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"Fly you fools!"
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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Location: Winton

The weather was as clear and sunny as it had been the day before, with the faint sound of the sea and the smell of the surf refreshing the air. Winton's streets had the general streams of people going about their business though they were quick about it. The streets looking a bit untidy from the trash that bordered the gutters of the street and the littered the path. In truth, there was an air of tired nervousness to Winton. The windows of several shops Jandar and Sybl passed were slightly dirty, the wares they could see through the window below the standard level of quality someone would sell to the nobility. Of course, this was commonplace for Sybl. The Warlord Prince had heard of the gifts the merchants had given the Queen and her ladies, the little trinkets that the ladies had acquired. Let along smelled some of them when one particular foolish girl did not remove the theft disk and filled Alice's parlor with the smell of rotten cabbage. The Queen had been beyond furious and banished the girl from her sight. It had been nearly a year ago and no one had made such a mistake again. In fact, thefts from the shops had gone down after the fiasco since the ladies were worried someone might curse them with worse. Still, as those about spied the Queen's servant they ducked their heads and hurried quickly out of the way of the two men. It was generally not good to bring attention to yourself around someone who could very well give the wrong impression to the flighty Queen. But as they continued through town towards the inn the districts became less wealthy, their windows proving a bit cleaner and people were less keen to hurry from Sybl's sight- at least until they recognized him.

The way back to the town from the Dark Gate, Gennar hardly said much. Instead the Eyrien warrior had a perplex look on his face as though he was torn between keeping his tongue in check and wanting to throttle an old woman for suggesting the hope for his land do something so dangerous. Let alone put the Black Widow and Healer in his charge in such a dangerous situation. Giving a strangled cough as a cart rolled past them kicking up the dry dust of the road. This section of town was as busy as the aristo district was not. People were hurrying about their work and hawking their wares as the group passed through the market where Jandar had first run into the priestess. But thankful with Gennar's size and race people gave the trio a rather wide berth, not wanting to draw the ire of an Eyrien warrior.

The courtyard of the inn was calm from the street as Fatima found the door opening and Denvar and Dareen toasting each other with glasses of some amber beverage. Looking up at the newly arrived group, Denvar smiled a beaming grin at his brother that showed far too many teeth to be friendly. "So, Lady Fatima, how did it go? Are we set to explore the legendary realm of Kaeleer or need we muddle about this port and take up piracy?" He gave the Queen a boyish grin that did not match his massive size. "I promise, I'll make one person walk the plank each day. Yar har har." In truth, he was trying to distract himself from the old memories of his father and wanting to strangle Gen for the hurtful words the man had casted at Faeril.

It was scant minutes after Gen had pulled out a chair for Fatima and was urging the Queen to sit in it, when the door opened again. Looking up at the sight of two people, Denvar and Gennar both stepped in front of the strangers. Shielding Fatima from sight, as they narrowed their eyes at two figures til the bright light of the sun dimmed enough for them to make out Jandar. Now the two Eyriens glowered at Sybl. The handsome man registering as a threat. "Who is your guest, Lord Jandar?" The formal title and wording was a challenge as the Green Jeweled Warlord- Gen- spread his wings slightly, seeming larger in the small inn's eatery. "We were not expecting company." While at odds with his brother, Denvar eyed the stairs hoping Faeril would not pick this time to come down them and they would keep one ace up their sleeve.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Location: Winton

The chair began creaking again as Mikhail and Fatima spoke. Gennar leaving them to it as his eyes were trained more on their surroundings. Smart boy, Olenna had to admit. The Eyriens as a whole were generally in tune with their surroundings more than their words. "You are an unusual one that is for sure." The Priestess noted, her weathered fingers linking together as she considered what had been placed before her. A strong, young, and pure Queen who was from Hayll? It seemed Witch had a twisted sense of humor. Her chapped and cracked lips twitched as she wondered how long it had been since she thought of the legend. Too long, she supposed. Yet Olenna could hardly chasten herself for it. This land was forgetting and it had been in her best interest to forget to. To let time wear away her mind and her ability to care. "Well, you don't ask for much." She chuckled and considered the Grey Jeweled Queen. "I will make a black candle and open the Dark Gate, but there is a price." There was always a price for everything, the question was if this daring Queen would pay it. "You must take the Black Jeweled Warlord Prince with you. Yes, I know the rumors about his ill-temper. The monster people call him." She sneered the creaking of the chair stopping as she gave Fatima a serious look. "Monster or not, he saved a young Priestess from being broken for the amusement of some aristocratic Blood. He'll take the blame. And I don't think you want to throw your Court against that man on the killing field." The old Priestess sighed.

Denvar considered the Pruulish witch and shrugged absently. "You can choose your friends and family. The world is what you make it." Taking a stout drink from his cup, the Warlord Prince refilled it and studied the ceiling. The soft sound of footfalls scuffling overhead as Faeril hovered about her workroom. There were several louder thumps and Denvar gave a chuckle. "She can never not work on something. But as to how we know each other... My brothers and I, we're half Eyrien. Other half is Hyallian, much to my brothers' disgust. Our father would have been better off if the Queen had given him over to Auntie to shave him. Alas, he was banished and our mother was protected by Lady Nivarian." Studying the liquor in the glass, Denvar's look was guilty as he sighed. "She was always a bit... lost though. Broken somewhere inside. Auntie did her best to heal her, but you can't heal what doesn't want to be healed. Lady Nivarian tried to find out more about Mother's past... No luck. She lived in Hyall for years before having Gen. Had just enough sense to snatch Bellinar and myself up and sprint for the mountains when our father started bragging about having Warlord Princes for sons." There was a ugly snarl to Denvar's face as he set the drink to the side without taking another sip. "Bastard."

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Location: Winton

The creaking of the chair that had been a steady beat ceased as Fatima stated her wish to cross over. The elderly priestess narrowed her eyes slightly as she studied the young Hyallian Queen, her gaze sweeping over Gennar and Mikhail as well in a speculative look. "You wish to cross over, despite what I've warned you?" Though question it was, there was no real wait for a response. "You seek a safe haven in Kaeleer, and you a Grey Jeweled Queen. A wonder you weren't broken on your Birthright ceremony. I hear Hyall is especially vicious about Queens they cannot control." The creaking rock of the chair began again as the Summer-sky Priestess spoke, her expression impassive save for the glint of amusement and curiosity in those old eyes. "Tell me this, what would you do in Kaeleer? Would you seek to take land from the other Queens? Carve out your own piece to rule as other Queens have done here?" There was a bitter laugh as Olenna smiled at Fatima. "Do you think crossing into Kaeleer is so easy? The Priestesses tend to keep the way shut per their Queen's demand- in both of the living Realms. Keeps the taint of the Blood in Terreille and out of Kaeleer. I can open the way to Kaeleer, but I will need time to make the candles and I find that I would like an answer. What would you seek to do in Kaeleer? I'd rather not go down in history as the dodgy old woman who caused the taint of the Blood from Hyall's influence- which you are- to seep into Kaeleer."
The large eyrien gave Dareen an amused look, chuckling a deep, friendly sound. "How long have I known Fae?" The smile that tugged at Denvar's lips was positively smug. "She was about four feet tall and just had her birthright ceremony. A tiny little witch with all the sass and seriousness of Queen. Given her mother was one, it's not really a surprise." Taking a long gulp of the scotch, the Eyrien leaned back against the chair. "She was just learning the Black Widow's craft, apprenticing under her aunt who wasn't as horribly serious as she is. So I'm thinking she probably got that from her da. Met him once, Lord Falkar. Ever see an angry rooster? Yeah, that'd match him just about." There was a snicker to the Warlord Prince's voice hinting that he might be the reason that Lord Falkar was puffed up like an angry rooster at the time. "Lady Nivarian liked him well enough. They weren't made to work together on delicate matters, too stubborn. He split, went to join a court in the North from what I recall. Did his duty to Fae, but they never were close. Don't think I even heard her call him da once." Denvar mused absently. "Then again, Fae was too busy with my brothers and I, not to mention trying to fit her studies in."
@13orgYou are good. Just keep an eye out for things!
@13org Giving a nudge to see how you're coming. There have been notifications on discord.

Arc I - Terreille in Trouble

Location: Winton

The old Priestess did not rise from the steadily rocking chair as she continued knitting. In truth, it seemed that her fingers knew the motion well enough that she need not put any thought into the action to perform it. As Mikhail and Gennar bowed and Fatima curtsied, Olenna cocked her head slightly. "Beautiful? Perhaps in the way the past is beautiful, dressed up in the ribbons of what once was remembered. The glories of its day. No, Lady. This place is falling to ruin even as I sit here. Slowly fading to obscurity with all rituals having to be overseen by the Queen and no, not to any good end." There was a sad sigh, as she moved one needle to join the other in a hand and drew the mug to her to drink of it's contents. "You wish to speak of my altar? And what if I don't want to speak of it? There is hardly any Queen in Kaeleer would tolerate the misuse of the Bloods' Law as what goes on here. Their Warlord Princes would rise to the killing edge. Do you still wish to speak of it, Queen from Hayll." In truth, the woman was a crone. She had lived a long life and seen much with little of it being untainted by the spawns of Hayll. Olenna did not hate those from Hayll but she resented them. She resented what they had brought to Winton.

Gen remained silent, unsure that acting outside of the brutish Eyrien role he had partaken would do any good. This Priestess was a kindly looking woman, but Fatima was taking the lead and Gennar was happy enough to let that be. Though he did rustle his leathery wings a bit impatiently. Already upset over the spat with his brother and Faeril, he did not wish to be gone too long and leave Faeril with fewer protectors. It was perhaps with Fatima cavorting about the area surrounding Winton. Which was unfair, she was hardly doing that. It was mostly his own worry, Gen thought glumly.
Alice sat back in the stylish, though hardly comfortable armchair. The newest fashion, the Queen thought, was far too soft. She sunk into the thing, making her appear all the smaller. One would think that a Queen could just make the fashion what she chose it to be, but it was not so when you were the mere Queen of a village like Winton. Setting fashion was for the Territory Queen or a powerful Provincal Queen. As the five other young aristocrat witches were arranged about in similar chairs around a low coffee table, the blonde Queen looked over towards her cousin. The only 'sensible' one in the group, and who in such a sensible agreement gave a small nod while the rest of the group chattered on about who the possible 'guest' was. Raising a delicate finger and gleefully smiling as the conversation died, Alice looked to the mousey haired witch who had spoken out of turn. "Laseen, go tell my guest to come in. We shall receive this guest." Laseen looked about to argue, but wisely thought against it. She was already on thin ice with the Queen. Much more and it could be the ruin of her. Alice sat back and continued to sip tea, while the mundane speculative guesses as to who it could be, the next fashion that was coming, a few whispering, which was nothing of the sort, about the handsome Sybl. Oh, this would be amusing! Fluffing her hair, she let her features take on doll-like innocence as Elle poured her another cup of tea. Perhaps Laseen was the wrong one to send, with her big mouth and inability to curb it, Alice thought, but it would give her an excuse to dismiss the witch if she did step out of line.

The door opened with little noise as a brown mousey haired girl poked her head in to spy both Jandar and Sybl. "Lady Alice will receive you now." She informed the guest, giving the Dhemlan a speculative look. Not that Laseen would notice the difference between Hayll and Dhemlan. The girl had maybe gone out of Winton a handful of times with her mother. "You may find yourself feeling a bit lonely if Alice takes him on as a new favorite, Prince Syble." She said in what was an attempted at a seductive croon, but the tone was far too high pitched as she batted doe-like eyes at the servant. "Perhaps you could find other favors. Favors enough to keep you about with those tricks you picked up from Sadi." Her smile was like a sharks as she tried to look down a far too short nose on a far too short a person at Jandar. "Then again, maybe you'll be the boring one needing favors. Doubt you were trained by Saetan Sadi through, you don't have Sybl's good manners. Well, come on, she's waiting." Not waiting for the two of them as was proper, Laseen turned about and hurried back into the grand room which served Alice as her 'sitting room' for receptions. As the two entered it they would hear the curious chatter of the young witches and the various topics. Lady Alice's attention however was on the newcomer who had entered, while Laseen thankful for the Queen's distraction hurried back to her seat.
Denvar looked up as heard the door closed and raised a brow as Dareen came down the stairs. That was... less than fortunate. "Did she bite your head off over something?" His tone was concerned as he collected a bottle of scotch from the rack behind the bar. Dropping the appropriate number of marks onto the bar. Denvar was all too thankful the old innkeeper had left to deal with a few matters called shopping and Thom had been too eager to go with the woman. Get away from the tension which the boy felt, and rightly so, that he caused. Dunny however had opted to join his young friend, who was having a hard time of it. It wasn't the boy's fault Faeril had taken a liking to him. Faeril adored children. "Don't think too badly of her. Gen said... He shot her in the heart. Brought up an old heart wound that didn't bear mentioning." The Eyrien Warlord Prince sighed and pulled out two glasses offering to pour Dareen one as well as himself.

Interacting with: Mor’gann Arnhar @LadyRunic Adaahna Vanil @ReddentheEarth Saveld Caldrassir 'Sav' @Paingodsson Varina Vel Aath @Apollosarcher

Mandalore, Jedi Temple

The woman seemed rather fed up with them, which Mor’gann found herself sympathizing with. Adaahna’s defense of her was useful and needed on this alien planet. Not that she wanted to admit it. Weakness got you killed after all if you let others know about it. Acknowledging that weakness to yourself and fixing it was how you stayed alive. Following the group to the strange ship, far smaller than what had delivered her to the planet, she gave the taller and hopelessly awkward youth a raised brow. Gesturing sharply that he should proceed her with a flick of her fingers. He was a bumbling young hunter who was over-eager, not someone she wanted at her back. Easing her shoulder out of the arm of her pack she lightly swung into the contraption after Adaahna, mimicking the Togruta. ”Small ship.” She noted absently to her guide with a skeptical brow.

Chuckling to herself as she toyed with her spear to pass the time of the ride, Adaahna nodded at Mors’ assessment “Very, these ones only go from place to place on the same world.. Probably to the lair of the witch” She spoke loudly on purpose, hoping to get a rise out of their escorts with her taunting, watching their escorts carefully as she slowly reached into her pack for a hunk of salted.. Something. Whatever it was it was meat, and all this trouble was definitely making her hungry.

Sav would watch as they fell in line with the orders of his new master as he nodded, stepping forward in front of Mor`gann but walking backward now, he didn’t like the idea of anyone who was causing trouble at his back. Now being closer to the two he seemed to no longer have a sense of uncontrollable eagerness about him. Now there was a calm excitement on his face as he walked onto the speeder, an eye keeping on the two continuously. He had remembered the order he was given to not speak and simply watched them, not saying a word. He looked calm, but there was that smile, that damn smile that showed everything, the excitement, but he couldn’t help it. After all, this was one step towards being known, and finding his true love.

Varina sighed as she sat with all of them. ”We are not going to a Witch’s lair. We are going to the Jedi temple, home of the defenders of the Republic.” Varina rolled her eyes looking among them as she watched the horizon, the distant sight of the temple coming into view as they joined the air traffic. Beginning to leave the city heading out of the distant temple. “You will all be brought into the temple. I’ll be promptly dumping you all on Airus. Our wonderful chief librarian and my brother, while I can back to some peace and meditate before I get some work done.” She muttered crossing her arms as the speeder drove itself.

Watching her guide pull out a thing of salted meat, the Dxun native turned her attention away. It was clear that Adaahna had an odd taste in food, but food was food. Not that Mor’gann thought eating while hurtling through the air was exactly natural. ”Vitch lair… Je’di tem’le” She let the words roll about in her odd smorgasbord accent. So it seemed this vitch, or Je’di, was taking them to others of her kind. To a story teller, shaman. Her lips twitched so very slightly as she caught the grumbled note of complaint from Varina. Giving a sideways look at Adaahna, she raised a brow and gestured to the speeder. Her fingers snapping sharply a few times, gesturing for a word. ”No…? Guide you ship? No, pilot!” Mor’gan gave a slightly relieved sigh as the word came to her, though she looked no less worried at the unmanned speeder. ”No, pilot ship?”

Eyes twinkling at the opportunity for mischief, Adaahna cleared her throat ”Now, these Jedi witches, they bind the souls of prisoners to their ships and speeders with occult prayers. We best be careful lest we end up some menial souls driving a ship for them!” doing her best to hide her mischievous grin behind a lekku. Eyes flicking to their captors in a faint hope that they might play along with her teasing, messily snapping clean chunks out of her meal as soon as her smile fades enough for plausible deniability. ”So.. What will become of us after we’ve told out lovely tales, witchmaster Jedi?.” The Togrutas grin resurfacing at her continued teasing, thinking herself a genius.

“You? You’ll probably be allowed to go, might even get a job offer from the temple if someone needs some help with exploration missions. As for our two force sensitives with their unique skills, they will probably be given the offer to join the temple. To become Jedi Knights, if they prove themselves capable enough for it.” Varina answered rolling her eyes, the grounded ship that had been made the Jedi temple came into view as they neared it, they could see classes of students conducting lightsaber training, other groups of children learning to control their telekinetic abilities, and even further in a sparring session between two Padawans.

Mor’gann had stiffened slightly as Adaahna had spoken, her mind sorting through the strange language of these people. Understanding the gist of things, she narrowed her eyes at the Je’di, but said nothing as Varina spoke. She did not like what she was hearing. Souls to power these ships? Oh, it was something she could believe. The chill along her spine at the memory of the long-dead spirit of the Temple. Now they were heading into another structure that seemed to facilitate the training and housing of these Je’di with their relics. To say she was pleased would be a lie. Rather, Mor’gann thought with a wry grimace, this was bound to be interesting and more trouble than it was worth. More people to yammer about, more to keep her eyes open for. Though she did give an approving nod recognition to the training she had seen below, a skeptic’s eyebrow-raising in slight shock she saw no beasts being tossed at the young hunters. Surely, they did have beasts upon this planet? Experience was the best teacher for it’s ruthless efficiently.

Varina sighed, as they finally came in for a landing, moments later the vehicle touched down again. Hoping up from the seat and up onto her feet, “all of you will follow me. We will need to find Airus or someone with the ability to comprehend her.” She thought a moment about pawning the troublesome Togruta off on Solace, she was more of a people person by a long shot. The other two though, the boy would need a teacher and someone who liked fielding questions. Airus worked because his own empathy and abilities would make him perfect for working with the girl who now one seemed to comprehend. She’d need to think more, unfortunately that time was running out, as she could see Airus heading into the yard with his traveling bag on his shoulder. Thank Ashla he hadn’t left yet, if he was leaving though he could just deal with them in his travels those that didn’t want to stay, they could be dropped off and more importantly, she wouldn’t have to deal with it!

Some days it hurt to be this clever, with Airus being the genius between the two of them but then she remembered she didn’t have to do half as much as him, suddenly it was so much easier to bear.

As they pulled up to the temple Sav jumped out and he took a deep breath. “Man, now that we are here, I have SO MANY QUESTIONS.” he’d say as he finally felt like he had completed his order of ‘waiting until we get there’.

“So, are these two, not criminals? Is that why we brought them to the temple? When are you going to teach me how to wield a light sword? What is the coolest thing you can do? OOO OOO, can I shoot lightning from my hands? I heard that was a thing in some stories, I mean, I think these two might learn a thing or two, like, you should be in awe, this is a Jedi! A protector of peace through the universe!!” his voice seemed to get a bit lower as he spoke a smile on his face, this time though his voice was a low murmur, “This is my chance to make something of myself.”

Mor’gann slid from the car offering a hand to Adaahna while she gave a pointedly annoyed look at Varina. ‘Her’ had a name after all, and this woman was getting a bit irritating as she jabbered on like a noisy bird. Though that thought was quickly taken back as the young man went into a spiel of words that Mor’gann was not even going to try to make sense of. For the sake of sanity (namely hers) however, she took a step over and pushed an insistent fingers under Sav’s chin. Her own hand raising two fingers to her lips as they moved slowly to form her own words with careful practice. ”Slowly. You speak enough for a pack of maalraas.” Which was unfair to the maalraas. Switching to the stilted and accented words of their shared tongue she removed her hand. ”Bird speak. Long speak?” She frowned, it wasn’t the right word. What was the word to make him at least slow the rapid fire of questions. Snapping her fingers rapidly she shook her head, the word evading her as she followed after the older woman, curious as to who would possibly be able to speak the language of ‘her people’.

Sav would seem to jump back as Mor`gann touched him. “Hold up lady! Hold up!” He would put his hand to his blaster, [color=cyan] “I never said you could touch me. I get you aren’t from around here and neither am I, and I don’t know where you are from, but we don’t touch chins, it’s too close to the damn neck.” he’d seem to raise his head up slightly as he looked at the others and slowly brought his hand away from his blaster, he took a deep breath and a smile appeared, “Well besides, I wasn’t asking you. I was asking the Jedi master, MY master!” Sav would say with a proud grin.
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