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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Location:The Attic

Amarantha was beginning to get a bit agitated. She didn’t like the delay. Normally when she gave an order it was followed immediately but even though she was responsible for all the people in this room, she couldn’t order them around like she could with her army. Skaoi entered and she huffed. Great, now the woman would want to do a full examination on the boy before they even got him out of the attic. Which meant delaying Valda and Luna’s departure. Luna however, had that covered as she said her peace before departing. Amarantha couldn’t exactly leave though. She looked at Luna.
”Do not stray too far please. I will come find you as soon as we get everyone out of this crumbling room.” She turned back around and watched Valda continue to try and console her brother.
Amarantha’s eyes shifted to the missing wall and then back to the Physik she narrowed her eyes for a moment before she stepped forward and blocked Skaoi’s path from the royals.
”Where have you been for the last twenty-four hours?” she asked the Eastern Snowplains native.
Meanwhile, Titan was making his way back to the attic after sending the messenger rat of to retrieve the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. He saw Princess Luna enter the hall and smiled a little. He stood a little taller and approached her. He bowed properly before standing.
"Princess Luna, allow me to escort you to wherever you are off to. The Palace may not be entirely safe."

Ahote Proudstar

Location: On the main deck of the Aricie ----> The Port

Ahote’s attention was drawn back to Grimspound as he watched the light dance along his knuckles. It was really rather beautiful. Was he some mutant as well? Perhaps in the same realm as Arnora?
”For your question Grimspound, I do not have an answer. That is what I am here to find out, to learn if you will,” he explained with a shrug. Sure, there were some obvious answers. In the True North, their power was brought out at a ceremony of sorts but with Magyk it tended to show up in the younger generation but it also seemed they needed a talisman of some kind whereas Ahote needed nothing of the sort to bring his abilities about. That was the other thing. His mutant ability was an extension of him, something natural.
The Aricie finally docked and people began to board to inspect the shipment and tend to the leaking boat. His new companions began to leave the deck and Ahote was eager to follow. Arnora didn’t seem to protest his future questions of her abilities so he was going to jump on the opportunity. Ahote turned and looked for the captain quickly.
”Captain! I will return in awhile!” he announced before hurrying on after the others.
He walked up beside the two girls, falling into step with them.
”When you were five you said? Did anyone teach you control or was it strictly a trial by error thing?” Ahote asked curiously.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Rhys Asher

Location: Home

Rhy's eyes flashed dangerously as Esmeralda got her nerve up. "Watch your tone, Esmeralda. I may have the Sickeness but don't you dare take an attitude with me under my own roof and about my apprentice." He longed to wring the woman's neck but she was an ally to curing this twisted plague. Stalking over to a table he braced his hands against it, the man's knuckles white. While Rhys would never admit it, he was afraid. He was sick and the cure was unknown. Now this wasn't just about Badger, this wasn't just about Esmeralda never stepping up to reveal that she had his son. In fact the rogue suspected the witch would try to take the boy form him.

But she wouldn't do that, not yet anyways. No matter her feelings towards him she had to know that the cure must come first. She would not risk Fayard falling into death's embrace. "I don't want him doing anything that might strain him, woman. His body is already weak." Why did he ever think bedding this bitch was a good idea? "You're right I don't know shit. Except herbs help, but their help is limited. It's not a cure." Turning back he studied Esmeralda with a dangerous look on his face. "Stop strutting about and be that mother you were so proud and desperate to be. Cure him." Rhys sneered, making the words an insult.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Infirmity travelling to Attic

Her pale blue eyes were wide in shock as she took in the ruins of the attic, rather than bringing healing supplies she supposed a hammer and nails would be more effective. Though the thought of herself wielding said objects made her wince at the memory of bashing her finger or trying to cut wood. The latter was one of the things did not miss about leaving her cottage behind in the Forest. The Messenger Rat scurried off as it had done as the physik asked. Taking in the scene, Skaoi noted that for all the chaos there was a surprising lack of injuries.

Her relief however was short lived as Amarantha stepped in front of her, blocking her path. Stuttering to a pause, Skaoi eyed the other woman warily. Her hand clasping the basket tightly as she stiffened with meek annoyance. Her patients needed her and this woman was in her way! If there was one thing the physik would fight for it was her patients. Though the question the Young Army asked stabbed into her worries. "I-I was working on researching the S-Sickenesse." The quiet foreigner whispered softly, her eyes dropping slightly as was her habit. They suspected her just as she thought! She had been alone while researching, or at least she thought she had been. Skaoi's attention had been more focused on her research. Shrinking within herself, she wished she would fade away into the air rather than be questioned by this fearsome woman. "It appears spread by m-magyck. I-I fell asleep in the middle of it." Skaoi wilted further as she bowed her head slightly as she shuffled a bit. "My apologies for my lapse. May I please make sure their Highnesses are unharmed and well?" Her steps skirting about the deadly warrior intent on reaching her patients and Myrus in particular.


Location: Aricie

Trailing after the others Grimspound studied the building about them with some interest. It always amazed him how every village and culture had their little quirks about building. From their history or their environment. Hopping over the ship's rail to the dock, he chuckled at Minerva's glee at being dock though the son of the Dyrki didn't mock it. He too was quite glad they had made land. Sea travel didn't bother him, but he did like to stretch his long legs. "Glad you appreciate the land, M'Lady." He noted with a slight chuckle as he glanced at Arnora who was stretching that limber form. Dismissing it for the time being, he gave a outright bark of laughter at the woman's learning of her powers. "At least you didn't knock out a wall during an explosion." He admitted with some amusement. His mother had about wrung his ear over that one, his grandmother had been too busy cackling in her rocking chair staring out at once had been her back wall. 'The boy is strong, my girl. He will walk a far and winding path.' The approval in her voice despite his horrendous accident had made Grimspound eternally grateful.

Though he turned a cheeky grin on Ahote as the man admitted that was why he was there, to learn. "We have similar goals then! Perhaps we shall have more than one drink?" He offered with a friendly tone. It wasn't anything but friendly, scholarly interest that could be shared. Grimspound always enjoyed a kindred mind and they were so few when you traveled the road, but he didn't let that get him down. People interested and fascinated him. How the interacted, how the tools of their lives worked. How different countries and cultures did their crafts so differently or similarly. Though as Ahote mentioned control, Grimspound raised a brow at Arnora in interest. Though he had a theory it had been trial by error. Teachers were not exactly common for that sort thing, or so he could image. If she had learned from someone, he would bet it had been someone either close to the family or a very strange stranger.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It is more powerful to speak up than to silently resent.
- The Client Courtship Coach

Location: The Castle - Attic (Inside)

Lyra's lips thinned at Valda's words. Yes, she could have handled that better. She would openly admit that. However, she could say the same for the young queenling's means of handling Myrus's unstable condition. Hugging him may have worked this time, but there was no guarantee that it would work again. Valda's recklessness and lack of consideration for her own wellbeing was testing Lyra's patience and nerves. And it wasn't lost on her that she had just completely ignored both hers and Amarantha's orders to evacuate the room. Princess Luna at least had enough sense to listen to them. Multiple lives were at risk right now.

She turned when she heard someone else enter the attic. You've got to be kidding me, she thought to herself when she saw the Physik woman Skaoi enter. To make matters worse, Amarantha suddenly felt inclined to interrogate the woman. Annoyance flitted across her features. Enough is enough. "Skaoi, go. You can attend to them in the infirmary. This room won't hold much longer," she commanded, before turning back to Valda and Myrus. "We have to evacuate this room. That is not a request. That is an order. I will not see anymore people I care about die today."

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - Hallway heading away from the Infirmary

Tristan looked back over his shoulder, his blue eyes landing on Fyror's ghost. While the young Crown Prince of the Land of Long Nights would continue on with his life, his best friend would be chained to the place of his death for a year and a day. It didn't settle well with him. It was suppose to be him. He was the target after all. It should be him standing there, trapped somewhere between life and death. It wasn't fair. Fyror hadn't done anything wrong, neither had Amarantha. It's me they want. Why didn't they just take me? He took a shaky breath, his eyes brimming with tears as he faced forward again and slowly continued to trudge down the hallway.

Seeing as he was a bit out of it right then, he didn't notice the Niffler until it was practically on top of him. "--the hell is that?!" he exclaimed startled, jumping back slightly. His wide eyes followed it as it began to circle him. His hand inched for the hilt of his Viking sword, though he figured it would probably just be easier to sick his falcon on it. Then again, where had Nante flown off to? He's probably having fun chasing one of those messenger rats, I wager. "Shoo shoo! Go bug someone else!" he stated, gesturing with his hands.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Myth the Muse

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Myth chuckled as Bruce got scolded by his mother. It seems even gods had issues such as family to deal with. What struck her most was when she pulled out the bow. Even Myth could appreciate the beauty of the weapon. And when she handed it to her, Myth was overcome with emotions (which she is sure the pregnancy aided). "It's beautiful. Thank you very much."

Then Myth turned to face the father. She took him in and could see where Bruce got his overall looks from. For the most part. "Nice to meet you too, sir."

And then the common thunderclap. Mary and Madea returned, but something was wrong. Thankfully, Bruce and his father were quick on the uptake, forcing an apple on them. She walked over to the girls and knelt beside them. "Are you girls all right now? What happened?"

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: Port Witch Coven Safe House

Fleur believed it was never best to show one's hand before the game was over. Even if the little girl wanted proof of her intelligence, she had concocted her own plan. It had been in the works, but with the sicknesse, she had precious little time to get things moving. "I'll assume wonton destruction is out of the question, though it would be easily to crumple the building down and all within it and rebuild. But I digress. No, it is best to attack from within. They most likely have increased defenses since the attempt on Princess Luna so sneaking in or going full assault will not work. I have my team working on ways to get into that as we speak. But, anything else I must keep to myself. I can't go revealing all my secrets, you see."

Fleur eyed the ring again, noting the nervous tick. Fleur's eyes shown a bit before she hid them. "It is a beautiful ring regardless. If you do not mind, I have a question of my own. Why exactly do you wish to see Valda overthrown? Granted, I have no qualms as to the deed itself. But you don't seem the type."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Present Day - The Castle: May 4th, 12,508 - 11:45 AM

@Nallore@KazAlkemi@LadyRunic: "Oh, we can be a proper party then!" Minerva said with a grin, referring to a group of adventurers. As the others chatted about powers and shared information, she led the way from the docks to the town proper. The Port was based almost entirely on trading when it came to income, yet there were rows of houses and shops all the same. She continued to walk until she came to a boarded up house, noting a little girl in yellow standing in the lawn of the house next door.

"This is it," Minerva explained, her eyes brilliant with excitement.

"Excuse me, but you are going to die in there," the little girl then informed them.

@LadyRunic: "I can have any attitude I damn well please," Esmeralda spat. She was not someone that could be tamed and did not take well to anyone exerting any sort of authority on her - even with the reasonable request to not be rude towards her host. She went past Rhys and walked over to Fayard, seeing that her son was fast asleep already. She placed a hand on his forehead gently, taking his temperature.

"Oh, my sweet little boy..." Esmeralda whispered tenderly to him. She then took a lock of Fayard's hair, grimacing a bit as he started to toss and turn. She then looked back at Rhys. "How are your divination rituals, wizard?" she asked.

@FantasyChic: One of Meadow's companions whispered in her ear, yet the princess ignored them, shaking her head ever so slightly. While they were irritated with Fleur's lack of details, Meadow understood her position. This was not a world in which trust came easy. Some lived with the illusion that all was well - that the lands lived in harmony - yet she knew otherwise.

"The throne of the Small Wet Country Across the Sea belongs to my family - it is my duty to ensure that they have a proper ruler. A child from the wilderness, with no understanding of politics or diplomacy? The people deserve better than that," Meadow said. However, Fleur would be able to sense that there was more to it - that Princess Meadow craved the accumulation of power.

Arya Rincewind

Location: Wizard Tower - 20th Floor

Arya nodded, untangling herself from Cuyler. She stumbled a bit as she went to the door and nearly vomited onto her pristine carpets, but she reached the door and tugged it open. She took a few steps forward and pressed a peculiar device on the wall - Arya had explained the Magyk behind it to Atkin recently, yet his eyes glossed over. "Rainbrook, will you please come up here?" Arya asked.

She was speaking into what seemed to be a mirror - only it was not her reflection it showed. Instead, there was a smartly dressed man in Ordinary Wizard's robes, with curly dirty blonde hair and a warm if not slightly mischievous smile. "Oh, Miss Rincewind! Yes, um, yes of course! I've just got a...a bit of a thing to deal with but I'll be there in a mo'!" Caspian Rainbrook replied frantically. Arya spotted a bowtruckle in his hair making a mess of it.

"Thank you, I need you to escort Mr. Eysteinsson into the Forest and aid him in running a few errands." A bit of color had returned to Arya's face - yet most of what seemed to be improvements to her health were all an act.

"Miss Rincewind...Your amulet..." Caspian observed.

"It's none of your concern, Rainbrook," Arya snapped. "You are to mention this to no one. Do I make myself clear?"

Caspian gulped, looking like a small child scolded by their mother for sneaking a cookie. "Crystal, miss."

Myrus Silvers

Location: the Palace - Attic

Myrus looked at Luna through tear filled eyes, having a horrible sense of dread as to what she wanted to talk to him about. It must have been about her impending engagement to Prince Tristan. He was all but certain that his sister was going to accept - she'd get to be a Queen and have all of the servants and fine things she wanted, things that Luna adored her entire life. Who could blame her, after all? There was no future for her here in the Castle, with Valda on the throne - and her little brother a mutant freak, whatever that word meant.

"O-okay, Luna..." Myrus said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. Downstairs, Luna would practically run into Prince Tristan. The niffler was continuing to circle the heir to the throne of the Land of Long Nights, its butt wagging with excitement as it saw the viking sword that Tristan carried on his person. It was shiny.

"Wh-why are you questioning Skaoi? Sh-she's a mouse...harmless..." Myrus mumbled, confused. He then bit his lip, hearing Lyra give an order to the Queen. Even if Valda had not been a bit of a wild child, that never would have gone done well. Royals did not take kindly to orders. And it stung as well, to hear Lyra order him around. He never ordered her, treating servants as equals - but clearly the feeling did not extend both ways.

Antonije Magnisky

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way - Living Room

Antonije was filled with icy hot anger, rage, and fear as his sisters appeared, coughing up blood. He was about to scream at Bruce to do something - what the hell kind of god is he anyways?! - when Bruce's father stepped forward and gave his sisters apple slices. Looking at the man incredulously, Antonije relaxed slightly as his sisters started to breathe again.

"Осећам се као да умирем..." Marya mumbled to Myth when she asked. Antonije's anger returned and he glared at Lance - god or not, he didn't care. "Хеј, хеј ти си у реду - бићеш добро," he then said softly to his siblings. He then looked back at the gods and Myth. It was very rare in history that people could scream in the gods' faces for a transgression. He didn't care if they didn't have anything to do with this Sickenesse but it was killing his only blood relatives.

"Calm down," Runa told Antonije, recognizing the mad look in his eyes. He didn't even really remember that Sylvi was snuggling up to him. "Anger will not help your siblings."

"And you can?!" Antonije screamed.

Runa nodded, making eye contact with him and not breaking it. She could feel his telepathic fit - the boy was lashing out at her, but she was Asgardian and it did not effect her as it may have a mortal. In fact, it was for the best that his anger was aimed at her. An attack of this force would have critically injured or perhaps killed another. "I swear it. Your siblings will live."

"...Your words mean nothing!" Antonije snapped, letting go of Sylvi. He threw the table in the center of the living room over to make his point and Marya coughed a bit. "I'll fix this myself, damn it."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cuyler Eysteinsson

Location: Wizard’s Tower -- 20th Floor
Skills: Tea Making

Cuyler released her and watched Arya stumble forward. A permanent frown was seeming to form on the young man’s face. He followed along behind Arya and watched as she spoke into a mirror but it wasn’t an ordinary mirror. A man answered Arya, his face appearing and he seemed rather preoccupied with the green thing in his hair. What exactly was this man’s job here?
Cuyler stepped up beside Arya and placed a hand against the small of her back again. He didn’t really believe her health had improved at all but he knew when to push and when to support. After Arya finished speaking Cuyler looked at her.
”Are you sure about this?” he asked her again. He knew the Castle would still need her, regardless if she was on her deathbed or not but he didn’t want her simply going through the motions. ”Let me make you another cup of tea before you go,” he suggested. He wasn’t entirely sure if the herbs worked for the Sickenesse but Cuyler needed to do something.
He released Arya and grabbed some of the herbs he obtained on his travels. He heated up the water and mixed the herbs up into a nice smelling blend before he added it into a silver contraption meant to steep and contain the herbs from getting into the cup of hot water. He poured a steaming cup for Arya and took a sip of it after blowing gently to cool it. He smiled, impressed with his own skill at brewing a killer cup of tea and handed it to Arya.


Location:The Attic
Skills: Perception

Amarantha shifted as well, following Skaoi’s steps and blocked her still from getting around her.
”Can anyone confirm that story?” she questioned further. ”Regardless of the perceived perception of Skaoi Prince Myrus, she will be questioned as any other Snowplain native in this castle will be questioned. Do not mistake mice for being completely innocent. They do have collapsible spines after all.” While Amarantha may have been speaking to Myrus, she never took her eyes off of Skaoi.
She trusted Skaoi’s initial words of her whereabouts but there were still precautions that she would need to take. As for further trust, there was something within Skaoi’s words that Amarantha could sense she was holding back from. She would get her knowledge, one way or another.
”You may look after our royals but not in this room, the integrity is failing. I also wish to speak to you further on what notes you have on this Sickenesse after you have tended to your patients. Now, wait outside,” she said and turned around to face the royals still on the floor. ”Valda, if you are so intent on ensuring your brothers safety and protection, I suggest you do so outside of this room for his safety is still jeopardize in here.” Amarantha was about ready to go over and grab the royal if she didn’t listen to her or Lyra’s surprising force. Perhaps this little thing did have a backbone. Well, Amarantha hoped that it wasn’t some fluke thing and would last permanently. Then she wouldn’t be so concerned about leaving Valda in her charge.

Ahote Proudstar

Location: The Port ---> Old Port Witch Coven House
Skill: Aura Sensing

The Port was abuzz with activity. From traders all over the world trying to sell their wares and locals trying to get their supplies in a timely fashion. As they walked there was a lot of talk of a wedding, fit for royals it seemed going on today at the Palace. He looked off in the direction of were the Palace sat and he stared in mild fascination at it. Each city seemed to have their own natural take on architecture and where Ahote lived, they had simple constructs that were nothing to marvel at but did the job they were supposed to.
Grimspound began speaking to him again and he refocused on the tall man and nodded.
”Yes, perhaps we can,” he agreed. It seemed Grimspound had similar interests as Ahote and they got along relatively well. What could that harm be in a few discussions over a drink or two?
They reached their destination and Ahote walked cautiously. The power here… The auras he saw nearly chilled his soul. There was a darkness here. An awfulness that happened and Ahote wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to be apart of this anymore. His fears were only confirmed when an innocent looking girl in a yellow dress spoke to them, announcing they would die if they entered the building. Ahote looked back at the building and shifted uncomfortably.
”Perhaps she is right. There is a… darkness here, a presence still that may not be entirely pleased if we enter uninvited,” Ahote announced to their little group of adventures.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Princess Luna

Location: Palace - The Attic -> The Long Walk
Skills: N/A

Luna took a moment to look back up she was halfway down the flight of stairs when Amarantha blocked the door from Skaoi to enter, she felt bad for the woman but she trusted the woman enough after all she was her doctor before Becky came in. "I am pretty sure Becky could collaborate with her story since she's always in the infirmary." Luna said, as soon as she got down from the stairs she bumped directly into Titan. "Thank you, I was about to head to my quarters." Luna said, just as she saw Tristan there as well being persued by some strange little creature that was eyeing Tristan's weapon.

Luna started to think for a moment before digging into her pocket and pulled out a small coin purse with some silver crowns in it and threw it towards the creature to see if that would satisfy it's need to stalk. Luna bit her bottom lip as she started to think of a way to actually tell him what had happened, she truly did not mean to say what she said towards him and his friend. "Tristan?" Luna asked she started too get nervous about trying to say it. "Aww a cute little critter wanting your future husband." The voice finally spoke again, which made Luna want to cringe and just hit herself to make it shut up.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: The Aricie
Skills: N/A

"My mother was the one who taught me how to control my ability." Arnora answered Ahote as she watched Minerva and Grimspound both getting off of the Aricie. "But lets talk more about this all later." Arnora said, she didn't really want to say anything else just yet until they were done with this little visit to the Port Witch Coven's house. Arnora took a moment to look at all of the traders that were there, she had been to this land once before when she and her father worked together on their trading stand when they had one before going back home for the winter. Though she had never been to the section where these Port Witches used to live as Arnora stuck her hands into her pockets and then looked at Minerva.

Once they got to their location Arnora looked up at the boarded up house, and then the strange little girl in yellow that was there, and raised an eyebrow towards the kid. The kid was pretty creepy, but she didn't really think to much about it there were just ghosts in there so they wouldn't be violent or anything at least. Arnora then looked over at Ahote as he stated his discomfort about entering the building as well. "If you are scared of ghosts I can always point them out to you all." Arnora said, she didn't get that same feeling of dread but started to make her way towards the door.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Rhys Asher

Location: Home

Rhys gritted his teeth against the testy witch's attitude. Sneering at the woman he crooned with sickening sweetness. "Be any way you wish, but in my home with my son you will stitch your mouth close over insulting me." He poured some water in a tea kettle, a battered blackened thing that served it's purpose quite well. Building up a slight fire in his hearth, he set the kettle on a iron arm and swung it over the coals as he plopped a long into the bed of stirring flames. In all honesty, he was about ready to have done with Esmeralda. Just a slight prick of a well placed knife and she would be another victim of the streets.

Yet, as tempting as it was. He was a victim now of the Sickenesse, and needed her. Rhys snarled quietly as he crushed tea leaves into a mortar and pestle. He hated owing people, but there was no hope for it. His dark eyes gazed over at the wretched woman as she questioned his divination rituals. "Decent enough. Though I don't see how a man struck my Sickenesse could help you with that. Perhaps if you care to explain rather than running off with a brat in your belly and your brother's dear skull?" It wasn't smart to mock the woman, but he was in a foul mood and she was only making it worse.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Infirmity travelling to Attic

To hear herself described as a mouse was a bit... Off putting if Skaoi was honest with herself. She wasn't saying it wasn't true, but it was slightly wounding to her already limited pride. Pulling back sharply as Amarantha stepped in her way once more, the physik gave a slight sigh of mixed defeat and irritation. She had patients and despite Lyra's orders to leave the attic, surely she could help? She, after all, could negate Prince Myrus's powers. Yet as the Young Army leader asked if anyone could confirm that Skaoi took another step back, her pale blue eyes dropping to the scorched floor.

"As you will it." She whispered in defeat. What could she say to confirm her innocence in these terrible schemes? She hadn't seen anyone, or she couldn't remember. Becky had, or should have been, in the infirmary with the patients. Where Skaoi herself should have been, alas. She had been eager to find a cure. Eager to stop the madness of this strange plague. To do some good with her limited means. Turning on her heel she gave Myrus a slight smile twinge with sadness. He was her Royal too, as was the Princess Luna. Though Valda? The Queen terrified Skaoi, but she was a queen and Skaoi had never been easy with royalty. "I shall be awaiting you below, Prince Myrus. Majesty." Slipping down the steps she leaned against the wall and tried to remember how to breathe. She would make sure that the Prince was alright, she decided then she would flee the Palace. She couldn't let them know the horrors she had brought down before. The twisted rumors that had destroyed her family's reputation.


Location: Aricie

The chatter of traders was a useful tool to Grimspound as he allowed Minerva to lead their little group to the abandoned former home of the Port Witches. His keen ears picked up little talk, but there was a rumor about the lost princess from the Land of Long Nights having been at a nearby tavern. He didn't dismiss it outright, but he tucked it away as something he could possibly look at later. His mother often considered him a fox. Stashing away even the smallest kernel of knowledge for a time he would put it to clever use. Looking up at the building he considered the worn and weathered frame, as the little girl in a yellow dress warned them that death awaited within. He didn't sense anything outright but that could mean very little. Looking at the girl he raised a brow giving a boyish grin.

"And why might we find out death in there, oh wise one?" There was no mocking in his voice but keen interest as to why a child would say such a thing. He didn't dismiss that Ahote was feeling a sense of dread, couldn't rather. His mother's folk often said that the sense of dread that one felt was a ancient calling to the times before. If someone had it, he was obliged to listen. Heeding it was another matter though. "Let us not act too hasty. This was a home to witches, they might have put some effectual security measure about the place." That's what he would do at any rate.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Queen Valda

Location: The Palace

Valda tensed up slightly, still with her arms around Myrus, and she stared right at Lyra. Did she just think she could give a direct order like that? She didn't have the authority to do that at all, and it pissed her off. It wasn't just that she was ordering her around, but ordering Myrus around as well. Her usually kind and carefree demeanor seemed to melt away, as she stared coldly at the woman. Her violet eyes devoid of anything other than anger, which was saying something as Valda wasn't usually one to easily get angered.

"I understand your concern Lyra," she said coldly, her tone of voice completely changed from when she had spoken to Myrus not too long before, "However, you do not have the authority to make any sort of order towards me or my brother, perhaps you need a reminder of that!" her words having a bit of a bite to them as well. She took Myrus' hand, and led him out of the room, away from any sort of danger that the room posed.

Sylvi the Bard and Bruce Banner

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Sylvi was a little bit startled at Tate getting up like that, well, more of the fact that he had started screaming first. The flipping of the table was a bit unexpected as well, and she worried about him, wondering what was going through his head. This was not something she had seen happen before, that much was certain, and she edged back slightly. She wanted to be there for him, and he knew that the Sicknesse worried him, especially since it effected his sisters, but still. He was basically yelling at gods right now.

Lance went to stand right next to Runa, and whispered, "So... Apparently silver hair, super speed and the mental problems all are still around in the family..." This was not a good thing, at all. He'd seen more than one person from his past lose their minds and go completely crazy, and unfortunately one was from Tate's ancestry. If he was going mental, or having episodes like that, something needed to be done about it, that much was for sure.

Bruce looked at Tate as well now, this sort of thing was not a good thing. It was almost like he was trying to provoke them, and one thing was for certain, trying to get an anger response from his family was a really bad idea. "Tate, calm down, okay?" he said, looking at Tate. "The girls are fine, right now anyway... Don't do anything rash, we don't want something bad happening to you either..."

Sylvi nodded in agreement with what Bruce said. She didn't want Tate to go off by himself to do something, if something were to happen, there wouldn't be anyway for him to really get help unless someone was watching him constantly. At the moment, she was trying to stay calm, at least somewhat, but it wasn't very easy with Tate going off like that. He cared about his sisters, that much was obvious, but still, there wasn't much he could do about it. No one knew what the Sicknesse even was, or how to fight against it, what made him think he'd be able to figure it out.

"It'll be okay Tate, the twins are alright, and if my mother had been lying she would have literally snapped her fingers ensuring the twins' safety through this illness, it is what her powers are. Just relax, everything will be alright..."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Myth the Muse

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Myth's attention was darting back between the twins and Tate. The apple seemed to have worked and for that she was thankful, but she could feel Tate's anger rising. She hadn't seen him flare up like that...ever really. She knew he cared about his siblings, but to that extent. "Tate, that's no way to talk to your family!"

Bruce also helped attempt to calm him down. "Tate, I understand your anger, even if it doesn't seem like it. But that's not going to help your sisters. You have literal gods walking here offering help. I, for one, don't plan on turning them away. If you don't trust them to help, trust me. I'll make sure your sisters are well and cared for." She hoped to ease the boy's pain, but she was a mortal amongst the gods really.

She eyed Runa and gave her a nod. "I take it you're Runa? I heard stories about you."

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: Port Witch Coven Safe House

Well well well. This would not do at all. Seems the little princess wanted power of her own and that didn't jive well with Fleur's plans. Not one bit. Still, Fleur would not look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thank you for understanding. It is not that I don't wish to share my plans, but, as I am sure you are well aware, I cannot be certain there aren't any unloyal ears nearby. Rest assured, I will do whatever is within my power to take the throne back and see them fall. On that, you have my word."

She set her tea cup down on the table. "Is there anything else you wish of me? We can discuss how best to go forward if nothing else. I have some people looking into things that I'd like to check in on, if we are done. Otherwise, do you have a place to stay? My home is open, if all else."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Fortune favors the bold.
- Virgil

Location: The Castle - Attic (Inside ⇢ Outside)

Lyra steeled herself for the inevitable onslaught. A part of her knew that Valda, the Queen, wouldn't take kindly to being ordered around, but she did it anyways as a last ditch effort. While it may not have been "her place", Valda needed to remember that it was Lyra's job to protect her, and she'd be damned if something happened to the Queen on her watch. If she had to drag the Queen kicking and screaming to safety, then so be it. Perhaps it had been wishful thinking on her part to believe that she could be both Valda's bodyguard and her friend. However, in the end, what truly mattered right then was that her tactic, whether ingenious or just plain foolish, had worked. Both Queen Valda and Prince Myrus were now out of harm's way. Fortune favors the bold, or so they claim.

Once the royals had evacuated the room, she let out a breath. Her lower lip curled in, she bit it before shaking her head. She turned back around, glancing over at Amarantha before leaving the attic. She would now have to deal with the repercussions of her unorthodox actions, in what ever form they may come in. However, even as she told herself that she had made the only decision she could have in the moment, that niggling beast that was self doubt was worming its way into her brain. Did I do the right thing? There could have been a better way, surely? There could have been a method that wouldn't jeopardize my job or their safety, right? And on and on the beast dug in.

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - Hallway heading away from the Infirmary

Tristan watched the strange creature closer. It seemed undeterred by his simple gesture. As he caught it eyeing his Viking sword, he clutched the sword almost protectively. He really did like this sword. His blue eyes came up sharply when he heard someone else enter the hallway he was in. His lips thinned as his gaze landed on Princess Luna. Now that his mind wasn't muddled by the poison that had been running through his veins, he recalled Luna's last words to him.

His lips tightened. However, he was momentarily distracted as she reached into her pocket, and his gaze followed the descent of the coin that she threw in his direction. Looking down at the coin as it landed near the creature, he wondered what on earth that was suppose to do. Surely, a shiny sword was more enticing then a tiny coin. His gaze came back up when she addressed him. "Fyror's dead," he blurted out, with a touch of harshness to the tone of his voice. He gave her a onceover and then went back to paying attention to the creature.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Present Day - The Castle: May 4th, 12,508 - 12:00 PM

@Nallore@KazAlkemi@LadyRunic: The little girl in yellow just gave Grimspound a smile and a moment later, Arnora would realize that she was the spirit of a child who had died there. "You're going to regret it," the child said simply, repeating it three times before the ghost vanished. Only Arnora would still be able to see the little girl, smirking at them from her spot on the lawn. The entire exchange didn't seem to unnerve Minerva, their guide.

"It's a good thing that we have an invitation, then," Minerva mused. "Arnora, can you find the spirit of Nera Hawthorn for us? She has something incredible, from what I hear...One of the бесконачни камен."

@LadyRunic: Esmeralda sighed. There had been a reason she never told Rhys that he had a son - the pair of them failed to ever get along. Aside from that one night that had been a mix of hatred and passion, they couldn't stand each other's presence. But for Fayard, she would tolerate him - for now. He had kept her son safe when she had been unable to divine his presence.

"We can divine our way into a cure, ya rat," Esmeralda explained. "I got me a lock of Fay's hair. Between the two of us, we ought to get a glimpse as to how this Sickenesse can get gone."

@FantasyChic: Meadow paused, thinking it over for a moment, yet nothing came to mind for the princess as to anything else that she would need. The option of further discussing Fleur's plans seemed to be a welcome one and she nodded. "Yes, let us discuss how we can bring Queen Valda to her knees," Meadow said. "And that is a most kind offer. I had intended to set up a tent not too far from here, but I must admit, I do prefer to sleep indoors in a firm and sturdy structure."

"Of course, that does beg the question, Witch Messiah...What is it that you want more than anything in the world?"

Arya Rincewind

Location: Wizard Tower - 20th Floor

Arya nodded at Cuyler without hesitation. The vulnerability she had shown him moments ago was gone, replaced with the formal and respectable bearings of the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. It was hard to imagine her swallowing her pride and allowing him to cradle her, as had happened moments ago, and that she would relinquish her Magykal abilities. "Of course I am certain," she told him, yet the Sickenesse showed on her features as she took the cup of tea he had brewed and sipped it. It was a divine cup of tea and it brought a smile to her face, but it did nothing to alleviate her symptoms.

A few moments later, there was a knock on the door and Arya waved her hand to open it with Magyk, only to blink a bit as nothing happened. She blushed slightly, having already forgotten that she couldn't do such things now. Without her amulet, she was mortal like all the rest. She walked over to the door and opened it, to see a nervous looking tall young man with curly blonde hair. It wasn't too surprising for him to be nervous - most were when they were summoned by the ExtraOrdinary Wizard.

"H-hello, Miss Rincewind, and um...Oh, um, is that Mr. Eysteinsson?" Rainbrook asked. Arya raised an eyebrow. "Oh, well, y-you see there's...there's talk around the Tower...about your...your salamander...I mean...husband..."

"...I told you his name moments ago," Arya reminded him and Rainbrook nodded, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "So you did..."

"My presence is required at the Palace. Please see to it that Mr. Eysteinsson leaves the Forest with all of his limbs attached to him," Arya requested.

Rainbrook nodded. "Of c-course...Har du noen gang vært i skogen før?" he asked, switching into New Nordic. He had merely asked Cuyler if he had been in the Forest before, yet Arya could not help but be curious. She knew that Rainbrook had traveled a lot in his lifetime, studying magical creatures, but she didn't know that he spoke the tongue of Cuyler's homeland.

Myrus Silvers

Location: the Palace - First Floor by the Staircase to the Attic

Myrus let his older sister lead him down to the first floor of the Palace, away from the attic. And while Valda was cross with Lyra - and Myrus was considerably hurt by Lyra's words and actions - he cared more about Skaoi than himself right then. Amarantha continued to argue that the kind healer could be guilty of conspiring against them. "N-no, she isn't!" Myrus stammered, his purple eyes pooling with tears.

"Sk-Skaoi would never do that and I-I don't care what you say! Sh-she's my friend a-a-and I-I c-can't lose anyone else!" He then started to cry all over again. His father had been taken from him. Valda had been taken from him - and only recently returned. His mother had been taking from him. Mavis, his best friend, had dumped him. And now, from what he could tell, Amarantha wanted to take Skaoi, the closest thing he now had to a mother, from him.

"I WON'T ALLOW IT!" Myrus screamed, his hands surrounded with glowing energy again. He was about to lose Luna. He couldn't lose Skaoi too.

As for the niffler, it sniffed at Luna's coins and grabbed them, seemingly tucking them into a small pouch within its fur. Of course, you would be hard pressed to notice the pouch. It seemed to be a thing of Magyk within itself. The little creature rolled over and grinned up at Luna happily, before it jumped at Tristan's sword and started playing tug of war with it. And that niffler was out to win.

Antonije Magnisky

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way - Living Room

"Now is not the time for that," Runa replied to her husband quietly. She was in agreement - the similarities were striking. However, when things were calmer and not nearly quite as tense, they would be able to have a discussion like that. Perhaps some of the methods that had worked previously would be beneficial for Antonije now.

Antonije suddenly turned, looking at the Midgardian God. SHUT UP!!!!! he screamed into Lance's mind. He didn't like the thoughts that he had heard. It had been pure luck that he heard them too. He wasn't actively listening. Of course, Bruce's comment of we don't want anything bad happening to you didn't make anything better. In his agitated state, it sounded like a threat to Antonije. Combine it with Myth scolding him for shouting and Sylvi backing away, as if in terror, it was the perfect storm.

"ОДЛИЧИТЕ СВЕ ВАС!!!" Antonije shouted. He was sending out his feelings of anger and everyone in the room would begin to feel that same rage and anger. Marya stared to glare at Bruce. "Напустили сте нас! Годинама!" she shouted. Runa closed her eyes, taking a calming breath.

"Antonije, calm down," she said, before she nodded slightly at Myth. "I hope they were good stories you heard...Some of them are not the sort that bear repeating. And Myth, please take a deep breath. Antonije is projecting his anger."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Princess Luna

Location: Palace - The Long Walk
Skills: N/A

Luna stared at Tristan as she fought back some tears that started to form, she really regretted for having lose control over herself and saying what she had said. "I'd like to talk to you privately on what I had said earlier it wasn't me.." Luna said taking a rather very shaky breath as she tried to calm herself down. As she looked over at the little creature as it stuffed the bag of coin into some weird pouch. Luna had never seen a creature like it before, as she then looked over her shoulder as the others started to come down one by one, she wasn't sure if she wanted Skaoi or Lyra to learn about her mental illness either.

Luna jumped a bit when she heard Myrus suddenly screaming and stared at her brother as she noticed that same glowing energy starting to form in her brother's hands again. "Myrus, please try to calm down no one is leaving." Luna said trying to calm her brother down, as much as she wanted to hug him the powers did terrify her. Then the strange creature leaped forward to Tristan in an attempt to take the sword from the Prince's hands. "Oh I do really love all of this family drama going on." The Voice spoke up again

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: The Port (Outside the Port Witch Coven)
Skills: Spirit Seer

"I may not be a magyk user, but I don't think that it would be harmful if all of the witches here are dead." Arnora said, but then again she knew very little about magyk itself as well. As Anora stared at the ghost girl in yellow, there was still something in there that could kill them as Arnora turned to look at the house itself and the surrounding area around the house. "There is a lot of dead here." Arnora said, looking over at Minerva for a moment, and nodded a bit as she started to make her way towards the door the girl's warning was still a bit unnerving as well.

As soon as Arnora entered the building itself she looked around and started to make her way to the closest spirits that were in the room figuring that they were the most recently dead ones who had died. "Spirits, here I am looking for the one by the name of Nera Hawthorn. Can you point me in the right direction?" Arnora asked, she wasn't sure what the thing that Minerva was interested in but figured it might be important.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Rhys Asher

Location: Home

Considering his options Rhys did have little choice. Esmeralda would stay an ally so long as his son by her was in danger. Who was he to get in the way of it? And more so, would it not be foolish of him to take advantage of it? Running a over his chin, he studied the witch carefully.

"Speak properly, woman. You well know how." Rhys quipped as he moved about to pull various supplements from his cabinets. "Shall we get to it then?" The rogue offered with a aloof tone.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Below attic[/center]

Skaoi had been patiently awaiting the descent of the Royals. Debating about what her plan would be since she did not wish for her whereabouts to be known. Nor would she answer the questions that Young Army leader would ask. No matter what! It was a risk, one that could spell worse things for her family.

So when the queen appeared hustling the young prince along, Skaoi smiled softly. Glad to see the Young royal was unharmed. However her smile faltered as he screamed about how she wasn't guilty! About how her wouldn't allow it. A twinge if guilt crept into Skaoi's heart as she darted forward. Pulling Prince Myrus into a gentle and firm hug. Both to comfort him and to attempt to block his powers. "It is alright, Highness. I do not plan on going anywhere." Liar, she called herself, 0retty liar. You will flee if your life is in danger.


Location: Aricie

"Well if that isn't a fair warning, then I shall be called a wyrm." Grimspound noted. He wasn't shaken per se but he was a bit unnerved. Spirits were never really his study as of yet. Then again he had never run into a Spirit Seer before. That alone gave him a bit of hope.

Though Minerva's notion that they did have a invitation to the house was slightly amusing. "And what fine print came with that invitation, my dear?" There was always fine print, and he had caught up no few people in his. Though, the man was fair about it. It wasn't his fault if people didn't pay attention!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Queen Valda

Location: The Palace

"Leave Skaoi alone Amarantha, I doubt that she had anything to do with it, understood?" Valda said directly to her, she was still in a horrible mood from everything that had been said and done up in the attic. Skaoi was her brother's friend, and she was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, innocent until there was proof otherwise. "I do not believe that she has done anything, and unless there is any proof otherwise, I would appreciate you not accusing anyone randomly like that!"

That was when she got an idea, one that had been in the back of her mind. What exactly Lyra's punishment should be for that little bit of arrogance on her part. The thought that she had was a good one, at least in her mind, it would also ensure that Lyra would be at least somewhat close by if they ever had need of her. "Skaoi, might I ask how would you like to have your own personal servant for a while? Lyra," she said, turning to face her now, "Until further notice you are to be Skaoi's personal servant for that little stunt you pulled thinking that you could order me around, is that understood?"

Sylvi the Bard and Bruce Banner

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

The rush of anger was a bit much for Bruce, but at least he had some sort of resistance to it. His family was known to have some major tempers, and that likely was going to be a bit of a problem. At least his grandfather wasn't around, then things would likely get messy, and they wanted to avoid that whenever possible. Unfortunately, his father had a bit of a temper as well, and unlike himself, Lance wasn't Asgardian at all, not even one bit, which would make things a bit difficult for him.

Lance started taking a few deep breaths, before he quickly glanced over at Runa. "I-I-I should probably go," he said, his blue eyes showing a tint of green to them.

Runa nodded, giving her husband a kiss against his forehead. "Deep breaths. Recite Einstein's theories on ghostly action," she whispered to him, hoping that would help calm him down.

He nodded his had rather quickly, before there was a flash of light and the sound of the door was almost too quick as he left the room. However, when he left the room and was right outside the house, he ran right into Bruce's older sister. "Oh, h-h-hey there Halley," he managed to say, taking a few deep breaths and muttering to himself in order to calm down.

Back inside, Bruce was taking a few deep breaths of his own, but still somewhat having a few problems. The twins yelling at him wasn't helping his own anger problems, despite the fact that thankfully he was better off than his father. He just wished there was a way for him to calm Tate down, make it so that he isn't projecting his anger onto others like that, it makes things really difficult in the long run, but he couldn't see an easy solution.

"Tate? Please calm down..." Sylvi said, fighting through the anger and rage, but not too well. It was all building up inside of her, but she was trying to fight against the tide, in order to try and help Tate. She took a deep breath and walked over to him, hesitating for a moment, before she gave him a hug, "I love you Tate, it's okay... Don't worry..." she whispered softly to him, not wanting to let go.

She really did care about Tate, it was a bit strange, but that didn't matter to her. He made her happy, and all she wanted to do at that moment was to help him, to make him feel better. This was all she could try to do, since she wasn't too sure how her words would effect him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cuyler Eysteinsson

Location: Wizard’s Tower -- 20th Floor

Cuyler shook his head a little, looking away from his ExtraOrdinary Wizard. She took a sip of his tea and gave him a genuine smile; however, the effect of the tea seemed to do nothing for her appearance or decrease in symptoms. Cuyler was about to insist he stay when a knock came to the door. Arya simply shifted, moving to use Magyk and Cuyler’s face paled at that simple hand motion. Thankfully, nothing occurred. Cuyler grabbed onto the amulet under his shirt and breathed a sigh of relief but he also felt the need to scold Arya. If she had used that simple spell, would she even be conscious right now?
A very disheveled apprentice came through the door and greeted Arya. He seemed rather timid but there was also a air of knowledge around him as he spoke. Cuyler stepped forward, pausing only a moment at the mention of the word husband. Had this apprentice seen the Floor? Was it saying something else already? Throwing boundaries and all respect for the image of a strong, healthy ExtraOrdinary Wizard out the door, Cuyler wrapped an arm around Arya’s waist, turning her slightly and took her face in his strong hand. Worn and built from years of sailing.
”Arya, you must be careful. Whether you have your Magyk source or not. That simple act you tried to perform… It could have held grave consequences,” he looked into her still purple eyes, not afraid to show the emotion they held. He kissed her softly before pulling back just a bit.
”Your husband demands it or I’m not leaving,” he said, a smirk coming across his lips despite what may have just been.
Cuyler’s tension was refocused at the sound of New Nordic. He looked at the man curiously. He had never seen him before, perhaps he was well versed in all languages. Arya did know a few herself. Perhaps it was a requirement.
”Jeg har ikke. Jeg hører det inneholder fantastiske skapninger,” Cuyler replied in the tongue of The Land Of Lost Nights. Cuyler always had a bit of an accent to his speech but it had often shaped to a better tone for his customers to hear him. However, when he spoke in his own tongue, the accent came back full force.


Location:The Attic ---> Outside the Attic

There was a flash in Skaoi’s eyes that did not go unnoticed by the young commander. She narrowed her eyes a bit at Skaoi’s retreating form. There was compliance in her words but everything else told Amarantha that she was hiding something and by the great Gods above and below, Amarantha would find that out. Lyra’s little outburst of authority was short lived when the Queen put her personal guard in her place. Amarantha didn’t much care for after that, Valda moved with her brother out of the attic. She was hot on their feet, glad to have them finally moving and to be out of their herself.

Titan smiled a little smugly at Luna’s agreeance to allowing him to escort her. He stood tall, ready to defend when Prince Tristan showed some troubles with a cute little creature. A little Niffler that was well known in the Palace. The creatures were cute but incredibly annoying. Titan smirked while he watched the Prince struggle with the little thing. The amusement was short lived though when his commander came down the stairs, followed by the rest of the royals. Prince Myrus was not doing well again and it seemed his commander was the one to have set him off. Titan shifted and moved to cover Luna. Valada was wrapped up with Myrus so there was no chance of saving her but there was still Luna.

That sense of relief for Amarantha was short lived as well. As they came into the hallway, seeing Titan, Luna and Tristan fighting with a chubby little creature. Amarantha’s attention was pulled back quickly though as Myrus began yelling at her, defending Skaoi from her earlier comments and the need to question her. Amarantha shifted, holding one hand in front of her but down low. It was a stance meant to calm but also loose enough to move into action if she needed.
”Prince Myrus please. I mean no disrespect but it is my responsibility to keep you and your siblings, along with the public you serve, protected. I must question who I must but I promise you I will do so with the utmost respect.” Amarantha still had authority in her voice as she spoke but it was with a note of respect and calm. It was peculiar for such a harsh woman to speak this way after so many years but she had been learning to perfect that tone ever since baby Dawn was born.
Skaoi moved forward and Amarantha did nothing to stop her. Perhaps she would calm Mryus as Valda had or perhaps she would die. Yet a third option was present in the form of Skaoi killing the Prince in front of them all. Either way, Amarantha did not move but watched.
Queen Valda spoke up and although the commander’s eyes remained on the SnowPlains Physik and Prince, she heard her Queen clearly. Amarantha didn’t quite relax but she nodded. Attention was diverted to Lyra and Amarantha kept her face neutral as punishment was doled out. If it had been Amarantha demoted like that, she would have maimed or killed anyone who commented on it outside the royals. There was a silver lining to this though. Amarantha would give Lyra instruction on how to question Skaoi, humanely of course. She still needed her answers.

Ahote Proudstar

Location: The Port ---> Old Port Witch Coven House---> Inside Port Witch Coven House
Skills: Aura Sensing

Ahote nodded to Arnora. He would revisit this topic of conversation with her as soon as they could. The history, the expansion of knowledge was all very fascinating to him.
The presence of the little girl in the yellow dress faded after another sinister word and Ahote felt a sudden, unnatural chill. That darkness and dread didn’t leave him despite Arnora’s advances on the house and Minerva’s mention of an invitation. He looked at her, perplexed by her seemingly lack of concern about what they were about to walk into. Ahote looked back at the house, Arnora disappearing inside now. He looked over at the other man and clapped him on the back.
”If something goes wrong, you go high, I go low ya?” Ahote moved into step beside Minerva as they approached the house behind Arnora. He looked over at her, trying to get a sense of her aura but nothing was coming to him. It was as if he was being blocked. ”Is there something specific you are looking for Minerva? This бесконачни камен perhaps? What is it?” He asked, most likely butchering the words.
They stepped inside and Ahote looked around the house, feeling a slight chill but was sure that was more from his earlier warning of darkness. Despite the lack of read on Minerva, he did get one entering the house. This house had seen happiness and peace. There was still happiness here but it was clouded by an intense darkness from upstairs. Ahote looked to the damaged stairs and then up at the ceiling.
”That darkness, the heaviness. It’s coming from upstairs,” Ahote found himself announcing.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts.
- Winston Churchill

Location: The Castle - Hallway outside the attic

As Lyra followed in behind the others, she ran it over and over again in her head. Perhaps if she had worded things differently, used softer verbiage, it would have been better received? Then again, softer didn't necessarily mean better. It could've very well just made it easier to brush off. Perhaps this. Perhaps that. Her self-criticism was just taking her down paths that ultimately lead to dead ends. It was what it was. She did what she felt she had to in the moment. Though the results weren't entirely satisfactory, the objective was complete nonetheless. Unfortunately, you can't always get the best of both worlds.

She was abruptly pulled out of her self-reflection and back into the present at the sound of Prince Myrus screaming. Her muscles tensed in anticipation for some sort of conflict, but she otherwise held her ground until that moment presented itself. The prince wasn't completely himself right now, as such she was uncertain of what he was truly capable of. She watched him closely, flinching a bit as Skaoi brought him into a hug in much the same manner as the Queen had recklessly done. Speaking of the Queen, her gaze hesitantly turned away from Myrus over to Valda as the woman addressed her.

Her composure broke, if for the moment, her face falling and a breath of seeming disbelief leaving her lips. However, as her breath came back in sharply, she regained her composure, lifting her chin a touch and steeling herself. The Queen demoting her, punishing her, truly stung. She thought they were friends, but apparently she had been gravely mistaken. She had gotten too relaxed in her duties, and it was clear now that friendship couldn't fit into the equation. "Forgive me, Your Highnesses, for causing offense, but I did what I believed I had to in order to keep you both safe, to keep anyone else I care about from dying today. That is--or was--my job, was it not? she responded, glancing between Valda and Myrus. "I will do as you wish, of course." She then turned to Skaoi, lacing her hands in front of her and keeping her features as blank as possible so as to hide how truly hurt she was on the inside.

Fate throws fortune, but not everyone catches.
- Polish Proverb

Location: The Castle - Hallway heading away from the Infirmary

Tristan's gaze came back up to meet Luna's, and he was taken aback by the emotion in her countenance and the shakiness in her voice. His blue eyes took in her features for a moment. The harshness and accusatory nature of his words had hurt her, that much he could deduce. His lips thinned. He had opened his big mouth and taken his pain out on her, and though the words she had spoken earlier had wounded him, it certainly didn't give him a right to be an ass. He was suppose to be building an alliance with her, not creating wedges.

"Alright," he replied softly, nodding his head. "I'll hear you out." No sooner had he spoken the words did he hear a loud scream. His head snapped to the side, but then he felt a tug on his sword, garnering his attention. The little fiend really was trying to steal his sword! He gritted his teeth, giving a tug on his sword. "Scram, you little, you little, argh!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Present Day - The Castle: May 4th, 12,508 - 12:15 PM

@Nallore@KazAlkemi@LadyRunic: The windows that still contained glass burst at Arnora's request. A cold wind then rushed through the premises, enough to leave a near permanent chill in the bones of the four living guests. The dirt and dust on the ground started to swirl, becoming airborne as it rushed down the darkly lit hallway and out of sight. At the top of the stairs, a door flung open - the door to Malekith's room - and termites scurried in fright.

"Don't be scared," Minerva told her companions. She then glanced back at Grimspound. "Some secrets are not meant for mortal ears," she told him. She then walked up the stairs without fear. "The бесконачни камен...It's a brilliant jewel - emerald, in fact. There's several of them, but the one that belongs to Nera Hawthorn - or belonged - has been in her family since before the world was remade..."

"Originally entrusted to my ancestor, the Supreme called Stephen Strange," a voice whispered from a nearby room.

@LadyRunic: "Oh I am so sorry if my way of speakin' offends ya, your majesty," Esmeralda said with an eye roll. She then nodded, pulling out a few ingredients of her own. She combined them and some of Rhys' things into a powdery mixture and made a circle on the floor, placing the locks of hair in the middle. Once that was done, she then joined hands with Rhys and waited for him to be ready, before she started to chant with him in unison.

Esmeralda coughed slightly, yet the locks of hair started to float up into the middle between them. A few moments passed before the locks began to burn and once they drifted to the ground, the ashes spelled out a single word: QUESTE. As an ex-Ordinary Wizard, Rhys would know that the Queste was a perilous journey that the ExtraOrdinary Apprentice underwent in search of some forbidden or lost knowledge. Very few survived.

"That mean anything to ya?"

@FantasyChic: ~will update here fully once Fleur is posted for again~

Arya Rincewind

Location: Wizard Tower - 20th Floor

Arya's eyes widened, perhaps a bit sternly or merely with confusion, as Cuyler began to make romantic advances in front of an Ordinary Wizard. She had a reputation to maintain and if her Ordinaries did not respect her, no one in the Castle soon would. However, it was his next words that took Arya's breath away - quite literally - and caused Rainbrook to awkwardly stumble a few steps back down the stairs and away from the 20th Floor.

"Cuyler..." Arya whispered. She hadn't expected to be proposed to in such a manner - but he had referred to himself as her husband. Perhaps that was how such things worked in the Land of Long Nights? She had never asked Cuyler about the marriage rites of his culture and she only knew so much from helping Myth to organize her wedding. Of course, she didn't imagine that a proposal involved an interruption to speak in New Nordic with Rainbrook, but...

Did she wish to marry this man? She had entrusted him with her amulet, with her Magyk and all of the power of an ExtraOrdinary Wizard. They had not been dating for too long - just a little under half a year - yet she knew that she loved him dearly. It was all so soon - yet did she imagine that her feelings for him would change? No, it didn't seem likely at all. And with the Sickenesse killing her, they did not have much time left...

"I accept your proposal - I love you and would be glad to marry you," she told him softly, her cheeks burning and she couldn't help but smile at him.

Myrus Silvers

Location: the Palace - First Floor by the Staircase to the Attic

Myrus wanted desperately to believe Luna, but he knew that it wasn't true. She was going to become queen of another nation. She would have to leave her family behind. It was the way of the spares - eventually, he would likely be married off for some alliance or another as well, even if it wasn't by Valda's design. As Skaoi hugged him, his powers were negated and the mysterious energy surrounding his hands vanished. He believed Skaoi as she promised that she wouldn't leave.

Lyra's demotion reminded Myrus of his departed mother. Whereas Valda was generally informal and carefree, Queen Meliscente had been the opposite. If anyone talked to her like that, they would have been at least exiled from the Castle or tossed into the dungeons. He couldn't help but feel relieved that Lyra's punishment was just demotion - but at the same time, he was worried for Valda. He hadn't seen her actually use her power as Queen like that before.

He nodded, as Amarantha explained her actions. He noticed every little flinch Lyra had as someone touched him - the look of apprehension in Amarantha's eyes. "I'm a monster - that's the truth. Do you think I don't see how terrified you are of me? Of what I might do?" Myrus asked, his hands trembling. "Then do to me what all heroes do to monsters."

"You are not a monster Myrus..."

Myrus shook his head. "Don't tell lies," he whispered. He then broke off at a run, aided by the niffler comically getting in the way of Skaoi for a moment.

"Myrus!" Valda wanted to stop Myrus, but she wasn't sure she'd be able to catch up to him easily since he had a head start. She knew that it was a risky move, but she didn't care, as she casted a spell on Myrus, causing him to fall asleep. Luckily he didn't hit his head, she was a bit worried that he would have gotten hurt, and let out a sigh of relief, and she didn't feel too badly either.

Antonije Magnisky

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way - Living Room

Runa bit her lip slightly. She was a goddess and while Antonije's mental projection was formidable, her mind was ancient and structured differently than that of a Midgardian. She could tell that the speedster twins were having difficulty with the rage. Their hands were vibrating from super fast motion and whenever Marya opened her mouth to speak, she was moving too quickly for the sound to be processed. Her husband had already fled the house - that much was understandable, he had a curse of sorts tied to anger that Myth did not need to be exposed to on her wedding day.

"Bruce, if you are not going to protect your fiancée from the psychic projection then I will," Runa said. She pinched the bridge of her nose for a moment, before she moved her hand through the air as if guiding a water current and stomped her foot slightly. A glowing black sigil appeared on the ground beneath her feet. As she raised her hands up, the sigil surrounded her in the air and she stared at Antonije.

"Son of Radiša, Son of the House of Magnisky, vær i fred," Runa commanded, casting her spell. The swirling darkness that surrounded her rushed forward and hit Antonije. As if he had gotten sand in his eyes, Antonije started to blink and rub at his eyes rapidly, practically ignoring his girlfriend's presence.

Runa then moved over to Myth. She moved her hand as if guiding the air currents around Myth and suddenly, there was a projection of Myth made out of energy suspended above her in the air. Details about Myth's health and the health of the baby were shown through various colorations and streams in the moving image. Being the Goddess of Lies, she had an excellent poker face. She waved her hand and the illusion dissolved. "Myth, I would like to have my husband examine you - once he has dealt with a medical matter of his own. It's just a small check so that way you won't be worrying during wedding preparations."

Antonije was looking at Sylvi with a bit of shock. His head felt clear, thanks to Runa's Magyk - and it wasn't like Magyk he had seen before. It seemed fundamentally different than what his sisters used or what the wizards were trained in. "Silvija...You love me?" Antonije asked, looking at her with confusion. He didn't know what to say to that. He was just...stunned.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Princess Luna

Location: Palace - The Long Walk
Skills: N/A

Luna let out a shaky sigh when Tristan agreed to at least hear her out, she looked at Amaratha, the only person who knew of her secret the little creature was still after Tristan's sword. Luna made sure to keep her distance in case Tristan did start to swing the sword around because of the creature. Luna's attention turned towards her brother, Luna was scared for her brother she still couldn't imagine what he was going through either. "Myrus you are not a monster." Luna was tempted to say right then and there about her deteriorating mental condition.

Then to her surprise Luna heard Valda giving her protector Lyra her punishment for commanding her to telling her what to do, if it was her Luna would opt to put Lyra in the dungeons for a day or two. And then go on cleaning duty for another few days before allowing her back, but Valda was queen and Lyra was her responsibility when it comes to punishments. Luna watched as her brother suddenly making a run for it, only to watch Valda cast a spell, as her brother fell to the floor asleep. Sighing slightly to herself, as Luna looked towards Amarantha and Titan for a moment. "Could one of you pick up Myrus and take him to my room?" Luna still wanted to let her siblings know everything including Tristan as well, Luna did not want to say anything else until they were in her room.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: The Port, Port Witch Coven House
Skills: Spirit Seer

As Arnora waited for the spirits to answer her question, she could suddenly feel the violent chill running through her body, normally she would be completely fine with the cold. She enjoyed being out in the cold actually, but the cold itself felt very dark to her, as Arnora looked at Ahote and Grimspound. "You know you cant really combat against spirits right?" Arnora said to them, nothing could physically hurt a ghost since they were already dead. Then all of a sudden the remaining glass on the windows shattered, Arnora shielded herself from it as she took a few steps back looking over at Minerva.

Arnora wasn't sure what to think of the woman she seemed to be perfectly calm as well, making her way towards the stairs as she gave a bit of information about the бесконачни камен. Arnora wondered how valuable it actually was, as Arnora started to follow shortly after her, when one of the doors opened Seeing the termites scurrying out of the room. That was a very disturbing scene as Arnora heard Nera's voice speaking out. "So Strange is a very weird last name, strange even." Arnora said sarcastically as she tried to lighten up the mood. "I am assuming that the woman's voice is this Nera you are searching for?" Arnora asked.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Myth the Muse

Location: Number 40 Alchemie Way

Myth soon felt the weight of Tate's anger unleashed. She knew the boy to be emotional, especially where his sisters were concerned, but she had never seen him this angry. Well, she couldn't see much of anything really. She could only feel herself being pulled down by the mass of it all. Her head was pounding. And all her thoughts went towards the child inside of her. Would they be okay?

Soon though, she heard a voice tell her to breathe. So she did. It helped to an extent. However, Runa spellcasted something that made everything feel better. Myth opened her eyes, a bit dizzy, but otherwise, she was all right. She stood up carefully, holding her stomach. "Yeah, that would be fine." First, she stared at Bruce, wondering why he hadn't tried helping either Tate or herself. She had his child inside of her. She also looked at Tate, wondering why he got so intense so quickly. There was hurt there, she would have to explore it later.

"I just want to make sure the baby is okay."

Fleur La Mallificum

Location: Port Witch Coven Safe House

Fleur drummed her fingers on the chair as she listened and spoke. "My home is your home. It's no castle, but it should suffice in protection from the elements. As for what I desire? I think it could all be summarized in one word: revenge. You see, someone I cared for was taken from me. And I want nothing more than to see those responsible on bended knee, with their life in my hands. Queen Valda is but one of many, but she is the head. The others would quickly fall with her gone."

"There is also the matter of just wanting power. I want my enemies to fall and I want them to know it was me that did it."
She closed her eyes in thought for a second. "I hope that suffices as an answer. I will do all in my power to see Queen Valda destroyed and all she holds dear lay burning in front of her."
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