Avatar of LadyRunic


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Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
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Replies will be coming out in a few days. Been down sick.
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"Fly you fools!"
6 yrs ago
To everyone waiting on replies. They most likely will be out tomorrow or Saterday. I need to get a part for my computer!
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6 yrs ago
Sorry if replies are a bit slow. Dealing with a headache.


Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Still looking for people.

Rhys Asher

Location: Home

Rhys gritted his teeth against the testy witch's attitude. Sneering at the woman he crooned with sickening sweetness. "Be any way you wish, but in my home with my son you will stitch your mouth close over insulting me." He poured some water in a tea kettle, a battered blackened thing that served it's purpose quite well. Building up a slight fire in his hearth, he set the kettle on a iron arm and swung it over the coals as he plopped a long into the bed of stirring flames. In all honesty, he was about ready to have done with Esmeralda. Just a slight prick of a well placed knife and she would be another victim of the streets.

Yet, as tempting as it was. He was a victim now of the Sickenesse, and needed her. Rhys snarled quietly as he crushed tea leaves into a mortar and pestle. He hated owing people, but there was no hope for it. His dark eyes gazed over at the wretched woman as she questioned his divination rituals. "Decent enough. Though I don't see how a man struck my Sickenesse could help you with that. Perhaps if you care to explain rather than running off with a brat in your belly and your brother's dear skull?" It wasn't smart to mock the woman, but he was in a foul mood and she was only making it worse.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Infirmity travelling to Attic

To hear herself described as a mouse was a bit... Off putting if Skaoi was honest with herself. She wasn't saying it wasn't true, but it was slightly wounding to her already limited pride. Pulling back sharply as Amarantha stepped in her way once more, the physik gave a slight sigh of mixed defeat and irritation. She had patients and despite Lyra's orders to leave the attic, surely she could help? She, after all, could negate Prince Myrus's powers. Yet as the Young Army leader asked if anyone could confirm that Skaoi took another step back, her pale blue eyes dropping to the scorched floor.

"As you will it." She whispered in defeat. What could she say to confirm her innocence in these terrible schemes? She hadn't seen anyone, or she couldn't remember. Becky had, or should have been, in the infirmary with the patients. Where Skaoi herself should have been, alas. She had been eager to find a cure. Eager to stop the madness of this strange plague. To do some good with her limited means. Turning on her heel she gave Myrus a slight smile twinge with sadness. He was her Royal too, as was the Princess Luna. Though Valda? The Queen terrified Skaoi, but she was a queen and Skaoi had never been easy with royalty. "I shall be awaiting you below, Prince Myrus. Majesty." Slipping down the steps she leaned against the wall and tried to remember how to breathe. She would make sure that the Prince was alright, she decided then she would flee the Palace. She couldn't let them know the horrors she had brought down before. The twisted rumors that had destroyed her family's reputation.


Location: Aricie

The chatter of traders was a useful tool to Grimspound as he allowed Minerva to lead their little group to the abandoned former home of the Port Witches. His keen ears picked up little talk, but there was a rumor about the lost princess from the Land of Long Nights having been at a nearby tavern. He didn't dismiss it outright, but he tucked it away as something he could possibly look at later. His mother often considered him a fox. Stashing away even the smallest kernel of knowledge for a time he would put it to clever use. Looking up at the building he considered the worn and weathered frame, as the little girl in a yellow dress warned them that death awaited within. He didn't sense anything outright but that could mean very little. Looking at the girl he raised a brow giving a boyish grin.

"And why might we find out death in there, oh wise one?" There was no mocking in his voice but keen interest as to why a child would say such a thing. He didn't dismiss that Ahote was feeling a sense of dread, couldn't rather. His mother's folk often said that the sense of dread that one felt was a ancient calling to the times before. If someone had it, he was obliged to listen. Heeding it was another matter though. "Let us not act too hasty. This was a home to witches, they might have put some effectual security measure about the place." That's what he would do at any rate.
Blood's Jewels

“Terreille in Trouble”

The two Eyriens had escorted their mother into the dinning room to make sure the woman was eating well. Belor vanishing his war blade as he tucked his wings tightly to his frame lest he accidently bump something off the table. While that wasn't likely, the Warlord Prince didn't want their resident Healer and Black Widow going for his throat. They had been friends since Fae had turned up dragged along by a joyous Gen who proclaimed her his. Nevermind that even back when they were young that Gen showed more interest in boys than girls. She was his and she had agreed that he was hers. A slight smirk graced Belor's lips as he remembered their protests and their mother's insistence that, as they had claimed her, Fae did have a say in things now too. Their families had grown close and when the Old Queen and Fae's Black Widow aunt died, the brothers had risen to the killing edge to help their friend and family met out the proper punishment.

So when a stranger appeared within the eryie looking like a predator despite the fact he was merely a Prince, Denar and Belor's attention shifted from doting over their mother to the strange male. Both were a step away from the killing edge even though they wore lighter jewels than most in the room. That was what held them back from drawing blades as they glanced to Fatima, waiting her decision. Belor shifting his form to cover the exit out of the kitchen and Denar moving to flank their mother and future Queen. Though they didn't feel the pull that Faeril's Mother had discribed to them back when they had been learning Protocol, they didn't exactly care. If this Queen had Faeril's support then she had theirs.

"You speak familiarly with the Queen." Belor rumbled deeply with narrowing eyes, as he flexed his hand as if testing to see if he could grip that massive blade he had again. "What do you mean 'bed used for the session'?" Denar demanded sharply as he bristled as well. "Lady, I find it hard to believe that Healer Faeril Ashkevron would be so exhausted." Belor nodded his head slowly.

Rhys Asher

Location: Home

Rhy's eyes flashed dangerously as Esmeralda got her nerve up. "Watch your tone, Esmeralda. I may have the Sickeness but don't you dare take an attitude with me under my own roof and about my apprentice." He longed to wring the woman's neck but she was an ally to curing this twisted plague. Stalking over to a table he braced his hands against it, the man's knuckles white. While Rhys would never admit it, he was afraid. He was sick and the cure was unknown. Now this wasn't just about Badger, this wasn't just about Esmeralda never stepping up to reveal that she had his son. In fact the rogue suspected the witch would try to take the boy form him.

But she wouldn't do that, not yet anyways. No matter her feelings towards him she had to know that the cure must come first. She would not risk Fayard falling into death's embrace. "I don't want him doing anything that might strain him, woman. His body is already weak." Why did he ever think bedding this bitch was a good idea? "You're right I don't know shit. Except herbs help, but their help is limited. It's not a cure." Turning back he studied Esmeralda with a dangerous look on his face. "Stop strutting about and be that mother you were so proud and desperate to be. Cure him." Rhys sneered, making the words an insult.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Infirmity travelling to Attic

Her pale blue eyes were wide in shock as she took in the ruins of the attic, rather than bringing healing supplies she supposed a hammer and nails would be more effective. Though the thought of herself wielding said objects made her wince at the memory of bashing her finger or trying to cut wood. The latter was one of the things did not miss about leaving her cottage behind in the Forest. The Messenger Rat scurried off as it had done as the physik asked. Taking in the scene, Skaoi noted that for all the chaos there was a surprising lack of injuries.

Her relief however was short lived as Amarantha stepped in front of her, blocking her path. Stuttering to a pause, Skaoi eyed the other woman warily. Her hand clasping the basket tightly as she stiffened with meek annoyance. Her patients needed her and this woman was in her way! If there was one thing the physik would fight for it was her patients. Though the question the Young Army asked stabbed into her worries. "I-I was working on researching the S-Sickenesse." The quiet foreigner whispered softly, her eyes dropping slightly as was her habit. They suspected her just as she thought! She had been alone while researching, or at least she thought she had been. Skaoi's attention had been more focused on her research. Shrinking within herself, she wished she would fade away into the air rather than be questioned by this fearsome woman. "It appears spread by m-magyck. I-I fell asleep in the middle of it." Skaoi wilted further as she bowed her head slightly as she shuffled a bit. "My apologies for my lapse. May I please make sure their Highnesses are unharmed and well?" Her steps skirting about the deadly warrior intent on reaching her patients and Myrus in particular.


Location: Aricie

Trailing after the others Grimspound studied the building about them with some interest. It always amazed him how every village and culture had their little quirks about building. From their history or their environment. Hopping over the ship's rail to the dock, he chuckled at Minerva's glee at being dock though the son of the Dyrki didn't mock it. He too was quite glad they had made land. Sea travel didn't bother him, but he did like to stretch his long legs. "Glad you appreciate the land, M'Lady." He noted with a slight chuckle as he glanced at Arnora who was stretching that limber form. Dismissing it for the time being, he gave a outright bark of laughter at the woman's learning of her powers. "At least you didn't knock out a wall during an explosion." He admitted with some amusement. His mother had about wrung his ear over that one, his grandmother had been too busy cackling in her rocking chair staring out at once had been her back wall. 'The boy is strong, my girl. He will walk a far and winding path.' The approval in her voice despite his horrendous accident had made Grimspound eternally grateful.

Though he turned a cheeky grin on Ahote as the man admitted that was why he was there, to learn. "We have similar goals then! Perhaps we shall have more than one drink?" He offered with a friendly tone. It wasn't anything but friendly, scholarly interest that could be shared. Grimspound always enjoyed a kindred mind and they were so few when you traveled the road, but he didn't let that get him down. People interested and fascinated him. How the interacted, how the tools of their lives worked. How different countries and cultures did their crafts so differently or similarly. Though as Ahote mentioned control, Grimspound raised a brow at Arnora in interest. Though he had a theory it had been trial by error. Teachers were not exactly common for that sort thing, or so he could image. If she had learned from someone, he would bet it had been someone either close to the family or a very strange stranger.
Ayita Dyrkin

Location Cells

Dropping to the ground in a feral crouch as the lights died, the younger shifter trembling slightly as she still heard the echoing cry. A sound like that boded no good to anyone or thing. As Lance lit the hall with a bit of light she uncurled and stood. The hairs on her neck still raised. Ayita looked at Dean and Pietro as she pulled out her earplugs and slid them into a pocket. Thrusting the gun at Allison, she sniffed at the air slightly. "I shall find us a way to the surface." She didn't so much as say it as let the thought wash over Pietro and Allison. Taking a deep breathe she backed away from the group. Rubbing her hands up and down her arms as bones creaked and groaned. "Wait here..."

Her breathing became slightly labored as she closed her ambers eyes tightly casting herself into the shadows. Shifting wasn't pleasant business when it was a new form. The moose had hurt enough, and luckily this was smaller. But still, if Ayita could wish for one thing it would be a constant IV drip of painkillers to be in her set of powers. As it was, she was sorely tempted to be in a bad mood and snap at Dean just to underline the point the bitch was bitchy. Stepping past Lance, the dark coloured Dire Wolf peered at the humans with amber eyes. "We go. Pack hunts." The thought she sent to Allison was broken more than usual and there was a primal quality to it. Sniffing at the silver speedster she trotted by them and her startled brother to the stairway. Tossing her head back and giving a lonesome howl, before she began to scramble up the foolish human construct. In this form at least, she would give someone pause. Larger than her preferred Grey Wolf form, her teeth were capable of breaking bones and rending flesh.

Richard Laine

Location Cells

Richard winced even as he heard the scream echo from above. "You have got to be joking." The assassin muttered as the lights blew, cursing under his breathe the man retraced his steps to rejoin the group as Ayita slipped back into the shadows. Typical of her to not want others to see her shift. Though he was able to catch that Muscles, as Guin had dubbed the Future Pietro, was dead. Grimacing the former assassin shook his head. "Just what we need. At least that scream should have knocked out the opposition. Though I'm not going to bet on everyone being down." He hadn't lived this long by being careless.

As the large wolf shoved into the light, Richard took a step back in respectable wariness. Which was reasonable when you are standing next to a ancient and massive predator that hadn't walked the earth for a good number of years. Watching the wolf slip from the light and listening to the sound of claws clicking over the floor and too the stairs, Richard shrugged as the howl echoed up the stairs. "Well, the Dire Wolf has a point." He noted, carefully picking his way after Ayita.
Replies coming to those waiting on them.
Still looking
Ayita Dyrkin

Location Cells

Ayita snorted and carefully plodded after Dean as he ushered the OMEN agents towards the cells. There was no reason to change back and give them a opportunity to attack. As the door shut with a sound of finality she could only agree with Dean. There was a reassurance when a threat was locked away. Though she could not get the horror of hearing that sound upon herself. It made the beasts beneath her skin shiver with worrisome nerves. Bone and flesh bent and twisted as the moose appeared as the tall human form of Ayita.

Cocking her head at Pietro, she made a questioning noise. "Plug our ears?" Whatever was going on, she was confused by the advice that bordered on an outright demand. Striding over to the dead men, Ayita quickly checked pocketes and ripped apart cloth. They were dead and wouldn't be needing it. But she was on a look out for the little bulbs called 'earplugs'. Perhaps they had some? She was keen of ear and eye. That someone was telling her to shut down a sense was unnerving. Pulling two pairs free from her search she shoved one set into her head and snapped to make sure she couldn't hear anything. Satisfied she pressed the second pair into Allison's ears, snapping to check that they were in.

Richard Laine

Location Cells

Richard would never admit it but he was relieved when the OMEN agents surrendered. As ruthless as he was, killing these people would not help their image and while he never cared about the mutant image... Well, he hadn't had his sister with him then. Still he kept a sharp eye on the stair well, ignoring the massive moose that plodded by. Thankfully she didn't have horns being a female and all, he could image that doors would be a bit bothersome. The thought made his lips curl slightly.

Hearing the light footsteps of Ayita shortly behind him as he walked over the bodies, he didn't pay her much mind as he began to systematically search them for what they might need to get out of this facility. Weapons were a must, as was ammo. A gun was hardly useful if it didn't have bullets. While he could respect Ayita's taste for a bow, as arrows were easier to get, he still saw more use for the devastating effect of a solid glock. Coming up empty aside from empty hand guns he still picked those up, thrusting one at Pietro and Lance. Keeping the other for himself as he noted Ayita had hers in hand. He also shoved earplugs at the two, putting a set in himself. Satisfied, he turned to the stairs and gestured that he was going to keep going.
@Black Alice Shame about that as we're just getting the Court together for the first time, but fair enough! Rps in progress are hard to get into sometimes. Happy Rping!
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