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23 days ago
Current It's my birthday! Hooray! I have to work. Boo. But I do have Nutella. So, it's a good day over all.
25 days ago
I know that not every one on this site is from the USA, but I would like to remind all my fellow USAers that taking a moment to remember what happened 23 years ago wouldn't be bad.


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Darin enjoyed the journey to Atakhara. She enjoyed Hadian’s company. She soaked up the knowledge he had like a patch of parched ground soaked up water. She drank it up and still found herself wanting more. She wanted to know everything and anything. She asked question after question. (It did serve a dual purpose. While she was busy asking questions and learning she was distracted from the heat.) She found she liked learning about the world. She hadn’t cared to know when she had just been farming at home. She hadn’t needed to know about the world then. Now that she did, she enjoyed it almost as much as getting her hands int the dirt to help things grow. She supposed it was a good thing that she was so passionate about the things she needed to do. That was a gift a few people had. Darin was sad to see Hadian veer off towards home even if she understood why.

The journey from Atakhara to Tasen was less informative as Ridahne took care to avoid towns. As she watched the sun dip below its apex Darin privately hoped they arrived at Tasen soon. The goo from the plant was starting to dry at and flake. It made her skin itchy. Back home they use a paste made from oat flour and wide brimmed hats to protect against the heat of the sun. Darin had lost her hat long before she met Ridahne and there had never been a time to replace it. Darin missed it now. She wanted a chance to get into the shade and to rub most of the natural ointment off her skin. That wouldn’t be until after they had meet with the Sols so the sooner that happened the better.

Then, as the day shifted towards evening, the tone and inflection of the Sea’s voice changed. Darin rightly assumed that meant they had reached Tasen. From a distance it looked like many of the cities that Darin had seen in the past while on her travels. That was not what bothered her. The fact that Ridahne had finally unveiled her banner, which Darin had been waiting for since she had discovered it’s existence, didn’t bother her either. What bothered her was the looks the Azurei were given her Ridahne. If they weren’t scowling at her traitor’s mark, they were puzzling over her Guardian mark. The human was also not pleased with the fact that four Tajas were deemed necessary to greet them. On one hand she didn’t think they needed an escort. On the other hand, she wanted to laugh. There was no way that a mere four warriors were a threat to her warrior. She also wanted to berate Ridahne for not using all of her titles and only picked the ones that demonized her.

Still The Seed-Bearer kept silent as they made their way though the building. She scowled at each inclusion of another warrior. Ridahne wasn’t a threat. She wasn’t a demon. She wasn’t even a traitor, not really, not to Astra. On the other hand, Darin’s grin grew wider as she listened to the Stone of the building chatter excitedly to each other. The marble and granite spoke excitedly to each other in what could only be described as whispers as they gossiped about the visitors. For once, the main part of the chatter of Astra was not about Darin. Yes, they were excited to see her, but Ridahne Torzenei, they called her the Balancer, the one to do what needed to be done, had finally, finally, come home! The Azurei people may not fully comprehend the truth, but the Stone, the Sea, and the Sky were better at listening to The Tree. They knew what needed to be done and were glad to see she who had done it.

However, Darin’s scowl became deeper as they were told to dismount. Despite Ridahne’s assurance that it was alright, she didn’t like the thought of living part of her family behind. She was surprised when Talbot bent his lower legs to decrease the dismount height. Darin had become a much better rider over the past year, but since Talbot had always been too big for her, mounting and dismounting had always been difficult. She basically had to climb the plow house to get on and getting off could only be described as a controlled fall. Neither were graceful. It didn’t surprise Darin that Talbot understand the importance of what was going on. It surprised her that he was willing to help her not make a fool of herself. Taja had no such concerns. When Ridahne named Taja-Uvaru the bird looked around as if the Elf was speaking to him. When the hawk realized that wasn’t the case her shrieked right in Darin’s ear causing her to wince. Then he took flight to circle over the group.

He landed back on Darin’s shoulder as they entered the room they had been heading to. Darin took one look at the Sols and the Sota-Sol before turning her attention back to the room and the Stone that was still chittering. It wasn’t just whispering anymore. It was closer to shouting even if The Seed-Bearer was the only one that heard them. From the corner of her eye Darin watched Ridahne wash her face but made no move to mimic the moves. The once farmgirl was who she was, dirt, grime, dust, and all. The Sota-Sol spoke to Ridahne, yet Ridahne respected Darin’s wishes and did not speak back. When it was clear that the Guardian was not going to speak the woman worn with age and experience turned her attention to Darin.

The human wanted to scoff and pretended that her attention was still caught by the way the building was constructed. Absently she raised a hand to brush a wayward strand of hair back behind her ear. She gave no indication that she had heard the woman. Darin supposed that to the woman that who was closer to Ravi’s age than hers everyone looked like a child, yet she wasn’t a child by any human marker. She did not require the support of her parents to survive. She could do sums, read, and write. She knew a trade. She had reached two decades of life. She supposed that since she was an unmarried woman, she could be considered a child, but not even the elders of her home considered her a child. When she had been fifteen and just starting to take care of the farm herself, she had been a child who didn’t know what was best. By the time she was eighteen, long before The Gardener arrived, she had no longer been a child and needed to stop acting so childishly. Darin was an adult, she was entitled to a certain level of respect due to that fact.

Suddenly, after a few minutes, she startled as if she realized something, “Oh!” She turned towards the Sota-Sol, “You were talking to me.” There was a wide, not really genuine smile on her face as she gave her head a slow shake, “I wasn’t sure. You see, I am not a child.” The smile faded as she did nod once, “But yes. I am Darin Torzenei, daughter of Martin by Talia, Seed-Bearer of Astra.”

That got a reaction, at least from Taja. The hawk let out a screech that echo though the room as he extended his wings their full span behind Darin’s head. The water in the pool Ridahne had used to wash her face suddenly rose up in excitement. Darin smile was tight as it splashed on to the stone leaving the pool empty. There was a crack of thunder, though no one in room would have been able to see the lightning that raced across the sky The Seed-Bearer knew it was there. The building shook to the left once before settling back into place. This was the first time in all her journeys that Darin entered a place and immediately told people who she was. Astra was responding.

Her voice was cold as she locked eyes with the woman who spoke to her, “Now I have a question for the Sota-Sol.” She took once step forward, a threat that honestly no one save Ridahne had the ability to combat, “There was a monster in Azurei. The Tree spoke in desperation to so many people using any method possible to destroy the monster. Yet no one The Tree spoke to, you included, did anything. No one listened.” Suddenly her voice was a lot warmer as a true smile graced her features, “No one but Ridahne Torzenei Seed-Chained.” Darin took a step back to practically bounce around the woman in question, “Guardian of Astra.” Then in a blatant disregard for Azurei culture and sensibilities Darin pressed a soft kiss to her sister’s newest Oijh mark, “Listened.” Taja took the chance to hop from Darin’s shoulder to Ridahne’s head as Darin’s rage returned, this time fire rather than cold, “And I want to know why!” Her head flipped around to glare daggers at the women in question, “I want to know why not one of you listened! I want to know why that evil was allowed to continue! I want to know why when the one person who listened took care of the issue in the one way, she could she was sentenced to death! I want to know why honor was deemed more important that what was right!”

She wasn’t yelling but she was raging. Thankfully, Astra knew better than to react. There was a strange calm in the air as Darin snapped her arms out every time the word why left her mouth. Suddenly she stopped in her erratic jerky motions to stare at the woman who dare sentence Ridahne to death, who dare called her a child, who dare assume she had a right to dictate their presence here, who dare assume she was the most powerful person in the room. Darin wanted to do something, anything, she wasn’t sure what was it The Tree had called it? She wanted to abuse her power for her own personal gain at least once, here and now. She wanted to shock the Sota-Sol in a way that couldn’t be ignored. She just wasn’t sure how.

Then Astra spoke, Darin listened, and her arm snapped out towards the subject of her ire. The water that splashed to the floor followed the motion to create a pointed streamer pointed right at the Sota-Sol’s Oijh. The air in the room drastically decreased in temperature in order to allow the water to freeze in almost an instant. Darin let out a slow breath that appeared in the air as a puff of vapor. This was a threat, pure and simple. Everyone in this room was at The Seed-Bearer’s mercy, and Darin wasn’t feeling particularly merciful. Darin had known, intellectually, just how powerful she was, but this was the first time she knew it. It was a heady rush. It scared the young human. It excited her as well. It was a conflict she wasn’t sure she minded one little bit.

Somehow her voice was colder than the air as her arm remained extended, “And I want to know why you seem to think your authority is higher than the authority of The Tree of Astra.”
Darin scowled at Ridahne as she got up, “This is not cold. I pity anyone who thinks this is cold. I did not see snow last winter. I doubt I will see snow this year. This is a seasonless heat trap and you know that when we finally see snow that you will complain about the cold as well.”

She then stuck her tongue out at Ridahne, but it was playful, with no ire behind it. As the warrior moved to put out the fire Taja finally flew off of her head. And over to land on the t shaped post that Darin had planted in the sand for him earlier. While her bird was getting ready for bed, the human did the same. She pulled out her bed roll and tossed in out on the sand. There was no need for a blanket. It was far too warm to require a blanket. She gave her head a shake as she rolled over to sleep. It was hardly worth complaining about.

“Darin Torzenei, daughter of Martin by Talia, Seed-Bearer of Astra! I like that! I like that a lot!”

Darin opened her eyes to look at the stars above her head only to see Hadian standing above her, dressed like Ridahne, speaking with Talia’s voice. It was The Tree and this was a dream of some sort. Darin looked around to see that she didn’t know where she was, though she was dressed in the outfit she had been wearing. All of these factors, what she would be wearing, how The Tree would look, where they were, were mutable when The Tree choose to speak to The Seed-Bearer via a dream.

Darin sat up as she rubbed at her eyes “You shouldn’t be here, and you know it.” She smiled at The Tree, “Though it is good to see You and to know that you approve of the name change.”

The Tree sat next to Darin, “Of course I approve. It the words of a very wise person who I love dearly, “Torzenei’s are good stock.” Why would I regret you being a Torzenei?” The Tree smiled craftily at the human, “Plus it will be sure to upset the Sols and the Solta-Sol.”

Darin’s eyes narrowed as she thought, “Is it wrong of me to look forward to what is about to happen?”

The Tree shook Its head, “No.” It questioned, “Why are you worried?”

Darin sighed as she looked off into the distance, “I find myself wanting to abuse my power as The Seed-Bearer against them.”

The Tree sighed as It wrapped an arm around the girl, “I know you know that every Gardener in the past abused their power, on purpose, for either personal pleasure or personal gain at least once. Gardeners and Seed-Bearers are still flawed people. You have yet to do either one on purpose. It’s a heady rush knowing that all you need to do is ask and The Sea, The Stone, and The Sky will destroy Astra for you.”

Darin interjected, “That would break the cycle.”

The Tree nodded, “I know. But you are powerful. You very rarely act on that power, but for the first time since you have started on this journey you are heading into a place where you know that the leaders and the people know who you are. There will be no hiding behind the name Martin Lively in Azurei. If you must publicly be The Seed-Bearer, you should use that to your advantage.”

Darin shook her head, “I’m not even sure how to do that.”

The Tree nodded, “I can understand that.” It sighed as it grew quiet for a moment, and then smiled, “Just be sassy confidant Darin, defending your friend! They will make suggestions. Brush them off if they do not suit your plans. Do what you want when you want. Maybe it will unsettle them. Maybe they will adapt. Either way you will have let them know that you do not care for the way they do things. Defend your sister. Go where you will.”

Darin raised an eyebrow, “So, just keep doing what I’ve been doing under the name Darin rather than the name Martin?”

The Tree nodded, “Yep!” It sighed, “I have to go.”

Darin was quick to interrupt, “I love you.”

The Tree laughed as It wrapped both arms around Darin, “And I love you.” It kissed the top of Darin’s forehead, “Dearly.” It looked her dead in the eye as It faded away, “Remember that.”

The next morning, as they were breaking camp, Darin made a request of her sister, “Ridahne? Will you let me introduce myself to the Sols? It would mean a great deal to me.”
There had been a misunderstanding somewhere. Darin wasn’t sure where it had happened. She wasn’t surprised. She and Ridahne were close, but they still couldn’t read each other’s mind. There was no such thing as mind reading after all. The Tree was pretty adamant about that. Communication involved two people, talking, and listening, a lot of listening. With one last bow to Halyih, Darin returned to the fire. This time she sat down to Ridahne instead of her brother. This was a conversation that Hadian would get to listen too but wouldn’t really be a part of. She liked the sailor. The warrior was still her favorite Torzenei.

She smiled as she bumped her shoulder against Ridahne’s, “You know, your brother is right. Istaerih is another name for The Sea, and the Sea was speaking just as much as I was. When I speak Astra listens and my mother, and I’m sure you parents as well, taught that if some one listens to you, you should listen to them. I speak to Astra and then Astra speaks back. Istaerih likes Hadian. It thinks he’s cute. The same way we think a cat or dog is cute.” She grew solemn for a moment, “The Sea liked your father as well, but death is death. A life was due that day. He gave his. And Istaerih loves him for it. A life for a life.” There was a human phase that didn’t sound quite the same in Azurei so she switched to Astran as she bumped her friend’s shoulder again, “The apple doesn’t fall from the tree.” She switched back to Azurei, “Torzenei’s are good stock, sacrificing their entire futures to save at least one life. Who else could come to save me but the banished daughter of Jaisih Torzenei? He listened to The Sea in a way few could and was beloved by Istaerih for it. You listen to The Tree the way few choose to.” She was firm, authoritative, and left no room for question, “I will not let you, you who is beloved by The Tree, travel in your home as if you are some sort of thrice cursed stranger. That is why, even though I don’t like it, we travel to Tasen, where we will meet with the Sols, you will be granted the nimarih, and I will meet Ajoran Teleisun to decide if he is worthy of you. Then we will travel to Atakhara where I can learn about you and where you came from. Then we will zigzag, but we will skip Tasen since we were already there unless we need to resupply. You will feed me coconut, I will try my hand at climbing these trees you speak of that have no branches, and then we will travel north and out of this seasonless heat trap.”

Once, a long time ago, Ridahne had complained about missing heat. Now Darin knew how Ridahne felt, except she felt that way about cold. It was almost time for harvest. The air should be turning crisp and she should be wearing shirts with sleeves, not this sleeveless tunic with not even a cloak. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be seeing snow for a long time. Darin knew that there was beauty in all of Astra and she had seen it in most places. It was just extremely difficult when the winds blew hot in autumn! It was time to start making cider and warm milk. It was time to prepare butter for winter baking. It was time to pull out scarves and hats and gloves. This heat was slowly killing her. If this was fall Darin thanked The Tree that they hadn’t gotten here as spring turned into summer. The heat must be unbearable then. Personally, and privately she would never ever say it out loud, Darin thought Ridahne was lucky to get banish. No one was meant to live like this. How did people stand it? She barely managed not to complain every single day.
Darin considered Ridahne’s offer. It wasn’t a bad one, and the human found herself wanting to agree to it. Except it couldn’t happen now. Darin vaguely understood that there was a difference between the one in Ridahne’s ear and the one around her neck. They both had the same symbol on them, the Torzenei symbol, but the material was different because of where the person who had carved it had come from. It told others where the person was from. Darin didn’t mind being part of Ridahne’s family, but she was still her mother’s child. Suddenly, she remembered the apple tree where she had picked the apples for every apple pie she had ever made. Maybe, one day, she would let Ridahne make her a ku’o from the wood of that tree. That was still a long way off. There was still plenty of time to think about it.

Still, the young woman couldn’t help but whisper to herself so quietly that the two Elves talking of marriage wouldn’t hear her, “Darin Torenzei, daughter of Martin by Talia, Seed-Bearer of Astra.”

The siblings may not have heard her, but Astra did. A loud crack filled the air as a crash of lightning appeared in the otherwise cloudless sky. The Seed-Bearer’s attention was immediately grabbed by the out of place phenomena. Without even thinking she was on her feet in a moment. She kept her eyes on the sky as she took a few steps away from the fire. Suddenly a tendril of Sea snapped out of the ocean to wrap around her wrist. A feeling rightness filled her as The Seed burned in approval against her thigh. Taja had taken flight to land on Ridahne’s head to run his beak though her hair. (He was inclined to do that whenever Astra reacted to The Seed-Bearer. Darin still wasn’t 100 percent sure what it meant, if it meant anything) However, the message from Astra and The Seed was clear. They liked the name change and thinking of Hadian with the Sea wrapped around her wrist like this only cause the Sea to chitter happily. Without even thinking Darin flicked the trapped wrist towards the newcomer.

The saltwater circled the Elf in a manner that almost mimicked the way Mitaja said hello as Darin laughed, “You’ve made an impression. The Sea knows you. The Sea likes you, at least as well as it likes any Child of Sky.” She flicked her wrist back towards the ocean, “However Ridahne is right. We have an early start tomorrow so now we must rest” Her voice took a tone that almost sounded like a scolding parent, “And it is time for feisty ocean waters to at least pretend to sleep.”

The waters, now that they had been reminded, flowed back to the ocean so the only movements were the soft waves of natural currents. It was odd that both the Sea and the Sky were so … apparent in the message they were trying to send. Oh, they could almost always be vocal, speaking a language that only certain people could muddle through and The Seed-Bearer could understand as well as she understood Astran. Sometimes they were so loud, at least to her, that her head hurt from their demands. It appeared that the Torzenei siblings were well loved by Astra and they wanted the two of them to know.

She turned her attention to Ridahne, “Still, there are two things left to discuss,” She held up a finger, “One, I understand the need to go to the Sols to get the nimarih, but I don’t like it, and I want you to know that.” She continued to gesture with her hands, “We should zigzag like we did in Eluri and Osori, stopping in the towns and villages and cities for at least a day, no longer than a week. I didn’t let the leaders of either determine my path and I don’t plan on letting the Sols have any say either. Plus going back to Atakhara means wasting time we may not have. I rather spend a week there and then go to Tasen. I understand the need to go to Tasen first, and I know you are excited to be home, but they are just stops. Please remember that.” She didn’t wait before holding up two fingers in a v shape, “Second.” Her flat palm came out to point at the other guest, “I have yet to be introduced to our final guest. I forgot. Which was rude of me.” She slowly walked over to Hadian’s horse and bowed slightly, “Please forgive me. I meant no disrespect.”
For a brief moment Darin felt like an outsider as Mitaja came to knock Hadian to the ground. This was a reunion for Ridahne, Hadian, Mitaja, Tsura, not for her. Despite what Hadian had called her Darin Torzinei she wasn’t actually their family. She was an outsider and her family was roads away from here. Then Taja, who did not like being left out, especially when his person was not paying attention to him and him alone, swooped over to land on Mitaja and peck questioningly at Hadian’s earing that matched Ridahne’s. Darin let out a laugh as she gently brushed at the bird.

She switched from Azurei to the language of her home as Taja responded better to that tongue for some reason, “Taja! Enough of that! Hadian is our guest.” She held out a hand to the hawk, “Come on.” As Taja hopped to land on her shoulder she switched back to Azurei, “You’ll have to forgive Taja. He’s a bit wary of strangers.” She gestured in vaguely the right direction, “We are currently as southeasterly as we can get in Astra. I live just about as far northwesterly in human lands as is possible.” She held out her hands for the man’s consideration, “My village has no name. It is probably just as humble as Atakhara, but we never considered ourselves poor as we wanted for very little. I was a farmer. I worked the land to help things like wheat and barley grow. I am not meant for roads or danger.” Her smile had returned full force as she looked the man dead in the eye, “I am Tree-Blessed to have literally fallen into Ridahne Torzinei.” She shook her head slowly, “I have not met many others who wear the name Torzinei, but I assure you that your wife is right.” She spoke with such confidence and surety that only a fool would question her, “There is no shame, whatsoever, in that name. You offer it to me, and it is a gift I would be willing to take whole heartily.” It was her turn to lightly tug at the earring that proclaimed him a Torzenei, “I think I’ll skip this though. It is gorgeous, but it is not the human way.”

That didn’t mean she was earring free. In fact, Taja was currently tugging at the silver cuff that was clamped around her upper ear. Jules had been wearing something similar as she lay dying. It had some sort of symbol on it, but Darin’s was unadorned. It was simple and plain, like her. Yet it held a power than not many truly knew, again, just like her. Darin still had no tattoos. She wasn’t sure that would change anytime soon. She just couldn’t think of any that she wanted to get. Maybe that would change in Azurei. She knew she wouldn’t get any on her face though. It wouldn’t be right. She had learned and studied culture after culture. She bowed to the Eluri in their way and danced in the Orosi way and played Siren instruments, but she had not changed her appearance in anyway that was not human. She had to be true to her roots.

She dropped her hand from the earring and moved it to stroke at Taja’s chest, “But enough about me. My life is fairly boring. I am confident that yours is much more interesting. Tell me about Atakhara. Tell me about your wedding. Tell me about your wife. What are your days like? What’s your favorite food. Smell? Sights? Are you expecting children? What will you name a child when it comes? Any details you can think of. I want to know Hadian Torzenei. Not just because you are my friend’s brother, but because you are a Child of the Night Sky, a Child of Sky, a Child of Astra, and that is so much more different than a Child of Stone. Any detail, no detail is too small, I want to know.”

She wasn’t usually so direct. Usually she took the information she was given and they poked and prodded in the same direction until the person she was bothering grew bored with that subject and switched it. She let the teacher lead the conversation. It was how she had learned about coffee farming, mining, both metal and stones, sailing, investing money into goods, ship building, carpentry, dog breeding, tailoring, whatever people wanted to teach her. Yet there was so much to learn. She had a whole world to learn and know. She was getting better. She knew more now than she ever knew existed. Her knowledge with languages had improved with leaps and bounds, as has her reading and writing. She couldn’t honestly say she was just a farmer anymore. She was a student, and an overeager on at that.
As Darin slowly walked back to the fire she found her thoughts drifting backwards though time again. This time they were about the person she could see at the fire. Ridahne Torenzi Seed-Chained had changed just as much as she had over the past year, if not more. She was still subdued and wary, but it was so nice to know that the warrior considered the human family. Darin had learned so much from her; sailing songs, how to build sandcastles, how to swim on the waves of salt water, how to build fires that would last all night, how to defend herself. Darin could only hope to return the favor one day. Even though the coming days promised to be stressful Darin had never seen Ridahne freer, mentally and emotionally, then the last few weeks.

Darin may have been lost in thought, but she still heard the tone of Ridahne’s voice. Without thinking she quickly hurried over to stand behind the warrior. Her hand reached behind her to hold on to the handle of her sickle, but unlike Ridahne she didn’t draw it immediately. Talbot stood nearby. Sometimes it was better for Darin to flee and sometimes it was better for her to fight. She wasn’t sure which one it was yet. Though the next few minutes revealed that their would be no fight at all and Darin couldn’t help the large smile that etched on to her face as the identity of the person who had come to see them was made clear.

It was Hadian Torenzi. While Darin had never seen him with her own eyes before she had seen him once via The Tree on that night so long ago when The Tree had spoken to Ridahne and she had been left to wander Astra. Even if she hadn’t gone on that journey the human would still know who it was, not only buy Ridahne’s actions but by his looks as well. He was so clearly Ridahne’s sibling even if his Oijh was simpler and there were more lines on his face, but he was still her family. Seeing her Ridahne so happy made Darin want to laugh from pure joy.

For a moment her smile faltered as he started to bow Luckily Ridahne stopped him, but the hug that followed caught her completely off guard. She could barely remember the last time she had been hugged like this. Hugging Ridahne was nice and Darin lost count of how many times that had happened, but those always seemed desperate as they each searched for confirmation that the other was alive and well and safe. This was tight and firm and loving. For a reasons Darin couldn’t explain it felt like coming home. She quickly got a hold of herself and returned the hug in kind. Hadian may have been a stranger to her, but she could easily see herself falling in love with him the same way she had fallen in love with Ridahne, not the same way Ridahne loved Ajoran, or the way her mother loved her father, or the way that she thought Thomas and Milla might love each other, but still love, like family, like home, like peace.

She couldn’t contain herself any longer and she started to laugh as she finally pulled away, “Hadian Torenzi! It is so [i[good[/i] to meet you at last. I have heard nothing but good things.” Her cheeks hurt from how widely she was smiling, “I am Darin, daughter of Martin by Talia, Seed-Bearer of Astra.” She took his hand and pulled him close to the fire so they could all sit, “Come, sit. Tell me of Azurei. My Guardian.” Darin flashed Ridahne a gleeful look as she reached out to lightly touch the mark that confused the newcomer, “Has told me some but I love hearing of new places from many different people. Tell me of your life, your family, your work. Your sister tells me you are a fisherman. What is that like? You’ll have to teach me the basics at some point.”

Darin’s full attention was on the man in front of her with an intensity that she hadn’t known she could possess a year ago. Yet it had come to the surface more and more as the days had passed. Hadain was not the first person to be on the other end of Darin’s piercing gaze as she sought to learn and to know. She would practically hang of his every word as she asked question after question. She was no longer afraid that he questions would make her look like a fool. Being a fool was the first step to wisdom after all. She could be a bit intense and she hoped she didn’t make him uncomfortable. It’s just this was Ridahne’s family. She wanted to know him not just because he was a Child of Astra, but because he was the family of one of her favorite people in the whole world. Tonight promised to be one of those sleepless night that no one could regret because they were well spent.
Darin looked in the direction they had come. This was the last night that they were spending in Orosi. Tomorrow they would enter Azurei. Darin was both looking forward to it and dreading it. She had heard stories of Ridahne’s homeland for close to 15 months, ever since time at the cliff where the Guardian had introduced herself as Veerkari'e, Ghost in the Sands. Well, tomorrow, or soon thereafter, Darin would finally see the sands. Soon she would meet the Sols and the Solta-Sol. She would finally get the chance to meet the women who had almost literally changed the course of history.

Right now, Darin was standing overlooking the sea. The small little group was currently camped in the southeasternmost part of Astra where Azurei, Orosi, and the Sea meet. It was not the first time she had seen the ocean. Darin’s lips twisted up in a smile as she remembered that. She had stood in shock as she watched the water crash against the Eluri shore. Ridahne had to literally drag her away. Even then she had snuck away later that night to stand in the waves. A strange sort of calm had come over her and she had to resist the urge to run headlong into the waves and past The Roots that made the Barrier. She had stood there all night, letting the serenity of a world older than even The Tree and The Gardener combined wash over her. It was a cycle. Sometimes the cycle was broken. Yet, the world was bigger than the cycle. If she failed the world would recover. For the first time she had felt peace with being The Seed-Bearer. Ridahne had found her the next morning adding her own salt water to the endless waves. When the Guardian came up in concern The Seed-Bearer had suddenly started laughing as she kicked at the water in a sort of manic dance. Darin had not regretted spending the night submerged to her hips even though she had a fever for three days. She now understood that as long as she did her best no mistake, no matter how big, was unforgivable. Being The Seed-Bearer wasn’t just some sort of title Darin was carrying. She was The Seed-Bearer and just by being herself she was doing an incredible job.

That night had begun a process of growing for Darin. Slowly but surely, she went from being a nervous wreck to a strong confident woman that made decisions that she was proud to make, that she wouldn’t question. She threw herself into learning about people and customs and society. More often than not She would introduce herself to new people before Ridahne got a chance to. She spent many sleepless nights asking people about their lives, their hopes, their dreams, their fears. The days not spent restocking, or recovering, or traveling, were spent helping people with whatever they needed help with. She listened more than she talked. She tried foods she had never dreamed of. She tried to dance dances she had no hope of mastering. She played every instrument pressed into her hands without fear or apprehension. She played with children and animals alike. She gained better control of her temper and while she learned to listen, she also learned to make herself heard without snapping. She was still a person of passion, determination, and an unwillingness to compromise on doing the right things.

This meant that she had made new friends and even made a few new Seed-Friends. The total was currently six. Jack was the human that had insisted on her taking Talbot with her. That wasn’t official, but it was close enough hat it counted. Harris was the Eluri farmer who saw her stop the rains that first time. HE was also the first official Seed-Friend. Mrixie as the first to choose to swear to The Seed. He had given Ridahne the space she needed and help Darin find a book on controlling her emotions that she could actually understand. Jules, an Orosi, betrayed the Red Hand, the only family she had ever known for The Seed and the hope that brought the Children of Astra. She died mere moments after Darin had named her Seed-Chained. Even thinking about it broke the human’s heart. Umi, a shipbuilder and a Deepblood, a type of Siren that lived close to the Barrier, had saved chosen to save a child rather than Darin at the risk of his life at her order. He had been pulled aside for a private word after he had proven his worth. He had taken one look at Darin’s rough designs, swore himself to secrecy, and promised to figure it out. She had been unable to tell Ridahne that secret as it was connected to being The Seed-Bearer. Sarah was the human merchant that had taken one look at Darin, known she was a girl, and was the first to teach Darin about dressing feminine while still being practical in her attire. For the first time in her entire life Darin had felt pretty.

Of course, it wasn’t all friendship and happy memories. The Red Hand had increased their efforts to kill Darin. She had lost track of the number of times she had almost lost her life. She could count the number of lives she had taken, eight. She could still remember their eyes and when even if she knew none of their names. She knew Ridahne believed it was better that way, but she still hated herself for it. She also had Cursed one man in Orosi. He had preyed on boys, young boys, in the worse matter possible. Ridahne had been injured and he was getting away to escape to a new hunting ground. Darin had screamed to sky and Astra Listened. I Curse you! The Seed Curses you! Let all of Astra know! You are cursed! Let no one know you! Be banished in a land you may never leave. May the Sky storm down upon you! May the Sea rise up against you! May the Stone quake under you! The plants and the animals hate you forever! Let no Child of Astra see you again! I am Darin Seed-Bearer! And I Curse you! Be Seed-Cursed till the day you die! Darin couldn’t regret that. She wouldn’t regret that. The man was a monster, not a Child of Astra. She was unconscious for a week due to the amount of power she had used, but it her harsh justice had been worth it. She only hated that she hadn’t caught him sooner.

Her skills at wielding her sickle in battle only increased under Ridahne’s tutelage. The Elf had managed to train some of the clumsiness out of her as well. Darin would never be as graceful as the Eija-Alihn, but she couldn’t call herself just a farm girl anymore. She rode Talbot like she had been riding most of her life. She could climb just about anything and run without tripping. Her skill at setting up and taking down camp had improved. While Ridahne’s grace was almost lithe and most certainly deadly Darin had earned a grace that, for lack of better words, blunt and stocky.

Skills, knowledge, and self-assurance weren’t the only thing that had changed since she had left home. Darin’s physical appearance had changed as well. She still gave the name Martin Lively to strangers, but she couldn’t’ remember when she had stopped traveling as a boy. It had just kind of happened as she grew more confidant in herself. Under Sarah’s tutelage Darin had learned what it meant to like what she saw in her reflection. Her hair had grown and using her meager skill in braiding Darin plaited in in a braid that ran down the center of her skull and ended right at the nap of her neck. This showed off the sharp angles of her cheeks and nose hat Sarah said were her best features. She had also let the merchant update her wardrobe. Right now, she wore shirts without sleeves that left her shoulders bare, with high collars that wrapped around her neck. One shoulder and arm had her falconry gear. The other arm had a leather bracer with two loops around her index and middle fingers. Her pants were much the same as they always were, but her boots were knee high riding and hugged her legs over her pants. Around her waist was a wide belt to show off what little curves she had. Her cloak was still the same one her mother had made with care, but due the heat it was currently in her pack. The scars from Taja’s talons were visible. The knife mark from one encounter with the Red Hand on her back peaked out from behind her shirt. Her eyes, once boring brown, had slowly, so slowly Darin didn’t realize it had happened until it was done, turned apple green. (Now that she thought about it, The Gardener’s eyes had been red, the same color as The Apples on his Tree. Darin wondered what that said about her Tree.) She would never be beautiful, but she definitely didn’t blend into the back ground any more.

Right now, The Seed-Bearer watched the waves as she thought about how far she had come and how far she still had to go. Tomorrow they entered Azurei. To be honest Darin was glad it had taken so long to get her. She would not have been ready for this a year ago. She lost her temper too quickly then. Now, well now she still lost her temper, but she managed to not let it get the better of her. A year ago, she was lost, sacred and confused, a child playing at being a grown up. Now she was still young, but she knew who she was, she knew what she was, and she wasn’t afraid of it anymore. She was a force to be reckoned with. The Sols best look out for her.

Because she was The Seed-Bearer. When she spoke, Astra listened. After countless hours of practice at controlling the Sea, the Stone, the Sky, after hours of learning to control her emotions rather than letting them control her she could wield her strange power as The Seed-Bearer with almost ridiculous ease. She tried to be careful how she used it. She knew it was changing her into something … else when she did, but sometimes it was unavoidable. The Tree was slightly alarmed by how natural it came to her. At this point in his journey The Gardener was still struggling to speak to the Sea, of the three the easiest to speak to. From time to time Darin would be distracted as she had conversations with all of Astra. Of course, The Gardener had been a different person from Darin with a different personality type. That was another thing Darin had come to accept. She would never be able to do this the way any of past Gardeners had. She had to do it her way, and that was okay.

She carefully directed her thoughts away from both the past and the future to the here and the now. She had told Ridahne she had needed a few minutes to just think. Darin had done her best at doing as the Azurei had requested in Lihaelen and had gone to the warrior when she normally had run. It was a difficult habit to break at first, but Darin learned to at least say she needed to be alone. Tonight, she had asked for a few minutes to give Ridahne a few minutes as well. Tomorrow was the first time Ridahne would be home in over a year. Darin had no desire to crowd her close and dearest friend. They could both use some peace before the storm that would come tomorrow. Now, however, she had no desire to be alone tonight. She wanted the companionship of her strange, mostly animal, misfit family.
I still want do a bit about how Ridahne has changed from Darin's point of view, but that can wait until after your post. If there is anything you don't like about mine and what me to change or you have questions let me know.
More honesty. I was kind of hoping you would say Azurei. So, I have a vague idea for a "recap" post to cover the roughly 12 to 15 months it will take them to get from Lihaelen to Azurei. I can work on it and have it posted sometime tomorrow. Then, your post after can be the introduction. Will that work?
I have to be honest. I'm slightly bored of the scene in Lihaelen. Would it be alright if I moved us to the next one in my next post? I don't care if it's Darin seeing the ocean for the first time, actually making it to Azurei, some encounter with the Red Hand, Ridahne and Ajoran meeting up, or something else. You can pick and tell me in the OoC. I just want to move the story along. Please and Thank you.
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