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Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
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"Fly you fools!"
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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

In the ruined town of Sharon, Shalador

They chatted softly for a while longer, Faeril oddly enough being the first to turn in for the night. Though to be fair, Gen had been anything but accommodating to the Black Widow. The Green Jeweled Warlord hated seeing his friend so weakened, especially when she got hit with the recoil from a spell she had patterned onto their last hope to combat the poison that was spreading through the Realm. The mistrust that was the seed and the watering of dark amusements from those in the Aristo caste. Tempted with what they could get away with. Denvar had followed after the Healer-Black Widow to the house they had set up for sleeping. Briefly stopping by Gennar to inform the eldest of the brothers three that Bellinar was not back from his scouting yet.

"Do you think something happened? We should have felt something I would think." Denvar noted as the two of them walked towards the house. The darkness sending a chill across the ruined town.

"He probably went further. Hunting game." Usually Bellinar would return long enough to tell them he had spotted game he was going after. They were always keeping close and keeping an eye on each other, but Bellinar was going on longer outings alone and coming back with goods and gear they needed. Gen didn't want to question his brother, but there was something going on. Had been going on for months now. Nothing ill had come from it, but it worried the Warlord.

Denvar was not a fool, he could sense that worry in the dismissing words. "Gen-"

"We can't afford to worry about it. Bellinar is our brother, and if he's going off on his own..."

"Then he has a reason." Denvar supplied, relieving the worry from his brother's shoulders. "He wouldn't do anything foolish. Dangerous, of course. He is Eyrien. But nothing to risk us or Ashke." Watching Gen nod in mute agreement, Denvar held the door to the small first floor dwelling they had choosen. It was intact enough to offer some decent shelter. A decent pile of blankets from on of the many trunks and the bed was passible. Just a door down was Faeril. While they would rather be in the same room as the witch, they suspected their long time friend wanted her space for the time being. With all the excitement Faeril needed a solid sleep, and their coming and goings would only disturb her. "He probably just has some intelligence in the area and refuses to share it. Some old gran he's been smooching up to."

There was a grunt from Gen as the larger of the two gave his brother a tired look of exasperation. "He does have a way with charming the old folks doesn't he?"

The night wore on with the general shift of watchers through the night. The first up was Xandar, who witnessed little and heard even less. The odd rat scrabbling through the ruins. The odd owl swooping through the ruins before deciding a better meal could be had elsewhere, bats swarmed in and out of their dark dens high up in those buildings that still stood, their squeaks a soft counterpart to the sharp noises of foxes off in the distance. Common noises and movements. Nothing that would cause alarm. Reluctant as the Warlord Prince might be, his watch was taken over by Mikhail as the wee hours began with the moon dipping towards the horizon and there still being no hint of sun. The bats were returning for the night and the odd herd of deer was skittering through the land. Their groups were far smaller than they should be. A hint of the overhunting by those too poor to pay for the food on their table.

A shadow that did not belong, however, slipped through the ruins. Eyeing the box-thing that was called a 'Coach' the tiny creature was not at all large but was very certain what it was looking for was in the boxes that held things that were needed by people and thus he needed them too. Or rather his person needed them. Carefully looking about to make certain the coast was clear and no one was going to be watching, the small dog trotted up to one of the storage-boxes. He was a dusty looking fellow with tan fun and grey specks splattered across him. Noticing it wasn't locked, the sneaky fellow was relieved. One less worry! Not that he was overly worried, his friend has asked him to follow the humans-who-were-in-a-hurry from the town. It had been easy enough with the trail they made! The dusty dog was a bit miffed at the thought it was supposed to be hard!

Nosing the latch up as his friend had taught him, the small dog studied the lid with an almost perplexed look in his eyes. If he used Craft that would be noticed if the humans were looking for Craft to be used, but if he nosed it up he'd make noise. It was not a light lid, after all. Nosing his nose under the lid, he tried to heave the large storage-box's lid up. To no avail. Taking a quick look around, he hesitated slightly. There had been several large-winged humans in the camp and his friend had told him they were very dangerous. Especially the males. Especially the Warlord Princes, but then Warlord Princes were always dangerous. Males were always dangerous. Except for him, because he was a friend and his human-friend needed him. So, with a bit of a worried whine, the small dog set about lifting the lid with Craft. A simple enough thing since he was very good at lifting things with his Craft. Pleased within himself and the fact, he hadn't been noticed as far as he could tell, the small dog hopped into the trunk and began searching through the hodge-podge of items. There were plenty of stuff for his friend to use, but what would be most useful? This would require a bit of thinking, but that was okay! Because no one would be up for some time! The small Sceltie was so very proud with himself as his tail wagged furiously. Every now and then, poking his head out to drop something outside the storage-box that wasn't on his list of useful and was in the way. Happily vanishing a few of the human-metal-teeth he found, he was trying to decide if a delicate and tiny net would be useful on one of the human head-fur pins. He had never seen humans have nets on their head-fur pins. Growling slightly, he hopped up to toss it out, then paused as if in second thought. What if his friend needed it? But he was wasn't supposed to take too much... Taking too much was bad and caused trouble.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

In the ruined town of Sharon, Shalador

Faeril looked into the low dancing flames of the fire as Xandar fed it, her thoughts turning about the vision she had seen in her tangled webs. Those long nights she had spent weaving and casting her web out to draw a Court that could stem the flood of the corrupting influence by Hayll. A Court would form around and worthy Queen who could hold it, that had been given. Yet she had no way in telling what would happen when that Queen came across the Black Jeweled Warlord Prince. A figure there were as many rumors about that fathoming his reasoning would be akin to staring into the Twisted Kingdom of madness. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, the Black Widow wanted to slam her fury into the Kaeleer Dhemlan native for antagonizing one of the most powerful men in all the Realms.

As much as she wanted to give the orders, to direct their path as would be best in line with her visions, Faeril could not. Those choices belonged to Fatima now, their Grey Jeweled Queen. One of the darkest to come out of Hayll intact in centuries. Sipping from the cup, she made a strict point of not looking towards Xandar and a form that witches would fawn over. Which she for certain wouldn't! Drawing her wings tightly against her back, the Black Widow sighed in annoyance of their situation. What had they come to? "My reserves of power are lower than I would like." Faeril began, looking extremely disgusted at the fact.

"Oh, really? We didn't notice when you fell on your ass. Again." Snapped Gennar out of character for the Warlord, but not unreasonable for someone whose guard was making sure the Healer didn't overdo it. Especially when that Healer was also a Black Widow and stubbornly set in her ways. Faeril falling after that feedback from her spell had hit her had scared the man shitless. He didn't like seeing his old friend so wounded, and even less when he could do little to help. The idiot woman kept pushing herself past what was reasonable. "Ashke, isn't doing shit. She's exhausted herself twice over within a week."

"I can make my own decisions, thank you Gennar." The Widow's voice was as cold as her eyes as she glowered at Gen."We may not have a choice but to rely on my powers. I do mean to rest for that time, and I do not squander my Craft as you so imply."

"Healing the mind over a series of treatments, one infected wound, nearly getting your wings and snake-tooth cut off... Want me to continue? Oh, and casting an illusion for this little outing which fed back and slapped you down by the one who broke it." Gen snarled in reply, thoroughly annoyed by Faeril's stunts as of late. "Can we get back to the matter at hand of what the Queen wishes to do, so Faeril can sleep." There was a noise of offended dignity as Faeril looked about ready to throw her cup at Gen's head.
@SilverPaw @eclecticwitch @Zoey Boey @13org @Slim Shady Working on an update if any of you want to squeeze in another post. Just drop a notification that you intend to into the Discord, so I see it.
@Zoey Boey @Slim Shady a reminder that we are on day 8!
@Zoey Boey If you wouldn't mind, how would you write anyone into a corner? I think you would probably be fine as we've moved everyone back to camp.
Mor'gann Arnhar

Location: Mandalore, Keldabe city

Mor'gann scoffed slightly, the scarred corner of her mouth making her appear to be sneering in disdain. As if meat was something to run out of. Where was there not fish and beasts to feast upon if one could but hunt it? The thought was astounding to the young woman. Though sustainable food gained from forage or growing was a far more tedious task, those things were thus merely additions rather than their main source. In truth, Mor'gann was torn between leaving this strange woman and her hazardous ways to the market and making her own way and continuing to wander about until she had a better grasp of things. While the wiser course would be to learn from the woman's mistakes, Mor'gann was, in her own way, trying to avoid trouble. She had escaped Dxun and saw no reason to raise the ire of the locales more than they had.

Which was another matter within itself! The locals here seemed to not be from here at all. The patchwork of people within the market had been of such a variety that it had thrown Mor'gann off balance. The wandering she had done before finding the odd 'man' to whom she sold her hides had done little as not only did they look strange not one of them spoke the language of Dxun- which did make sense, even as it aggravated and soothed Mor'gann at the same time. Their tools were odd and their metal ships and little metal ship-like constructs that rolled about with beeps and boops were astounding. Though their cooking was by far questionable to her eyes, Mor'gann was slightly of the opinion that could very well have done with the crazed woman's interference than any fault of the food.

Dusting off a shoulder of her maalraas hide tunic, the younger woman gave a world-weary sigh. "Trade to'ken." Though it did not seem exactly that. A trade token was essentially an 'I Owe You'. These did not seem to be the sign of a favor that would be required to be returned, but rather a permanent thing so long as she did not wish to exchange them for something. For so large a group, she could well imagine this was far simpler than a token and needing to hunt a certain person down to redeem it. Let alone what those tokens were generally reserved for! Clicking her tongue absently, Mor'gann nodded with a certain decisiveness. "Ship, more credis." The dark-haired woman agreed. "No..." She gestured the way they had come and made and gesture between their former foe and themselves, searching for the word in the common tongue to this place. "No near 'im. Ship far here." She gestured sharply further down the market as if it made perfect sense to look for a captain away from the man who had accosted the both of them.
@Zoey Boey You just worry about getting better! Your health comes first!
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