation in Japanese since Ban had invoked Kami.
Samantha took a fortifying sip of Sake before she began. “Thank you for inquiring about my health Ban-san. I did in fact die on the mission. I am recovering. I suffered some pretty severe electrical burns, broken ribs, and bruising. Skye-sama saved my life.”
She paused wondering if she should say anything. They were just getting to know one another. She had not shared the experience with anyone other than her grandmother. She thought he might understand. She took another sip of the sake as she tried to decide. She looked decisive as she began speaking once more. Maybe if she told someone else that sense of dread and foreboding would lessen.
“I need to share something with you. I don’t want others to overhear me. They will not understand and think me delusional. I hope you don’t mind my poor Japanese a bit longer.”
Samantha was fluent in Japanese but still had a California accent. She bit her lip but then went on.
“While Skye-sama was saving my life, I was visited by the Kami, my parents, and grandfather. They told me it was not my time. I had to come back. That the world still needed me to save it. I have had the worst feeling of dread ever since. Rose is still out there. I can’t help feeling she is not done yet.”
Her eyes met his almost pleading for understanding, agreement, a sign she wasn't crazy. There was such a celebratory mood around the base. Samantha felt like the only one worried that Rose would reappear with some new mad scheme to end the world that would be even worse.
Commander Lennox was reviewing the reports coming in from the battle group. She had ordered their smaller faster stealth ships out to explore. There were five of them, the Shadow, the Nightweaver, the Adventurer, the Lucky, and the Viper. Their mandate was to look for planetary bodies. They are to search for Daxini survivors who might have been caught due to the war and unable to escape before the battle. If they were still alive, it was their responsibility to explore the best way to rescue them. They were also supposed to tag and record coordinates for any larger pieces of debris that might be of interest to the tech heads. Lennox needed that reconnaissance. She sighed in frustration as the amount of information they had been able to obtain about the system had been hindered by the sheer amount of debris. It overwhelmed their sensors. Even with the Kronar in the group sifting through huge amounts of data. The scan techs had been making adjustments to the sensors and were trying to adjust them but they were reporting scan shadows, duplicate signatures, and signals that bounced around the debris making it difficult to get a picture on what was really there. The debris field also blocked sensors in places making closer reconnaissance a necessity. Then there were the constantly changing trajectories as debris collided with other debris spinning off on a new course. It was like trying to navigate a pinball game.
Lennox felt a deep need to help protect their people. She was one of the luckier ones in a way. Her ancestors had made it back to Dax after taking work on a freighter headed that way. Their handwritten journals of their lives were one of her most cherished possessions. The journals had been scanned and were on display in her home in a stasis case to preserve them. She had read them as a teenager. They had heavily influenced her decision about what to do with her life. The journals chronicled their lives with the struggles and horrors of living as slaves. The conditions they had endured. The way their guards abused them and tried to break their spirit. There was hope in the pages too though, as they found love in each other. After they were freed, they worked together to get home and then married and had a good life together. The appreciation for their life after being a slave forced to work in a Yrrani mine flowed through the pages. She had been surprised by the things they had written about in their journals, anxiety that the Yrrani would come back, hope as babies were being born, freedom in having a wind blow across their face after working in protective suits underground, food they could chew instead of drink. It taught her to appreciate the small things. She learned in school that there were still Daxini who had never made it home and their descendants could still be there out in the stars, still waiting to come home.
Most of the Daxini had no idea if they still had lost family out in the stars. It had been centuries since the Yrrani had left Dax to its own devices pulling back from their space. Many of the Daxini could only trace their genealogy back to that time. Their people had lost so much history. She felt as if she owed it to those who might still be lost out here among the stars and enslaved a way home. She had joined the military for that reason. This was the first time in her lifetime that the Daxini Council had approved such a large group action outside of Daxini space. Typically they sent in the stealth ships disguised as freighters and the battle ships and stations stayed in Daxini space only venturing out in support if needed. Lennox was grateful to be chosen as commander of this battle group. She had an itching behind her ears and a steady growing pressure in her stomach that said action was on the way. Her tail was twitching with a mind of its own as her instincts and anxiety rose. Lennox had a sense that her destiny and fate was rushing towards her. She hoped she was ready when it came.
Lennox had ordered their heavy shuttles to use their gravitic tractor beams to at least stabilize the larger pieces of debris into piles, halting their momentum. This at least put the largest pieces into a stationary orbit. She had decided to set up the battlestation where the debris field had reduced. They would use it as a base of operations while they worked to clear more of the debris field while exploring this region of space. All ships were to stay in communications and check in once an hour on the hour. She had chosen to spread the battle group in a defensive arc around the battle station. She had received a message on the quantum relay that the Daxini Mining and Refinery Station Vulcan and the Light Cruiser Iron Talon were supposed to join them sometime within the next hour. Lennox preferred accuracy but understood that approximations were as accurate as they could be. Trips through slip space were always approximate. It was hard to calculate how long the journey would take exactly. Ships could stall, drives could fail, ships could be attacked. There was a lot that could go wrong and cause delays.
Lennox had moved back to the command center. She wanted to be available when the station arrived. She had just sat down in her seat and gotten comfortable when her Navigation officer reported an incoming wormhole.
Navigation Officer Rabasha was at her station when she suddenly looked alert. “Commander, sensors show a wormhole opening at the coordinates we are expecting the Vulcan and Iron Talon.”
Commander Lennox looked over at the Nativagation Officer. Rabasha was a Xidonae with fur in different shades of a golden brown with a white undercoat. “Thank you Officer Rabasha.”
The wormhole was visible in space now as the Iron Talon came through followed by the massive bulk of the Vulcan. The Vulcan was almost twice the size of the Leviathan. It had a modular design allowing them to modify the station for mining, refining metals and ore, and to attach a shipyard module to one side of the station. It was set up to be a self-sufficient mobile shipyard or mining outpost. The shipyard module would allow them to study the technology on the larger pieces of ship hulks. They could reverse engineer it before recycling it all. Cleaning up the navigation hazard that the debris presented in the process. Lennox believed it was a win-win-win for the Daxini. There was a mountain of resources that was causing a navigation hazard, they might get some new technology, and they might actually find some missing Daxini, and help open up new space lanes in this area of space. They might discover planets that had been cut off because of the debris field that would make good trading partners.
The Communications Officer Gartanak spoke without looking away from his monitors. Gartanak and Rabasha were from the same clan. He had similar markings to Rabasha. “Transponder IFF confirms the identity of the vessels as the Iron Talon and the Daxini Station Vulcan. Commander we are being hailed by both vessels.”
Commander Lennox: “Connect both commanders and myself into a holographic call.”
Gartanak: “Yes Sir.” Gartanak’s hands flew across his station as he worked. The call connected and it showed the static floating holographic heads of the two commanders appeared above the holotank in the middle of the control room. “I have Vulcan Station Chief Lavini and Flight Chief Firehawk for you sir.” Gartanak waited until Lennox had indicated they were ready before the images began to move live.
Lennox leaned forward in her chair and straightened her spine a little but kept a relaxed demeanor. “Welcome to the Scorched Line. I am very glad you made it. As you can see, this work is better suited to the Vulcan and it is critical to safer astronavigation.”
Station Chief Lavini was a Buzini. She had light golden brown fur and wore civilian robes in light blue and gold. Vulcan Station Chief Lavini just threw her head back and laughed. “Well I must say it is nice to see that for once our military has a need for our civilian stations instead of the other way around.”
Iron Talon Flight Chief Firehawk snapped a salute to Commander Lennox. Firehawk was a fierce Avitas Clan Warrior with dark almost black feathers with dark red crest on his head and chest with a noble sharp curved beak. “Commander Lennox, it is an honor to serve with you. My orders are to provide a safety escort for Vulcan Station and to place myself, crew, and ship under your command upon arrival.”
Commander Lennox gave Firehawk a salute back. “At ease, Flight Chief. The honor is mine. As you can see the debris field is truly massive, it just gets less dense. We have not yet found the edge of it. There is so much of it that it is wreaking havoc with our sensors. We have ships out scouting the area. In the meantime, I want to see what kind of headway our group can make on reducing the density of the space debris in the area. We are transmitting the coordinates of the staging area and what we have mapped so far. Lavini I will let you decide where you feel the best placement is for Vulcan Station. Flight Chief Firehawk. Your ship will remain stationed near the Vulcan to protect her. All ships are checking in once an hour on the hour. Unless you need immediate assistance. Any questions?”
Lavini smiled at Commander Lennox and nodded. “I will transmit those coordinates to you once I have a chance to review the data.”
Commander Lennox had brought all the Ship Commanders and Chiefs in Battle Group Alpha together to plan how to proceed. She listened to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together they hashed out how they were going to tackle what felt like an insurmountable task at the moment. Lennox had agreed and confirmed the plan as Daxini crews went to work. The Kronar workers on the Vulcan immediately launched a horde of resource drones from the Vulcan. The drones began hauling debris back to the station for recycling.The resource drones were small about the size of an escape pod with a powerful gravitic engine; they had large claw-like extender arms off the front for carrying material. They also had a powerful gravitic tractor beam that worked off the same engine. The drones were controlled by several Kronar on the Vulcan through communication relays.
It was decided to continue to leave the stealth ships looking for planets and possible survivors. Fighter pilots from the Leviathan would use their sensors to explore the wreckage around Vulcan Station for debris and wreckage that should be looked at by the engineers to see if any technology could be found. After all most of the technology the Daxini had was from what they had learned or reverse engineered from the Yarrani. Lennox ordered the Cruiser Xi’s Axe and light cruiser Scimitar to explore in opposite directions. The smaller battleships would have an easier time navigating the debris field. They were to tag any interesting or large ship hulls or interesting wreckage for towing back to the Vulcan. That left the light cruiser Iron Talon sitting near the Vulcan in a protective position, with the destroyer Stormbringer and the Excalibur Class Dreadnaught Gallant sitting guard on Leviathan.
Lennox was reviewing progress reports being submitted by the commanders. The Vulcan had been hard at work around the clock since it had arrived. Lennox was shocked by how much material they had processed in the three days since its arrival. The pocket of safe space around the Vulcan had expanded considerably. The corridor between the Vulcan and Leviathan had been cleared as well. They had yet to find any technology worth reverse engineering. The largest pieces tended to be pieces of hull and framework. They had not found any functioning propulsion, weapon, power, or defensive systems. They had refined a wide variety of metals and silicates. The first ore hauler back to Daxini had left the day before to offload what had been processed already, another one was inbound later today. The waste that couldn’t be recycled was being collected and compressed into cubes to feed the fusion reactors. They had found some radioactive material and some antimatter missiles that had failed to explode on impact. They had been handled with care by Daxini ordinance specialists.
The stealth ships reported back that the density of the debris lightens and becomes more spread out. The Lucky turned out to indeed be lucky as it had found a planet that used to be inhabited but the planet was destroyed by bombardment from space. The planet was suffering through a nuclear winter with dust and micro debris in the atmosphere blocking the sunlight. There had been no life signs on the planet. They did report that there was abandoned and wrecked equipment on the surface of the planet. They sent back the data records and reports of what they had found. Lennox ordered them to move on. She felt the priority was looking for their people. They could always come back later if needed. The Shadow had reported finding an abandoned space station that had taken severe damage. There had been no life signs and no power. It had been tagged for follow up. The Viper had reported the coordinates of a dwarf red star. The Nightweaver reported finding a large asteroid field that looked like the remnants of a planet. The damage resembled what the Yrrani had done in the Xi’Abek system. Lennox was sipping a tea that she was fond of when she was interrupted by a call from the command center.
Lennox heard Rabasha’s voice come over the intercom in her office. “Commander Lennox I have Eagle Eye Narrel for you. He says its urgent.”
Lennox: “Put him through to my office.” It was less than a minute later when Narrel’s disembodied holographic head appeared in front of Lennox in the middle of her desk. She gave Narrel a respectful nod before barking out. “Report.”
Narrel was the Eagle Eye in charge of the Stealth Ship Adventurer. Adventurer was manufactured to appear as a small tramp freighter. It had hidden weapons and defensive systems. It also had a stealth field that would help to hide the ship when activated. They had a few visible weapons as most merchants knew better than to rely on patrols to keep trading safe. Pirates were clever and prolific, like roaches they were hard to exterminate. The crew of their stealth ships did not wear a military uniform. They wore civilian dress to help sell their image as traders. Which is why when Narrel appeared on the screen he was in a white Daxini waistcoat with teal trim and jacket popular with businessmen.
Narrel:“The Adventurer has found what appears to be an active space station. It looks like a hunk of junk. It is cobbled together from all kinds of scrap pieces and ship parts. I am transmitting coordinates and what we have managed to pick up on sensors. This might be a great opportunity to find out what has been going on in the region. I wanted to check in and see if you feel it is worth the risk.”
Lennox was surprised. The space station had to be located in one of the regions of lighter debris. Who would visit it otherwise? She tilted her head in thought. “Narrel we need that intel. I wish you and your team success but please be careful. Make sure someone from your team continues to update the group once an hour. I trust you to run the mission. It is your area of expertise. Xi’s blessings go with you.”
Narrel saluted before replying. “Thank you Commander.” The connection cut after a respectful nod from Narrel.
Narrel brought his crew together to plan their mission. The Adventurer looked like a small trading freighter. It had hidden weapon and defensive systems and a few visible ones as would be expected on a long range trading vessel. The sensitive areas of the ship were hidden behind false bulkheads and could only be opened by the crew and monitored by their crew’s Kronar Martok. The accessible parts of the ship felt like a standard vessel. They even had cargo on board for trading. The Daxini had learned that food seemed to be a universal need and made for a great trade cargo. It usually opened doors and was a welcome product wherever they went. They stored their fresh food in stasis pods where it would stay fresh until opened and ready for use. The stasis pods were simple containers with a stasis field generator and battery on them. They stacked and could be plugged into an external power source making it perfect for interstellar travel and trading. It gave the crew an opportunity to hook small transmitters and trackers on the crates. They were designed to look like part of the stasis system. This would allow their crew to listen in on conversations around the crates and track their movements. They also had some crates with a small payload of programmable nanites that their Kronar crew member could take control of remotely with an embedded link and transmitter hidden in the crate. These were just some of the ways the Daxini gathered intel from public ports of call. They also had small almost invisible cameras and a microphone with transmitters on them that ran off an onboard battery. They were designed for temporary use and would only transmit for about a week but they were usually gone by then. They could be applied and stuck to almost any surface. All their stealth operatives wore a snug stealth suit under their station clothing. In a pinch they could use their stealth suit to get around almost unseen. This would not protect them from being detected by psionic means. Depending on the station they might be able to openly carry weapons. They had weapons that could avoid most sensors that they could take with them. Stealth operatives were highly trained in close combat and with a variety of weapons. They were trained to use weapons of opportunity if necessary.
Narrel looked over his small team. Martok was in his preferred holographic avatar on his mobile hard light generator that allowed him to move his avatar around the ship. Jaxori and Dinari were sitting together in casual ship suits. The two Xidonae worked well together like a well oiled machine. Next to them was Luwiti another Xidonae from the same clan. Luwiti was more of a fighter than the pair. Jaxori and Dinari often were the public face of the team who made contact in ports of call. They were both telepathic and telekinetic which helped them communicate when on a mission. Next to Luwiti was Prixoni, one of the Rapaxini in the team who always looked sullen and broody no matter when he saw him. Prixoni was happiest when he was sparring or getting to beat something. Prixonii was one of their better stealth suit operators and was usually in a port of call in stealth mode. He was great at sneaking into sensitive areas. Qixani was an Avitas Clan member who was their pilot but also a great melee fighter and stealth operative. Next in line was the Buzoni Krayvik who was the team’s fighting powerhouse. Krayvik was a gifted melee fighter with natural brute strength. He was also smart and good at getting people to think he was a stupid muscleman to get people to underestimate him. The final member of the team was Turrly another Rapaxini operative. Turrly was their jack of all trades and usually took a support role on a mission. Turrly worked well with Martok and usually worked with Martok on providing whatever support role was needed on the mission. Turrly was often the operative responsible for preparing their spyware packages on the crates for delivery to the station.
Narrel cleared his throat and began the mission briefing. “We have been ordered to go in and recon the station. We need to see if we can do a trade with the station. We want to get eyes and ears in there. We are looking for rumors of Daxini in the area and just what the hell is going on in this region of space. It is why we are here. We need to be careful not to draw any undue attention. So be very careful. Jaxori and Dinari, you will go onto the station as the face of our trading team. You know the drill. We are exploring and looking for new trading partners. Prixoni and Qixani, I want you to explore the station. Find a good spot away from cameras and go stealth. Try to find an access point to their computer systems and plug a hardwire connection into a port if you can for Martok. Plant some of our mobile eyes in public areas. Martok I need you to monitor all communication coming and going from the station and the ships docked to it. Turrly you will be helping Martok and I provide overwatch. Krayvik you are going on station as the ship's cargo handler. I want you to find a bar and do your thing. The typical, I need a drink. It has been too long since I last had one. Luwiti you are the backup on this operation. You will stay on the ship in case someone needs help getting out of a jam. Any questions?”
As expected Luwiti was grumbling about being left behind. Turrly grumbled about always being asked to mind the ship. Qixani and Prixoni were pleased with their assignments. Krayvik just smiled which was slightly terrifying with the sharp teeth and canines he sported. Martok was excited as exhibited by the fireworks of colors surrounding his avatar like a disco. “I will also be staying on ship but I will handle communications and play the ship's owner and operator.” He looked around to see if there were any questions and there were not. They were a well trained crew that had been together for a few years now. They were excited about being in a new area of space and putting their skills up against the unknown. “Then let’s get to work.” The crew leapt into action and were ready as the Adventurer came into communication range of the space station. If you could call it that. It looked ready to fall apart at any moment.
They were hailed as they got closer to the station. The connection was somewhat poor but improved the closer they got to the station. “This is the Space Station Black Cloud. Please state your business and halt or you will be fired upon.”
Turrly snorted as he laughed off the speaker. “With what?”
Martok laughed as he informed Turrly “Sensors are picking up antimatter missiles and energy weapons of some kind. Probably lasers or plasma cannons.”
Turrly put a hand over his face as he muttered “Fuck me for asking.”
Martok continued his report “I am reading breathable atmosphere. The station does have some form of armored plating. Standard docking ports. Ships docked to the station appear to be older model ships, some Yrrani in origin, Lokoid, Augustan, BioMech Union Missionary ships, and a few that I don’t recognize.”
Narrel thanked Martok before replying to the station. “This is the Daxini trading vessel the Adventurer. We have a cargo of foodstuffs. We are here looking for new trading partners. If you are not interested, we will fly on.”
The voice from the station sounded greedy and very interested as they replied. “Foodstuffs you say? What kind?”
Narrel just grinned because he knew that tone of voice. They were about to be extorted out of some of their cargo for docking fees. “Fresh fruit, vegetables and grains from Dax. And some meat substitutes that are popular with our people.”
The station voice sounded satisfied and eager now. “You can dock at bay seven. No projectile weapons allowed on station. Personal protection weapons only. Be warned that the station is not responsible for any loss you may incur while on station. You are responsible for your own security. The station charges a docking fee. You can pay in gold or trade goods. We would prefer trade goods. One crate each of your vegetables, grains, and meat substitutes would be sufficient.”
Narrel snickered a little. He stroked his whiskers and as he had a satisfied look on his face. He just knew it. “Agreed. Thank you Black Cloud station. Are we clear to approach?”
Excitement and satisfaction oozed from the voice as they replied “Adventurer you are clear to approach. We will meet you at the dock to accept your docking fees. Station out.”
Narrel turned to his crew with a satisfied and amused look on his face. “They always make it so easy! It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.” He looked around at the crew who had been listening to the conversation with the station. They were already making the necessary arrangements with weapons. “Take us in Martok." Many of the crew were crossed trained as pilots but Martok liked to do the piloting most of the time.
Martok slowed their approach following the docking instructions sent by the station. They eased slowly into position before Martok initiated the hard seal with the airlock that would allow them entry into the station. It was going to make offloading cargo slower. They would only be able to take out a pallet at a time.
Krayvik was already in his dock worker guise pushing the required pallet with three cases of foodstuffs on it that was being requested for docking fees. He was ready to exit the ship.
Narrel straightened his jacket as the airlock cycled. The crew standing behind him. The airlock opened and Narrel can’t say he was surprised to see a human who had obviously seen some action.
The man had salt and pepper hair with a beard. A scar bisected his right eye which had been replaced with a cybernetic one that glowed a menacing red color which contrasted with the natural icy blue of his left eye. He was dressed in dark but rich clothing that looked sturdy, maybe even light armor. He was wearing a long sleeved jerkin, pants, and boots with a crossed bandolier over his chest. A laser pistol was in a holster on his hip. The man smiled at Narrel before speaking “Hello! Welcome to Black Cloud Station. I run the place. My name is Gerard. I am here to collect your docking fees.” The voice was the same one they had heard over comms.
Narrel inclined his head regally and gestured to the waiting pallet containing the three crates of foodstuffs that were requested. “We have it ready for delivery. Did you bring someone to collect it? Or do you want it delivered?” Narrel didn’t miss the greed and avarice on Gerard’s face as he looked over the crates.
“I will collect it. Can you pull it through the airlock for me? I have some men standing by to handle the crates.”
Narrel nodded to Krayvik. Who simply nodded and waited for Gerard to move out of his way so he could load the pallet into the airlock. It didn’t leave a lot of room. He waited by the controls for Gerard to join him in the airlock.
Gerard gave Narrel a smile he didn’t trust, the man was a slippery character.“Pleasure doing business with you…?”
Narrel gave a polite smile showing his sharp teeth. “Narrel. I run this ship. Indeed. We are looking for new places to trade. We have more cargo. I am assuming we are free to seek out buyers on the station?”
Gerard stroked his beard. “Of course, of course. There is only one rule on Black Cloud Station. And that rule is don’t piss me off.”
Narrel just gave Gerard a neutral look. “That is very vague. You might consider writing down the things that piss you off so people know what to avoid.” He just kept eye contact with Gerard unwilling to back down in this poor excuse for a pissing contest.
Gerard abruptly broke into laughter. “I think I like you Narrel.” He walked quickly back to join Krayvik.
Krayvik only waited till Gerard was inside the airlock before triggering the airlock to cycle through and open. He pulled the antigravity pallet cart out of the airlock into a larger open space. There were two more humans waiting and a Daxini. Krayvik’s eyes widened in surprise to run into one of their people so suddenly. The three came forward to grab the crates. The Daxini was a Rapaxani who had seen better days. They were on the older side and some gray fur around their orange furred muzzle. Krayvik stopped him and offered him a traditional greeting. “May Xi lighten your load and illuminate your path.”
The Daxini's lip curled up in a snarl of disgust. “Xi left this place long ago youngling.”
Gerard stepped forward and barked to the Daxini “Take the crate to my personal hold.” Gerard turned to Krayvik, “We aren’t going to have any trouble are we?”
Krayvik looked at Gerard. “Is he here of his own free will?”
Gerard laughed and turned to the Daxini. “Hey Vargon are you here of your own free will?”
The Daxini turned to Gerard and snarled “Where else would I be?”
Krayvik turned towards Vargon. “I will be in the bar later. Come by and I will buy you a drink and share news of home.”
Vargon still looked hostile but simply nodded.
Krayvik nodded and turned with the pallet jack to return to the ship, cycling the airlock once more. He left Gerard staring at his retreating back.
Krayvik filled Narrel in on his encounter with Vargon. “I couldn’t tell if he was here of his own free will or being held against his will. I invited him for a drink. I will try to find out his story then.”
Narrel began to pace. He didn’t like this situation at all but it made gathering intel even more important. He would report back to Lennox once he knew more. “Everyone needs to be careful. This place feels lawless and without order. Watch each other’s backs closely. Get to work.”
The airlock opened up on a wide landing space with a wide hallway curving away from it on either side. There were arrows and signage pointing to the bazaar which they assumed was some kind of shopping district and administration and exchange office which they assumed led to the station administration and where they could trade valuables in exchange for local currency. It was a pretty common practice on space stations. Narrel carried a small bag of gold and gemstones hidden in his inner jacket pocket. He took Prixoni with him as he made his way to the exchange office. He walked into the seedy looking place with only one counter and a small line with a Lokoid behind the counter. Narrel raised an eyebrow but did not say anything waiting his turn in line. He had to give it to the Lokoid; he was fast and efficient. The exchange rate was highway robbery though. It was about 10 percent higher than he expected. He made his way back to the ship without incident.
Prixoni had been playing guard for him. Prixoni turned to Narrel after they were safely back aboard the ship. “We were being followed from the Exchange Office. A human and a Dathu.”
Narrel sighed as this mission just seemed to get more dangerous and complicated. “We need to get that intel and get out of here. We have attracted a lot of attention for having been on station for less than an hour.” Narrel doled out the money to the crew going on station so that they could buy what they needed.
The crew began to depart in small groups. Everyone on the team had hardwired cybernetic implants that connected to the ship and Martok. It allowed them to be tracked and gave them communication with the ship. The teams split up to see what they could find out. Kravik had left with Jaxori, Dinari, and Qixani. Qixani was pretending to be a guard for Jaxori and Dinari. She would try to find a place later on station where she could go into stealth mode leaving them to negotiate on their own. They all followed the signage that said that the passageway led to the bazaar. They followed the hallway around the curve and it made a 90 degree angle turning deeper into the center of the station. There were some shops in the hallway outside the main bazaar area and a bar. The hallway opened up into a huge shopping area with multiple levels. There were vendors set up everywhere in a crazy haphazard maze.. Some had a tarp with a pile of goods on it, some had mobile carts and stands. Others had storefronts built into the edges of this crazy makeshift shopping area.
Kravik left them and went straight to the bar. He slapped a spy eye up high pretending he had stumbled into the wall and caught himself. No one seemed to notice anything strange. He was attracting attention though. He assumed it was because word had gotten out that a new ship had docked. He went up to the bar and ordered a drink. The bar was made out of one piece of sheet metal that looked like it could have been a former ship part. Maybe part of a starfighter wing? The tables and furnishing were all mismatched. Some of the chairs and tables looked like they had started life as part of something else. The stools at the bar were each different and welded together from scrap metal and bolted to the floor. They all have padded seats made out of the same black material. He carefully planted some spy eyes on the underneath side of the bar while he waited. He took his drink and went to find a booth in the back where he could watch the entrance and his back was to a wall. He openly scanned his drink to make sure it was not spiked with anything and wouldn’t hurt him. Just alcohol made from something. It took all of Krayvik’s acting ability not to spit the vile drink out. It was foul tasting and felt like acid in his mouth. He would make it look like he was drinking. He settled in to watch, wait, and listen. Taking note of who was in the bar and what was happening.
Krayvik didn’t have to wait long before Vargon showed up. The Rapaxani had orange and black striped fur. He looked older to Krayvik.
Vargon spotted him immediately and sat down. Vargon chuckled and pointed to his drink. “What the hell did you order that for? It takes like Varga piss and burns like acid.”
Krayvik sighed and pushed his almost untouched drink away from him. “I knew I should have waited for you before ordering. That is the vilest alcohol I have ever tasted!”
Vargon threw his head back and laughed. “I can tell your not from around here. Why don’t you let me order?”
Krayvik nodded and handed over some of the free credit chips he had on him.
Vargon nodded and went to the bar and came back with two glasses and a bottle of a blue drink. He flipped the stopper and poured two glasses. “This brandy made from some blue fruit that grows in these parts. It makes decent alcohol.” Vargon saluted him with his glass.
Krayvik returned the salute and sipped cautiously this time. This time it was slightly sweet and thick but had a kick to it. It had a smooth finish. “That’s not bad. A little sweet for my taste but so much better than that other stuff.”
Vargon sipped his drink along with him. He relaxed back into his seat. He watched Krayvik with a pondering look.
Krayvik simply jumped right into it. “How long have you been here? When was the last time you saw Dax? What can you tell me about this place?”
Vargon shook his head and grumbled under his breath. “Darn youngsters are always in a hurry.” He sighed and took a bigger drink before looking up at Krayvik. “I have never seen our homeworld. My parents took where they could. They were not very educated. They finally became crew on a trading vessel. Mom cooked and cleaned for the crew and passengers and dad did maintenance work and cargo handling. There are quite a few Daxini in this area of space. Similar stories, folks who didn’t make it out before the large battles in the area stranded them. I have run into a few who were still slaves. This is a very lawless place. Pirates and slavers are common in this area. Be careful and watch yourself on this station. This station is neutral territory but all are welcome here.” Vargon took another drink and quirked an eyebrow at Krayvik. “I have heard only rumors about Dax. Some of those passing through know nothing about them, others say that all the Daxini have moved onto space stations as the worlds are uninhabitable after Yrrani were done with them. Some say it is a cramped shithole not worth visiting. What’s really going on?”
Krayvik nodded and proceeded to fill him in on more recent Daxini history. “The Yrrani had enslaved our people and exploited our worlds. Then they left and some of our people came home. We know some of our people are still out in the greater galaxy, the lost ones that never came home. At the time our people didn’t have the resources to try and find them. Our homeworlds were trashed, the environments poisoned with industrial pollution. There was not enough food to feed everyone. Then we had a leader rise to show us the way. We took everything we learned from the Yrrani and used it to save ourselves. We eventually managed to clean up the pollution on the planets. Xi’Abek had to be completely terraformed. Our people lost their history and culture. It was taken by the Yrrani. We found a better way and embraced a new way of life. The Daxini Conclave now trades with other nations, we can protect our people now. Outsiders are not welcome on our worlds, but all Daxini are.” Krayvik leaned closer to Vargon. “If you wish to go home, all you have to do is ask. We will take you. If you don’t want to, that’s okay, you can share that with other Daxini you run into.”
Vargon looked a little surprised and then shook his head. “I wouldn’t fit in there. I know nothing about the homeworld or its culture. I am an old man. I will pass on the word to other Daxini I run into though. Is there a way to get a hold of the homeworld if someone needs help leaving?” Vargon looked around the bar and lowered his voice. “Many Daxini in this area of space live poor lives, with little education. They lack resources to go home. What should I tell them?”
Krayvik tilted his head in thought. He knew that the long distance quantum paired communicators were expensive and rare. He didn’t know if the ship had another one. “If you can get a message back to Dax with the situation, they will send help. Even if it is a rumor from a trading vessel coming through. We will investigate them all.”
Vargon didn’t look very convinced so Krayvik smirked and winked at him. “Why do you think we are here?”
Vargon looked surprised at that. “Well I thought you were here to trade.” He sounded uncertain.
Krayvik kept his voice low as he told him sarcastically. “And we just happened to find this station in the navigation hazard that is the debris field in this region of space? Why would we think there would be a station here? We didn’t but we heard rumors that there were Daxini trapped along the Scorched Line.” Krayvik met his eyes with a meaningful look.
Vargon nodded in understanding. “I will spread the word. Take my warning seriously though. There are those who will oppose what you want to do. In this area of space Might makes Right is the law of the land.” Krayvik nodded as he took another drink of the blue liquor.
Jaxori, Dinari, and Qixani left Krayvik at the bar and moved forward to enter the bazaar. Their translators were working overtime to keep up with all the languages around them. They saw more Daxini, humans, Lokoids, Dathu,and Vrunak. It was a true intergalactic trading depot with almost all the known races being represented. Jaxori spotted a pair of BioMech Union missionaries. They always gave him the creeps. They were zealots preaching about the sanctity of metal and the weakness of flesh. They always made him uneasy due to the strength of their beliefs. Sometimes being telepathic was not a blessing.
Dinari looked around the massive shopping area and pointed out a food vendor. “Maybe we should try to peddle our wares with them.”
And so the three moved around the bazaar noting what was for sale and who was selling it. They managed to sell some of their cargo. Fresh food was something the station often didn’t see. They got a lot of imported processed foods but rarely whole fruits, vegetables, and grains. Qixani continued to play guard for the pair posing as the merchants from the ship trying to unload their cargo and find one worth buying to take its place. They roamed through the bizarre marketplace but didn’t really run into any tech that they were unfamiliar with. They did run into races from all over known space. Qixani had stopped numerous pickpockets.
They drew a great deal of attention. Word had definitely gotten out that a new ship had docked. Many were interested in their cargo but were hoping to buy for personal needs but they wanted to trade and honestly Dinari had not run across anything yet worth trading for.
Jaxori wrinkled his nose up as the smell of the food on offer from a local vendor smelled awful to his sensitive nose. The food cooking smelled of charred carbon and little else. He could smell the preservatives in it that told of heavy processing. He was pretty sure it would taste like the cardboard it probably came in. They did note that illicit substances were freely traded in the open. Jaxori's sensitive nose picked up on common recreational drugs that they had encountered in the past. The stench of burnt chemicals in the air hinted they were manufactured on station in the shop where the scent was coming from.
They also noted that there were slaves on the station but no one batted an eye about them. The slaves wore collars based on Yrrani design to control them. They didn’t see a place selling slaves though. The slave auction must be underground or slavery was tolerated on the station but they didn’t actively take part in the slave trade. The station just turned a blind eye to it.
They did sell some cargo to one of the food vendors who offered to pay in precious metals. They contacted the ship to have Turrly deliver the cargo to the vendor and pick up payment. They sent the details of the agreement back to the ship. They placed spy eyes in shops they visited in the bazaar. After fully exploring the shops in the bazaar, they returned to the ship.
Qixani ducked into an alcove on the way back to the ship and went into stealth mode. She wanted to check out the administration area. She wanted to try and find a way to help Martok with getting information off the computers. Qixani activated her stealth suit, disappearing from cameras and the naked eye. The suit uses holographic technology to project what would be on the other side of her. Tech built into the suit blocked her from detection by infrared and heat sensors and cameras. She was careful to move slowly to avoid detection. She made it into the administration offices. Which turned out to be a joke on them, the only thing in there was the control center for the station and Gerard. Qixani waited for the right moment when Gerard stepped out of the control room before moving quickly to install a hard connection for Martok. She made sure to plug the universal connection into a port on the backside that was not seen easily. She then set up a few spy eyes that would be hidden and out of sight. She then moved quickly out of the office. She stopped in a shadowy alcove close to the Exchange Office before shutting down her stealth suit. She then walked down the corridor like she was leaving the Exchange Office and headed back to the ship.
In the meantime, Prixoni was investigating the residential side of the station. He roamed freely planting spy eyes and listening to the chatter around him. Prixoni didn’t learn anything new that others had not learned. He did make contact with more Daxini in the residential section. He did his best to spread the word discreetly that if they wanted to leave they would be welcome. He had received much the same response as Krayvik had from Vargon. They didn’t feel any connection to the homeworld. They didn’t think they would fit in there. Prixoni was frustrated by that. He had dedicated his life to protecting his people. He wanted to join the Eagle Eyes so that he could make a difference for the lost Daxini in the galaxy. It was frustrating to be thwarted because they seemed content with where they were. He wanted to force them on the ship to take them away from this awful place. The place stank of old air that was not cleaned as well as it should. The whole station felt old and fragile like it was one loose bolt away from coming apart. He knew that it would be wrong to take that choice away from them. He was almost happy to get into a fight with a gang of thugs who thought to rob him. He left them in a pile of broken limbs and bruises before going on his way. At least the fight bled off some of his anger before he headed back to the ship to report in.
They all gathered back at the ship later to report. Narrel compiled everything into a report file and contacted Commander Lennox. He waited for the communications systems to connect. Then he waited while the communication officer on duty patched him through to Commander Lennox. It was a short wait but an annoying one. “Commander Lennox, I have news. We have infiltrated the Station. It is run by a human named Gerard. We have confirmed the rumors of Daxini in the area with a Daxini on station. He was helpful in giving us some background on the area. It is a free for all out here. No one is policing the area. We understand from him that pirates and slavers are in the area. The station was grateful to see our cargo of fresh vegetables, grains, and fruits. There is little of interest on the station. They are selling parts and technology scavenged from the battles fought in the area. We didn’t find anything of note in their shopping district. There was Daxini on the station but the ones we made contact with didn’t want to leave. They feel they will not fit in with mainstream Daxini and culture from home. I have sent a more detailed report for you to review. It includes the coordinates of the station. Your Orders?”
Commander Lennox steepled her fingers and looked deep in thought for the moment. She seemed to come to a decision as she sat straighter and looked at Narrel. “Finish your business on the station and then leave. See what you can leave for the Daxini on the station to help their lot then. It is the least we can do. Then I want you to return to the battle group.”
Narrel saluted Lennox and nodded. “Understood Commander.” Narrel cut the connection on the link.
He had Prixoni, Turrly, and Krayvik take an oversized pallet of food from the cargo bay and deliver it to the Daxini families on the station. It wasn’t much but hopefully a reminder of home would be welcome. They would distribute the food to the Daxini in the residential section.
Krayvik took a bottle of brandy from home that he had been saving from his quarters to gift to Vargon for his assistance. The three men drew attention as they pulled the heavy pallet through the station to the residential section.
Prixoni began to discreetly knock on doors spreading the word as the Daxini residents came to collect a box of fresh food. Other residents approached and were turned away which caused some resentment but Krayvik just flashed his claws and teeth and they were left alone again.
Vargon was appreciative for the liquor from home. He also accepted a box of food from them. He thanked them for the kindness and assured Krayvik he would remember to tell others.
The crew returned to the ship with an empty pallet. They felt eyes on them all the way back to the ship. They reported what had happened in the residential section and that they had eyes on them all the way back to the ship.
Narrel nodded, “I expected it but it was a nice thing to do for those Daxini families.”
Martok broke into the conversation. “Chief I am picking up chatter that some of the ships plan to track us. There is also some chatter that others plan to sell information about our ship. Our cargo was more appreciated than we thought. There is a lot of resentment from those on the station that we didn’t trade more of it. Some of the language would make a hardened warrior blush. Evidently fresh food is scarce in these parts.”
Narrel sighed, “Good job everyone. Now let’s get out of here. Martok prepare for departure and connect me to Black Cloud Station.”
Martok gave an affirmative as he began to go through the check list, making sure everything was buttoned up tight for departure. The call connected “Hello Black Cloud Station, this is the Daxini Ship Adventurer requesting permission to depart.”
He heard Gerard’s voice over the communications link, “Permission granted Adventurer. I am sure we will see you again soon.”
Narrel was worried about the confidence and satisfaction in Gerard’s voice. He shook it off and gave orders to leave.
Martok released the docking clamps. The ship used maneuvering jets to back away from the station. The ship swung smartly in space as they began to head back to the battle group. Martok kept the sensors sweeping on Narrel’s orders expecting some of them to try and follow them. There were a few vessels that left the station to follow them. A few smaller fighter types fired on them but they mostly missed. A cruiser sized ship fired on them but they withstood the blast. Their ship took no damage from the kinetic weapons fire. It didn’t penetrate the ship’s armor. They soon lost them in the debris field as they activated the ship’s cloak.
Adventurer arrived back at the staging area a few days later. They had docked with the battle station and were taking some well deserved down time. The crew was in the process of being debriefed by Eagle Eye Chief Ashyr when battle station alarms began ringing through the station. “We are under attack. All hands to battle stations. This is not a drill. We are under attack. All hands to battle stations.” The stealth crews were cross trained to help out when working in mixed operations. They all began running to their duty stations.
Commander Lennox was in her office when the alarm began to ring through the station. She quickly ran for the control center. She snapped out “Sitrep” as she took her seat in the command chair. She fastened her restraints that would keep her seated as the station maneuvered during the battle.
Rabasha’s voice was calm but held urgency as she reported. “Kronar Enaki detected unknown ships approaching. They have opened fire on the Gallant and Stormbringer.”
Harlow the weapons officer’s voice was strong and excited as he answered his commander. “They appear to be pirate vessels sir. It appears to be a small pirate fleet. They have a lot of mismatched starfighters, one junk frigate sir, and what looks like a small cruiser.”
Ashyr's voice sounded angry and frustrated as he added. “I should have suspected. I bet they managed to somehow tag the Adventurer with a signal transponder and followed them back to the group.”
Commander Lennox’s voice was calm as she began issuing orders. “Launch our fighters. Have Stormbringer target that frigate and have Gallant target the cruiser. I want them disabled and boarded. Claw Chief Derix prepare the troops for boarding actions. I want to know who these pirates are.”
The pirates were probably expecting to take one small tramp freighter or a small flotilla of trade vessels. They ran right into the teeth of the Daxini battle group. They had been seriously outgunned. The fight was over almost before it started. The cruiser managed to get some shots in but only caused minor damage. Most of the damage deflected by the shields. Most of the starfighters either were blown to bits or they surrendered in fear once they saw the numbers they were facing. The pirate frigate got in a few shots at the surprised Daxini vessels but caused only minor damage before being captured. The investigation revealed that the ships were all salvaged from the battles in the area and older model ships from different nations.
Ashyr had imprisoned the pirates for interrogation. They learned that the pirate fleet was operating under Gerard's orders. They had indeed followed a signal device that had been shot and implanted into the Adventurer’s hull. Now the question was did they go back and confront Gerard or let this insult go?
I am experienced roleplayer returning to online roleplay after 10+ year break. I have missed roleplaying and the creative outlet it is for me. I am interested in casual roleplay. I consider myself a decent writer and I will put effort into my writing. I am not into writing a novel for one post though. Descriptive, character building, engaging, yes. I will always write at least 2 paragraphs unless it is a quick fire session revolving around dialogue over private messages. I am a fairly laid back person and don't want to be a grammar nazi. I believe in quality over quantity. Roleplaying is a hobby and a escape from real life pressures.
[color=00aeef]Genres I am interested in: [/color]
Middle Ages
Science Fiction
Crime Drama
[color=00aeef]Fandoms I am interested in:[/color]
Harry Potter
Anita Blake
Dragonriders of Pern
Star Wars
I don't mind roleplaying romance but I am not looking for smut. It has to make sense for the roleplay. I am okay with a fade to black moment instead of roleplaying it out. For me its about the story and the character. I am open to roleplaying it out.
I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone. I work full time and will be seen in the evenings and weekends online.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I am experienced roleplayer returning to online roleplay after 10+ year break. I have missed roleplaying and the creative outlet it is for me. I am interested in casual roleplay. I consider myself a decent writer and I will put effort into my writing. I am not into writing a novel for one post though. Descriptive, character building, engaging, yes. I will always write at least 2 paragraphs unless it is a quick fire session revolving around dialogue over private messages. I am a fairly laid back person and don't want to be a grammar nazi. I believe in quality over quantity. Roleplaying is a hobby and a escape from real life pressures. <br><br><font color="#00aeef">Genres I am interested in: </font><br>Fantasy<br>Middle Ages <br>Science Fiction <br>Vampires <br>Shapeshifters <br>Crime Drama<br><br><font color="#00aeef">Fandoms I am interested in:</font><br>Pokemon<br>Harry Potter <br>Anita Blake <br>Dragonriders of Pern <br>Star Wars <br><br>I don't mind roleplaying romance but I am not looking for smut. It has to make sense for the roleplay. I am okay with a fade to black moment instead of roleplaying it out. For me its about the story and the character. I am open to roleplaying it out. <br><br>I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone. I work full time and will be seen in the evenings and weekends online.</div>