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24 days ago
Current It's my birthday! Hooray! I have to work. Boo. But I do have Nutella. So, it's a good day over all.
26 days ago
I know that not every one on this site is from the USA, but I would like to remind all my fellow USAers that taking a moment to remember what happened 23 years ago wouldn't be bad.


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Let me know when you've got a good idea of what species and "powers" will be allowed as well as when you're ready to see character sheets submitted. I make no promises, but I might think of something between now and then.
Though I'm leery of group role-plays the story intrigues me. I might be willing but I am a strictly weekend poster for now. That would have to be okay.
Isaac returned Ridahne’s bow with one indicating he was a host welcoming a most welcome guest, “I’m glad you decided to come back to fair Lihaelen.” He indicated Darin, “Your apprentice has been next to no trouble at all. He has been perfectly polite and perfectly willing to learn. It is always a treat to find outsiders willing to learn and young Mr. Lively has been almost overeager and a quick study.” He then continued, “However, you are correct. I am an aide to Councilman Malane and I must return to him as quickly as possible.” He turned his attention back to Darin, “It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lively. Perhaps we will meet again.”

He bowed to Darin and if Darin remembered correctly it was the type a bow a teacher used towards a student doing well, which was fitting since for a little bit she had been his student for at least a little bit. He then bowed to Ridahne; a bow of equals in two different fields. He said his farewells while he did so. Darin extended her thanks and goodbyes while bowing a bow that meant she was a grateful student. She must have done alright since Mr. Armin just took his leave. He scurried up a nearby ladder and was out of sight before too long. Ridahne and Darin were left alone, and The Seed-Bearer was left to ponder.

So, Goran Malane was a Councilman. When Ridahne had mentioned a Council that wasn’t what Darin had imagined. She had almost imagined a cross between the elders in her little village and the lord of Lively; convince they were right and certain to make sure everyone knew who they were. Councilman Malane had seemed kind to her. She had to wonder if that was because he had a received a vision knowing who she was or if he was kind to all outsiders. Still, if he knew who she was he made no attempt to reveal her or call her out for her lies. He had seemed kind and Mr. Armin had not acted like the request to return a stray outsider to where they belonged was out of the ordinary. The feelings she had gotten from The Seed hadn’t led her wrong once, so she assumed he was a good man. Well her first impression was that she liked both Councilman Malane and Mr. Armin.

She found herself speaking quietly, “I like Councilman Malane. I like Mr. Armin as well. I would like a chance to meet with other members of the Council of the Seven Winds.” She then gave her head a shake before smiling and turning her attention to Ridahne, “Well, where to now Master?” She spoke in Eluri but had used the Azurei word for master or teacher, “Back to the Market?” She laughed lightly, “I promise I’ll try not to get lost this time. I was just pulled away it seems.”

Darin hoped that Ridahne picked up on the fact that she had been wandering because of her duties as The Seed-Bearer. She didn’t want the warrior to think she was just wandering on a whim. Of course, Darin hadn’t even shown Ridahne The Seed, or rather then band that Darin was using to hide The Seed. It wouldn’t surprise the human if the Elf knew it was somewhere under her clothes, but every time Darin had gone to check the band, she had done so away from people with Talbot keeping guard. The Seed-Bearer was confidant RIdahne wouldn’t have gotten close without the horse letting his person know. She was equally confident that Ridahne would have known that Darin was checking on The Seed and wouldn’t have questioned it.
Learning all the bows from Mr. Armin, who’s first name was Isaac, was great fun. There were bows for greeting an equal, greeting someone of a higher rank, or greeting someone of a lower rank. There were bows for a master to an apprentice and apprentice to a master. Children to parents, parents to children, deferring to an equal. Bows for enemies, formal bows, causal bows. It almost seemed like there was an Eluri bow for every occasion and every ranking. Darin couldn’t help but make a comprasion to a human handshake. Mr. Armin found all the bowing, even with its miniscule differences and complexities, to be underwhelming simple. The human had never thought of it before, but she realized that how you shook a person’s hand said just as much as how you spoke to them in greeting. The distance between the two people shaking hands could say just as much as words to a person who knew the language. There were all kinds of factors that were difficult to explain to someone who didn’t grow up learning it.

Suddenly Mr. Armin stopped the lesson, “It just occurred to me. I am supposed to be helping you find your companion, yet I do not know who we are looking for. That will make this quest difficult and while I find I do not mind your company Mr. Lively I cannot spend all day with you.”

Darin smiled at her own forgetfulness, “Yes! That makes perfect sense. RIdahne Torenzi is an Azurei Eija. I suspect she will be easy to spot.”

Darin saw no reason to lie about Ridahne’s identity the way she had lied about her own. Ridahne’s name and life story were on her face and honestly there was no way of telling who had the necessary skills to read that story. If Ridahne had a problem with that she would have to get over it. Darin didn’t think she would. The whole point of the Ojih was to compel honesty by all who wore it. Darin was glad she didn’t have to be honest to everyone she met. That would make her life very difficult though she could see how being honest all the time lead to its own form of simplicity. Tell too many lies and a person began to lose track of the lies they had told.

Mr. Armin looked around to get his bearings before pointing at a level above them, “You mean like the Eija staring at us from above?”

Darin looked to where he was pointing, “Yes!” Her smiled deepened as she started to wave, “Hello Master Torenzi! I apologize for getting lost.”

Darin didn’t dare call her Ridahne right now. The story was simple. Martin Lively was a boy RIdahne Torenzi took as an apprentice for reasons that were her own. Darin didn’t want to seem to familiar or friendly with someone that was technically her superior; especially in the Eluri culture she found herself in in this city. It seemed very focused on ranking and making sure that the rankings were observed at all times. It seemed unwise to draw too much attention to themselves or to give people a chance to poke holes in their story. It was as simple lie for now, but Darin didn’t want to make it complex if she could help it. That would be begging for trouble.

She pointed at Mr. Armin, “This is Mr. Isaac Armin. He was helping me look for you.” She turned her face and smile to the Eluri, “Thank you for your help.”
Darin enjoyed the bath. She enjoyed it far more than she should. She liked being clean. She scrubbed herself until she was raw and red. Then she scrubbed at her hair. She desperately needed a haircut, but she wasn’t sure how to make that happen. She needed short hair to help stay hidden as a boy. She wasn’t sure would be able to pull of the disguise with long hair. She supposed that she could do it herself if she got a pair of scissors. She didn’t have a pair so that option was currently out. Maybe she could find a pair in the market. That would be a worthwhile thing to buy.

Darin changed into a simple green shirt and a pair of dark trousers along with a new pair of socks underneath her one pair of boots. She sighed as she examined them. The soles were wearing impossibly thin and soon her heels and toes would pop out soon. It was all the walking. True she did a lot of riding, but there were times when walking was unavoidable. Maybe she could find a cobbler to resole her boots. The list of things she needed from the market was increasing dramatically and food was the least of it. Darin sighed as she followed after Ridahne. Traveling was more expensive than anyone warned her. She needed to find a way to get more coin. That was not a pleasant thought.

Still it didn’t really matter. Darin was struggling to follow Ridahne and promptly got lost. She had no idea where she was and as she looked around for major landmarks, she felt The Seed Burning against her thigh. It didn’t feel like Mark or the Red Hand. It was more curiosity. The Seed wanted more information about something. It some trial and error but soon Darin was walking in the direction that The Seed wanted her to. She found herself walking across bridges that she couldn’t help stopping and examining. They were fantastic and Darin crossed them with no fear. Soon she traveled down a tree and traveling on the ground. She nodded at the locals as they watched the lone human traveling to who knew where. She wasn’t trying to be rude. She just wanted to find what The Seed was interested in. Of course, she was interested in the city and wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. It was no surprise that she bumped into someone.

She exclaimed in Eluri as she picked herself up, “I’m so sorry! I’ll pay better attention move forward. It’s just the way this city is built.”

A male voice cut her off, “It’s quiet alright young traveler. Lihaelen is indeed built differently then a human like you would be used to. So, your interest is well founded.” He bowed a sort of bow that Darin thought was an Eluri greeting, “I am Goran Malane.”

Darin did her best to copy the hand position and bow, “I am Martin Lively.”

Goran had a kind face that was weathered by age that broke into a smile, “I must say, Your Eluri is fairly impressive for a human thought your accent could use some work.”

Darin found herself smiling in return, “It’s a gift, but like all skill I need practice.”

The well-dressed Eluri laughed lightly before pointing out, “You look a little lost.”

Darin nodded, “Well yes I suppose so, I got separated from my traveling companion while on the way to the market. And now I’m not sure where I am.”

Darin couldn’t very well tell this man that she was wandering the city looking for something The Seed thought was interesting thought she had a feeling she found it. Ever since she bumped into this man The Seed had stopped burning. He felt good, but not in way Darin had ever felt before. Ravi’s goodness was almost divine and untouchable. Ridahne’s goodness had been tempered by having to do things that were necessary but not strictly speaking, good. This man felt like he was going to be good because someone had to be so it was going to be him, and he was going to do the best he could. Darin couldn’t tell how she knew that though. The longer she was The Seed-Bearer the more she seemed to be aware of. It was slightly concerning.

A voice called out, “Councilman Malane! We are late!”

Two younger Eluris rushed up as Goran turned to them, “Yes, so we are.” He pointed at Darin with his whole palm, “My young friend Mr. Lively has found himself lost. Mr. Armin, would you help him find his traveling companion?”

One of the aides bowed a slightly different bow to Darin, “I be honored.”

Darin protested, “That’s not necessary, but you have my thanks regardless.”

The other aide scoffed, “Lihaelen can be confusing and it is not our habit to leave outsiders to wander it alone.”

Darin nodded, “Fair enough.” She bowed to Mr. Malane but was sure she got it wrong, “It was nice to meet you.” Then she turned to aide call Mr. Armin, “I wouldn’t want to waste your time, “Perhaps we should get started yes.”

Mr. Armin nodded, “Yes of course.” He pointed out with his whole hand, “This way.” They started walking and he mentioned you didn’t use the correct bow for Councilman Malane. I can teach you while we walk if you like.”

Darin exclaimed, “Yes please! That would be amazing!”
BUMP! A girl can hope right?
Darin listened to Ridahne’s answers with a sort of growing awe. It sounded like the Eluri ruled themselves differently than the Azurei and the humans. Not for the first time Darin cursed the lack of information regrading the Sirens. It would be nice to know more about them. Yet she supposed that sooner or later she would find out. There was no real reason why she should worry about it now. Now, she needed to be concerned with learning all she could about the Eluri. That was why she was traveling in Eluri after all. IT was why she was traveling all across Astra.

Darin slid off of Talbot as she thought about just going and demanding to see the Council of The Seven Winds. She supposed that she had a right to do so as The Seed-Bearer, but she was trying to remain discreet. If she wanted to meet the rulers of the Eluri people, and she did want to meet them, she would have to find a way to do so discreectly. For now, she would just focus on meeting regular people. She didn’t think that would be hard to do. They had no real time limit so there was no rush in leaving Eluri. She could take all the time she needed.

Right now, she took a little bit of time to free Talbot of his limited tack and give him a brief brushing before he nudged her to follow Ridahne. The Azurei seemed to be looking for something, but Darin didn’t know what it was. She was more distracted by watching all the people. They all seemed to be in a hurry, and they were all dressed just a little bit differently than the others. She assumed that it was because they had different jobs or maybe it was personal taste. Still there were more people than Darin had expected, and she kept bumping into people and having to apologize. She was apologizing in Eluri. Some responded kindly and some just brushed her off. One man commented that her accent needed work.

It appeared that Ridahne had found them an inn. What criteria she had used to pick this place was beyond Darin, but it looked nice to the human. So, she followed her travelling companion to the little room. Darin just about collapsed from relief at the sight of the little wash basin. It would be nice to get some of the traveling grime off of her. She waited her turn before scrubbing her arms all the way up to pass her elbows and rubbed her face until it was red and raw. She felt so much better. Darin found herself hoping that at some point she would be able to wash her whole body and maybe all of her clothes. She would have to ask later. For now, she wanted to do as Ridahne suggested and explore the city.

She eagerly exclaimed, “We should find a market of some kind. I know how to explore those! Kind of! I know haw to explore the ones that pop up in Lively when the traders get to town.”

Still Darin figured it would be a good way to start. She could start with something she knew and then work out to exploring the libraries and archives Ridhane had mentioned. She had very little money and as soon as the merchants realized she couldn’t but much they would have one of two reactions. They would either ignore her or try to convince her to spend what little money she had with them rather than elsewhere. Darin was okay with that. She didn’t plan to spend what little coin she had on frivolities. She needed it to pay for things like inns and food. Maybe she could find work her in the city for a little bit. It would be nice to have some extra money just to be on the safe side. Though she supposed it depended on how long they were staying. It wasn’t like Darin could put down roots here. The Seed burned against her thigh in agreement with that statement.
The senators of the land of Eluri were in council when on of Senator Goran’s aides hurried in. The aide quickly hurried in the senator’s ear. The look on the young woman’s face was one of desperation and shocked awe. Senator Goran was the only one receiving whispered news from an aide. Juliana, Maylin, Tavris, Solin, and Hosh were also listening to hurried whispers. All the aides seemed uneasy and pleased at the same time. Whatever news they were passing had to be big. As each senator received the news their eyes went wide as they stared at the air in shock. Something big was happening in Lihaelen and now the Council of the Seven Winds knew about it.

President Lilain was also receiving news from their aide. They smiled as the news was received, “She’s here, just as Maylin saw in vision. She is traveling as a male just as Solin saw in vision. She is with an Azurei Eija as I saw in vision. The Seed-Bearer had finally made her way to Lihaelen.”

Goran spoke, “We should prepare a ceremony of some sort; or at least a meeting with her. We need to show her our support.”

Tavris quickly overruled that, “Have you forgotten my vision? There is someone after her; an enemy of Astra. They are looking for her here. If they do not know who she is, we do not need to identify her.”

Goran’s face screwed up in displeasure, but he did nod, “That is fair. That is one vision I am hoping will not become a reality. I would still like to meet her and judge her character for myself.”

Hosh was deep in thought, “That could be arranged. If she is traveling with an Azurei as her apprentice, they might make their way to the Archives at some point. An ‘accidental’ meeting wouldn’t be that hard to set up. Even if they don’t go to the Archives there are other tourist spots. We could bump into her easily. We don’t have to let her know that we know. We can pretend to be interested in her opinion as an outsider. It could be believable.”

Maylin was not so sure, “She might be able to tell when someone lies to her. We don’t know what gifts The Seed or even The Tree has given her. We do not want to make an enemy of her. We do not want to be forgotten when she plants The Seed. We do not want Eluri to be forgotten because she’s upset at us.”

Juliana was shocked, “Surely she wouldn’t! She is to be The Gardener. The Gardener wouldn’t forget someone just because he’s angry.” Juliana was more hopeful than sure, “She’ll be the same.”

Tarvis pointed out, “She’s human. They live the shortest lives of all the Children and feel the strongest. Who knows what type of Gardener she’ll be? No one holds a grudge like a human.”

Solin finally spoke, “It doesn’t matter what type of Gardener she will be in the future. Right now, we should worry about the here and now. The people after her to kill her may be here now or may be on their way. They will be looking for trouble and I do not think that they will care who they involve. We need to do our best to ensure that they do not hurt our people. Arrange discreet meetings with The Seed-Bearer as you will. Tell her you know or not at your discretion. We need to remember that our people come first.”

Lilain stood and all attention turned to her, “One way or another I will seek a meeting with The Seed-Bearer. You may do so as well, but remember, we know nothing about her. We need to be careful. Solin is correct. Our people come first. Be careful.”


The uloia were gorgeous, but Darin had always had a fondness for fireflies and the uloia were basically the same thing. They were a little larger, but they still blinked as they talked with each other. They tended to land on Darin. She figured it was because they sensed what she was. When it got to be too annoying, they were easy to flick away. Darin wasn’t so sure about the increasing amount of foliage. The canopy of leaves above them was so dense. She had never felt so cramped outside of a person made structure before. She forced herself to take slow even breathes. Ridahne seemed excited and she didn’t want to ruin it.

Any thought of the deepening darkness was driven from her mind as she saw Lihaelen for the first time. She had never seen so many people in one spot before. Well maybe at The Farm, but it was so spread out there that there simply was the same sort of feeling. People seemed to be right on top of each other as they hurried this way and that way. There didn’t seem to be any pattern to the flow of movement. Darin was glad that she was on top of Talbot; that way she wouldn’t accidently bump into anyone. Talbot stayed close to Tsura as they made their way to the stable. Darin had been staring at the number of people and had missed most of Ridhane had said to the guard. She just figured staying close to Ridahne mean she wouldn’t get lost.

Speaking of staying close; Taja hopped from his traveling basket on to Darin’s shoulder. The number of people here was just as overwhelming to him as it was to her. Of course, Darin was surprised that the hawk had stayed after finally regaining his previous strength. He would fly off for hours and the first time it happened Darin figured that the hawk was gone and hadn’t worried. Then Taja had come back. He always came back. At this point Darin worried if the hawk didn’t return at least once every other day. The Seed-Bearer figured that Taja was now just a permanent member of the trip. That was comforting.

Darin finally spoke in a quiet whisper as they got to the stable, “There are so many people so close together. How do they survive? Do they all have jobs?”

Darin couldn’t comprehend how a group of people this large could survive such a limited space. She never felt more out of place than she did right now. While it was true that she hadn’t handle the open road as well as she might have hoped she at least could understand it. This she didn’t understand at all. This just seemed like a mess. She supposed there had to be some sort order. She just didn’t know what it was. She had a feeling they would be here for a while. She needed to understand life in all of its forms; even city life.

She looked at Ridahne with a desperate look on her face, “Has this city always been here? Where did it come from? Does the Eluri rulers live here? How many people live here? Are there places like this elsewhere? In Azurei. In the human lands? Do you know about the Siren lands? Why did people come together to make cities in the first place?” She finally stopped her questions as she realized that the speed of her words were increasing, “Sorry. This is just so new to me.”
Alright. That sounds like a plan. Thank you!
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