Character Creation Information
The Seven Lesser Evils
Pride – Character Name – Username
Lust – Character Name – Username
Wrath – Character Name – Username
Sloth – Character Name – Username
Envy – Character Name – Username
Greed – Character Name – Username
Gluttony – Character Name – @Pascal
Character Sheet!
[color=xxxxxx][i][center][Insert quote or line here[/center][/i][/color]
[hider=Character’s name]
[color=xxxxxx][b]Name:[/b][/color] Simple. Feel free to include any nicknames. Just don’t forget their Sin
[color=xxxxxx][b]Age:[/b][/color] This does not need to be a number, but it can be. We just need to know where their place in history is.
[color=xxxxxx][b]Race:[/b][/color] Fae, Vampire, Demon, the possibilities are endless!
[color=xxxxxx][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Pascal and I decided that we don’t need pictures. You can include one if you like, but we aren’t encouraging them. A written description, whether paragraph style or list style, will do just fine.
[color=xxxxxx][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Are they crazy? Psychotic? Suspiciously kind? This is also one of the places to explain why they are the Sin they are. Just keep in mind that we don’t need seven edge lords.
[color=xxxxxx][b]Background:[/b][/color] Trauma! Good! Loved! Also good! Whatever their story is we want to see it here. This is another place to include why they are the Sin they are. Just be sure to include how The Detective got in contact with them and convinced them to come to The City. This could be a phone call and agreement to pay them to they heard the Outcasts were hurting Innocents and were on the next available flight. Whatever it is put it here. If it doesn’t make too much sense with The Detective or the setting, I’ll reach out and we’ll work something out!
[color=xxxxxx][b]Skills and Abilities:[/b][/color] What can they do? Let’s be honest this is the fun part! Please include magical abilities and mundane skill. Maybe this is another reason they are their Sin. Make them super powered or one step above normal humans. Just fill out this section and the next section with the intent to make them balanced. Thank you!
[color=xxxxxx][b]Weakness:[/b][/color] The above section’s sibling! Feel free to be vague, but please don’t say something like they have no weakness. Is it spiders? Iron? It’s something and their weakness should make sense with their power and power level. Thank you!
[color=xxxxxx][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Do they have a special keychain? A portable supercomputer? A staff of unimaginable power? Let everybody know!
[color=xxxxxx][b]Quips:[/b][/color] I call it quips but it could be trivia too. Or both? This is just a little miscellaneous section. Have fun!
Please note this may not be perfect. My coding skills are minimal. Feel free to jazz it up. Just make sure to hit the important information.